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Summary Two loci on the short arm of the human Y chromosome have recently been described as candidates for the testis determining factor (TDF); namely, ZFY, and a locus distal to ZFY, near the pseudoautosomal boundary. We have previously reported on seven 46,XX true hermaphrodites and one 45,X mixed gonadal dysgenesis case all presenting with testicular tissue in their gonads in the apparent absence of Y-specific DNA sequences. A reanalysis of these cases shows them all to lack ZFY, but one 46,XX true hermaphrodite carries sequences next to the Y pseudoautosomal boundary. This case provides further evidence for assigning the TDF locus very close to the pseudoautosomal region on Yp.  相似文献   

Summary We have studied nine patients aged 1 month to 16 years with 46, XX karyotypes and testicular tissue. Some of these patients were followed through puberty. Phenotypically, two presented normal and seven abnormal external genitalia (AG). Among this latter group, four showed hypospadias and three true hermaphroditism (TH). The endocrine data were similar in all three groups: testosterone levels were within normal limits during puberty, decreasing in adulthood; gonadotrophin levels were above the control values at mid puberty. Histologies of the two sub groups of AG patients were identical up to 5 years of age and presented differences when compared with controls, regardless of the ovarian part of the ovotestis. However, in patients older than 8 years, germ cells disappeared and dysgenesis became obvious. In one patient, the ovarian zone of the gonad was detected only after complete serial sections of the removed gonad were examined. Southern blot analysis with Y-DNA probes displayed Y-specific material for the classic 46 XX males and a lack of such sequences for all patients with AG and TH. Based on these findings, we postulate that 46, XX males with AG and 46, XX TH may represent altenative manifestations of the same genetic defect. These data together with those concerning familial cases of 46, XX males with AG and 46, XX TH suggest an autosomally (or pseudoautosomally) determined mechanism.  相似文献   

Summary A search for Y-specific DNA sequences has been performed in a sample of seven 46,XX true hermaphrodites and one 45,X mixed gonadal dysgenesis case and compared with a sample of 11 XX males. Using six Y-specific DNA probes no hybridization signal was obtained in the hermaphrodite group; in contrast, all XX males gave a positive signal with at least one probe. This difference is statistically highly significant. We conclude that the aetiology of true hermaphroditism is different from that of the XX male syndrome. As all cases of the hermaphrodite group are positive for the serological sex-specific antigen (Sxs) it is concluded that this antigen can be present even in the absence of Y-specific DNA.  相似文献   

Accidental recombination between the differential segments of the X and Y chromosomes in man occasionally allows transfer of Y-linked sequences to the X chromosome leading to testis differentiation in so-called XX males. Loss of the same sequences by X-Y interchange allows female differentiation in a small proportion of individuals with XY gonadal dysgenesis. A candidate gene responsible for primary sex determination has recently been cloned from within this part of the Y chromosome by Page and his colleagues. The observation that a homologue of this gene is present on the short arm of the X chromosome and is subject to X-inactivation, raises the intriguing possibility that sex determination in man is a quantitative trait. Males have two active doses of the gonad determining gene, and females have one dose. This hypothesis has been tested in a series of XX males, XY females and XX true hermaphrodites by using a genomic probe, CMPXY1, obtained by probing a Y-specific DNA library with synthetic oligonucleotides based on the predicted amino-acid sequence of the sex-determining protein. The findings in most cases are consistent with the hypothesis of homologous gonad-determining genes, GDX and GDY, carried by the X and Y chromosomes respectively. It is postulated that in sporadic or familial XX true hermaphrodites one of the GDX loci escapes X-inactivation because of mutation or chromosomal rearrangement, resulting in mosaicism for testis and ovary-determining cell lines in somatic cells. Y-negative XX males belong to the same clinical spectrum as XX true hermaphrodites, and gonadal dysgenesis in some XY females may be due to sporadic or familial mutations of GDX.  相似文献   

Summary The syndrome of 46,XX true hermaphroditism is a clinical condition in which both ovarian and testicular tissue are found in one individual. Both Mullerian and Wolffian structures are usually present, and external genitalia are often ambiguous. Two alternative mechanisms have been proposed to explain the development of testicular tissue in these subjects: (1) translocation of chromosomal material encoding the testicular determination factor (TDF) from the Y to the X chromosome or to an autosome, or (2) an autosomal dominant mutation that permits testicular determination in the absence of TDF. We have investigated five subjects with 46,XX true hermaphroditism. Four individuals had a normal 46,XX karyotype; one subject (307) had an apparent terminal deletion of the short arm of one X chromosome. Genomic DNA was isolated from these individuals and subjected to Southern blot analysis. Only subject 307 had Y chromosomal sequences that included the pseudoautosomal boundary, SRY (sex-determining region of Y), ZFY (Y gene encoding a zinc finger protein), and DXYS5 (an anonymous locus on the distal short arm of Y) but lacked sequences for DYZ5 (proximal short arm of Y) and for the long arm probes DYZ1 and DYZ2. The genomic DNA of the other four subjects lacked detectable Y chromosomal sequences when assayed either by Southern blotting or after polymerase chain reaction amplification. Our data demonstrate that 46,XX true hermaphroditism is a genetically heterogeneous condition, some subjects having TDF sequences but most not. The 46,XX subjects without SRY may have a mutation of an autosomal gene that permits testicular determination in the absence of TDF.  相似文献   

Two 46,XX true hermaphrodites and one XX male without genital ambiguities are reported. They coexist in two generations of the same pedigree, with paternal transmission and in the absence of SRY (sex-determining region, Y chromosome). These familial cases provide evidence to support the hypothesis that these disorders are alternative manifestations of the same genetic defect, probably an autosomal dominant mutation (with incomplete penetrance) or an X-linked mutation (limited by the presence of the Y chromosome).  相似文献   

Summary XX maleness is the most common condition in which testes develop in the absence of a cytogenetically detectable Y chromosome. Using molecular techniques, it is possible to detect Yp sequences in the majority of XX males. In this study, we could detect Y-specific sequences, including the sex-determining region of the Y chromosome (SRY), using fluorescence in situ hybridization. In 5 out of 6 previously unpublished XX males, SRY was translocated onto the terminal part of an X chromosome. This is the first report in which translocation of an SRY-bearing fragment to an X chromosome in XX males could be directly demonstrated.  相似文献   

In pig, the frequency of intersexuality ranges from 0.1 to O.6%, depending on the breed. In a closed pig herd at INRA an intersex condition was observed in 0.75% of ‘females’. The present study describes 11 animals with a 38XX karyotype and the presence of testicular tissue. Phenotypically, all presented with abnormal external or/and internal genitalia. Southern blot analysis with Y-specific probes (SRY and ZFY) revealed the absence of Y material in all animals tested. By polymerase chain reaction (PCR) amplification, 10 of 11 intersex pigs lacked the SRY gene in gonad DNA. These data are compatible with an autosomally (or pseudoautosomally) determined mechanism. Moreover, analysis of familial cases seemed to indicate that 38XX male pseudohermaprodites and 38XX true hermaphrodites may represent alternative manifestations of the same genetic defect.  相似文献   

Summary We documented a new case of chi 46,XX/46,XY true hermaphroditism substantiated by the evaluation of chromosomal heteromorphism in banded preparations. The patient, a 12-year-old Japanese boy with ambiguous external genitalia, was seen because of abnormal breast development. Surgical exploration showed the right gonad to be an ovotestis and the left gonad to be an ovary. Cytogenetic studies revealed cell admixtures of 46,XX and 46,XY karyotypes in peripheral lymphocytes, skin fibroblasts, and gonadal fibroblasts. From the pedigree studies, the paternal double genetic contributions were evidenced by the differences of sex chromosomes and the blood group types for the ABO and MNSs systems in the two cell lines of the patient. The maternal double genetic contributions were confirmed by the inheritance of Q-fluorescent markers on chromosomes 13 and 22 and by alleles for the Kidd blood group system.  相似文献   

Kuhnle  U.  Schwarz  H. P.  Löhrs  U.  Stengel-Ruthkowski  S.  Cleve  H.  Braun  A. 《Human genetics》1993,92(6):571-576
We report on 46,XX true hermaphroditism and 46,XX maleness coexisting in the same pedigree, with maternal as well as paternal transmission of the disorder. Molecular genetic analysis showed that both hermaphrodites as well as the 46,XX male were negative for Y-chromosomal sequences. Thus, this pedigree is highly informative and allows the following conclusions: first, the maternal as well as paternal transmission of the disorder allows the possibility of an autosomal dominant as well as an X-chromosomal dominant mode of inheritance; second, testicular determination in the absence of Y-specific sequences in familial 46,XX true hermaphrodites as well as in 46,XX males seems to be due to the varying expression of the same genetic defect; and third, there is incomplete penetrance of the defect.  相似文献   

The case of a 24-year-old man with hypoplastic external genitalia, lack of the right scrotal testis and gynaecomastia has been described. In the intermitotic cells the cytogenetic investigations revealed the presence of the X body and the absence of the Y body. A 45,X/46,XX/46,X,mar/47,XX,mar karyotype could be established. On laparotomy a rudimentary ovary, uterus and vagina were detected on the right side of the abdominal cavity.  相似文献   

Summary The pattern of inheritance of several X polymorphic markers is studied in the pedigree of a 46,XX true hermaphrodite. The results of the Xga, 12E7, and G6PD segregation analysis favour the hypothesis of a preferential inactivation of the paternally derived X chromosome.  相似文献   

Summary A case of 46,XY/45,X/46,XX mosaicism in a phenotypic intersex is decribed in detail. A few relevant aspects, which emerge especially from the phenotypic and karyotypic analysis, are briefly commented upon.
Zusammenfassung Es wird ein Fall von Mosaicismus 46,XY/45,X/46,XX beschrieben. Einige Aspekte, die aus der phänotypischen und karyotypischen Analyse des Patienten hervorgehen, sind kurz kommentiert.

True hermaphroditism (TH) is an unusual form of sex reversal, characterized by the development of testicular and ovarian tissue in the same subject. Approximately 60% of the patients have a 46,XX karyotype, 33% are mosaics with a second cell line containing a Y chromosome, while the remaining 7% are 46,XY. Molecular analyses have demonstrated that SRY is present in only 10% of TH with a 46,XX karyotype; therefore, in the remaining 90%, mutations at unknown X-linked or autosomal sex determining loci have been proposed as factors responsible for testicular development. True hermaphroditism presents considerable genetic heterogeneity with several molecular anomalies leading to the dual gonadal development as SRY point mutations or SRY hidden gonadal mosaicism. In order to identify genetic defects associated with subjects with the disease, we performed molecular analyses of the SRY gene in DNA from blood leukocytes and gonadal tissue in 12 true hermaphrodites with different karyotypes. Our results using PCR and FISH analyses reveal the presence of hidden mosaicism for SRY or other Y sequences in some patients with XX true hermaphroditism and confirms that mosaicism for SRY limited to the gonads is an alternative mechanism for testicular development in 46,XX true hermaphrodites.  相似文献   

We studied the anatomical, histological, and genetic features of the sexual tract in four European mole species of the genus Talpa (Insectivora, mammalia): T. occidentalis, T. europaea, T. romana, and T. stankovici. All XY individuals had a normal male phenotype, whereas all XX individuals in all four species had features that identified them as intersexes. These individuals were nonetheless presumed to be functionally fertile females. Intersexuality was manifested mainly as gonadal hermaphroditism, with all females possessing bilateral ovotestes. The gonads were composed of a small portion of histologically normal ovarian tissue and a variably sized, generally large mass of disgenetic testicular tissue, accompanied by a small, rudimentary epididymis. The rest of the sexual tract was typically female, including oviducts, uterus, and vagina of normal appearance. Polymerase chain reaction (PCR) and Southern blotting analyses showed that the mammalian testis-determining gene SRY is present in males but not in females. Part of the conserved sequence of the mole SRY gene was cloned and sequenced after PCR amplification in two of the four mole species (T. occidentalis from Spain and T. romana from Italy). Sequences were identical in these two species and were very similar to those of the human and mouse SRY gene. Our findings constitute the first evidence of the existence of a genus-specific case of true hermaphroditism, probably due to a very ancient mutation that fixed in populations of the ancestral species from which contemporary moles evolved. The possible nature of this mutation is discussed with regard to the cytologic, histologic, and genetic features of the gonads in Talpa females. © 1996 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

XX maleness is the most common condition in which testes develop in the absence of a cytogenetically detectable Y chromosome. Using fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) or PCR, it was possible to detect the transfer of Yp fragments including SRY gene to the terminal part of X chromosome in the majority of XX males. We report a 32-year-old-male in whom a seminal analysis showed azoospermia, an X chromatin analysis showed 44% of Barr body positive nuclei and a chromosomal analysis revealed a 46,XX karyotype. Physical examination showed a normal sexual development and bilateral small testes. Hormonal studies revealed hypergonadotropic hypogonadism. Testis histological examination showed a profile of Sertoli Only Cell Syndrome. FISH study ruled out the presence of a Y-bearing cell line, and confirmed translocation of SRY to Xp terminal part. In order to confirm that the complete masculinized phenotype was related to a preferential inactivation of the no rearranged X chromosome, X-chromosome inactivation patterns (XCIP) were studied by analysis of methylation status of the androgen receptor gene. Highly skewed XCIP was observed by greater than 90% preferential inactivation involving one of the two X chromosomes, suggesting that the SRY-bearing X chromosome was the preferentially active X allowing for sufficient SRY expression for complete masculinization.  相似文献   

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