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Rhabdosciadium urusakii E. Akal?n sp. nov. (Apiaceae) is described and illustrated. It occurs very locally on scree slopes in Kemaliye (Erzincan), east Anatolia. This slender species is closely related to R. aucheri (Iran) and R. oligocarpum (south Anatolia). It is a very rare and critically endangered species. A key to all Rhabdosciadium species is given in this paper. The new species is characterized by dichotomous branched, long petiolate, pinnate and linear leaves, ovate‐lanceolate bracts, a brownish band and hairs on the dorsal side of the petals.  相似文献   

A new species, Globularia anatolica A. Duran, Ö. Çetin & M. Öztürk (Globulariaceae) is described and illustrated from southwest Turkey. The species grows on eroded gypsum slopes and in open Pinus brutia Ten. forest in the Honaz Mountain National Park (C2 Denizli province). It is closely related to G. sintenisii Hausskn. & Wettst., an endemic species confined to southwest Anatolia. Diagnostic morphological characters of Globularia anatolica are discussed and presented as a key to Turkish Globularia . It is suggested that the new species should be regarded as 'Critically Endangered' (CR) according to the IUCN criteria. In addition, the biogeography of the Honaz Mountain is briefly outlined.  相似文献   

A new species, Alyssum kaynakiae Y?lmaz, is described from southwest Anatolia, Turkey. The new species belongs to Alyssum sect. Gamosepalum (Hausskn.) T. R. Dudley. Alyssum kaynakiae is closely related to A. niveum T. R. Dudley, but differs by its biennial life form, longer ascendent stems, not imbricated linear cauline leaves and equally inflated fruits.  相似文献   

Galatella anatolica Hamzao?lu & Budak sp. nov. (Asteraceae), collected from Osmaniye (Turkey) is here described as a new species. It is similar to G. angustissima (Tausch) Novopokr. in general habit. Both have stems with few branches and 1‐veined middle leaves, but are distinguished by involucral features, series of phyllaries, and lengths of disc florets, achenes and pappus.  相似文献   

Trachyspermum reginei Ajani & Mozzaff. sp. nov., is described and illustrated as a new species from Chaharmahale Bakhtiari province, SW Iran. The new species differs from its closest relative T. confusum, endemic to Afghanistan, mainly by stem, leaf and fruit morphological characters. Its taxonomic relationships with T. podlechii and T. ammi are also discussed. The new species is threatened by different factors and its protection is recommended.  相似文献   

Stachys pseudobombycina Kaynak, Da?k?n & Y?lmaz sp. nov. (Lamiaceae) from south Anatolia, Turkey is described and illustrated. It belongs to section Olisia and appears to be close to S. bombycina. Its diagnostic characters, ecology and geographical distribution are described and compared with closely related species.  相似文献   

A new species of Rhaponticoides Vaill., Rhaponticoidesaytachii Y. Ba?c?, Do?u & Dinç sp. nov. collected by the authors from south Anatolia, is described and illustrated. The new species is restricted to deprived Quercus forest openness around Dumlugöze‐Sar?veliler (C4 Karaman). Diagnostic morphological characters from R. amplifolia (Boiss. & Heldr.) M.V. Agab. & Greuter are discussed. The ecology, biogeography and conservation status of the new species is also presented.  相似文献   

Centaurea nerimaniae?. Kültür sp. nov. (Asteraceae) is described and illustrated from south Anatolia, Turkey. It is morphologically similar to C. antiochia Boiss. var. praealta (Boiss. & Bal.) Wagenitz. The geographical distribution of the new species and related species is mapped. The chromosome number of C. nerimaniae (counted in root tips) is 2n=20.  相似文献   

A new species, Jurinea tortumensis A. Duran & B. Dogan (Asteraceae), is described and illustrated from Anatolia, Turkey. The species grows on serpentine stony places in the Tortum district (Erzurum Province) in northeast Anatolia. It is morphologically similar to J. consanguinea DC. The pollen characteristics and achene surface morphology of J. tortumensis and J. consanguinea are examined by SEM. Diagnostic morphological characters from closely similar taxa are discussed and arranged in a key. Ecology, conservation status and biogeography of the species are also presented. In addition, the geographical distributions of the new species and other related species are mapped.  相似文献   

Scorzonera aksekiensis A. Duran & M. Öztürk sp. nov. from the Akseki district (C3 Antalya province) in Turkey is described and illustrated. The diagnostic morphological characters of similar taxa are discussed. Scorzonera aksekiensis is related to S. semicana DC. from which it mainly differs in its habitus, indumentum, leaves, capitula and achenes. The ecology, biogeography and conservation status of the new species are also presented. The geographical distribution of S. aksekiensis and related species is mapped.  相似文献   

Allium purpureoviride M. Koyuncu & ?. Genç (sect. Melanocrommyum) is described as a new species from east Anatolia, Turkey. The new species is closely related to A. rothii Zucc. from Israel and some characters of the new taxon show similarity with A. cyrilli Ten. and A. asclepiadeum Bornm. The morphological characters of the related taxa are discussed and the distribution of the taxa is mapped. The diploid chromosome number is 2n = 16.  相似文献   

Verbascum eskisehirensis Karavel., Ocak & Ekici sp. nov. (sect. Bothrosperma Murb.) is described and illustrated from Turkey. This new species is confined to B3 Eskisehir in central Anatolia. A morphological comparison is made with the closely related species; V. oreophilum K. Koch and V. pyramidatum M. Bieb. In addition, a cluster analysis was conducted and a distribution map of the new species and the related species is also given.  相似文献   

Angelica muliensis (Apiaceae), a new species from Sichuan Province, southwest China, is described and illustrated. The new species resembles A. biserrata, but differs in the shapes of the leaflets and sheaths, umbel number and size and especially mericarp features. The diagnostic characters of these two species are presented and compared.  相似文献   

Polygonum melihae Gemici & Kit Tan sp. nov. (Polygonaceae), a local endemic of inner west Anatolia is described as a species new to science and illustrated by photographs. The closest affinities are with P. afyonicum and P. setosum. Morphological characteristics and information about ecology and distribution are provided and the three taxa are compared. Dissimilarities with two Greek endemics, P. papillosum and P. idaeum, are also mentioned.  相似文献   

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