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The role of membrane-bound IgG present on the membrane of senescent erythrocytes in immune eliminations of aging red cells was investigated. Phagocytosis of populations of red blood cells (RBC) of different ages by autologous monocytes was assessed both by direct phagocytosis and by induction of microsomal heme oxygenase. Removal of IgG from older RBCs inhibited their phagocytosis; in contrast, preincubation of neuraminidase-treated young or in vitro aged RBCs with IgG eluted from old cells led to phagocytosis of RBCs treated by autologous monocytes. It was also found that the Fc portion of membrane-bound IgG is essential for the elimination of senescent cells; less than 15% of old heat-inactivated RBCs coated with F(ab)2 fragment of membrane-bound IgG were phagocytosed. In contrast, more than 50% of old heat-inactivated RBCs coated with heat-eluted IgG were phagocytosed by autologous monocytes. A possible mechanism of elimination of aged cells is discussed.  相似文献   

Spontaneous rosette formation in humans is restricted to a subpopulation of the circulating T cells. We have previously shown that the interaction between lymphocytes and autologous red blood cells (auto-RBC) is not mediated by a self-recognition mechanism, since allogeneic (allo-) RBC bind to T cells through the same receptors. In this work, we have extended these observations to thymocytes. Using a mixed-rosette assay in which one type of erythrocyte was identified by FITC labeling, we have shown that almost all the thymocytes which attached auto-RBC could also fix allo-RBC. However, as for the peripheral blood lymphocytes (PBL), binding of human RBC to thymocytes occurred with varying affinities according to the erythrocyte's origin. In order to further study the specificity of the erythrocyte to lymphocyte binding in rosette formation, PBL were mixed with auto-RBC and erythrocytes of xenogeneic (xeno-) origin. Although very disparate incidences of rosettes were found according to the species from which the RBC were derived, most of the autorosetting lymphocytes also had receptors for xeno-RBC. In addition, preincubation of PBL with monoclonal antibody OKT11A (directed against the sheep RBC receptors on T cells) completely abrogated rosette formation with all the erythrocytes tested (human auto- and allo-, sheep, pig, and rabbit) except mouse RBC. Taken together these data strongly suggest that human auto- or allo-, as well as sheep or some other xeno-RBC, bind to T lymphocytes by a single receptor and that the combining sites are expressed with different densities or varying affinities depending upon the RBC's origin. Therefore, spontaneous autorosettes may represent T lymphocytes having high-affinity receptors for sheep RBC.  相似文献   

The role of human dendritic cells (DC) in the immune response toward intracellularly growing Listeria was analyzed under in vitro conditions using several morphological and functional methods. DC incubated with Listeria innocua and L. monocytogenes, respectively, readily phagocytosed the bacteria. Listeria did not impair viability and immunogenic potential of human DC. Listerial antigens were found to be processed within the lysosomal compartment of DC and colocalized with major histocompatibility complex (MHC) class II molecules, as shown by fluorescence and transmission electron microscopy. DC challenged with apathogenic L. innocua were highly effective in priming autologous naïve T cells (mainly CD4+) in vitro. The T cells strongly proliferated in the presence of DC incubated with L. innocua, which could be significantly inhibited by anti-MHC II mAb. L. innocua-primed T cells were also successfully stimulated by DC harboring the pathogenic L. monocytogenes, either the wild-type strain EGD or the p60 reduced mutant strain RIII. From our results, we conclude that human DC infected with nonpathogenic intracellular bacteria are able to efficiently prime naïve T cells, which are then suitable for recognition of antigens derived from related virulent bacterial species. This in vitro human model provides an interesting tool for basic research in infectious immunology and possibly for a new immunotherapy.  相似文献   

We have reported that immunization of H-2k mice with lymphoid cells from various allogeneic strains induced a population of cells that could eliminate first-passage spontaneous AKR leukemia from the spleens of immuno-suppressed AKR (H-2k) hosts. In the present study, we examined the nature of the cells responsible for this graft-vs-leukemia (GVL) reaction and compared them to cytolytic cells detected in vitro. Spleen cells from alloimmunized CBA/J (H-2k) mice were selectively depleted of various subpopulations by treatment with antibody and complement (C), then tested in vivo for GVL reactivity. Cell suspensions depleted of Thy-1.2+, Lyt-1+, or Lyt-2+ lymphocytes had no significant GVL reactivity, whereas suspensions depleted of NK-1.2+ cells retained GVL reactivity. The GVL-reactive cells persisted in H-2-compatible donor mice for up to 56 days. Lyt-1+2+ lymphocytes that were cytotoxic for cultured AKR leukemia cells in vitro could be detected in the spleens of alloimmunized H-2-compatible mice after expansion of the cells in T cell growth factor. Using quantitative limiting dilution cytotoxicity assays, we found that the frequency of leukemia-reactive cytotoxic lymphocytes (CL) in the spleen showed a direct correlation with the GVL efficacy of the cells in vivo. Alloimmunization was essential for induction of the GVL-reactive cell population. CL in alloimmunized mice consisted of heterogeneous cytotoxic specificities; i.e., some CL were leukemia-specific, others lysed only nonleukemic AKR target cells, and a third group mediated killing of both leukemic and nonleukemic target cells. The CL appeared to be H-2 restricted and specific for non-H-2 antigens shared by the AKR leukemia and the alloimmunizing cells.  相似文献   

The effect of formiat was tested in erythrocytes of mice damaged by oxidisation. Decrease of Heinz's bodies, stabilisation of reduced glutathion, and increase of enzyme activities by referring to an example of superoxidismutase could be identified as a positive effect. Possibilities of formiat reactions in the metabolism of red blood cells are discussed.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to activate, in mixed leukocyte/tumor cell cultures (MLTC), cytotoxic lymphocytes exhibiting preferential activity in vitro and in vivo towards allogeneic mouse lymphoma cells. Whereas the lymphoma target cells were readily lysed by the MLTC-derived lymphocytes, the cytotoxicity against the corresponding allogeneic concanavalin-A(ConA)-induced lymphoblasts was more than tenfold lower. Both activities were mediated by CD3+, TCR+, CD8+, CD4 cytotoxic T cells (CTL). ConA-induced lymphoblasts were readily lysed by anti-Thy1.2 antibodies and complement, by CTL derived from mixed leukocyte cultures (MLC) and by the MLTC-derived CTL in the presence of ConA, indicating that the lymphoblasts are not merely less lysable than the lymphoma cells but that the latter are specifically recognized by the CTL. Lymphoblasts poorly competed with 51Cr-labeled lymphoma cells in a “cold”-target competition assay, suggesting that the MLTC-derived CTL largely recognize epitopes expressed only by the lymphoma cells. Furthermore, analysis of the cytotoxic activity of more than 500 MLTC-derived CTL oligoclones and over 30 clones revealed that one-third of them were cytotoxic only against the allogeneic lymphoma cells, one-third were reactive against both the lymphoma and the allogeneic lymphoblast target cells and the remainder were not cytotoxic at all. Upon injection into sublethally irradiated, lymphoma-bearing allogeneic mice, the MLTC-derived CTL cured 56% of the recipients and caused graft versus host disease (GVHD) is only 22%, whereas CTL activated in MLC against allogeneic splenocytes were therapeutically ineffective and caused lethal GVHD in 89% of the recipients. Although the therapeutic efficacy of the in vitro-generated antitumor CTL was demonstrated against experimental lymphoma lines, this strategy might prove effective in tumor immunotherapy in conjunction with other modalities. Received: 24 December 1998 / Accepted: 5 April 1999  相似文献   

Acetone may induce oxidative stress leading to disturbance of the biochemical and physiological functions of red blood cells (RBCs) thereby affecting membrane integrity. Vitamin E (vit E) is believed to function as an antioxidant in vivo protecting membranes from lipid peroxidation. The aim of the present study was the evaluation of possible protective effects of vit E treatment against acetone-induced oxidative stress in rat RBCs. Thirty healthy male Wistar albino rats, weighing 200–230 g and averaging 12 weeks old were randomly allotted into one of three experimental groups: Control (A), acetone-treated (B) and acetone + vit E-treated groups (C), each containing ten animals. Group A received only drinking water. Acetone, 5% (v/v), was given with drinking water to B and C groups. In addition, C group received vit E dose of 200 mg/kg/day i.m. The experiment continued for 10 days. At the end of the 10th day, the blood samples were obtained for biochemical and morphological investigation. Acetone treatment resulted in RBC membrane destruction and hemolysis, increased thiobarbituric acid reactive substance (TBARS) levels in plasma and RBC, and decreased RBC vit E levels. Vit E treatment decreased elevated TBARS levels in plasma and RBC and also increased reduced RBC vit E levels, and prevented RBC membrane destruction and hemolysis. In conclusion, vit E treatment appears to be beneficial in preventing acetone-induced oxidative RBC damage, and therefore, it can improve RBC rheology.  相似文献   

On the role of APC-activation for in vitro versus in vivo T cell priming   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Professional antigen-presenting cells take up antigens for processing and presentation in association with MHC class I and II molecules. When APCs receive the right stimuli, they undergo a maturation process and migrate to secondary lymphoid organs to trigger T cell activation. In this study, we compared side-by-side in vivo and in vitro activation of T cells. Transgenic CD8(+) T cells specific for the p33 epitope, derived from the lymphocytic choriomeningitis virus glycoprotein, were labeled with CFSE and injected into syngeneic mice or alternatively, co-cultured in vitro with APCs. The p33 epitope was delivered as free peptide or genetically fused to virus-like particles. Whereas proliferation of specific T cells was comparable in both systems, the production of IFN-gamma and the expression of CD25 showed important differences. Induction of effector function and expression of activation markers were strongly enhanced in vitro by both the free peptide and VLPs. Surprisingly, addition of CpG-containing immune-stimulating DNA for activation of APCs dramatically increased effector T cell differentiation in vitro, whereas no enhancement could be observed in vitro. Thus, activation of professional APCs was mandatory for induction of effector CD8(+) T cell responses in vivo, while this step was largely dispensable in vitro.  相似文献   

Attempts to infect the New World marmot Callithrix penicillata with Plasmodium falciparum were unsuccessful. Attempts were also made to infect red blood cells of C. penicillata and Saimiri sciureus with P. falciparum in vitro, and these too were unsuccessful due to a high rate of hemolysis produced by apparently adverse culture conditions. It is concluded that modifications to the existing culture conditions will need to be made before successful parasitemia can be induced in vitro in simian erythrocytes.  相似文献   

The progressive disease following Leishmania amazonensis infection in mice requires functional CD4(+) T cells, which are primed to a disease-promoting phenotype during the infection. To understand how these pathogenic T cells are generated and the role of dendritic cells (DCs) in this process, we use DCs of susceptible BALB/c and resistant C3H/HeJ mice to examine parasite-DC interactions in vitro as well as the effector phenotype of T cells primed by parasite-exposed DCs in vivo. Our results demonstrate that amastigotes and metacyclics efficiently enter and activate DCs of both genetic backgrounds. Infection with amastigotes fails to induce CD40-dependent IL-12 production, but rather potentiates IL-4 production in BALB/c DCs. Upon transfer into syngeneic recipients, amastigote-exposed BALB/c DCs prime parasite-specific Th cells to produce significantly higher levels of IL-4 and IL-10 than their C3H/HeJ counterparts. Transfer studies with IL-4(-/-) DCs indicate that this enhanced Th2 priming seen in BALB/c mice is partially due to the IL-4 production by amastigote-carrying DCs. These results suggest that L. amazonensis amastigotes may condition DCs of a susceptible host to a state that favors activation of pathogenic CD4(+) T cells, and thereby provide a new perspective on the pathogenesis of cutaneous leishmaniasis and protozoan parasite-host interactions in general.  相似文献   

Previous studies have shown that lymph node (LN) T cells from mice given repeated injections of anti-mu antisera from birth (mu sm) fail to mount secondary T proliferative responses to antigen in vitro after s.c. priming in vivo. This finding raised the possibility that priming of T cells in LN depends on the presence of B cells, Ig+ B lymphocytes being absent in mu sm. In support of this idea, the present paper shows that the priming defect in LN of mu sm can be largely overcome by injecting B cell populations s.c. 1 day before s.c. priming with antigen. Restoration of LN priming was observed with s.c. injection of highly purified populations of small B cells but not with heat-killed or lightly irradiated B cells. Homing studies indicated that approximately 10% of s.c.-injected B cells reached the draining LN. In other studies, irradiated mice injected i.v. with purified T cells manifested poor priming in LN after s.c. injection of antigen. It was reasoned that the LN priming defect in this situation reflected the lack of B cells in irradiated mice, B cells being highly radiosensitive. In support of this notion, it was found that s.c. injection of B cells into irradiated recipients of T cells led to high priming of T cells in LN after s.c. injection of antigen. Although T cells exposed to antigen in B-depleted LN of mu sm and irradiated mice gave negligible T proliferative responses in vitro, low but significant levels of primed T helper function were detected in a sensitive T helper assay in vivo. In light of this finding, our working hypothesis is that the initial induction of T cells to antigen in LN is controlled by resident dendritic cells (or other non-B antigen-presenting cells), the main role of B cells being to control the clonal expansion of activated T cells.  相似文献   

Autoantibodies against thymocytes and RBC may contribute to the pathophysiology of homozygous viable motheaten (mev) autoimmune disease. Whether the production of these autoantibodies in mev mouse results from polyclonal nonspecific B cell activation or specific Ag-driven stimulation is not known. To understand the mechanisms involved in the induction of antithymocyte autoantibody response in mev mouse, we have studied the fine antigenic specificity, structure, and origin of three antithymocyte autoantibodies derived from mev splenic B cell hybridomas. Western blot analysis showed that these mAb bind to polypeptides of 33 and 105 kDa present in RBC and thymocytes, respectively. Additional specificities for the epitopes present in other polypeptides distinguished these three autoantibodies. Northern hybridization and flow microfluorimetry analysis indicated that these hybridomas are derived from the Ly1+ B cell subset. These autoreactive Ly-1 B cell hybridomas, chosen on the basis of their specificity, expressed L chain V genes from a single VK family (VK9) and VH genes from J606 and S107 families. Hybridomas UN34.11 and UN42.5 expressed the VK9 gene identical to that used by peritoneal Ly1+ B cells from various mouse strains and malignant B lymphoma cells secreting anti-mouse RBC treated with proteolytic enzyme bromelin and anti-SRBC antibodies. The third hybridoma, S2-14.2, used a VK9 gene identical to that expressed by MOPC41. None of the VK genes encoding these autoantibodies showed any somatic mutations. In the case of VH genes, the two hybridomas UN42.5 and S2-14.2 derived from two separate fusions, used identical VH genes from the J606 family. The third hybridoma UN34.11 used unmutated V11 germline VH gene, a member of the S107 family. Southern hybridizations, using oligonucleotide probes specific for CDR1 and CDR2, showed that the VH genes encoding the J606 autoantibodies were derived from a germline gene found in the 6.7-kb fragment of EcoRI-digested germline DNA. This germline VH gene is distinct from VH22.1 germline gene that codes for antigalactan antibodies. Sequence analysis of this gene showed perfect homology with the rearranged VH genes confirming the lack of somatic mutations. Thus, our data demonstrate that antithymocyte antibody response occurring in mev mouse is polyclonal and it involves Ly-1 B cells expressing unmutated germline VH and VK genes. These results indicate that antigen driven stimulation may not play an important role in the induction of anti-thymocyte antibody response in mev mouse.  相似文献   

Inhaled ultrafine (nano) particles can translocate into the bloodstream and interact with circulatory cells causing systemic and cardiovascular events. To gain more insight into this potential mechanism, we studied the interaction of diesel exhaust particles (DEP) with human, rat and mouse erythrocytes in vitro. Incubation of erythrocytes with DEP (1, 10 or 100 μg/ml) for 30 min caused the highest hemolytic effect (up to 38%) in rats, compared to small but significant hemolysis in mice (up to 2.5%) and humans (up to 0.7%). Transmission electron microscopy of erythrocytes revealed the presence of variable degrees of ultrafine (nano)-sized aggregates of DEP either internalized and/or adsorbed onto the erythrocytes in the three species. A significant amount of DEP was found in rat and mouse (but not human) erythrocytes. Lipid erythrocyte susceptibility to in vitro peroxidation measured by malondialdehyde showed a significant and dose-dependent increase in erythrocytes of rats, but not humans or mice. Unlike in human erythrocytes, total antioxidant status (TAS) and superoxide dismutase (SOD) activity in rats were significantly and dose- dependently decreased. In mouse erythrocytes, DEP caused a decreased in SOD (at 10 μg/ml) and TAS (at 100 μg/ml) activities. In conclusion, DEP caused species-dependent erythrocyte hemolysis and oxidative stress, and were either taken up and/or adsorbed onto the red blood cells. Rat (and to a lesser degree mouse) erythrocytes were susceptible to DEP. Human erythrocytes showed the highest resistance to the observed effects. These species difference should be noted when using rats and mice blood as models for humans.  相似文献   

Loading with monosaccharide can improve the quality of human red blood cells (hRBCs) frozen with polymer. But in vivo life span of hRBCs frozen with polymer and sugar is not determined. In this study, following incubation with glucose, mouse red blood cells (mRBCs) were frozen in liquid nitrogen for 24 h using dextran as the extracellular protectant. After thawing, hemolysis, exposure of PS, and osmotic fragility of frozen mRBCs were determined in vitro. After transfusion of fluorescein isothiocyanate (FITC)-labeled mRBCs, the 24 h recovery and half life span of frozen mRBCs were determined. The data indicated the postthaw hemolysis of mRBCs frozen with dextran and glucose were significantly less than that of cells frozen with dextran (17.23% ± 5.21% vs 25.96% ± 10.07%, P = 0.034). But freezing can also result in exposure of phosphatidylserine and increase of osmotic fragility of mRBCs. After transfusion, the 24 h recovery of mRBCs frozen in the absence or presence of glucose was similar to that of the control cells (P = 0.748 and 0.971). However, the half life span of mRBCs frozen in the absence or presence of glucose was significantly less than that of the control cells (P = 0.000). In addition, incubation with glucose can not increase the life span of frozen red blood cells (7.16 ± 0.93 d vs 7.15 ± 0.34 d, P = 0.982). In conclusion, incubation with monosaccharide could significantly increase the recovery of mRBCs frozen with polymer. Although freezing can significantly shorten the half life span of frozen cells, it can not influence the 24 h recovery of frozen mRBCs. In addition, incubation with monosaccharide before freezing can not increase the life span of frozen mRBCs. So according to the above data, to increase the life span of hRBCs frozen with polymer and monosaccharide, the osmotic fragility of the frozen RBCs must be decreased in the future.  相似文献   

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