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以过冷却点和冰点为评价指标,对短舌熊蜂Bombus terrestris的幼虫,蛹,成年工蜂,成年雄蜂,处女蜂王,越冬后的蜂王及红光熊蜂Bombus ignitus的成年工蜂,成年雄蜂,处女蜂王的耐寒力进行检测。结果显示,短舌熊蜂幼虫期耐寒力最低,其次是蛹,工蜂和雄蜂,处女王较高。耐寒力最高的是越冬后的蜂王,其含水量也最低。将短舌熊蜂与红光熊蜂的成年工蜂,成年雄蜂和处女蜂王三型蜂分别进行对比,结果显示,红光熊蜂成年雄蜂与处女蜂王的耐寒力要比短舌熊蜂高。样本的湿重和含水量与过冷却点和冰点无显著相关性。  相似文献   

小峰熊蜂访花偏爱性   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
传粉昆虫在访花时,通常会表现出对某一类型花的偏爱性。本研究利用人工制作的大小、颜色、形态和气味不同的9种类型的花来研究小峰熊蜂Bombus hypocrita的访花偏爱性。结果表明:当增加花的大小、形态、气味等附加特征数时,小峰熊蜂的偏爱性程度与花朵附加特征数有显著相关性(P<0.01)。当花朵颜色由2种增加到4种,熊蜂对紫色花的偏爱性程度降低,但花朵颜色的种类与小峰熊蜂的访花偏爱性没有相关性(P>0.05),花颜色的种类对熊蜂访紫色花的偏爱性影响不大。大小为5 cm的紫花被访次数(108±9次)明显高于大小为3 cm的紫花被访次数(40±4次)(P<0.01),说明熊蜂明显喜欢访大花瓣的紫花。完全盛开的紫花被访次数(129±13次)显著高于刚绽放的花被访次数(26±3次)(P<0.01),说明熊蜂喜欢访盛开的紫花。柠檬味的紫花被访次数(63±8次)明显低于草莓味的紫色花被访次数(88±2次)(P<0.05),说明熊蜂喜欢访草莓味的花朵。  相似文献   

In this study the effects of photoperiod and hibernation duration on the lifespan of Bombus terrestris queens were examined. Hibernation durations of 2.0, 2.5, 3.0, 3.5 and 4.0 months were studied, as were photoperiods of 0 h light : 24 h dark (LD 0:24), LD 8:16, LD 16:8 and LD 24:0. The queens that hibernated for 2.5 months and were exposed to 1 week of LD 8:16 had the highest survival rate (89.3%); the lowest survival rate was found in queens that hibernated for 4.0 months and were reared at LD 24:0. Photoperiod and hibernation duration had significant effects on egg predation by founding queens, competition between queens and workers, and emergence of sexual queens. Hibernation durations of 2.5 and 3.0 months and a photoperiod of LD 8:16 resulted in a significantly longer lifespan of B. terrestris.  相似文献   

Sex ratio variation in the bumblebee Bombus terrestris   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Patterns of sex allocation in bumblebees have been enigmaticand difficult to interpret in either a Fisherian context orin a kin-selection perspective. We gathered data on severalhundred laboratory-reared colonies of the bumblebee Bombus terrestrisand analyzed sex allocation as a function of diapause durationand a series of variables describing colony development. Ouranalyses addressed both sex allocation patterns across differentcohorts of laboratory colonies reared at different times andsex allocation patterns across individual colonies within thesecohorts. We used path analysis to test a hypothetical modellinking a sequence of colony-development variables to the crucialreproductive parameters at the end of the colony life cycle.We show that (1) population-wide patterns of sex allocationshow equal investment in the sexes and are thus consistent withqueen control, but not with worker control. (2) A significantpart of the colony-level and cohort-specific variation in sexallocation is related to the hibernation conditions of foundingqueens: Queens with longer than average winter diapause producelarger cohorts of first and second brood workers, switch tohaploid eggs early, and produce colonies that raise mostly malesand few new queens and vice versa. (3) Colony-level sex allocationis significantly related to the time span between the switchpoint (date of first haploid egg laid by the queen) and thecompetition point (date of first haploid egg laid by one ofthe workers): the longer this period, the more male biased thesex ratio. (4) The breeding constraints of an annual life cycle,the short reproductive season, and the presumably high premiumon early produced males imply that bumblebee workers have norealistic options to capitalize on their relatedness asymmetrytoward the different kinds of reproductive brood by biasingthe sex ratio.  相似文献   

Morphological features, development and reproduction behavior of the parasite Melittobia acasta (Walker) were studied when reared on the pupae of the bumblebee Bombus terrestris L. in the laboratory under 23°C, 50% relative humidity and 12 h light : 12 h dark conditions. The parasites laid transparent white and elongated eggs. Newly hatched larval size and shape were very similar to eggs but they were identified by their body segments. Larvae increased their body size through moulting and transformed into a vermiform shape. Male pupae were shiny brown with dots. The female pupae were distinguished by their black shiny color, shorter size and the presence of compound eyes. Adult male pupae were dark brown and dwarf‐winged, whereas female pupae were macropterous and brachypterous. Reproduction took place by fertilization and also parthenogenetically. Mean fecundity within 5 days by mated (47.9 ± 30.5 female?1) and virgin (7.4 ± 6.8 female?1) females were statistically different. Mated females laid fertilized eggs that produced adult males or females, whereas virgin females laid unfertilized eggs that produced males. Development durations of the virgin female originated eggs, larvae, pupae and adults were statistically identical with those of mated females. The parasites were female‐biased and foundress number did not affect offspring sex ratio. This study shows that both mated and virgin females of M. acasta can produce many offspring on B. terrestris pupae within a short period, indicating that they are dangerous parasites of the bumblebee in a mass rearing system.  相似文献   

This study investigated the effect of the photoperiodic regimes 0 h light : 24 h dark (LD 0:24), LD 8:16, LD 16:8 and LD 24:0 at 28°C and 50% Relative Humidity (RH) on the colony development of hibernated (2.0, 2.5, 3.0, 3.5 and 4.0 months) bumblebee queens. The queens which had hibernated for 3.0 months and which were reared in a LD 8:16 photoperiod showed the highest rate of colony initiation (88.2%), colony foundation (67.6%) and progeny queen production (38.2%). The photoperiod LD 8:16 also produced the shortest period of colony initiation and colony foundation. The highest number of sexual males (171.2 ± 12.2) and queens (91.2 ± 9.9) were produced in the colonies when 3.5 and 3.0 month hibernated queens were kept in an LD 8:16 photoperiod. The results show that light regime and hibernation duration affect colony characteristics of Bombus terrestris.  相似文献   

Abstract:  The body mass of Bombus terrestris individuals is an important trait for their behavioural performance and colony organization. In this study, colonies were reared under four different photoperiodic regimes, viz. 0 : 24, 8 : 16, 16 : 8 and 24 : 0 h light : darkness (L : D) at 28°C and 50% relative humidity. The changes in body mass were observed at the stages of larvae, pupae and on the day of adult eclosion. Both the wet and dry mass of sexuals gradually decreased with increasing day length. The relationship between body mass and copulation duration revealed that copulation duration was negatively correlated with male body mass, but positively with queen body mass. Higher number of matings by males resulted in significantly higher duration of copulation.  相似文献   

In eusocial insects, the division of labor within a colony, based on either age or size, is correlated with a differential foraging (for) gene expression and PKG activity. This article presents in the first part a study on the for gene, encoding a cGMP-dependent protein kinase (PKG) in the bumblebee Bombus terrestris. Cloning of the open reading frame allowed phylogenetic tracing, which showed conservation of PKGs among social insects. Our results confirm the proposed role for PKGs in division of labor. Btfor gene expression is significantly higher in the larger foragers compared with the smaller sized nurses. More importantly, we discovered an age-related decrease in Btfor expression in both nursing and foraging bumblebees. We therefore speculate that the presence of BtFOR is required for correct adaptation to new external stimuli and rapid learning for foraging. In a second series of experiments, worker bumblebees of B. terrestris were treated with two insecticides imidacloprid and kinoprene, which have shown to cause impaired foraging behavior. Compared with controls, only the latter treatment resulted in a decreased Btfor expression, which concurs with a stimulation of ovarian growth and a shift in labor toward nest-related tasks. The data are discussed in relation to Btfor expression in the complex physiological event of foraging and side-effects by pesticides.  相似文献   

Behavioural interactions are often analysed in terms of their costs and benefits to the actors [Hamilton, (1964) J. Theor. Biol.7 1-16; Gadagkar, (1993) Trends Ecol. Evol.8 232-234; Foster et al., (2001) Ann. Zool. Fenn.38 229-238]. Using the bumblebee Bombus terrestris, we wish to distinguish between two possible determinants of interaction behaviour between conspecifics, namely kin-directed behaviour that reflects genetic distance between individuals, or, alternatively, interactions guided by a functional distance between individuals, specifically, with respect to disease susceptibility. We find no relationship between contact rate of individuals and the genetic distance of their respective colonies. Interestingly, we do find a significant negative correlation between contact rate and the distance between the two colonies in susceptibility to a spectrum of parasite strains. This cannot be explained by either of the a priori alternatives so we propose two further testable hypotheses to explain our results.  相似文献   

The colony initiation rates of Bombus hypocrita (a native Japanese bumblebee) and Bombus terrestris (a European species) foundresses were compared after 4 weeks of exposure to B. terrestris cocoons. The B. terrestris cocoons, when replaced weekly, were effective for inducing oviposition by foundresses of both species. There were no significant differences in the colony initiation rates of B. terrestris and B. hypocrita, either with the control treatment or with the cocoons. The cocoon method was also tested for five species and two subspecies of native Japanese bumblebees. The colony initiation rate was higher for foundresses of the subgenus Bombus s. str. than for foundresses of the subgenera Pyrobombus, Diversobombus, and Thoracobombus. When replaced weekly, the cocoons of B. terrestris are effective inducers of colony foundation in three Japanese native species, namely B. ignitus, B. hypocrita hypocrita, and B. h. sapporoensis.  相似文献   

1. Bumblebee colonies show much variation in the number of workers, drones, and queens produced. Because this variation prevails even when colonies are kept under identical conditions, it does not seem to be caused by extrinsic factors but rather by differences between founding queens. 2. The most likely factor that could cause differences between queens is diapause. Although colonies are raised under standardised conditions, the queens often experience diapause of different length. If there are costs associated with diapause that influence post‐diapause reproduction, the diapause history of the queens could affect colony characteristics. 3. Here, several colony characteristics are compared: number of first and second brood workers; total number of workers, drones, and queens; energy spent on sexuals; sex ratio; rate of worker production; time to emergence of first reproductive; and colony lifetime. Colonies were used where the queens experienced a diapause treatment of 0 (nondiapause queens), 2, and 4 months. 4. Although no proof was found for the existence of costs associated with diapause, the colony characteristics of nondiapause queens were significantly different from those of diapause queens. Colonies of nondiapause queens produced the lowest number of workers but the highest number of young queens. 5. It is argued that these nondiapause colonies are more time‐constrained than diapause colonies because nondiapause colonies produce two generations within the same season and should therefore be more efficient in producing sexual offspring. 6. Moreover, nondiapause colonies should rear a more female‐biased sex ratio because they can be certain of the presence of males produced by other (diapause) colonies.  相似文献   

Bumblebees are generally believed to be annual insects. However, here we will show that under laboratory conditions the bumblebee Bombus terrestris (L.) can produce a second generation without a period of cold storage (diapause) or CO2 narcosis (a method to break diapause). It is also shown that this so-called non-diapause trait can be selected for. The percentage of non-diapausing queens increased from 8% (minimum) to 97% (maximum) in two generations of selection. However, it was not possible to maintain isofemale non-diapause lines. Colonies of the fourth and fifth generation remained small (expressed in worker number) and produced a small number of queens. Also the percentage of queens that started laying eggs (defined as the percentage non-diapause) decreased in the fourth and fifth generations. To study whether this decline of the non-diapause lines was caused by inbreeding, a control experiment was conducted. In this control experiment queens were mated with their brothers (full-sib mating) for several generations and the number of queens that start egg laying was measured. This revealed that inbreeding can have a negative effect on the egg-laying capacities of queens thus causing the decline of inbred (non-diapause) lines.  相似文献   

小峰熊蜂蜂毒磷脂酶A2基因的克隆及表达分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
高丽娇  黄家兴  吴杰 《昆虫学报》2013,56(9):974-981
磷脂酶A2 (phospholipase A2, PLA2)是蜂毒主要成分, 也是蜂毒的主要过敏原, 在熊蜂个体和群体防御方面具有重要功能。为了探究熊蜂A2基因的生物学功能, 本研究以小峰熊蜂Bombus hypocrita为材料进行了蜂毒PLA2基因的克隆、 鉴定与表达特性分析。结果表明: 该基因全长为2 272 bp, GenBank登录号为KF214771, 由4个外显子和3个内含子组成, 编码区(CDS)长为543 bp, 共编码180个氨基酸残基。氨基酸序列相似性分析显示, 成熟的小峰熊蜂PLA2(含有136个氨基酸)与其他蜂类PLA2的氨基酸序列相似性较高, 均包含10个保守的半胱氨酸残基、 1个保守的Ca2+结合位点和1个酶活性中心。基于PLA2氨基酸序列的系统进化树分析表明, 熊蜂属Bombus与蜜蜂属Apis在不同分支上, 属单系群, 且蜜蜂属分化较早。荧光定量PCR结果表明, PLA2基因在小峰熊蜂各日龄均有表达, 且随日龄增长, 表达量呈先上升后下降的趋势, 10日龄时出现峰值, 其表达量显著高于其他日龄(P<0.05)。半定量PCR结果表明, PLA2基因在毒腺、 卵巢、 中肠中表达量较高, 在足、 触角、 食道腺中表达量较低, 在脂肪体、 肌肉、 神经、 气管、 复眼、 脑中未表达。本研究探明了小峰熊蜂PLA2的基因结构及其表达特性, 丰富了熊蜂PLA2的生物学基础, 为进一步深入研究熊蜂PLA2生物学功能和作用机制以及开发蜂毒生物制剂等鉴定了基础。  相似文献   

Variations of secretions of the cephalic part of the labial glands from four different subspecies of Bombus terrestris, B. t. terrestris, B. t. lusitanicus, B. t. sassaricus, and B. t. dalmatinus, were investigated. 95 compounds were detected in the whole data set: 54 in B. t. terrestris, 54 in B. t. lusitanicus, 48 in B. t. sassaricus, and 44 in B. t. dalmatinus. The (E)‐2,3‐dihydrofarnesol is the main compound in B. t. dalmatinus and B. t. sassaricus, while it is dihydrofarnesyl dodecanoate in B. t. terrestris and B. t. lusitanicus. A principal component analysis produced a pattern showing three well distinct groups corresponding to dalmatinus, sassaricus, and terrestris+lusitanicus.  相似文献   

乙基多杀菌素和联苯肼酯对地熊蜂的毒性及风险评估   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
王欢  徐希莲 《昆虫学报》2019,62(3):334-342
【目的】明确乙基多杀菌素和联苯肼酯对地熊蜂Bombus terrestris的毒性, 探讨这两种农药亚致死浓度对地熊蜂体内乙酰胆碱酯酶(AchE)、谷胱甘肽-S-转移酶(GST)和羧酸酯酶(CarE) 3种解毒酶活性的影响。【方法】采用饲喂法测定60 g a.i./L乙基多杀菌素和43%联苯肼酯对地熊蜂采集蜂的急性经口毒性,依据农药对蜜蜂生态风险的危害熵(hazard quotient, HQ)值评估这两种农药对地熊蜂的风险。同时测定了这两种农药亚致死剂量(LD50和LD80)处理后地熊蜂AchE, GST和CarE的活性变化。【结果】60 g a.i./L乙基多杀菌素和43%联苯肼酯对地熊蜂采集蜂的急性经口毒性测定48 h时LD50值分别为3.590和1 447 μg a.i./蜂,其中60 g a.i./L乙基多杀菌素表现为中毒,43%联苯肼酯表现为低毒。两种农药对地熊蜂采集蜂的HQ值均低于50,表现为低风险。LD50和LD80剂量的乙基多杀菌素处理组与对照组相比,3 h时地熊蜂AchE活性被激活,显著高于对照组(P<0.05),分别为对照组的1.45和1.23倍,24 h后活性受到抑制,两个剂量处理组AchE活性均显著低于对照组(P<0.05);CarE活性3 h时同样被激活,显著高于对照组(P<0.05),LD50和LD80剂量处理组CarE活性分别为对照组的1.24和1.53倍, 24 h后活性受到抑制,其中LD50剂量处理组CarE活性显著低于对照组(P<0.05),LD80剂量处理组CarE活性与对照组差异不显著(P>0.05);LD50和LD80剂量处理组GST活性3 h被激活,显著高于对照组(P<0.05),分别为对照组的2.24和2.58倍,24 h后活性降低,但两个剂量处理组GST活性仍显著高于对照组(P<0.05)。43%联苯肼酯处理后,与对照组相比3 h时LD50和LD80剂量处理组AchE活性与对照组差异不显著(P>0.05),24 h后AchE活性降低,显著低于对照组(P<0.05),分别是对照组的75%和80%;CarE活性3 h时被抑制,LD50剂量处理组CarE活性显著低于对照组(P<0.05),LD80剂量处理组CarE活性低于对照组,但差异不显著(P>0.05),24 h后CarE活性被激活,其中LD50剂量处理组CarE活性高于对照组,但差异不显著(P>0.05),LD80剂量处理组CarE活性显著高于对照组(P<0.05);LD50剂量处理组GST活性3 h时被激活,显著高于对照组(P<0.05),24 h后活性降低,但仍显著高于对照组(P<0.05),3 h和24 h的活性分别为对照组的2.04和1.72倍,LD80剂量处理组3 h的GST活性与对照组无显著差异(P>0.05),24 h后活性降低,显著低于对照组(P<0.05)。【结论】乙基多杀菌素和联苯肼酯对地熊蜂的HQ 评估均表现为低风险,其中联苯肼酯对地熊蜂的安全性较高,在熊蜂授粉过程中可以按照推荐剂量应用,但过量施用或者长期施用可能会造成熊蜂体内药剂积累引起生理或者行为的变化,乙基多杀菌素在温室及大田授粉期的使用剂量和方法有待进一步研究。  相似文献   

王宏栋  韩冰  王玉赛  韩双  王汝明  李冬刚 《昆虫学报》2021,64(11):1350-1358
【目的】评估常用农药对地熊蜂Bombus terrestris的生态风险,为设施大棚合理施用农药提供科学依据。【方法】分别采用饲喂法和接触法测定了6种杀虫剂(虫螨腈、高效氯氟氰菊酯、氟吡呋喃酮、螺虫乙酯、异丙威和除虫脲)、3种杀螨剂(丁氟螨酯、唑螨酯和联苯肼酯)及2种杀菌剂(春雷霉素和啶酰菌胺)共11种常用农药对地熊蜂成年工蜂的急性经口和急性接触毒性,并评估其生态风险性。【结果】11种农药经饲喂法测定,对地熊蜂工蜂的急性经口毒性除高效氯氟氰菊酯、异丙威和虫螨腈为高毒,氟吡呋喃酮和唑螨酯为中毒外,其余药物均为低毒。经接触法测定,对地熊工蜂的急性接触毒性除高效氯氟氰菊酯和异丙威为高毒,虫螨腈为中毒外,其余药物均为低毒。生态风险评估表明,对地熊蜂工蜂而言,异丙威和高效氯氟氰菊酯的经口与接触毒性为中风险,氟吡呋喃酮、啶酰菌胺、除虫脲、唑螨酯、联苯肼酯、螺虫乙酯、春雷霉素、丁氟螨酯的经口与接触毒性为低风险;虫螨腈的经口毒性为中风险,接触毒性为低风险。【结论】在设施作物花期使用地熊蜂授粉时,建议禁用异丙威、高效氯氟氰菊酯和虫螨腈这3种存在中风险的农药,慎重使用氟吡呋喃酮和唑螨酯这2种农药,以避免对地熊蜂造成危害,而另外6种低毒农药可根据田间情况合理施用,并可采取通风晾晒、设置间隔期等方式降低农药对地熊蜂的生态风险。  相似文献   

Ten microsatellite loci and a partial sequence of the COII mitochondrial gene were used to investigate genetic differentiation in B. terrestris, a bumble bee of interest for its high-value crop pollination. The analysis included eight populations from the European continent, five from Mediterranean islands (six subspecies altogether) and one from Tenerife (initially described as a colour form of B. terrestris but recently considered as a separate species, B. canariensis). Eight of the 10 microsatellite loci displayed high levels of polymorphism in most populations. In B. terrestris populations, the total number of alleles detected per polymorphic locus ranged from 3 to 16, with observed allelic diversity from 3.8 ± 0.5 to 6.5 ± 1.4 and average calculated heterozygosities from 0.41 ± 0.09 to 0.65 ± 0.07. B. canariensis showed a significantly lower average calculated heterozygosity (0.12 ± 0.08) and observed allelic diversity (1.5 ± 0.04) as compared to both continental and island populations of B. terrestris. No significant differentiation was found among populations of B. terrestris from the European continent. In contrast, island populations were all significantly and most of them strongly differentiated from continental populations. B. terrestris mitochondrial DNA is characterized by a low nucleotide diversity: 0.18%± 0.07%, 0.20%± 0.04% and 0.27%± 0.04% for the continental populations, the island populations and all populations together, respectively. The only haplotype found in the Tenerife population differs by a single nucleotide substitution from the most common continental haplotype of B. terrestris. This situation, identical to that of Tyrrhenian islands populations and quite different from that of B. lucorum (15 substitutions between terrestris and lucorum mtDNA) casts doubts on the species status of B. canariensis. The large genetic distance between the Tenerife and B. terrestris populations estimated from microsatellite data result, most probably, from a severe bottleneck in the Canary island population. Microsatellite and mitochondrial DNA data call for the protection of the island populations of B. terrestris against importation of bumble bees of foreign origin which are used as crop pollinators.  相似文献   

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