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Journal of Insect Behavior - Tetranychus urticae (the two-spotted spider mite) is a phytophagous agricultural pest that affects many economically important crops. Two-spotted spider mites are...  相似文献   

Pavlovian to Instrumental Transfer (PIT) refers to the behavioral phenomenon of increased instrumental responding for a reinforcer when in the presence of Pavlovian conditioned stimuli that were separately paired with that reinforcer. PIT effects may play an important role in substance use disorders, but little is known about the brain mechanisms that underlie these effects in alcohol consumers. We report behavioral and electroencephalographic (EEG) data from a group of social drinkers (n = 31) who performed a PIT task in which they chose between two instrumental responses in pursuit of beer and chocolate reinforcers while their EEG reactivity to beer, chocolate and neutral pictorial cues was recorded. We examined two markers of the motivational salience of the pictures: the P300 and slow wave event-related potentials (ERPs). Results demonstrated a behavioral PIT effect: responding for beer was increased when a beer picture was presented. Analyses of ERP amplitudes demonstrated significantly larger slow potentials evoked by beer cues at various electrode clusters. Contrary to hypotheses, there were no significant correlations between behavioral PIT effects, electrophysiological reactivity to the cues, and individual differences in drinking behaviour. Our findings are the first to demonstrate a PIT effect for beer, accompanied by increased slow potentials in response to beer cues, in social drinkers. The lack of relationship between behavioral and EEG measures, and between these measures and individual differences in drinking behaviour may be attributed to methodological features of the PIT task and to characteristics of our sample.  相似文献   

Field experiments carried out on the nocturnal orb weaver spider, Neoscona crucifera (Aranea: Araneidae), found in deciduous hardwood forests suggest that lighted areas where prey densities are elevated provide cues used by the spiders to rank optimal foraging sites. Specifically, experiments were conducted to test whether spiders exhibited preferences for lighted areas where prey densities are high, maximizing their energy intake per unit of foraging time, and minimizing energy expended on web building. Incandescent light bulbs of 4–60 W were used to influence prey densities, and results indicate that when given a choice of brighter versus darker foraging areas, spiders seek lighted areas where prey densities are high. In addition, results support the hypothesis that the size and time of web construction are drastically reduced in brighter situations.  相似文献   

Human-wildlife conflicts are widespread around the world and result in property damage, disease spillover, financial loss, and decreased tolerance of wildlife. Increasing elk (Cervus canadensis) populations and land-use changes in the western United States are challenging resource managers tasked with managing conflict. Lethal and non-lethal management actions are commonly used to remove elk from conflict zones where they are not desired. We used radio-collar location data collected from female elk in 2 study areas in Montana, USA, from 2017–2020 to evaluate population- and individual-level responses to management actions (i.e., hunting, hazing) and environmental factors (i.e., weather, season, time of day). First, we used a generalized linear model with a logit link to evaluate the effects of hunting, hazing, time period, seasonality, and weather on the proportion of collared elk that used a conflict zone. Second, we used an ordinary linear model to assess the influence of hunting, hazing, seasonality, and weather on the duration of time that individual elk remained away from conflict zones. The proportion of elk using conflict zones was reduced by hunting, modestly reduced by hazing and increasing snowpack for 1 study area, increased at night, and decreased by a seasonal trend across months. The time individual elk remained away from conflict zones increased with the number of hazing events that occurred during an event and showed a modest seasonal trend increasing across months. For 1 study area, time away increased with the number of hunting days during an event and increasing snowpack, but the increase was biologically trivial. Our results indicate mixed responses of elk to hunting and hazing actions and provide evidence that management actions can influence elk use of conflict areas. Agencies trying to reduce conflicts may want to consider a combination of hunting and hazing, while accounting for site-specific characteristics to keep elk away from conflict zones. © 2021 The Wildlife Society.  相似文献   

Spatial and temporal variation in ecological parameters selects for plastic responses to prevailing conditions. Males of web spiders have been shown to adjust developmental decisions to cues that relate to the degree of competition from other males. Here, we explore experimentally whether males of the spider Nephila senegalensis base behavioural decisions in the context of mate choice and sperm allocation to the presence of cues of a rival and to their own competitive dominance. Large and small males were offered a simultaneous choice between two penultimate instar females that varied in quality and in whether they were previously visited by a rival male. Large and small males avoided webs visited by a previous male, and this preference overrode differences in female quality. In a second experiment, males were assigned to copulate with a virgin female whose web was either previously visited by a rival male or not. We found substantial variation in male sperm allocation, but this variation was not related to our treatment. Our experiments demonstrate that males notice silk cues left behind by rival males on a female’s web and that they can utilize these cues in relation to decisions over whether to visit a web, but not in relation to sperm allocation.  相似文献   

Predation risk can strongly affect the behavior of prey species. However, empirical evidence for changes in behavior driven by spider cues is restricted to relatively few taxa. Here, we conducted a series of behavioral experiments to test for changes in activity among a wide range of terrestrial arthropods. We confronted 13 insect and eight spider species with chemotactile cues of three spider species. We applied two different experimental setups: In the ‘no-choice experiment’ prey individuals were either put on control filter papers or on filter papers previously occupied by a spider. In the ‘choice experiment’, the prey individuals were able to choose between filter paper halves with and without spider cues. In both setups, the response to spider cues depended significantly on prey species, with some species increasing and others decreasing their activity. Surprisingly few prey species responded to the spider cues at all. Our results indicate that predator recognition upon contact with cue bearing filter papers is strongly prey-specific and that behavioral effects driven by spider chemotactile cues are an exception rather than the rule among terrestrial arthropods.  相似文献   

In the wolf spider, Hogna helluo , we tested the response to insect and spider prey chemical cues and whether they show a preference for cues associated with prey consumed most recently. Thirty adult female H. helluo were maintained on a diet of either females of a smaller co-occurring wolf spider ( Pardosa milvina ) or domestic crickets ( Acheta domesticus ). A single P. milvina or cricket nymph was maintained on filter paper for 24 h, after which the papers from both prey sources were simultaneously presented to individual H. helluo from each diet treatment group. H. helluo locomotor behavior on each treatment and initial substrate preference was recorded (n = 15/treatment). H. helluo fed crickets showed significantly longer residence time and decreased mobility on filter paper previously occupied by a cricket; spiders fed P. milvina showed longer residence times and decreased mobility on filter paper previously occupied by P. milvina . H. helluo fed P. milvina exhibited an initial preference for substrates previously occupied by P. milvina but H. helluo fed crickets did not show a corresponding initial preference for crickets. Results suggest that H. helluo can detect distant cues associated with P. milvina but not crickets before contacting the substrate and that H. helluo respond to chemical cues from prey and show a preference for those cues associated with their most recent prey.  相似文献   

It has been suggested that the process of domestication, at least in some species, has led to an innate predisposition to be skilled at reading human communicative and attentional cues. Adult domestic horses (Equus caballus) are highly sensitive to subtle bodily cues when determining if a person is attending to them but they are less adept at using human communicative cues in object choice tasks. Here we provide the first study into the ontogeny of such skills in order to gain insights into the mechanisms underlying these abilities. Compared with adult horses, youngsters under the age of three could use body orientation but not more subtle cues such as head movement and open/closed eyes to correctly choose an attentive person to approach for food. Across two object choice experiments, the performance of young horses was comparable to that of adult horses – subjects were able to correctly choose a rewarded bucket using marker placement, pointing and touching cues but could not use body orientation, gaze, elbow pointing or tapping cues. Taken together these results do not support the theory that horses possess an innate predisposition to be particularly skilled at using human cues. Horses'' ability to determine whether humans are attending to them using subtle body cues appears to require significant experience to fully develop and their perhaps less remarkable use of limited cues in object choice tasks, although present at a much earlier age, is likely to reflect a more general learning ability related to stimulus enhancement rather than a specific ‘human-reading’ skill.  相似文献   

Aquatic organisms often detect predators via water-borne chemical cues, and respond by showing reduced activity. Prey responses may be correlated with the concentration of predation cues, which would result in graded antipredator behavioral responses that adjust potentially costly behavioral changes to levels that are commensurate with the risk of predation. Larvae of the predatory mosquito Toxorhynchites rutilus prey upon other container-dwelling insects, including larvae of the mosquito Ochlerotatus triseriatus. Previous work has established that O. triseriatus reduce movement, foraging, and time below the surface, and increase the frequency of resting at the surface, in the presence of water-borne cues from predation by T. rutilus. We tested whether these responses by O. triseriatus are threat sensitive by recording behavior of fourth instar larvae in two runs of an experiment in which we created a series of concentrations (100, 10, 1, 0.1, and 0.01% and 100, 70, 40, 20, and 10%) of water that had held either O. triseriatus larvae alone (control) or a T. rutilus larva feeding on O. triseriatus (predation). We also tested whether associated effects on time spent feeding are threat sensitive by determining whether frequencies of filtering or browsing are also related to concentration of cues. The frequencies of resting and surface declined, whereas frequency of filtering (but not browsing) increased more rapidly with a decrease in concentration of predation cues compared with control cues. Thus, O. triseriatus shows a threat sensitive behavioral response to water-borne cues from this predator, adjusting its degree of behavioral response to the apparent risk of predation.  相似文献   

Human activities in protected areas can affect wildlife populations in a similar manner to predation risk, causing increases in movement and vigilance, shifts in habitat use and changes in group size. Nevertheless, recent evidence indicates that in certain situations ungulate species may actually utilize areas associated with higher levels of human presence as a potential refuge from disturbance-sensitive predators. We now use four-years of behavioral activity budget data collected from pronghorn (Antilocapra americana) and elk (Cervus elephus) in Grand Teton National Park, USA to test whether predictable patterns of human presence can provide a shelter from predatory risk. Daily behavioral scans were conducted along two parallel sections of road that differed in traffic volume - with the main Teton Park Road experiencing vehicle use that was approximately thirty-fold greater than the River Road. At the busier Teton Park Road, both species of ungulate engaged in higher levels of feeding (27% increase in the proportion of pronghorn feeding and 21% increase for elk), lower levels of alert behavior (18% decrease for pronghorn and 9% decrease for elk) and formed smaller groups. These responses are commonly associated with reduced predatory threat. Pronghorn also exhibited a 30% increase in the proportion of individuals moving at the River Road as would be expected under greater exposure to predation risk. Our findings concur with the ‘predator shelter hypothesis’, suggesting that ungulates in GTNP use human presence as a potential refuge from predation risk, adjusting their behavior accordingly. Human activity has the potential to alter predator-prey interactions and drive trophic-mediated effects that could ultimately impact ecosystem function and biodiversity.  相似文献   

Larvae of the mosquito Toxorhynchites rutilus (Coquillett) prey upon other container-dwelling insects, including larvae of Aedes albopictus (Skuse), which is native to Asia but was introduced into the United States, and on the native tree hole mosquito Ochlerotatus triseriatus (Say). Previous work has established that O. triseriatus adopts low-risk behaviors in the presence of predation risk from T. rutilus. It is unknown whether introduced A. albopictus show a similar response to this predator. Behavior of fourth instars of A. albopictus or O. triseriatus was recorded in water that had held either A. albopictus or O. triseriatus larvae alone (control) and in water that had held T. rutilus larvae feeding on either A. albopictus or O. triseriatus (predation). Activity and position of larvae were recorded in 30-min instantaneous scan censuses. In response to water-borne cues to predation, O. triseriatus adopted low-risk behaviors (more resting, less feeding and movement), but A. albopictus did not change its behavior. We also tested the species specificity of the cues by recording the behavior of A. albopictus in water prepared using O. triseriatus and vice versa. O. triseriatus adopted low-risk behaviors even in predation water prepared by feeding T. rutilus with A. albopictus, but A. albopictus did not alter its behavior significantly between predation and control treatments prepared using O. triseriatus. Thus, A. albopictus does not seem to respond behaviorally to cues produced by this predator and may be more vulnerable to predation than is O. triseriatus.  相似文献   

Although behavior is being gradually incorporated into phylogenetic studies, the understanding of the evolution of one of its main characteristics, plasticity or adjustment to environmental features, is still a challenge, mainly due to the lack of comparative data. In this paper we focus on the plasticity of the predatory repertoire of Achaearanea digitus, analyzing its responses to two prey types, and discuss the evolution of behavioral plasticity based on a comparison to the foraging repertoire of other araneoid sheetweavers and on a review of hunting tactics among the larger group of orbweavers. Contrasting with what was observed for other families, spiders of the family Theridiidae (among them A. digitus) show a small set of attack tactics, and a quite stereotyped predatory performance. These spiders regularly attack their prey with a typical sticky silk wrapping tactic, but fail to use other tactics such as bitewrap or bitepull out prey, which are commonly used in other spider families. We show that this stereotypy is typical of the foraging repertoire of araneoid sheetweavers. Plotting the mean size of the attack tactics repertoire on the phylogeny of Orbiculariae shows that high predatory stereotypy is a plesiomorphy of the whole araneoidea group, and that evolutionary increases in plasticity occur independently two times in the group, among Araneidae and Nephilidae. The maintenance of a plesiomorphic, stereotyped predatory behavior among theridiids is probably due to the evolution of a special behavioral technique, which includes the simultaneous use of the fourth legs during wrapping attacks. Since the individuals in the species of this group of sheetweavers face less variable environments than do orbweavers, they should indeed evolve more stereotyped phenotypes, but nevertheless their evolved predatory stereotypy contrasts with plasticity in other aspects of their foraging behavior (web building). Since, in this case, both stereotypy and plasticity result from a simplification in the mechanisms underlying behavioral expression, we suggest that less variable environments select not exactly for behavioral stereotypy, but rather to the simplification of these information processing mechanisms.
Hilton F. JapyassúEmail:

Females of C. jellisoni larviposited significantly more often on deer models with black or blue muzzles than on models with red or white muzzles. Females of C. apicata only larviposited on models with black muzzles. For C. jellisoni, which sprays larvae into nostrils, a model having a muzzle with no nostrils received no larvipositions, but females larviposited into all nostril depressions placed in abnormal positions on muzzles. For C. apicata, which targets the lips, there was no significant difference in the number of larvipositions on muzzles with nostrils in abnormal positions or when muzzles were oriented in different positions. For both species there was no significant difference in the number of larvipositions on models when CO2 was released at different parts of the body.  相似文献   

Sound localization in insects is typically investigated using single loudspeaker paradigms to examine the impact of sensory cues. Here, the contribution of specific cues to turning responses in a two-loudspeaker paradigm equivalent to a choice situation was examined. For that, several sensory cues were systematically varied to determine their respective contribution to the strength of the turning response in female crickets. In three experimental sets (1) the temporal arrangement of chirp patterns broadcast from two speakers, (2) the relative timing of chirps and (3) the impact of phase differences of the carrier frequency were varied at different intensity levels between both speakers. While the arrangement of chirp patterns had little influence on the strength of turning responses, time delays up to 20 ms and phase differences of 90° and 270° clearly affected directional turning at otherwise equal intensities. In all three sets of experiments turning responses were sensitive to intensity differences and saturated at +/? 6 dB. Turning responses due to timing of pulses or phase differences were compensated by intensity differences of 2–3 dB. Building on a large body of literature on peripheral and central processing it was possible to assign the observed effects to specific processing stages in the auditory pathway of crickets.  相似文献   

The behaviour of the spider crab Inachus phalangium (Fabricius, 1775), which lives in association with the sea anemone Anemonia sulcata (Pennant), was studied in the field. The crab was found in the littoral zone of the Mediterranean Sea near Banyuls sur Mer, France, in the whole depth range studied (0.5–25 m). The crabs had a long-lasting association with individual Anemonia sulcata, occasionally with Aiptasia mutabilis. Most crabs were found in association with the same anemone for several days, some crabs were found in association with the same anemone for longer than one month. In the areas studied, on average 65 Inachus phalangium were found on 100 anemones. Crabs released in the vicinity of anemones moved towards them and entered them. Inachus phalangium could walk between the tentacles of Anemonia sulcata and Aiptasia mutabilis without eliciting feeding reactions of the anemone. The crabs left the anemones for moulting. After moulting masking material was removed from the exuvia and used again. The animals returned into an anemone while still soft. Material used for masking, usually algae, could be picked off the body and eaten. Masking material may be a food reservoir in addition to providing camouflage. Anemones were left only during night-time. The crabs left their anemone to moult, to feed in the vicinity, fleeing from larger conspecifics, and to migrate to a different anemone. Outside the anemone's protection Inachus was eaten by several species of fish. Individuals appeared to avoid each other. 57% of all animals were found alone on an anemone. Large males and females were more frequently found alone than were small males and females. Fights were observed between members of the same and of the opposite sex. During fights, legs and claws could be torn off. Adult males migrated more often between anemones and moved over larger distances when migrating than did adult females. Adult males probably migrated in search of sexually mature females. Such a roving strategy is evolutionarily stable only when the higher costs (in terms of energy expenditure and mortality) are compensated for by a higher number of offspring than produced in the alternative, pair-bonding strategy.  相似文献   

During central nervous system development, neurons differentiate distinct axonal and dendritic processes whose outgrowth is influenced by environmental cues. Given the known intrinsic differences between axons and dendrites and that little is known about the response of dendrites to inhibitory cues, we tested the hypothesis that outgrowth of differentiating axons and dendrites of hippocampal neurons is differentially influenced by inhibitory environmental cues. A sensitive growth cone behavior assay was used to assess responses of differentiating axonal and dendritic growth cones to oligodendrocytes and oligodendrocyte- derived, myelin-associated glycoprotein (MAG). We report that >90% of axonal growth cones collapsed after contact with oligodendrocytes. None of the encounters between differentiating, MAP-2 positive dendritic growth cones and oligodendrocytes resulted in growth cone collapse. The insensitivity of differentiating dendritic growth cones appears to be acquired since they develop from minor processes whose growth cones are inhibited (nearly 70% collapse) by contact with oligodendrocytes. Recombinant MAG(rMAG)-coated beads caused collapse of 72% of axonal growth cones but only 29% of differentiating dendritic growth cones. Unlike their response to contact with oligodendrocytes, few growth cones of minor processes were inhibited by rMAG-coated beads (20% collapsed). These results reveal the capability of differentiating growth cones of the same neuron to partition the complex molecular terrain they navigate by generating unique responses to particular inhibitory environmental cues.  相似文献   

Although chemical predator cues often lead to changes in the anti-predator behavior of animal prey, it is not clear whether non-volatile herbivore kairomones (i.e. incidental chemical cues produced by herbivore movement or metabolism but not produced by an attack) trigger the induction of defense in plants prior to attack. I found that unwounded plants (Brassica nigra) that were regularly exposed to kairomones from snails (mucus and feces produced during movement of Helix aspersa) subsequently experienced reduced rates of attack by snails, unlike unwounded plants that received only one initial early exposure to snail kairomones. A follow-up experiment found that mucus alone did not affect snail feeding on previously harvested B. oleracea leaves, suggesting that changes in herbivory on B. nigra were due to changes in plant quality. The finding that chemicals associated with herbivores leads to changes in palatability of unwounded plants suggests that plants eavesdrop on components of non-volatile kairomones of their snail herbivores. Moreover, this work shows that the nature of plant exposure matters, supporting the conclusion that plants that have not been attacked or wounded nonetheless tailor their use of defenses based on incidental chemical information associated with herbivores and the timing with which cues of potential attack are encountered.  相似文献   

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