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A new species of Clausena, C. agasthyamalayana is described and illustrated from the southern Western Ghats, Kerala, India. It is similar to C. indica but differs from it being of dwarf habit, and having greenish–black bark, smaller and fewer leaflets, obovate and coriaceous leaves with obtuse or emarginated apex, elliptic and obtuse petals, oblong‐cordate anthers, consistently 4‐locular ovary with 2 ovules in each chamber and ellipsoid fruits.  相似文献   

A new species of the family Magnoliaceae, Manglietia sapaensis N. H. Xia & Q. N. Vu from Lao Cai Province, northern Vietnam, is described and illustrated. The well marked species appears to be most closely related to M. garrettii Craib, but differs in being a smaller tree, with shorter petioles not pulvinate at base, leaf‐lamina oblong to oblong‐elliptic, white flowers, and pubescent gynoecium.  相似文献   

Nervilia brevilobata C. S. Leou, C. L. Yeh & S. W. Gale sp. nov. (Orchidaceae), discovered in Taiwan and Hainan, is described and illustrated. The new species belongs to the one‐flowered group in Nervilia, but is readily distinguished from other species in the genus by the saccate base of the lip, the truncate‐rounded lobes of the hypochile, and by the relatively short, oblong‐orbicular epichile.  相似文献   

A new orchid species, Liparis guangxiensis C. L. Feng & X. H. Jin, is described and illustrated from Guangxi, China. It is a widespread epiphyte in the limestone region at elevations of 200–1400 m in tropical evergreen forest. Liparis guangxiensis is similar to L. rhombea sharing a similar habit, a bifid lip and a column without wings, but differs by having a compressed peduncle, lateral sepals forming in ‘V’ below the lip and an oblong lip with a callus at the base.  相似文献   

Aspidistra lingyunensis C. R. Lin & L. F. Guo (Asparagaceae) is described and illustrated as a new species from limestone areas in northwestern Guangxi, China. It resembles A. obconica C. R. Lin & Yan Liu in leaf size and its obconical and purplish red pistil, but differs by having a yellowish white perianth, with lobes oblong, explanate, 6–7 mm long, subequal to tube and a white stigma surface, ca 3 mm in diameter. The new species is rare, currently known only from northwestern Guangxi.  相似文献   

Coltriciella sonorensis is described here as a new species from Mexico. It is characterized by pleuropodal, flabelliform basidiomes, rounded to elongated or daedaloid pores, a well-developed sub-hymenium, and oblong to cylindrical basidiospores, slightly attenuated towards the apex. The specimen was collected on soil in an open Quercus stand in mixed Quercus–tropical deciduous forest in the Sierra de álamos–Río Cuchujaqui Biosphere Reserve, Sonora, Mexico. From a phylogenetic perspective, the species appears to be related to C. oblectabilis, also occurring in Mexico.  相似文献   

Rungia sinothailandica (Acanthaceae), a new species from Yunnan, China and Chiang Rai, Thailand is described and illustrated. A colour plate, line drawing and distribution map of R. sinothailandica are provided. Rungia sinothailandica is similar to R. pinpienensis H. S. Lo, but differs in the broadly ovate sterile bracts and obovate‐elliptic fertile bracts, the crispate and tawny bracts margin, the 2‐lobed upper lip of the corolla and puberulent capsule. It is also similar to R. burmanica (C. B. Clarke) B. Hansen, but is easily distinguished by pubescent stems and leaves, the cymbiform‐oblong bracteoles and the 2‐lobed upper lip of corolla.  相似文献   

Morphological characters of the nutlets of Cyclotrichium Manden. & Scheng. in Turkey were examined using scanning electron microscopy (SEM). The genus Cyclotrichium is represented by six species in Turkey, of which two are endemic for Turkey. Nutlet morphology of the species was studied using stereoscopic microscopy and SEM, and the features were described and illustrated. Nutlet morphology of the examined specimens exhibits some variation in size, shape and sculpture. Nutlets range from 1.1 to 2.0 mm in length and 0.5 to 1.0 mm in width and are elliptic, oblong to ovoid and trigonous in shape. Nutlet sculpture can be divided into two main types: distinctly or weakly reticulate pattern in C. niveum, C. origanifolium, C. longiflorum and rounded cell arrangement in the remaining species. Micromorphological characters could be useful in solving taxonomic problems of Cyclotrichium.  相似文献   

Teucrium teresianum, from southern Spain, is here newly described, illustrated, and compared with the most closely related species of the genus. The species is characterized by leaves that are 3(?4)‐whorled, oblong to oblong‐spathulate, and narrowly and progressively cuneate, and a calyx that is tubular‐campanulate, not flattened in the proximal part and with mucronate lobes, and creamy corolla.  相似文献   

Aspidistra longgangensis C. R. Lin, Y. S. Huang & Yan Liu, a new species of Asparagaceae from the limestone areas in Guangxi, China, is described and illustrated. It is similar to A. guangxiensis S. C. Tang & Yan Liu in the shape of the flower, but differs by leaf blade pachyphyllous and bigger; the perianth lobes with appendages at base, appendage oblong, 3–5 mm long, apex incurved; stigma upper surface white, with 4(3) radial, bifurcate lines in the center. The new species is currently known only from Longgang National Natural Reserve, situated in southwestern Guangxi, China, near the border with northern Vietnam.  相似文献   

The chromosome number ofCitrus penvisculata, Mayer lemon, Italian lemons. Kagzi Kalan lemon, Hill lemon and Nepale oblong lemon has been found to be 2n=18. Bridge-fragment configurations were observed inC. penvisculata, Mayer lemon, Italian round and Kagzi Kalan lemon. Univalents and pollen sterility have been observed in varying proportions in all of the seven species and varieties. Pollen sterility is probably due to presence of univalents and inversion heterozygosity  相似文献   

A new species of Rubiaceae, Spiradiclis densa, is described and illustrated from southwestern China. It is similar to S. tomentosa, but differs in the elliptic or oblong leaf blades, distylous flowers and inner sides of corolla tube with dense pubescence near throat. The conservation status of the new species is preliminarily assessed as ‘Vulnerable’ according to IUCN categories and criteria.  相似文献   

Rosa hirtula (Regel) Nakai, a species endemic to Japan, is illustrated. It occurs in central Honshū around Mt. Fuji and Hakone and vicinity. Rosa hirtula is similar to R. roxburghii Tratt., particularly to the single‐flowered form, f. normalis Rehder & E. H. Wils., and is distinguished by its tree habit, hairy rachis, and lanceolate to narrowly oblong leaflets with acuminate to acuminate‐acute apex, serrulate margins, and hairy midvein on the lower surface.  相似文献   

毛茛科的桐庐铁线莲(Clematis tongluensis)原知分布于尼泊尔、不丹、印度东北部和孟加拉,2019年夏天在中国西藏东南部被发现.桐庐铁线链与绣球腾(Clematis montana)在亲缘关系上接近,两者的区别在于桐庐铁线莲的萼片呈长圆形,顶端尾状渐尖和表面被毛,背面无毛.  相似文献   

Hymenochaete rhododendricola sp. nov. and Hymenochaete quercicola sp. nov. are described from Xizang Autonomous Region (Tibet), southwestern China. Hymenochaete rhododendricola is distinct in the genus by its large and heavily enmeshed setae, and growing on dead branches of Rhododendron. Hymenochaete quercicola differs from other species by its smooth or tuberculate hymenophore, presence of a cortex, relatively large and oblong‐ellipsoid basidiospores, and living on dead branches of Quercus.  相似文献   

The taxonomic problem of cryptic species has long been recognized. Hemiboea subcapitata C. B. Clarke is a widespread and morphologically diverse species including two varieties, H. subcapitata var. subcapitata C. B. Clarke and H. subcapitata var. guangdongensis (Z. Y. Li) Z. Y. Li. However, genetic distance and molecular phylogenetic analyses based on nuclear ITS and four plastid DNA sequences (atpB‐rbcL, matK, rbcL, rpS16 intron) revealed that H. subcapitata var. guangdongensis is sister to H. subacaulis, and separated from H. subcapitata var. subcapitata, suggesting that it should be raised to the rank of an independent species as H. guangdongensis (Z. Y. Li) X. Q. Li & X. G. Xiang, comb. & stat. nov. Morphologically, the new species can be distinguished from H. subacaulis by its calyx 5‐sect from base, segments narrowly oblong‐lanceolate (versus calyx 5‐sect from base or 2‐lipped and adaxial lip 2‐lobed from below middle, segments ovate), peduncle glabrous (versus pubescent), and vermiform sclereids dispersed in leaf mesophyll (versus without sclereids).  相似文献   

A new Grateloupia species from Luxun park, Qingdao Province, North China, was discovered during recent investigations and named Grateloupia serra H. W. Wang &; Y. Lou sp. nov. Morphological observations showed that: (1) the thalli were purple to dark red, cartilaginous and mucilaginous in texture, 15–45?cm in height; (2) the surface of thalli was covered with numerous proliferous branchlets and proliferous branchlets that were dentate when on the main axes; (3) the thalli were 450–550?µm thick, a cortex consisted of 6–8 layers of oblong or rounded cells and a medulla covered by compact medullary filaments; (4) the carpogonial branch was 6-celled and the auxiliary-cell branch was 5-celled, they were typical Grateloupia-type; (5) the internal structure of mature tetrasporangia were cruciately divided, oblong or square in shape. The morphological differences were supported by molecular analyses based on ribulose-1, 5-bisphosphate carboxylase/oxygenase gene (rbcL) sequences. Sequences of four G. serra sp. nov. samples were embedded into the Grateloupia clade and showed no pairwise divergence.  相似文献   

Impatiens liboensis K. M. Liu & R. P. Kuang, a new species collected from Xiaoqikong Scenic Area in southern Guizhou, China, is described and illustrated, including its seed and pollen micro‐morphology. Impatiens liboensis is similar to I. chishuiensis Y. X. Xiong and I. tubulosa Hemsl., but differs by having obviously irregular underground tubers, white or pink–white flowers, lower sepal with a 1.2–1.5 cm long spur, obovate dorsal petal, and obovate‐oblong or obliquely obovate lower lobes of the lateral petals with retuse apex.  相似文献   

在研究新疆阿勒泰地区柳属(SalixL.)植物时发现了新疆杨柳科(Salicaceae)柳属植物新记录组粉枝柳组(Sect.Daphnella Seringe ex Duby)及新疆新记录种粉枝柳(Salix rorida Laksch.)。该种雌花苞片长圆形、倒卵状长圆形、倒卵状椭圆形和倒卵形,先端锐尖,苞片基部两侧各具3~4个腺点;雄花苞片倒卵形和倒卵状长圆形,先端锐尖,稀凹陷,在个别苞片基部一侧会有不明显的2~3个腺点,与其他分布区的粉枝柳稍有差异。主要分布在哈巴河中、上游及其2个支流,生于河岸及人工渠道岸边,海拔900~1 500m之处。  相似文献   

A new species of Primulina, P. moi, from Guangdong, China, is described and illustrated. It is similar to P. lijiangensis in leaf shape, but can be distinguished by several characters, such as base of corolla tube constricted, lobes of adaxial lip ovate, abaxial lip 3‐lobed from base, lobes elliptic or oblong elliptic with cuspidate apex, yellow corolla and filaments, two non‐adhesive anthers when corolla is open, adnate only before anthesis and 2 stamnoides.  相似文献   

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