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Genealogical records containing birth and death dates for completed families have been analyzed to compare the longevity of twins, sibs and parents. The data are restricted to twins and sibs who survived to adulthood and married. The findings, similar to those found with respect to fertility (Wyshak and White, 1969), show that twins, especially male twins, are disadvantaged in comparison with their male sibs. Sib‐sib and parent‐offspring correlation analysis confirmed that there is a genetic component in the determination of life span, but environmental factors contribute more to the total variation. No evidence of a stronger maternal than paternal effect was found. Twin bearers also lived longer than nontwin bearers. Even among persons who survived to age SO or more, parents of twins had more children and lived slightly longer than their twin and nontwin offspring. Regression analysis for persons who survived to SO or longer indicated that, in addition to life span of parents, secularity (year of death) and fertility (number of children borne) were the best predictors of longevity, though only a small proportion of the variation could be accounted for by these and other demographic variables. Life span has shown a consistent increase over time from the seventeenth century through the nineteenth century, while fertility has tended to decline. However, among persons surviving to age SO, when the relation between secularity and fertility and secularity and longevity is controlled, a significant correlation between fertility and longevity remains. This relation, observed in populations that did not practice voluntary family size limitation, would not be found in contemporary data. Maternal mortality accounted for the shorter life span of women than for men; eliminating its effect gives women a slight advantage. The fertility and longevity experience of migrants who survived to age SO is more favorable than that of persons who did not migrate.  相似文献   

In Darwin's Sacred Cause, Adrian Desmond and James Moore contend that "Darwin would put his utmost into sexual selection because the subject intrigued him, no doubt, but also for a deeper reason: the theory vindicated his lifelong commitment to human brotherhood" (2009: p. 360). Without questioning Desmond and Moore's evidence, I will raise some puzzles for their view. I will show that attention to the structure of Darwin's arguments in the Descent of Man shows that they are far from straightforward. As Desmond and Moore note, Darwin seems to have intended sexual selection in non-human animals to serve as evidence for sexual selection in humans. However, Darwin's account of sexual selection in humans was different from the canonical cases that Darwin described at great length. If explaining the origin of human races was the main reason for introducing sexual selection, and if sexual selection was a key piece of Darwin's anti-slavery arguments, then it is puzzling why Darwin would have spent so much time discussing cases that did not really support his argument for the origin of human races, and it is also puzzling that his argument for the origin of human races would be so (atypically) poor.  相似文献   

Previous work on inter-ethnic coexistence in Mauritius has portrayed secularism as the only possible site of the national, which is at the same time described as clearly separated from religious traditions. In contrast, focusing on understandings of secularism among Mauritian Muslims in the context of a politics of diasporic 'ancestral cultures', this article analyses secularism as a field of morality which is inseparable from questions of religious reform and authenticity. The discussion of ethnographic material from Mauritius suggests that the opposition between secularity and religiosity should be treated as a productive tension rather than a liberal antinomy.  相似文献   

In 1945, Earl Sutherland (1915-1975) and associates began studies of the mechanism of hormone-induced glycogen breakdown in the liver. In 1956, their efforts culminated in the identification of cyclic AMP, an ancient molecule generated in many cell types in response to hormonal and other extracellular signals. Cyclic AMP, the original "second messenger," transmits such signals through pathways that regulate a diversity of cellular functions and capabilities: metabolic processes such as lipolysis and glycogenolysis; hormone secretion; the permeability of ion channels; gene expression; cell proliferation and survival. Indeed, it can be argued that the discovery of cyclic AMP initiated the study of intracellular signaling pathways, a major focus of contemporary biomedical inquiry. This review presents relevant details of Sutherland's career; summarizes key contributions of his mentors, Carl and Gerti Cori, to the knowledge of glycogen metabolism (contributions that were the foundation for his own research); describes the experiments that led to his identification, isolation, and characterization of cyclic AMP; assesses the significance of his work; and considers some aspects of the impact of cyclic nucleotide research on clinical medicine.  相似文献   

Analysing Paul Bert's contributions to the creation of a public, secular and compulsory school and also the meaning of the French 1905 law which separates Churches from the State, this contribution suggests to enlarge the concept of secularity from a religious to a non-religious acception, which opens on a new conception of the European Union.  相似文献   

This article advances a framework aimed at capturing the political life of ethical intensity by putting autonomist theory in resonance with ethnographic material pertaining to quietist Muslim milieus in post-Soviet Russia. The emancipatory and prefigurative potential of collective projects of self-legislation – in this case, ‘halal living’ – are explored through the notions of ethical form of life and Rule/Law. It will be argued that autonomist theory (a) is helpful in conceptualizing the friction between ethical projects (however quietist) and dominant moral/political orders; (b) has the potential to broaden anthropological conversations on virtue beyond existing fault lines (notably between what I call ‘traditionist’ and ‘liberal’ theoretical families) as well as conceptual silos (‘religion', ‘secularity’); and (c) can help us envision a radical, politically engaged anthropology of ethics.  相似文献   

Charles Taylor’s A Secular Age generated a great deal of attention—and has stimulated important debates—among a diverse range of scholars in sociology, history, politics, religious studies and to a lesser extent, anthropologists. Much of the debate has focused on the implications of Taylor’s work for the so‐called secularisation thesis and the place (or non‐place) of religion in the so‐called public sphere. The essays in this volume arise less out of such concerns and more from Taylor’s discussion of secularism in a third, ‘experiential’ sense. Each paper addresses the question of what it is like to ‘believe’ (or not ‘believe’) in the modern world. Among other things the authors of the essays published in this Special Issue are concerned to develop better understandings of the conditions under which belief and unbelief may be experienced as open, rather than closed, to the possibility of other ontological construals, thereby building on Taylor’s insights into the phenomenology of modern secularism.  相似文献   

Could an ethical theory ever play a substantial evidential role in a scientific argument for an empirical hypothesis? InThe Descent of Man, Darwin includes an extended discussion of the nature of human morality, and the ethical theory which he sketches is not simply developed as an interesting ramification of his theory of evolution, but is used as a key part of his evidence for human descent from animal ancestors. Darwin must rebut the argument that, because of our moral nature, humans are essentially different in kind from other animals and so had to have had a different origin. I trace his causal story of how the moral sense could develop out of social instincts by evolutionary mechanisms of group selection, and show that the form of Utilitarianism he proposes involves a radical reduction of the standard of value to the concept of biological fitness. I argue that this causal analysis, although a weakness from a normative standpoint, is a strength when judged for its intended purpose as part of an evidential argument to confirm the hypothesis of human descent.  相似文献   

Using data from 462 paternity examinations, it was found that, (1) The cephalic index of an infant does not correlate at all closely to those of his or her parents as a pair, nor with that of the like sexed parent, but (2) The cephalic index of an infant, in a majority of cases, falls within a single percentage point of one of the two parents. Because of this it is hypothesized that this aspect of skullshape in inherited in a unitary fashion.  相似文献   

In his two-volume monograph Untersuchungen über thierische Elektricit?t, the Berlin physiologist Emil du Bois-Reymond described the relation between nervous electricity and muscle mechanics by way of a long series of experiments. This work is a key text in the history of the experimental life sciences. But it not only contains new findings about the functioning of muscles and its nerves. Du Bois-Reymond practiced an art of experimentation in which aesthetics of mechanical craftsmanship allied itself with the science of physiology. Experimentation, as du Bois-Reymond understood it, was simultaneously an epistemic and an aesthetic practice. The goal of his science was thus producing both knowledge and aesthetic success.  相似文献   

The contribution of Erich von Tschermak-Seysenegg (1871?C1962) to the beginning of classical genetics is a matter of dispute. The aim of this study is to analyse, based on newly accessible archive materials, the relevance of his positions and theoretical views in a debate between advocates of early Mendelian explanation of heredity and proponents of biometry, which took place in England around 1901?C1906. We challenge not only his role of an ??external consultant??, which at the time de facto confirmed his status of ??rediscoverer?? of Mendel??s work but also analyse his ambivalent positions which are to be seen as a part of ??further development?? (Weiterführung), a development of Mendel??s legacy as he understood it. Second, there is an interesting aspect of establishing connections within an ??experimental culture?? along the Mendel??s lines of thought that was parallel to the first step of institutionalizing the new discipline of Genetics after 1905/06. Part of the study is also the analysis of contribution of his older brother Armin von Tschermak-Seysenegg (1870?C1952) who??much like in the case of ??rediscovery?? of 1900?C1901??was for his younger brother an important source of theoretical knowledge. In this particular case, it regarded Bateson??s ??Defence?? of Mendel from 1902.  相似文献   

Graham Watson 《Ethnos》2013,78(1-2):23-30

Linnaeus's collection of printed books, now in the Linnean Society's possession, is mainly a working library of zoology, botany, mineralogy, materia medica and medicine, but it also contains a number of occult or semi-occult treatises, at least one of which was actually bought by him in his impoverished youth. Historians have been reluctant to take seriously Linnaeus's theory of the cortex and medulla as the means of evolution of most plants by hybridization and the key to all medicine. They have noted with amusement his extremely conceited estimate of his personal relations with God. If he viewed himself as an illuminatus, or magus, both become intelligible; he was discovering active principia and thereby seeing further into the secrets of Nature than anyone else, for which he gave due thanks. He differed from Renaissance neo-Platonists and Hermetic magi in rejecting astral influences on Man, and from the original Rosicrucians also in not taking Christ as the Archimagus. His lack of references to Christ, however, is shared even with wholly orthodox Anglican naturalists and natural theologians, and cannot be taken as evidence for his unorthodoxy. His use of ajjmitas has probably been taken in too modern a sense. It is suggested that some of the correspondences he noted in the Testacea encouraged him to believe that the rudiments of the plan of Creation were already becoming visible.  相似文献   

Giovanni Boccaccio's fatal disease(s) and cause of death have long remained a mystery. Now, for the first time, a thorough multidisciplinary reassessment has finally been carried out. By combining philological and clinical approaches, it is at last possible to suggest a solid retrospective diagnosis based upon a study of his correspondence, poetry and iconography, as well as references to his physical decay in coeval and later sources. It would appear that he suffered over the last three years of his life from hepatic and cardiac failure, conditions that resulted in edema and potentially even hepatic carcinoma. Focusing on an unusually well-documented case from the Middle Ages, this analysis of exceptionally high informative value reconstructs the symptoms of his medical conditions and finally permits us to clarify and explain the historical feaures, presentations and evolutionary history of the case at hand.  相似文献   

In 1678 Antonie van Leeuwenhoek identified crystalline substances in human semen. The structure of these crystals, named “spermine”, was not elucidated by Rosenheim until 250 years later. Subsequently a triamine (spermidine) and a diamine (putrescine; 1,4-diaminobutane) were isolated from prokaryotic and eukaryotic systems. Soon it became apparent that polyamines can promote the growth of fastidious bacteria. Subsequently a group in Helsinki studied the accumulation of polyamines in regenerating rat liver, while Caldarera and his group studied polyamine synthesis in the developing chick embryo. These investigations led to metabolic studies. Ornithine decarboxylase was identified as a key enzyme in polyamine biosynthesis, while polyamine and diamine oxidations were studied by Mondovì. α-Diflouromethylornithine (DFMO) was synthesized by Merrell-Dow and became a potent inhibitor of ornithine decarboxylase. The findings of Russell that polyamines are excreted in the urine of cancer patients drew the attention of oncologists, who attempted the use new technologies for the detection of cancer and improving therapy. With the advance of molecular biology the structure of polyamine-biosynthetic enzymes was elaborated. Plants served as another important tool to study the physiological functions of polyamines. Bagni and his group at Bologna were pioneers in that field and for more than forty-six years set the foundation of a most interesting discipline.  相似文献   

The career of Marc Mareel is a synthesis of scientific research and clinical activity. During his medical studies, he already made his first enthusiastic steps in research via experimental work on avian developmental biology. Later, during his training as a radiotherapist, he founded his own laboratory for experimental cancer research. There he built up his international reputation as a pioneer in invasion research. Although invasion is the hallmark of tumor malignancy, he also kept an open mind about invasion in non-cancer conditions, such as in placental behavior, developmental biology, immunology and parasitology. His contribution to our understanding of invasion mechanisms has been both technical and conceptual. A number of assays have been developed in his lab, such as the embryonic chick heart and collagen gel invasion models, that have been (and still are) useful for many other research teams. He also contributed to the discovery of a number of key elements in the process of invasion, such as the stromal influence (including its extracellular matrix) and the cadherin family of cell-cell adhesion molecules. Concerning metastasis formation, he developed the original concept that a number of interacting eco-systems are implicated, such as the primary tumor, regional lymph nodes, the bone marrow and the (pre)metastatic niches in distant organs. Since his retirement, Marc Mareel has continued to integrate clinical practice with research creativity. He favours the idea of translational research bringing the results of laboratory findings to medical applications, and exploiting the feedback to the laboratory. The team in the Laboratory of Experimental Cancer Research at Ghent University currently consists of about 25 collaborators, who continue to appreciate his inspiring ideas and suggestions.  相似文献   

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