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PGE2 is essential for mammalian female reproduction. This study was to examine the expression of EP2 gene in the rat uterus during early pregnancy, delayed implantation and artificial decidualization by in situ hybridization and immunohistochemistry. There was no detectable EP2 mRNA expression in the uterus from days 1 to 4 of pregnancy (day 1 = day of vaginal sperm). A low level of EP2 immunostaining was observed in the luminal and glandular epithelium from days 1 to 4 of pregnancy. Both EP2 mRNA and protein expression were highly detected in the luminal epithelium at implantation sites on day 6 of pregnancy. EP2 expression decreased from day 7 of pregnancy and was undetectable on days 8 and 9 of pregnancy. After delayed implantation was terminated by estrogen treatment and the embryo implanted, both EP2 mRNA and protein expression were strongly observed in the luminal epithelium at the implantation site. There was no detectable EP2 expression in both control and decidualized uteri. In conclusion, these data suggest that EP2 expression at implantation site may play an important role during embryo implantation in rats.  相似文献   

Gu G  Gao Q  Yuan X  Huang L  Ge L 《Biology of reproduction》2012,86(5):159, 1-159,10
The mechanisms of cervical ripening and dilation in mammals remain obscure. Information is lacking about the localization of prostaglandin E(2) (PGE(2))-producing cells and PGE(2) receptors (EP) in intrapartum cervix and whether cervical dilation at parturition is an active process. To reveal these mechanisms, immunolocalization of EP1-EP4 (official gene symbols PTGER1-PTGER4) and PGE(2)-producing cells in caprine cervix during nonpregnancy, pregnancy, and parturition was assayed by immunohistochemistry (IHC); the mRNA expression levels of PTGS2, PTGER2 (EP2), and PTGER4 (EP4) were determined using quantitative PCR; and the existence of adipocytes in the cervix at various stages was demonstrated with Oil Red O staining and IHC of perilipin A. The results suggested that in intrapartum caprine cervix staining of the PGE(2) was observed in the overall tissues, for example, blood vessels, canal or glandular epithelia, serosa, circular and longitudinal muscles, and stroma in addition to adipocytes; EP2 was detectable in all the tissues other than glandular epithelia; EP4 was strongly expressed in all the tissues other than serosa; EP1 was detected mainly in arterioles and canal or glandular epithelia; and EP3 was poorly expressed only in stroma, canal epithelia, and circular muscles. Little or no expression of EP2, EP3, and EP4 as well as PGE(2) in all cervical tissues was observed during nonpregnancy and pregnancy except for the strong expression of EP1 in canal or glandular epithelia during pregnancy. The mRNA expression levels of PTGS2, PTGER2, and PTGER4 were significantly higher in intrapartum than nonpregnant and midpregnant cervices (P < 0.01). Adipocytes appear only in the intrapartum cervix. These results support the concept that PGE(2) modulates specific functions in various anatomical structures of the caprine cervix at labor and the appearance of adipocytes at labor is likely related to caprine cervical dilation.  相似文献   

Studies using prostaglandin E receptor (EP) agonists indicate that prostaglandin (PG) E(2) can have anabolic effects through both EP4 and EP2 receptors. We previously found that the anabolic response to a selective EP4 receptor agonist (EP4A, Ono Pharmaceutical) was substantially greater than to a selective EP2 receptor agonist (EP2A) in cultured murine calvarial osteoblastic cells. To further define the role of the EP2 receptor in PG-mediated effects on bone cells, we examined the effects of EP2A and PGE(2) on both calvarial primary osteoblasts (POB) and marrow stromal cells (MSC) cultured from mice with deletion of one (Het) or both (KO) alleles of the EP2 receptor compared to their wild-type (WT) littermates. Deletion of EP2 receptor was confirmed by quantitative real-time PCR, Western blot and immunohistochemistry. The 1 month-old mice used to provide cells in these studies did not show any significant differences in their femurs by static histomorphometry. EP2A was found to enhance osteoblastic differentiation as measured by alkaline phosphatase mRNA expression and activity as well as osteocalcin mRNA expression and mineralization in the WT cell cultures from both marrow and calvariae. The effects were somewhat diminished in cultures from Het mice and abrogated in cultures from KO mice. PGE(2) effects were greater than those of EP2A, particularly in POB cultures and were only moderately diminished in Het and KO cell cultures. We conclude that activation of the EP2 receptor is able to enhance differentiation of osteoblasts, that EP2A is a true selective agonist for this receptor and that PGE(2) has an additional anabolic effect likely mediated by the EP4 receptor.  相似文献   

Prostaglandin E(2) (PGE(2)) acts as a potent stimulator of bone resorption. In this study, we first clarified in normal ddy mice the involvement of protein kinase A and induction of matrix metalloproteinases (MMPs) in PGE(2)-induced bone resorption, and then identified PGE receptor subtype(s) mediating this PGE(2) action using mice lacking each subtype (EP1, EP2, EP3, and EP4) of PGE receptor. In calvarial culture obtained from normal ddy mice, both PGE(2) and dibutyryl cyclic AMP (Bt(2)cAMP) stimulated bone resorption and induced MMPs including MMP-2 and MMP-13. Addition of an inhibitor of protein kinase A, H89, or an inhibitor of MMPs, BB94, significantly suppressed bone-resorbing activity induced by PGE(2.) In calvarial culture from EP1-, EP2-, and EP3-knockout mice, PGE(2) stimulated bone resorption to an extent similar to that found in calvaria from the wild-type mice. On the other hand, a marked reduction in bone resorption to PGE(2) was found in the calvarial culture from EP4-knockout mice. The impaired bone resorption to PGE(2) was also detected in long bone cultures from EP4-knockout mice. Bt(2)cAMP greatly stimulated bone resorption similarly in both wild-type and EP4-knockout mice. Induction of MMP-2 and MMP-13 by PGE(2) was greatly impaired in calvarial culture from EP4-knockout mice, but Bt(2)cAMP stimulated MMPs induction similarly in the wild-type and EP4-knockout mice. These findings suggest that PGE(2) stimulates bone resorption by a cAMP-dependent mechanism via the EP4 receptor.  相似文献   

Anhydrolevuglandin E2 (AnLGE2) is closely related to prostaglandin E2 (PGE2) and has been found to inhibit the uterotonic activity of PGE2. The binding of PGE2 and its inhibition by AnLGE2 has been determined in rat uterine membrane fractions. AnLGE2 inhibited the binding of 3HPGE2 in a dose related fashion. 3HAnLGE2 also binds to rat uterine membrane fractions and its binding is inhibited by PGE2 in a dose related fashion. These data support previous physiological observations that AnLGE2 inhibits the actions of PGE2 by acting at the PGE2 receptor. Thus, AnLGE2 appears to be a specific inhibitor of PGE2 actions at its uterine receptors.  相似文献   

Paired segments of rat uterus were treated in vitro with relaxin (W1164-3, 150 GPU/mg) until the amplitude of contraction was reduced to at least 50% of the pre-treatment amplitude. Test segments then received 100 ng of either PGE1, PGE2, PGF2alpha or 250 uU of oxytocin. Control segments remained untreated. There was a significant increase in contraction amplitude in response to the spasmogens (P less than 0.05) but no increase was seen in controls.  相似文献   

We investigated the distribution and time course of expression of two subtypes of prostaglandin E2 (PGE2) receptors, EP2 and EP4, in a rat model of cerebral ischemia and ischemic tolerance. Adult male Sprague-Dawley rats were subjected to either lethal global ischemia (10 min) with or without sublethal ischemic preconditioning (3 min), or ischemia only (3 min). A short 3-min cerebral ischemia and a 3-min ischemia followed by a second lethal ischemia enhanced the expression of EP2 and EP4 receptors in CA1 pyramidal neurons of the hippocampus. In tolerance-acquired CA1 neurons, the immunoreactivities of EP2 and EP4 were upregulated after 4 h and 12 h, respectively. The immunoreactivities were most prominent at 3 days and were sustained for at least 14 days, consistent with results of immunoblotting experiments. However, immunoreactivities for these PGE2 receptors increased in reactive glial cells in the vulnerable CA1 and hilar regions of rats subjected to lethal ischemia without ischemic preconditioning. Most of the EP2 immunoreactivity occurred in microglial cells and some astrocytes, whereas increased immunoreactivity for EP4 was found only in astrocytes. These data suggest that ischemia and the induction of ischemia tolerance have different regulatory effects on the expression of EP2 and EP4 receptors. Moreover, PGE2 may exert its unique pathophysiological functions in relation to delayed neuronal death and ischemic tolerance induction in the rat hippocampus via specific PGE2 receptors.This research was supported by a grant (M103KV010019 04K2201 01930) from the Brain Research Center of the 21st Century Frontier Research Program funded by the Ministry of Science and Technology of the Republic of Korea.  相似文献   

We investigated the roles of cyclooxygenase (COX) isozymes and prostaglandin E (PGE) receptor EP1 and EP3 subtypes or prostacyclin IP receptors in the decrease in acid secretion in the damaged mouse stomach. Male C57/BL6 mice, both wild type and animals lacking EP1, EP3, or IP receptors, were used after 18 h of fasting. Under urethane anesthesia, the stomach was mounted on an ex-vivo chamber and perfused with saline, and acid secretion as well as transmucosal potential difference (PD) was measured before and after exposure to 20 mM taurocholate Na (TC) for 20 min. Indomethacin, SC-560 or rofecoxib was given i.d. 30 min before TC. Mucosal exposure to TC in wild-type mice caused a reduction in PD, followed by decrease in acid secretion. Indomethacin attenuated the decrease in acid secretion after exposure to TC in wild-type mice, an effect mimicked by SC-560 but not rofecoxib, yet none of these drugs affected the decrease in PD. An altered acid response after exposure to TC was similarly observed in EP1 (-/-) mice but mitigated in mice lacking either EP3 or IP receptors, although a decrease in PD was observed in all groups. Furthermore, the decreased acid response was also attenuated by prior administration of the EP3- but not EP1- antagonist. Mucosal levels of PGE(2) and 6-keto PGF(1a) increased after exposure to TC in all groups of mice. In conclusion, the decrease in acid secretion in the damaged stomach is mediated by endogenous PGs derived from COX-1, through PGE(2)/EP3 receptors and prostacyclin/IP receptors.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of corticotropin-releasing hormone (CRH) on the expression of the prostaglandin (PG) E(2) EP1 receptor subtype and PGE(2) production in amnion WISH cells (AWC). AWC cultures were incubated with CRH. Culture fluid was collected for PGE(2) measurement, and the cells were collected and analyzed for EP1 protein and mRNA. Immunohistochemical localization of the EP1 receptor was also performed. Incubation of AWC with CRH resulted in a dose-dependent increase (r = 0.97) in the level of EP1 receptor protein (P < 0.001). Coincubation of AWC with CRH and indomethacin resulted in the decreased production of PGE(2) while having no effect on EP1 receptor expression. A significant but not dose-dependent increase in EP1 mRNA expression was also observed (P < 0.01). Immunohistochemical evaluation verified cell membrane localization of the receptor in both stimulated and unstimulated cells and confirmed the increased expression of EP1 receptor in response to CRH. Incubation of AWC with CRH also resulted in increased culture fluid PGE(2) levels (P < 0.01). These results suggest that the role CRH plays in the initiation of labor may also involve the promotion of elevated PGE(2) levels and increased expression of the EP1 receptor in amnion.  相似文献   

Prostaglandins (PG) are produced by the enzymatic activity of cyclooxygenase (COX). PGs and COX have been implicated in the pathophysiology of excitotoxicity and neurodegeneration in the central nervous system (CNS). The PGE2 receptor EP3 is the most abundantly expressed PGE2 receptor subtype in the brain. So far, in the innate rat brain EP3 receptors have been found exclusively in neurons. The aim of this study was to investigate whether EP3 expression in the brain changes under neurodegenerative circumstances such as an acute excitotoxic lesion. Intrastriatal injection of quinolinic acid (QUIN) resulted in a loss of EP3-positive striatal neurons, while simultaneously small glial-shaped EP3-positive cells appeared. Five days after lesioning, 63% of the glial-shaped EP3-positive cells could be identified as ED-1 expressing microglial cells. This percentage increased to 82% after 10 days, suggesting that most of the EP3-positive ED-1-negative cells on day 5 may be microglia which did not yet express ED-1. ED-1-positive microglia also expressed COX-1. These experiments show for the first time that activated microglial cells in excitotoxic lesions express in vivo the PGE2 receptor EP3 and the PGE2 synthesizing enzyme COX-1. Activation of EP3 receptor downregulates cAMP formation and may counteract the upregulation of cAMP formation via EP2 receptors, which has been linked to the anti-inflammatory effects of PGs. This change in EP3-receptor expression in microglia might participate in acute or chronic microglial activation in a variety of brain diseases such as ischemia or Alzheimer's disease (AD). Investigation of the expression of different PGE2 receptor subtypes might promote a better understanding of the pathophysiology of these diseases as well as leading to a modulation of microglial activation by a more specific interference with selective EP receptors than can be achieved by inhibiting global PG synthesis by selective or non-selective COX inhibitors.  相似文献   

We previously reported that the prostaglandin E(2) (PGE(2)) receptor subtype EP(1) is coupled to intracellular Ca(2+) mobilization in CHO cells, which is dependent on extracellular Ca(2+) in a pertussis toxin-insensitive manner [H. Katoh, et al., Biochim. Biophys. Acta 1244 (1995) 41-48]. However, it remains unknown about the signal transduction involved in this response. To investigate the mechanism regulating Ca(2+) mobilization mediated by EP(1) receptors in detail, we performed a series of experiments using the Xenopus laevis oocyte expression system and found that endogenous G(q) and/or G(11), and not G(i1) is involved in the Ca(2+) mobilization induced by PGE(2). We further investigated the receptor-activated Ca(2+) channel (RACC)-related response by introducing mRNA for mouse transient receptor potential 5 (TRP5), a possible candidate for the RACC, and found effective coupling between them. These results suggest that the EP(1) receptors induce Ca(2+) mobilization via G(q) and/or G(11) and Ca(2+) influx via TRP.  相似文献   

Aihara E  Nomura Y  Sasaki Y  Ise F  Kita K  Takeuchi K 《Life sciences》2007,80(26):2446-2453
We investigated the involvement of prostaglandin E (PGE) receptor subtype EP3 in the regulatory mechanism of duodenal HCO3 secretion in rats. A proximal duodenal loop or a chambered stomach was perfused with saline, and HCO3 secretion was measured using a pH-stat method and by adding 2 mM HCl. Mucosal acidification was achieved through 10 min of exposure to 10 mM HCl in the duodenum or 100 mM HCl in the stomach. Various EP agonists or the EP4 antagonist were given i.v., while the EP1 or EP3 antagonist was given s.c. or i.d., respectively. Sulprostone (EP1/EP3 agonists) stimulated duodenal HCO3 secretion in a dose-dependent manner, and this response was inhibited by AE5-599 (EP3 antagonist) but not AE3-208 (EP4 antagonist). AE1-329 (EP4 agonist) also increased duodenal HCO3 secretion, and this action was inhibited by AE3-208 but not AE5-599. The response to PGE2 or acidification in the duodenum was partially attenuated by AE5-599 or AE3-208 alone but completely abolished by the combined administration. Duodenal damage caused by mucosal perfusion with 150 mM HCl for 4 h was worsened by pretreatment with AE5-599 and AE3-208 as well as indomethacin and further aggravated by co-administration of these antagonists. Neither the EP3 nor EP4 antagonist had any effect on the gastric response induced by PGE2 or acidification. These results clearly demonstrate the involvement of EP3 receptors, in addition to EP4 receptors, in the regulation of duodenal HCO3 secretion as well as the maintenance of the mucosal integrity of the duodenum against acid injury.  相似文献   

In the dog CL are the only source of the progesterone in cyclic and pregnant animals. From a high expression of cyclooxygenase 2 (Cox2) at the beginning of the dioestrus and a low one at the end it was suggested that prostanoids may play a role in the formation of the CL. This led to the hypothesis that also in the dog PGE2 of luteal origin might act as paracrine/autocrine factor. Hence, expression of the prostaglandin E2 synthase (PGES) and its receptors (EP2 and EP4) was determined during the course of dioestrus in canine CL from days 5, 15, 25, 35, 45, 65 after ovulation, following cloning of PGES using SMART RACE PCR, which revealed a high homology (82-94%) with other species. Real Time (TaqMan) PCR showed a high PGES and EP2 expression in the early CL-phase with a significant decrease thereafter. EP4 revealed a constant expression pattern throughout the life span of the CL. In situ hybridization co-localized PGES, EP2 and EP4 in the cytoplasm of the luteal cells only. In conclusion, our data suggest that in the dog PGE2 of luteal origin acts by autocrine mechanism as a luteotropic factor through its EP2 and EP4 receptors during the phase of CL-formation.  相似文献   

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