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Drought‐related tree mortality occurs globally and may increase in the future, but we lack sufficient mechanistic understanding to accurately predict it. Here we present the first field assessment of the physiological mechanisms leading to mortality in an ecosystem‐scale rainfall manipulation of a piñon–juniper (Pinus edulisJuniperus monosperma) woodland. We measured transpiration (E) and modelled the transpiration rate initiating hydraulic failure (Ecrit). We predicted that isohydric piñon would experience mortality after prolonged periods of severely limited gas exchange as required to avoid hydraulic failure; anisohydric juniper would also avoid hydraulic failure, but sustain gas exchange due to its greater cavitation resistance. After 1 year of treatment, 67% of droughted mature piñon died with concomitant infestation by bark beetles (Ips confusus) and bluestain fungus (Ophiostoma spp.); no mortality occurred in juniper or in control piñon. As predicted, both species avoided hydraulic failure, but safety margins from Ecrit were much smaller in piñon, especially droughted piñon, which also experienced chronically low hydraulic conductance. The defining characteristic of trees that died was a 7 month period of near‐zero gas exchange, versus 2 months for surviving piñon. Hydraulic limits to gas exchange, not hydraulic failure per se, promoted drought‐related mortality in piñon pine.  相似文献   

This work presents a statistical and numerical analysis of the patterns of morphological variation of the cultivated variants of henequén (Agave fourcroydes Lem.) presently found in the Mexican state of Yucatan and of the wild populations of A. angustifolia Haw., its putative progenitor. This is the first step in the study of the intrageneric genetic diversity and evolutionary relationships. The study indicated that: (1) There exists a significant discontinuation in morphological variation corresponding to the cultivated variants of traditionally recognized henequén: Sac Ki, Yaax Ki, and Kitam Ki, and to three possible ecotypes of A. angustifolia Haw.: Coastal Dunes, Tropical Deciduous Forest, and Tropical Subdeciduous Forest. (2) Sac Ki and Yaax Ki differ from wild populations in four syndromes of domestication: gigantism, greater fibrosity, less thorniness, and less reproductive capacity. The lower coefficient of variation of their characteristics compared with the wild populations suggests less genetic diversity. This fact, and the disappearance of four out of the seven variants existing early in this century, indicate a dramatic genetic erosion of this crop. (3) Kitam Ki is the cultivated variant more similar to wild ones. Differences with them suggest recent introduction and an artificial selection process with different direction and intensity than the other cultivated variants. (4) A tendency from more to less is observed for characteristics indicating degree of domestication: Sac Ki, Yaax Ki, and Kitam Ki. (5) The differences among the possible wild ecotypes may be associated with the soil conditions and precipitation.  相似文献   

We investigated stem radial growth and water storage dynamics of 2 conifer species differing in hydraulic carbon strategies, Juniperus monosperma and Pinus edulis, under conditions of ambient, drought (~45% reduction in precipitation), heat (~4.8 °C temperature increase), and the combination of drought + heat, in 2013 and 2014. Juniper maintained low growth across all treatments. Overall, the relatively isohydric piñon pine showed significantly greater growth and water storage recharge than the relatively anisohydric juniper across all treatments in the average climate year (2014) but no differences in the regionally dry year (2013). Piñon pine ceased growth at a constant predawn water potential across all treatments and at a less negative water potential threshold than juniper. Heat has a greater negative impact on piñon pines' growth and water storage than drought, whereas juniper was, in contrast, unaffected by heat but strongly impacted by drought. The whole‐plant hydraulic carbon strategies, in this case captured using the isohydric/anisohydric concept, translate into alternative growth and water storage strategies under drought and heat conditions.  相似文献   

Recent droughts and increasing temperatures have resulted in extensive tree mortality across the globe. Understanding the environmental controls on tree regeneration following these drought events will allow for better predictions of how these ecosystems may shift under a warmer, drier climate. Within the widely distributed piñon–juniper woodlands of the southwestern USA, a multiyear drought in 2002–2004 resulted in extensive adult piñon mortality and shifted adult woodland composition to a juniper‐dominated, more savannah‐type ecosystem. Here, we used pre‐ (1998–2001) and 10‐year post‐ (2014) drought stand structure data of individually mapped trees at 42 sites to assess the effects of this drought on tree regeneration across a gradient of environmental stress. We found declines in piñon juvenile densities since the multiyear drought due to limited new recruitment and high (>50%) juvenile mortality. This is in contrast to juniper juvenile densities, which increased over this time period. Across the landscape, piñon recruitment was positively associated with live adult piñon densities and soil available water capacity, likely due to their respective effects on seed and water availability. Juvenile piñon survival was strongly facilitated by certain types of nurse trees and shrubs. These nurse plants also moderated the effects of environmental stress on piñon survival: Survival of interspace piñon juveniles was positively associated with soil available water capacity, whereas survival of nursed piñon juveniles was negatively associated with perennial grass cover. Thus, nurse plants had a greater facilitative effect on survival at sites with higher soil available water capacity and perennial grass cover. Notably, mean annual climatic water deficit and elevation were not associated with piñon recruitment or survival across the landscape. Our findings reveal a clear shift in successional trajectories toward a more juniper‐dominated woodland and highlight the importance of incorporating biotic interactions and soil properties into species distribution modeling approaches.  相似文献   

Hydraulic architecture imposes a fundamental control on water transport, underpinning plant productivity, and survival. The extent to which hydraulic architecture of mature trees acclimates to chronic drought is poorly understood, limiting accuracy in predictions of forest responses to future droughts. We measured seasonal shoot hydraulic performance for multiple years to assess xylem acclimation in mature piñon (Pinus edulis ) and juniper (Juniperus monosperma ) after 3+ years of precipitation manipulation. Our treatments consisted of water addition (+20% ambient precipitation), partial precipitation‐exclusion (?45% ambient precipitation), and exclusion‐structure control. Supplemental watering elevated leaf water potential, sapwood‐area specific hydraulic conductivity, and leaf‐area specific hydraulic conductivity relative to precipitation exclusion. Shifts in allocation of leaf area to sapwood area enhanced differences between irrigated and droughted K L in piñon but not juniper. Piñon and juniper achieved similar K L under ambient conditions, but juniper matched or outperformed piñon in all physiological measurements under both increased and decreased precipitation treatments. Embolism vulnerability and xylem anatomy were unaffected by treatments in either species. Absence of significant acclimation combined with inferior performance for both hydraulic transport and safety suggests piñon has greater risk of local extirpation if aridity increases as predicted in the southwestern USA.  相似文献   

Piñon–juniper (Pinus spp.–Juniperus spp.) woodlands are common throughout western North America, yet relatively little is known about the habitat use and requirements for many members of its avian community. During summer 2005–2007, we assessed avian nesting substrates within piñon (Pinus edulis)–juniper (Juniperus osteosperma) woodlands in northwestern New Mexico. Of all nests in live trees, 86% were in junipers. The selection of juniper as a nest tree was significantly higher than expected from the region's piñon–juniper ratio (1:1.06) for the community as a whole, for both open cup and cavity nesting species, and for 8 species (of which 6 are piñon–juniper obligate or semi-obligate species). Nest survival, however, was not higher in juniper than in piñon for the nesting community as a whole or for chipping sparrows (Spizella passerina), the single species that was well represented nesting in piñon. The high use of juniper as a nesting substrate differs from previous studies, which have suggested that a presence of piñon is among the most important habitat features for many piñon–juniper species. Because of their importance to nesting birds, managers should avoid preferential thinning of junipers within piñon–juniper woodlands. © 2011 The Wildlife Society.  相似文献   

Overstory reduction and slash mulching (ORSM) has been shown to be an effective means for increasing herbaceous cover and diversity in degraded piñon (Pinus edulis) and juniper (Juniperus monosperma) woodlands of north‐central New Mexico. Local fire history, tree age‐class structure, and grazing records suggest that many areas now occupied by dense piñon‐juniper woodlands were formerly more open, with grassy understories that supported well‐developed soils and a fire regime. At Bandelier National Monument, studies are evaluating the use of ORSM treatments as a restoration management tool. In 1999 and 2001, we evaluated the effects of an ORSM treatment implemented in 1997 upon butterfly abundance and species richness between a pair of treated and control watersheds. Butterfly abundance and species richness were significantly greater on the treated watershed in both years, and these measures were correlated with significant increases in forb and grass cover in the treated watershed. Five of the 10 most common nectar and larval host plants had significantly greater cover in the treated watershed, including the legume Lotus wrightii. Our results suggest that the increased herbaceous cover resulting from an ORSM treatment of a single watershed induced a positive, initial response by butterflies. Using butterflies as indicators of site productivity and species richness, our results suggest ORSM is a promising technique for restoring biodiversity in degraded piñon‐juniper woodlands.  相似文献   

Leaf gas‐exchange regulation plays a central role in the ability of trees to survive drought, but forecasting the future response of gas exchange to prolonged drought is hampered by our lack of knowledge regarding potential acclimation. To investigate whether leaf gas‐exchange rates and sensitivity to drought acclimate to precipitation regimes, we measured the seasonal variations of leaf gas exchange in a mature piñon–juniper Pinus edulisJuniperus monosperma woodland after 3 years of precipitation manipulation. We compared trees receiving ambient precipitation with those in an irrigated treatment (+30% of ambient precipitation) and a partial rainfall exclusion (?45%). Treatments significantly affected leaf water potential, stomatal conductance and photosynthesis for both isohydric piñon and anisohydric juniper. Leaf gas exchange acclimated to the precipitation regimes in both species. Maximum gas‐exchange rates under well‐watered conditions, leaf‐specific hydraulic conductance and leaf water potential at zero photosynthetic assimilation all decreased with decreasing precipitation. Despite their distinct drought resistance and stomatal regulation strategies, both species experienced hydraulic limitation on leaf gas exchange when precipitation decreased, leading to an intraspecific trade‐off between maximum photosynthetic assimilation and resistance of photosynthesis to drought. This response will be most detrimental to the carbon balance of piñon under predicted increases in aridity in the southwestern USA.  相似文献   

Plant hydraulic conductance (ks) is a critical control on whole‐plant water use and carbon uptake and, during drought, influences whether plants survive or die. To assess long‐term physiological and hydraulic responses of mature trees to water availability, we manipulated ecosystem‐scale water availability from 2007 to 2013 in a piñon pine (Pinus edulis) and juniper (Juniperus monosperma) woodland. We examined the relationship between ks and subsequent mortality using more than 5 years of physiological observations, and the subsequent impact of reduced hydraulic function and mortality on total woody canopy transpiration (EC) and conductance (GC). For both species, we observed significant reductions in plant transpiration (E) and ks under experimentally imposed drought. Conversely, supplemental water additions increased E and ks in both species. Interestingly, both species exhibited similar declines in ks under the imposed drought conditions, despite their differing stomatal responses and mortality patterns during drought. Reduced whole‐plant ks also reduced carbon assimilation in both species, as leaf‐level stomatal conductance (gs) and net photosynthesis (An) declined strongly with decreasing ks. Finally, we observed that chronically low whole‐plant ks was associated with greater canopy dieback and mortality for both piñon and juniper and that subsequent reductions in woody canopy biomass due to mortality had a significant impact on both daily and annual canopy EC and GC. Our data indicate that significant reductions in ks precede drought‐related tree mortality events in this system, and the consequence is a significant reduction in canopy gas exchange and carbon fixation. Our results suggest that reductions in productivity and woody plant cover in piñon–juniper woodlands can be expected due to reduced plant hydraulic conductance and increased mortality of both piñon pine and juniper under anticipated future conditions of more frequent and persistent regional drought in the southwestern United States.  相似文献   

This paper explores the economic viability of producing biofuels from Agave in Mexico and the potential for it to complement the production of tequila or mescal. We focus on Agave varieties currently being used by the tequila industry to produce two beverages, tequila and mescal, and explore the potential for biofuel production from these plants. Without competing directly with beverage production, we discuss the economic costs and benefits of converting Agave by‐products to liquid fuel as an additional value‐added product and expanding cultivation of Agave on available land. We find that the feedstock cost for biofuel from the Agave piña alone could be more than US$3 L?1 on average. This is considerably higher than the feedstock costs of corn ethanol and sugarcane ethanol. However, there may be potential to reduce these costs with higher conversion efficiencies or by using sugar present in other parts of the plant. The costs of cellulosic biofuels using the biomass from the entire plant could be lower depending on the conversion efficiency of biomass to fuel and the additional costs of harvesting, collecting and transporting that biomass.  相似文献   

Wildfires can create or intensify water repellency in soil, limiting the soil's capacity to wet and retain water. The objective of this research was to quantify soil water repellency characteristics within burned piñon–juniper woodlands and relate this information to ecological site characteristics. We sampled soil water repellency across forty‐one 1,000 m2 study plots within three major wildfires that burned in piñon–juniper woodlands. Water repellency was found to be extensive—present at 37% of the total points sampled—and strongly related to piñon–juniper canopy cover. Models developed for predicting SWR extent and severity had R2adj values of 0.67 and 0.61, respectively; both models included piñon–juniper canopy cover and relative humidity the month before the fire as coefficient terms. These results are important as they suggest that postfire water repellency will increase in the coming years as infilling processes enhance piñon–juniper canopy cover. Furthermore, reductions in relative humidity brought about by a changing climate have the potential to link additively with infilling processes to increase the frequency and intensity of wildfires and produce stronger water repellency over a greater spatial extent. In working through these challenges, land managers can apply the predictive models developed in this study to prioritize fuel control and postfire restoration treatments.  相似文献   

Drought‐induced forest mortality is an increasing global problem with wide‐ranging consequences, yet mortality mechanisms remain poorly understood. Depletion of non‐structural carbohydrate (NSC) stores has been implicated as an important mechanism in drought‐induced mortality, but experimental field tests are rare. We used an ecosystem‐scale precipitation manipulation experiment to evaluate leaf and twig NSC dynamics of two co‐occurring conifers that differ in patterns of stomatal regulation of water loss and recent mortality: the relatively desiccation‐avoiding piñon pine (Pinus edulis) and the relatively desiccation‐tolerant one‐seed juniper (Juniperus monosperma). Piñon pine experienced 72% mortality after 13–25 months of experimental drought and juniper experienced 20% mortality after 32–47 months. Juniper maintained three times more NSC in the foliage than twigs, and converted NSC to glucose and fructose under drought, consistent with osmoregulation requirements to maintain higher stomatal conductance during drought than piñon. Despite these species differences, experimental drought caused decreased leaf starch content in dying trees of both species (P < 0.001). Average dry‐season leaf starch content was also a good predictor of drought‐survival time for both species (R2 = 0.93). These results, along with observations of drought‐induced reductions to photosynthesis and growth, support carbon limitation as an important process during mortality of these two conifer species.  相似文献   

Transgenic Panicum virgatum L. silencing (KD) or overexpressing (OE) specific genes or a small RNA (GAUT4‐KD, miRNA156‐OE, MYB4‐OE, COMT‐KD and FPGS‐KD) was grown in the field and aerial tissue analysed for biofuel production traits. Clones representing independent transgenic lines were established and senesced tissue was sampled after year 1 and 2 growth cycles. Biomass was analysed for wall sugars, recalcitrance to enzymatic digestibility and biofuel production using separate hydrolysis and fermentation. No correlation was found between plant carbohydrate content and biofuel production pointing to overriding structural and compositional elements that influence recalcitrance. Biomass yields were greater for all lines in the second year as plants establish in the field and standard amounts of biomass analysed from each line had more glucan, xylan and less ethanol (g/g basis) in the second‐ versus the first‐year samples, pointing to a broad increase in tissue recalcitrance after regrowth from the perennial root. However, biomass from second‐year growth of transgenics targeted for wall modification, GAUT4‐KD, MYB4‐OE, COMT‐KD and FPGS‐KD, had increased carbohydrate and ethanol yields (up to 12% and 21%, respectively) compared with control samples. The parental plant lines were found to have a significant impact on recalcitrance which can be exploited in future strategies. This summarizes progress towards generating next‐generation bio‐feedstocks with improved properties for microbial and enzymatic deconstruction, while providing a comprehensive quantitative analysis for the bioconversion of multiple plant lines in five transgenic strategies.  相似文献   

Abstract: In the semiarid Mulga Lands of southern Queensland soil nitrogen (N) levels have declined after clearance of the native mulga (Acacia aneura F. Muell. ex Benth.) and conversion to grazed buffel grass (Cenchrus ciliaris) pasture. At three mulga sites, declines in soil total N ranged from 14% to 28% in the surface 10 cm of soil. In situ net N mineralization from December 2003 until November 2004 in the surface 10 cm was 49.5 kg N ha?1 year?1 in the mulga woodland, 48.2 kg N ha?1 year?1 in the young (<5 years old) buffel pasture (previously sown to wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) and 34.6 kg N ha?1 year?1 in the old buffel pasture (>20 years). Ammonium‐N was the dominant N pool under mulga in the top 30 cm, while nitrate‐N was dominant under the buffel pastures. Although ammonium‐N under mulga was significantly different to that for 21‐year‐old buffel pasture at all depths, nitrification and net N mineralization were not different between the three land uses at any depth or in the entire 90 cm profile. The Soil Nitrogen Availability Predictor model was used to predict field N mineralization rates for the mulga woodland and 21‐year‐old buffel pasture by using a medium‐term (6‐week) laboratory incubation to establish basal rates of N mineralization. The Soil Nitrogen Availability Predictor overestimated annual net N mineralization in the 0–30 cm depth of mulga by 9% and underestimated it by 28% for the old buffel pasture. The Soil Nitrogen Availability Predictor could be modified further to accurately predict net N mineralization for the mulga woodlands.  相似文献   

The present work reviews and critically discusses the aspects that influence yeast flocculation, namely the chemical characteristics of the medium (pH and the presence of bivalent ions), fermentation conditions (oxygen, sugars, growth temperature and ethanol concentration) and the expression of specific genes such as FLO1, Lg‐FLO1, FLO5, FLO8, FLO9 and FLO10. In addition, the metabolic control of loss and onset of flocculation is reviewed and updated. Flocculation has been traditionally used in brewing production as an easy and off‐cost cell‐broth separation process. The advantages of using flocculent yeast strains in the production of other alcoholic beverages (wine, cachaça and sparkling wine), in the production of renewal fuels (bio‐ethanol), in modern biotechnology (production of heterologous proteins) and in environmental applications (bioremediation of heavy metals) are highlighted. Finally, the possibility of aggregation of yeast cells in flocs, as an example of social behaviour (a communitarian strategy for long‐time survival or a means of protection against negative environmental conditions), is discussed.  相似文献   

Temperate grasslands contribute about 20% to the global C budget. Elevation of atmospheric CO2 concentration (pCO2) could lead to additional C sequestration into these ecosystems. Microbial‐derived C in the soil comprising about 1–5% of total soil organic carbon may be an important ‘pool’ for long‐term storage of C under future increased atmospheric CO2 concentrations. In our study, the impact of elevated pCO2 on bacterial‐ and fungal‐derived C in the soil of Lolium perenne pastures was investigated under free air carbon dioxide enrichment (FACE) conditions. For 7 years, L. perenne swards were exposed to ambient and elevated pCO2 (36 and 60 Pa pCO2, respectively). The additional CO2 in the FACE plots was depleted in 13C compared with ambient plots, so that ‘new’ (<7 years) C inputs in the form of microbial‐derived residues could be determined by means of stable C isotope analysis. Amino sugars in soil are reliable organic biomarkers for indicating the presence of microbial‐derived residues, with particular amino sugars indicative of either bacterial or fungal origin. It is assumed that amino sugars are stabilized to a significant extent in soil, and so may play an important role in long‐term C storage. In our study, we were also able to discriminate between ‘old’ (> 7 years) and ‘new’ microbial‐derived C using compound‐specific δ13C analysis of individual amino sugars. This new tool was very useful in investigating the potential for C storage in microbial‐derived residues and the turnover of this C in soil under increased atmospheric pCO2. The 13C signature of individual amino sugars varied between ?17.4‰ and ?39.6‰, and was up to 11.5% depleted in 13C in the FACE plots when compared with the bulk δ13C value of the native C3 L. perenne soil. New amino sugars in the bulk soil contributed up to 16% to the overall amino sugar pool after the first year and between 62% and 125% after 7 years of exposure to elevated pCO2. Amounts of new glucosamine increased by the greatest amount (16–125%) during the experiment, followed by mannosamine (?9% to 107%), muramic acid (?11% to 97%), and galactosamine (15–62%). Proportions of new amino sugars in particle size fractions varied between 38% for muramic acid in the clay fraction and 100% for glucosamine and galactosamine in the coarse sand fraction. Summarizing, during the 7‐year period, amino sugars constituted only between 0.9% and 1.6% of the total SOC content. Therefore, their absolute significance for long‐term C sequestration is limited. Additionally new amino sugars were only sequestered in the silt fraction upon elevated pCO2 exposure while amino sugar concentrations in the clay fraction decreased. Overall, amino sugar concentrations in bulk soil did not change significantly upon exposure to elevated pCO2. The calculated mean residence time of amino sugars was surprisingly low varying between 6 and 90 years in the bulk soil, and between 3 and 30 years in the particle size fractions, representing soil organic matter pools with different but relatively low turnover times. Therefore, compound‐specific δ13C analysis of individual amino sugars clearly revealed a high amino sugar turnover despite more or less constant amino sugar concentrations over a 7 years period of exposure to elevated pCO2.  相似文献   

The infection cycle of five Cephaleuros species – C. aucubae, C. biolophus, C. japonicus, C. microcellularis, and C. virescens – was clarified by investigating seasonal development and gamete and zoospore behavior at study sites in Matsue, Shimane Prefecture, Japan. Fresh thalli or lesions appeared on the leaves of various woody plants from August and continued to develop in general from April to September in the following year. Gametangia and zoosporangia matured on 2‐ and 3‐year‐old leaves. Gametes were released in C. microcellularis samples collected from late March to late May and in samples of the other four species collected from late April to late July. Zoospores were released in C. biolophus, C. japonicus, and C. virescens samples collected from mid‐May to early August. In the present study, gametes did not conjugate but germinated like zoospores to produce new plants. After inoculation with zoospores and gametes that behave as asexual spores, fresh thalli or lesions became evident in 2–5 months following inoculation and gametes and zoospores were produced on the developed thalli or lesions the following year; one cycle of the infection was completed per year in the study area.  相似文献   

Fundamental drivers of ecosystem processes such as temperature and precipitation are rapidly changing and creating novel environmental conditions. Forest landscape models (FLM) are used by managers and policy‐makers to make projections of future ecosystem dynamics under alternative management or policy options, but the links between the fundamental drivers and projected responses are weak and indirect, limiting their reliability for projecting the impacts of climate change. We developed and tested a relatively mechanistic method to simulate the effects of changing precipitation on species competition within the LANDIS‐II FLM. Using data from a field precipitation manipulation experiment in a piñon pine (Pinus edulis) and juniper (Juniperus monosperma) ecosystem in New Mexico (USA), we calibrated our model to measurements from ambient control plots and tested predictions under the drought and irrigation treatments against empirical measurements. The model successfully predicted behavior of physiological variables under the treatments. Discrepancies between model output and empirical data occurred when the monthly time step of the model failed to capture the short‐term dynamics of the ecosystem as recorded by instantaneous field measurements. We applied the model to heuristically assess the effect of alternative climate scenarios on the piñon–juniper ecosystem and found that warmer and drier climate reduced productivity and increased the risk of drought‐induced mortality, especially for piñon. We concluded that the direct links between fundamental drivers and growth rates in our model hold great promise to improve our understanding of ecosystem processes under climate change and improve management decisions because of its greater reliance on first principles.  相似文献   

Structural attributes of the C4, perennial bunchgrass Schizachyrium scoparium in restored prairies may be affected by the time since restoration. One hundred plants each in 8‐, 17‐, and 23‐year‐old restored prairies and a native Texas Blackland prairie were assessed for the presence/absence and diameter of a hollow crown (i.e., dead center portion), degree of fragmentation, plant height, and tiller density. Structural attributes of S. scoparium plants were generally (1) different between recent (8 years) and older (17 and 23 years) restored prairies (2) similar between the 17‐ and 23‐year‐old restored prairies, and (3) more similar between the 8‐ and 17‐year restored prairies and the native, remnant prairie than between the 23‐year restored prairie and the native prairie. Plants were shorter in restored prairies, regardless of time since restoration, than in the native prairie. Mean basal area of plants was 80–163% greater in the 17‐ and 23‐year restored prairies compared with the native and 8‐year restored prairies. Percentage of hollow crowns and fragmentation was smallest in the 8‐year restored prairie, largest in the 17‐ and 23‐year restored prairies, and intermediate in the native prairie. Tiller density exhibited inverse second‐order polynomial decreases with increasing plant basal area for all prairies. In contrast to tiller density, diameter of hollow crowns increased logarithmically with increasing plant basal area. Structural attributes of S. scoparium in restored prairies changed predictably with age, despite growing in different communities.  相似文献   

Efforts to understand the cause of 12C versus 13C isotope fractionation in plants during photosynthesis and post‐photosynthetic metabolism are frustrated by the lack of data on the intramolecular 13C‐distribution in metabolites and its variation with environmental conditions. We have exploited isotopic carbon‐13 nuclear magnetic resonance (13C NMR) spectrometry to measure the positional isotope composition (δ13Ci, ‰) in ethanol samples from different origins: European wines, liquors and sugars from C3, C4 and crassulacean acid metabolism (CAM) plants. In C3‐ethanol samples, the methylene group was always 13C‐enriched (~2‰) relative to the methyl group. In wines, this pattern was correlated with both air temperature and δ18O of wine water, indicating that water vapour deficit may be a critical defining factor. Furthermore, in C4‐ethanol, the reverse relationship was observed (methylene‐C relatively 13C‐depleted), supporting the concept that photorespiration is the key metabolic process leading to the 13C distribution in C3‐ethanol. By contrast, in CAM‐ethanol, the isotopic pattern was similar to but stronger than C3‐ethanol, with a relative 13C‐enrichment in the methylene‐C of up to 13‰. Plausible causes of this 13C‐pattern are briefly discussed. As the intramolecular δ13Ci‐values in ethanol reflect that in source glucose, our data point out the crucial impact on the ratio of metabolic pathways sustaining glucose synthesis.  相似文献   

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