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Enzyme activity capable of converting the glycine-extended substance P precursor, substance P-Gly12, into substance P was purified from human cerebrospinal fluid. The conversion reaction was monitored by radioimmunoassay measurement of substance P formation. The chemical identity of the product was verified by reversed-phase HPLC. The enzyme reaction was stimulated by Cu(II) ion and ascorbic acid and inhibited by the presence of diethyldithiocarbamate. By HPLC molecular sieving, the major enzyme activity appeared as a protein of 26,000 molecular weight.  相似文献   

The present study demonstrates precursors of neurotensin-like immunoreactivity (NTLI) endogenous to human gastric tissue and plasma, and the existence of a gastric NTLI-generating enzyme system. The molecular size of the NTLI-precursors in plasma and gastric tissue were estimated by gel permeation chromatography to be ca 50,000-60,000 and 60,000-70,000 Da, respectively. The neurotensin-like peptide generated from the precursor was detected with a carboxyl-terminally directed antiserum but did not cross-react with an amino-terminally directed antiserum. A neurotensin-like peptide isolated from pepsin-treated human plasma was characterized by mass spectrometry and its amino acid sequence determined. This novel nonapeptide, referred to as kinetensin, failed to affect pentagastrin-stimulated acid secretion or blood pressure in the rat. Sequence homologies between neurotensin, kinetensin and proteins of the serum albumin family suggest a common evolutionary origin and raise questions regarding albumin-like proteins as precursors of regulatory peptides.  相似文献   

A metal-chelating substance in brewed coffee was separated and characterized by its chemical structure. This substance was a brown polymer. The contents of sugars, amino acids and phenolics in the substance were evaluated. This polymer contained small amounts of sugars and amino acids in its partial structure. After being decomposed by alkaline fusion, the decomposition products were identified by HPLC and GC-MS. Several phenolics were detected in the decomposed products. To characterize this substance, various types of model compounds were prepared by roasting chlorogenic acid, sucrose, and (or) protein with cellulose powder. Among these model compounds, the polymer-forming ability was highest in the model prepared from all four of materials, but the metal-chelating ability was the highest in the model prepared from chlorogenic acid and cellulose. These results suggest that this metal-chelating substance was a melanoidin-like polymer formed by the decomposition and polymerization of sugars, amino acids and phenolics.  相似文献   

Characterization of human megakaryocytic colony formation in human plasma   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
We have analysed the contribution to megakaryocyte colony formation in methylcellulose made by human plasma, serum, media conditioned by phytohemagglutinin (PHA) stimulated leukocytes (PHA-LCM), erythropoietin (EPO) preparations, and platelets. The culture system was used as a bioassay for megakaryocyte colony stimulating activity (Meg-CSA) in plasma samples of patients with perturbed megakaryocytopoiesis. Preparations of heparinized platelet-poor plasma yielded the most consistent results. Platelet-poor plasma of normal subjects will at best facilitate the occasional growth of small megakaryocyte colonies. Colony frequency and size are reproducibly enhanced in the presence of PHA-LCM as a source of exogenous Meg-CSA. Commercially available EPO preparations may vary in their content of activities that influence megakaryocyte colony formation. Addition of these preparations to cultures that contain plasma and PHA-LCM usually does not enhance colony formation. In contrast to platelet-poor plasma, platelet rich plasma and serum are less supportive of megakaryocyte colony growth. It is suggested that this loss of activity may be related to the release of inhibitors by activated platelets or alternatively caused by absorption of activities by platelets. Plasma samples from patients with megakaryocytopoietic dysfunction may contain components that promote colony formation without addition of PHA-LCM or EPO. This phenomenon is consistently observed for patients with severe aplastic anemia and bone marrow transplant recipients after completion of their ablative preparative regimen.  相似文献   

Incubation studies were performed on plasma obtained from subjects selected for relatively low levels of high-density lipoprotein cholesterol (HDL-C) (no greater than 30 mg/dl) and particle size distributions enriched in the HDL3 subclass. Incubation (12 h, 37 degrees C) of plasma in the presence or absence of lecithin: cholesterol acyltransferase activity produces marked alteration in size profiles of both major apolipoprotein-specific HDL3 populations (HDL3(AI w AII), HDL3 species containing both apolipoprotein A-I and apolipoprotein A-II, and HDL3(AI w/o AII), HDL3 species containing apolipoprotein A-I) as isolated by immunoaffinity chromatography. In the presence or absence of lecithin: cholesterol acyltransferase activity, plasma incubation results in a shift of HDL3(AI w AII) species (initial mean sizes of major components, approx. 8.8 and 8.0 nm) predominantly to larger particles (mean size, 9.8 nm). A less prominent shift to smaller particles (mean size, 7.8 nm) accompanies the conversion to larger particles only when the enzyme is active. Combined shifts to larger (mean size, 9.8 nm) and smaller (mean size, 7.4 nm) particles are observed for HDL3(AI w/o AII) particles (mean size, 8.3 nm) also only in the presence of enzyme activity. However, in the absence of enzyme activity, HDL3(AI w/o AII) species, unlike the HDL3(AI w AII) species, are converted to smaller (mean size 7.4 nm) rather than to larger particles. Like native HDL2b(AI w/o AII) particles, the larger HDL3(AI w/o AII) conversion products exhibit a protein moiety with molecular weight equivalent to four apolipoprotein A-I molecules per particle; small HDL3(AI w/o AII) products are comprised predominantly of particles with two apolipoprotein A-I per particle. Incubation-induced conversion of HDL3 particles in the presence of lecithin: cholesterol acyltransferase activity is associated with increased binding of both apolipoprotein-specific HDL populations to low-density lipoproteins (LDL). The present studies indicate that, in the absence of lecithin: cholesterol acyltransferase activity, the two HDL3 populations follow different conversion pathways, possibly due to apolipoprotein-specific activities of lipid transfer protein or conversion protein in plasma. Our studies also suggest that lecithin: cholesterol acyltransferase activity may play a role in the origins of large HDL2b(AI w/o AII) species in human plasma by participating in the conversion of HDL3(AI w/o AII) particles, initially with three apolipoprotein A-I, to larger particles with four apolipoprotein A-I per particle.  相似文献   

Conversion of substance P to C-terminal fragments in human plasma   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
Substance P is rapidly converted by enzyme(s) in human plasma to des-[Arg1Pro2]-substance P (fragment 3-11) and to des-[Arg1Pro2Lys3Pro4]-substance P (fragment 5-11). These metabolites were isolated by HPLC and partially sequenced. No evidence was obtained for deamidation of substance P in plasma or for the formation of the N-terminal tetrapeptide [Arg-Pro-Lys-Pro]. The data suggest that substance P is metabolized in human plasma by an enzyme with the specificity of dipeptidyl-aminopeptidase IV. Consistent with this hypothesis, the rate of degradation of substance P measured with an antibody directed against the N-terminal region is 2-3-fold greater than measured with a C-terminally directed antibody. The degrading activity of plasma was purified 522-fold and was eluted from a gel filtration column in the molecular weight zone 150 000-170 000 and from a chromatofocusing column in the pH range 4.5 to 5.5.  相似文献   

Angiotensin II generated by a human renal carboxypeptidase   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Angiotensin II, the potent hypertensive octapeptide, can be generated by a sequential cleavage of the carboxyl-terminal leucine and histidine from angiotensin I by a human renal extract. This extract does not hydrolyze further the resulting octapeptide. The more widely recognized biosynthetic pathway is by the extracellular dipeptide cleavage of angiotensin I by an enzyme which also degrades bradykinin, i.e., angiotensin converting enzyme. The presence of a carboxypeptidase activity capable of generating but not further hydrolyzing angiotensin II was observed in an ammonium sulfate fraction of a human renal extract. This novel enzymatic activity is distinct from angiotensin converting enzyme activity in that it is not dependent upon calcium and is not inhibited by known angiotensin converting enzyme inhibitors.  相似文献   

DNA synthesis and mitosis were increased in mitogen-stimulated senescent WI-38 cells following incubation with plasma membranes prepared from young or senescent WI-38 cells, A431 cells, 3T3 cells, or NR6 cells. The percentage of [3H]thymidine-labeled nuclei in senescent cultures was two- to fivefold greater than that seen in controls in which cells were incubated in the absence of membranes or in the presence of boiled membranes. The effect was trypsin sensitive, suggesting that a protein moiety is necessary for stimulation of DNA synthesis. As the culture age increased, basal levels of DNA synthesis, as well as maximal stimulation of DNA synthesis following incubation with plasma membranes, decreased. These observations are consistent with the hypothesis that different subpopulations exist in senescing cultures and suggest a complex pattern of inhibitory and stimulatory regulation of cell proliferation.  相似文献   

It is shown that the nonlinear currents generated in plasma by a radiation pulse with a frequency exceeding the electron plasma frequency change substantially due to a reduction in the effective electron–ion collision frequency.  相似文献   

Lima ES  Di Mascio P  Rubbo H  Abdalla DS 《Biochemistry》2002,41(34):10717-10722
Nitric oxide (*NO) is a pervasive free radical species that concentrates in lipophilic compartments to serve as a potent inhibitor of lipid and low-density lipoprotein oxidation processes. In this study, we synthesized, characterized, and detected nitrated derivatives of linoleic acid (18:2) in human blood plasma using high-pressure liquid chromatography coupled with electrospray ionization tandem mass spectrometry. While the reaction of nitronium tetrafluoroborate with 18:2 presented ions with a mass/charge (m/z) ratio of 324 in the negative ion mode, characteristic of nitrolinoleate (LNO(2)), the reaction of nitrite (NO(2)(-)) with linoleic acid hydroperoxide yielded nitrohydroxylinoleate (LNO(2)OH, m/z 340). Further analysis by MS/MS gave a major fragment at m/z 46, characteristic of a nitro group (-NO(2)) present in the parent ion. This was confirmed by using [(15)N]O(2), which gave products of m/z 325 and 341, that after fragmentation yielded a daughter ion at m/z 47. Moreover, a C-NO(2) structure was also demonstrated in LNO(2)OH by nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy ((15)N NMR, delta 375.9), as well as by infrared analysis in both LNO(2)OH (nu(max) = 3427, 1553, and 1374 cm(-1)) and LNO(2) (nu(max) = 1552 and 1373 cm(-1)). Stable products with m/z of 324 and 340, which possessed the same chromatographic characteristics and fragmentation pattern as synthesized standards, were found in human plasma of normolipidemic and hyperlipidemic donors. The presence of these novel nitrogen-containing oxidized lipid adducts in human plasma could represent "footprints" of the antioxidant action of *NO on lipid oxidation and/or a pro-oxidant and nitrating action of *NO-derived species.  相似文献   

Processes occurring in a plasma flow generated by a magnetoplasma compressor (MPC) during the formation of the compression zone are discussed. The paper presents results of measurements of the spatial distribution of the electric current in the plasma flow, the temporal and spatial (along the flow) distributions of the plasma density, and the profiles of the velocity of individual flow layers along the system axis. The spatial distribution of the electromagnetic force in the flow is analyzed. It is shown that the plasma flow is decelerated when approaching the compression zone and reaccelerated after passing it. In this case, the plasma flow velocity decreases from ν = (2–3) × 107 cm/s at the MPC output to ν < 106 cm/s in the region of maximum compression and then again increases to 107 cm/s at a distance of 15–17 cm from the MPC output. In some MPC operating modes, a displacement of the magnetic field from the compression zone and the formation of toroidal electric current vortices in the plasma flow after passing the compression zone were detected.  相似文献   

A novel bacteriocin-like substance produced by vaginal Lactobacillus salivarius subsp. salivarius CRL 1328 with activity against Enterococcus faecalis, Enterococcus faecium, and Neisseria gonorrhoeae was characterized. The highest level of production of this heat-resistant peptide or protein occurred during the late exponential phase. Its mode of action was shown to be bactericidal. L. salivarius subsp. salivarius CRL 1328 could be used for the design of a probiotic to prevent urogenital infections.  相似文献   

Localization of creatine kinase in isolated cardiac cells nuclei has been studied. Carefully purified cardiac nuclei preparations contain creatine kinase electrophoretically similar to the mitochondrial creatine kinase isoenzyme. Histochemical electron microscopic investigations have shown that nuclear creatine kinase is localized inside nuclei closely to chromatin.  相似文献   

The susceptible degradation sites of therapeutic proteins are routinely assessed under accelerated conditions such as exposure to chemicals or incubation at elevated temperature or a combination of both. A fully human monoclonal IgG(1) antibody was characterized after incubation at 40 degrees C for 6 months by employing mass spectrometry and chromatography analyses. It was found that deamidation, fragmentation and N-terminal glutamate cyclization to form pyroglutamate are the major degradation pathways. Three major deamidation sites were identified and one site in a small tryptic peptide accounted for more than 80% of the total. Peptide cleavage was observed at several positions between different pairs of amino acids. Most of the cleavage sites were located in the hinge or other flexible regions of the IgG molecule.  相似文献   

This study investigates the suitability of surface-enhanced laser desorption and ionization time-of-flight (SELDI-TOF) and electrospray ionization (ESI) mass spectrometry for analysis of the proteins released by the mouse preimplantation embryo in vitro. SELDI-TOF analysis with CM10 or IMAC30 (but not Q10) protein chips detected a protein peak at m/z ~8570 released by both C57BL6 and hybrid embryos. No other peaks unique to the presence of the embryo were identified with this method. ESI mass spectrometry of tryptic digests of embryo-conditioned media identified a total of 20 proteins released during development from the zygote to blastocyst stage. Four proteins were expressed in at least 7 out of 8 cultures tested, one of these (lactate dehydrogenase B) was in all cultures. A further five proteins were in at least half of the cultures and 11 more proteins were in at least one culture. The expression of two of these proteins is essential for preimplantation embryo development (NLR family, pyrin domain containing 5 and peptidyl arginine deiminase, type VI). A further four proteins detected have roles in redox regulation of cells, and three others are capable of inducing post-translational modifications of proteins. This study shows the feasibility of ESI mass spectrometry for identifying the proteins secreted by the preimplantation embryo in vitro. This analysis identifies a range of targets that now require detailed functional analysis to assess whether their release by the embryo is an important property of early embryo development.  相似文献   

Electron microscopy revealed multi-layered membranes within the cytoplasmic inclusion (accumulation of nucleocapsids) produced by rabies virus. When infected BHK cells were maintained at 31 C, an enhancement in production of these membranes occurred in approximately 60% of inclusion-containing cells. Multi-layered membranes were composed of an alternate array of two different layers; an electron-dense, thin membrane and a less dense layer which was thicker. SDS-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis and immune electron microscopy of isolated multi-layered membrane preparations demonstrated that the structures contained viral G and M2 polypeptides. Our observations suggest that these membranous structures are not a degenerative product of rabies virus infection but rather are related to the replication of viral envelope constituents, although they represent themselves to be an abortive form of viral assembly.  相似文献   

This study addresses the characterization of human islet-like structures generated from a newly discovered sparse population of precursor cells (Petropavlovskaia and Rosenberg, 2002) in the human pancreas. These cells may be progenitor cells capable of producing pancreatic cells suitable for the treatment of type 1 diabetes. The cells were cultured successfully in non-adherent stationary cultures and yielded, as an important first step, a 1.9-fold expansion in a serum-free medium developed specifically for this cell type. This expanded population grew as pancreatic cell aggregates, which were analyzed for islet-like characteristics. Specifically, through RT-PCR analyses and functionality assays, we show that cells within the population expressed all four of the endocrine hormone genes and proteins (insulin, glucagon, somatostatin, pancreatic polypeptide). As well, the expanded pancreatic precursor cell population exhibited glucose responsiveness although the produced cells appeared to be still primitive in nature.  相似文献   

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