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Abstract.  1. Lepidoptera larval abundance and diversity in the canopies of oak ( Quercus crispula ) trees and saplings were surveyed in a cool-temperate, deciduous broadleaf forest in northern Japan.
2. In general, newly developed leaves were soft, rich in water and nitrogen, and low in tannin, whereas they became tough, poor in water and nitrogen, and high in tannin as the season proceeded. Leaf quality also varied among forest strata, such variations resulting in seasonal and among-strata differences in the structure of the Lepidoptera larval assemblage.
3. The greater Lepidoptera larval abundance and species richness may related to the higher leaf quality on spring foliage compared with summer foliage. On the other hand, diversity (Shannon's H' ) and evenness (Pielou's J' ) were greater on summer foliage than on spring foliage. Strengthened defences of the host plants against herbivory may cause these differences by filtering the larvae of Lepidoptera species and by constraining the super-dominance of a few species on summer foliage.
4. Canonical Correspondence Analysis (CCA) ordination also revealed a stratified structure of the Lepidoptera larval assemblage in the forest. In both spring and summer, the assemblage composition was more similar between sunlit and shaded canopies than between canopies and saplings. Such assemblage stratification was highly correlated with toughness and tannin content (in spring and summer) or water content (in summer).
5. This study emphasised the importance of spatio-temporal variations in leaf quality, even within the same host plant species, for promoting herbivore diversity in forests.  相似文献   

The trunk morphology of the larvae of the kauri pine (Agathis) seed infesting moth Agathiphaga is described using conventional, polarization, and scanning electron microscopy. The pine seed chamber formed by the larva is also described and commented on. The simple larval chaetotaxy includes more of the minute posture sensing setae, proprioceptors, than expected from the lepidopteran larval ground plan. The excess of proprioceptors is suggested to be necessary for sensory input concerning the larval posture within the seed chamber. The trunk musculature includes an autapomorphic radial ventral musculature made up of unique multisegmental muscles. The combined presence of additional proprioceptors and the unique ventral musculature is proposed to be related to the larval movement within the confined space of the seed chamber, especially to a proposed somersault movement that allows the larva to orientate itself within the chamber. J. Morphol. 2012. © 2012 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Abstract. 1. Larvae of two bivoltine species of leaf-mining Lepidop-tera, Acrocercops sp. and Neurobathra strigifinitella (Clem.), restrict feeding to young, second-flush leaves of their host trees in north Florida.
2. During 1980 and 1981, densities of both species varied greatly among thirty small water oaks ( Quercus nigra ), as did timing and extent of secondary leaf production.
3. In both years leaf-miner density at the end of the first generation (mid-August) was positively correlated with secondary leaf production.
4. Five trees abscised their leaves and reflushed new ones at atypical times of the growing season. When refoliation coincided with emergence of ovipositing adults, Acrocercops sp. and N.strigifinitella densities increased dramatically, indicating that both species are at times limited by availability of young leaves.
5. By staggering termination of diapause these leaf miners can exploit a temporally variable resource.  相似文献   

Female Cycnotrachelus roelofsi (Coleoptera: Attelabidae) construct two types of leaf roll, i.e., cut-off cradles (CCs) and suspended cradles (SCs), in which to lay eggs; these cradles are generally constructed using older and younger leaves, respectively. We conducted two experiments to determine whether the quality of cradle leaves affects egg and larval survival. In the first experiment, we severed all SCs from a tree and placed them on the ground with unmanipulated CCs in the early breeding season. In the second experiment, we resuspended all CCs in a tree with unmanipulated SCs in the late breeding season. We also compared leaf mass per area (LMA), polyphenol content, and nitrogen content between the two cradle types to determine whether there were any differences in leaf quality. Larval mortality, probably caused by cradle herbivory, was significantly greater in severed SCs than in intact CCs in the early season, suggesting that leaf quality had a profound effect on larval mortality in the terrestrial microhabitat. In contrast, larval mortality did not differ between resuspended CCs and intact SCs in the late season, suggesting that leaf quality had little effect on larval mortality in the arboreal microhabitat. LMA was higher in CCs than in SCs, but there were no differences in the nitrogen and polyphenol contents. These results suggest that cradles constructed using mature, tough leaves were more effective against terrestrial cradle herbivores than those constructed using new, soft leaves.  相似文献   

M. I. McCormick 《Oecologia》1999,118(4):412-422
Maternal hormones can play an important role in the development of fish larvae. Levels of the stress hormone, cortisol, in females are elevated by social interactions and transferred directly to the yolk of eggs, where they may influence developmental rates. In some vertebrates, prenatal exposure to high levels of testosterone determine early growth rates, social status and reproductive success. The present study examined whether post-fertilization exposure of eggs of the tropical damselfish, Pomacentrus amboinensis (Pomacentridae), to natural levels of cortisol or testosterone directly affects larval morphology at hatching. Maternal and egg levels of cortisol and testosterone varied widely among clutches of eggs from local populations around Lizard Island on the Great Barrier Reef. The morphology of larvae produced by these local fish populations also varied widely and differed significantly among sites (e.g., standard length: 2.6–3.4 mm; yolk sac area: 0.01–0.13 × 10−2 mm2). Laboratory experiments showed that elevated cortisol levels in the egg reduced larval length at hatching, while slight elevations in testosterone increased yolk sac size. The influence of testosterone, and to a smaller extent cortisol, on larval morphology differed among egg clutches. These differences were partly explained by differences in initial egg hormone levels. Morphological changes induced by experimental hormonal regimes encompassed the entire range of variability in body attributes found in field populations. It is unclear whether cortisol influences growth alone or development rate or both. Testosterone appears to influence yolk utilization rates, and has no significant effect on growth, in contrast to its role in later developmental stages. Maternally derived cortisol and testosterone are important in regulating growth, development, and nutritive reserves of the embryo and larvae of this fish species. Factors that influence the maternal levels of cortisol and testosterone may have a major impact on larval mortality schedules and, therefore, on which breeding individuals contribute to the next generation. Received: 19 August 1998 / Accepted: 16 November 1998  相似文献   

Fungal biomass associated with decaying leaf litter in a stream   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Summary Fungal biomass, measured as ergosterol content, was determined on alder leaf litter incubated during autumn in a softwater Pyrenean stream. The ergosterol content of the leaf litter increased rapidly to a maximum of 462 μg/g detrital dry mass. Ergosterol contents of aquatic Hyphomycetes grown in shake culture were typically ≤5 mg/g mycelial dry mass. Using the corresponding ergosterol-to-biomass conversion factor of 200, peak fungal mass accounted for 9.2% of total system mass, or 10.2% of leaf dry mass. For the period of highest activity (incubation days 7–28), net fungal production on leaf litter was estimated as 2.3 mg d−1 g−1 leaf mass. A conservative estimate of the growth efficiency for the same period was 105 mg mycelial mass per gram leaf mass degraded, assuming that non-leaf organic matter did not constitute an important carbon source supporting fungal production.  相似文献   

The hypothesis that arbivorous insects are protein limited was tested by feeding larvae of Datana ministra mature leaves of Tilia americana that were coated with a mixture of protein. Larvae fed the protein supplement had a lower ingestion rate and net growth efficienty but higher apparent digestion efficiency and apparent assimilation rate than control larvae. Protein supplement had no effect on the rate of growth of 5th instar larvae although larvae fed added protein pupated at a lower weight than control larvae. The added protein placed a metabolic load on the larvae, perhaps by excessive nitrogen excretion demands and osmotic imbalance. The results do not support the hypothesis that arbivorous insects are protein limited.
Résumé L'hypothèse suivant laquelle la croissance des larves d'insectes est limitée par l'insuffisance des protéines disponibles dans les feuilles d'arbres a été examinée par l'alimentation des chenilles de Datana ministra Drury sur feuilles développées de Tilia americana L. enduites d'une mixture de protéines d'oeuf et de lait. Des chenilles de second stade, prélevées dans des colonies naturelles, ont été séparées en un lot témoin élevé en masse sur feuilles coupées et un lot expérimental élevé sur feuiles coupées mais enduites de protéines. Le bilan en matière sèche, le taux de croissance, la relation entre ce taux de croissance et la quantité de matière ingérée, le poids des prénymphes ont été déterminés sur 10 chenilles de dernier stade dans chaque lot. Les chenilles ayant consommé un supplément de protéine ont présenté un plus faible taux d'ingestion et un plus faible rendement de croissance, mais une meilleure efficacité apparente d'ingestion et un meilleur taux apparent d'assimilation que les témoins.Le complément protéique n'a pas eu d'effet sur le taux de croissance des chenilles de 5ème stade bien que l'alimentation avec addition de protéines ait provoqué la nymphose à un poids larvaire plus faible. L'addition de protéines avait provoqué une chargé métabolique pour les chenilles, peut-être en provoquant une demande d'excrétion d'azote excessive ou en créant un déséquilibre osmotique, ce qui aurait provoqué une réduction du taux de croissance et du poids des chenilles malgré un taux d'assimilation supérieur. Ces résultats ne confirment pas l'hypothèse que les insectes des arbres sont carencés en protéines.

《Zoology (Jena, Germany)》2015,118(6):433-438
Females of leaf beetles and many other herbivorous insects lay eggs in coherent batches. Hatchlings emerge more or less simultaneously and often prey on their late-hatching clutchmates. It is not certain, however, whether this synchrony of hatching is a mere by-product of cannibalism or whether an additional synchronizing factor exists. The following simple experiment was aimed at determining the causal relationship between cannibalism and simultaneous larval emergence. Egg clutches of the dock leaf beetle Gastrophysa viridula were split into two halves. These halves were either kept as coherent groups in two separate dishes or, alternatively, only one half remained whole, whereas the other one was divided into single eggs, each of which was incubated in a separate dish. Halving of a clutch into coherent groups only slightly disrupted the synchrony of emergence. The consequence of individual isolation was more dramatic. Half-clutches consisting of disconnected solitary eggs required almost twice as much time for complete emergence of all larvae, which was significantly more than cannibalism as a sole synchronizing factor might explain. Moreover, survival rates were the same in coherent half-clutches (in the presence of cannibalism) and among isolated individuals. This group effect and the small contribution of cannibalism suggest the existence of an additional synchronizing factor. Possible mechanisms underpinning this phenomenon are discussed.  相似文献   

苏云金芽胞杆菌Bacillus thuringiensis(Bt)YX-1是从土壤中分离的对多种鳞翅目害虫具有杀虫活性的新菌株。为了探索该菌株在果树上应用的可行性,本研究测定了Bt YX-1菌株对苹果树上6种鳞翅目害虫的杀虫毒力,同时对该菌株的晶体形态特征、蛋白型、生长特性、基因型等进行了分析。结果表明,Bt YX-1菌株产生菱形伴胞晶体,SDS-PAGE分析表明该菌株表达的主要蛋白条带分子量约为130ku和60ku;基因型鉴定表明,Bt YX-1菌株含有cry1Ac、cry2Ac、cry1I、vip3Aa和cry34-35基因;生物活性测定表明,Bt YX-1菌株的孢晶混合物对美国白蛾Hlyphantria cunea、棉铃虫Helicoverpa armigera、斜纹夜蛾Prodenia litura、梨小食心虫Grapholitha molesta、苹小卷叶蛾Adoxophyes orana以及苹掌舟蛾Phalera flavescens的LC50分别为14.48、2.72×103、6.24×104、1.01×102、3.52×104、4.73×103mg/L,均低于标准菌株Bt HD-1的LC50。发酵上清液的杀虫活性很低,2龄棉铃虫幼虫的死亡率仅为8.33%,但是该上清液能显著提高孢晶混合物的毒力,说明上清液中含有增效物质。研究结果表明该菌株具有进一步开发为商品制剂的潜力。  相似文献   

Question: Do thick‐twigged/large‐leaf species have an advantage in leaf display over their counterparts, and what are the effects of leaf habit and leaf form on the leaf‐stem relationship in plant twigs of temperature broadleaf woody species? Location: Gongga Mountain, southwest China. Methods: (1) We investigated stem cross‐sectional area and stem mass, leaf area and leaf/lamina mass of plant twigs (terminal branches of current‐year shoots) of 89 species belonging to 55 genera in 31 families. (2) Data were analyzed to determine leaf‐stem scaling relationships using both the Model type II regression method and the phylogenetically independent comparative (PIC) method. Results: (1) Significant, positive allometric relationships were found between twig cross‐sectional area and total leaf area supported by the twig, and between the cross‐sectional area and individual leaf area, suggesting that species with large leaves and thick twigs could support a disproportionately greater leaf area for a given twig cross‐sectional area. (2) However, the scaling relationships between twig stem mass and total leaf area and between stem mass and total lamina mass were approximately isometric, which indicates that the efficiency of deploying leaf area and lamina mass was independent of leaf size and twig size. The results of PIC were consistent with these correlations. (3) The evergreen species were usually smaller in total leaf area for a given twig stem investment in terms of both cross‐sectional area and stem mass, compared to deciduous species. Leaf mass per area (LMA) was negatively associated with the stem efficiency in deploying leaf area. (4) Compound leaf species could usually support a larger leaf area for a given twig stem mass and were usually larger in both leaf size and twig size than simple leaf species. Conclusions: Generally, thick‐twigged/large‐leaf species do not have an advantage over their counterparts in deploying photosynthetic compartments for a given twig stem investment. Leaf habit and leaf form types can modify leaf‐stem scaling relationships, possibly because of contrasting leaf properties. The leaf size‐twig size spectrum is related to the LMA‐leaf life span dimension of plant life history strategies.  相似文献   

Interactions between trees and grasses that influence leaf area index (LAI) have important consequences for savanna ecosystem processes through their controls on water, carbon, and energy fluxes as well as fire regimes. We measured LAI, of the groundlayer (herbaceous and woody plants <1-m tall) and shrub and tree layer (woody plants >1-m tall), in the Brazilian cerrado over a range of tree densities from open shrub savanna to closed woodland through the annual cycle. During the dry season, soil water potential was strongly and positively correlated with grass LAI, and less strongly with tree and shrub LAI. By the end of the dry season, LAI of grasses, groundlayer dicots and trees declined to 28, 60, and 68% of mean wet-season values, respectively. We compared the data to remotely sensed vegetation indices, finding that field measurements were more strongly correlated to the enhanced vegetation index (EVI, r 2=0.71) than to the normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI, r 2=0.49). Although the latter has been more widely used in quantifying leaf dynamics of tropical savannas, EVI appears better suited for this purpose. Our ground-based measurements demonstrate that groundlayer LAI declines with increasing tree density across sites, with savanna grasses being excluded at a tree LAI of approximately 3.3. LAI averaged 4.2 in nearby gallery (riparian) forest, so savanna grasses were absent, thereby greatly reducing fire risk and permitting survival of fire-sensitive forest tree species. Although edaphic conditions may partly explain the larger tree LAI of forests, relative to savanna, biological differences between savanna and forest tree species play an important role. Overall, forest tree species had 48% greater LAI than congeneric savanna trees under similar growing conditions. Savanna and forest species play distinct roles in the structure and dynamics of savanna–forest boundaries, contributing to the differences in fire regimes, microclimate, and nutrient cycling between savanna and forest ecosystems.  相似文献   

N. Yasue    A. Takasuka 《Journal of fish biology》2009,74(10):2250-2268
Seasonal variability in the growth of larval Japanese anchovy Engraulis japonicus was examined through otolith microstructure analysis based on the samples collected from the northern side (inner area, IA) and the southern side (outer area, OA) of the Kii Channel from April 2006 to March 2007. Growth trajectories (otolith backcalculated mean standard length of 5 day intervals from 5 days after hatch to 24 days) as well as the most recent 5 day mean growth rate of larvae before capture ( G 5) differed among months. Growth trajectories showed the same pattern as G 5. In IA, mean ± s.d. G 5 ranged from 0·31 ± 0·04 mm day−1 (January) to 0·73 ± 0·06 mm day−1 (October). In OA, mean ± s.d. G 5 ranged from 0·36 ± 0·05 mm day−1 (January) to 0·79 ± 0·11 mm day−1 (August). G 5 values declined from November to January and then started to increase. In general, the seasonal patterns of growth were similar between IA and OA, and a clear seasonal pattern in growth was identified. When the relationships among larval growth rate, sea temperature, zooplankton density and larval density were examined, growth rate was positively related with sea temperature in both areas and not related with the other factors. The similar pattern in growth observed between IA and OA was probably due to the low spatial variability in sea temperature compared to its seasonal variability.  相似文献   

The specialization of herbivores among tree species is poorly understood despite its fundamental importance as a factor regulating diversity. To examine the effect of tree species on larval community structure, the larval communities in 10 temperate deciduous tree species that differed in leaf emergence pattern (flush- vs. intermediate-type) were seasonally surveyed. The newly developed soft, nitrogen-rich leaves of all species became tough and nitrogen-poor as the season progressed. Following the changes in leaf quality, two distinct seasonal lepidopteran larval communities emerged, with a marked turnover in early July. The beta diversity, or dissimilarity, of species composition in the larval communities among tree species was higher in summer than in spring. These results imply that the lepidopteran larval communities as a whole were supported by alpha diversity in spring and by beta diversity in summer, demonstrating that the plant diversity of this forest could support a caterpillar community. We examined the importance of spatio-temporal variations in leaf quality within and among tree species in promoting herbivore diversity, although other factors, such as tree species phylogeny and predators, may also have a large effect on lepidopteran larval communities.  相似文献   

  1. Leaf shelter construction by herbivorous insects can improve leaf quality, sometimes changing resultant herbivory. In two experiments in a Missouri (USA) deciduous forest we quantified the impact of leaf tie construction and changes to leaf quality on subsequent leaf damage.
  2. First, using eight Quercus species, we compared damage to single leaves versus experimental leaf ties that had been stocked with either Pseudotelphusa quercinigracella (Gelechiidae) or Psilocorsis cryptolechiella (Depressariidae) to determine how initial leaf quality (total phenolics) influenced damage caused by shelter inhabitants. Skeletonization by leaf tying caterpillars and leaf edge chewing by free feeding species were 12.2× and 1.3× greater on tied than on non-tied leaves, respectively. July and September leaf phenolic content had a slight positive effect on the probability of skeletonization, none on the probability of edge damage, and a weakly positive or negative effect on the intensity of skeletonization and edge damage, depending on leaf position.
  3. Second, we created experimental leaf ties, protected from herbivores, on the same Quercus species to determine whether tie formation changes leaf quality (total phenolics, nitrogen, water, toughness). Tie formation decreased phenolics, but this change was predicted to add only 0.8% leaf area loss.
  4. Synthesis. Herbivory increased dramatically when leaves were in ties, with the effect mostly due to the tie itself rather than a change in leaf quality. We predict that the advantages of building and using leaf ties in this system are more likely to be escape from natural enemies and changes in abiotic factors.

Protozoa and micrometazoa were observed in a small pond with leaf litter over a 2 year period. The total number of taxa observed in this pond was 83 protozoans and 30 micrometazoans, and the correspondence of each taxon and the habitats of surface water, leaf litter on the pond bottom and sedimented mud was noted. The microfauna in the litter on the pond bottom had a higher diversity than in the water or the sedimented mud. Patterns of seasonal change in the density of organisms — with one or two peaks in a year — were recognized in some taxa of protozoa and micrometazoa. Most peaks of bacterivorous protozoa in the leaf litter appeared in late autumn and spring. This phenomenon is considered to be closely related to the litter decomposition, because reduction of dissolved oxygen and/ or high bacterial density were observed in these two seasons. Nineteen species of protozoa from this pond were cultured in vitro with fallen leaves. From the results of the cultures and the observation of food vacuoles of protozoa in situ, part of the food web of the microfauna in the pond was estimated.  相似文献   

The African halfbeak Hyporhamphus picarti (Hemiramphidae) is one of the most abundant species within the ichthyoplankton community of the Sine Saloum estuary (Senegal). A year‐round occurrence of larvae suggests that the Sine Saloum is an important spawning habitat for this species. Annual fluctuations in water temperature, however, can have severe impacts on the survival probabilities of marine fish larvae. To determine whether temperature has an effect on the growth of H. picarti during its larval development, larval age at length and somatic growth rates were investigated for two contrasting spawning seasons in 2014: February (cold season, 20.8°C) and June (warm season, 26.4°C). In both months H. picarti larvae were sampled at the mouth of the Saloum River using neuston nets. Sagittal otoliths’ increments were counted to estimate the larva age at a given standard length (SL). The age of larvae ranged between 2 and 22 days, with SL of 3.86–21.68 mm, respectively. In order to describe larval age at length during the contrasting spawning seasons, two distinctive Gompertz functions were applied. Accordingly, specimens sampled in June (0.94 ± 0.17 mm per day) exhibited significantly higher somatic growth rates than those sampled in February (0.60 ± 0.06 mm per day). These findings suggest that water temperature is an important factor influencing larval growth in H. picarti. Information concerning the early life stages of H. picarti are scarce and the results of the present study may contribute to a better understanding of the species’ biology and ecology.  相似文献   

The pattern of diversity and functioning of fungi associated with leaf litter decomposition in Asian forests of different climatic regions was investigated by performing meta-analysis of published data for seven tree species in subalpine, temperate, subtropical and tropical forests. Fungal assemblages were examined by using common standard isolation-culture methods, and the abilities of individual fungal species to decompose leaf litter were examined with pure culture decomposition tests. The climatic patterns of diversity, assemblage structure and genus composition depended on the method of isolation: the washing method revealed no consistent pattern, whereas the surface sterilization method showed lower diversity and greater relative abundance of dominant fungal species within the assemblages in cooler climates. The decomposing ability of species within fungal assemblages was greater in warmer than in cooler climates and in broad-leaved than in coniferous tree species. In particular, the greatest abilities to cause mass loss were found among fungi with ligninolytic activity in broad-leaved tree species in warmer climates.  相似文献   

We studied variation in the assemblage of lepidopteran larvae between individual trees, and temporal variation in the diversity and species composition of the assemblage in a medium‐altitude rainforest in Kibale National Park, Uganda. Monthly samples of lepidopteran larvae were collected from the leaves of Neoboutonia macrocalyx Pax. between January 1995 and December 1996. During this period, a total of 1961 specimens representing 76 lepidopteran morphospecies were found. The numbers of individuals within species varied enormously, ranging from one to 707 individuals. Assemblages of individual trees were highly similar and dominated by geometrid larvae. Temporal variation in herbivore abundance was high. The number of individuals peaked during the major rainy season in 1995 but not in 1996 and was not correlated significantly with rainfall within these 2 years. In contrast, a negative correlation was found between lepidopteran diversity and rainfall that seems to cause a semi‐annual trend in diversity with one or two peaks per year. Furthermore, there was seasonality in the similarity of the assemblage. Consequently, the same species were found in the assemblage during certain times of the year. Our study shows that short‐term biodiversity assessments can give a skewed picture of the diversity of tropical forests.  相似文献   

1. The plant phenological age hypothesis predicts that phytophagous insects should prefer and perform better on phenologically young plants than on old plants because plant nutritional quality decreases with plant phenological age. This hypothesis was tested under field and laboratory conditions with the grass miner Chromatomyia milii on the free‐growth species Holcus lanatus. 2. The field experiment was conducted at four sample sites in Belgium where nutritional quality of H. lanatus leaves and performance of C. milii were monitored throughout the growth season. Foliar nutritional quality was highest early in the season due to high levels of proteins and soluble carbohydrates and low levels of lignin. Offspring performance (pupal size) decreased with plant phenological age, due at least partially to the decreasing foliar nutritional quality. 3. In the laboratory experiment, preference and performance of C. milii were determined on three different age classes of H. lanatus. Multiple‐choice experiments demonstrated that oviposition preference did not differ among age classes. Offspring survival decreased with plant phenological age, while pupal size did not differ among age classes. The relationship between foliar nutritional quality and plant phenological age was equivocal and did not correspond to the predictions of the plant phenological age hypothesis. 4. The results of the field experiment were consistent with the idea that the phenological age hypothesis holds in free‐growth species. The laboratory experiment gave only little support to the plant phenological age hypothesis. Possible causes for the differences between field and laboratory experiments are discussed.  相似文献   

Gall-forming insects usually have very restricted host ranges, but plant traits affecting patterns of host use have rarely been examined. The sawfly Phyllocolpa sp. (Hymenoptera: Tenthredinidae) forms leaf-roll galls on three of seven Salix (Salicaceae) species that occur together on riverbanks in central Japan. We have attempted to explain this host-use pattern by invoking three plant traits: synchrony of leaf flush with the oviposition period of the sawfly, intrinsic leaf quality as a potential larval food, and leaf morphology. Two Salix species frequently used by the sawfly, Salix eriocarpa and Salix pierotii, had similar leaf traits suitable for larval survival. The third species, Salix serissaefolia, was used relatively less often and the sawfly frequently stopped laying eggs on the plant during oviposition, suggesting ovipositional selection. S. serissaefolia had the smallest leaves, and survival of sawfly larvae was lower on S. serissaefolia than on S. eriocarpa and S. pierotii, because of gall destruction, by other herbivorous insects, and leaf-size restrictions. Among the four unused species, Salix chaenomeloides had a late leaf-flush phenology, Salix gracilistyla had inferior leaf quality, and Salix gilgiana had linear leaves; these seemed to be critical factors for non-use. Salix subfragilis was also unused, but the reason for this could not be explained by the three leaf traits studied.  相似文献   

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