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【目的】刺螫库蠓Culicoides punctatus是一种重要媒介蠓虫,是施马伦贝格病毒(Schmallenberg virus, SBV)的主要传播载体。通过石蜡切片和苏木素 伊红染色技术观察刺螫库蠓成虫内部器官系统的组织结构。【方法】利用网扫法、灯诱法采集刺螫库蠓成虫,除足和翅外置于Duboscq-Brasil固定液中常温固定,然后经过逐级脱水、二甲苯透明、石蜡包埋、连续切片以及苏木素-伊红染色等过程制成玻片,利用光学显微镜进行观察和拍照。【结果】刺螫库蠓成虫消化系统不存在性别差异,由消化道及唾液腺组成。中枢神经系统由脑和腹神经索组成。脑可划分为前脑、中脑和后脑3个功能区。复眼和触角是刺螫库蠓主要的感觉器官。腹神经索可分为咽下神经节、胸神经节和腹神经节。呼吸系统主要由气管组成,气管遍布全身,无肺组织,胸部具有2对气门,分别位于中胸和后胸;腹支囊组织呈泡状,着色不明显。生殖系统包括内生殖器官和外生殖器官,其中雌性内生殖器官包括卵巢、输卵管、受精囊及生殖附腺,雄性内生殖器官包括精巢、输精管、射精管及生殖附腺。【结论】本研究明确了刺螫库蠓成虫的消化系统、神经系统、呼吸系统、生殖系统以及感觉器官的结构特征,为库蠓的发育研究提供了更为直接、准确的证据,有助于提高蠓媒监测、预报及防制的全面性和精确性。  相似文献   

中国蠓科昆虫(双翅目)区系分布概况   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
虞以新 《生物学通报》2003,38(12):17-18
至今已查知全国共有蠓类4亚科39属1011种。叙述了我国各省区已知蠓类及其区系分布概况,鄂豫交界地带是东洋界和古北界蠓类种群的交汇带。吸血蠓类中,细蠓多见于西北荒漠地区,蠛蠓是南方湿润地区的优势种群。库蠓种类繁杂,南北方各有不同优势种群,北方蠓类群落构成的种群较简单,而优势种突出。南方蠓类群落构成的种群复杂,优势种不很突出。  相似文献   

A checklist of the family Ceratopogonidae (Diptera) recorded from Finland is provided.  相似文献   

Culicoides boyi Nielsen, Kristensen & Pape 2015 (Diptera: Ceratopogonidae), described in Denmark in 2015, is reported in France. This species is closely related to Culicoides pulicaris (Linnaeus 1758) and can only be distinguished from this species by a subtle variation in spot wing pattern and by calculation of maxillary palpal ratio.  相似文献   

A key is presented for the identification of the adults of 54 species of bloodsucking ceratopogonids, 51 of which are known inhabitants of Argentina, and Culicoides uruguayensis Ronderos, C. pifanoi Ortiz, and C. trilineatus Fox, which are known to occur in bordering Uruguay and Paraguay. Wing photographs are provided of females of the 45 species of Culicoides. Three new species of Culicoides Latreille from Northeastern Argentina are described and illustrated: C. austroparaensis Spinelli, C. bachmanni Spinelli, and C. williamsi Spinelli. The following six species are recorded for the first time from Argentina and/or bordering localities in Paraguay: Leptoconops brasiliensis (Lutz), C. gabaldoni Ortiz, C. ginesi Ortiz, C. pifanoi Ortiz, C. pseudocrescentis Tavares and Luna Dias, and C. trilineatus; and C. estevezae Ronderos and Spinelli is newly recorded from Misiones province of Argentina. C. lopesi Barretto is excluded from the Argentinean ceratopogonid fauna.  相似文献   

The pupa of Culicoides crucifer Clastrier is described, illustrated and photomicrographed by using binocular microscope and phase-contrast microscopy from material collected in an artificial container in Manaus, Brazil. The pupa shows features typical of pupae occurring in calm and clean waters, and it is compared with its similar congeners of the subgenus Haematomyiidium, Culicoides annuliductus Wirth and Culicoides debilipalpis Lutz.  相似文献   

A peritrophic membrane formed in the posterior midgut of female simuliids of seven species within 30 min of feeding on blood of various avian or mammalian hosts, and 6–12 hr thereafter it displayed up to seven concentric laminae. Within the first 48 hr of blood digestion, the posterior part of the peritrophic membrane (where digestion was most advanced) began to decompose and PM disappearance was complete at the end of blood digestion. In different species blood digestion at 18°–20° required 120–180 hr which was increased to over 200 hr by microsporidan infection. If a blood-sucrose mixture went directly to the midgut, a thin membrane formed around it, but not if it went indirectly by way of the crop. A prefeeding secretion in the anterior midgut is considered to be the peritrophic membrane of the pharate adult surrounding a small, but variable, amount of material, the meconium.
Résumé Sept espèces de simulies ont été étudiées: 5 ornithophiles, 2 mammalophiles. Trente minutes après un repas de sang sur divers oiseaux (poulet, canard) ou mammifères (homme, cerf, élan d'Amérique) on constate qu'une membrane péritrophique est sécrétée par toute le surface épithéliale dans la région moyenne de l'intestin moyen postérieur dilaté des femelles. Six à douze heures après le repas cette membrane comporte jusqu'à sept lamelles concentriques. Une sécrétion moins importante se forme autour de la petite quantité de sang que l'on trouve dans l'estomac antérieur, non dilaté et étroit; cette sécrétion glisse vers l'arrière et forme une capsule recouvrant le pôle antérieur du bol alimentaire sanguin dans la partie postérieure de l'intestin moyen, ceci pendant le premier jour. La digestion commence à la périphérie et à l'extrémité postérieure de la masse sanguine et se poursuit enfin à l'extrémité antérieure, où la membrane péritrophique conserve le plus longtemps sa structure en contact avec le sang non digéré. Dans les premières 48 heures de la digestion du sang, la région postértieure de la membrane péritrophique (là où la digestion est la plus avancée) commence à se décomposer, et sa disparition est complète quand la digestion du sang est achevée. Chez les différentes espèces étudiées, la digestion du sang à 18–20° exige 120–180 heures, pouvant demander plus de 200 heures chez des insectes atteints d'une infection par des microsporidies. Si un mélange de sang et sucrose parvient directement dans la région moyenne de l'intestin moyen, une membrane mince se forme autour, mais non si cet aliment passe par le jabot. Une sécrétion précédant l'alimentation s'observe dans l'intestin moyen antérieur des mouches non nourries et doit représenter, chez l'adulte venant d'éclore, la membrane péritrophique entourant le méconium: petite quantité de matière d'importance variable. Cette matière se retrouve souvent au centre de la masse sanguine après alimentation et est lente à digérer.

Wolbachia pipientis is an endosymbiotic alpha-proteobacterium that is found in numerous insects and arthropods. Only a few studies have been made on Wolbachia in blood-sucking midges. In this study, we identified and determined the molecular characteristics of Wolbachia strains in Forcipomyia taiwana (Shiraki), a blood-sucking midge found in Taiwan and southern China. Our results indicate that all F. taiwana individuals captured in Nantou County, Taiwan were infected with Wolbachia strains closely related to the A-supergroup wAlbA. Moreover, 2 individuals captured at low-abundance locations were also infected with a B-supergroup Wolbachia strain. We observed that 63% F. taiwana individuals captured at the low-abundance locations harbored the wAlbA-like strain which has a particular substitution pattern (D51G, T84A, and A85V) in the Wolbachia surface protein. Taken together, our results indicate that distinct Wolbachia strains exist in F. taiwana populations in the field.  相似文献   

New Ceratopogonidae from the Early Cretaceous amber of Hammana (Central Lebanon) are studied. Five new species (Lebanoculicoides daheri sp. nov., Protoculicoides krzeminskii sp. nov., Archiaustroconops annae sp. nov., Archiaustroconops hammanensis sp. nov., and Archiaustroconops dominiakae sp. nov.) are characterized, described, illustrated, and compared with other Cretaceous taxa. New keys for species of the three genera Lebanoculioides, Protoculicoides, and Archiaustroconops, but also for all genera of Lebanese fossil biting midges, are proposed.  相似文献   

A new species of Culicoides of the subgenus Diphaomyia, Culicoides jurbergi Felippe-Bauer, is described and illustrated based on female specimens collected biting man and with light traps in Peruvian Amazonia. The species is compared with its similar congener mirsae Ortiz.  相似文献   

Five new species of Culicoides of the Nansei Islands are described: C. sasai sp.n. from Amami-oshima Is., C. toshiokai sp.n. from Ishigaki Is., C. iriomotensis sp.n. from Iriomote Is., C. flavipunctatus sp.n. from Yonaguni Is., and C. yaeyamaensis sp.n. from the latter three islands. C. toshiokai sp.n. and C. iriomotensis sp.n. are tree-hole breeders, such as C. dendrophilus Amosova, which is common in similar habitats extending from Okinawa to Honshu.  相似文献   

A new Neotropical species of biting midge Culicoides (Haematomyidium), C. kampa Felippe-Bauer, Veras & Castellon, is described and illustrated based on female specimens from the Amazonian Region.  相似文献   

Leishmania parasites, causative agents of leishmaniasis, are currently divided into four subgenera: Leishmania, Viannia, Sauroleishmania and Mundinia. The recently established subgenus Mundinia has a wide geographical distribution and contains five species, three of which have the potential to infect and cause disease in humans. While the other Leishmania subgenera are transmitted exclusively by phlebotomine sand flies (Diptera: Psychodidae), natural vectors of Mundinia remain uncertain. This study investigates the potential of sand flies and biting midges of the genus Culicoides (Diptera: Ceratopogonidae) to transmit Leishmania parasites of the subgenus Mundinia. Sand flies (Phlebotomus argentipes, P. duboscqi and Lutzomyia migonei) and Culicoides biting midges (Culicoides sonorensis) were exposed to five Mundinia species through a chicken skin membrane and dissected at specific time intervals post bloodmeal. Potentially infected insects were also allowed to feed on ear pinnae of anaesthetized BALB/c mice and the presence of Leishmania DNA was subsequently confirmed in the mice using polymerase chain reaction analyses. In C. sonorensis, all Mundinia species tested were able to establish infection at a high rate, successfully colonize the stomodeal valve and produce a higher proportion of metacyclic forms than in sand flies. Subsequently, three parasite species, L. martiniquensis, L. orientalis and L. sp. from Ghana, were transmitted to the host mouse ear by C. sonorensis bite. In contrast, transmission experiments entirely failed with P. argentipes, although colonisation of the stomodeal valve was observed for L. orientalis and L. martiniquensis and metacyclic forms of L. orientalis were recorded. This laboratory-based transmission of Mundinia species highlights that Culicoides are potential vectors of members of this ancestral subgenus of Leishmania and we suggest further studies in endemic areas to confirm their role in the lifecycles of neglected pathogens.  相似文献   

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