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The morphobiochemical adaptations to the drying and feeding of four species of littoral mollusks collected in a confined area of the Atlantic coast have been analyzed: Tectarius striatus, Siphonaria pectinata, Phorcus atratus, and P. sauciatus. It was established that these mollusks differ strongly from each other morphologically and biochemically, thus demonstrating a variety of adaptations to the same environmental conditions. It was noted that T. striatus is the most adapted to live in the tidal zone. It is assumed that the survival of P. atratus and P. sauciatus in the conditions of drying is to some extent maintained by the green pigment (biliverdin) concentrated in the soft tissues, as its quantity increases as the mollusks remain without water.  相似文献   

Adaptations to attachment, respiration, nutrition, and pollution of sedentary gastropods with cowl-shaped shell living in littoral conditions and prone to the influence of abiotic factors are analyzed. Weight properties of individual parts of the radular apparatus related to scrapping mode of nutrition are discussed. The content of hemoglobin in radular tissues of some representatives of Patellidae, Acmaeidae, and Siphonariidae families is comparatively evaluated.  相似文献   

More than 17 molluscan species were obtained from burrows incoral substrata at Al-Ghardaga (Hurghada on maps) on the RedSea coast, six of which in particular bore into livingcolonies.The species reported in this paper belong to the families Mytilidae,Coralliophilidae, and Gastrochaenidae. The direction of boringin living corals is to the outside, the borers keeping pacewith the growing coral layer to maintain their burrows open.Coral growth is generally of a higher rate than that of borers,and burrows are accordingly mostly much larger than their inhabitants.There is evidence in such cases that burrows form initiallyby growth of coral around the settling young. Boring of Lithophagaspecies is mostly due to the abrasive action of the shell whichmoves straight and posteroventrally without any rotation. Incoralliophilids,boring is also executed mechanically by the turning movementsof the shell. Boring in dead coral is directed inwards, andburrows are nearly as large as the borers. The latter avoidthe blocking of their burrows (e.g., by a living coral incrustation)either by great siphonal extension (Rocellaria) or the freeends of the shell may be strengthened to maintain the capabilityof boring in the opposite direction (Lithophaga laevigata).Both L. luevigata and Modiola chmamomeus bore mainly mechanicallyby the rocking movements of the shell. Chemical boring is stilla possibility,particularly in the posterior narrow region ofburrows of Modiola lodging the extended pallial siphons whichare deprived of any effective mechanical devices for boring.Therole of boring algae in rarefying bored coral material hasalso to be included as an indirect chemical factor.  相似文献   

In land gastropods, calcium is precipitated in the shell, inconnective calcium cells which are largely distributed throughthe whole connective tissue, in epithelial calcium cells ofthe digestive gland, and in the calcium gland cells of the skinand the mantle collar. Calcium is taken up from the externalmedium by food and by absorption through the sole skin. To adaptto terrestrial life, these animals have to eliminate appreciableamounts of calcium for their protection and their reproduction.During the egg laying period, a calcium flux occurs throughthe epithelium of the reproductive tract in order to supplythe egg shell and the egg fluids. This egg calcium is takenup by the embryo. The maintenance of a positive calcium balancebetween its uptake and the loss is due to an important reservoirof easily mobilizable calcium in the form of calcium carbonate.This reservoir consists of the connective calcium cells whichare constantly able to accumulate or release calcium as longas calcium is locally available or required. The epithelialcalcium cells of the digestive gland are loaded with calciumphosphate; they are not a major calcium storage compartment,but have an essential function in detoxification. All of thecalcium movement occurring across cell membranes and throughepithelia concerns only calcium ions. All calcium movement canbe regarded either as on-off systems or as reversible systems,both of which are certainly controlled by complex processes  相似文献   

Epiphytic gastropods in Yangtze lakes have suffered from large‐scale declines of submersed macrophytes during past decades. To better understand what controls gastropod community, monthly investigations were carried out in four Yangtze lakes during December, 2001–March, 2003. Composed of 23 species belonging to Pulmonata and Prosobranchia, the community is characterized by the constitution of small individuals. The average density and biomass were 417 ± 160 ind/m2 and 18.05 ± 7.43 g/m2, with maxima around August. Submersed macrophyte biomass is shown to be the key factor affecting species number, density, and biomass of gastropods. Accordingly, a series of annual and seasonal models yielding high predictive powers were generated. Preference analyses demonstrated that pulmonates and prosobranchs with different respiratory organs prefer different macrophyte functional groups. (© 2006 WILEY‐VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim)  相似文献   

This is the very first checklist of the terrestrial gastropods of Nepal. It includes 138 species and six subspecies, of which 22 species are endemic and four are introduced. It highlights 34 species recorded for the first time in Nepal and provides new distribution records for another 30 species.  相似文献   

The absorption of 14C-labelled amino acids (glycine, threonineand -aminoisobutyric acid) by the isolated sporophyte of Polytrichumformosum takes place mainly in the haustorium. The isolationof the sporophyte does not alter the absorption capacity ofits haustorium nor its ultrastructure, in particular that ofits peripheral transfer cells. amino acids, transfer cells, sporophyte, Polytrichum formosum, haustorium  相似文献   

Marine Biotechnology - Nacre, also called mother-of-pearl, is a naturally occurring biomineral, largely studied by chemists, structural biologists, and physicists to understand its outstanding and...  相似文献   

The behavior of the octopus when feeding upon shelled molluscsis described in four steps: selection of prey, boring a holein the shell, secreting into the borehole, and pulling out thebody oC the mollusc and eating it. Selection of some gastropodprey is determined by a firm, deep, either partial or completeobstruction in the aperture of the shell. Selection of otherprey, gastropods, pelecypods, and amphineurans, may be basedupon resistance by the mollusc to the application of force bythe octopus. Drilling of the hole is done by the radula. Sincethe octopus will drill and secrete into empty shells with obstructionsin the apertures, metabolites from a live mollusc are unnecessary.This technique can be usedto collect the secretion. The frequencyof occurrence and the eflect of the secretion are discussed.The hypothesis that the octopus first tries by force to pullout the body and, failing to do so, drills a hole in the shellis experimentally supported. The conditions under which the octopus drills or pulls out thebody of the mollusc are incompletely understood. The octopusmay drill two or more shells in succession without feeding uponthe previously drilled and weakened snail. No two steps in thebehavioral sequence are necessarily linked to each other. Thedrilling-feeding patterns are complex and plastic.  相似文献   

目的:确定Gilbert综合征患者肝组织的超微结构特征,为Gilbert综合征的诊断和鉴别诊断提供新的方法。方法:按电镜常规进行标本制备,应用透射电镜对20例Gilbert综合征患者肝穿刺活检组织进行超微结构观察。结果:肝细胞可出现巨大线粒体,常含有副晶格样包涵体、较明显的基质致密颗粒。肝细胞常见脂褐素颗粒增多,多分布于毛细胆管周围肝细胞内。可出现较有特征性的色素颗粒,大小不等,卵圆形或不规则形,含有电子致密块状颗粒,与电子密度略低的聚集物以及脂滴互相混杂。这些溶酶体颗粒的基质由细小的、弱嗜锇性的颗粒组成。少数颗粒类似Dubin-Johnson综合征的颗粒。但颗粒较小,缺少致密核芯结构。结论:特征性的含粗大电子致密物的溶酶体对Gilbert综合征的诊断有重要参考价值。  相似文献   

Eight gastropod species, rare in the Tshegan Formation, are considered. These species and six families, which include these species, were only mentioned in faunal lists of this formation (Amitrov, 1994, 2005). Two new species, Periaulax tsheganica sp. nov. (Trochidae) and Pusillina kazakhstanica sp. nov. (Rissoidae), are described. Other six species of the families Diastomatidae, Marginellidae, Melanellidae, and Mathildidae are figured and compared with related species; their distribution is discussed.  相似文献   

珍珠颜色和贝壳珍珠层颜色研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
颜色及其色度均一性是衡量珍珠价值的重要指标之一。珍珠颜色及贝壳珍珠层颜色的研究涉及多个学科领域,研究表明,珍珠的颜色与制片蚌外套膜对应的珍珠层颜色相一致,而蚌的珍珠层颜色主要由遗传因素决定。现有的研究资料对珍珠层颜色形成的机理虽然还不能给出一个系统、合理的诠释,但金属元素、卟啉、类胡萝卜素和物理结构等因素可能和珍珠层颜色形成密切相关,珍珠层中含有少量以蛋白质为主的有机基质,这些蛋白调控珍珠层的结构和颜色的形成,可能是解释珍珠层颜色形成机理的关键。本文对珍珠颜色和贝壳珍珠层颜色研究进展进行系统综述,探讨珍珠颜色的影响因素及相互关联,旨在为进一步研究珍珠和贝壳珍珠层颜色提供借鉴与思路。  相似文献   

We extracted proteinase inhibitors from the nacre of the oyster Pinctada margaritifera with water. Mixing the nacre powder with water for 20 h led to a water-soluble fraction [0.24% (wt/wt) of nacre]. After dialysis of the water-soluble matrix through 6- to 8-kDa and 0.5-kDa membranes, the proteinase inhibitors were divided into low and high molecular weight fractions that contained inhibitors of papain, bovine cathepsin B, and human cathepsin L. We studied the heterogeneity of the inhibitors after separating the low molecular weight fraction according to charge and hydrophobicity. After multistep purification, mass spectrometry analysis revealed that a potent inhibitory fraction contained several molecules. This observation demonstrates the difficulties encountered in attempting to isolate individual metabolites from the complex mixture of molecules present in nacre matrix. Interestingly, the low molecular weight fraction contained specific inhibitors that could discern between cathepsin B and cathepsin L. The nacre organic inhibitors were active against several cysteine proteinases, yet they were more specific in relation to serine proteinases, because only proteinase K was inhibited. These results demonstrate, for the first time, the presence of active proteinase inhibitors in the mollusc shell, and it is possible that these inhibitors may play a role in either protection of proteins involved in shell formation or in defense against parasites, or both.  相似文献   

Spectra and modes of nutrition as well as morphobiochemical adaptations to nutrition in certain predatory gastropods have been considered. Hemoglobin content in the radular tissues as a function of nutrition mode was assessed.  相似文献   

Hydrothermal vent gastropods of the genus Alviniconcha are unique among metazoans in their ability to derive their nutrition from chemoautotrophic γ- and -proteobacterial endosymbionts. Although host-symbiont relationships in Alviniconcha gastropods from the Central Indian Ridge in the Indian Ocean and the Mariana Trough in the Western Pacific have been studied extensively, host-symbiont relationships in Alviniconcha gastropods from the Southwest Pacific remain largely unknown. Phylogenetic analysis using mitochondrial cytochrome c oxidase subunit I gene sequences of host gastropods from the Manus, North Fiji, and Lau Back-Arc Basins in the Southwest Pacific has revealed a new host lineage in a Alviniconcha gastropod from the Lau Basin and the occurrence of the host lineage Alviniconcha sp. type 2 in the Manus Basin. Based on 16S rRNA gene sequences of bacterial endosymbionts, two γ-proteobacterial lineages and one -proteobacterial lineage were identified in the present study. The carbon isotopic compositions of the biomass and fatty acids of the gastropod tissues suggest that the γ- and -proteobacterial endosymbionts mediate the Calvin-Benson cycle and the reductive tricarboxylic acid cycle, respectively, for their chemoautotrophic growth. Coupling of the host and symbiont lineages from the three Southwest Pacific basins revealed that each of the Alviniconcha lineages harbors different bacterial endosymbionts belonging to either the γ- or -Proteobacteria. The host specificity exhibited in symbiont selection provides support for the recognition of each of the host lineages as a distinct species. The results from the present study also suggest the possibility that Alviniconcha sp. types 1 and 2 separately inhabit hydrothermal vent sites approximately 120 m apart in the North Fiji Basin and 500 m apart in the Manus Basin.  相似文献   

Green Fluorescent Proteins (GFPs) have been reported from a wide diversity of medusae, but only a few observations of green fluorescence have been reported for hydroid colonies. In this study, we report on fluorescence displayed by hydroid polyps of the genus Cytaeis Eschscholtz, 1829 (Hydrozoa: Anthoathecata: Filifera) found at night time in the southern Red Sea (Saudi Arabia) living on shells of the gastropod Nassarius margaritifer (Dunker, 1847) (Neogastropoda: Buccinoidea: Nassariidae). We examined the fluorescence of these polyps and compare with previously reported data. Intensive green fluorescence with a spectral peak at 518 nm was detected in the hypostome of the Cytaeis polyps, unlike in previous reports that reported fluorescence either in the basal parts of polyps or in other locations on hydroid colonies. These results suggest that fluorescence may be widespread not only in medusae, but also in polyps, and also suggests that the patterns of fluorescence localization can vary in closely related species. The fluorescence of polyps may be potentially useful for field identification of cryptic species and study of geographical distributions of such hydroids and their hosts.  相似文献   

宁夏枸杞异型绒毡层发育的超微结构特点   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用半薄和超薄切片技术对宁夏枸杞(Lycium barbarum L.)异型绒毡层的来源、结构及发育特点进行了研究,结果表明:(1)枸杞异型绒毡层由药隔绒毡层和药壁绒毡层组成,两种绒毡层除了来源、形态及分布位置不同外,其分化、成熟和降解时间,以及细胞质组成、分泌物成分等均有差异.(2)小孢子母细胞期间,药隔绒毡层细胞电子密度大,具有很强的脂质性质,光滑内质网和脂质小泡很丰富;而药壁绒毡层细胞中的核糖体和粗糙内质网较多.四分体后期,两种绒毡层细胞均含有很丰富的核糖体、粗糙内质网和分泌团.减数分裂前,两种绒毡层的细胞壁出现松散并呈絮状.之后,由于不同发育时期绒毡层细胞的不同分泌物在絮状细胞壁中的分布,致使二者的细胞壁都出现了一系列变化.(3)从小孢子早期开始,两种绒毡层细胞的质膜都发生了局部解体.分析推测,在母细胞期间药隔绒毡层具有较高的糖和脂类合成率,药壁绒毡层具有较高的蛋白质类合成率;在四分体后期,药隔绒毡层具有加强胼胝质酶合成和分泌的功能;而两种绒毡层絮状松散的细胞壁和局部解体的质膜有利于绒毡层的较大颗粒分泌物大量、顺利地分泌出绒毡层细胞.  相似文献   

Larval modes of development affect evolutionary processes and influence the distribution of marine invertebrates in the ocean. The decrease in pelagic development toward higher latitudes is one of the patterns of distribution most frequently discussed in marine organisms (Thorson''s rule), which has been related to increased larval mortality associated with long pelagic durations in colder waters. However, the type of substrate occupied by adults has been suggested to influence the generality of the latitudinal patterns in larval development. To help understand how the environment affects the evolution of larval types we evaluated the association between larval development and habitat using gastropods of the Muricidae family as a model group. To achieve this goal, we collected information on latitudinal distribution, sea water temperature, larval development and type of substrate occupied by adults. We constructed a molecular phylogeny for 45 species of muricids to estimate the ancestral character states and to assess the relationship between traits using comparative methods in a Bayesian framework. Our results showed high probability for a common ancestor of the muricids with nonpelagic (and nonfeeding) development, that lived in hard bottoms and cold temperatures. From this ancestor, a pelagic feeding larva evolved three times, and some species shifted to warmer temperatures or sand bottoms. The evolution of larval development was not independent of habitat; the most probable evolutionary route reconstructed in the analysis of correlated evolution showed that type of larval development may change in soft bottoms but in hard bottoms this change is highly unlikely. Lower sea water temperatures were associated with nonpelagic modes of development, supporting Thorson''s rule. We show how environmental pressures can favor a particular mode of larval development or transitions between larval modes and discuss the reacquisition of feeding larva in muricids gastropods.  相似文献   

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