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DNA polymerase gamma (pol gamma ) is required to maintain the genetic integrity of the 16,569-bp human mitochondrial genome (mtDNA). Mutation of the nuclear gene for the catalytic subunit of pol gamma (POLG) has been linked to a wide range of mitochondrial diseases involving mutation, deletion, and depletion of mtDNA. We describe a heterozygous dominant mutation (c.1352G-->A/p.G451E) in POLG2, the gene encoding the p55 accessory subunit of pol gamma , that causes progressive external ophthalmoplegia with multiple mtDNA deletions and cytochrome c oxidase (COX)-deficient muscle fibers. Biochemical characterization of purified, recombinant G451E-substituted p55 protein in vitro revealed incomplete stimulation of the catalytic subunit due to compromised subunit interaction. Although G451E p55 retains a wild-type ability to bind DNA, it fails to enhance the DNA-binding strength of the p140-p55 complex. In vivo, the disease most likely arises through haplotype insufficiency or heterodimerization of the mutated and wild-type proteins, which promote mtDNA deletions by stalling the DNA replication fork. The progressive accumulation of mtDNA deletions causes COX deficiency in muscle fibers and results in the clinical phenotype.  相似文献   

Progressive external ophthalmoplegia (PEO) is a mitochondrial disorder associated with mutations in the POLG gene encoding the mitochondrial DNA polymerase (pol gamma). Four autosomal dominant mutations that cause PEO encode the amino acid substitutions G923D, R943H, Y955C and A957S in the polymerase domain of pol gamma. A homology model of the pol gamma catalytic domain in complex with DNA was developed to investigate the effects of these mutations. Two mutations causing the most severe disease phenotype, Y955C and R943H, change residues that directly interact with the incoming dNTP. Polymerase mutants exhibit 0.03-30% wild-type polymerase activity and a 2- to 35-fold decrease in nucleotide selectivity in vitro. The reduced selectivity and catalytic efficiency of the autosomal dominant PEO mutants predict in vivo dysfunction, and the extent of biochemical defects correlates with the clinical severity of the disease.  相似文献   

We report a sporadic case of chronic progressive external ophthalmoplegia associated with ragged red fibers. The patient presented with enlarged mitochondria with deranged internal architecture and crystalline inclusions. Biochemical studies showed reduced activities of complex I, III and IV in skeletal muscle. Molecular genetic analysis of all mitochondrial tRNAs revealed a G to A transition at nt 4308; the G is a highly conserved nucleotide that participates in a GC base-pair in the T-stem of mammalian mitochondrial tRNA(Ile). The mutation was detected at a high level (approx. 50%) in muscle but not in blood. The mutation co-segregated with the phenotype, as the mutation was absent from blood and muscle in the patient's healthy mother. Functional characterization of the mutation revealed a six-fold reduced rate of tRNA(Ile) precursor 3' end maturation in vitro by tRNAse Z. Furthermore, the mutated tRNA(Ile) displays local structural differences from wild-type. These results suggest that structural perturbations reduce efficiency of tRNA(Ile) precursor 3' end processing and contribute to the molecular pathomechanism of this mutation.  相似文献   

We have sequenced all mitochondrial tRNA genes from a patient with chronic progressive external ophthalmoplegia (CPEO) and mitochondrial myopathy, who had no detectable large mtDNA deletions. Direct sequencing failed to detect previously reported mutations and showed a heteroplasmic mutation at nucleotide 12,276 in the tRNA(Leu(CUN)) gene, in the dihydrouridine stem, which is highly conserved through the species during evolution. RFLP analyses confirmed that 18% of muscle mtDNA harbored the mutation, while it was absent from DNA of fibroblasts and lymphocytes of the proband and in 110 patients with other encephalomyopathies. To date, besides large and single nucleotide deletions, several point mutations on mitochondrial tRNA genes have been reported in CPEO patients, but only three were in the gene coding for tRNA(Leu(CUN)).  相似文献   

A novel family of DNA polymerases replicates organelle genomes in a wide distribution of taxa encompassing plants and protozoans. Making error-prone mutator versions of gamma DNA polymerases revolutionised our understanding of animal mitochondrial genomes but similar advances have not been made for the organelle DNA polymerases present in plant mitochondria and chloroplasts. We tested the fidelities of error prone tobacco organelle DNA polymerases using a novel positive selection method involving replication of the phage lambda cI repressor gene. Unlike gamma DNA polymerases, ablation of 3′–5′ exonuclease function resulted in a modest 5–8-fold error rate increase. Combining exonuclease deficiency with a polymerisation domain substitution raised the organelle DNA polymerase error rate by 140-fold relative to the wild type enzyme. This high error rate compares favourably with error-rates of mutator versions of animal gamma DNA polymerases. The error prone organelle DNA polymerase introduced mutations at multiple locations ranging from two to seven sites in half of the mutant cI genes studied. Single base substitutions predominated including frequent A:A (template: dNMP) mispairings. High error rate and semi-dominance to the wild type enzyme in vitro make the error prone organelle DNA polymerase suitable for elevating mutation rates in chloroplasts and mitochondria.  相似文献   

We report the cloning and molecular analysis of Drosophila mitochondrial DNA helicase (d-mtDNA helicase) homologous to human TWINKLE, which encodes one of the genes responsible for autosomal dominant progressive external ophthalmoplegia. An RNA interference construct was designed that reduces expression of d-mtDNA helicase to an undetectable level in Schneider cells. RNA interference knockdown of d-mtDNA helicase decreases the copy number of mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) approximately 5-fold. In a corollary manner, overexpression of d-mtDNA helicase increases mtDNA levels 1.4-fold. Overexpression of helicase active site mutants K388A and D483A results in a severe depletion of mtDNA and a dominant negative lethal phenotype. Overexpression of mutants analogous to human autosomal dominant progressive external ophthalmoplegia mutations shows differential effects. Overexpression of I334T and A442P mutants yields a dominant negative effect as for the active site mutants. In contrast, overexpression of A326T, R341Q, and W441C mutants results in increased mtDNA copy number, as observed with wild-type overexpression. Our dominant negative analysis of d-mtDNA helicase in cultured cells provides a tractable model for understanding human autosomal dominant progressive external ophthalmoplegia mutations.  相似文献   

DNA polymerase V consisting of a heterotrimer composed of one molecule of UmuC and two molecules of UmuD' (UmuD'2C) is responsible for SOS damage-induced mutagenesis in Escherichia coli. Here we show that although the UmuD'2C complex remains intact through multiple chromatographic steps, excess UmuD, the precursor to UmuD', displaces UmuD' from UmuD'2C by forming a UmuDD' heterodimer, while UmuC concomitantly aggregates as an insoluble precipitate. Although soluble UmuD'2C is readily detected when the two genes are co-transcribed and translated in vitro, soluble UmuD2C or UmuDD'C are not detected. The subunit exchange between UmuD'2C and UmuD offers a biological means to inactivate error-prone polymerase V following translesion synthesis, thus preventing mutations from occurring on undamaged DNA.  相似文献   

alpha-OH-PdG, an acrolein-derived deoxyguanosine adduct, inhibits DNA synthesis and miscodes significantly in human cells. To probe the cellular mechanism underlying the error-free and error-prone translesion DNA syntheses, in vitro primer extension experiments using purified DNA polymerases and site-specific alpha-OH-PdG were conducted. The results suggest the involvement of pol eta in the cellular error-prone translesion synthesis. Experiments with xeroderma pigmentosum variant cells, which lack pol eta, confirmed this hypothesis. The in vitro results also suggested the involvement of pol iota and/or REV1 in inserting correct dCMP opposite alpha-OH-PdG during error-free synthesis. However, none of translesion-specialized DNA polymerases catalyzed significant extension from a dC terminus when paired opposite alpha-OH-PdG. Thus, our results indicate the following. (i) Multiple DNA polymerases are involved in the bypass of alpha-OH-PdG in human cells. (ii) The accurate and inaccurate syntheses are catalyzed by different polymerases. (iii) A modification of the current eukaryotic bypass model is necessary to account for the accurate bypass synthesis in human cells.  相似文献   

We report a heteroplasmic novel mutation m.5636T>C in the mt-tRNAAla in a patient with bilateral ptosis and ophthalmoparesis in whom a muscle biopsy showed cytochrome c oxdidase (COX) negative and ragged red fibers. Using laser capture microdissection we have isolated COX negative fibers and COX positive fibers from the muscle of the patient and determined that the mutation load was clearly increased in COX negative muscle fibers. Additionally, the mutated m.5636T nucleotide is conserved in all the mammal and non-mammal species analyzed and might be structurally relevant as it is located in a position involved in the formation of tertiary structure of canonical mitochondrial tRNAs.  相似文献   

Protein quality control pathways require AAA+ proteases, such as Clp and Lon. Lon protease maintains UmuD, an important component of the error-prone DNA repair polymerase (Pol V), at very low levels in E. coli. Most members of the phylum Cyanobacteria lack Lon (including the model cyanobacterium, Synechocystis sp. PCC6803), so maintenance of UmuD at low levels must employ different proteases. We demonstrate that the first 19 residues from the N-terminus of UmuD (Sug1-19) fused to a reporter protein are adequate to trigger complete proteolysis and that mutation of a single leucine residue (L6) to aspartic acid inhibits proteolysis. This process appears to follow the N-end rule and is mediated by ClpA/P protease and the ClpS adaptor. Additionally, mutations of arginine residues in the Sug1-19 tag suggest that the ClpX/P pathway also plays a role in proteolysis. We propose that there is a dual degron at the N-terminus of the UmuD protein in Synechocystis sp. PCC6803, which is distinct from the degron required for degradation of UmuD in E. coli. The use of two proteolysis pathways to tune levels of UmuD might reflect how a photosynthetic organism responds to multiple environmental stressors.  相似文献   

Random mutagenesis constitutes an important approach for identifying critical regions of proteins, studying structure-function relations and developing novel proteins with desired properties. Perhaps, the most popular method is the error-prone PCR, in which mistakes are introduced into a gene, and hence a protein, during DNA polymerase-catalysed amplification cycles. Unfortunately, the relatively high fidelities of the thermostable DNA polymerases commonly used for PCR result in too few mistakes in the amplified DNA for efficient mutagenesis. In this paper, we describe mutants of the family B DNA polymerase from Pyrococcus furiosus (Pfu-Pol), with superb performance in error-prone PCR. The key amino acid changes occur in a short loop linking two long α-helices that comprise the ‘fingers’ sub-domain of the protein. This region is responsible for binding the incoming dNTPs and ensuring that only correct bases are inserted opposite the complementary base in the template strand. Mutations in the short loop, when combined with an additional mutation that abolishes the 3′–5′ proof-reading exonuclease activity, convert the extremely accurate wild-type polymerase into a variant with low fidelity. The mutant Pfu-Pols can be applied in error-prone PCR, under exactly the same conditions used for standard, high-fidelity PCR with the wild-type enzyme. Large quantities of amplified product, with a high frequency of nearly indiscriminate mutations, are produced. It is anticipated that the Pfu-Pol variants will be extremely useful for the randomization of gene, and hence protein, sequences.  相似文献   

This paper summarizes recent advances in understanding the links between the cell's ability to maintain integrity of its mitochondrial genome and mitochondrial genetic diseases. Human mitochondrial DNA is replicated by the two-subunit DNA polymerase gamma (polgamma). We investigated the fidelity of DNA replication by polgamma with and without exonucleolytic proofreading and its p55 accessory subunit. Polgamma has high base substitution fidelity due to efficient base selection and exonucleolytic proofreading, but low frameshift fidelity when copying homopolymeric sequences longer than four nucleotides. Progressive external ophthalmoplegia (PEO) is a rare disease characterized by the accumulation of large deletions in mitochondrial DNA. Recently, several mutations in the polymerase and exonuclease domains of the human polgamma have been shown to be associated with PEO. We are analyzing the effect of these mutations on the human polgamma enzyme. In particular, three autosomal dominant mutations alter amino acids located within polymerase motif B of polgamma. These residues are highly conserved among family A DNA polymerases, which include T7 DNA polymerase and E.coli pol I. These PEO mutations have been generated in polgamma to analyze their effects on overall polymerase function as well as the effects on the fidelity of DNA synthesis. One mutation in particular, Y955C, was found in several families throughout Europe, including one Belgian family and five unrelated Italian families. The Y955C mutant polgamma retains a wild-type catalytic rate but suffers a 45-fold decrease in apparent binding affinity for the incoming dNTP. The Y955C derivative is also much less accurate than is wild-type polgamma, with error rates for certain mismatches elevated by 10- to 100-fold. The error prone DNA synthesis observed for the Y955C polgamma is consistent with the accumulation of mtDNA mutations in patients with PEO. The effects of other polgamma mutations associated with PEO are discussed.  相似文献   

TWINKLE is the helicase at the mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) replication fork in mammalian cells. Mutations in the PEO1 gene, which encodes TWINKLE, cause autosomal dominant progressive external ophthalmoplegia (AdPEO), a disorder associated with deletions in mtDNA. Here, we characterized seven different AdPEO-causing mutations in the linker region of TWINKLE and we identified distinct molecular phenotypes. For some mutations, protein hexamerization and DNA helicase activity are completely abolished whereas others display more subtle effects. To better understand these distinct phenotypes, we constructed a molecular model of TWINKLE based on the three-dimensional structure of the bacteriophage T7 gene 4 protein. The structural model explains the molecular phenotypes and also predicts the functional consequences of other AdPEO-causing mutations. Our findings provide a molecular platform for further studies in cell- and animal-based model systems and demonstrate that knowledge of the bacteriophage T7 DNA replication machinery may be key to understanding the molecular and phenotypic consequences of mutations in the mtDNA replication apparatus.  相似文献   

Ikehata H  Ono T  Tanaka K  Todo T 《DNA Repair》2007,6(5):658-668
A triplet mutation is defined as multiple base substitutions or frameshifts within a three-nucleotide sequence which includes a dipyrimidine sequence. Triplet mutations have recently been identified as a new type of UV-specific mutation, although the mechanism of their formation is unknown. A total of 163 triplet mutations were identified through an extensive search of previously published data on UV-induced mutations, including mutations from skin, skin cancer, and cultured mammalian cells. Seven common patterns of sequence changes were found: Type I, NTC-->TTT; Type IIa, NCC-->PyTT or PyCT (Py, pyrimidine); Type IIb, TCC-->PuTT or PuCT (Pu, purine); Type III, NCC-->NAT or NTA; Type IV, NTT-->AAT; Type Va, NCT-->NTX; and Type Vb, PuCT-->XTT (N and X, independent anonymous bases). Furthermore, it is suggested that the type of UV lesion responsible for each of these triplet mutation classes are (a) pyrimidine(6-4)pyrimidone photoproducts for Types I, IIb, III, IV and Vb, (b) cyclobutane pyrimidine dimers for Type Va, and (c) Dewar valence isomers for Types IIa and IIb. These estimations are based primarily on results from previous studies using photolyases specific for each type of UV lesion. A model is proposed to explain the formation of each type of triplet mutation, based on error-prone translesional DNA synthesis opposite UV-specific photolesions. The model is largely consistent with the 'A-rule', and predicts error-prone insertions not only opposite photolesions but also opposite the undamaged template base one-nucleotide downstream from the lesions.  相似文献   

The incorporation of thymidine into the DNA of eukaryotic cells is markedly depressed, but not completely inhibited, by aphidicolin, a highly specific inhibitor of DNA polymerase alpha. An electron microscope autoradiographic analysis of the synthesis of nuclear and mitochondrial DNA in vivo in Concanavalin A stimulated rabbit spleen lymphocytes and in Hamster cell cultures, in the absence and in the presence of aphidicolin, revealed that aphidicolin inhibits the nuclear but not the mitochondrial DNA replication. We therefore conclude that DNA polymerase alpha performs the synchronous bidirectional replication of nuclear DNA and that DNA polymerase gamma, the only DNA polymerase present in the mitochondria, performs the "strand displacement" DNA synthesis of these organelles.  相似文献   

The ppk gene encodes polyphosphate kinase (Ppk), an enzyme that catalyses the polymerization of inorganic phosphate into long chains of polyphosphate (polyP). An insertion mutation in ppk causes a decrease in adaptive mutation in Escherichia coli strain FC40. Adaptive mutation in FC40 mostly results from error-prone DNA polymerase IV (Pol IV), encoded by dinB; most of the antimutagenic phenotype of the ppk mutant disappears in a dinB mutant strain. In addition, the ppk mutant causes a decrease in growth-dependent mutations produced by overexpressing Pol IV. However, the amount of Pol IV protein is unchanged in the ppk mutant strain, indicating that the activity or fidelity of Pol IV is altered. Adaptive mutation is inhibited both by the absence of Ppk, which results in low amounts of polyP, and by overproduction of Ppk, which results in high amounts of polyP, suggesting that an optimal level of polyP is necessary. Taken together, these results suggest a novel mechanism involving polyP that directly or indirectly regulates DNA polymerase activity or fidelity.  相似文献   

Error-free lesion bypass and error-prone lesion bypass are important cellular responses to DNA damage during replication, both of which require a DNA polymerase (Pol). To identify lesion bypass DNA polymerases, we have purified human Polκ encoded by the DINB1 gene and examined its response to damaged DNA templates. Here, we show that human Polκ is a novel lesion bypass polymerase in vitro. Purified human Polκ efficiently bypassed a template 8-oxoguanine, incorporating mainly A and less frequently C opposite the lesion. Human Polκ most frequently incorporated A opposite a template abasic site. Efficient further extension required T as the next template base, and was mediated mainly by a one-nucleotide deletion mechanism. Human Polκ was able to bypass an acetylaminofluorene-modified G in DNA, incorporating either C or T, and less efficiently A opposite the lesion. Furthermore, human Polκ effectively bypassed a template (–)-trans-anti-benzo[a]pyrene-N2-dG lesion in an error-free manner by incorporating a C opposite the bulky adduct. In contrast, human Polκ was unable to bypass a template TT dimer or a TT (6-4) photoproduct, two of the major UV lesions. These results suggest that Polκ plays an important role in both error-free and error-prone lesion bypass in humans.  相似文献   

Highly purified preparations of chick embryo DNA polymerase gamma contained 3'----5' exonuclease activity which might be responsible for the exonucleolytic proofreading during DNA synthesis [Kunkel, T.A. & Soni, A. (1988) J. Biol. Chem. 262, 4450-4459]. A rabbit antibody produced against highly purified chick DNA polymerase gamma precipitated 3'----5' exonuclease activity to the same extent as DNA polymerase gamma activity. Furthermore, the antibody neutralized the two enzyme activities to an equal extent. However, the exonuclease activity was more resistant than DNA polymerase gamma activity to thermal treatment at 50 degrees C, although both activities were partially protected with polynucleotides. The results obtained suggest that these two enzymes are associated as a single enzyme complex or that the two activities reside in a single molecule, and the active site of DNA polymerase gamma and 3'----5' exonuclease are, although not identical, closely correlated.  相似文献   

Foury F  Szczepanowska K 《PloS one》2011,6(11):e27847
Mutations in mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) are an important cause of disease and perhaps aging in human. DNA polymerase gamma (pol γ), the unique replicase inside mitochondria, plays a key role in the fidelity of mtDNA replication through selection of the correct nucleotide and 3'-5' exonuclease proofreading. For the first time, we have isolated and characterized antimutator alleles in the yeast pol γ (Mip1). These mip1 mutations, localised in the 3'-5' exonuclease and polymerase domains, elicit a 2-15 fold decrease in the frequency of mtDNA point mutations in an msh1-1 strain which is partially deficient in mtDNA mismatch-repair. In vitro experiments show that in all mutants the balance between DNA synthesis and exonucleolysis is shifted towards excision when compared to wild-type, suggesting that in vivo more opportunity is given to the editing function for removing the replicative errors. This results in partial compensation for the mismatch-repair defects and a decrease in mtDNA point mutation rate. However, in all mutants but one the antimutator trait is lost in the wild-type MSH1 background. Accordingly, the polymerases of selected mutants show reduced oligonucleotide primed M13 ssDNA synthesis and to a lesser extent DNA binding affinity, suggesting that in mismatch-repair proficient cells efficient DNA synthesis is required to reach optimal accuracy. In contrast, the Mip1-A256T polymerase, which displays wild-type like DNA synthesis activity, increases mtDNA replication fidelity in both MSH1 and msh1-1 backgrounds. Altogether, our data show that accuracy of wild-type Mip1 is probably not optimal and can be improved by specific (often conservative) amino acid substitutions that define a pol γ area including a loop of the palm subdomain, two residues near the ExoII motif and an exonuclease helix-coil-helix module in close vicinity to the polymerase domain. These elements modulate in a subtle manner the balance between DNA polymerization and excision.  相似文献   

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