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The rate and capacity for chloroform (CF) and trichloroethylene (TCE) transformation by a mixed methanotrophic culture of resting cells (no exogenous energy source) and formate-fed cells were measured. As reported previously for TCE, formate addition resulted in an increased CF transformation rate (0.35 day-1 for resting cells and 1.5 day-1 for formate-fed cells) and transformation capacity (0.0065 mg of CF per mg of cells for resting cells and 0.015 mg of CF per mg of cells for formate-fed cells), suggesting that depletion of energy stores affects transformation behavior. The observed finite transformation capacity, even with an exogenous energy source, suggests that toxicity was also a factor. CF transformation capacity was significantly lower than that for TCE, suggesting a greater toxicity from CF transformation. The toxicity of CF, TCE, and their transformation products to whole cells was evaluated by comparing the formate oxidation activity of acetylene-treated cells to that of non-acetylene-treated cells with and without prior exposure to CF or TCE. Acetylene arrests the activity of methane monooxygenase in CF and TCE oxidation without halting cell activity toward formate. Significantly diminished formate oxidation by cells exposed to either CR or TCE without acetylene compared with that with acetylene suggests that the solvents themselves were not toxic under the experimental conditions but their transformation products were. The concurrent transformation of CF and TCE by resting cells was measured, and results were compared with predictions from a competitive-inhibition cometabolic transformation model. The reasonable fit between model predictions and experimental observations was supportive of model assumptions.  相似文献   

The trichloroethylene (TCE) transformation rate and capacity of a mixed methanotrophic culture at room temperature were measured to determine the effects of time without methane (resting), use of an alternative energy source (formate), aeration, and toxicity of TCE and its transformation products. The initial specific TCE transformation rate of resting cells was 0.6 mg of TCE per mg of cells per day, and they had a finite TCE transformation capacity of 0.036 mg of TCE per mg of cells. Formate addition resulted in increased initial specific TCE transformation rates (2.1 mg/mg of cells per day) and elevated transformation capacity (0.073 mg of TCE per mg of cells). Significant declines in methane conversion rates following exposure to TCE were observed for both resting and formate-fed cells, suggesting toxic effects caused by TCE or its transformation products. TCE transformation and methane consumption rates of resting cells decreased with time much more rapidly when cells were shaken and aerated than when they remained dormant, suggesting that the transformation ability of methanotrophs is best preserved by storage under anoxic conditions.  相似文献   

The trichloroethylene (TCE) transformation rate and capacity of a mixed methanotrophic culture at room temperature were measured to determine the effects of time without methane (resting), use of an alternative energy source (formate), aeration, and toxicity of TCE and its transformation products. The initial specific TCE transformation rate of resting cells was 0.6 mg of TCE per mg of cells per day, and they had a finite TCE transformation capacity of 0.036 mg of TCE per mg of cells. Formate addition resulted in increased initial specific TCE transformation rates (2.1 mg/mg of cells per day) and elevated transformation capacity (0.073 mg of TCE per mg of cells). Significant declines in methane conversion rates following exposure to TCE were observed for both resting and formate-fed cells, suggesting toxic effects caused by TCE or its transformation products. TCE transformation and methane consumption rates of resting cells decreased with time much more rapidly when cells were shaken and aerated than when they remained dormant, suggesting that the transformation ability of methanotrophs is best preserved by storage under anoxic conditions.  相似文献   

Trichloroethylene (TCE)-transforming aquifer methanotrophs were evaluated for the influence of TCE oxidation toxicity and the effect of reductant availability on TCE transformation rates during methane starvation. TCE oxidation at relatively low (6 mg liter-1) TCE concentrations significantly reduced subsequent methane utilization in mixed and pure cultures tested and reduced the number of viable cells in the pure culture Methylomonas sp. strain MM2 by an order of magnitude. Perchloroethylene, tested at the same concentration, had no effect on the cultures. Neither the TCE itself nor the aqueous intermediates were responsible for the toxic effect, and it is suggested that TCE oxidation toxicity may have resulted from reactive intermediates that attacked cellular macromolecules. During starvation, all methanotrophs tested exhibited a decline in TCE transformation rates, and this decline followed exponential decay. Formate, provided as an exogenous electron donor, increased TCE transformation rates in Methylomonas sp. strain MM2, but not in mixed culture MM1 or unidentified isolate, CSC-1. Mixed culture MM2 did not transform TCE after 15 h of starvation, but mixed cultures MM1 and MM3 did. The methanotrophs in mixed cultures MM1 and MM3, and the unidentified isolate CSC-1 that was isolated from mixed culture MM1 contained lipid inclusions, whereas the methanotrophs of mixed culture MM2 and Methylomonas sp. strain MM2 did not. It is proposed that lipid storage granules serve as an endogenous source of electrons for TCE oxidation during methane starvation.  相似文献   

Trichloroethylene (TCE)-transforming aquifer methanotrophs were evaluated for the influence of TCE oxidation toxicity and the effect of reductant availability on TCE transformation rates during methane starvation. TCE oxidation at relatively low (6 mg liter-1) TCE concentrations significantly reduced subsequent methane utilization in mixed and pure cultures tested and reduced the number of viable cells in the pure culture Methylomonas sp. strain MM2 by an order of magnitude. Perchloroethylene, tested at the same concentration, had no effect on the cultures. Neither the TCE itself nor the aqueous intermediates were responsible for the toxic effect, and it is suggested that TCE oxidation toxicity may have resulted from reactive intermediates that attacked cellular macromolecules. During starvation, all methanotrophs tested exhibited a decline in TCE transformation rates, and this decline followed exponential decay. Formate, provided as an exogenous electron donor, increased TCE transformation rates in Methylomonas sp. strain MM2, but not in mixed culture MM1 or unidentified isolate, CSC-1. Mixed culture MM2 did not transform TCE after 15 h of starvation, but mixed cultures MM1 and MM3 did. The methanotrophs in mixed cultures MM1 and MM3, and the unidentified isolate CSC-1 that was isolated from mixed culture MM1 contained lipid inclusions, whereas the methanotrophs of mixed culture MM2 and Methylomonas sp. strain MM2 did not. It is proposed that lipid storage granules serve as an endogenous source of electrons for TCE oxidation during methane starvation.  相似文献   

In in situ bioremediation demonstration at the Savannah River Site in Aiken, South Carolina, trichloroethylene-degrading microorganisms were stimulated by delivering nutrients to the TCE-contaminated subsurface via horizontal injection wells. Microbial and chemical monitoring of groundwater from 12 vertical wells was used to examine the effects of methane and nutrient (nitrogen and phosphorus) dosing on the methanotrophic populations and on the potential of the subsurface microbial communities to degrade TCE. Densities of methanotrophs increased 3–5 orders of magnitude during the methane- and nutrient-injection phases; this increase coincided with the higher methane levels observed in the monitoring wells. TCE degradation capacity, although not directly tied to methane concentration, responded to the methane injection, and responded more dramatically to the multiple-nutrient injection. These results support the crucial role of methane, nitrogen, and phosphorus as amended nutrients in TCE bioremediation. The enhancing effects of nutrient dosing on microbial abundance and degradative potentials, coupled with increased chloride concentrations, provided multiple lines of evidence substantiating the effectiveness of this integrated in situ bioremediation process. Received 13 November 1995/ Accepted in revised form 12 September 1996  相似文献   

Inhibition of trichloroethylene (TCE) oxidation by the transformation intermediate carbon monoxide (CO) was evaluated with the aquifer methanotroph Methylomonas sp. strain MM2. CO was a TCE transformation intermediate. During TCE oxidation, approximately 9 mol% of the TCE was transformed to CO. CO was oxidized by Methylomonas sp. strain MM2, and when formate was provided as an electron donor, the CO oxidation rate doubled. The rate of CO oxidation without formate was 4.6 liter mg (dry weight)-1 day-1, and the rate with formate was 10.2 liter mg (dry weight)-1 day-1. CO inhibited TCE oxidation, both by exerting a demand for reductant and through competitive inhibition. The Ki for CO inhibition of TCE oxidation, 4.2 microM, was much less than the Ki for methane inhibition of TCE oxidation, 116 microM. CO also inhibited methane oxidation, and the degree of inhibition increased with increasing CO concentration. When CO was present, formate amendment was necessary for methane oxidation to occur and both substrates were simultaneously oxidized. CO at a concentration greater than that used in the inhibition studies was not toxic to Methylomonas sp. strain MM2.  相似文献   

Microbial 2,4,6-trinitrotoluene (TNT) biotransformation via sequential nitro-reduction appears a ubiquitous process, but the kinetics of these transformations have been poorly understood or described. TNT transformation by Escherichia coli was monitored and a kinetic model for reductive TNT depletion was developed and experimentally calibrated in this report. Using resting cells of aerobically pregrown E. coli, TNT was quickly reduced to hydroxylaminodinitrotoluenes. The standard Michaelis–Menten model was modified to include three additional parameters: product toxicity (T c), substrate inhibition (K i), and intracellular reducing power (RH) limitation. Experimentally measured product toxicity (5.2 μmol TNT/mg cellular protein) closely matched the best-fit model value (2.84 μmol TNT/mg cellular protein). Parameter identifiability and reliability (k m, K s, T c, and K i) was evaluated and confirmed through sensitivity analyses and via Monte Carlo simulations. The resulting kinetic model adequately described TNT reduction kinetics by E. coli resting cells in the absence or presence of reducing power limitation.  相似文献   

Purified phosphofructokinase from bakers yeast is activated by D-fructose in low concentrations (up to 1 mM) and inhibited by high concentrations. The stimulatory effect of D-fructose is similar, but smaller than that of AMP. In the presence of AMP (0.4 mM or higher) D-fructose does no longer stimulate, but its inhibitory effect persists (KI = 8 mM). Its dualistic action on phosphofructokinase activity indicates that D-fructose might induce low frequency in glycolytic oscillations by direct interaction with the enzyme.  相似文献   

A mixed culture of bacteria grown in a bioreactor with methane as a carbon and energy source rapidly oxidized trichloroethylene and chloroform. The most abundant organism was a crescent-shaped bacterium that bound the fluorescent oligonucleotide signature probes that specifically hybridize to serine pathway methylotrophs. The 5S rRNA from this bacterium was found to be 93.5% homologous to the Methylosinus trichosporium OB3b 5S RNA sequence. A type II methanotrophic bacterium, isolated in pure culture from the bioreactor, synthesized soluble methane monooxygenase during growth in a copper-limited medium and was also capable of rapid trichloroethylene oxidation. The bacterium contained the gene that encodes the soluble methane monooxygenase B component on an AseI restriction fragment identical in size to a restriction fragment present in AseI digests of DNA from bacteria in the mixed culture. The sequence of the 16S rRNA from the pure culture was found to be 92 and 94% homologous to the 16S rRNAs of M. trichosporium OB3b and M. sporium, respectively. Both the pure and mixed cultures oxidized naphthalene to naphthol, indicating the presence of soluble methane monooxygenase. The mixed culture also synthesized soluble methane monooxygenase, as evidenced by the presence of proteins that cross-reacted with antibodies prepared against purified soluble methane monooxygenase components from M. trichosporium OB3b on Western blots (immunoblots). It was concluded that a type II methanotrophic bacterium phylogenetically related to Methylosinus species synthesizes soluble methane monooxygenase and is responsible for trichloroethylene oxidation in the bioreactor.  相似文献   

A mixed culture of bacteria grown in a bioreactor with methane as a carbon and energy source rapidly oxidized trichloroethylene and chloroform. The most abundant organism was a crescent-shaped bacterium that bound the fluorescent oligonucleotide signature probes that specifically hybridize to serine pathway methylotrophs. The 5S rRNA from this bacterium was found to be 93.5% homologous to the Methylosinus trichosporium OB3b 5S RNA sequence. A type II methanotrophic bacterium, isolated in pure culture from the bioreactor, synthesized soluble methane monooxygenase during growth in a copper-limited medium and was also capable of rapid trichloroethylene oxidation. The bacterium contained the gene that encodes the soluble methane monooxygenase B component on an AseI restriction fragment identical in size to a restriction fragment present in AseI digests of DNA from bacteria in the mixed culture. The sequence of the 16S rRNA from the pure culture was found to be 92 and 94% homologous to the 16S rRNAs of M. trichosporium OB3b and M. sporium, respectively. Both the pure and mixed cultures oxidized naphthalene to naphthol, indicating the presence of soluble methane monooxygenase. The mixed culture also synthesized soluble methane monooxygenase, as evidenced by the presence of proteins that cross-reacted with antibodies prepared against purified soluble methane monooxygenase components from M. trichosporium OB3b on Western blots (immunoblots). It was concluded that a type II methanotrophic bacterium phylogenetically related to Methylosinus species synthesizes soluble methane monooxygenase and is responsible for trichloroethylene oxidation in the bioreactor.  相似文献   

Inhibition of trichloroethylene (TCE) oxidation by the transformation intermediate carbon monoxide (CO) was evaluated with the aquifer methanotroph Methylomonas sp. strain MM2. CO was a TCE transformation intermediate. During TCE oxidation, approximately 9 mol% of the TCE was transformed to CO. CO was oxidized by Methylomonas sp. strain MM2, and when formate was provided as an electron donor, the CO oxidation rate doubled. The rate of CO oxidation without formate was 4.6 liter mg (dry weight)-1 day-1, and the rate with formate was 10.2 liter mg (dry weight)-1 day-1. CO inhibited TCE oxidation, both by exerting a demand for reductant and through competitive inhibition. The Ki for CO inhibition of TCE oxidation, 4.2 microM, was much less than the Ki for methane inhibition of TCE oxidation, 116 microM. CO also inhibited methane oxidation, and the degree of inhibition increased with increasing CO concentration. When CO was present, formate amendment was necessary for methane oxidation to occur and both substrates were simultaneously oxidized. CO at a concentration greater than that used in the inhibition studies was not toxic to Methylomonas sp. strain MM2.  相似文献   

The kinetics of the degradation of trichloroethylene (TCE) and seven other chlorinated aliphatic hydrocarbons by Methylosinus trichosporium OB3b were studied. All experiments were performed with cells grown under copper stress and thus expressing soluble methane monooxygenase. Compounds that were readily degraded included chloroform, trans-1,2-dichloroethylene, and TCE, with Vmax values of 550, 330, and 290 nmol min-1 mg of cells-1, respectively. 1,1-Dichloroethylene was a very poor substrate. TCE was found to be toxic for the cells, and this phenomenon was studied in detail. Addition of activated carbon decreased the acute toxicity of high levels of TCE by adsorption, and slow desorption enabled the cells to partially degrade TCE. TCE was also toxic by inactivating the cells during its conversion. The degree of inactivation was proportional to the amount of TCE degraded; maximum degradation occurred at a concentration of 2 mumol of TCE mg of cells-1. During conversion of [14C]TCE, various proteins became radiolabeled, including the alpha-subunit of the hydroxylase component of soluble methane monooxygenase. This indicated that TCE-mediated inactivation of cells was caused by nonspecific covalent binding of degradation products to cellular proteins.  相似文献   

Microbial transformation of the steroidal sapogenin diosgenin (1) by resting cells of the filamentous fungus, Cunninghamella echinulata CGMCC 3.2716 was studied. Four metabolites were isolated and unambiguously characterized as (25R)-spirost-5-ene-3β,7β-diol-11-one (2), (25R)-spirost-5-ene-3β,7β-diol (3), (25R)-spirost-5-ene-3β,7β,11α-triol (4), and (25R)-spirost-5-ene-3β,7β,12β-triol (5), by various spectroscopic methods (1H, 13C NMR, DEPT, 1H–1H COSY, HMBC, HSQC and NOESY). Compound 2 is a new metabolite. The NMR data and full assignment for the known metabolites (25R)-spirost-5-ene-3β,7β-diol (3) and (25R)-spirost-5-ene-3β,7β,11α-triol (4) are described here for the first time. The biotransformation characteristics observed included were C-7β, C-11α and C-12β hydroxylations. Compounds 1–5 exhibited no significant cytotoxic activity to human glioma cell line U87.  相似文献   

A model for cometabolism is verified experimentally for a defined methanotrophic mixed culture. The model includes the effects of cell growth, endogenous cell decay, product toxicity, and competitive inhibition with the assumption that cometabolic transformation rates are enhanced by reducing power obtained from oxidation of growth substrates. A theoretical transformation yield is used to quantify the enhancement resulting from growth substrate oxidation. A systematic method for evaluating model parameters independently is described. The applicability of the model is evaluated by comparing experimental data for methanotrophic cometabolism of TCE with model predictions from independently measured model parameters. Propagation of errors is used to quantify errors in parameter estimates and in the final prediction. The model successfully predicts TCE transformation and methane utilization for a wide range of concentrations of TCE (0.5 to 9 mg/L) and methane (0.05 to 6 mg/L). (c) 1997 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Biotechnol Bioeng 56: 492-501, 1997.  相似文献   

Purified phosphofructokinase from bakers yeast is activated by d-fructose in low concentrations (up to 1 mM) and inhibited by high concentrations. The stimulatory effect of d-fructose is similar, but smaller than that of AMP. In the presence of AMP (0.4 mM or higher) d-fructose does no longer stimulate, but its inhibitory effect persists (K I =8 mM). Its dualistic action on phosphofructokinase activity indicates that d-fructose might induce low frequency in glycolytic oscillations by direct interaction with the enzyme.  相似文献   

For both MoO42− and WO42− the maximum rate of uptake by the small intestine of the rat (studied in vitro using the everted sac technique) occurs in the lower ileum. Kinetic constants, derived by a least squares procedure, are compared with those previously obtained for SO42− transport. For both V and Ka, SO42− > MoO42− > WO42−, with only small differences between sacs IV and V. Mutual inhibition of MoO42− and WO42− transport and inhibition of both by SO42− are competitive processes. This is shown by the generally good agreement between Ka values and derived Ki values and by V values in the presence and absence of the inhibiting species. The three ions SO42−, MoO42− and WO42− are probably transferred across the intestine by a common carrier system. Implications for the sulphate-molybdenum interaction in molybdosis are discussed.  相似文献   

Summary Kinetic properties of Na+–Ca2+ exchange in a renal epithelial cell line (LLC-MK2) were assessed by measuring cytosolic free Ca2+ with fura-2 and45Ca2+ influx. Replacing external Na+ with K+ produced relatively small increases in free Ca2+ and45Ca2+ uptake unless the cells were incubated with ouabain. Ouabain markedly increased cell Na+ and strongly potentiated the effect of replacing external Na+ with K+ on free Ca2+ and45Ca2+ uptake.45Ca2+ influx in 140mm K+ or N-methyl-d-glucamine minus influx in 140mm Na+ was used to quantify Na+–Ca2+ exchange activity of Na+-loaded cells. The dependence of exchange on cell Na+ was sigmoidal; theK 0.5 was 26±3 mmol/liter cell water space, and the Hill coefficient was 3.1±0.2. The kinetic features of the dependence of exchange on cell Na+ partly account for the small increase in Ca2+ influx when all external Na+ is replaced by K+. Besides raising cell Na+ ouabain appears to activate the exchanger. Magnesium competitively inhibited exchange activity. The potency of Mg2+ was 8.2-fold lower with potassium instead of N-methyl-d-glucamine or choline as the replacement for external Na+. Potassium also increased theV max of exchange by 86% and had no effect on theK m for Ca2+. The exchanger does not cause detectable22Na+–Mg2+ exchange and does not appear to require K+ or transport86Rb+. Although exchange activity was plentiful in the epithelial cells from monkey kidney, others from amphibian, canine, opossum, and porcine kidney had no detectable exchange activity. All of the measured kinetic properties of Na+–Ca2+ exchange in the renal epithelial cells are very similar to those of the exchanger in rat aortic myocytes.  相似文献   

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