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Bryde's-like whales are a complex of medium-sized baleen whales that occur in tropical waters of all three major ocean basins. Currently, a single species of Bryde's whale, Balaenoptera edeni Anderson, 1879, is recognized, with two subspecies, Eden's whale, B. edeni edeni and Bryde's whale, B. edeni brydei (Olsen, 1913), although some authors have recognized these as separate species. Recently, a new, evolutionarily divergent lineage of Bryde's-like whale was identified based on genetic data and was found to be restricted primarily to the northern Gulf of Mexico (GOMx). Here, we provide the first morphological examination of a complete skull from these whales and identify diagnostic characters that distinguish it from the other medium-sized baleen whale taxa. In addition, we have increased the number of genetic samples of these Bryde's-like whales in the GOMx from 23 to 36 individuals, all of which matched the GOMx lineage. A review of Bryde's-like whale records in the Caribbean and greater Atlantic supports an isolated distribution for this unique lineage, augmenting the genetic and morphological body of evidence supporting the existence of an undescribed species of Balaenoptera from the Gulf of Mexico.  相似文献   

The establishment of marine protected areas (MPAs) for cetaceans is an important strategy to mitigate human disturbance and protect biodiversity. Despite abundant cetacean species, there are only a few MPAs dedicated to cetacean conservation in China, all of which are for inshore dolphins. Bryde's whales, the only nearshore baleen whale population in mainland China, are conflicting with intensive human activities, yet an effective conservation strategy is lacking. This study used species distribution models to analyze distribution patterns and suitable habitats of Bryde's whales in the Beibu Gulf and proposes the first baleen whale MPA in China. Our results showed Bryde's whales have a seasonal distribution pattern in the Beibu Gulf, and that the waters around Weizhou Island and the southeastern coast of Vietnam were their core habitats. The seasonal nighttime light data indicated a negative relationship between the number of ship lights and Bryde's whale sightings and suggest that Bryde's whales might be threatened by fisheries. We proposed an MPA based on the results, suggesting that the waters within 20 km around Weizhou Island should be declared a protected area. Furthermore, we recommend that anthropogenic activities in the waters around Weizhou Island are better managed to reduce negative impacts on marine life.  相似文献   

Standardized aerial surveys were used to document the winter (December–March) distribution of North Atlantic right whales in their calving area off the coasts of Georgia and northeastern Florida (1991–1998). Survey data were collected within four survey zones in and adjacent to federally designated critical habitat. These data, including whale‐sighting locations and sampling effort, were used to describe right whale distribution in relation to sea‐surface temperature (SST) from satellite‐derived images. Locations where whales were sighted (n= 609) had an overall mean SST of 14.3°C ± 2.1° (range 8°–22°C). Data from two survey zones having sufficient data (including the “early warning system” (EWS) zone and the Florida nearshore) were pooled by season and stratified by month to investigate changes in monthly ambient SST and fine‐scale distribution patterns of right whales in relation to SST within spatially explicit search areas. Using Monte Carlo techniques, SSTs and latitudes (means and standard deviations) of locations where whales were sighted were compared to a sampling distribution of each variable derived from daily‐search areas. Overall, results support a nonrandom distribution of right whales in relation to SST: during resident months (January and February), whales exhibited low variability in observed SST and a suggested southward shift in whale distribution toward warmer SSTs in the EWS zone; while in the relatively warmer and southernmost survey zone (Florida nearshore), right whales were concentrated in the northern, cooler portion. Our results support that warm Gulf Stream waters, generally found south and east of delineated critical habitat, represent a thermal limit for right whales and play an important role in their distribution within the calving grounds. These results affirm the inclusion of SST in a multivariate predictive model for right whale distribution in their southeastern habitat.  相似文献   

The North Atlantic right whale (Eubalaena glacialis) is one of the world's most highly endangered baleen whales, with approximately 400–450 individuals remaining. Massachusetts Bay (MB) and Cape Cod Bay (CCB) together comprise one of seven areas in the Gulf of Maine where right whales seasonally congregate. Here, we report on acoustically detected presence of right whales in MB over a nearly 6 year period, July 2007–April 2013, a time of both rapid ocean warming throughout the Gulf of Maine and apparent changes in right whale migratory dynamics. We applied an automated detection algorithm to assess hourly presence of right whale “up‐calls” in recordings from a 19‐channel acoustic array covering approximately 4,000 km2 in MB. Over the survey, up‐calls were detected in 95% of 8 day periods. In each year, as expected, we observed a “peak season” of elevated up‐call detections in late winter and early spring corresponding to the season when right whales congregate to feed in CCB. However, we also saw an increase in right whale occurrence during time periods thought to be part of the “off‐season.” With the exception of 2009–2010, when acoustic presence was unusually low, the mean percent of hours in which up‐calls were detected increased every year, both during the peak season (from 38% in 2008 to 70% in 2012), and during the summer–fall season (from 2% in 2007 to 13% in 2012). Over the entire study, the peak season start date varied between 17 January and 26 February. Changes in right whale phenology in MB likely reflect broadscale changes in habitat use in other areas within the species range. This study demonstrates the value of continuous long‐term survey datasets to detect and quantify shifts in cetacean habitat use as environmental conditions change and the long‐term continued survival of right whales remains uncertain.  相似文献   

To clarify phylogenetic relationships of Bryde's whales, we examined the nucleotide sequence of the mitochondrial control region and cytochrome b gene in 33 animals: 12 from offshore waters of the western North Pacific, five from off the Solomon Islands, and 16 from the East China Sea and coastal waters of Kochi in southwestern Japan. For reference purposes, homologous sequences from four Balaenoptera species including four Bryde's whales collected in the eastern Indian Ocean were added. We found whales from the three sampling areas to be genetically distinct. The control region sequences suggested that the whales from the three areas separate at higher than the populational level from one another. The cytochrome b data indicated that genetic differences between whales off the Solomon Islands and animals in the other two areas are equivalent to values found among recognized Balaenoptera species, although such a relationship was not observed between the other two areas. We conclude that whales in the East China Sea and coastal waters of Kochi separate from Bryde's whales in offshore waters of the western North Pacific at higher than the populational level but lower than the specific level (i. e., at the subspecific level) and that whales off the Solomon Islands do not belong genetically to the Bryde's whale as previously recognized.  相似文献   



Large marine predators, such as cetaceans and sharks, play a crucial role in maintaining biodiversity patterns and ecosystem function, yet few estimates of their spatial distribution exist. We aimed to determine the species richness of large marine predators and investigate their fine-scale spatiotemporal distribution patterns to inform conservation management.


The Hauraki Gulf/Tīkapa Moana/Te Moananui-ā-Toi, Aotearoa/New Zealand.


We conducted a replicate systematic aerial survey over 12 months. Flexible machine learning models were used to explore relationships between large marine predator occurrence (Bryde's whales, common and bottlenose dolphins, bronze whaler, pelagic and immature hammerhead sharks) and environmental and biotic variables, and predict their monthly distribution and associated spatially explicit uncertainty.


We revealed that temporally dynamic variables, such as prey distribution and sea surface temperature, were important for predicting the occurrence of the study species and species groups. While there was variation in temporal and spatial distribution, predicted richness peaked in summer and was the highest in coastal habitats during that time, providing insight into changes in distributions over time and between species.

Main Conclusions

Temporal changes in distribution are not routinely accounted for in species distribution studies. Our approach highlights the value of multispecies surveys and the importance of considering temporally variable abiotic and biotic drivers for understanding biodiversity patterns when informing ecosystem-scale conservation planning and dynamic ocean management.  相似文献   

Here, we examine the distribution, habitat use, and migratory destinations of North Pacific humpback whales wintering off Central America. Coastal boat surveys were conducted off Costa Rica and Panama between 1996 and 2003. In 1999, a broader survey was conducted along most of Central America. Over 23,000 km were surveyed, with the greatest effort off southern Costa Rica. We made 191 sightings of 320 individual humpback whales. Whales were seen between 14°N and 8°N, making this the most southerly of the North Pacific wintering areas. Encounters included singles, adult pairs, singers, and mother/calf pairs. Mother/calf pairs accounted for 27% of all groups sighted, which is one of the highest sighting rates reported among North Pacific wintering areas. Sixty percent of sightings occurred in depths <50 m. Average sea surface temperature was 28.6°C (±1.0 SD). Ninety percent of the 77 unique whales photo‐identified were also seen in the California–Oregon–Washington feeding aggregation. The 1999 survey showed that humpback whales were widely distributed along the Central American coast at relatively low densities. The extensive distribution of animals, the higher proportion of calves, and the almost exclusive migration to a single feeding area contrast with observations in other regions.  相似文献   

Counts of migrating whales depend on accurate sightings data. In this study, teams of shore‐based observers independently tracked whale pods during the southbound migration of gray whales (Eschrichtius robustus) while a routine (“standard watch”) census was underway. A comparison of sighting records showed that time and location accuracy was limited to 45 s, 3° (magnetic) horizontally, and 0.0057° (0.2 reticles) vertically. Of 242 attempts to track whale groups, 72 failed, 120 were “good tracks,” and 83 qualified as “best tracks” because they had ≥8 sightings/pod, ≥16‐min observation time, and unequivocal matches to sightings in the standard watch during uncompromised visibility. Between paired tracking teams, 39 attempts to conduct concurrent tracks resulted in 21 “good tracks” with complete agreement in 71% of the cases. Of 133 comparisons between trackers and the standard watch, 43% of the pod‐size estimates were the same, but the standard watch overestimated 10% of the pods and underestimated 47%. Thus, according to results from tracking teams, pods recorded as size 1 by observers on the standard watch should be corrected by +0.6; pods of 2 by +0.5; pods of 3 by +0.8; and pods >3 (4–10) were overestimated and should be corrected by ?0.6.  相似文献   

The physical habitat of cetaceans found along the continental slope in the north-central and western Gulf of Mexico was characterized from shipboard sighting data, simultaneous hydrographic measurements, and satellite remote sensing. The study area was encompassed by the longitude of the Florida-Alabama border (87.5°W), the southernmost latitude of the Texas-Mexico border (26.0°N), and the 100-m and 2,000-m isobaths. Shipboard surveys were conducted seasonally for two years from April 1992 to May 1994. A total of 21,350 km of transect was visually sampled in an area of 154,621 km2. Sighting localities of species in the study area were differentiated most clearly with bottom depth. Atlantic spotted dolphins (Stenella frontalis) were consistently found in the shallowest water on the continental shelf and along the shelf break. In addition, the bottom depth gradient (sea floor slope) was less for Atlantic spotted dolphins than for any other species. Bottlenose dolphins (Tursiops truncatus) were found most commonly along the upper slope in water significantly deeper than that for Atlantic spotted dolphins. All the other species and species categories were found over deeper bottom depths; these were Risso's dolphins (Grampus griseus), short-finned pilot whales (Glob-icephala macrorhynchus), pygmy/dwarf sperm whales (Kogia spp.), roughtoothed dolphins (Steno bredanensis), spinner dolphins (Stenella longirostris), sperm whales (Physeter macrocephalus), striped dolphins (Stenella coeruleoalba), Mesoplodon spp., pantropical spotted dolphins (Stenella attenuata), Clymene dolphins (Stenella clymene) and unidentified beaked whales (Ziphiidae). Risso's dolphins and short-finned pilot whales occurred along the upper slope and, as a subgroup, were significantly different from striped dolphins, Mesoplodon spp., pantropical spotted dolphins, Clymene dolphins, and unidentified beaked whales, which occurred in the deepest water. Pygmy/dwarf sperm whales, rough-toothed dolphins, spinner dolphins, and sperm whales occurred at intermediate depths between these two subgroups and overlapped them.  相似文献   

Knowledge of humpback whale (Megaptera novaeangliae) foraging on feeding grounds is becoming increasingly important as the growing North Pacific population recovers from commercial whaling and consumes more prey, including economically important fishes. We explored spatial and temporal (interannual, within‐season) variability in summer foraging by humpback whales along the eastern side of the Kodiak Archipelago as described by stable carbon (δ13C) and nitrogen (δ15N) isotope ratios of humpback whale skin (n = 118; 2004–2013). The trophic level (TL) of individual whales was calculated using basal food web δ15N values collected within the study area. We found evidence for the existence of two subaggregations of humpback whales (“North,” “South”) on the feeding ground that fed at different TLs throughout the study period. Linear mixed models suggest that within an average year, Kodiak humpback whales forage at a consistent TL during the feeding season. TL estimates support mixed consumption of fish and zooplankton species in the “North” (mean ± SE; 3.3 ± 0.1) and predominant foraging on zooplankton in the “South” (3.0 ± 0.1). This trend appears to reflect spatial differences in prey availability, and thus, our results suggest North Pacific humpback whales may segregate on feeding aggregations and target discrete prey species.  相似文献   

Long-distance migration in whales has historically been described as an annual, round-trip movement between high-latitude, summer feeding grounds, and low-latitude, winter breeding areas, but there is no consensus about why whales travel to the tropics to breed. Between January 2009 and February 2016, we satellite-tagged 62 antarctic killer whales (Orcinus orca) of four different ecotypes, of which at least three made short-term (6–8 weeks), long-distance (maximum 11,000 km, round trip), essentially nonstop, migrations to warm waters (SST 20°C–24°C), and back. We previously suggested that antarctic killer whales could conserve body heat in subfreezing (to −1.9°C) waters by reducing blood flow to their skin, but that this might preclude normal (i.e., continuous) epidermal molt, and necessitate periodic trips to warm waters for routine skin maintenance (“skin molt migration,” SMM). In contrast to the century-old “feeding/breeding” migration paradigm, but consistent with a “feeding/molting” hypothesis, the current study provides additional evidence that deferred skin molt could be the main driver of long-distance migration for antarctic killer whales. Furthermore, we argue that for all whales that forage in polar latitudes and migrate to tropical waters, SMM might also allow them to exploit rich prey resources in a physiologically challenging environment and maintain healthy skin.  相似文献   

Near the Kodiak Archipelago, fin (Balaenoptera physalus) and humpback (Megaptera novaeangliae) whales frequently overlap spatially and temporally. The Gulf Apex Predator‐prey study (GAP) investigated the prey use and potential prey partitioning between these sympatric species by combining concurrent analysis of vertical whale distribution with acoustic assessment of pelagic prey. Acoustic backscatter was classified as consistent with either fish or zooplankton. Whale dive depths were determined through suction cup tags. Tagged humpback whales (n = 10) were most often associated with distribution of fish, except when zooplankton density was very high. Associations between the dive depths of tagged fin whales (n = 4) and the vertical distribution of either prey type were less conclusive. However, prey assessment methods did not adequately describe the distribution of copepods, a potentially significant resource for fin whales. Mean dive parameters showed no significant difference between species when compared across all surveys. However, fin whales spent a greater proportion of dive time in the foraging phase than humpbacks, suggesting a possible difference in foraging efficiency between the two. These results suggest that humpback and fin whales may target different prey, with the greatest potential for diet overlap occurring when the density of zooplankton is very high.  相似文献   

According to materials of 1997–2002, the characteristic of the spatial-bathymetric distribution, size and age composition, size and sex structure, and feeding of the Korean flounder Glyptocephalus stelleri in the summer period in waters off Kamchatka in the Sea of Okhotsk (the site from 51°15′ to 57°20′ N, depths of 10–300 m) is given. It is shown that throughout the observation period, maximum catches of this flatfish were constantly observed at two sites of the western Kamchatka shelf (51°20′–53°00′ N and 55°00′–56°00′ N) in the zone exposed to the effect of anticyclonic gyres in the range of depths 101–200 m at the near-bottom temperature below 2°C. Unlike other habitat areas, off the coast of western Kamchatka, G. stelleri in the summer time is quite frequently found at negative temperature values, which is obviously determined by the specifics of thermal conditions of the eastern part of the Sea of Okhotsk. It was established that, in this species of flatfish, sex dimorphism is distinctly pronounced in sizes—males are considerably smaller than females whose relative number among individuals with a length larger than 50 cm reaches 100%. The main items of feeding of G. stelleri at the western Kamchatka shelf in the summer period are oligochaetes.  相似文献   

The narwhal (Monodon monoceros) is a high‐Arctic species inhabiting areas that are experiencing increases in sea temperatures, which together with reduction in sea ice are expected to modify the niches of several Arctic marine apex predators. The Scoresby Sound fjord complex in East Greenland is the summer residence for an isolated population of narwhals. The movements of 12 whales instrumented with Fastloc‐GPS transmitters were studied during summer in Scoresby Sound and at their offshore winter ground in 2017–2019. An additional four narwhals provided detailed hydrographic profiles on both summer and winter grounds. Data on diving of the whales were obtained from 20 satellite‐linked time‐depth recorders and 16 Acousonde? recorders that also provided information on the temperature and depth of buzzes. In summer, the foraging whales targeted depths between 300 and 850 m where the preferred areas visited by the whales had temperatures ranging between 0.6 and 1.5°C (mean = 1.1°C, SD = 0.22). The highest probability of buzzing activity during summer was at a temperature of 0.7°C and at depths > 300 m. The whales targeted similar depths at their offshore winter ground where the temperature was slightly higher (range: 0.7–1.7°C, mean = 1.3°C, SD = 0.29). Both the probability of buzzing events and the spatial distribution of the whales in both seasons demonstrated a preferential selection of cold water. This was particularly pronounced in winter where cold coastal water was selected and warm Atlantic water farther offshore was avoided. It is unknown if the small temperature niche of whales while feeding is because prey is concentrated at these temperature gradients and is easier to capture at low temperatures, or because there are limitations in the thermoregulation of the whales. In any case, the small niche requirements together with their strong site fidelity emphasize the sensitivity of narwhals to changes in the thermal characteristics of their habitats.  相似文献   

Germinating pea (Pisum sativum L.) seeds of two dwarf cultivars, “Progress No. 9” and “Green Arrow”, and two tall cultivars, “Alaska” and “Alderman”, were treated with low temperature (3–5°C) for 14 days and then transferred to normal growing conditions (19–21°C for 16 h/14.5–16.5°C for 8 h) for an additional 10 days. Biosynthesis of [14C]ent-kaurene from [14C]2-mevalonic acid (2-MVA) was assayed in cell-free enzyme extracts prepared from shoot tips 10 days after cold treatment and was compared with activity in enzyme extracts prepared from noncold-treated, 10-day-old control plants. Shoot lengths of cold-treated plants were measured throughout a 35-day period and compared with shoot lengths of plants grown without cold treatment for 25–35 days. Low temperature induced a five-to 10-fold enhancement ofent-kaurene, hence potentially gibberellin (GA), biosynthesis in seedlings of the two dwarf cultivars but not in the tall cultivars. However, the lack of an increase in growth rate in the cold-treated dwarfs indicated that endogenous GA biosynthesis remained blocked at some point beyondent-kaurene in the biosynthetic pathway. Since the late-flowering “Alderman” cultivar did not exhibit enhanced biosynthesis ofent-kaurene, it appears that if vernalization in late-flowering cultivars of peas is correlated with enhanced GA biosynthesis, it is not the early part of the biosynthetic pathway which is affected.  相似文献   

Jay  Barlow 《Marine Mammal Science》2006,22(2):446-464
Cetacean abundance is estimated for the U.S. Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ) around the Hawaiian Islands based on a ship line‐transect survey from August to November, 2002. Sighting detection functions are estimated from this and other NOAA research surveys from 1986 to 2002 using a new, multiple‐covariate approach. Twenty‐four species were seen on this survey, including two species (Fraser's dolphin [Lagenodelphis hosei] and sei whale [Balaenoptera borealis]) that had not been previously documented to occur in Hawaiian waters. The most abundant large whales are sperm whales (Physeter macrocephalus) and Bryde's whales (Balaenoptera edeni). The most abundant delphinids are pilot whales (Globicephala macrorhynchus), rough‐toothed dolphins (Steno bredanensis), Fraser's dolphins, spotted dolphins (Stenella attenuata), and striped dolphins (Stenella coeruleoalba). Dwarf and pygmy sperm whales (Kogia sima and Kogia breviceps) and Cuvier's beaked whales (Ziphius cavirostris) are also estimated to be quite abundant. Some of the migratory baleen whales (fin whales [Balaenoptera physalus], sei whales, minke whales [B. acutorostrata], and humpback whales [Megaptera novaeangliae]) were seen only late in the survey. Abundance is estimated for 19 cetacean species. The overall density of cetaceans is low in the study area, especially for delphinids. The precision of density and abundance estimates is generally low for all species because of the low number of sightings.  相似文献   

Three stocks of the Brazilian flathead Percophis brasiliensis were identified on the coast of Argentina and Uruguay using parasites as biological tags. A total of 177 fish were examined and 23 parasite species were found. Fish were caught in four zones: north of the Argentine–Uruguayan Common Fishing Zone (34°30′–36°30′ S; 53°30′–56°00′ W), south of the Argentine–Uruguayan Common Fishing Zone (38°08′ S 57°32′ W), El Rincón zone (39–41° S; 60–62° W) and San Matías Gulf (41°40′–42°10′ S; 63°50′–65°00′ W). Discriminant analyses allowed the identification of three discrete stocks in the four zones (86·44% of classified samples were correctly identified), with P. brasiliensis from both north and south of the Argentine–Uruguayan Common Fishing Zone clumping together, as a single stock. Some species were important in discriminating among groups, Anisakis simplex was related to southern areas, while Grillotia sp., Corynosoma australe and Hysterothylacium sp. were important in determining the position of fish from the Argentine–Uruguayan Common Fishing Zone. These results were corroborated by comparing parasite prevalence and abundance among zones. The main differences were observed in those comparisons involving fish from the San Matías Gulf. Fish from the Argentine–Uruguayan Common Fishing Zone were characterized by higher infections of Grillotia sp., C. australe, Corynosoma cetaceum and Hysterothylacium sp., while the samples from El Rincón and San Matías Gulf showed higher infections of A. simplex. Samples from San Matías Gulf were characterized by lower levels of parasitism for all other species. Differences in environmental factors and their influence on the distribution of zooplankton and other hosts in the food web may be differentially shaping the parasite community structure in each zone, resulting in identifiable stocks of the P. brasiliensis. The present study confirmed the existence of regional biological tags that delineated fish assemblages.  相似文献   

At one time blue whales were found throughout the Gulf of Alaska, however, none have been sighted there in post-whaling era surveys. To determine if blue whales ( Balaenoptera musculus ) might now occur in the Gulf of Alaska, an array of hydrophones was deployed there in October 1999. Data were retrieved in May 2000 and in June 2001. Spectrograms from a random subsample comprising 15% of the ∼63,000 h of data were visually examined for blue whale calls. Call types attributed to both northeastern and northwestern Pacific blue whales were recorded. Both of these call types were recorded seasonally from the initial deployment date in October 1999 through the third week of December 1999 and then from July 2000 through mid-December 2000. Both call types were regularly recorded on the same hydrophone at the same time indicating clear temporal and spatial overlap of the animals producing these calls. Two blue whale call types were recorded in the Gulf of Alaska suggesting that perhaps two stocks use this area. The northeastern call type has now been documented from the equator up to at least 55°N in the eastern North Pacific.  相似文献   


Mercury has been extracted in Queretaro, Mexico since the 1960s. The mining wastes were open-air disposal and these mercury wastes have polluted the zone. The aim of this research was to evaluate mercury's fate in lab scale terrestrial reactors considering the following mercury species: soluble, interchangeable, strongly bound, organic, and residual ones. Soils were sampled in two former mines of Pinal de Amoles, Queretaro, Mexico (N 20° 58′ to 21° 21′ and West 99° 26′ to 99° 43′) with initial mercury concentrations were 424?±?29 and 433?±?12?mg?kg?1 for “La Lorena” and “San Jose” former mines, respectively. Two vegetal species Polypogon monspeliensis and Cyperus odoratus were used and 20 reactors were constructed for the lab process. Total mercury was removed to 49–79% from both soils. Mercury elemental, exchangeable, and organic species had the most removal or exchange in the process. Metal uptake, by the plants, was of 5–6% for P. monspeliensis and 5–15% for C. odoratus. Also, mercury fate was estimated to the atmosphere to be 3.3–4.5?mg m?2 h?1 for both soils.  相似文献   

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