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Insecticide susceptibility of a 1995 Townsville Aedes aegypti (L.) population was investigated in the laboratory according to World Health Organization guidelines. Using baseline data from two Townsville populations (1955 and 1989), larval bioassays detected significant increases in susceptibility to synthetic pyrethroids and malathion, and significant reductions in susceptibility to most organophosphates and propoxur. Adult bioassays detected significant resistance to bendiocarb and DDT. Comparison of larval data with the international reference ROCK strain showed substantial resistance to have developed to malathion and fenthion. Further analysis revealed the presence of distinct substrains in the baseline 1989 population, which displayed varying levels of temephos susceptibility. We concluded that susceptibility investigations should assess mosquito populations collected from many sites within an area rather than taking a single population from one site, and that the 1989 Ae. aegypti colony would be unsuitable for use as a susceptible reference population.  相似文献   

Ethanolic extracts derived from three species of the Piperaceae (pepper) family, Piper longum L., P. ribesoides Wall., and P. sarmentosum Roxb. ex Hunt., were evaluated for efficacy against early 4th instar larvae of Aedes aegypti mosquitoes using larvicidal bioassays. The highest larvicidal efficacy was established from P. longum, followed by P. sarmentosum and P. ribesoides, with LC50 values of 2.23, 4.06, and 8.13 ppm, respectively. Observations of morphological alterations on treated 4th instar larvae revealed that most organs, except anal papillae, had a normal structural appearance that was similar to controls. Under light microscopy, the internal structures of anal papillae in the treated larvae showed shrinkage, while the external features were normal in appearance. Ultrastructural studies, however, clearly demonstrated external destruction, with extensive damage and shrunken cuticle of the anal papillae. The structural deformation of anal papillae probably led to their dysfunction, which may be intrinsically associated with the death of the larvae. This study affords some evidence regarding the action site of the pepper extracts and suggests their potential in developing new types of larvicides used for mosquito control.  相似文献   

Differences in biological features of immature and adult Aedes aegypti, as well as variability in vector competence, seem consistent with the existence of genetic variation among subpopulations and adaptation to local conditions. This work aims to compare the bionomics of four Ae. aegypti subpopulations derived from different geographical regions reared under temperate conditions. Life statistics of three Ae. aegypti subpopulations from the provinces of Córdoba, Salta, and Misiones were studied based on horizontal life tables. The Rockefeller strain was used as a control. The development time required to complete the larva and pupa stages varied from 6.91 to 7.95 and 1.87 to 2.41 days, respectively. Significant differences were found in mean larval development time between the Córdoba and Orán subpopulations. The larva‐pupa development time was similar in all the subpopulations. However, survival values varied significantly between the Orán and San Javier subpopulations. The proportion of emergent males did not differ from females within each subpopulation nor among them. Adult longevity was similar among the subpopulations. The average number of eggs laid by each female was significantly different. The Rockefeller strain laid a significantly greater number of eggs (463.99 eggs/female) than the rest of the subpopulations. Moreover, differences in the demographic growth parameter Ro were detected among the four subpopulations. The differences obtained in larval development time, larva‐pupa survival values, and net reproductive rates among the subpopulations might reflect underlying genetic differences as a result of colonization from different regions that probably involve adaptations to local conditions.  相似文献   

Mosquitoes transmit many diseases to humans and animals e.g., malaria, yellow fever, dengue, filariasis and encephalitis. The fundamental target of this search was to study the effect of three different blood meal sources (human; rabbit and pigeon) on some biological and behavioral properties of Aedes aegypti and Culex pipiens. The results have assured that the females of the mosquito Ae. aegypti that were fed on human blood meal has registered the highest feeding activity from feeding on the blood meal whereas the females of the other mosquito Cx. pipiens have shown the highest feeding activity after being fed on pigeons when compared with its feeding on other factors. The results have shown non-significant variation in the average time necessary to digest the blood meal on both mosquito species Ae. aegypti and Cx. pipiens that were fed on vertebrate hosts under laboratory conditions. Furthermore, results assured that the difference in blood meal sources has yielded distinct variation in the reproductive capacity and efficiency of both female mosquitoes under investigation where both species Ae. aegypti and Cx. pipiens already fed on human blood meal have yielded a pronounced distinctive increase in egg production (oviposition) when compared with females that were fed on pigeon or rabbit blood meal respectively. Moreover, feeding of the female mosquitoes under lab conditions on different blood meal sources did not affect the level of the hatching eggs that were laid by both mosquito females.  相似文献   

Cuticular development of Aedes aegypti larvae was examined by electron microscopy and comparisons were made between larvae exposed to methoprene, isopropyl (E, E)-11-methoxy-3, 7, 11-trimethyl-2, 4-dodecadienoate, those treated with the fluorescent insect growth regulator, 5-[[[5-(dimethylamino)-1-naphthalenyl]-sulfonyl]amino]-1, 3-benzodioxole (DNSAB), and untreated larvae. Larvae of all three groups were routinely fixed at 24, 48, and 72 hr posttreatment. Thin sections of the sixth-abdominal segment, anal papillae, midgut tissue, and Malpighian tubules were examined for morphological variations from controls.  相似文献   

We report here the reappearance of Aedes aegypti in the Rimac district, and summarize the history of this mosquito species in Peru since its first detection in 1852. On March 17 2000 were found Ae. aegypti and Culex quinquefasciatus in Mariscal Castilla town, Flor de Amancaes, San Juan de Amancaes, El Altillo and Santa Rosa in the Rimac district, Lima Province.  相似文献   

Urbanization has caused an increase in favorable habitats for Aedes aegypti (Diptera: Culicidae), given their ability to reproduce in small and often non‐degradable artificial water‐containers. While much work has been done on Ae. aegypti biology and ecology in urban landscapes, the role of shading on immature stages as an independent factor from temperature, and any possible interactions between these factors, remains unexamined. We assessed how temperature and shading affected egg hatch‐rate, larval/pupal mortality, and larval development to adult stage under different factorial temperature (28; 31; 34; 37; 40° C) and shade (0%, 3,100 lux; 40%, 1,860 lux; 75%, 775 lux; 100%, 0 lux) regimes. Hatch‐rate was significantly lower at 37° C (57 %), and no eggs hatched at 40° C. There was no significant effect caused by shading on hatchability. Larval and pupal mortality at 37° C was significantly higher (35%) compared to lower temperature groups, while the effects of shading were emergent at low temperatures. Developmental times from hatching to adult emergence were significantly reduced with increasing temperatures and with greater light exposures. The eco‐physiological response of Ae. aegypti larvae to temperature and light regimes suggest a photosensitivity previously unstudied in this species.  相似文献   

Thirty‐two Aedes aegypti populations collected throughout Thailand and five populations of Aedes albopictus from southern Thailand were subjected to standard WHO contact bioassays to assess susceptibility to three commonly used synthetic pyrethroids: permethrin, deltamethrin, and lambda‐cyhalothrin. A wide degree of physiological response to permethrin was detected in Ae. aegypti, ranging from 56.5% survival (Lampang, northern Thailand) to only 4% (Kalasin in northeastern and Phuket in southern Thailand). All 32 populations of Ae. aegypti were found to have evidence of incipient resistance (62.5%) or levels of survival deemed resistant (37.5%) to permethrin. Four populations of Ae. albopictus were found with incipient resistance (97 – 80% mortality) and one with resistance (< 80%) to permethrin. The majority of Ae. aegypti populations (68.7%) was susceptible (> 98% mortality) to deltamethrin, with incipient resistance (observed 97–82% mortality) in other localities. In contrast, all populations of Ae. aegypti were completely susceptible (100% mortality) to the recommended operational dosage of lambda‐cyhalothrin. All five populations of Ae. albopictus were found completely susceptible to both deltamethrin and lambda‐cyhalothrin. Evidence of defined incipient or resistance to synthetic pyrethroids mandates appropriate response and countermeasures to mitigate further development and spread of resistance. In light of these findings, we conclude that routine and comprehensive susceptibility monitoring of dengue mosquito vectors to synthetic pyrethroids should be a required component of resistance management policies and disease control activities.  相似文献   

Aedes aegypti and Aedes albopictus are invasive mosquito species with geographic ranges that have oscillated within Florida since their presence was first documented. Local transmission of dengue, chikungunya, and Zika viruses serves as evidence of the public health importance of these two species. It is important to have detailed knowledge of their distribution to aid in mosquito control efforts and understand the risk of arbovirus transmission to humans. Through a partnership involving the University of Florida Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences Cooperative Extension Service and the Florida Medical Entomology Laboratory; the Florida Department of Health; and mosquito control agencies throughout Florida, a container mosquito surveillance program involving all life stages was launched in the summer of 2016 to detect the presence of Ae. aegypti and Ae. albopictus. Results from this survey were mapped to provide a picture of the current known distribution of Ae. aegypti and Ae. albopictus in Florida. Aedes aegypti and/or Ae. albopictus were detected in the 56 counties that were part of the survey. Only Aedes albopictus was detected in 26 counties, primarily in the panhandle region of Florida. The results of this work underscore the importance of maintaining container mosquito surveillance in a state where chikungunya, dengue, and Zika viruses are present and where there is continued risk for exotic arbovirus introductions.  相似文献   

In light of the challenges to control Aedes aegypti and the critical role that it plays as arbovirus vector, it is imperative to adopt strategies that provide fast, efficient and environmentally safe control of the insect population. In the present study, we synthesized six indole derivatives (C1‐C6) and examined their larvicidal activity and persistence against Ae. aegypti larvae, as well as their toxicity towards Raw 264.7 macrophages, Vero cells, Chlorella vulgaris BR017, Scenedesmus obliquus BR003, Caenorhabditis elegans N2 and Galleria mellonella. Among the bioactive compounds (C1, C2, C4 and C5), C2 exerted the strongest larvicidal activity against Ae. aegypti, with LC50 = 1.5 μg/ml (5.88 µM) and LC90 = 2.4 μg/ml (9.50 µM), indicating that the presence of chlorine or bromine groups in the aromatic ring improved the larvicidal activity of the indole derivatives. C1, C2, C4 and C5 did not reduce viability of RAW 264.7 macrophages, Vero cells, C. elegans N2 and G. mellonella. Compounds C1, C2 and C5 did not affect the growth of C. vulgaris BR017 and S. obliquus BR003. Analysis of larvicidal persistence under laboratory conditions revealed that the effect of compounds C1, C2, C4 and C5 lasted for 30 days and caused 100% of larvae mortality within few hours. Altogether, our findings demonstrate that the indole derivatives C1, C2, C4 and C5 effectively control Ae. aegypti larvae population, without clear signs of toxicity to mammalian cells, algae, C. elegans and G. mellonella.  相似文献   

Several Brazilian Aedes aegypti populations are resistant to the larvicidae temephos. Methoprene, that inhibits adult emergence, is one of the alternatives envisaged by the Brazilian Dengue Control Program (PNCD). However, at Brazil vector infestation rates are measured through larvae indexes and it has been claimed that methoprene use in the field could face operational problems. In order to define a standardized protocol, methoprene effect was evaluated in laboratory conditions after continuous exposure of larvae (Rockefeller strain) to a methoprene formulation available to the PNCD. Methoprene-derived mortality occurs mainly at the pupa stage and pupa development is inversely proportional to methoprene concentration. Number and viability of eggs laid by treated and control females are equivalent. A methoprene dose-dependent delay in the development was noted; however, strong correlations were found for total mortality or adult emergence inhibition if data obtained when all control mosquitoes have emerged are compared to data obtained when methoprene-treated groups finish development. The cumulative record of total methoprene-induced mortality at the time control adults emerge is proposed for routine evaluation of field populations. Mortality of all specimens, but not of larva, could account for adult emergence inhibition, confirming the inadequacy of larvae indexes to evaluate methoprene effect.  相似文献   

The effects of dietary sugar and body size on the oviposition of Ae. aegypti were studied under laboratory conditions. In female mosquitoes provided with sugar, the start of maximum fecundity was significantly delayed and the oviposition period was longer than in females provided with water. The peak of oviposition was also delayed in sugar‐fed females. Large females oviposited more eggs per day than small females at maximum fecundity and during eight days of observations. Large females also visited significantly more water‐containing cups in their cages per day than small females at maximum fecundity. During the eight days of observations, large females and sugar‐fed females visited more water‐containing cups in their cages than water‐fed small females. Both large females and sugar‐fed females oviposited their eggs at sites higher above the water line than water‐fed small females. These results suggested that large and sugar‐fed female Ae. aegypti mosquitoes had more energy reserves and oviposited their eggs at higher sites, which would lead to a time lag in hatching.  相似文献   

Excito-repellency responses of Aedes aegypti (L.) exposed to deltamethrin and cypermethrin were assessed using an excito-repellency test system. Contact irritancy and non-contact repellency assays compared non-bloodfed (unfed) parous (post-gravid), nulliparous, early blood-fed, late blood-fed, sugar-fed, and unmated female mosquitoes for behavioral responses based on nutritional and physiological conditions at the time of testing. Rates of escape during contact exposure with either compound were most pronounced in parous mosquitoes, followed by unmated mosquitoes, when compared to other conditional states. Significantly higher numbers of parous females also escaped from control chambers compared to other cohorts (P <0.05). Irritability of blood- and sugar-fed mosquitoes was noticeably suppressed. We conclude that nutritional and physiological conditions (including age) of mosquitoes at the time of testing can significantly influence behavioral responses (excito-repellency) to insecticides. The findings indicate that whether due to chronological age, nutrition, physiological state, or innate (circadian) activity patterns, careful consideration must be given to the selection of appropriate conditioned mosquitoes for testing.  相似文献   

BackgroundThe studies on mosquito attractants had been develop intensively in the recent years. However, the study on fruit peel extract as mosquito attractant was scarce, even though various fruits had demonstrated the ability to attract different types of mosquito species.ObjectiveThis study aims to determine the potential of Carica papaya (papaya) and Ananas comosus (pineapple) peel extracts to attract Aedes albopictus and Aedes aegypti.MethodsThe Aedes mosquitoes response to the fruit peel extracts were conducted in the no-choice and choice assay using modified olfactometer. The Preference Index (PI) in each assay was calculated and arcsine transformed before conducting independent t–test to determine the significant different between the mean arcsine transformed PI and the tested hypothesis mean PI.ResultNo choice assay indicate both Aedes species have significant attraction to the papaya and pineapple peel extracts (p < 0.05). In choice assay, Ae. albopictus is revealed to equally attracted to the papaya and pineapple peel extracts (p > 0.05) while Ae. aegypti is significantly attracted to the papaya peel extract (p < 0.05).ConclusionThe study had identified that both fruit peel extracts able to attract Aedes mosquitoes with Ae. albopictus is equally attracted to papaya and pineapple peel extracts while Ae. aegypti is more attracted to the papaya peel extract than the pineapple peel extract.  相似文献   

The chemical characterization of the hydrocarbon fraction of the epicuticular lipids of the vector mosquito Aedes aegypti (Linnaeus) was performed using gas chromatography (GC) and gas chromatography-electron impact mass spectrometry (GC-MS). Seventy eight compounds were detected in purified hexane extracts and of these, 42 hydrocarbons were identified and several of the remaining compounds were partially characterized. The hydrocarbon classes present were n-alkanes, monomethylalkanes, dimethylalkanes and alkenes and the results were similar to those published for other Aedes species. Quantitative comparisons of cuticular hydrocarbon profiles were made between males and females, different age groups and between a standard laboratory strain and a recently colonized strain of A. aegypti. These results provide baseline data for further studies on the possible role of mosquito cuticular hydrocarbons in the modification of mating behaviour.  相似文献   

A sticky trap designed to capture gravid Aedes (Stegomyia) aegypti mosquitoes, MosquiTRAP, has been evaluated for monitoring this species in Brazil. However, the effects of trap densities on the capture rate of Ae. aegypti females and the sensitivity of vector detection are still unknown. After a preliminary study has identified areas of high and low female mosquito abundance, a set of experiments was conducted in four neighbourhoods of Belo Horizonte (state of Minas Gerais, Brazil) using densities of 1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32 and 64 traps per block. Trap sensitivity (positive MosquiTRAP index) increased significantly when 1-8 MosquiTRAPs were installed per block in both high and low abundance areas. A strong fit was obtained for the total number of mosquitoes captured with increasing trap densities through a non-linear function (Box-Lucas) (r2 = 0,994), which likely exhibits saturation towards an equilibrium level. The capacity of the Mean Female Aedes Index to distinguish between areas of high and low Ae. aegypti abundance was also investigated; the achieved differentiation was shown to be dependent on the MosquiTRAP density.  相似文献   

The tarsi of all three pairs of legs of both sexes of Aedes aegypti (L.) bear spine sensilla, five types of hair sensilla, which are designated A, B, C1, C2 and C3, and campaniform sensilla. Type A and B hairs, spines, and cam-paniform sensilla are innervated by one neuron with a tubular body, a characteristic of cuticular mechanoreceptors. In particular the hairs and spines are tactile receptors and the campaniform sensilla are proprioceptors. The C1, C2, and C3 hair sensilla have the morphological features of contact chemoreceptors. Type C1 and C3 hairs are innervated by five and four neurons, respectively, which extend to the tip of the hair. Type C2 is innervated by five neurons, one of which terminates at the base of the hair in a tubular body while the remaining four extend to the tip of the hair. The role of the type C hairs in oviposition behavior, nectar feeding, and recognition of conspecific females is discussed. Presumed efferent neurosecretory fibers occur near the spine and hair sensilla.  相似文献   

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