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Three Tertiary microfossil floras from northern Latin America are considered with reference to paleoenvironments and paleoenvironmental trends, especially paleotemperatures: Gatuncillo (middle (?) to late Eocene, Panama), Uscari (early Miocene, Costa Rica), and Paraje Solo (late Miocene, Veracruz, Mexico). The composition of the floras reflect lower temperatures in the late Miocene for terrestrial environments at ca. 18°N latitude, and temperatures comparable to the present for the middle (?) to late Eocene and early Miocene at ca. 9°N latitude. These values are consistent with Tertiary paleotemperature curves derived from 18O and 13C isotope studies of marine invertebrates, and show that the global drop in temperature at the end of the Miocene affected terrestrial biotas at least as far south as 18°N latitude. Comparison of the paleobotanical data with paleotemperature curves further reveals that the late Miocene was not only a likely time for the introduction of northern temperate elements into the Latin American biota (viz., establishment of the floristic and faunal relationship between eastern United States and eastern Mexico), but that earlier times were progressively less favorable because of generally rising temperatures and more tropical conditions. Information on the Tertiary history of vegetation in the Gulf/Caribbean region is also being monitored with reference to the effect of global sea level changes, although the specific influence of these fluctuations cannot as yet be detected.  相似文献   

The paleontological history of Nypa, known today as the mangrovepalm, is traced through geological time back to the Late Cretaceous. Emphasis is laid on the New World occurrences, especially in NorthAmerica, where Nypa is known from fossil fruits and pollen. In SouthAmerica, the stratigraphic range of this palm extends from theMaastrichtian to the late Eocene, whereas in North America, Nypa isrestricted to only the Eocene. Nypa occurs as pollen all along theAmerican Gulf Coast from the early Eocene (Ypresian) to the late Eocene(Priabonian), while fruit records come from the early and middle Eoceneof Maryland and Texas, respectively. The floristics of these Eocenemangroves, including possible mangrove associates, and the developmentof mangrove vegetation in the neotropics through the Tertiary andQuaternary, are discussed. New paleobotanical evidence from a middleEocene faunal and floral assemblage in Texas, the Casa Blanca flora (LaredoFormation, Claiborne Group), which contains fossil Nypa pollen andfruits, is described in detail.  相似文献   

By late Carboniferous the flora of northern Xizang differs from that of the northern India. During late Permian, the northern Xizang was inhabited by the Gigantopteris flora, while in the southern Xizang was widespread the Glossopteris flora. The upper Triassic flora of the northern Xizang is closely related to that of southwestern China and quite different from that of India. The Jurassic flora found in Tsaidam of Chinghai and the early Cretaceous flora found in Lhasa of the northern Xizang are closely related to these of the northern hemisphere, and show no relationship with these of the southern hemisphere. The late Cretaceous flora of Rikaze and the early Eocene flora of Ali region are also of northern hemisphere in affinity and show no relationship with the Daccan Intertrappean and the Eocene floras of India. Hence, the northern and the southern Xizang should have belonged to two different continents, Eurasia and Gondwanaland. Between them, a very wide sea, the Tethys, was situated. This strongly supports the view of continental drift that the India block drifted in late Jurassic-Cretaceous from the south-eastern corner of Africa and later on in Eocene joined up with Asia to become its subcontinent. The suture line between Eurasia and the India block perhaps lies in the belt of basic to ultrabasic rocks along the Yalu-Tsangpo valleys. Judging from the nature of the floras ranging from the late Carboniferous to the early Eocene, the northern Xizang most probably was of lowland in topography throughout these periods. The Miocene floras of the central and the northern Xizang were mainly composed of deciduous broad-leaved trees, though some evergreen trees existed somewhere else. It reflects the land of the central and the northern Xizang had already uplifted to some extant before Miocene. During the time of Pliocene, the evergreen broadleaved trees were gradually declining in their development in the northern Xizang. The vegetation of the Chaidamu (=Tsaidam) Basin further changed into deciduous broad-leaved to coniferous forests and then turned into grasslands and semi-deserts or deserts. It shows by that time the land of Xizang and Chinghai further upheaved. Up to the late Pliocene, the vegetation of the northern Xizang and Chinghai further changed. But the vegetation of the Himalayan region was still dominated by evergreen oaks and Cedrus forests. Most probably by that time the Himalayas was not so high as present. There was no barrier to prevent the monsoon winds of the Indian Ocean passing over the Himalayas. The most active period of the uplift of the mountain ranges in Xizang and the Qinghai-Xizang Plateau is the Quaternary. By that time no evergreen broad-leaved trees could live in the northern Xizang. During the late Quaternary, the vegetation of most parts of Xizang gradually changed into cold alpine desert. At last the Qinghai-Xizang Plateau turned into the present state.  相似文献   

The time of origin of cool-to-cold-temperate plants of northern affinities in the Latin American biota is unsettled. Two models have been proposed-a Paleogene origin from a once widespread temperate rain forest, and a Neogene origin by introductions from the north which is best supported by new evidence. Fourteen palynofloras of Tertiary age are now available from Mexico and Central America, in addition to numerous others from the southeastern United States and northern South America. Pollen of cool-temperate plants occurs in the Eocene of southeastern United States, but not in northern Mexico, central Panama, or northern South America. In the Miocene this pollen is sparse in deposits from Mexico and Guatemala, rare in Panama, and absent from northern South America. In the Pliocene pollen representing a diverse northern temperate element of ten genera is present in the Pliocene of southeastern Veracruz, Mexico, five in northeastern Guatemala, and two (Myrica, Salix) first appear in northern South America; Alnus and Quercus are added in the Pleistocene. This north-to-south and early-to-late pattern is consistent with the appearance of highlands in southern Central America and northern South America in the Neogene, closure of the isthmian marine portal between 3.5 and 2.5 Ma (million years ago), and the late Cenozoic cooling trend evident in the O/O-based paleotemperature curve.  相似文献   

The evolution of the Australian flora through the Tertiary has not been reviewed by a megafossil palaeobotanist for almost a century. Based on material available and published studies, the Australian Tertiary can be considered in three units: Eocene, Oligo-Miocene, and Pliocene. Key taxa in the Eocene includeCasuarinaceae, Proteaceae, Fagaceae, Podocarpaceae, andLauraceae. Many known Eocene deposits are interpreted as warm, humid rainforests.Oligo-Miocene floras reflect a climatic deterioration, with greater occurrence of sclerophylly and xerophylly. A reduction of tropical taxa is seen with an increase ofMyrtaceae and earliest records ofMimosaceae, Chenopodiaceae, andPoaceae. These trends continue into the Pliocene, which is not well represented in Australia.Problems needing to be addressed include the discrepancy between the pollen and megafossil records ofNothofagus, the origins of Australia's wet tropical taxa, and the role of fire in the early evolution of the Australian flora.  相似文献   

The early Cenozoic was characterized by a very warm climate especially during the Early Eocene. To understand climatic changes in eastern Asia, we reconstructed the Early Eocene vegetation and climate based on palynological data of a borehole from Wutu coal mine, East China and evaluated the climatic differences between eastern Asia and Central Europe. The Wutu palynological assemblages indicated a warm temperate vegetation succession comprising mixed needle- and broad-leaved forests. Three periods of vegetation succession over time were recognized. The changes of palynomorph relative abundance indicated that period 1 was warm and humid, period 2 was relatively warmer and wetter, and period 3 was cooler and drier again. The climatic parameters estimated by the coexistence approach (CA) suggested that the Early Eocene climate in Wutu was warmer and wetter. Mean annual temperature (MAT) was approximately 16°C and mean annual precipitation (MAP) was 800–1400 mm. Comparison of the Early Eocene climatic parameters of Wutu with those of 39 other fossil floras of different age in East China, reveals that 1) the climate became gradually cooler during the last 65 million years, with MAT dropping by 9.3°C. This cooling trend coincided with the ocean temperature changes but with weaker amplitude; 2) the Early Eocene climate was cooler in East China than in Central Europe; 3) the cooling trend in East China (MAT dropped by 6.9°C) was gentler than in Central Europe (MAT dropped by 13°C) during the last 45 million years.  相似文献   

Historical climate changes have had a major effect on the distribution and evolution of plant species in the neotropics. What is more controversial is whether relatively recent Pleistocene climatic changes have driven speciation, or whether neotropical species diversity is more ancient. This question is addressed using evolutionary rate analysis of sequence data of nuclear ribosomal internal transcribed spacers in diverse taxa occupying neotropical seasonally dry forests, including Ruprechtia (Polygonaceae), robinioid legumes (Fabaceae), Chaetocalyx and Nissolia (Fabaceae), and Loxopterygium (Anacardiaceae). Species diversifications in these taxa occurred both during and before the Pleistocene in Central America, but were primarily pre-Pleistocene in South America. This indicates plausibility both for models that predict tropical species diversity to be recent and that invoke a role for Pleistocene climatic change, and those that consider it ancient and implicate geological factors such as the Andean orogeny and the closure of the Panama Isthmus. Cladistic vicariance analysis was attempted to identify common factors underlying evolution in these groups. In spite of the similar Mid-Miocene to Pliocene ages of the study taxa, and their high degree of endemism in the different fragments of South American dry forests, the analysis yielded equivocal, non-robust patterns of area relationships.  相似文献   

Sediments at the Red Hot Truck Stop (RHTS), Mississippi, USA are important because they contain the lowest latitude record of both the earliest known Eocene plant and mammal fossils in North America. The RHTS contains the uppermost Tuscahoma Formation and the lowermost part of the basal Bashi and Hatchetigbee formations. The Tuscahoma Formation is composed of glauconitic sands and silts that represent estuarine to shallow marine sediments. Faunal remains indicate that the RHTS section belongs to the Wasatchian North American land mammal age and specifically to the lower Graybullian subdivision. Pollen and spore floras from the RHTS are moderately diverse (113 taxa) and contain families that today are associated with warm‐adapted vegetation types such as Annonaceae, Bombacaceae, Burseraceae and palms. Eocene first occurrences are represented by Brosipollis sp., Celtispollenites sp., Interpollis microsupplingensis, cf. Nuxpollenites psilatus, Platycarya spp., Retistephanocolporites sp. and Symplocos? contracta and by one genus of pteridophyte spore (Granulatisporites sp.). The overall composition and within‐sample diversity of the sporomorph flora is more similar to the Hatchetigbee Formation (early Eocene) than to the middle Tuscahoma Formation (late Palaeocene) but among‐sample diversity remains unchanged across the Palaeocene/Eocene boundary. The distinct composition of the RHTS demonstrates that floral change across the Palaeocene/Eocene boundary is complex and composed of several phases of floral change.  相似文献   

Plant fossils were collected from the sand-shale above the lower coal seam and the upper oil shale above the upper coal seam in the Yilan coal mine, Heilongjiang. The floras contained 2 species of pteridophytes, 10 species of gymnosperms and over 58 species of angiosperms assigned to 46 genera and 34 families. The fossils were divided into two floras, one of which was in lower sand-shale beds, with the age assigned to the Eocene, and the other was in the upper part of oil shales considered to belong to the Oligocene. The floras were complicated in composition and rich in species, and were studied by means of floristic analysis, foliar architectural and physiognomical analysis. The Eocene flora consisted of many evergreen broad-leaved species, which indicated that the flora belonged to north subtropical evergreen broad-leaved forest or subtropical coniferous and broad-leaved mixed forest. The foliar physiognomical analysis of the floristic composition showed that the species with entire leaf margines made up 38.3 percent of the total. The climate in the Eocene was estimated by means of climatic nomogram as follow: The mean annual temperature was 13.2 ℃ and annual temperature deviancy was 20℃. In the Oligocene flora, deciduous broadleaved trees were dominant, which indicated that the vegetation was of temperate deciduous broad-leaved forest or warm temperate coniferous and deciduous broad-leaved mixed forest. The species with entire leaf margines were 30. 8 percent with an estimated mean annual temperature of 11 ℃ and mean annual temperature deviancy of 25 ℃. The floristic aspect and climate in the Paleogene of Yilan region were very different from the present ones.  相似文献   

The general characteristics of global vegetation during the middle Pliocene warm period can be reconstructed from fossil pollen and plant megafossil data. The largest differences between Pliocene vegetation and that of today occurred at high latitudes in both hemispheres, where warming was pronounced relative to today. In the Northern Hemisphere coniferous forests lived in the modern tundra and polar desert regions, whereas in the Southern Hemisphere southern beech apparently grew in coastal areas of Antarctica.Pliocene middle latitude vegetation differed less, although moister-than-modern conditions supported forest and woodland growth in some regions now covered by steppe or grassland. Pliocene tropical vegetation reflects essentially modem conditions in some regions and slightly cooler-than-or warmer-than- modern climates in other areas. Changes in topography induced by tectonics may be responsible for many of the climatic changes since the Pliocene in both middle and lower latitudes. However, the overall latitudinal progression of climatic conditions on land parallels that seen in the reconstruction of middle Pliocene sea-surface temperatures.Pliocene paleovegetational data was employed to construct a 2 ° × 2 ° global grid of estimated mid-Pliocene vegetational cover for use as boundary conditions for numerical General Circulation Model simulations of middle Pliocene climates. Continental outlines and topography were first modified to represent the Pliocene landscape on the 2 ° × 2 ° grid. A modern 1 ° × 1 ° vegetation grid was simplified and mapped on this Pliocene grid, and then modified following general geographic trends evident in the Pliocene paleovegetation data set.  相似文献   

Illigera (Hernandiaceae) is a liana genus distributed mainly in the tropical Asia and Africa. Previous fossil records suggested that Illigera was restricted in western North America during the Eocene. Recent paleobotanical investigation has unveiled a Paleogene flora that is totally different from today's vegetation in central Tibet. This provides novel insights into the paleoenvironmental change during the evolution of the Tibetan Plateau (TP). Here, we investigated 10 fruit impressions of Illigera from the early middle Eocene Niubao Formation in the Bangor Basin, central TP. The fossil winged fruits are characterized by their eroded fruit wings, well preserved fusiform locular areas with a median ridge bisecting the fruit, and short veins fanning radially outward. These features allow us to assign these fossils to Illigera eocenica, a species originally discovered in the Eocene of western North America. This is the second fossil occurrence of Illigera worldwide, and the first in Asia. Our finding suggests a warm and humid climate in the central TP during the early middle Eocene, and a close floristic link between Asia and North America during the Paleogene. We also propose a Northern Hemisphere origin and a Paleogene dispersal event from Northern Hemisphere to Africa for Illigera.  相似文献   

Alan Graham 《Brittonia》2003,55(4):357-383
An understanding of the phytogeographic history of a region depends upon an adequate fossil record to reveal migrational histories and the timing and directions(s) of introductions and extinctions, and to augment or circumvent undue reliance on molecular clocks. It further depends upon an accurate phylogeny of the taxa to establish real patterns of geographic affinities (phylogeography), and a relatively detailed geologic history to assess the relative roles of dispersal and vicariance in populating the islands. For the Greater Antilles new information is slowly emerging on the plant fossil record through study of new floras such as the Eocene Saramaguacán palynoflora from Cuba, and more is potentially available from the middle Oligocene San Sebastian megafossil flora of Puerto Rico that has not been revised since the early 1900s. Phylogeographic studies and area cladograms are still meager for plants, but data from various animal groups are providing a context for the general biotic history of the Antilles. Perhaps the area of greatest advance is being made in achieving an adequate plate tectonic model for the Caribbean region. There is now some convergence toward a mobilist model that depicts a Cretaceous volcanic island arc that extended from the Mexico/Chortis block in the north to Ecuador in the south, and gradually moved through the developing portal between North and South America to collide with the Bahamas Platform in the middle Eocene. Throughout this 70-million-year history there was an immensely complex pattern of collision/separation and submergence/emergence that provided opportunity both for vicariance and dispersal in the migration, evolution, and speciation of the flora of the Greater Antilles.  相似文献   

The history of the earth's sea-surface temperature (SST) in equatorial regions during the Tertiary is unsettled because of uncertainty as to the presence and extent of glaciers during the Paleogene. The 16O trapped in glaciers and subsequently released back to the ocean basins as meltwater during interglacials aifects the 18O/16O ratio of sea water, one of the variables that must be known for oxygen isotope paleotemperature analyses of calcareous fossils. Estimates of SST range from ~ 18 to 20 C, assuming an ice-free earth, to ~ 28 C assuming glaciers were present in the Paleogene. Low latitude SST presently averages 28 C, so the former estimate gives a value 8 to 10 C cooler than present, while the latter gives a value as warm or slightly warmer than present. The figures are important for interpreting terrestrial vegetational history because the temperature differential between low and high latitudes is a major factor in determining global climates through the control of poleward transfer of heat. The middle(?) to late Eocene Gatuncillo Formation palynoflora of Panama was deposited at the ocean-continental interface at ~9° N latitude. The individual components and paleocommunities are distinctly tropical and similar to the present vegetation along the Atlantic coast of southern Central America. This is consistent with data emerging from other recently studied tropical coastal biotas and represents a contribution from paleobiology toward eventually resolving the problem of Eocene equatorial marine environments. Collectively, the evidence is beginning to favor a model of Eocene SST near present values.  相似文献   

The origins of South America's exceptional plant diversity are poorly known from the fossil record. We report on unbiased quantitative collections of fossil floras from Laguna del Hunco (LH) and Río Pichileufú (RP) in Patagonia, Argentina. These sites represent a frost-free humid biome in South American middle latitudes of the globally warm Eocene. At LH, from 4,303 identified specimens, we recognize 186 species of plant organs and 152 species of leaves. Adjusted for sample size, the LH flora is more diverse than comparable Eocene floras known from other continents. The RP flora shares several taxa with LH and appears to be as rich, although sampling is preliminary. The two floras were previously considered coeval. However, (40)Ar/(39)Ar dating of three ash-fall tuff beds in close stratigraphic association with the RP flora indicates an age of 47.46+/-0.05 Ma, 4.5 million years younger than LH, for which one tuff is reanalyzed here as 51.91+/-0.22 Ma. Thus, diverse floral associations in Patagonia evolved by the Eocene, possibly in response to global warming, and were persistent and areally extensive. This suggests extraordinary richness at low latitudes via the latitudinal diversity gradient, corroborated by published palynological data from the Eocene of Colombia.  相似文献   

To understand the Neogene climatic changes in eastern Asia and evaluate the intercontinental climatic differences, we have quantitatively reconstructed the vegetation successions and climatic changes in the late Pliocene Zhangcun area based on the palynological data and explored the regional climatic differences between central Europe and eastern Asia. The late Pliocene palynological assemblage of Zhangcun, Shanxi was composed of 63 palynomorphs, belonging to 50 families, covering angiosperms (90.2%), gymnosperms (9.7%), ferns (0.09%), and other elements (0.02%). Four periods of vegetation succession over time were recognized. In period 1, a needle‐ and broad‐leaved mixed forest prevailed with a cool and dry climate. Period 2 was characterized by an expansion of forest with a warmer and wetter climate. The number of conifers increased and that of herbs decreased in period 3, and the climate became cool and dry. In period 4, the forest was dominated by conifers and reflecting a cooler climate. The data of seven climatic parameters in general and four periods estimated by the Coexistence Approach suggested that (1) The late Pliocene temperatures and precipitations were higher than today. (2) The Neogene climate of both Central Europe and North China exhibited a general cooling and drying trend although the mean annual temperature dropped by ca. 1 °C in North China, vs. ca. 7 °C in Central Europe from the middle Miocene to the late Pliocene. (3) The decline of the mean maximum monthly precipitation might signal a weakening of the summer monsoon. (4) The decline of both the mean coldest monthly temperature and the mean minimum monthly precipitation might be linked to the strengthening of the winter monsoon in eastern Asia. (5) The rapid uplift of the Tibetan Plateau strengthened the climatic cooling and drying during the late Pliocene of the Zhangcun region.  相似文献   

The Tertiary floras play an integral role in understanding the biodiversity and interactions between climate and vegetation in Yunnan, China. The fossil spores, pollen grains, and leaves in this region have been investiagedintensively. In comparison, the woods have been studied relatively little. A large number of Pliocene wood specimens was collected from the opencast lignite coal mine of Hongxing situated in Changning County of Yunnan Province. Among the collection, Tsuga cf. dumosa (D. Don) Eichler and Pinus cf. armandii Franchet were identified based on wood structures. The subtle feature of tori extensions is reported in the wood of T. cf. dumosa. Considering the climatic requirements of modern T. dumosa and P.armandii, the two species of conifer described from Pliocene sediments probably grew in mountainous terrain at an elevation of approximately 2 300 m, in a cool and humid environment.  相似文献   

黑龙江依兰始新世植物群的研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
本文报道了黑龙江依兰煤矿早第三系始新统达连河组的上、下两个层位所产的植物化石的区系组成及植物群特征:一个系产于煤层下部的砂页岩中的植物群A,另一个是产于煤层上部油页岩中的植物群B。植物组合共计35科49属52种,其中有蕨类植物2种,裸子植物10种,被子植物40种,其中包括1个新种。对其进行区系成分和叶相分析表明,A段植物群的古植被为北亚热带常绿阔叶和落叶阔叶混生林;B段植物群的古植被为暖温带落叶阔叶林。通过与邻近地区的国内外相应植物群比较及植物群的属种地史分布分析,确定A段植物群的时代为早始新世,B段植物群的时代很可能为晚始新世。两个层位间植物群区系成分的变化,表明始新世我国东北地区发生了较明显的气温下降过程,即古气候发生了由亚热带向暖温带的变化。  相似文献   

This paper reports the fossil flora in the Yilan Coal Mine, Heilongjiang Province.The Paleogene flora of the Dalianhe formation includes two groups according to their geology column:one (flora A) is from sand-shale above the lower coal seams and the other (flora B) is from oil shale above the upper coal beds. The flora contains two species of pteridophytes, 10 species of gymnosperms and over 40 species of angiosperms including 1 new species and 10 uncertain species, assigned to 49 genera and 35 families. The analysis of the floristic composition and their foliar physiognomy showes that the flora A consists of elements in evergreen broad-leaved and deciduous broad-leaved forests indicating its subtropical feature, whereas the flora B consists of elements in deciduous broad-leaved forests indicating a warm-temperate feature. Compared to the Paleogene floras of Northeastern Asia and North America, the flora A is assigned to the early Eocene, and the flora B to the late Eocene. These results seem to indicate that in the Eocene, paleoclimatic decline took place in Northeast China.  相似文献   

Conifer Woods of the Pliocene Age from Yunnan, China   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The Tertiary floras play an integral role in understanding the biodiversity and interactions between climate and vegetation in Yunnan, China. The fossil spores, pollen grains, and leaves in this region have been investiaged intensively. In comparison, the woods have been studied relatively little. A large number of Pliocene wood specimens was collected from the opencast lignite coal mine of Hongxing situated in Changning County of Yunnan Province. Among the collection, Tsuga cf. dumosa (D. Don) Eichler and Pinus cf. armandii Franchet were identified based on wood structures. The subtle feature oftori extensions is reported in the wood of T. cf. dumosa. Considering the climatic requirements of modern T. dumosa and P.armandii, the two species of conifer described from Pliocene sediments probably grew in mountainous terrain at an elevation of approximately 2 300 m, in a cool and humid environment.  相似文献   

Aim Central America is a biogeographically interesting area because of its location between the rich and very different biota of North and South America. We aim to assess phytogeographical patterns in the bryophyte floras of oak forests and páramo of the Cordillera de Talamanca, Costa Rica. Location Tropical America, in particular the montane area of Cordillera de Talamanca, Costa Rica. Methods The analysis is based on a new critical inventory of the montane bryophyte flora of Cordillera de Talamanca. All species were assigned to phytogeographical elements on the basis of their currently known distribution. Absolute and percentage similarities were employed to evaluate floristic affinities. Results A total of 401 species [191 hepatics (liverworts), one hornwort, 209 mosses] are recorded; of these, 251 species (128 hepatics, one hornwort, 122 mosses) occur in oak forests. Ninety‐three per cent of all oak forest species are tropical in distribution, the remaining 7% are temperate (4%) and cosmopolitan (3%) species. The neotropical element includes almost 74% of the species, the wide tropical element (pantropical, amphi‐atlantic, amphi‐pacific) only 19%. A significant part of the neotropical species from oak forests are species with tropical Andean‐centred ranges (27%). As compared with bryophyte species, vascular plant genera in the study region are represented by fewer neotropical, more temperate and more amphi‐pacific taxa. Bryophyte floras of different microhabitats within the oak forest and epiphytic bryophyte floras on Quercus copeyensis in primary, early secondary and late secondary oak forest show a similar phytogeographical make‐up to the total oak forest bryophyte flora. Comparison of oak forest and páramo reveals a greater affinity of the páramo bryophyte flora to temperate regions and the great importance of the páramo element in páramo. Surprisingly, oak forests have more Central American endemics than páramo. Main conclusions (1) Providing first insights into the phytogeographical patterns of the bryophyte flora of oak forests and páramo, we are able to confirm general phytogeographical trends recorded from vascular plant genera of the study area although the latter were more rich in temperate taxa. (2) Andean‐centred species are a conspicuous element in the bryophyte flora of Cordillera de Talamanca, reflecting the close historical connection between the montane bryophyte floras of Costa Rica and South America. (3) High percentages of Central American endemics in the bryophyte flora of the oak forests suggest the importance of climatic changes associated with Pleistocene glaciations for allopatric speciation.  相似文献   

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