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Currently, the majority of tools in synthetic biology have been designed and constructed for model organisms such as Escherichia coli and Saccharomyces cerevisiae. In order to broaden the spectrum of organisms accessible to such tools, we established a synthetic biological platform, called CoryneBrick, for gene expression in Corynebacterium glutamicum as a set of E. coli-C. glutamicum shuttle vectors whose elements are interchangeable with BglBrick standard parts. C. glutamicum is an established industrial microorganism for the production of amino acids, proteins, and commercially promising chemicals. Using the CoryneBrick vectors, we showed various time-dependent expression profiles of a red fluorescent protein. This CoryneBrick platform was also applicable for two-plasmid expression systems with a conventional C. glutamicum expression vector. In order to demonstrate the practical application of the CoryneBrick vectors, we successfully reconstructed the xylose utilization pathway in the xylose-negative C. glutamicum wild type by fast BglBrick cloning methods using multiple genes encoding for xylose isomerase and xylulose kinase, resulting in a growth rate of 0.11?±?0.004 h?1 and a xylose uptake rate of 3.35 mmol/gDW/h when 1 % xylose was used as sole carbon source. Thus, CoryneBrick vectors were shown to be useful engineering tools in order to exploit Corynebacterium as a synthetic platform for the production of chemicals by controllable expression of the genes of interest.  相似文献   

Targeted gene replacement to generate knock-outs and knock-ins is a commonly used method to study the function of unknown genes. In the methylotrophic yeast Pichia pastoris, the importance of specific gene targeting has increased since the genome sequencing projects of the most commonly used strains have been accomplished, but rapid progress in the field has been impeded by inefficient mechanisms for accurate integration. To improve gene targeting efficiency in P. pastoris, we identified and deleted the P. pastoris KU70 homologue. We observed a substantial increase in the targeting efficiency using the two commonly known and used integration loci HIS4 and ADE1, reaching over 90% targeting efficiencies with only 250-bp flanking homologous DNA. Although the ku70 deletion strain was noted to be more sensitive to UV rays than the corresponding wild-type strain, no lethality, severe growth retardation or loss of gene copy numbers could be detected during repetitive rounds of cultivation and induction of heterologous protein production. Furthermore, we demonstrated the use of the ku70 deletion strain for fast and simple screening of genes in the search of new auxotrophic markers by targeting dihydroxyacetone synthase and glycerol kinase genes. Precise knock-out strains for the well-known P. pastoris AOX1, ARG4 and HIS4 genes and a whole series of expression vectors were generated based on the wild-type platform strain, providing a broad spectrum of precise tools for both intracellular and secreted production of heterologous proteins utilizing various selection markers and integration strategies for targeted or random integration of single and multiple genes. The simplicity of targeted integration in the ku70 deletion strain will further support protein production strain generation and synthetic biology using P. pastoris strains as platform hosts.  相似文献   

方刚 《生物信息学》2016,14(1):39-42
由于基因测序及DNA合成技术与工具的突破性进展,生物工程正在加速发展,导致合成生物学的出现。本文介绍了一种用于构建表达载体的合成生物学数据库。阐述了如何利用MySQL数据库管理系统(DBMS)对合成生物学数据库gene_bank进行查询,并借助BioEdit软件对其中的多克隆位点(MCS)进行序列分析,通过查询与分析找出这一合成生物学数据库的特点。  相似文献   

Despite substantial progress in synthetic biology, we still lack the ability to engineer anything as complex as Nature has. One of the many reasons is that we lack the requisite tools for independently controlling the expression of multiple genes in parallel. While our toolbox is still spare, the situation is rapidly changing. This opinion discusses some recent approaches and open challenges in designing orthogonal regulators of gene expression in bacteria.  相似文献   

Bacteria construct elaborate nanostructures, obtain nutrients and energy from diverse sources, synthesize complex molecules, and implement signal processing to react to their environment. These complex phenotypes require the coordinated action of multiple genes, which are often encoded in a contiguous region of the genome, referred to as a gene cluster. Gene clusters sometimes contain all of the genes necessary and sufficient for a particular function. As an evolutionary mechanism, gene clusters facilitate the horizontal transfer of the complete function between species. Here, we review recent work on a number of clusters whose functions are relevant to biotechnology. Engineering these clusters has been hindered by their regulatory complexity, the need to balance the expression of many genes, and a lack of tools to design and manipulate DNA at this scale. Advances in synthetic biology will enable the large-scale bottom-up engineering of the clusters to optimize their functions, wake up cryptic clusters, or to transfer them between organisms. Understanding and manipulating gene clusters will move towards an era of genome engineering, where multiple functions can be "mixed-and-matched" to create a designer organism.  相似文献   



Synthetic biology aims to engineer biological systems for desired behaviors. The construction of these systems can be complex, often requiring genetic reprogramming, extensive de novo DNA synthesis, and functional screening.


Herein, we present a programmable, multipurpose microfluidic platform and associated software and apply the platform to major steps of the synthetic biology research cycle: design, construction, testing, and analysis. We show the platform’s capabilities for multiple automated DNA assembly methods, including a new method for Isothermal Hierarchical DNA Construction, and for Escherichia coli and Saccharomyces cerevisiae transformation. The platform enables the automated control of cellular growth, gene expression induction, and proteogenic and metabolic output analysis.


Taken together, we demonstrate the microfluidic platform’s potential to provide end-to-end solutions for synthetic biology research, from design to functional analysis.

Adenovirus vectors for gene expression.   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Adenoviruses possess a combination of features that make them highly suitable as vectors for expression of heterologous genes. Non-conditional and non-defective adeno-vectors have been constructed to obtain high level expression of a number of foreign genes and some of them have been shown in animal models to exhibit excellent promise as vaccine candidates.  相似文献   

Studies in the structural biology of the multicomponent protein complex, metabolic engineering, and synthetic biology frequently rely on the efficient over-expression of these subunits or enzymes in the same cell. As a first step, constructing the multiple expression cassettes will be a complicated and time-consuming job if the classic and conventional digestion and ligation based cloning method is used. Some more efficient methods have been developed, including (1) the employment of a multiple compatible plasmid expression system, (2) the rare-cutter-based design of vectors, (3) in vitro recombination (sequence and ligation independent cloning, the isothermally enzymatic assembly of DNA molecules in a single reaction), and (4) in vivo recombination using recombination-efficient yeast (in vivo assembly of overlapping fragments, reiterative recombination for the chromosome integration of foreign expression cassettes). In this review, we systematically introduce these available methods.  相似文献   

Alphavirus vectors for gene expression and vaccines.   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
Alphavirus expression vectors are finding novel uses in research. They are showing increasing promise as vaccines and are being developed for diagnostic assays of other viruses. Some highlights over the past couple of years include improvements in packaging of replicons, targeting of Sindbis virus replicons, stable cell lines that can be induced to produce replicons, and the isolation of noncytopathic variants of Sindbis virus replicons. Reports that alphavirus vectors can efficiently infect neurons in rat hippocampal slices should increase their use in neurobiological studies.  相似文献   

The human cytomegalovirus and elongation factor 1?? promoters are constitutive promoters commonly employed by mammalian expression vectors. These promoters generally produce high levels of expression in many types of cells and tissues. To generate a library of synthetic promoters capable of generating a range of low, intermediate, and high expression levels, the TATA and CAAT box elements of these promoters were mutated. Other promoter variants were also generated by random mutagenesis. Evaluation using plasmid vectors integrated at a single site in the genome revealed that these various synthetic promoters were capable of expression levels spanning a 40-fold range. Retroviral vectors were equipped with the synthetic promoters and evaluated for their ability to reproduce the graded expression demonstrated by plasmid integration. A vector with a self-inactivating long terminal repeat could neither reproduce the full range of expression levels nor produce stable expression. Using a second vector design, the different synthetic promoters enabled stable expression over a broad range of expression levels in different cell lines.  相似文献   

Improved retroviral vectors for gene transfer and expression   总被引:320,自引:0,他引:320  
A D Miller  G J Rosman 《BioTechniques》1989,7(9):980-2, 984-6, 989-90
We describe a set of murine retrovirus-based vectors that include unique cloning sites for insertion of cDNAs such that the cDNA can be driven by either the retroviral long terminal repeat, the immediate early promoter of human cytomegalovirus, or the simian virus 40 early promoter. The vectors carry the neomycin phosphotransferase gene expressed from an alternate promoter as a selectable marker. These vectors have been constructed to prevent viral protein synthesis from the remaining viral sequences, to yield high-titer virus stocks after introduction into retrovirus packaging cells, and to eliminate homologous overlap with viral DNAs present in retrovirus packaging cells in order to prevent helper virus production. Methods for generating high-titer virus are described.  相似文献   

Insect baculoviruses: powerful gene expression vectors   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Baculovirus vectors have proven useful in producing high levels of biologically active eukaryotic proteins and providing cellular fractions which are enriched in the protein of interest. Expression occurs in infected insect cells which also provide a suitable environment for post-translational modification and folding of the protein product. Stable baculovirus vectors can be constructed rapidly with a minimum of viral manipulation.  相似文献   

Plants are an excellent source of drug leads. However availability is limited by access to source species, low abundance and recalcitrance to chemical synthesis. Although plant genomics is yielding a wealth of genes for natural product biosynthesis, the translation of this genetic information into small molecules for evaluation as drug leads represents a major bottleneck. For example, the yeast platform for artemisinic acid production is estimated to have taken >150 person years to develop. Here we demonstrate the power of plant transient transfection technology for rapid, scalable biosynthesis and isolation of triterpenes, one of the largest and most structurally diverse families of plant natural products. Using pathway engineering and improved agro-infiltration methodology we are able to generate gram-scale quantities of purified triterpene in just a few weeks. In contrast to heterologous expression in microbes, this system does not depend on re-engineering of the host. We next exploit agro-infection for quick and easy combinatorial biosynthesis without the need for generation of multi-gene constructs, so affording an easy entrée to suites of molecules, some new-to-nature, that are recalcitrant to chemical synthesis. We use this platform to purify a suite of bespoke triterpene analogs and demonstrate differences in anti-proliferative and anti-inflammatory activity in bioassays, providing proof of concept of this system for accessing and evaluating medicinally important bioactives. Together with new genome mining algorithms for plant pathway discovery and advances in plant synthetic biology, this advance provides new routes to synthesize and access previously inaccessible natural products and analogs and has the potential to reinvigorate drug discovery pipelines.  相似文献   

Improvements to vaccinia virus expression vectors continue to be made. In particular, there are new methods for the construction of recombinant viruses, ways of increasing the level of gene expression, and vectors that allow the inducible expression of selected genes.  相似文献   



Adenovectors are widely used for efficient delivery of genes into a variety of cell types and organisms. However, the construction of the desired vector/genes combination, especially if it involves the cloning of several gene cassettes, can be laborious due to the large size of these vectors. New methods are needed to simplify the construction of complex combinations of gene cassettes into adenovectors.


Using simple cloning techniques and exploiting the λ‐phage packaging system, we devised efficient methods for the ‘selection’ of the desired vector constructs. Thus we generated a series of cosmids containing the adeno helper dependent (HD) backbone in which we inserted cis‐ and trans‐acting tetracycline (tet) elements for the regulation of any gene of interest. One of these cosmids has been used to produce an HD adenovirus carrying a tetracycline‐regulated gene expressing β‐galactosidase.


We have demonstrated that the adeno‐cosmid system allows rapid and efficient cloning of genes of interest in helper dependent vectors, and described a prototype ‘ready‐to‐use’ vector in which any gene of interest can be easily expressed under the control of the tet system. The HD viruses produced with this novel methodology can be grown at high titers, can be easily separated from the helper adenovirus, and allow delivery and regulated gene expression in a variety of tissues.


Exploiting the λ‐packaging system, complex adeno constructs can be generated with a simple and reproducible protocol, which allows selection of the desired size construct, counterselecting for the frequently observed intramolecular recombinations and deletions. Copyright © 2002 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.

Lipophophoramidates constitute a class of synthetic vectors which were especially designed for gene delivery. In this family of compounds, the phosphorus functional group links two lipid chains to a spacer ended by a polar headgroup. Such vectors, which can readily be obtained, offer an alternative to the numerous examples of glycerolipid-based vectors that have been more exhaustively studied. Since the pioneering work describing this series of synthetic vectors, several chemical modifications have been proposed with the aim of correlating the molecular structure with the gene transfection efficacy. It has indeed been observed that some modifications which may be considered as minor at first glance, actually have important consequences on both the transfection efficacy and cytotoxic side effects. We herein discuss the modification of the structure of lipophosphoramidates, in particular of their lipidic part and of the nature of the cationic polar head which may be constituted by a trimethylammonium, trimethylphosphonium or trimethylarsonium motif. We also report that, as well as the in vitro transfection efficacy which governs the selection of the most promising vectors for in vivo studies, other aspects related to the synthetic pathway must be also considered for the development of new synthetic vectors (such as modularity of the synthesis, scaling-up).  相似文献   

We describe the current status of the gene expression database CIBEX (Center for Information Biology gene EXpression database, http://cibex.nig.ac.jp), with a data retrieval system in compliance with MIAME, a standard that the MGED Society has developed for comparing and data produced in microarray experiments at different laboratories worldwide. CIBEX serves as a public repository for a wide range of high-throughput experimental data in gene expression research, including microarray-based experiments measuring mRNA, serial analysis of gene expression (SAGE tags), and mass spectrometry proteomic data.  相似文献   

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