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We describe primers and polymerase chain reaction conditions to amplify 100 microsatellite loci from the Siberian jay (Perisoreus infaustus). The primers were tested on two geographically separated Finnish populations. The developed primer pairs yielded an average of 4.72 alleles per locus (range one to 17) and an average observed heterozygosity of 0.55 (range 0.04 to 1).  相似文献   

Bird nestlings may be at risk not only from starvation but alsofrom predators attracted to the nest by parental feeding visits.Hence, parents could trade reduced visitation rates for a lowerpredation risk. Here, through field data and an experiment,we show plasticity in daily patterns of nest visitation in theSiberian jay, Perisoreus infaustus, in response to predatoractivity. In high-risk territories, jay parents avoided goingto the nest at certain times of the day and compensated by allocatingmore feeding effort to periods when predators were less active.Such modifications in provisioning routines allowed parentsin high-risk habitat to significantly lower the risk of providingvisitation cues to visually oriented corvid nest predators.These results indicate that some birds modify their daily nestvisitation patterns as a fourth mechanism to reduce predator-attractingnest visits in addition to the clutch size reduction, maximizationof food load-sizes, and prevention of allofeeding suggestedby Skutch.  相似文献   

The evolutionary payoff accruing to parents from breeding offspringcould be an incentive for prolonged investments in the offspring.Enhanced survival for offspring as a result of such a prolongedparental investment would increase the value of remaining inthe natal territory for the offspring. Here we show that first-yearsurvival in Siberian jays is higher in the company of theirparents. Two observations point to that the enhanced survivalof retained offspring is due to nepotistic parents rather thanto the quality of a shared habitat. First, winter survivalis higher only for those retained offspring whose parents havesurvived too ; this precludes the possibility that the linkbetween timing of dispersal and survival should reflect a higher phenotypic quality of retained offspring in general. Second,there is no support for the more parsimonious explanation thatthis link between the survival of parents and retained offspringreflects habitat quality of a shared territory. We could, withhigh statistical power, reject the possibility of a correlationbetween the survival of parental birds and unrelated immigrantsto the territory. Such a correlation would have been expectedif survival reflected habitat quality and not kinship. Our data instead suggest a direct fitness gain to retained offspringin enhanced survival through parental nepotism (parental facilitation).The behavior of parents in allowing retained offspring accessto food that is denied to immigrants is one proximate mechanismmediating a benefit of delayed dispersal.  相似文献   

Selfish long-term benefits of hoarding in the Siberian jay   总被引:3,自引:3,他引:0  
We followed the consumption of cached food in Siberian jay flocksduring winter. Siberian jay flocks contain kin associationscomposed of parents in company with mature offspring. Further,flocks often contain immigrants not closely related to the groupmembers. We studied the extent to which Siberian jay offspringkept caches to themselves or whether they showed a kin biasand shared cached food mutualistically with relatives (parents/siblings)thus making an inclusive fitness gain. We recorded the retrievalof cached food using radio-ptilochronology, a technique thatdetects the consumption of a radioactively labeled food itemin the growth bar laid down in a growing feather the day ofconsumption. Food caching entailed a selfish benefit to thehoarder. The hoarding bird showed a substantial "recovery advantage"and retrieved its own cached food seven times as often as anyof its flock mates. There was no evidence for mutualistic sharingof caches among relatives. This selfish benefit persisted throughoutthe 7-week period for which we could follow the consumptionof labeled food.  相似文献   

Offspring food allocation by parents and helpers in a cooperative mammal   总被引:4,自引:3,他引:4  
In cooperatively breeding species, helpers and parents commonlyface two decisions when they find a food item: first, whetherto feed the item to a young group member or to eat it themselves;and second, which offspring to feed. Little is known aboutthe factors that influence these decisions in cooperative mammals,though optimal foraging theory provides a basis for a rangeof predictions. In this article we describe pup feeding behaviorby helpers and parents in a cooperative mongoose, the meerkat(Suricata suricatta). When meerkat pups begin accompanyingthe group, they beg food from older group members, who digup dispersed prey items. As predicted, the probability of aprey item being fed to a pup shows a positive relationship with prey size and a negative relationship with pup distance.Meerkats apparently follow a "feed the nearest pup rule" andare more likely to feed the nearest pup if it is hungry. Hungrierpups beg more and follow older group members more closely.Across all age categories, females feed pups more frequentlythan males, both in terms of the relative frequency of feeds,and the proportion of prey biomass found by each individualthat is fed to pups. Females also feed female pups significantlymore than male pups, while males feed pups of both sexes equally.These sex biases in feeding contributions may result from femalegroup members benefiting more than males from higher pup survival,and in particular higher female pup survival, because femalesare the philopatric sex.  相似文献   

Li MH  Merilä J 《Molecular ecology》2010,19(23):5281-5295
Sex-bias in natal dispersal patterns can have important genetic and evolutionary consequences; however, reliable information about sex-biased dispersal can be difficult to obtain with observational methods. We analysed the sex-specific patterns of genetic differentiation among three Siberian jay (Perisoreus infaustus) populations, using 11 autosomal and six Z-chromosomal microsatellite markers. Irrespective of marker-type and indices used (viz. F(ST), average pairwise relatedness and effective number of immigrants), all analyses provided strong evidence for male-biased dispersal. Population structuring at autosomal loci (F(ST) =0.046, P<0.05) exceeded that at Z-chromosomal loci (F(ST) =0.033, P<0.05), and levels of introgression were inferred to be significantly higher for Z-chromosomal when compared to autosomal loci. Of the three populations studied, levels of genetic variability were the lowest in the southernmost fringe population, despite the fact that it harboured a group of divergent Z-chromosomal haplotypes that were not found in the other two populations. In general, the results provide strong genetic evidence for male-biased dispersal in Siberian jays, where observational data have previously suggested male philopatry. The results also highlight the utility of Z-chromosomal markers for gaining insights into the genetic diversity and structuring of populations.  相似文献   

Since Darwin ( 1859 ), scientists have been puzzled by how behaviors that impose fitness costs on helpers while benefiting their competitors could evolve through natural selection. Hamilton's ( 1964 ) theory of inclusive fitness provided an explanation by showing how cooperative behaviors could be adaptive if directed at closely related kin. Recent studies, however, have begun to question whether kin selection is sufficient to explain cooperative behavior in some species (Bergmüller, Johnstone, Russell, & Bshary, 2007 ). Many researchers have instead emphasized the importance of direct fitness benefits for helpers in the evolution of cooperative breeding systems. Furthermore, individuals can vary in who, when, and how much they help, and the factors that affect this variation are poorly understood (Cockburn, 1998 ; Heinsohn, 2004 ). Cooperative breeders thus provide excellent models for the study of evolutionary theories of cooperation and conflict (Cant, 2012 ).  相似文献   

In cooperatively breeding species, helpers typically providefood to offspring, and distribute food throughout the broodor litter. However, in the communal breeding banded mongoose(Mungos mungo), some group members escort individual pups duringtheir period of dependence, and escorts consistently associatewith the same pup, although not all pups have an escort. Theaim of the present study was to determine whether group membersactively care for pups, pups benefit from association, and escortsor pups maintain association. Adult banded mongooses provision,protect, carry, groom, and play with pups. Although escortsfed pups more than did nonescorts, escorted pups were neitherlarger nor in better condition than were nonescorted pups atthe end of the association period. Nevertheless, escorted pupswere more likely to survive the association period than werenonescorted pups, providing evidence that carers confer beneficialeffects on their recipients. However, the recipients are unlikelyto be the genetic offspring of the escort because it is thepup that maintains the pup-escort association, and escorts,rather than showing a preference for provisioning their pairedpup, follow a "feed the closest pup" rule. Although carers gainindirect fitness benefits through increasing survival of relatedpups, the lack of kin discrimination means carers are unableto maximize their fitness by preferentially escorting theirown offspring or the offspring of closer relatives.  相似文献   

Briga M  Pen I  Wright J 《Biology letters》2012,8(4):533-536
With an increasing amount of data becoming available, comparative analyses have called attention to the associations between cooperative breeding, monogamy and relatedness. We focus here upon the association between allomaternal care and relatedness among females within a social unit. Previous studies found a positive association, but such results date back to before molecular tools were in common use, they considered only a few mammalian orders, neglected phylogenetic clustering and/or did not correct for group sizes. Here, we use molecular data on relatedness from 44 species of mammals to investigate the phylogenetic clustering of, and the association between, allomaternal care and relatedness among females within a social unit. We find (i) a strong phylogenetic signal for allomaternal care and a moderate one for relatedness and group size, and (ii) a positive association between relatedness and allomaternal care, even when correcting for the smaller than average group sizes in species with allomaternal care. We also find that, in species without allomaternal care, adult females often live with unrelated females even when groups are small. We discuss these results in the light of recent evidence for the role of kin selection and the monogamy hypothesis in cooperative breeding.  相似文献   

Certain predominant forms of mating and parental care systems are assumed in several model species among birds, but the opportunistic and apparently infrequent variations of “family structures” may often remain hidden due to methodological limitations with regard to genetic or behavioral observations. One of the intensively studied model species, the collared flycatcher (Ficedula albicollis), is usually characterized by social monogamy with polyterritorial, facultative social polygyny, and frequent extrapair mating and extrapair paternity. During a brood‐size manipulation experiment, we observed two females and a male delivering food at an enlarged brood. A combination of breeding phenology data (egg laying and hatching date), behavioral data (feeding rates) from video recordings at 10 days of nestling age, and microsatellite genotyping for maternity and paternity suggests a situation of an unrelated female helping a pair in chick rearing. Such observations highlight the relevance of using traditional techniques and genetic analyses together to assess the parental roles within a population, which becomes more important where individuals may dynamically switch from their main and presupposed roles according to the actual environmental conditions.  相似文献   

The prolonged brood care model rests on the assumption thatretaining an offspring through the winter months in the faceof a limited food supply should have a cost for parents. Wetested this idea with a New World permanent-resident bird,the tufted titmouse (Baeolophus bicolor). Using DNA fingerprinting,we assessed the degree of relatedness between adult and juvenilebirds in 17 winter groups, finding that in 8 of the groups no young bird was the offspring of the territorial pair. We comparedthe nutritional condition of territorial adult birds in smallforest fragments from which their own offspring and other younghad been removed with the nutritional condition of controlbirds from unmanipulated fragments. Contrary to the model'sassumption, the nutritional condition of adults in treatment groups (young removed) appeared to be worse, not better, thanin groups where a related juvenile was present. These resultssuggest that the prolonged brood care model may not be universalin its application and that under some ecological conditions,retaining offspring through the winter can result in a netbenefit for territorial adults despite the necessity of sharing resources.  相似文献   

The maintenance of plumage color polymorphism in the parasiticjaeger (Stercorarius parasiticus) is still not well understood.Earlier studies indicated that selection may favor pale femalesand melanic males. If so, females would maximize their fitness,producing pale female and melanic male offspring. We thereforepredicted that females might bias their offspring sex ratiotoward daughters in pale pairs and toward sons in melanic pairs.Females might also choose to mate assortatively in relationto plumage color, thereby maximizing the probability of producingeither pale or melanic offspring. Because females are largerthan males, differential rearing costs may affect the offspringsex ratio independent of parental plumage color. We examinedoffspring sex ratio allocation, breeding variables indicativeof parental quality, and mating pattern in relation to plumagecolor in a colony of parasitic jaegers in northern Norway. Jaegerstended to mate assortatively in relation to plumage color. Thereproductive performance declined with season, and matched pairsappeared to be of lower quality than mixed pairs. The proportionof male offspring increased with hatching date in matched paleand mixed pairs, whereas the situation was reversed in matchedmelanic pairs. Matched pale pairs produced an overall surplusof favorable pale but costly daughters despite their lower quality,while melanic pairs produced a surplus of favorable melanicsons. However, differential offspring rearing costs and parentalrearing capacity may have additionally affected the realizedoffspring sex ratio. Mixed pairs producing an overall surplusof pale and melanic daughters allocated their resources accordingto differential rearing costs and parental quality only. Wesuggest that both strategies of sex ratio allocation togetherwith differences in reproductive success in matched versus mixedpairs may have a balancing effect on the mating pattern betweenplumage morphs and may contribute to the maintenance of thecolor polymorphism in this species.  相似文献   

Oh KP 《Molecular ecology》2011,20(13):2657-2659
Social monogamy is nearly ubiquitous across avian taxa,but evidence from a proliferation of studies utilizing molecular paternity analysis suggests that sexual monogamy is the rare exception rather than the rule (Griffith et al. 2002). Efforts to explain the prevalence of extra-pair paternity (EPP) have largely focused on the potential fitness benefits for offspring genetic quality, as females are less likely to benefit directly from seeking extra-pair mates. In particular, there has been considerable interest in the degree to which EPP may represent an adaptive female strategy to avoid inbreeding (or outbreeding)depression when paired with a highly related (or unrelated)social mate (Kempenaers 2007). Others have argued that, because relatives share many genes identical by descent,females might increase their own inclusive fitness by providing additional breeding opportunities to genetically related males (Waser et al. 1986; Kokko & Ots 2006). Thus, in the absence of significant inbreeding depression, pursuing EPP with relatives should be favoured by kin selection, although there exist few unambiguous empirical examples of such preferences in the literature. In this issue of Molecular Ecology, Wang &Lu (2011) present an analysis of mating patterns with respect to genetic relatedness of social and extra-pair partners in the ground tit (Parus humilis), a facultative cooperative breeder in which socially monogamous pairs occasionally form cooperative groups with unpaired helper males (Fig. 1). Consistent with the predictions of the kin-selection hypothesis, females in both bi-parental and cooperative groups preferentially engaged in extra-pair matings with relatives, irrespective of relatedness to their social mates, and while suffering no apparent costs of inbreeding depression in their progeny. These finding shave several exciting implications for our understanding of avian mating system diversity and the evolution of cooperative breeding.  相似文献   

Mating structure and genetic relatedness among gynes (potential reproductive females) of the paper wasp Polistes snelleni were investigated using DNA microsatellite markers. All colonies had one foundress inseminated by a single male, and no sign of inbreeding was detected. The mean genetic relatedness among gynes was 0.734 ± 0.028 (SE), which is not significantly different from the expected value of 0.75 for full sisters.  相似文献   

The presence of alloparents in cooperatively breeding groupsmay enhance the reproductive performance of the breeding pairbut tests of this hypothesis in mammalian cooperative breedershave typically examined short periods in the reproductive lifespan of breeders. The present experiment was designed to evaluatethe long-term effects of the presence of alloparents on reproductiveperformance under laboratory conditions in Mongolian gerbils(Mertones unguiculalus), and to evaluate the possibility thatalloparents may attempt independent reproduction during theirtenure as alloparents. Pairs were established with either 0or 4 alloparents and breeding performance was monitored overa 13.5-month period. The presence of alloparents did not enhancereproductive rates in breeding pairs, and neither enhanced nordelayed developmental rates in offspring. Variation in littersize, offspring survival, pup growth, and interbirth intervaldid not vary significantly as a function of the breeding females'reproductive tenure. Seven of 49 female alloparents of breedingage in family groups produced offspring. Alloparent breedingwas associated with long interbirth intervals in the breedingadult female. Neonatal survival in litters born to alloparentswas higher in litters that were temporally synchronized withlitters produced by the older breeding female than in asynchronouslyproduced litters. Under the conditions in this experiment, then,few indirect benefits accrue to helpers as a consequence oftheir alloparental effort, and immediate (the opportunity forindependent reproductive attempts) and delayed (parental skillsacquisition) direct benefits may account for helping behaviorin this species.  相似文献   

In 1993 and 1994 we determined the frequency of extrapair paternityin broods of great tits, Parus major using multilocus DNA fingerprinting.We found no instances of intraspecific brood parasitism, but40% of broods (31/78) contained extrapair-fathered young and83% of offspring (58/681) were xtrapair We identified the geneticfathers of 60% of the extrapair nestlings (35/ 58). Males withfull and lost paternity did not differ significantly in traitsthat have been suggested to indicate male quality, nor did thegenetic and social fathers of extrapair offspring. In 1993,cuckolded males sired more offspring that recruited to the subsequentbreeding season than males with full paternity. Moreover, eventhough genetic fathers of extrapair young (EPY) sired more fledglingsthan the males they cuckolded, genetic and social fathers ofEPY did not differ in the number of recruits sired. Also, theEPY of a brood did not survive better than their half sibs.Thus, our results do not supportthe hypothesis that femaleschoose better quality males for extrapair matings ("good genes"hypothesis). Further, the level of extrapair paternity differedmarkedly between the two years. Our data show that females areconstrained in their extrapair activities by the availabilityof extrapair mates. This is at least partly due to yearly differencesin breeding synchrony.  相似文献   

Parenting strategies can be flexible within a species and may have varying fitness effects. Understanding this flexibility and its fitness consequences is important for understanding why parenting strategies evolve. In the present study, we investigate the fitness consequences of flexible parenting in the burying beetle Nicrophorus orbicollis, a species known for its advanced provisioning behaviour of regurgitated vertebrate carrion to offspring by both sexes. We show that, even when a parent is freely allowed to abandon the carcass at any point in time, biparental post‐hatching care is the most common pattern of care adopted in N. orbicollis. Furthermore, two parents together raised more offspring than single parents of either sex, showing that the presence of the male can directly influence parental fitness even in the absence of competitors. This contrasts with studies in other species of burying beetle, where biparental families do not differ in offspring number. This may explain why biparental care is more common in N. orbicollis than in other burying beetles. We suggest how the fitness benefits of two parents may play a role in the evolution and maintenance of flexible biparental care in N. orbicollis.  相似文献   

Although matings between relatives can have negative effects on offspring fitness, apparent inbreeding preference has been reported in a growing number of systems, including those with documented inbreeding depression. Here, we examined evidence for inbreeding depression and inbreeding preference in two populations (Clinton, New York, and Davis, California, USA) of the cooperatively breeding American crow (Corvus brachyrhynchos). We then compared observed inbreeding strategies with theoretical expectations for optimal, adaptive levels of inbreeding, given the inclusive fitness benefits and population‐specific magnitude of inbreeding depression. We found that low heterozygosity at a panel of 33 microsatellite markers was associated with low survival probability (fledging success) and low white blood cell counts among offspring in both populations. Despite these costs, our data were more consistent with inbreeding preference than avoidance: The observed heterozygosity among 396 sampled crow offspring was significantly lower than expected if local adults were mating by random chance. This pattern was consistent across a range of spatial scales in both populations. Adaptive levels of inbreeding, given the magnitude of inbreeding depression, were predicted to be very low in the California population, whereas complete disassortative mating was predicted in the New York population. Sexual conflict might have contributed to the apparent absence of inbreeding avoidance in crows. These data add to an increasing number of examples of an “inbreeding paradox,” where inbreeding appears to be preferred despite inbreeding depression.  相似文献   

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