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The name Lithocarpus longinux (Hu) Chun ex Y. C. Hsu & H. W. Jen is reinstated. It used to be treated as a synonym of L. areca (Hickel & A. Camus) A. Camus, but morphological characters of cupules and leaves support the reinstatement. These two species, together with L. longzhouicus (C. C. Huang & Y. T. Chang) J. Q. Li & L. Chen, make up a small group that is distributed in limestone areas and have similar morphological characters. A key is provided to distinguish between them, and their is discussed.  相似文献   

In ‘Flora of China’, the combination ‘Gymnosporia graciliramula (S. J. Pei & Y. H. Li) Q. R. Liu & Funston’ was proposed, but this name was not validly published in 2008 because the presumed basionym Maytenus graciliramula S. J. Pei & Y. H. Li was not published in 1979 as stated, but in 1981, contrary to Article 33.4 of ICBN. Meanwhile, two older names, M. thyrsiflora S. J. Pei & Y. H. Li and M. pseudoracemosa S. J. Pei & Y. H. Li, were listed as synonyms in conflict with article 52.3 of ICBN. In this article, we propose a new combination G. thyrsiflora (S. J. Pei & Y. H. Li) W. B. Yu & D. Z. Li that is the correct name when G. thyrsiflora, M. pseudoracemosa and M. graciliramula are treated as a single species in Gymnosporia.  相似文献   

谢文远  陈锋  陈征海 《广西植物》2021,41(8):1391-1400
该文报道了在浙江葡萄属(Vitis L.)分类研究中的新发现:(1)描述了开化葡萄(V. kaihuaica Z.H. Chen,F. Chen et W. Y. Xie)、秀丽葡萄(V. amoena Z. H. Chen,F. Chen et W. Y. Xie) 2新种和腺枝龙泉葡萄(V. longquanensis var. glandulosa Z. H. Chen,F. Chen et W. Y. Xie) 1新变种;(2)将V. adenoclada Hand.-Mazz.作为毛葡萄(V. heyneana Roem. et Schult.)的变种处理,即腺枝毛葡萄[V. heyneana Roem. et Schult. var. adenoclada (Hand.-Mazz.) Z. H. Chen,F. Chen et W. Y. Xie];(3)报道了蓝果刺葡萄[V. davidii(Roman. Du Caill.) F9ex var. cyanocarpa (Gagnep.) Sarg.]在浙江的分布新记录。  相似文献   

2017~2019年,我们在对湖北五峰后河国家级自然保护区进行本底资源调查过程中发现了若干新记录。本文对其中4种木本植物新记录进行报道,分别为乐东拟单性木兰[Parakmeria lotungensis(ChunC.H. Tsoong) Y.W. Law]、乐昌含笑(Michelia chapensis Dandy)、峨眉鹅耳枥(Carpinus omeiensis H.H. HuD. Fang)和尾叶紫薇(Lagerstroemia caudata ChunF.C. How ex S.K. LeeL.F. Lau)。同时,我们也对这4种木本植物的种群现状、濒危状况和资源利用进行了调查,为进一步保护工作的开展提供了基础。  相似文献   

林云  毕海燕  李超  云映霞 《植物研究》2019,39(2):310-320
对我国11个双子叶植物(Dicotyledon)原白中模式标本引证的排印错误做了更正:砚山锥栗(壳斗科)原白中错误地将模式标本引证为王启无84116,实际应为王启无84416,前者属于菊科植物Inuna helianthus-aquatica C.Y.Wu ex Ling。长果柯(壳斗科)原白中错误地将模式标本引证为K.M.Feng 13012,实际应为K.M.Feng 13102,前者属于冬青科植物Ilex triflora Bl.。福建红小麻(荨麻科)原白中错误地将主模式标本引证为C.J.Chen&Z.Y.Li 109,实际应为C.J.Chen&Z.Y.Li 103,前者属于荨麻科植物Oreocnide frutescens(Thunb.)Miq.。少毛全缘叶紫麻(荨麻科)原白中错误地将主模式标本引证为N.K.Chun 44099,实际应为N.K.Chun 44033,前者属于杜鹃花科植物Lyonia ovalifolia(Wallich)Drude var.rubrovenia(Merr.)Judd.。甘南铁线莲(毛茛科)原白中错误地将主模式标本引证为Baishuijiang Exped.4490,实际应为Baishuijiang Exped.4990,前者属于卫矛科植物Euonymus alatus(Thunb.)Sieb.。矮粗距翠雀花(毛茛科)原白中错误地将模式标本引证为Sichuan Veg.Exped.3137,实际应为Sichuan Veg.Exped.3173,前者属于龙胆科植物Gentiana conduplicata T.N.Ho。镇康黄芪(豆科)原白中错误地将主模式标本引证为T.T.Yu 17255,实际应为T.T.Yu 17225,前者属于莎草科植物Scirpus lushanensis Ohwi。宽翼棘豆(豆科)原白中错误地将模式标本引证为Qinghai-Xizang Comp.Exped.9484,实际应为Qinghai-Xizang Comp.Exped.9485,前者属于石竹科植物Arenaria kansuensis Maxim.。肾瓣黄芪(豆科)原白中错误地将模式标本引证为Qinghai-Xizang Comp.Exped.3650,实际应为Qinghai-Xizang Comp.Exped.3605,前者属于麻黄科植物Ephedra gerardiana Wall.ex Mey.。湖南长柄槭(槭树科)原白中错误地将模式标本引证为李泽棠2944,实际应为李泽棠2994,前者属于杜鹃花科植物Pieris formosa D.Don。峨眉勾儿茶(鼠李科)原白中错误地将模式标本引证为杨光辉54729,实际应为杨光辉54723,前者属于山茱萸科植物Helwingia chinensis Batalin.。  相似文献   

对我国菊科橐吾属(Ligularia Cass.) 3种植物原白中模式标本引证的排印错误进行了改正。君范橐吾(L. lingiana S.W. Liu)原白中错误地将主模式标本引证为赵清盛82946,实际应为赵清盛、牟克平和杨亚斌8294。长毛槖吾(L. changiana S.W. Liu ex Y. L. Chen & Z. Yu Li)(=L. heterophylla C. C. Chang,为L. heterophylla Rupr.的晚出同名)主模式为蔡希陶59771,但L. heterophylla C. C. Chang 的原白中错误地将主模式标本引证为蔡希陶59711;该号标本属于唇形科的灯笼草[Clinopodium polycephalum (Vaniot) C. Y. Wu & Hsuan]。南川橐吾(L. nanchuanica S. W. Liu)原白中引证的副模式标本熊济华和周子林93871实际应为李国凤63871,前者属于桤叶树科的城口桤叶树(Clethra fargesii Franch.)。  相似文献   

桂西南喀斯特地区是广西也是中国生物多样性保护优先区域。基于该地区关键区域的深入调查,该文报道了广西被子植物新记录20种,即木姜叶征镒木[Wuodendron praecox(Hook. f.&Thomson) B. Xue, Y. H. Tan&X. L. Hou]、大果楠(Phoebe macrocarpa C. Y. Wu)、国楣铁线莲(Clematis fengii W. T. Wang)、方籽栝楼(Trichosanthes tetragonosperma C. Y. Cheng&Yueh)、枥叶花楸(Sorbus yunnanensis L. T. Lu)、长苞楼梯草(Elatostema longibracteatum W. T. Wang)、富宁槭(Acer paihengii Fang)、云南山茱萸(Cornus eydeana Q. Y. Xiang&Y. M. Shui)、长梗杜鹃(Rhododendron longipedicellatum Lei Cai&Y. P. Ma)、粉花安息香(Styrax roseus Dunn...  相似文献   

Based on comprehensive field observations and careful herbarium studies, we discuss the status of the type species of Metasasa W. T. Lin (M. carinata W. T. Lin) and entities previously treated as synonyms of its name. Three species in two genera were involved. First, M. carinata and M. albofarinosa W. T. Lin were confirmed to be conspecific and a new combination Acidosasa carinata (Lin) D. Z. Li & Y. X. Zhang is proposed. Secondly, although M. carinata was previously treated as a synonym of Acidosasa nanunica (McClure) C. S. Chao & G. Y. Yang, close morphological study revealed that these two are not conspecific. Pseudosasa nanunica (McClure) Z. P. Wang & G. H. Ye is restored to accommodate this distinct species. Finally, another name previously treated as a synonym of A. nanunica, Pseudosasa acutivagina T. H. Wen & S. C. Chen should also be resumed. Synonyms are provided for each of these three species.  相似文献   

陈玉秀  林云  何珊珊 《植物研究》2022,42(5):726-732
根据《国际藻类、菌物和植物命名法规》(深圳法规)条款9.2的要求,对中国11个维管束植物分类群名称原白中主模式指定的错误信息做了更正,这些名称是绒毛叶轮木(Holotype of Ostodes kuangii Y. T. Chang)、披针叶鹅耳枥(Holotype of Carpinus lancilimba Hu)、滇马蹄果(Holotype of Santiria yunnanensis Hu)、长尾观音座莲(Holotype of Angiopteris caudipinna Ching)、长萼黄芪(Holotype of Astragalus longicalyx C. C. Ni & P. C. Li)、越南油茶(Holotype of Camellia vietnamensis T. C. Huang ex Hu)、宽叶丛茎滇紫草(Holotype of Onosma waddellii f. latifolium W. T. Wang)、细齿堇菜(Holotype of Viola microdonta C. C. Chang)、糙叶毛蕨(Holotype of Cyclosorus scaberulus Ching)、两型叶乳源槭(Holotype of Acer chunii subsp. dimorphophyllum Fang)和南荻(Holotype of Miscanthus lutarioriparius L. Liu ex S. L.Chen & Renvoize)。这些名称的主模式标本均收藏在中国科学院植物研究所国家植物标本馆(PE)。  相似文献   

报道了贵州种子植物地理分布新记录属2个,即獐耳细辛属Hepatica Mill.、扭柄花属Streptopus Michx..新记录种14个,即金佛铁线莲Clematis gratopsis W.T.Wang、川鄂獐耳细辛Hepatica henryi (Oliv.) Steward、网脉唐松草Thalictrum reticulatum Franch.、阴山荠Yinshania acutangula (O.E.Schulz) Y.H.Zhang、大花杠柳Periploca tsiangii D.Fang et H.Z.Ling、钻萼唇柱苣苔Chirita subulatisepala W.T.Wang、南川橐吾Ligularia nanchuanica S.W.Liu、鸢尾叶风毛菊Saussurea romuleifolia Franch.、圆叶风毛菊Saussurea rotundifolia Chen、莲座狗舌草Tephroseris changii B.Nord.、少花黄鹌菜Youngia szechuanica(Soderb.) S.Y.Hu、地杨梅Luzula campestris (L.) DC.、疏花粉条儿菜Aletris laxiflora Bur.et Franch.、小花扭柄花Streptopus parviflorus Franch..新记录变种2个,即扇叶虎耳草Saxifraga rufescens Balf.f.var.flabellifolia C.Y.Wu et J.T.Pan、空心柴胡Bupleurum longicaule Wall.ex DC.var.franchetii H.de Boiss.  相似文献   

黄雪玉  黄雪奎  农素芸  黄俞淞 《广西植物》2023,43(12):2234-2244
该文报道了17个广西新记录物种,即柔毛阴山荠[Yinshania henryi(Oliv.) Y. H. Zhang]、臭荠(Lepidium didymum L.)、小酸模(Rumexa acetosella L.)、浙江凤仙花(Impatiens chekiangensis Y. L. Chen)、贵州海桐(Pittosporum kweichowense Gowda)、越南圆叶梭罗树(Reevesia orbicularis Tardieu)、冬青叶鼠刺(Itea ilicifolia Oliv.)、窄叶枇杷(Eriobotrya henryi Nakai)、瘤枝密花树[Myrsine verruculosa(C. Chen) Pipoly&C. Chen]、毛腺萼木(Mycetia hirta Hutch.)、二萼丰花草[Spermacoce exilis(L. O. Williams) C. D. Adams]、滇苦菜(Picris divaricata Vaniot)、纤细通泉草(Mazus gracilis Hemsl.)、皱叶荚蒾(Viburnum rhytid...  相似文献   

报道了海南植物区系新记录4种,分别为兜唇带叶兰[Taeniophyllum pusillum(Willd.)Seidenf.Ormerod]、灰背清风藤(Sabia discolor Dunn)、长脉清风藤(S.nervosa Chun ex Y.F.Wu)及茴香砂仁[Etlingera yunnanensis(T.L.WuS.J.Chen)R.M.Smith]。  相似文献   

中国清风藤属Sabia Colebr.(清风藤科)的订正   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
归并了清风藤属5个名称,Sabia campanulata Wall.ex Roxb.var,kingiana Nayar et Majumder处理为S.campanulata Wall.ex Roxb。的异名,S.metcalfiana L.Chen处理为S.leptandra Hook.f.et Thoms.的异名,S.longruiensis X.X.Chen et D.R,Ling和S.swinhoei Hemsl.ex Forbes et Hemsl.ex FOrb.et Hemsl。的异名,S.nervosa Chun ex Y.F.Wu处理为S.coriacea Rehd.et Wils.的异名,订正了缅甸清风藤S.burmania L.chen在中国有分布的错误报道。  相似文献   

In this paper, we propose that Rhododendron clementinae Forrest ex W. W. Sm. subsp. aureodorsale W. P. Fang ex J. Q. Fu should be recognized at species rank as Rhododendron aureodorsale (W. P. Fang ex J. Q. Fu) Y. P. Ma & J. Nielsen. This species is similar to R. clementinae, but has an isolated distribution range, and differs by having tawny indumentum without pellicle on the abaxial leaf surface, sparse hairs on both pedicel and sepals, and always 7 corolla lobes.  相似文献   

中国樟科四个名称的发表日期考订   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对中国樟科4个种名多脉楠Machilus polyneura Chang、十万大山楠Machilus shiwandashanica Chang、猪脚楠Machilus cathayensis Chun ex Chang和糠秕琼楠Beilschmiedia furfuracea Chun ex Chang的研究发现, 它们的合格发表日期是1963年, 而不是1960年。  相似文献   

报道了香港17种植物新记录:无配膜叶铁角蕨[Hymenasplenium apogamum(N.Murak.&Hatan.)Nakaike]、似薄唇蕨(Leptochilus decurrens Blume)、穿心藤[Amydrium hainanense(H.Li,Y.Shiao&S.L.Tseng)H.Li]、毛背...  相似文献   

湖南的新记录植物(六)   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
报道了湖南植物分布新记录, 其中新记录属2 个, 即假木豆属(Dendrolobium(Wight etArn.)Benth.)和排钱树属(Phyllodium Desv.);新记录种20 个, 即鹰爪花(Artabotrys hexapetalus(Linn.f.)Bhandari)、岩生碎米荠(Cardamine calcicola W.W.Smith.)、山芥碎米荠(Cardamine griffithii Hook.f.et Thons.)、白花碎米荠(Cardamine leucantha (Tausch)O.E.Schulz)、紫彩绣球(Hydrangea sargentiana Rehd.)、狭叶黄檀(Dalbergia stenophylla Prain)、假木豆(Dendrolobium triangulare(Retz.)Schindl.)、排钱树(Phyllodium pulchellum (L.)Desv.)、华野豌豆(Vicia chinensis Franch.)、绿萼凤仙花(Impatiens chlorosepala Hand.-Mazz.)、岩谷杜鹃(Rhododendron rupivalleculatum Tam.)、革叶铁榄(Sinosideroxylon wightianum (Hook.et Arn.)Aubr.)、宁波木犀(Osmanthus cooperi Hemsl.)、天人草(Comanthosphace japonica (Miq.)S.Moore)、华南野靛棵(Mananthes austrosinensis (H.S.Lo)C.Y.Wu et C.C.Hu)、东亚磨芋(Amorphophallus kiusianus (Makino)Makino)、齿唇兰(Anoectochilus lanceolatus Lindl.)、圆叶石豆兰(Bulbophyllum drymoglossum Maxim.ex Okubo)、毛杓兰(Cypripedium franchetii E.H.Wilson)、绿花斑叶兰(Goodyyera viridiflora (Bl.)Bl.);新记录变种1 个, 即异果崖豆藤(Millettia dielsiana Harms var.heterocarpa (Chun ex T.Chen)Z.Wei)。  相似文献   

Lectotypes of Paraphlomis albiflora (Hemsl.) Hand.‐Mazz. and Paraphlomis gracilis (Hemsl.) Kudô are designated. The name Paraphlomis javanica (Blume) Prain var. angustifolia C. Y. Wu & H. W. Li ex C. L. Xiang, E. D. Liu & H. Peng is validated by a type designation.  相似文献   

Eight species, Ilex ficifolia C. J. Tseng ex S. K. Chen et Y. X. Feng, I. huiana C. J. Tseng ex S. K. Chen et Y. X. Feng, I. hirsuta C. J. Tseng ex S. K. Chen et Y. X. Feng, I. zhejiangensis C. J. Tseng ex S. K. Chen et Y. X. Feng, I. wugongshanensis C. J. Tseng ex S. K. Chen et Y. X. Feng, I. robustinervosa C. J. Tseng ex S. K. Chen et Y. X. Feng, I. syzygiophylla C. J. Tseng ex S. K. Chen et Y. X. Feng and I. verisimilis Chun ex C. J. Tseng ex S. K. Chen et Y. X. Feng, are valid- ly published here by the designation of holotypes.  相似文献   

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