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A triple-helical conformation and stability at physiological temperature are critical for the mechanical and biological functions of the fibril-forming collagens. Here, we characterized the role of consecutive domains of collagen II in stabilizing the triple helix. Analysis of melting temperatures of genetically engineered collagen-like proteins consisting of tandem repeats of the D1, D2, D3 or D4 collagen II periods revealed the presence of a gradient of thermostability along the collagen molecule with thermolabile N-terminal domains and thermostable C-terminal domains. These results imply a multi-domain character of the collagen triple helix. Assays of thermostabilities of the Arg75Cys and Arg789Cys collagen II mutants suggest that, in contrast to the thermostable domains, the thermolabile domains are able to accommodate amino acid substitutions without altering the thermostability of the entire collagen molecule.  相似文献   

Researchers have recently questioned the role hydroxylated prolines play in stabilizing the collagen triple helix. To address these issues, we have developed new molecular mechanics parameters for the simulation of peptides containing 4(R)-fluoroproline (Flp), 4(R)-hydroxyproline (Hyp), and 4(R)-aminoproline (Amp). Simulations of peptides based on these parameters can be used to determine the components that stabilize hydroxyproline over proline in the triple helix. The dihedrals F-C-C-N, O-C-C-N, and N-C-C-N were built using a N-beta-ethyl amide model. One nanosecond simulations were performed on the trimers [(Pro-Pro-Gly)(10)](3), [(Pro-Hyp-Gly)(10)](3), [(Pro-Amp-Gly)(10)](3), [(Pro-Amp(1+)-Gly)(10)](3), and [(Pro-Flp-Gly)(10)](3) in explicit solvent. The results of our simulations suggest that pyrrolidine ring conformation is mediated by the strength of the gauche effect and classical electrostatic interactions.  相似文献   

Heating and subsequent cooling mixtures of (Pro-Pro-Gly)(10) and (Pro-Hyp-Gly)(10) peptides leads to formation of model heterotrimeric collagen helices that can be isolated by HPLC. These heterotrimeric collagen peptide helices are shown to be fundamentally unstable as denaturing then renaturing experiments result in heterotrimeric/homotrimeric mixtures.As the proportion of hydroxyproline-containing chains in the trimers increases, differential scanning calorimetry shows that the helix melting temperatures and denaturation enthalpies increasing non-linearly. Three types of Rich-Crick hydrogen bonds observed by NMR allow modelling of heterotrimeric structures based on published homotrimeric X-ray data. This revealed a small axial movement of (Pro-Hyp-Gly)(10) chains towards the C-terminal of the helix, demonstrating heterotrimeric asymmetry.  相似文献   

Matrix metalloproteases (MMPs) cleave native collagen at a single site despite the fact that collagen contains more than one scissile bond that can, in principle, be cleaved. For peptide bond hydrolysis to occur at one specific site, MMPs must (1) localize to a region near the unique scissile bond, (2) bind residues at the catalytic site that form the scissile bond, and (3) hydrolyze the corresponding peptide bond. Prior studies suggest that for some types of collagen, binding of noncatalytic MMP domains to amino acid sequences in the vicinity of the true cleavage site facilitates the localization of collagenases. In the present study, our goal was to determine whether binding to the catalytic site also plays a role in determining MMP specificity. To investigate this, we computed the conformational free energy landscape of Type III collagen at each potential cleavage site. The free energy profiles suggest that although all potential cleavage sites sample unfolded states at relatively low temperatures, the true cleavage site samples structures that are complementary to the catalytic site. By contrast, potential cleavage sites that are not cleaved sample states that are relatively incompatible with the MMP active site. Furthermore, our findings point to a specific role for arginine residues in modulating the structural stability of collagen near the collagenase cleavage site. These data imply that locally unfolded potential cleavage sites in Type III collagen sample distinct unfolded ensembles, and that the region about the true collagenase cleavage site samples states that are most complementary to the MMP active site. Proteins 2010. © 2009 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Collagens present in the connective tissues of the extracellular matrix of fibrosarcoma were isolated and characterized. The fibrosarcoma was induced in rats by the administration of 3-methylcholanthrene. The results obtained were compared with normal muscle. An excess amount of type V collagen was found to be produced by the fibrosarcoma tissue compared to the normal muscle. Type V collagen from fibrosarcoma was characterized on the basis of solubility behavior in sodium chloride solutions, electrophoretic mobility on SDS-polyacrylamide gels, elution pattern of phosphocellulose chromatography and amino acid composition.  相似文献   

本研究建立了一种测定胶原蛋白的三股螺旋结构含量的方法。该方法通过使用柱前衍生高效液相色谱(HPLC)法表征经胰蛋白酶酶解后胶原蛋白羟脯氨酸(Hyp)质量浓度的变化,进而对胶原蛋白的三股螺旋结构进行定量。探讨了不同的酶解时间(0~48h)、酶与底物的比例(1∶100、1∶50和1∶20)和温度(20、25、30、37℃)对明胶降解率的影响。获得了酶解的最佳条件——当胰蛋白酶与底物的比例为1∶50时,25℃酶解3h。使用该方法对明胶胶原蛋白混合液检测,结果表明,该方法能灵敏(RSD<10%)的测定胶原蛋白三股螺旋结构的含量。该方法不仅可用于生物组织研究领域,也可用于胶原蛋白食品、保健品和组织工程产品质量的评价。  相似文献   

Unveiling sequence-stability and structure-stability relationships is a major goal of protein chemistry and structural biology. Despite the enormous efforts devoted, answers to these issues remain elusive. In principle, collagen represents an ideal system for such investigations due to its simplified sequence and regular structure. However, the definition of the molecular basis of collagen triple helix stability has hitherto proved to be a difficult task. Particularly puzzling is the decoding of the mechanism of triple helix stabilization/destabilization induced by imino acids. Although the propensity-based model, which correlates the propensities of the individual imino acids with the structural requirements of the triple helix, is able to explicate most of the experimental data, it is unable to predict the rather high stability of peptides embedding Gly-Hyp-Hyp triplets. Starting from the available X-ray structures of this polypeptide, we carried out an extensive quantum chemistry analysis of the mutual interactions established by hydroxyproline residues located at the X and Y positions of the Gly-X-Y motif. Our data clearly indicate that the opposing rings of these residues establish significant van der Waals and dipole-dipole interactions that play an important role in triple helix stabilization. These findings suggest that triple helix stabilization can be achieved by distinct structural mechanisms. The interplay of these subtle but recurrent effects dictates the overall stability of this widespread structural motif.  相似文献   

Handgraaf JW  Zerbetto F 《Proteins》2006,64(3):711-718
The onset of water gelation around a collagen-like triple helix peptide was studied at ambient temperature and pressure by performing Molecular Dynamics simulations. The radial distribution functions of the oxygen and hydrogen atoms of water are distorted below 4 A from the peptide. The distortion is accompanied by the breakdown of the tetrahedral coordination of the hydrogen-bonded network of water molecules. The water shell around the peptide consists of alternating regions of higher and lower density. In agreement with experiments we find that the first hydration shell is kinetically labile, with a residence time in the order of picoseconds for a water molecule. From the computed diffusion coefficient, a key measure of the collective dynamics, we estimate the average diffusion speed decreases by a factor of 1.5 close to the peptide compared to the liquid. Our results give new insight in gel formation and structure on a molecular level.  相似文献   

Collagens, characterized by a unique triple-helical structure, are the predominant component of extracellular matrices (ECMs) existing in all multicellular animals. Collagens not only maintain structural integrity of tissues and organs, but also regulate a number of biological events, including cell attachment, migration and differentiation, tissue regeneration and animal development. The specific functions of collagens are generally triggered by specific interactions of collagen-binding molecules (membrane receptors, soluble factors and other ECM components) with certain structures displayed on the collagen triple helices. Thus, synthetic triple-helical peptides that mimic the structure of native collagens have been used to investigate the individual collagen-protein interactions, as well as collagen structure and stability. The first part of this article illustrates the design of various collagen-mimetic peptides and their recent applications in matrix biology. Collagen is also acknowledged as one of the most promising biomaterials in regenerative medicine and tissue engineering. However, the use of animal-derived collagens in human could put the recipients at risks of pathogen transmission or allergic reactions. Hence, the production of safe artificial collagen surrogates is currently of considerable interest. The latter part of this article reviews recent attempts to develop artificial collagens as novel biomaterials.  相似文献   

Collagen II fibrils are a critical structural component of the extracellular matrix of cartilage providing the tissue with its unique biomechanical properties. The self-assembly of collagen molecules into fibrils is a spontaneous process that depends on site-specific binding between specific domains belonging to interacting molecules. These interactions can be altered by mutations in the COL2A1 gene found in patients with a variety of heritable cartilage disorders known as chondrodysplasias. Employing recombinant procollagen II, we studied the effects of R75C or R789C mutations on fibril formation. We determined that both R75C and R789C mutants were incorporated into collagen assemblies. The effects of the R75C and R789C substitutions on fibril formation differed significantly. The R75C substitution located in the thermolabile region of collagen II had no major effect on the fibril formation process or the morphology of fibrils. In contrast, the R789C substitution located in the thermostable region of collagen II caused profound changes in the morphology of collagen assemblies. These results provide a basis for identifying pathways leading from single amino acid substitutions in collagen II to changes in the structure of individual fibrils and in the organization of collagenous matrices.  相似文献   

Deposition of type X collagen in the cartilage extracellular matrix   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In cultured chick embryo chondrocytes, type X collagen is preferentially deposited in the extracellular matrix, the ratio between type II and type X collagen being about 5 times higher in the culture medium than in the cell layer. When the newly synthesized collagens deposited in slices from the epiphyseal cartilage of 17-day-old embryo tibiae were isolated, type X collagen was always the major species. In agreement with this result the mRNA for type X collagen was the predominant mRNA species purified from the same tissue. When the total collagen (unlabeled) deposited in the epiphyseal cartilage was analyzed, it was observed that type X collagen represented only 1/15 of the type II collagen recovered in the same preparation. The possible explanations for these differences are discussed.  相似文献   

Tendon and corneal decorins are differently iduronated dermatan sulphate/proteoglycan (DS/PG) and the biochemical parameter that differentiates type I collagens is the hydroxylysine glycoside content. We have examined the effect of tendon and corneal decorins on the individual phases (tlag, dA/dt) of differently glycosylated type I collagens fibril formation, at molar ratios PG:collagen monomer ranging from 0.15 : 1 to 0.45 : 1. The results obtained indicate that decorins exert a different effect on the individual phases of fibril formation, correlated to the degree of glycosylation of collagen: at the same PG:collagen ratio the fibril formation of highly glycosylated corneal collagen is more efficiently inhibited than that of the poorly glycosylated one (tendon). Moreover tendon and corneal decorins exert a higher control on the fibrillogenesis of homologous collagen with respect to the heterologous one. These data suggest a possible tissue-specificity of the interaction decorin/type I collagen correlated to the structure of the PG and collagen present in extracellular matrices. This revised version was published online in November 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Collagens play important roles in development and homeostasis in most higher organisms. In order to function, collagens require the specific chaperone HSP47 for proper folding and secretion. HSP47 is known to bind to the collagen triple helix, but the exact positions and numbers of binding sites are not clear. Here, we employed a collagen II peptide library to characterize high-affinity binding sites for HSP47. We show that many previously predicted binding sites have very low affinities due to the presence of a negatively charged amino acid in the binding motif. In contrast, large hydrophobic amino acids such as phenylalanine at certain positions in the collagen sequence increase binding strength. For further characterization, we determined two crystal structures of HSP47 bound to peptides containing phenylalanine or leucine. These structures deviate significantly from previously published ones in which different collagen sequences were used. They reveal local conformational rearrangements of HSP47 at the binding site to accommodate the large hydrophobic side chain from the middle strand of the collagen triple helix and, most surprisingly, possess an altered binding stoichiometry in the form of a 1:1 complex. This altered stoichiometry is explained by steric collisions with the second HSP47 molecule present in all structures determined thus far caused by the newly introduced large hydrophobic residue placed on the trailing strand. This exemplifies the importance of considering all three sites of homotrimeric collagen as independent interaction surfaces and may provide insight into the formation of higher oligomeric complexes at promiscuous collagen-binding sites.  相似文献   

Chick embryo sternal chondrocytes from the caudal and cephalic regions were cultured within type I collagen gels and type I collagen/proteoglycan aggregate composite gels in normal serum. Caudal region chondrocytes were also cultured within type I collagen gels in the presence of fibronectindepleted serum. There was a marked stimulation of type X collagen synthesis by the caudal region chondrocytes after 9 days in the presence of fibronectin-depleted serum and after 14 days in the presence of proteoglycan aggregate. These results provide evidence for the ability of chondrocytes from a zone of permanent cartilage to synthesise type X collagen and for the involvement of extracellular matrix components in the control of type X collagen gene expression.  相似文献   

Physical and chemical modifications of collagen gels: impact on diffusion   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The extracellular matrix (ECM) represents a major barrier for delivery of therapeutic drugs, and the transport is determined by the ECM composition, structure, and distribution. Because of the high interstitial fluid pressure in tumors, diffusion becomes the main transport mechanism through ECM. The purpose of this work was to study the impact of the structure of the collagen network on diffusion, by studying to what extent the orientation and chemical modification of the collagen network influenced diffusion. Collagen gels with a concentration of 0.2-2.0% that is comparable with the amount of collagen in the tumor ECM were used as a model system for ECM. Collagen gels were aligned in a low-strength magnetic field and geometrical confinement, and chemically modified by adding decorin or hyaluronan. Diffusion of dextran 2-MDa molecules in the collagen gels was measured using fluorescence recovery after photobleaching. Alignment of the collagen fibers in our gels was found to have no impact on the diffusion coefficient. Adding decorin reduced the diameter of the collagen fibers, but no effect on diffusion was observed. Hyaluronan also reduced the fiber diameter, and high concentration of hyaluronan (2.5 mg/ml) increased the diffusion coefficient. The results indicate that the structure of the collagen network is not a major factor in determining the diffusion through the ECM. Rather, increasing the concentration of collagen was found to reduce the diffusion coefficient. Concentration of the collagen network is more important than the structure in determining the diffusion coefficient.  相似文献   

Collagens have long been believed to adopt a triple‐stranded molecular structure with a 10/3 symmetry (ten triplet units in three turns) and an axial repeat of 29 Å. This belief even persisted after an alternative structure with a 7/2 symmetry (seven triplet units in two turns) with an axial repeat of 20 Å had been proposed. The uncertainty regarding the helical symmetry of collagens is attributed to inadequate X‐ray fiber diffraction data. Therefore, for better understanding of the collagen helix, single‐crystal analyses of peptides with simplified characteristic amino acid sequences and similar compositions to collagens have long been awaited. Here we report the crystal structure of (Gly‐Pro‐Hyp)9 peptide at a resolution of 1.45 Å. The repeating unit of this peptide, Gly‐Pro‐Hyp, is the most typical sequence present in collagens, and it has been used as a basic repeating unit in fiber diffraction analyses of collagen. The (Gly‐Pro‐Hyp)9 peptide adopts a triple‐stranded structure with an average helical symmetry close to the ideal 7/2 helical model for collagen. This observation strongly suggests that the average molecular structure of collagen is not the accepted Rich and Crick 10/3 helical model but is a 7/2 helical conformation. © 2012 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Biopolymers 97: 607–616, 2012.  相似文献   

Collagen type IV is a highly specialized form of collagen found only in basement membranes, where it provides mechanical stability and structural integrity to tissues and organs, and binding sites for cell adhesion. In its ubiquitous form, collagen type IV consists of two alpha1 chains and one alpha2 chain, whose internal alignment within the triple helix seems to exert a strong influence on the binding affinity to alpha1beta1 integrin receptor. This has been assessed recently using two synthetic collagen peptides that contain the cell adhesion epitope of collagen type IV and are assembled into the most plausible alpha1alpha2alpha1' and alpha2alpha1alpha1' registers. In the present study, the effects of the chain register on the stability of the triple helix and the folding kinetics of these collagen peptides were investigated by CD spectroscopy and microcalorimetry. The results revealed a multi-domain structural organization for both trimers, with an unexpected strong effect of the chain alignment on the conformational stability. Molecular dynamics simulations served to rationalize more properly the experimental results.  相似文献   

Nothing in biology stimulates the imagination like the development of a single fertilized egg into a newborn child. Consequently, a major focus of biomedical research is aimed at understanding cell differentiation, proliferation, and specialization during child health and human development. However, the fact that the increase in size and shape of the growing embryo has as much to do with the extracellular matrix (ECM) as with the cells themselves, is largely overlooked. Cells in developing tissues are surrounded by a fiber-composite ECM that transmits mechanical stimuli, maintains the shape of developing tissues, and functions as a scaffold for cell migration and attachment. The major structural element of the ECM is the collagen fibril. The fibrils, which are indeterminate in length, are arranged in different tissues in exquisite supramolecular architectures, including parallel bundles, orthogonal lamellae, and concentric weaves. This article reviews our current understanding of the synthesis and assembly of collagen fibrils, and discusses challenging questions about how cells assemble an organized ECM during embryogenesis.  相似文献   

We report a rapid method to synthesize cystine cross-linked heterotrimeric collagenous peptides. They can be engineered to favour one particular axial alignment of the strands, called the register of the helix. Here, the sequence of the constituent peptides contains 18 residues of "guest" collagen type I sequence flanked by N and C-terminal (Gly-Pro-Pro)5 "host" modules which ensure helicity. Further C-terminal residues include appropriately spaced cysteine residues and alanine to provide the necessary flexibility for helix formation. The cross-linking reaction and subsequent separation protocols have been designed for any inserted collagen sequence that does not contain a cysteine residue. Mass spectrometry and ion-exchange chromatography allow us to distinguish between different disulphide-bonded species and to monitor the formation of side-products. Starting peptide can be recovered simply from the reaction mixture by reduction and separation. Yields are typically 30%, working on a 10 mg scale. 15N-1H NMR and platelet adhesion studies show that the peptide heterotrimers presented here can reshuffle to cover all three axial registers. Less flexible spacers between the disulphide linkages and the helix will restrict each heterotrimer to one register only.  相似文献   

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