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Onobrychis oshnaviyehensis (Fabaceae) is described and illustrated as a new species. This species, which belongs to the section Hymenobrychis , is confined to northwest Iran (Azarbaijan Province) and is only known from a single population close to the Turkish border.  相似文献   

Derris gamblei (Fabaceae), is described and illustrated as a new species from the Pudukkottai district of Tamil Nadu state, India. It resembles the Indian species Derris thothathrii, but differs by its short inflorescence, pseudoracemes, pubescence at dorsal apex of all petals, 2 ovules and narrow‐winged pods.  相似文献   

Onosma maculata Ranjbar & Almasi, a new Boraginaceae species endemic to Iran, is described and illustrated. The new species belongs to Onosma sect. Onosma subsect. Onosma. It is closely related to O. nervosa Riedl, but is easily distinguished by its spotted stem and peduncle (vs no spots), leaves 14–23 cm long (vs leaves 4–12 cm long), pedicel 5–15 mm long (vs pedicel 3–5 mm long), higher density of hairs, and glabrous nutlet (vs villous). Moreover, meiotic chromosome number and behavior were studied in two populations of the new species and it was found to be diploid with 2n = 2x = 16.  相似文献   

Rheum neyshabourense Baradaran & Jafari from northeastern Iran (Khorassan Razavi Province) is newly described. It is similar to R. ribes but differs in the number of prominent leaf veins, the position of the joint on the pedicle, fruit shape, epidermal cell shape and the type of stele in the inflorescence axis. A key to Rheum species in Iran is also provided.  相似文献   

Erysimum damirliense, a new species of Brassicaceae from Zanjan and Ardebil provinces (northwest Iran) is described and illustrated. The new species resembles E. uncinatifolium and E. elbrusense, but is easily recognized by its life form, basal leaf margin, indumentum of cauline leaves, number of flowers in the main raceme, fruit width and style length. Phylogenetic analysis of internal transcribed spacer (ITS) DNA sequences confirm that the new species is distinct from morphologically similar species.  相似文献   

Crataegus coriifolia Sharifnia & Zarrinkolah is described as a new species from Iran. Its taxonomic relationships, ecology and distribution are discussed. An identification key to C. coriifolia and other two‐styled species of Crataegus occurring in Iran is provided.  相似文献   

This study examined morphological, anatomical and palynological characters for six species, two subspecies and two varieties of perennial Onobrychis growing in northeast Iran. In the morphological study, shape, size and color of vegetative organs and legumes were assessed. For the anatomical study, cross sections of mature fresh or dried stems, leaflets and petioles were prepared and stained. In the palynological study, pollen were extracted, acetolysed and observed by SEM. The morphological study indicated that some characteristics varied among species, such as shape of stipules and calyx teeth, color and shape of corolla segments and legumes and an identification key is provided based on these characters. Also, in internal structure some differences were noticed in the shape of petiole cross sections, the thickness of cortex and pith shape in petioles and the arrangement of vessels in stems. Some anatomical characters proved useful to identify species, but not sections. Palynological results showed circular and obtuse triangular pollen in polar view and elliptical pollen in equatorial view with reticulate ornamentation. In addition, a cluster analysis was done based on morphological, anatomical and palynological features. The resulting dendrogram confirmed the taxonomic treatment suggested by Sirjaev and Rechinger.  相似文献   

Trachyspermum reginei Ajani & Mozzaff. sp. nov., is described and illustrated as a new species from Chaharmahale Bakhtiari province, SW Iran. The new species differs from its closest relative T. confusum, endemic to Afghanistan, mainly by stem, leaf and fruit morphological characters. Its taxonomic relationships with T. podlechii and T. ammi are also discussed. The new species is threatened by different factors and its protection is recommended.  相似文献   

A new species, Aspalathus crewiana is described and illustrated. It is closely similar to A. lenticula in the strongly rostrate keel petals and thorny leaflets, but differs in the subulate, spine‐tipped bracts, bracteoles and calyx lobes, presence of a pseudo‐peduncle and larger flowers. The new species, like A. lenticula, is placed in the Terminales group of A. subgenus Aspalathus. It is known from only two localities in the Western Cape where it was collected in Swartland Granite Renosterveld.  相似文献   

Astragalus ansinii A. Uzun, Terzioğlu & S. Palabaş-Uzun, a new species from northeast Anatolia is described and illustrated. It belongs to Astragalus sect. Hypoglottis Bunge, but the characters in combination do not match completely with this section because the legumes, leaves and calyces are glabrous. This local endemic is known from two adjacent localities with several individuals. Astragalus ansinii is morphologically most similar to A. viridissimus but differs mainly by indumentum, numbers of pairs of leaflets and seed shape together with metric data related to calyx, standard and peduncle. Nuclear ITS was analysed in both species and was found to be highly similar. In addition, the seed morphology, distribution, conservation status and ecology of both species are discussed.  相似文献   

Oxytropis sobolevskajae Pjak, a new species endemic to Tuva Republic (south Siberia, Russia), is described and illustrated. The new species belongs to O. sect. Xerobia Bunge subsect. Ampulla Vass. and is confined to the central Tuva depression. This species is probably most closely related to O. leptophylla (Pall.) DC., from which it is easily distinguished by the number of leaflet pairs, the length and type of inflorescence, and the length of the keel cusp.  相似文献   

Viet Nam has a coastline of 3200 km with thousands of islands providing diverse habitats for benthic harmful algal species including species of Gambierdiscus. Some of these species produce ciguatera toxins, which may accumulate in large carnivore fish potentially posing major threats to public health. This study reports five species of Gambierdiscus from Vietnamese waters, notably G. australes, G. caribaeus, G. carpenteri, G. pacificus, and G. vietnamensis sp. nov. All species are identified morphologically by LM and SEM, and identifications are supported by molecular analyses of nuclear rDNA (D1–D3 and D8–D10 domains of LSU, SSU, and ITS1-5.8S-ITS2 region) based on cultured material collected during 2010–2021. Statistical analyses of morphometric measurements may be used to differentiate some species if a sufficiently large number of cells are examined. Gambierdiscus vietnamensis sp. nov. is morphologically similar to other strongly reticulated species, such as G. belizeanus and possibly G. pacificus; the latter species is morphologically indistinguishable from G. vietnamensis sp. nov., but they are genetically distinct, and molecular analysis is deemed necessary for proper identification of the new species. This study also revealed that strains denoted G. pacificus from Hainan Island (China) should be included in G. vietnamensis sp. nov.  相似文献   

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