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Luo G  Xin S  Cai Z 《Journal of virology》2003,77(5):3312-3318
Sequences of the untranslated regions at the 5' and 3' ends (5'UTR and 3'UTR) of the hepatitis C virus (HCV) RNA genome are highly conserved and contain cis-acting RNA elements for HCV RNA replication. The HCV 5'UTR consists of two distinct RNA elements, a short 5'-proximal stem-loop RNA element (nucleotides 1 to 43) and a longer element of internal ribosome entry site. To determine the sequence and structural requirements of the 5'-proximal stem-loop RNA element in HCV RNA replication and translation, a mutagenesis analysis was preformed by nucleotide deletions and substitutions. Effects of mutations in the 5'-proximal stem-loop RNA element on HCV RNA replication were determined by using a cell-based HCV replicon replication system. Deletion of the first 20 nucleotides from the 5' end resulted in elimination of cell colony formation. Likewise, disruption of the 5'-proximal stem-loop by nucleotide substitutions abolished the ability of HCV RNA to induce cell colony formation. However, restoration of the 5'-proximal stem-loop by compensatory mutations with different nucleotides rescued the ability of the subgenomic HCV RNA to replicate in Huh7 cells. In addition, deletion and nucleotide substitutions of the 5'-proximal stem-loop structure, including the restored stem-loop by compensatory mutations, all resulted in reduction of translation by two- to fivefold, suggesting that the 5'-proximal stem-loop RNA element also modulates HCV RNA translation. These findings demonstrate that the 5'-proximal stem-loop of the HCV RNA is a cis-acting RNA element that regulates HCV RNA replication and translation.  相似文献   

The leader region of the human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) genome has a highly folded structure, comprising at least two RNA stem-loops [the transactivation response (TAR) and poly(A) hairpins] near its 5' end and four others (SL1 to SL4) downstream. Each of these stem-loops contributes to the function of the HIV-1 packaging signal, which efficiently targets genomic RNA into nascent virions. The central 140-base region of the leader, which includes the U5 and primer binding site (PBS) sequences, is also believed to adopt a complex structure, but the nature of this structure and its possible role in RNA packaging have not been extensively explored. Here we report a mutational analysis identifying at least three separate loci within the U5-PBS region which, when mutated, impair both HIV-1 packaging specificity and infectivity in a single-round proviral assay. In common with those of all previously described packaging signals in the leader, the function of one of these loci appeared to depend on secondary structure rather than on sequence alone. By contrast, the activity of the other two loci did not correlate with any predicted conformations. Moreover, unlike SL1 to SL4, the TAR, poly(A), and U5-PBS hairpins were not bound with high affinity by the nucleocapsid portion of the HIV-1 Gag protein in vitro, implying that they contribute to packaging through a mechanism distinct from that of SL1 to SL4. Our findings confirm the existence and importance of secondary structure around the PBS and demonstrate that functional packaging signals are distributed across the entire HIV-1 leader.  相似文献   

Translation initiation on most eukaryotic mRNAs occurs via a cap-dependent scanning mechanism and its efficiency is modulated by their 5'-untranslated regions (5'-UTR). The human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) 5'-UTR contains a stable TAR hairpin directly at its 5'-end, which possibly masks the cap structure. In addition, the 5'-UTR is relatively long and contains several stable RNA structures that are essential for viral replication. These characteristics may interfere with ribosomal scanning and suggest that translation is initiated via internal entry of ribosomes. Literature on the HIV-1 5'-UTR-driven translation initiation mechanism is controversial. Both scanning and internal initiation have been shown to occur in various experimental systems. To gain further insight in the translation initiation process, we determined which part of the 5'-UTR is scanned. To do so, we introduced upstream AUGs at various positions across the 5'-UTR and determined the effect on expression of a downstream reporter gene that was placed under control of the gag start codon. This strategy allowed us to determine the window of ribosomal scanning on the HIV-1 5'-UTR.  相似文献   

Structural proteins of equine arteritis virus.   总被引:26,自引:13,他引:13       下载免费PDF全文

The terminal half of the 5' untranslated region (UTR) in the (+)-strand RNA genome of tomato bushy stunt virus was analyzed for possible roles in viral RNA replication. Computer-aided thermodynamic analysis of secondary structure, phylogenetic comparisons for base-pair covariation, and chemical and enzymatic solution structure probing were used to analyze the 78 nucleotide long 5'-terminal sequence. The results indicate that this sequence adopts a branched secondary structure containing a three-helix junction core. The T-shaped domain (TSD) formed by this terminal sequence is closed by a prominent ten base-pair long helix, termed stem 1 (S1). Deletion of either the 5' or 3' segment forming S1 (coordinates 1-10 or 69-78, respectively) in a model subviral RNA replicon, i.e. a prototypical defective interfering (DI) RNA, reduced in vivo accumulation levels of this molecule approximately 20-fold. Compensatory-type mutational analysis of S1 within this replicon revealed a strong correlation between formation of the predicted S1 structure and efficient DI RNA accumulation. RNA decay studies in vivo did not reveal any notable changes in the physical stabilities of DI RNAs containing disrupted S1s, thus implicating RNA replication as the affected process. Further investigation revealed that destabilization of S1 in the (+)-strand was significantly more detrimental to DI RNA accumulation than (-)-strand destabilization, therefore S1-mediated activity likely functions primarily via the (+)-strand. The essential role of S1 in DI RNA accumulation prompted us to examine the 5'-proximal secondary structure of a previously identified mutant DI RNA, RNA B, that lacks the 5' UTR but is still capable of low levels of replication. Mutational analysis of a predicted S1-like element present within a cryptic 5'-terminal TSD confirmed the importance of the former in RNA B accumulation. Collectively, these data support a fundamental role for the TSD, and in particular its S1 subelement, in tombusvirus RNA replication.  相似文献   

The RNA genome of turnip yellow mosaic virus (TYMV) consists of more than 6,000 nucleotides. During a study of the roles of the two hairpins located in its 90-nucleotide 5' untranslated region, it was observed that stabilization of the 5'-proximal hairpin leads to a delay in the development of symptoms on plants. This delay in symptom development for both locally and systemically infected leaves was found to be dependent on a change in the free energy of the hairpin caused by introduced mutations. A protoplast transfection assay revealed that the accumulation of plus-strand full-length RNA and subgenomic RNA, as well as protein expression levels, was affected by hairpin stability. Stabilization of this hairpin inhibited translation. A model is proposed in which a destabilized 5'-proximal hairpin allows maximal translation of the viral proteins. It is suggested that this hairpin may exist in close proximity to the 5' cap as long as its stability is low enough to enable translation. However, at an acidic pH, the hairpin structure becomes more stable and is functionally transformed into the initiation signal for viral packaging. Slightly acidic conditions can be found in chloroplasts, where TYMV assembly is driven by a low pH generated by active photosynthesis.  相似文献   

The untranslated leader of the dimeric HIV-1 RNA genome is folded into a complex structure that plays multiple and essential roles in the viral replication cycle. Here, we have investigated secondary and tertiary structural elements within the 5' 744 nucleotides of the HIV-1 genome using a combination of bioinformatics, enzymatic probing, native gel electrophoresis, and UV-crosslinking experiments. We used a recently developed RNA folding algorithm (Pfold) to predict the common secondary structure of an alignment of 20 divergent HIV-1 sequences. Combining this analysis with biochemical data, we present a secondary structure model for the entire 744 nucleotide fragment, which incorporates previously recognized and novel structural elements. In particular, our data provided strong evidence for a long-distance interaction between the region encompassing the AUG Gag initiation codon and an upstream region and we demonstrate that this feature is highly conserved in distantly related human and animal retroviruses. To obtain information about tertiary interactions we applied an intramolecular UV-crosslinking strategy and identified a novel tertiary interaction within the PBS hairpin structure.  相似文献   

Cao D  Huang YW  Meng XJ 《Journal of virology》2010,84(24):13040-13044
The roles of conserved nucleotides on the stem-loop (SL) structure in the intergenic region of the hepatitis E virus (HEV) genome in virus replication were determined by using Huh7 cells transfected with HEV SL mutant replicons containing reporter genes. One or two nucleotide mutations of the AGA motif on the loop significantly reduced HEV replication, and three or more nucleotide mutations on the loop abolished HEV replication. Mutations on the stem and of the subgenome start sequence also significantly inhibited HEV replication. The results indicated that both the sequence and the SL structure in the junction region play important roles in HEV replication.  相似文献   

Panicum mosaic virus (PMV) is a single-stranded positive-sense RNA virus in the family Tombusviridae. PMV genomic RNA (gRNA) and subgenomic RNA (sgRNA) are not capped or polyadenylated. We have determined that PMV uses a cap-independent mechanism of translation. A 116-nucleotide translational enhancer (TE) region on the 3'-untranslated region of both the gRNA and sgRNA has been identified. The TE is required for efficient translation of viral proteins in vitro. For mutants with a compromised TE, addition of cap analog, or transposition of the cis-active TE to another location, both restored translational competence of the 5'-proximal sgRNA genes in vitro.  相似文献   

Aichi virus is a member of the family Picornaviridae. It has already been shown that three stem-loop structures (SL-A, SL-B, and SL-C, from the 5' end) formed at the 5' end of the genome are critical elements for viral RNA replication. In this study, we further characterized the 5'-terminal cis-acting replication elements. We found that an additional structural element, a pseudoknot structure, is formed through base-pairing interaction between the loop segment of SL-B (nucleotides [nt] 57 to 60) and a sequence downstream of SL-C (nt 112 to 115) and showed that the formation of this pseudoknot is critical for viral RNA replication. Mapping of the 5'-terminal sequence of the Aichi virus genome required for RNA replication using a series of Aichi virus-encephalomyocarditis virus chimera replicons indicated that the 5'-end 115 nucleotides including the pseudoknot structure are the minimum requirement for RNA replication. Using the cell-free translation-replication system, we examined the abilities of viral RNAs with a lethal mutation in the 5'-terminal structural elements to synthesize negative- and positive-strand RNAs. The results showed that the formation of three stem-loops and the pseudoknot structure at the 5' end of the genome is required for negative-strand RNA synthesis. In addition, specific nucleotide sequences in the stem of SL-A or its complementary sequences at the 3' end of the negative-strand were shown to be critical for the initiation of positive-strand RNA synthesis but not for that of negative-strand synthesis. Thus, the 5' end of the Aichi virus genome encodes elements important for not only negative-strand synthesis but also positive-strand synthesis.  相似文献   

The RNA genome of hepatitis C virus (HCV) terminates with a highly conserved 98-base sequence. Enzymatic and chemical approaches were used to define the secondary structure of this 3'-terminal element in RNA transcribed in vitro from cloned cDNA. Both approaches yielded data consistent with a stable stem-loop structure within the 3'-terminal 46 bases. In contrast, the 5' 52 nucleotides of this 98-base element appear to be less ordered and may exist in multiple conformations. Under the experimental conditions tested, interaction between the 3' 98 bases and upstream HCV sequences was not detected. These data provide valuable information for future experiments aimed at identifying host and/or viral proteins which interact with this highly conserved RNA element.  相似文献   

The presence of a papainlike cysteine protease (PCP) domain in the N-terminal region of the equine arteritis virus (EAV) replicase, which had been postulated on the basis of limited sequence similarities with cellular and viral thiol proteases, was confirmed by in vitro translation and mutagenesis studies. The EAV protease was found to direct an autoproteolytic cleavage at its C terminus which leads to the production of an approximately 30-kDa N-terminal replicase product (nsp1) containing the PCP domain. Amino acid residues Cys-164 and His-230 of the EAV replicase polyprotein were identified as the most likely candidates for the role of PCP catalytic residues. By means of N-terminal sequence analysis of a PCP cleavage product, derived from a bacterial expression system, it was shown that cleavage occurs between Gly-260 and Gly-261. No evidence for PCP-directed cleavages at other positions in the EAV replicase was obtained. In cotranslational and posttranslational trans-cleavage assays, neither EAV nsp1 nor its precursor was able to process the PCP cleavage site in trans.  相似文献   

Two small RNA fragments, 5,3S and 4,7S, were observed in gel electrophoretic analysis of RNA of the 40S ribosomal subunit of rat liver. 5,3S RNA (134-136 nucleotides long) proved to be 5'-terminal fragment of 18S ribosomal RNA, whereas 4,7 RNA is the degradation product of 5,3S RNA with 27-28 5'-terminal nucleotides lost. The secondary structure of 5,3S RNA was probed with two structure-specific nucleases, S1 nuclease and the double-strand specific cobra venom endoribonuclease. The nuclease digestion data agree well with the computer generated secondary structure model for 5,3S RNA. This model predicts that the 5'-terminal part of rat liver ribosomal 18S RNA forms an independent structural domain. The affinity chromatography experiments with the immobilized 5,3S fragment show that 5,3S RNA does not bind rat liver ribosomal proteins.  相似文献   

T Ito  M M Lai 《Journal of virology》1997,71(11):8698-8706
Hepatitis C virus (HCV) contains a positive-stranded RNA genome of approximately 9.5 kb. Despite the overall sequence diversity among individual HCV isolates, the 3'-end 98 nucleotides (nt) of the HCV RNA, which constitute part of the 3'-untranslated region (3'-UTR), are highly conserved. This conserved region may contain the cis-acting signals for RNA replication involving possibly both viral and cellular proteins. We carried out RNase digestion studies, which revealed that this 98-nt region contains three stem-loops but may also assume alternative structures. We further performed UV cross-linking experiments to detect cellular proteins that bound to this region. A 58-kDa cellular protein (p58) was detected. Its binding site was mapped to the stem-loops 2 and 3, which are the most conserved region of the 3'-UTR. Site-directed mutagenesis studies revealed that both stem structures and specific nucleotide sequence within the two loops are important for p58 binding. Mutations that disrupted stem structures abolished protein binding, while the compensatory mutations restored its binding. This region also contains partial sequence similarity to the reported consensus binding sequence for polypyrimidine tract-binding protein (PTB) (a 57-kDa protein). The UV-cross-linked protein could be immunoprecipitated with the anti-PTB antibody, and the recombinant PTB bound to the HCV 3'-UTR with the same binding specificity as p58, establishing that this protein is PTB. However, the reported PTB-binding sequence was not sufficient, but rather the entire stem-loops 2 and 3 were required, for PTB binding; thus, its binding specificity is significantly different from the reported PTB-binding sequence requirement. This protein was detected in both the nuclei and cytoplasm of most mammalian cell lines tested and human primary hepatocytes. PTB may participate in the regulation of HCV RNA synthesis or translation.  相似文献   

We have solved the three-dimensional crystal structure of the stem-loop II motif (s2m) RNA element of the SARS virus genome to 2.7-Å resolution. SARS and related coronaviruses and astroviruses all possess a motif at the 3′ end of their RNA genomes, called the s2m, whose pathogenic importance is inferred from its rigorous sequence conservation in an otherwise rapidly mutable RNA genome. We find that this extreme conservation is clearly explained by the requirement to form a highly structured RNA whose unique tertiary structure includes a sharp 90° kink of the helix axis and several novel longer-range tertiary interactions. The tertiary base interactions create a tunnel that runs perpendicular to the main helical axis whose interior is negatively charged and binds two magnesium ions. These unusual features likely form interaction surfaces with conserved host cell components or other reactive sites required for virus function. Based on its conservation in viral pathogen genomes and its absence in the human genome, we suggest that these unusual structural features in the s2m RNA element are attractive targets for the design of anti-viral therapeutic agents. Structural genomics has sought to deduce protein function based on three-dimensional homology. Here we have extended this approach to RNA by proposing potential functions for a rigorously conserved set of RNA tertiary structural interactions that occur within the SARS RNA genome itself. Based on tertiary structural comparisons, we propose the s2m RNA binds one or more proteins possessing an oligomer-binding-like fold, and we suggest a possible mechanism for SARS viral RNA hijacking of host protein synthesis, both based upon observed s2m RNA macromolecular mimicry of a relevant ribosomal RNA fold.  相似文献   

Restriction fragments of recombinant plasmids containing a proviral sequence of Rous sarcoma virus (RSV) were Southern hybridized with double-stranded (ds) RNA isolated from the cells transformed with RSV. Hybridization data show that the major subpopulation of dsRNA molecules is homologous to the 5'-end region of the viral genome including the leader sequence. We have analysed the RNAs of RSV-transformed cells by the Northern procedure hybridizing them with the proviral fragment containing double long terminal repeats. The results demonstrate that the 14-16S RNA fraction is enriched in sequences which are homologous to the proviral end regions. We consider this RNA fraction to be homologous to the 5'-terminal region of the viral genome and (or) to its antisense strand.  相似文献   

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