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A simple, rapid straining technique using the magnesium salt of 1-anilino-8-naphthalene sulfonic acid is described. Treatment of soil with an aqueous, membrane-filtered solution (3.5 mg/ml) of the salt causes the soil microorganisms to fluoresce when examined with light from a mercury arc light source.  相似文献   

A simple and rapid technique for fluorescence staining of fungal nuclei   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A technique for staining fungal nuclei using fluorescence stain Hoechst Dye 33258 in McIlvaine standard buffer of pH 7.26–7.44 is reported. It is a broad-spectrum fungal nuclear staining tool found to be effective onAgaricus bisporus, Alternaria helianthi, Fusarium oxysporum f. sp.lini, Penicillium binellum, Pythium ultimum, Rhizoctonia solani, andSaccharomyces cerevisiae. Conidial nuclei ofAlternaria helianthi, Fusarium oxysporum f. sp.lini, andPenicillium binellum also stained well.  相似文献   

利用500mL注射液瓶和一次性使用输液器,制作验证光合作用产生氧气的简易实验装置。  相似文献   

In the pharmaceutical industry, the majority of drug-safety evaluation studies are carried out preferentially in the rat. Consequently, drug absorption, distribution, metabolism and excretion profiles are available for this species. Such data usually have to be generated independently in the mouse, to allow validation of any micronucleus tests carried out in this species. Unfortunately, at the present time, the rat is not ideal for use in the micronucleus test due to the presence of large numbers of contaminating mast cell granules. Such granules are stained blue by the most commonly accepted staining procedure (May-Grunwald-Giemsa), and can be erroneously scored as micronuclei when they overlay erythrocytes. A simple haematoxylin and eosin staining procedure was evaluated in the micronucleus test using rats and mice. With this procedure, micronuclei stained blue-black and were readily distinguishable from cell inclusions resembling micronuclei such as mast cell granules, which remained unstained. Essentially similar quantitative data for micronucleus incidence and erythrocyte distribution were obtained in mice using this staining technique when compared to the use of the more established May-Grunwald-Giemsa staining procedure. However, unlike the use of the May-Grunwald-Giemsa procedure, the use of the haematoxylin and eosin stains allowed the accurate estimation of micronucleus incidence within the marrows of treated rats in the presence of contaminating mast-cell granules. Furthermore, unlike alternative procedures using fluorescent stains, the haematoxylin and eosin stained preparations are stable, constitute a permanent record of the experiment, and can be analysed at the convenience of the investigator. Therefore, this staining procedure may offer a useful alternative, for example, when evaluating rat bone-marrow smears within which considerable mast cell contamination can occur.  相似文献   

A modification of the Winkelmann and Schmitt (1957) technique originally designed to investigate patterns of peripheral nervous innervation is given for demonstration of developing bone growth centers and associated muscle origins and insertions in larval and small fishes. This technique offers a simpler and faster way of obtaining such ontogenetic information than the standard method of double staining with alizarin red S and Alcian blue followed by clearing with potassium hydroxide. Muscles also stain, facilitating the location of their origins and insertions.  相似文献   

The antigens that are present in the coccidian parasites Toxoplasma gondii and Hammondia hammondi were demonstrated and defined by using SDS-PAGE and immunoenzymatic techniques with 125I-labeled and unlabeled antigens of T. gondii and sera of mice infected orally or intraperitoneally with H. hammondi . All cell surface antigens of T. gondii that were labeled with 125I were recognized by antibodies in the sera of the mice infected with H. hammondi except the antigen of approximate molecular weight of 21.5 Kd. This suggests that this antigen is specific for T. gondii. Various antigens in the T. gondii-lysed antigen preparations were recognized by antibodies to H. hammondi . The number of recognized antigens increased as the infection of the mice with H. hammondi progressed. Oral infection with H. hammondi appeared to induce the formation of antibodies that recognized more T. gondii antigens than infection by intraperitoneal inoculation.  相似文献   

Gnathiid isopods are common ectoparasites of fish on the Great Barrier Reef, Australia. While screening for appropriate markers for phylogenetic studies of gnathiids, we found that primers for 12S and 16S rDNA preferentially amplified the host fish DNA instead of gnathiid DNA. This amplification occurred even when using gnathiids that were not engorged with host blood and adult gnathiids that do not feed on fish blood. This method could be used in host-parasite studies to identify hosts without having to sample parasites directly from the host (which can be costly and requires considerable skill in a marine environment). Target ribosomal DNA sequences can be amplified from total DNA extracted from parasites that are captured in funnel traps or plankton tows. Sequence data from these can be used to identify the hosts that gnathiids were feeding on before capture.  相似文献   

Acridine orange in the staining of blood parasites   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  

Human and mouse nuclei can be distinguished by differences in the constitutive heterochromatin when stained with quinacrine dihydrochloride. With the staining method described, mouse heterochromatin during interphase appears as brilliant fluorescent chromocenters. By replacing the commonly used aqueous buffer mounting medium with a xylene-diluted synthetic resin, the haziness of the nuclear fluorescence is eliminated thus allowing identification of the heterochromatin pattern in histological preparations. A requirement for the definite identification of cells of human or murine origin in the nude mouse is the knowledge that the heterochromatin arrangements changes according to the stage of differentiation of the cell of the position of a particular nucleus within the cell cycle.  相似文献   

《Biochemical education》1999,27(1):41-44
We have designed a simple laboratory experiment using different forms of alkaline phosphatase (detergent-solubilized, phospholipase-released and protease-released) and liposomes to demonstrate the relevance of the glycosyl-phosphatidyl inositol tail to anchor proteins in membranes. The results show that only the solubilized alkaline phosphatase form binds to liposome membranes since its anchor structure was preserved after detergent treatment.  相似文献   

寄生物对宿主繁殖的影响取决于宿主对当前繁殖值和剩余繁殖值的权衡。球虫为微型寄生物,而微型寄生物对宿主当前繁殖值的影响较剩余繁殖值要大。因此,本研究检验了寄生在高原鼠兔肠道内的艾美耳球虫可影响其当前繁殖的假设。在繁殖早、中、晚期,野外共观测高原鼠兔170只。结果表明,不同繁殖期感染率有显著差异。在繁殖中期,未感染雌性的妊娠率显著高于感染雌性。且未妊娠雌性较妊娠雌性有更高的感染强度,但在另外两个繁殖期没有发现此效应。在雄性中,任何繁殖期的感染强度和感染率与睾丸和附睾指数均无显著相关性,且感染和未感染球虫雄性睾丸及附睾指数无显著差异。此外,野外观测实验结果表明,感染雌性的胚胎重较未感染雌性显著降低,与野外感染对胚胎重量影响的实验结果相一致。说明艾美耳球虫感染可影响胚胎的发育。上述结果说明,艾美耳球虫对高原鼠兔繁殖的影响随繁殖期而有不同效应,且存在性别间差异,这种效应可能与不同性别间的繁殖对策有关。  相似文献   

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