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Polar cod, Boreogadus saida, is a key species in the Arctic Ocean ecosystem. We examined the distribution pattern of B. saida and other fish larvae in relation to oceanographic parameters, including sea surface temperature and salinity (SST and SSS), the mode of temperature and salinity within the water column (F temp and F sal), and the temporal duration between the date of sea ice retreat and the date of field surveys (dSRT) in the northern Bering Sea and Chukchi Sea during the summers of 2008 and 2013. Sampling was conducted onboard the T/S Oshoro-Maru using a bongo net for 2 years. At sampling stations, the temperature and salinity were measured using conductivity-temperature-depth profiler casts. We calculated dSRT from satellite derived polar gridded sea ice concentration data. A total of 1186 individuals comprising 7 families and 16 species were collected, with B. saida (35 %) and Ammodytes hexapterus (27 %) dominating the catch in number. Based on the species composition (cluster analysis), the sampling stations were divided into four groups. Pleuronectidae dominated group A, which was characterized by relatively high temperature (SST and F temp), while B. saida dominated group B, characterized by low temperatures. A. hexapterus dominated group C and D, which had similar temperatures and salinities, but group C had a shorter dSRT than group D. The latter was also differentiated by the presence of Lumpenus sp. B. saida, which were most abundant in regions where temperatures ranged from ?2 to 0.5 °C. These results, the geographical variation of group B sampling stations, suggest there are two separate spawning areas characterized by similar fish communities and related to consistently cold bottom temperatures. Moreover, stations with a higher abundance of smaller sized larval B. saida were characterized by a short dSRT, whereas stations with a lower abundance and a larger size were characterized by a long dSRT.  相似文献   

Energy density of a prey item provides information about the nutrition of a predator. Here, we provide data on energy content of 24 common benthic taxa (18 epifauna and six infauna) from the northern Bering and Chukchi Seas. Mollusks (both bivalves and gastropods) and amphipods had the highest caloric content of the taxa investigated. In light of changing environmental conditions and benthic communities in the Arctic, we compared present-day caloric content of several taxa with measurements conducted for the same taxa in the 1970s. In most cases, caloric content did not differ between historic and present-day values but was higher in two out of seven comparisons for both formalin-preserved samples and frozen materials. We also examined the effect of preservation methods (frozen vs. formalin-preserved) on the caloric content for seven epifaunal taxa. In three of the seven taxa, formalin-preserved specimens had significantly higher energy densities than frozen specimens. These data should make investigators aware of the opportunities and also possible limitations of including energy density values derived in different decades and from different preservation types into their calculations, although more comprehensive and time-controlled studies are needed to generate possible corrections factors.  相似文献   

楚科奇海及白令海大型底栖生物初步研究   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
1999年夏季在楚科奇海、白令海采用30 cm×30 cm箱式取样器,取得16个站位大型底栖生物定量样品。经分析研究有大型底栖生物92科164种,其中多毛类、软体动物和甲壳动物种数最多,占总种数的88.41%,三者构成北极楚科奇海和白令海大型底栖生物的主要类群。优势种有独毛虫属一种(Tharyx sp.) 、齿吻沙蚕属一种(Nephtys sp.)、囊叶齿吻沙蚕(Nephtys caeca)、平滑胡桃蛤(Ennucula tenuis)、短吻状蛤(Nuculana pernula pernuloides)、拟猛钩虾属一种( sp.)、日本沙钩虾(Byblis japonicus)和萨氏真蛇尾(Ophiura sarsii)等。楚科奇海和白令海大型底栖生物平均生物量为111.83 g/m2,平均栖息密度为2538个/m2。生物量和栖息密度均以多毛类和软体动物占多数。楚科奇海和白令海大型底栖生物有5个群落类型:Ⅰ. 梯额虫(Scalibregma inflatum)-紫轮参(Polycheira rufescens)-结栉盖蛇尾(Stegophiura nodosa)群落, Ⅱ. 拟单指虫(Cossurella sp.)-平滑胡桃蛤-鳞甲钩虾(Lepidepecreum sp.)群落, Ⅲ. 缩头竹节虫(Maldane sarai)-葛氏希泊钩虾(Hippomedon gorbunovi)-萨氏真蛇尾群落, Ⅳ.齿吻沙蚕(Nephtys sp.)-平滑胡桃蛤-日本沙钩虾-戈芬星虫(Golfingia sp.)群落和白令海群落, 即索沙蚕(Lumbrineris fragilis)-户枢蛤(Asthenothaerus sp.)-太平洋方甲涟虫(Eudorella pacifica)-革囊星虫(Phascolion sp.)群落。楚科奇海的群落Ⅰ、群落Ⅱ和白令海各群落结构相对稳定;楚科奇海群落Ⅲ和群落Ⅳ出现一定扰动。  相似文献   

Relatively little is known about the distribution of fish in deep water (>200 m) in the Beaufort Sea. Data collected by an Acoustic Doppler Current Profiler operated in the Chukchi and Beaufort seas in summer were examined for evidence of fish biomass detections between 18 and 400 m. The presence of fish in waters between 1 and 30 m was explored opportunistically with a non-scientific echo sounder. Evaluation of findings was enhanced by measurements of water column properties (temperature, salinity, fluorescence and transmissivity). Relatively small shoals of fish were detected on the Chukchi shelf and eastern Chukchi shelf break, and also on the Alaskan and Canadian Beaufort shelves in the upper 20 m (T = 2–5°C). Much larger shoals (putative polar cod) were detected within Atlantic Water along the Beaufort continental slope (250–350 m) and near the bottom of Barrow and Mackenzie canyons, where temperatures were above 0°C. A warm-water plume of Alaska Coastal Current water with high concentrations of phytoplankton, zooplankton, and fish was found extending along the shelf 300 km eastward of Barrow Canyon. In contrast to the warm surface and Atlantic Water layers, very few fish were found in colder, intermediate depth Pacific-origin water between them. The large biomass of fish in the Atlantic Water along the continental slope of the Chukchi and Beaufort seas represents previously undescribed polar cod habitat. It has important implications with regard to considerations of resource development in this area as well as understanding impacts of climate change.  相似文献   

Morphological characteristics and intestinal content were analysed for five species of coexisting freshwater fishes in Thailand: Rasbora caudimaculata , Schistura desmotes , Dermogenys pusillus , Xenentodon cancila and Monopterus albus (all found in riffle habitats in Thai streams). Rasbora caudimaculata , S. desmotes and D. pusillus fed predominantly on ephemeropterans, hymenopterans and dipterans, X. cancila fed predominantly on fishes, and larger aquatic invertebrates such as Odonata, and M. albus fed on detritus as well as invertebrate prey such as crustaceans and Odonata. Intestine length, mouth height, mouth width, eye position and mouth orientation varied among all five species. Canonical analysis of discriminance of mouth height, width and intestine length showed a clear dispersion of species, which was supported by intestine content. Evolutionary processes leading to the present differences in morphological characters resulted in each of the five species consuming a different portion of the available resource base, thereby facilitating coexistence.  相似文献   

Water quality in 16 Finnish lakes did not affect directly densely gill-rakered whitefish growth, except possibly in an acid (pH 4·9) lake, Iso Lehmaälampi, where acidity may have retarded the growth of whitefish. The density of roach affected whitefish growth in the second year of life: highest growth rates were in lakes without a roach population and lowest growth rates in lakes having strong roach populations. Competition by vendace also retarded the growth of young whitefish. The efficient mass removal of roach from a eutrophic lake was considered to have increased the growth rate of young whitefish. It is suggested that an examination of the fish species composition and relative abundance, as well as the growth of whitefish, can be used as an aid in predicting the success of stocking with whitefish.  相似文献   

Seal eating by walruses in the Bering and Chukchi Seas   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
Summary Walruses (Odobenus rosmarus) feed primarily on benthic invertebrates, but they are known to eat seals (Phocidae) occasionally, ostensibly when the benthic foods are unavailable. We investigated reports of a marked increase in occurrence of seal-eating walruses in the Bering Strait region in the late 1970's by examining stomach contents of animals taken in the spring harvests by Eskimos. We also obtained relevant information during visual surveys of marine mammals in the region. Our findings from the stomachs indicated that seal eating was 10 to 100 times more common during the 1970's and early 1980's (0.6–3.0%, N=645) than it had been in the previous three decades (0.07–0.20%, N=4015). In addition, we observed walruses in possession of seal remains in 1978 and 1979, where we had not seen such a phenomenon before in the previous 25 years. We attribute the increased predatory interaction between seals and walruses partly to a larger walrus population and, especially in 1979, to unusually restrictive spring ice conditions, which tended to cause greater than usual overlap of their distributions. Stomach contents of walruses taken in the Chukchi Sea in summer, where the ranges of walruses and seals overlap broadly in all years, have indicated a similarly high rate of occurrence of seal eaters (8.6% in the 1960's, N=35; 11.4% in 1983, N=44). As a whole, our findings indicate that most of the seal eating is predation, rather than scavenging of carrion. They also indicate that it is not rare or aberrant but common behavior, and that it could exert a significant impact on seal populations in some areas.  相似文献   

中国海物种的一般特点   总被引:9,自引:1,他引:9  
中国海已记录20 278个物种,它们隶属于5个界、44个门,其中,有12个门是海洋特有的。中国海洋的物种比淡水多,比陆地少。物种数由北往南递增。中国海洋的物种有暖水种、温水种和广分布种。许多热带海洋生物分布的北界和一些温带海洋生物分布的的南缘就在中国海域。  相似文献   

Stable isotope analyses and derived population-level metrics were used to quantitatively analyse spatial and seasonal heterogeneity in the fish trophic dynamics in relation to environmental variables in Mwanza Gulf, Lake Victoria (Tanzania). The fish community in Lake Victoria, including the top predator Nile perch, is generally omnivorous with a heavy reliance on invertebrates. This is in contrast to findings based on stomach content analyses of Nile perch, which showed a stronger reliance on fish. We tested two hypotheses: (1) during the rainy seasons multiple carbon sources influence the food-web structure inside the Gulf, leading to increased carbon ranges and trophic diversity. (2) During dry periods, the food-web structure mainly relies on pelagic primary production, reducing carbon ranges and trophic diversity. Carbon sources indeed varied seasonally and spatially, affecting the fish community at the highest trophic levels. With the onset of rains, carbon sources became spatially highly differentiated with enriched δ13C values of fish in shallow water inside the Gulf and depleted δ13C values in open waters. Metrics associated with niche size correlated significantly with seasonally varying environmental variables, while δ13C ranges correlated with spatially varying environmental variables.  相似文献   

The relationship between fluvial fish assemblages and environmental variables including water quality was studied by nonmetric multidimensional scaling (NMS) and generalised regression neural network (GRNN). Fish assemblages in the studied boreal rivers in Central Finland showed a higher response to water quality than to other environmental variables such as altitude and river width. Of the water quality parameters, total phosphorus, oxygen saturation in winter and solids had the highest influence on fish assemblages. Brown trout (Salmo trutta L.) responded to water quality strongly by favouring pristine waters. Among other fish species, the responses were lighter, and the relative contribution of environmental variables varied. Percentage of fishless sites, i.e. no catch in electrofishing, was 4.4% when pH ≥ 6, and 38.2% when pH < 6. However, the most effective way to influence the fish assemblage composition, and to raise the fish-based FIFI integrity index value, would be to reduce loading of solids and phosphorus, rather than depressing acidification.  相似文献   

We determined the species-specific habitat associations of coral reef fishes and environmental characteristics in an Okinawan coral reef in Japan. We focused on three families (Pomacentridae, Gobiidae and Labridae) and attempted to determine differences in habitat utilization. We selected six sites along the coast of Amitori Bay, from the entrance to the innermost part, in order to cover a wide range of habitat characteristics (exposed habitat, semi-exposed habitat and sheltered habitat). The species diversity of coral assemblages was greater at the exposed and semi-exposed habitats, whereas branching coral mostly covered the sheltered habitat. The environmental factors that determine the species-specific spatial association in fishes differed among families. Both biological characteristics (coral morphology and coral species diversity) and physical characteristics (water depth and wave exposure) affected the spatial association of pomacentrids and gobiids. In contrast, physical characteristics such as substrate complexity and water depth affected the species-specific spatial association of labrid species. Further study is needed to determine the ecological factors that regulate the species-specific habitat preference in Okinawan coral reefs.  相似文献   

The macroinvertebrate species and assemblages of headwater streams of the River Tyne catchment in northern England were classified and their relationship with environmental variables based on stream structure, water acidity, distance from source and land cover investigated using constrained ordination and logistic regression. Fuzzy classification of data from 322 stream sites generated five assemblages. Stream structure, quantified as an exposure index, was found to be the most important environmental variable, with water acidity also important. Distance from source and land cover had less influence on species and assemblage distribution. A considerable amount of variation in assemblage distribution was explained using a two-variable logistic regression with stream structure (exposure index) and water acidity (pH) in a template. Site structure and water acidity appeared to be related to drift, geology and topography with little anthropogenic influence. The applicability of the habitat template concept for explaining the distribution of stream macroinvertebrates is discussed.  相似文献   

Synopsis To better understand patterns of fish assemblage composition in Wisconsin streams in relation to major environmental gradients, I carried out multivariate direct gradient analysis (canonical correspondence analysis) of two large independent datasets on fish species abundance in Wisconsin streams. Analysis of the two datasets yielded similar results, suggesting that observed patterns and relationships were real. Stream sites were distributed along fish species-environment gradients, but segregation into distinct stream temperature and geographic groups was also evident. The strongest gradient in both datasets was related to summer water temperature patterns, and encompassed a transition from small, coldwater streams dominated by salmonids, cottids, certain cyprinids, and few other species, to both small and large, warmwater streams dominated by a high diversity of different cyprinids, catostomids, ictalurids, centrarchids, and percids. A second gradient in both datasets was complex but largely geographic. Within it, sites from each of the four ecoregions that occupy Wisconsin formed fairly discrete groups. The strongest differences were between sites in the two southern Wisconsin ecoregions, the Driftless Area and the Southeastern Wisconsin Till Plains, that were dominated by certain cyprinids, ictalurids, and centrarchids, and sites in the two northern Wisconsin ecoregions, the North Central Hardwood Forests and the Northern Lakes and Forests, that were dominated by a different set of cyprinids and ictalurids, plus some petromyzontids, salmonids, catostomids, and percids. Sites from the Driftless Area that were mostly higher-gradient (steep stream slope) and had many riffle-dwelling species could also be distinguished from sites in the Southeastern Wisconsin Till Plains that were mostly lower-gradient and had many pool-dwelling species. The patterns of fish assemblage composition among sites and the associated fish species-environment relationships that were revealed by the analyses provided a framework for developing an ecologically meaningful hierarchical classification of Wisconsin stream sites based on stream thermal regime, ecoregion, stream size, and stream gradient.  相似文献   

Fish assemblages on two inshore rocky subtidal sites on the west coast of Scotland, were studied using diver visual surveys on a monthly basis between September 1995 and December 1999. A total of 17 689 fishes and 26 species were recorded from the two sites, Saulmore Point (056°27'N; 005°24'W) near Oban and Davy's Rock (055°46'N; 004°53'W) on the Isle of Great Cumbrae. The gobiid Thorogobius eppiphiatus , dominated the Saulmore Point site; six fish species accounted for >93% of total abundance at that site. At Davy's Rock four species contributed at least 93% of total fish abundance, and the dominant species was the labrid Ctenolabrus rupestris . Total abundance of the dominant species displayed a clear seasonal trend, and this was significantly related to recorded daily average seawater temperature. A maximum abundance of 4.9 fishes m−2 was recorded in November 1998 at Davy's Rock and 2.5 fishes m−2 at Saulmore Point in October 1998. Multivariate analysis indicated a degree of variation in assemblage structure between winter and summer at both sites. A number of species showed some degree of interannual variation, in particular the gobiid Gobiusculus flavescens whose abundance increased by over 300 times over a 5 month period in 1998. Correlation analysis showed that variation in annual winter seawater temperature could act as an indicator of interannual variation in abundance of some of the dominant species utilizing rocky subtidal habitats.  相似文献   

Investigations on chlorophyll a and primary productivity were carried out in the Chukchi Sea and its northern Chukchi Plateau during the 2nd Chinese National Arctic Research Expedition in the summer of 2003. The results showed that chlorophyll a concentrations were 0.009–30.390 μg/dm3 at the surveyed waters; the surface chlorophyll a concentrations were 0.050–4.644 μg/dm3 and the average value was (0.875±0.981) μg/dm3 in the surveyed area. In the Chukchi Sea Shelf, chlorophyll a concentrations at the depth from 10 m to bottom were higher than that in the surface water, and the concentrations were lower at the depth below 75 m in the Chukchi Plateau. Chlorophyll a concentrations descended in 3 sequential samplings on Transect R, with average values of (2.564±1.496) μg/dm3, (1.329±0.882) μg/dm3 and (0.965±0.623) μg/dm3, respectively. The potential primary productivity ((2.305± 1.493) mgC/(m3·h)) in the Chukchi Sea was higher than that ((0.527±0.374) mgC/(m3·h)) in the Chukchi Plateau. The results of the size-fractionated chlorophyll a and primary productivity showed that microplankton accounted for the majority of the total chlorophyll a (63.13%) and primary productivity (65.16%) at the survey stations. The contributions of the nanoplankton and picoplankton to the total chlorophyll a and primary productivity were roughly the same.  相似文献   

《Aquatic Botany》2007,87(1):31-37
The fish fauna of Thalassia testudinum (König) seagrass beds was studied at two sites in the Grand Cul-de-Sac Marin Bay (Guadeloupe, French West Indies). The first seagrass bed was located near a coral reef and the second was near coastal mangroves. Both habitats were sampled during day and night, using a purse-seine and a trap net. A total of 98 species belonging to 36 families were observed. Distance-based redundancy analyses revealed two site-specific assemblages of fishes. Diel assemblage shifts were more pronounced in the seagrass beds near coral reefs than in those near mangroves, due to the existence of nocturnal trophic incursions of coral reef fishes into seagrass beds. First-order carnivores dominated the trophic structure of the fish assemblages during both day and night. At night, Haemulidae, Holocentridae and Apogonidae took the place of Labridae, Chaetodontidae and Mullidae present by day near the reef. This switch did not occur near the coast where the exchanges between seagrass beds and mangrove appear to be less important than with the reef ecosystem. Thus, it appears that the adjacent seascape habitat setting affects the intensity in diel variability of the seagrass bed fish community.  相似文献   

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