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Pamela Beckmann Stephen R. Martin Andrew N. Lane 《European biophysics journal : EBJ》1993,21(6):417-424
The interaction of the trp repressor with several trp operator DNA fragments has been examined by DNA gel retardation assays and by circular dichroism, in the absence and presence of the corepressor l-tryptophan. The holorepressor binds stoichiometrically to both the trpO and aroH operators, forming 1:1 complexes. In the presence of excess protein, additional complexes are formed with these operator fragments. The relative electrophoretic mobilities of the 1:1 complexes differ significantly for trp and aroH operators, indicating that they differ substantially in gross structure. A mutant trp operator, trpO
c, has low affinity for the holorepressor, and forms only complexes with stoichiometries of 2:1 (repressor: DNA) or higher, which have a very low electrophoretic mobility. Specific binding is also accompanied by a large increase in the intensity of the near ultraviolet circular dichroism, with only a small blue shift, which is consistent with significant changes in the conformation of the DNA. Large changes in the chemical shifts of three resonances in the 31P NMR spectrum of both the trp operator and the aroH operator occur on adding repressor only in the presence of L-tryptophan, consistent with localised changes in the backbone conformation of the DNA.Abbreviations CD
circular dichroism
trpO, trpR
aroH trp operator fragments
trpMH mutant trp operator fragments 相似文献
Interaction of the trp repressor from Escherichia coli with a constitutive trp operator. 总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2

The mechanisms of the requirement of glucose for steroidogenesis were investigated by monitoring the uptake of the glucose analogue 2-deoxy-D-glucose by rat testis and tumour Leydig cells. The characteristics of glucose transport in both of these cell types were found to resemble those of the facilitated-diffusion systems for glucose found in most other mammalian cells. The Leydig cells took up 2-deoxy-D-glucose but not L-glucose, and the uptake was inhibited by both cytochalasin B and forskolin. In the presence of luteinizing hormone, the rate of 2-deoxy-D-glucose uptake by both cell types was increased by approx. 50%. In addition to D-glucose, it was shown that the Leydig cells could also utilize 3-hydroxybutyrate or glutamine to maintain steroidogenesis. 相似文献
We have examined the interaction of the trp repressor from Escherichia coli with a 20 base-pair synthetic operator. Nonspecific binding was relatively strong (Kd = 2 microM), but only weakly sensitive to the concentration of added salt [d log Kd)/(d log [Na]) = -1). 1H-NMR studies indicate that the structure of the repressor is not greatly altered on forming the complex, and that few if any of the lysine and arginine residues make direct contact with the DNA. However, the mobility of one of the two tyrosine residues is significantly decreased in the complex. The repressor makes close contact with the major grooves of the operator such that the base protons are broadened much more than expected on the basis of increased correlation time. There are large, differential changes in chemical shifts of the imino protons on forming the complex, as well as changes in the rate constants for exchange. The fraying of the ends is greatly diminished, consistent with a target size of about 20 base-pairs. The effects of the repressor on the NMR spectra and relaxation rate constants can be interpreted as a change in the conformation of the operator, possibly a kinking in the centre of the molecule. 相似文献
The unfolding properties of the trp repressor of Escherichia coli have been studied using a number of different time-resolved and steady-state fluorescence approaches. Denaturation by urea was monitored by the average fluorescence emission energy of the intrinsic tryptophan residues of the repressor. These data were consistent with a two-state transition from dimer to unfolded monomer with a free energy of unfolding of 19.2 kcal/mol. The frequency response profiles of the fluorescence emission brought to light subtle urea-induced modifications of the intrinsic tryptophan decay parameters both preceding and following the main unfolding transition. The increase of lifetime induced by urea required higher concentrations of urea than the increase in the total intensity described by Gittelman and Matthews [(1990) Biochemistry 29, 7011]. This indicates that the intensity increase has both dynamic and static origins. To assess the effect of tryptophan binding upon repressor stability, and to determine whether repressor oligomerization would be detectable in an unfolding experiment, we examined denaturation profiles of repressor labeled with the long-lived fluorescence probe 5-(dimethylamino)naphthalene-1-sulfonyl (DNS), by monitoring the average rotational correlation time of the probe. These experiments revealed a protein concentration dependent transition at low urea concentrations. This transition was promoted by tryptophan binding. We ascribe this transition to urea-induced dissociation of repressor tetramers. The main unfolding transition of the dimer to unfolded monomer was also observable using this technique, and the free energies associated with this transition were 18.3 kcal/mol in the absence of tryptophan and 24.1 kcal/mol in its presence, demonstrating that co-repressor binding stabilizes the repressor dimer against denaturation.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS) 相似文献
Electrostatic forces contribute to interactions between trp repressor dimers. 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1

K S Martin C A Royer K P Howard J Carey Y C Liu K Matthews E Heyduk J C Lee 《Biophysical journal》1994,66(4):1167-1173
The trp repressor of Escherichia coli (TR), although generally considered to be dimeric, has been shown by fluorescence anisotropy of extrinsically labeled protein to undergo oligomerization in solution at protein concentrations in the micromolar range (Fernando, T., and C. A. Royer 1992. Biochemistry. 31:3429-3441). Providing evidence that oligomerization is an intrinsic property of TR, the present studies using chemical cross-linking, analytical ultracentrifugation, and molecular sieve chromatography demonstrate that unmodified TR dimers form higher order aggregates. Tetramers and higher order species were observed in chemical cross-linking experiments at concentrations between 1 and 40 microM. Results from analytical ultracentrifugation and gel filtration chromatography were consistent with average molecular weight values between tetramer and dimer, although no plateaus in the association were evident over the concentration ranges studied, indicating that higher order species are populated. Analytical ultracentrifugation data in presence of corepressor imply that corepressor binding destabilizes the higher order aggregates, an observation that is consistent with the earlier fluorescence work. Through the investigation of the salt and pH dependence of oligomerization, the present studies have revealed an electrostatic component to the interactions between TR dimers. 相似文献
Serine to cysteine mutations in trp repressor protein alter tryptophan and operator binding 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
The tryptophan repressor regulates expression of the aroH, trpEDCBA, and trpR operons in Escherichia coli. The protein contains no cysteine residues, and the presence of this reactive side chain would allow introduction of spectral probes to monitor binding reactions. Three mutant trp aporepressors, each with a point mutation from serine to cysteine, were produced at positions 67, 86, and 88 by oligonucleotide-directed site-specific mutagenesis. This single conservative substitution affected both tryptophan and operator DNA affinities in all three purified proteins. Cysteine substitution for serine at position 67 decreased tryptophan binding by approximately 6-fold and the operator DNA affinity by approximately 50-fold. The proximity of this amino acid to Gln-68 which is involved in binding to operator DNA (Otwinowski, Z., Schevitz, R. W., Zhang, R.-G., Lawson, C. L., Joachimiak, A., Marmorstein, R. Q., Luisi, B. F., and Sigler, P. B. (1988) Nature 335, 321-329) may account for this effect. Substitution at position 86 diminished tryptophan binding by approximately 4-fold and operator DNA binding by approximately 130-fold. The participation of Ser-86 in the hydrogen bond network required for operator binding (Otwinowski, Z., Schevitz, R. W., Zhang, R.-G., Lawson, C. L., Joachimiak, A., Marmorstein, R. Q., Luisi, B. F., and Sigler, P. B. (1988) Nature 335, 321-329) presumably accounts for the DNA binding effects. The diminished corepressor activity in these two mutants may derive from distortions of the binding region, as the tryptophan and DNA binding sites are intimately related. The mutation at position 88 altered tryptophan binding the most of the three mutants (approximately 18-fold) and operator binding least (approximately 12-fold). Ser-88 forms a hydrogen bond with the amino group of bound tryptophan (Schevitz, R. W., Otwinowski, Z., Joachimiak, A., Lawson, C. L., and Sigler, P. B. (1985) Nature 317, 782-786), and alteration of the geometry of the side chain would be anticipated to perturb the topology of the binding site. The diminished operator affinity may derive from improper alignment of the tryptophan ligand, crucial for high affinity operator binding (Otwinowski, Z., Schevitz, R. W., Zhang, R.-G., Lawson, C. L., Joachimiak, A., Marmorstein, R. Q., Luisi, B. F., and Sigler, P. B. (1988) Nature 335, 321-329).(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 400 WORDS) 相似文献
Unexpected features seen by high resolution X-ray crystallography at the interface of the trp repressor and the 'traditional' trp operator provoked the claim that the DNA fragment used in the crystal structure is not the true operator, and therefore that the crystal structure of the trp repressor-operator complex does not portray a specific interaction. An alternative sequence was proposed mainly on the basis of mutational studies and gel retardation analysis of short target duplexes (Staacke et al., 1990a,b). We have reexamined the sequence consensus in trpR-repressible promoters and analyzed the mutagenesis experiments of others including Staacke et al. (1990a) and found them fully consistent with the interactions of the traditional operator sequence seen in the crystal structure, and stereochemically inconsistent with the above referenced alternative model. Moreover, an in vitro trp repressor-DNA binding analysis, employing both novel DNA constructs devised to avoid previously encountered artifacts as well as full-length promoter sequences, indicates that the traditional operator used in the crystal structure is the preferred target of the trp repressor. 相似文献
Specific contacts between the lac repressor and operator have been explored using 5-bromodeoxyuridine-substituted DNA. Substitution of BrdU for single thymidine positions in a synthetic 40-base pair operator provides substrate for ultraviolet irradiation; upon irradiation, strand scission occurs at the BrdU residues. When bound, lac repressor protein provides protection against UV-induced breakage depending on the nature of the sites and type of interaction. We have confirmed 13 unique sites of inducer-sensitive protection along the operator sequence using this method compared to complete substitution with BrdU; differences were observed at two positions for singly substituted versus completely substituted DNAs (Ogata, R., and Gilbert, W. (1977) Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 74, 4973-4976). The ability of these photosensitive DNAs to form short range cross-links to bound protein has been used to determine the efficiency with which cross-linked protein-DNA complexes are generated at each individual site of BrdU substitution. Five sites of high efficiency cross-linking to the repressor protein have been identified. At one site, cross-linking without protection from strand scission was observed; this result suggests an unusual mechanism of strand scission and/or cross-linking at this site. Comparison of the UV protection results and the cross-linking data show that these processes provide complementary tools for identifying and analyzing individual protein-DNA contacts. 相似文献
D Staacke B Walter B Kisters-Woike B von Wilcken-Bergmann B Müller-Hill 《The EMBO journal》1990,9(6):1963-1967
We propose that the generally accepted model of a single Trp repressor dimer binding to a center of symmetry in the natural trp operator (Otwinowski et al., 1988) is wrong. We show here that the Trp repressor binds to a sequence whose center is located four base pairs either to the right or to the left of the central axis of symmetry that was previously identified. We show that: (i) the oligonucleotide used by Otwinowski et al. is not retarded by the Trp repressor in a mobility shift assay under conditions wherein a shorter oligonucleotide carrying our consensus sequence is retarded, (ii) that methylation protection experiments on the full natural operator sequence and the short oligonucleotide protect similar patterns and (iii) that by varying every base in the shorter oligonucleotide, we can demonstrate an optimal sequence for Trp repressor binding. 相似文献
trp repressor interactions with the trp aroH and trpR operators. Comparison of repressor binding in vitro and repression in vivo 总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9
Interaction of the Escherichia coli trp repressor with the promoter-operator regions of the trp, aroH and trpR operons was studied in vivo and in vitro. The three operators have similar, but non-identical, sequences; each operator is located in a different segment of its respective promoter. In vivo repression of the three operons was measured using single-copy gene fusions to lacZ. The extent of repression varied from 300-fold for the trp operon, to sixfold for the aroH operon and threefold for the trpR operon. To determine whether differential binding of repressor to the three operators was responsible for the differences in repression observed in vivo, three in vitro binding assays were employed. Restriction-site protection, gel retardation and DNase footprinting analyses revealed that repressor binds to the three operators with almost equal affinity. It was also shown in an in vivo competition assay that repressor binds approximately equally well to each of the three operators. It is proposed that the differential regulation observed in vivo may be due to the different relative locations of the three operators within their respective promoters. 相似文献
Interactions of the Escherichia coli methionine repressor with the metF operator and with its corepressor, S-adenosylmethionine 总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9
I Saint-Girons J Belfaiza Y Guillou D Perrin N Guiso O Barzu G N Cohen 《The Journal of biological chemistry》1986,261(23):10936-10940
The metJ gene encoding the methionine aporepressor was placed under the control of a strong and inducible promoter, ptac. Bacterial strains carrying the recombinant plasmid pIP35 overproduced the regulatory protein by a factor of 200 over the wild type strain as determined by the immunoblot technique. The purified metJ gene product negatively controls the expression of the metF gene, in a cell-free system as shown by repression of beta-galactosidase synthesis under the control of the metF promoter. The metJ protein binds to a DNA fragment containing the potential operator of the metF gene with an affinity which is 10 times greater in the presence of S-adenosylmethionine than in its absence. Equilibrium dialysis experiments showed that the met aporepressor binds 2 mol of S-adenosylmethionine per mol of dimer with a dissociation constant of 200 microM. 相似文献
The positions of interference points between the IclR repressor of the acetate operon of Escherichia coli and its specific operator were examined. The number and nature of nucleotides essential to repressor binding were determined by scanning populations of DNA previously methylated at guanine residues by dimethyl sulfate, or depurinated by treatment with formic acid, or depyrimidated by treatment with hydrazine. A total of 46 nucleotides, distributed almost equally between the two strands of the operator region, were found to be functionally important, although to a varying extent. These are clustered in two successive domains which expand from nucleotide -54 to nucleotide -27 and can organize in a palindrome-like structure containing a large proportion of A and T residues. 相似文献
Interactions of the acid and base catalysts on staphylococcal nuclease as studied in a double mutant. 总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5
The mechanism of the phosphodiesterase reaction catalyzed by staphylococcal nuclease is believed to involve concerted general acid-base catalysis by Arg-87 and Glu-43. The mutual interactions of Arg-87 and Glu-43 were investigated by comparing kinetic and thermodynamic properties of the single mutant enzymes E43S (Glu-43 to Ser) and R87G (Arg-87 to Gly) with those of the double mutant, E43S + R87G, in which both the basic and acidic functions have been inactivated. Denaturation studies with guanidinium chloride, CD, and 600-MHz 1D and 2D proton NMR spectra, indicate all enzyme forms to be predominantly folded in absence of the denaturant and reveal small antagonistic effects of the E43S and R87G mutations on the stability and structure of the wild-type enzyme. The free energies of binding of the divalent cation activator Ca2+, the inhibitor Mn2+, and the substrate analogue 3',5'-pdTp show simple additive effects of the two mutations in the double mutant, indicating that Arg-87 and Glu-43 act independently to facilitate the binding of divalent cations and of 3',5'-pdTP by the wild-type enzyme. The free energies of binding of the substrate, 5'-pdTdA, both in binary E-S and in active ternary E-Ca(2+)-S complexes, show synergistic effects of the two mutations, suggesting that Arg-87 and Glu-43 interact anticooperatively in binding the substrate, possibly straining the substrate by 1.6 kcal/mol in the wild-type enzyme. The large free energy barriers to Vmax introduced by the R87G mutation (delta G1 = 6.5 kcal/mol) and by the E43S mutation (delta G2 = 5.0 kcal/mol) are partially additive in the double mutant (delta G1+2 = 8.1 kcal/mol). These partially additive effects on Vmax are most simply explained by a cooperative component to transition state binding by Arg-87 and Glu-43 of -3.4 kcal/mol. The combination of anticooperative, cooperative, and noncooperative effects of Arg-87 and Glu-43 together lower the kinetic barrier to catalysis by 8.1 kcal/mol. 相似文献
Y K Chae F Abildgaard C A Royer J L Markley 《Archives of biochemistry and biophysics》1999,371(1):35-40
The regulation of the trp repressor system of Escherichia coli is frequently modeled by a single equilibrium, that between the aporepressor (TR) and the corepressor, l-tryptophan (Trp), at their intracellular concentrations. The actual mechanism, which is much more complex and more finely tuned, involves multiple equilibria: TR and Trp association, TR oligomerization, specific and nonspecific binding of various states of TR to DNA, and interactions between these various species and ions. TR in isolation exists primarily as a homodimer, but the state of oligomerization increases as the TR concentration goes up and/or the salt concentration goes down, leading to species with lower affinity for DNA. We have used multinuclear, multidimensional NMR spectroscopy to investigate structural changes that accompany the oligomerization of TR. For these investigations, the superrepressor mutant EK18 (TR with Glu 18 replaced by Lys) was chosen because it exhibits less severe oligomerization at higher protein concentration than other known variants; this made it possible to study the dimer to tetramer oligomerization step by NMR. The NMR results suggest that the interaction between TR dimers is structurally linked to folding of the DNA binding domain and that it likely involves direct contacts between the C-terminal residues of the C-helix of one dimer with the next dimer. This implies that oligomerization can compete with DNA binding and thus serves as a factor in the fine-tuning of gene expression. 相似文献
A simple and rapid screening procedure was developed to study the interaction of the S. cerevisiae alpha 2 repressor with its operator sequence. An E. coli expression vector was constructed in which the alpha 2 coding sequence was placed under control of the lac promoter. Bacterial colonies containing this vector could be lysed and assayed directly for binding of wild-type and mutant operator sequences when grown on nitrocellulose filters. alpha 2 assayed in this way showed the same sequence specificity as determined in vivo. Pools of mutant alpha 2 repressors in which the codons for Arg185 or Ser181 in the homeodomain region were randomized were created by cassette mutagenesis. These pools of mutants were screened with the wild-type operator sequence to determine allowed amino acid substitutions at each position. Results suggest that both Arg185 and Ser181 have a role in high affinity operator binding. 相似文献
The dimeric protein, trp apo-repressor of Escherichia coli has been subjected to high hydrostatic pressure under a variety of conditions, and the effects have been monitored by fluorescence spectroscopic and infra-red absorption techniques. Under conditions of micromolar protein concentration and low, non-denaturing concentrations of guanidinium hydrochloride (GuHCl), tryptophan and 8-anilino-1-naphthalene sulfonate (ANS) fluorescence detected high pressure profiles demonstrate that pressures below 3 kbar result in dissociation of the dimer to a monomeric species that presents no hydrophobic binding sites for ANS. The FTIR-detected high pressure profile obtained under significantly different solution conditions (30 mM trp repressor in absence of denaturant) exhibits a much smaller pressure dependence than the fluorescence detected profiles. The pressure-denatured form obtained under the FTIR conditions retains about 50 % alpha-helical structure. From this we conclude that the secondary structure present in the high pressure state achieved under the conditions of the fluorescence experiments is at least as disrupted as that achieved under FTIR conditions. Fluorescence-detected pressure-jump relaxation studies in the presence of non-denaturing concentrations of GuHCl reveal a positive activation volume for the association/folding reaction and a negative activation volume for dissociation/unfolding reaction, implicating dehydration as the rate-limiting step for association/folding and hydration as the rate-limiting step for unfolding. The GuHCl concentration dependence of the kinetic parameters place the transition state at least half-way along the reaction coordinate between the unfolded and folded states. The temperature dependence of the pressure-jump fluorescence-detected dissociation/unfolding reaction in the presence of non-denaturing GuHCl suggests that the curvature in the temperature dependence of the stability arises from non-Arrhenius behavior of the folding rate constant, consistent with a large decrease in heat capacity upon formation of the transition state from the unfolded state. The decrease in the equilibrium volume change for folding with increasing temperature (due to differences in thermal expansivity of the folded and unfolded states) arises from a decrease in the absolute value for the activation volume for unfolding, thus indicating that the thermal expansivity of the transition state is similar to that of the unfolded state. 相似文献