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Rami Khoriaty Matthew P. Vasievich Morgan Jones Lesley Everett Jennifer Chase Jiayi Tao David Siemieniak Bin Zhang Ivan Maillard David Ginsburg 《Molecular and cellular biology》2014,34(19):3721-3734
Congenital dyserythropoietic anemia type II (CDAII) is an autosomal recessive disease of ineffective erythropoiesis characterized by increased bi/multinucleated erythroid precursors in the bone marrow. CDAII results from mutations in SEC23B. The SEC23 protein is a core component of coat protein complex II-coated vesicles, which transport secretory proteins from the endoplasmic reticulum to the Golgi apparatus. Though the genetic defect underlying CDAII has been identified, the pathophysiology of this disease remains unknown. We previously reported that SEC23B-deficient mice die perinatally, exhibiting massive pancreatic degeneration, with this early mortality limiting evaluation of the adult hematopoietic compartment. We now report that mice with SEC23B deficiency restricted to the hematopoietic compartment survive normally and do not exhibit anemia or other CDAII characteristics. We also demonstrate that SEC23B-deficient hematopoietic stem cells (HSC) do not exhibit a disadvantage at reconstituting hematopoiesis when compared directly to wild-type HSC in a competitive repopulation assay. Secondary bone marrow transplants demonstrated continued equivalence of SEC23B-deficient and WT HSC in their hematopoietic reconstitution potential. The surprising discordance in phenotypes between SEC23B-deficient mice and humans may reflect an evolutionary shift in SEC23 paralog function and/or expression, or a change in a specific COPII cargo critical for erythropoiesis. 相似文献
Flavio Faletra Emmanouil Athanasakis Anna Morgan Xevi Biarnés Federico Fornasier Rossella Parini Francesca Furlan Arianna Boiani Arianna Maiorana Carlo Dionisi-Vici Laura Giordano Alberto Burlina Alessandro Ventura Paolo Gasparini 《Gene》2013
Congenital hyperinsulinism (CHI) is a genetic disorder characterized by profound hypoglycemia related to an inappropriate insulin secretion. It is a heterogeneous disease classified into two major subgroups: “channelopathies” due to defects in ATP-sensitive potassium channel, encoded by ABCC8 and KCNJ11 genes, and “metabolopathies” caused by mutation of several genes (GLUD1, GCK, HADH, SLC16A1, HNF4A and HNF1A) and involved in different metabolic pathways. To elucidate the genetic etiology of CHI in the Italian population, we conducted an extensive sequencing analysis of the CHI-related genes in a large cohort of 36 patients: Twenty-nine suffering from classic hyperinsulinism (HI) and seven from hyperinsulinism–hyperammonemia (HI/HA). Seventeen mutations have been found in fifteen HI patients and five mutations in five HI/HA patients. Our data confirm the major role of ATP-sensitive potassium channel in the pathogenesis of Italian cases (~ 70%) while the remaining percentage should be attributed to other. A better knowledge of molecular basis of CHI would lead to improve strategies for genetic screening and prenatal diagnosis. Moreover, genetic analysis might also help to distinguish the two histopathological forms of CHI, which would lead to a clear improvement in the treatment and in genetic counseling. 相似文献
Pereira GS Brandão RM Giuliatti S Zago MA Silva WA 《Genetics and molecular research : GMR》2006,5(1):108-114
Serial analysis of gene expression (SAGE) technology produces large sets of interesting genes that are difficult to analyze directly. Bioinformatics tools are needed to interpret the functional information in these gene sets. We present an interactive web-based tool, called Gene Class, which allows functional annotation of SAGE data using the Gene Ontology (GO) database. This tool performs searches in the GO database for each SAGE tag, making associations in the selected GO category for a level selected in the hierarchy. This system provides user-friendly data navigation and visualization for mapping SAGE data onto the gene ontology structure. This tool also provides graphical visualization of the percentage of SAGE tags in each GO category, along with confidence intervals and hypothesis testing. 相似文献
J. Pedro Fernández-Murray Sergey V. Prykhozhij J. Noelia Dufay Shelby L. Steele Daniel Gaston Gheyath K. Nasrallah Andrew J. Coombs Robert S. Liwski Conrad V. Fernandez Jason N. Berman Christopher R. McMaster 《PLoS genetics》2016,12(1)
Sideroblastic anemias are acquired or inherited anemias that result in a decreased ability to synthesize hemoglobin in red blood cells and result in the presence of iron deposits in the mitochondria of red blood cell precursors. A common subtype of congenital sideroblastic anemia is due to autosomal recessive mutations in the SLC25A38 gene. The current treatment for SLC25A38 congenital sideroblastic anemia is chronic blood transfusion coupled with iron chelation. The function of SLC25A38 is not known. Here we report that the SLC25A38 protein, and its yeast homolog Hem25, are mitochondrial glycine transporters required for the initiation of heme synthesis. To do so, we took advantage of the fact that mitochondrial glycine has several roles beyond the synthesis of heme, including the synthesis of folate derivatives through the glycine cleavage system. The data were consistent with Hem25 not being the sole mitochondrial glycine importer, and we identify a second SLC25 family member Ymc1, as a potential secondary mitochondrial glycine importer. Based on these findings, we observed that high levels of exogenous glycine, or 5-aminolevulinic acid (5-Ala) a metabolite downstream of Hem25 in heme biosynthetic pathway, were able to restore heme levels to normal in yeast cells lacking Hem25 function. While neither glycine nor 5-Ala could ameliorate SLC25A38 congenital sideroblastic anemia in a zebrafish model, we determined that the addition of folate with glycine was able to restore hemoglobin levels. This difference is likely due to the fact that yeast can synthesize folate, whereas in zebrafish folate is an essential vitamin that must be obtained exogenously. Given the tolerability of glycine and folate in humans, this study points to a potential novel treatment for SLC25A38 congenital sideroblastic anemia. 相似文献
Function and assembly of photosystem II: genetic and molecular analysis 总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15
One hundred years have passed since Brodmann's mapping of the mammalian neocortex. Solely on the basis of morphological observations, he envisaged the conservation and differentiation of cortical areal structures across various species. We now know that neurochemical, connectional and functional heterogeneity of the neocortex accompanies the morphological divergence observed in such cytoarchitectonic studies. Nevertheless, we are yet far from fully understanding the biological significance of this cortical heterogeneity. In this article, we review our past works on the gene expression profiling of the postnatal primate cortical areas, by quantitative real-time polymerase chain reaction (PCR), DNA array, differential display PCR and in situ hybridization analyses. These studies revealed both the overall homogeneity of gene expression across different cortical areas and the presence of a small number of genes that show markedly area-specific expression patterns. In situ hybridization showed that, among such genes, occ1 and retinol-binding protein (RBP) mRNAs are selectively expressed in the neuronal populations that seem to be involved in distinct neural processing such as sensory reception (for occ1 ) and associative function (for RBP). Such a molecular neuroanatomical approach has the promise to provide an important link between structure and function of the cerebral cortex. 相似文献
Recent developments in microarray technology make it possible to capture the gene expression profiles for thousands of genes at once. With this data researchers are tackling problems ranging from the identification of 'cancer genes' to the formidable task of adding functional annotations to our rapidly growing gene databases. Specific research questions suggest patterns of gene expression that are interesting and informative: for instance, genes with large variance or groups of genes that are highly correlated. Cluster analysis and related techniques are proving to be very useful. However, such exploratory methods alone do not provide the opportunity to engage in statistical inference. Given the high dimensionality (thousands of genes) and small sample sizes (often <30) encountered in these datasets, an honest assessment of sampling variability is crucial and can prevent the over-interpretation of spurious results. We describe a statistical framework that encompasses many of the analytical goals in gene expression analysis; our framework is completely compatible with many of the current approaches and, in fact, can increase their utility. We propose the use of a deterministic rule, applied to the parameters of the gene expression distribution, to select a target subset of genes that are of biological interest. In addition to subset membership, the target subset can include information about relationships between genes, such as clustering. This target subset presents an interesting parameter that we can estimate by applying the rule to the sample statistics of microarray data. The parametric bootstrap, based on a multivariate normal model, is used to estimate the distribution of these estimated subsets and relevant summary measures of this sampling distribution are proposed. We focus on rules that operate on the mean and covariance. Using Bernstein's Inequality, we obtain consistency of the subset estimates, under the assumption that the sample size converges faster to infinity than the logarithm of the number of genes. We also provide a conservative sample size formula guaranteeing that the sample mean and sample covariance matrix are uniformly within a distance epsilon > 0 of the population mean and covariance. The practical performance of the method using a cluster-based subset rule is illustrated with a simulation study. The method is illustrated with an analysis of a publicly available leukemia data set. 相似文献
Familial hypercholesterolemia (FH) is a common cause of a variety of cardiovascular diseases. The aim of this study was to uncover the underlying mechanism of FH and provide a possible treatment project for FH. We tried to identify the differently expressed genes (DEGs) involved in FH by comparing the gene expression profiles between FH and normal cells. We performed GO and biological pathway analysis of differently expressed genes with DAVID. We searched for candidates for FH treatment by analyzing DEGs between normal cells and FH cells and compared the differences with the DEGs caused by the small interfering molecules in The Connectivity Map (cmap). Using a bioinformatics method, we identified the abnormal metabolic processes in the cells of FH patients, including cell adhesion, material transport, signal transduction and gene expression, and found that the small molecule trazodone could be a potential drug in restoring the dysregulated metabolic pathway. In conclusion, candidates for further evaluation as possible therapeutic agents for FH have been identified using bioinformatics analysis of differentially expressed genes. Phenotype targeting using genomic profiling is a rational approach to drug discovery, which provides a new guideline in treatment of FH and a potential new clinical drug for FH patients. 相似文献
Congenital adrenal hyperplasia is a disorder occurring in both sexes and is the commonest cause of ambiguous genitalia. It is a group of autosomal recessive disorders in which, on the basis of an enzyme defect the bulk of steroid hormone production by adrenal cortex shifts from corticosteroids to androgens. Autosomal recessive mutations in the CYP21, CYP17, CYP11B1 and 3betaHSD genes that encode steroidogenic enzymes, in addition to mutations in the gene encoding the intracellular cholesterol transport protein steroidogenic acute regulatory protein StAR can cause CAH. Each of the defects causes different biochemical consequences and clinical features. Deficiencies in 21 hydroxylase (21-OH) and 11beta-Hydroxylase (11beta-OH) are the two most frequent causes of CAH. All the biochemical defects impair cortisol secretion, resulting into compensatory hypersecretion of ACTH and consequent hyperplasia of the adrenal cortex. Research in recent years has clarified clinical, biochemical and genetic problems in diagnosis and treatment of the disorders. Expanding knowledge of the gene mutations associated with each of these disorders is providing valuable diagnostic tools in addition to the biochemical profile and phenotype. Genotyping is useful in selecting instances to provide genetic counseling and to clarify ambiguous cases. 相似文献
Interaction between ROCK II and nucleophosmin/B23 in the regulation of centrosome duplication 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1

Ma Z Kanai M Kawamura K Kaibuchi K Ye K Fukasawa K 《Molecular and cellular biology》2006,26(23):9016-9034
Nucleophosmin (NPM)/B23 has been implicated in the regulation of centrosome duplication. NPM/B23 localizes between two centrioles in the unduplicated centrosome. Upon phosphorylation on Thr199 by cyclin-dependent kinase 2 (CDK2)/cyclin E, the majority of centrosomal NPM/B23 dissociates from centrosomes, but some NPM/B23 phosphorylated on Thr199 remains at centrosomes. It has been shown that Thr199 phosphorylation of NPM/B23 is critical for the physical separation of the paired centrioles, an initial event of the centrosome duplication process. Here, we identified ROCK II kinase, an effector of Rho small GTPase, as a protein that localizes to centrosomes and physically interacts with NPM/B23. Expression of the constitutively active form of ROCK II promotes centrosome duplication, while down-regulation of ROCK II expression results in the suppression of centrosome duplication, especially delaying the initiation of centrosome duplication during the cell cycle. Moreover, ROCK II regulates centrosome duplication in its kinase and centrosome localization activity-dependent manner. We further found that ROCK II kinase activity is significantly enhanced by binding to NPM/B23 and that NPM/B23 acquires a higher binding affinity to ROCK II upon phosphorylation on Thr199. Moreover, physical interaction between ROCK II and NPM/B23 in vivo occurs in association with CDK2/cyclin E activation and the emergence of Thr199-phosphorylated NPM/B23. All these findings point to ROCK II as the effector of the CDK2/cyclin E-NPM/B23 pathway in the regulation of centrosome duplication. 相似文献
Developmental Defects and Male Sterility in Mice Lacking the Ubiquitin-Like DNA Repair Gene mHR23B

Jessica M. Y. Ng Harry Vrieling Kaoru Sugasawa Marja P. Ooms J. Anton Grootegoed Jan T. M. Vreeburg Pim Visser Rudolph B. Beems Theo G. M. F. Gorgels Fumio Hanaoka Jan H. J. Hoeijmakers Gijsbertus T. J. van der Horst 《Molecular and cellular biology》2002,22(4):1233-1245
mHR23B encodes one of the two mammalian homologs of Saccharomyces cerevisiae RAD23, a ubiquitin-like fusion protein involved in nucleotide excision repair (NER). Part of mHR23B is complexed with the XPC protein, and this heterodimer functions as the main damage detector and initiator of global genome NER. While XPC defects exist in humans and mice, mutations for mHR23A and mHR23B are not known. Here, we present a mouse model for mHR23B. Unlike XPC-deficient cells, mHR23B(-/-) mouse embryonic fibroblasts are not UV sensitive and retain the repair characteristics of wild-type cells. In agreement with the results of in vitro repair studies, this indicates that mHR23A can functionally replace mHR23B in NER. Unexpectedly, mHR23B(-/-) mice show impaired embryonic development and a high rate (90%) of intrauterine or neonatal death. Surviving animals display a variety of abnormalities, including retarded growth, facial dysmorphology, and male sterility. Such abnormalities are not observed in XPC and other NER-deficient mouse mutants and point to a separate function of mHR23B in development. This function may involve regulation of protein stability via the ubiquitin/proteasome pathway and is not or only in part compensated for by mHR23A. 相似文献