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Eleven samples of strawberry yogurt prepared with different red color concentrations using Ponceau 4R (E-124) were evaluated by instrumental and sensory methods. Color intensity evaluation was carried out by a panel of eight assessors specifically trained to measure strawberry color in yogurt. Color acceptability was measured with 120 regular and frequent consumers of yogurt. Color was measured with a Minolta Chroma Meter CR-200b, obtaining parameters L*, a* and b*. Principal component analysis was performed on the instrumental variables. Regression models between the instrumental first principal component, red color concentration, sensory intensity, and acceptability allowed determining quality control limits for red color attribute. These limits may be controlled by selecting either instrumental or sensory methods, being the latter easy to implement and providing dependable results.  相似文献   

Three hundred and forty-two consumers participated in a study examining slight color variation in orange juice. Panelists evaluated two orange juice samples; unadulterd juice and the same juice with a slight green off-color. The color manipulation reduced consumer acceptance of the color of the adulterated sample but had little influence on ratings of flavor, sweetness or overall liking. Older panelists were more strongly influenced by the color manipulation and showed a clear preference for the flavor of the control sample as compared to the adulterated sample. These data suggest that color was important for the visual appeal of orange juice, but the color change alone was not sufficient to alter consumer acceptance of this product.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to investigate the usefulness of an array of statistical techniques to describe relationships between instrumental data and non‐oral sensory texture profiling scores by using a range of model processed cheese analogs as example. Pairwise correlation, used as an exploratory tool, showed no significant correlation for flexibility and greasiness with any individual instrumental parameter. Stepwise regression, principal component regression and partial least squares regression were used to generate models for firmness, stickiness and curdiness of the analogs studied. No models could be generated for flexibility and greasiness, and models for rubberiness had poor quality of fit compared with the other sensory attributes. In general, firmness, stickiness and curdiness were satisfactorily modeled by using chemical data and small deformation rheological parameters. Compression data (large deformation), often used in correlation studies regarding the texture of cheese, did not necessarily lead to better correlation results in comparison with other instrumental parameters used in this research.  相似文献   

Juice vesicles of Valencia orange were grown on agar bases containing different concentrations of kinetin plus mineral and organic constituents, or in comparable liquid solution (shake cultures), maintained at approximately 26 C. Shake cultures enlarge most rapidly, but both maintain similar patterns of anatomical development. Typically, marginal parenchymatous cells of the sac become meristematic and develop, largely by periclinal division, generalized cambial meristems that enlarge the callus by the addition of linear rows of cells. Chloroplasts and wound tracheids with bordered pits mature within 30 days, but to date no further differentiation has been noted. Surface cells frequently enlarge, detach, and grow into branched hyphal aggregations of cells. Media containing 1.0 mg/liter kinetin causes greater enlargement of callus than media with 0.02 mg/liter kinetin.  相似文献   

Difference taste thresholds, expressed as jnd values or Weberratios, were determined for sucrose in water and in orange juiceat laboratories in Sweden, U.S.A., Poland and Switzerland usinga method of constant stimuli. The following total arithmeticmean values of all 172 individual jnd values were obtained:0.266 and 0.400% sucrose at 2 and 5% sucrose in water, respectively;0.977 and 1.19% sucrose at 1.5 and 3.75% sucrose in orange juice,respectively. The frequency distributions of the individualvalues were asymetrical and showed a large variation among subjects.The results of some additional experiments at 2 and 5% sucrosein orange juice, performed only by the Polish laboratory, arereported also. Significance analyses performed according to one parametricmethod (t-test), using pooled data of groups of subjects, andone non-parametric method (Mann-Whitney's U-test), using individualthreshold values, gave the same conclusion in practically allcases. The data indicated that females had slightly lower average discriminationthresholds than males. There was a significant degree of correlationbetween subjects' discriminatory ability at different concentrationsof sucrose in each of the two media. Few significant differences between the laboratories were foundfor sucrose in water, whereas for sucrose in orange juice thefollowing rank order, from lowest to highest average jnd value,among the laboratories was obtained for both concentrationstested: Poland < U.S.A. < Sweden = Switzerland. Some speculationswere advanced as partial explanation for the differences amongthe laboratories. *Formerly Johansson  相似文献   

本文利用计算机设计新的心理物理实验,研究人类视觉系统的颜色、形状通道和对颜色的识别反应,证实视觉系统的颜色通道和形状通道是独立并行的.对颜色反应还进行视觉诱发电位测试,结果与心理物理实验基本一致.最后,提出颜色通道与形状通道间信息相互统一的假说模型.  相似文献   

The suitability of stevioside as a sweetener in peach juice was investigated. Comparison between stevioside and sucrose in terms of sweetness, sweet and bitter aftertastes were determined both in water and peach juice. The results demonstrated that 160 mg/L of stevioside may replace 34 g/L of sucrose in juice, with a 25% decrease in calories, without affecting the sensory characteristics of the product. Synergistic and inhibitory effects between sucrose and stevioside were also monitored at different stevioside concentration. A new juice formulation sweetened with a binary mixture of stevioside (160 mg/L) and sucrose (56 g/L) was not significantly different in terms of desirability from a reference product sweetened with 9% sucrose.  相似文献   

本文研究了在加热过程中金属离子螯合剂植酸、聚磷酸钠和EDTANa_2对橙汁和橙汁模拟体系中L—抗坏血酸的稳定作用,并采用红外光谱和紫外差光谱对EDTANa_2的保护机理作了初步探讨。结果表明:植酸和聚磷酸钠均不能降低Cu~(2+)对橙汁模拟体系中L—抗坏血酸氧化降解的催化作用,而EDTANa_2不仅能络合Cu~(2+),减少L—抗坏血酸的催化降解损失,而且红外光谱和紫外差光谱及溶剂微扰研究还揭示出EDTANa_2可与L—抗坏血酸形成氢键保护,这种氢键保护作用受到糖和柠檬酸的不利影响。  相似文献   

Assortative mating is a key aspect in the speciation process because it is important for both initial divergence and maintenance of distinct species. However, it remains a challenge to explain how assortative mating evolves when diverging populations are undergoing gene flow (e.g., during hybridization). Here I experimentally test how assortative mating is maintained with frequent gene flow between diverged head‐color morphs of the Gouldian finch (Erythrura gouldiae). Contrary to the predominant view on the development of sexual preferences in birds, cross‐fostered offspring did not imprint on the phenotype of their conspecific (red or black morphs) or heterospecific (Bengalese finch) foster parents. Instead, the mating preferences of F1 and F2 intermorph‐hybrids are consistent with inheritance on the Z chromosomes, which are also the location for genes controlling color expression and the genes causing low fitness of intermorph‐hybrids. Genetic associations between color signal and preference loci on the sex chromosomes may prevent recombination from breaking down these associations when the morphs interbreed, helping to maintain assortative mating in the face of gene flow. Although sex linkage of reproductively isolating traits is theoretically expected to promote speciation, social and ecological constraints may enforce frequent interbreeding between the morphs, thus preventing complete reproductive isolation.  相似文献   

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