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The mitogen-activated protein kinase kinase kinase (MAPKKK) Constitutive Triple-Response1 (CTR1) plays a key role in mediating ethylene receptor signaling via its N-terminal interaction with the ethylene receptor C-terminal histidine kinase (HK) domain. Loss-of-function mutations of CTR1 prevent ethylene receptor signaling, and corresponding ctr1 mutants show a constitutive ethylene response phenotype. We recently reported in Plant Physiology that expression of the truncated ethylene receptor Ethylene Response1 (ETR1) isoforms etr11-349 and dominant ethylene-insensitive etr1-11-349, lacking the C-terminal HK and receiver domains, both suppressed the ctr1 mutant phenotype. Therefore, the ETR1 N terminus is capable of receptor signaling independent of CTR1. The constitutive ethylene response phenotype is stronger for ctr1-1 than ctr1-1 lines expressing the etr11-349 transgene, so N-terminal signaling by the full-length but not truncated ETR1 is inhibited by ctr1-1. We address possible modulations of ETR1 N-terminal signaling with docking of CTR1 on the ETR1 HK domain.  相似文献   

Ethylene signaling in plants is mediated by a family of ethylene receptors related to bacterial two-component regulators. Expression in yeast of ethylene-binding domains from the five receptor isoforms from Arabidopsis thaliana and five-receptor isoforms from tomato confirmed that all members of the family are capable of high-affinity ethylene-binding activity. All receptor isoforms displayed a similar level of ethylene binding on a per unit protein basis, while members of both subfamily I and subfamily II from Arabidopsis showed similar slow-release kinetics for ethylene. Quantification of receptor-isoform mRNA levels in receptor-deficient Arabidopsis lines indicated a direct correlation between total message level and total ethylene-binding activity in planta. Increased expression of remaining receptor isoforms in receptor-deficient lines tended to compensate for missing receptors at the level of mRNA expression and ethylene-binding activity, but not at the level of receptor signaling, consistent with specialized roles for family members in receptor signal output.  相似文献   

Ethylene is an important regulator of plant growth, development and responses to environmental stresses. Arabidopsis perceives ethylene through five homologous receptors that negatively regulate ethylene responses. RTE1, a novel gene conserved in plants, animals and some protists, was recently identified as a positive regulator of the ETR1 ethylene receptor. Here, we genetically analyze the dependence of ETR1 on RTE1 in order to obtain further insight into RTE1 function. The function of RTE1 was found to be independent and distinct from that of RAN1, which encodes a copper transporter required for ethylene receptor function. We tested the ability of an rte1 loss-of-function mutation to suppress 11 etr1 ethylene-binding domain mis-sense mutations, all of which result in dominant ethylene insensitivity due to constitutive signaling. This suppression test uncovered two classes of etr1 mutations -RTE1-dependent and RTE1-independent. The nature of these mutations suggests that the ethylene-binding domain is a possible target of RTE1 action. Based on these findings, we propose that RTE1 promotes ETR1 signaling through a conformational effect on the ethylene-binding domain.  相似文献   


Orthologous proteins do not necessarily share the same function in all species and those sharing the same function might employ a modified catalytic mechanism. Thus, comparative analysis of homologous or orthologous proteins from different organisms can provide detailed information on the function and the mechanism of an entire protein family. The sensor kinase ETR1 from Arabidopsis thaliana has been well characterized by genetic, physiological and biochemical studies. However, as further model plants are coming into focus for plant hormone research, a general protocol for isolation and purification of orthologous ETR1 proteins seems instrumental for a detailed molecular analysis of this protein family. In this study, we describe the native purification of recombinant ETR1 from Arabidopsis thaliana by mild solubilization with the zwitter-ionic detergent Fos-Choline-14 and single-step purification by immobilized metal ion affinity chromatography. The same protocol was successfully applied for the purification of the orthologous proteins from the moss Physcomitrella patens subsp. patens and the tomato Lycopersicon esculentum. The successful transfer of the purification protocol to proteins of the same family which share sequence identity of 63–80% only suggests that this protocol presents a general purification strategy which is likely to apply also to the purification of other members of the sensor histidine kinase family.  相似文献   

Ma YP  Fang XH  Chen F  Dai SL 《Plant cell reports》2008,27(4):647-654
FLO/LFY homologue genes were initially characterized as floral meristem identity genes and play a key role in flower development among diverse species. The inflorescence organization of chrysanthemum differs from typical dicotyledons such as Arabidopsis and Antirrhinum as clear sepals are absent, and instead, a pappus, a rudimentary sepal, is formed. To understand the mechanism of reproduction of chrysanthemum at the molecular level, DFL, a FLORICAULA/LEAFY homologous gene, was cloned from Dendranthema lavandulifolium, which is one of the original species of chrysanthemum. The DFL gene consists of a 1,236-bp open reading frame and encodes a putative protein of 412 amino acids, which is 63% identical to LFY and 70% to FLO. The expression patterns of DFL during the flower development were analyzed, and RT-PCR results showed that DFL was strongly expressed in the flower bud. In situ hybridization experiments showed that it is strongly expressed in the inflorescence bract, petal and stamen primordial tissues throughout the inflorescence development. Its expression signals were also detected in stems, leaf primordial tissues and developing inflorescence bracts.  相似文献   

Ethylene plays important roles in plant growth, development and stress responses, and is perceived by a family of receptors that repress ethylene responses when ethylene is absent. Repression by the ethylene receptor ETR1 depends on an integral membrane protein, REVERSION TO ETHYLENE SENSITIVITY1 (RTE1), which acts upstream of ETR1 in the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) membrane and Golgi apparatus. To investigate RTE1 function, we screened for RTE1‐interacting proteins using the yeast split‐ubiquitin assay, which yielded the ER‐localized cytochrome b5 (Cb5) isoform D. Cb5s are small hemoproteins that perform electron transfer reactions in all eukaryotes, but their roles in plants are relatively uncharacterized. Using bimolecular fluorescence complementation (BiFC), we found that all four ER‐localized Arabidopsis Cb5 isoforms (AtCb5–B, ‐C, ‐D and ‐E) interact with RTE1 in plant cells. In support of this interaction, atcb5 mutants exhibited phenotypic parallels with rte1 mutants in Arabidopsis. Phenotypes included partial suppression of etr1–2 ethylene insensitivity, and no suppression of RTE1‐independent ethylene receptor isoforms. The single loss‐of‐function mutants atcb5–b, ‐c and ‐d appeared similar to the wild‐type, but double mutant combinations displayed slight ethylene hypersensitivity. Over‐expression of AtCb5–D conferred reduced ethylene sensitivity similar to that conferred by RTE1 over‐expression, and genetic analyses suggested that AtCb5–D acts upstream of RTE1 in the ethylene response. These findings suggest an unexpected role for Cb5, in which Cb5 and RTE1 are functional partners in promoting ETR1‐mediated repression of ethylene signaling.  相似文献   

This work investigated how calcium regulates the ethylene biosynthesis in the fruits of wild-type tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum L.) and their ethylene receptor never-ripe (Nr) mutants. In Nr tomato, the ethylene perception was blocked. When both materials were treated with calcium, the content of 1-aminocyclopropane-1-carboxylic acid (ACC)/malonyl-ACC and the activity of ACC oxidase (ACO) in tomato fruit discs increased, whereas the production of ethylene, content of malondialdehyde, and membrane permeability decreased. Calcium treatment did not affect the activity of ACC synthase, which is the first committed step in the ethylene biosynthesis pathway. The expression of LeACO1 in mature green fruit was inhibited significantly by calcium treatment in wild-type and Nr tomatoes, but the expression of LeACS2, the key ACC synthase gene in ethylene synthesis during tomato fruit maturing, was not affected. These results revealed that the effect of calcium on ethylene biosynthesis in tomato mature green fruit was independent of ethylene perception. The results also revealed that the targeting step of calcium preventing ethylene production was located at the ACC conversion to ethylene, by means of inhibiting ACC availability for ACO through enhancing cell membrane integrity and by means of preventing LeACO1 gene expression. Published in Russian in Fiziologiya Rastenii, 2006, Vol. 53, No. 1, pp. 60–67. The text was submitted by the authors in English.  相似文献   

Senescence-induced RNases in tomato   总被引:18,自引:0,他引:18  

The mitogen activated protein (MAP) kinase pathway of eukaryotes is stimulated by many growth factors and is required for the integration of multiple cellular signals. In order to study the function of MAP kinases during plant ovule development we have synthesized a Petunia hybrida ovule-specific cDNA library and screened for MAP protein kinase-related sequences using a DNA probe obtained by PCR. A full-length cDNA clone was identified (PMEK for Petunia hybrida MAP/ERK-related protein kinase) and shown to encode a protein related to the family of MAP/ERK protein kinases. Southern blot analysis showed that PMEK is a member of a small multigene family in P. hybrida. The cDNA codes for a protein (PMEK1) of 44.4 kDa with an overall sequence identity of 44% to the products of the mammalian ERK/MAP kinase gene, and the budding yeast KSS1 and FUS3 genes. PMEK1 displays 96 and 80% identity respectively with the tobacco NTF3 and Arabidopsis ATMPK1 kinases, and only 50% to the more distantly related plant MAP kinase MsERK1 from alfalfa. The two phosphorylation sites found in the loop between subdomain VII and VIII in all the other MAP kinases are also present in PMEK1. RNA gel blot and RT-PCR analyses demonstrated that PMEK1 is expressed in vegetative organs and preferentially accumulated in female reproductive organs of P. hybrida. In situ hybridization experiments showed that in the reproductive organs PMEK1 is expressed only in the ovary and not in the stamen.  相似文献   

以拟南芥为模式植物研究植物激素乙烯信号转导,在过去20年来取得了长足进展,并以遗传学与生物化学为基础建立了一个线性的信号转导途径模型.虽然这个模型基本上解释了乙烯信号组分参与的信号传递过程,但是,其中仍然存在若干问题亟待进一步研究.例如,上游的多个乙烯受体家族成员与CONSTITUTIVETRIPLE—RESPONSE1蛋白如何协同作用,下游的ETHYLENEINsENsITIVE2(EIN2)如何将乙烯信号传递给转录激活因子EIN3,以及是否存在其他的信号途径调控乙烯反应等.本文将着重阐述不同乙烯受体家族成员的协作对乙烯信号途径的差异性调控,植物利用多个乙烯受体感受乙烯的生物学意义,以及乙烯受体除了通过CTR1蛋白调节EIN2功能外,是否还存在其他的信号转导途径.  相似文献   

It has been previously shown that Cu(I) and the ethylene response antagonist, Ag(I), support ethylene binding to exogenously expressed ETR1 ethylene receptors. Both are Group 11 transition metals that also include gold. We compared the effects of gold ions with those of Cu(I) and Ag(I) on ethylene binding in exogenously expressed ETR1 receptors and on ethylene growth responses in etiolated Arabidopsis seedlings. We find that gold ions also support ethylene binding but, unlike Ag(I), do not block ethylene action on plants. Instead, like Cu(I), gold ions affect seedlings independently of ethylene signaling.  相似文献   

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