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寒武纪最早期层位中获得的离散骨片化石Halkieria和Microdictyon,已在较高层位的特异埋藏化石群中找到了它们的完整生物躯体,它为研究离散骨片化石的自然分类和生物亲缘提供了直接证据。本文通过寒武纪最早期钉状化石的形状、对称性、壳质成分、矿化特征的对比,提出了离散骨化石织金钉(Zhijinites)和拟织金钉(Parazhijinites)与澄江动物群中的怪诞虫(Hallucigenia  相似文献   

钉形类(nail-shaped)骨片化石是华南寒武纪早期地层中常见的一类具矿化骨骼的小壳化石。本文系统研究了贵州织金戈仲伍剖面寒武系戈仲伍组的钉形类骨片化石, 发现织金地区钉形类化石主要以织金钉类和疑似的寒武钉类为主, 共4属9种。相较于前人研究, 本文新发现了织金钉类: Zhijinites tumourifomisZ. lubricusZ. clavus, 和疑似的寒武钉类: ?Deiradoclavus sp.、?Cambroclavus sp.。排除埋藏学假象后, 分析了钉形类不同化石属种保存方式及形态结构, 发现Zhijinites的多数种都存在盘体顶面凹陷结构, 并且Zhijinites部分种的锥体内壁有收缩现象或具有十字交错纤维结构, 这些发现能较好地揭示出Zhijinites各形态种间的相似性和差异性。分析钉形化石时空分布特点发现, 目前钉形类骨片化石最早在织金地区有化石记录, 之后在扬子地台内部辐射扩散, 并几乎同时辐射扩散至邻近陆块。此外, 本文讨论的疑似寒武钉类化石时代可下延至寒武纪幸运期, 可能是目前该类化石在全球的最早记录, 为探索寒武钉类化石的系统演化和地层学意义提供了新信息。  相似文献   

研究证明Paracarinachitids的外骨骼都不是由8个骨板组成,骨片具有清楚的微层构造,表明它们是由叠覆的生长层组成,每个生长节上有一个小刺,在顶端下侧面前端都有肾形缺凹。同一标本上存在顶端部的融合和远顶端部的分节彼此递交的现象表明这种表象上的差异是后期次生磷灰石包裹或腐蚀的结果;其下侧缘融合和下侧面无缝隙的现象说明将Paracarinachites spinus的骨片分成头板、中间板和尾板是没有根据的。骨片表面存在的针状体是成岩作用的产物,它是粘土矿物和磷酸盐针状结晶体而不是多板纲的骨针。凡此强有力地说明Yangtzechiton是Paracarinachites的晚出同义名。根据形态功能、组织结构,特别是叠覆状排列的骨片和孤立的生长节等特征,paracarinachitids 可能与zhijinitids有密切关系,但两者是否同源尚缺少进一步的证据、据此,笔者认为将paracarinachitids 暂置于分类位置未定的具骨片后生动物较妥。  相似文献   

陕西南部早寒武世原始锥石类carinachitids两新种记述   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
对陕西宁强宽川铺地区灯影组宽川铺段原始锥石类carinachitids两个新种Emeiconularia amplicanalis sp.nov.和Carinachites platus sp.nov.进行了记述。外表形态多样、个体大小悬殊的两辐对称、三辐对称和四辐对称的carinachitids系列标本的发现,揭示了陕南地区早寒武世丰富多样的carinachitids生命世界。三辐射对称的Emeiconularia在四川峨眉及陕西南部的震旦-寒武系界线附近都有分布,因而对前寒武纪—寒武纪跨界地层具有划分对比意义。两新种的发现无疑增加了我们对早期锥石类多样性的认识,为证实多样性的刺细胞动物在早寒武世早期已经存在的假说提供了新线索。  相似文献   

原牙形类和牙形状化石是早寒武世微小骨骼化石中非常特征的一个类群。自二十世纪70年代以来,这些齿状的微型磷质骨片化石在中国下寒武统含小壳化石地层中被大量发现,据统计已描述有25属52种。通过文中的评述和讨论,证实其中的一些属种是次异名或属于无效的分类名称,还有一些在归属上尚存在疑问。通过对原牙形类和牙形状化石定义的讨论,将先前指定为原牙形类的13个属进行了分类评述。表明其中的5个属是次异名,还有2个属是未知的节肢动物。其它的12个牙形状化石属中也有5个属是次异名,它们不仅显示了有多种动物亲缘的牙形状形态,而且大多属于绝灭生物,只有Beshtashella和Paraformitchella(=Beshtashella)被指定为软体动物。文中还简要地讨论了大多数属的时空分布,包括3个阶段的原牙形类地层分布,这不仅具有划分对比地层的意义,而且还反映了原牙形类的演化趋势。  相似文献   

寒武纪早期疑难生物类群阿纳巴管(Anabarites)亲缘性的探讨   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
阿纳巴管为生活于寒武纪早期、具三射对称管栖疑难生物。文中通过对采自陕西南部宁强下寒武统宽川铺组阿纳巴管壳体SEM和岩石薄片的观察,并以对称性和矿物组成作为线索对阿纳巴管的系统学位置和生物属性开展了探索。通过对称性对比研究和骨骼矿物组成的研究,将阿纳巴管解释为珊瑚虫纲古老干支类群的化石代表,为现生六射珊瑚的祖先类群。根据阿纳巴管个体发育过程对称性的演变所提供的线索进一步认为以六射及其倍数对称为特征的现代六射珊瑚可能经过三射对称中间阶段,起源于圆形辐射对称的祖先。阿纳巴管为由圆形经三射向六射转变这一中间阶段的化石代表。此外,还对阿纳巴管的成岩模式以及生活方式开展了探索性研究。  相似文献   

本文介绍作者利用扫描电子显微镜对(竹蜓)类Quasifusulina旋壁超微构造的初步研究结果。电镜观察表明,Quasifusulina旋壁的主要部分系由许多近等轴的方解石微粒构成,这些微粒有规律地叠置在一起,形成了一系列垂直于壳表、彼此相邻的方解石复合体。尽管其光学特征与蜂巢层和透明层颇为相似,但从构成旋壁的方解石微粒的形状、大小及排列和定向方式来看,Quasifusulina旋壁的超微构造既明显地有别于典型的蜂巢层,也不同于典型的透明层。为便于描述,作者建议将Quasifusulina旋壁的这种特殊构造称为“原蜂巢层”(prokeriotheca)。 根据电镜观察,Quasifusulina旋壁由原蜂巢层及不连续的内疏松层构成,它可能代表了?类有孔虫中一种独特的旋壁类型。这种旋壁构造在?类动物的分类及演化研究中可能具有重要意义。  相似文献   

描述了广西百色及永乐盆地发现的中始新世最晚期一晚始新世的猪类化石。这批已知最早的猪超科化石,大大丰富了亚洲地区的早期猪类,对了解全球猪类的早期演化有着重要价值。广西的材料被确定为两个新属新种:萨氏始新猪Eocenchoerus savagei和广西华夏猪Huaxiachoerus guangxiensis,一个新种:粗壮暹罗猪Siamochoerus viriosus和一个未定属种:Tayassuidae gen.et sp.indet。加上已发表的单尖旅猪Odiochoerus uniconus,百色、永乐盆地共计发现了5种始新世猪类化石。新属Eocenchoerus虽然臼齿结构简单,与原始的古猪类(paiaeochoerid)接近,但因其M3具有一个明显的跟座而被归入猪科。早期猪科动物非常原始的臼齿形式证明,猪科动物的起源并不晚于古猪科(Palaeochoeridae)和西科(Tayassuidae)。旧大陆的古猪类长期以来被认为与新大陆的西类(tayassuid)更为接近,多数学者将其归入西科。笔者认为两者共有的近祖特征,并不能支持它们更近的亲缘关系,而且古猪类缺乏典型西类的近裔特征,因而支持将Pala?  相似文献   

<正>沃特世公司近日推出了全新的体积排阻色谱(SEC)柱,可用于蛋白的分析表征。XBridge Protein BEH SEC色谱柱可与Waters Alliance HPLC、Waters ACQUITY UPLC H-Class系统以及其它HPLC/UHPLC仪器联用,能够为按照尺寸大小进行的蛋白类生物治疗药物分离提供最大的样品通量和最高的分离度。XBridge Protein  相似文献   

Isolated sclerites are an important component of the Early Cambrian small shelly fos-sils(SSF) ,accounting for one-third of both the total number of taxa and the total numberof specimens.Estimating the phylogenetic affinities of these sclerites is one of the mostdifficult problems in the analysis of the SSF.Sclerites referred to such taxa as the halkieri-ids,siphogonuchitids,chancelloriids,tommotiids,zhijinitids and cambroclavids generallyhave been interpreted as Problematica.As recently a…  相似文献   

Abstract:  Micrhystridium -like acritarchs are widely distributed in basal Cambrian cherts and phosphorites in South China. This paper describes similar acritarchs from the basal Cambrian Yurtus and Xishanblaq formations in Tarim, north-west China. The taxonomy of these acritarchs is revised. The basal Cambrian acritarch assemblage in Tarim and South China is characterized by three genera: Asteridium Moczydłowska, Heliosphaeridium Moczydłowska and Comasphaeridium Staplin, Jansonius and Pocock. This assemblage is named the Asteridium - Heliosphaeridium - Comasphaeridium (AHC) acritarch assemblage. In both South China and Tarim, the AHC acritarch assemblage is associated with the tubular microfossil Megathrix longus Yin L. and the small shelly fossil Kaiyangites novilis Qian and Yin G. This assemblage also occurs in the Lower Tal Formation in the Lesser Himalaya. Correlation with small shelly fossil (SSF) assemblages indicates that the AHC assemblage is restricted to the Meishucunian Stage, and possibly to the lower Meishucunian ( Anabarites trisulcatus - Protohertzina anabarica and Siphogonuchites triangularis - Paragloborilus subglobosus SSF assemblages). The AHC assemblage is broadly similar to the Asteridium tornatum - Comasphaeridium velvetum (acritarch) Zone in the East European Platform, which is considered to be Nemakit-Daldynian (and possibly Tommotian) in age.  相似文献   

Abstract:  The halkieriids (Sachitida He, 1980 ) from the Early to Mid Cambrian possess a hollow sclerite with a complex branching canal system. An analysis of the canal system morphology in the halkieriid Sinosachites ( Thambetolepis ) delicatus ( Jell, 1981 ) from South Australia reveals similarities to the aesthete canal system in the shell plates of chitons, which has been analysed in a number of extant taxa. The compartments, referred to as macro-aesthetes in chitons, and lateral canals in halkieriids, have overlapping diameters and are constrained in morphology by the space of accommodation by maintaining a constant width, whereas length is more variable. Both canal systems are morphologically distinct from shell pores of other lophotrochozoans and known mollusc classes. Similarities in sclerite growth, microstructure and mineralogy further suggest that halkieriids, along with the other sachitids, are molluscs, most likely stem aculiferans (Polyplacophora and Aplacophora).  相似文献   

本文描述了陕西镇巴下寒武统水井沱组中的小壳化石3新属5新种。样品采自镇巴小洋坝曾家坡,共生化石有三叶虫、古介形虫、海绵骨针和大量软舌螺等。化石组合面貌表明其地质时代属筇竹寺期。另外,在峡东水井沱组中发现了微网虫(Microdictyonsp.)化石骨片(图版I,图18,19),可与云南筇竹寺组及陕南水井沱组对比,说明Microdictyon广泛分布于扬子地台区。  相似文献   

本文对采自陕西洛南上湾剖面下寒武统辛集组疑难管状化石Cupitheca进行了研究,系统厘定和描述了两个种,分别为Cupitheca holocyclata和Cupitheca costellata,并对Cupithecidae科进行了重新修订。本文所描述标本的壳体多为次生磷酸盐化保存,壳体表面纹饰保存较好;C.holocyclata管体表面为横向纹饰,C.costellata管体表面为纵向纹饰。C.holocyclata全球广布,如南澳大利亚、南极乔治王岛、格陵兰东北部、加拿大纽芬兰等地皆有报道,产出于下寒武统中上部地层,具有一定的洲际地层对比意义。本文为C.holocyclata在中国首次发现。C.costellata仅发现于华北,即本文所研究的洛南辛集组及其同期地层安徽淮南与霍邱的雨台山组。  相似文献   

Identification of the primary constituents of small shelly fossil (SSF) shells is important for explaining the evolution of SSF faunas. The characteristics and constituents of Terreneuvian tubular SSFs found in north‐east Sichuan, China, are revealed using light microscopy, scanning electron microscopy and energy dispersive X‐ray spectroscopy. Petrographic thin sections indicate that the chemical composition of the shells is mainly calcium carbonate with smaller amounts of phosphorus, silica and pyrite. Most of the tubular shells composed of calcium carbonate have a distinct layered structure. Evidence of replacement of the original shell by phosphatization, pyritization and silicification, and recrystallization of calcium carbonate have been found, all of which destroyed the shell's original layered structure. Most fossils treated with acetic acid are phosphatic casts or steinkerns, with some preserving organic textures of the shell as phosphatic casts. We conclude that the Terreneuvian tubular SSFs from north‐east Sichuan were originally composed mainly of calcium carbonate; indeed, most Terreneuvian small skeletal fossils appear to have had an originally calcareous composition. The fossil casts or internal core fossils are composed of phosphate, which is related to local taphonomic processes.  相似文献   

Abstract:  Hexaconularia , a Lower Cambrian small shelly fossil (SSF) that has been allied with conulariids and scyphozoan cnidarians, is redescribed and refigured. A salient feature of this monospecific genus is the presence of distinct apical and abapical regions. The apical region probably represents an embryonic shell that apparently lacked a basal attachment structure. Comparisons of this feature with the apical end of the smallest known conulariids and with conulariids terminating in an apical wall (schott) reveal substantial differences in structure and ornamentation. Differences in apical anatomy between conulariids and Arthrochites , possibly the nearest SSF relative of Hexaconularia , are also apparent. Comparisons of Hexaconularia with Punctatus , an SSF taxon showing distinct apical and abapical regions in both posthatching specimens and prehatching embryos, suggest that the early development of Hexaconularia was direct. These results have important implications for hypotheses of a conulariid/scyphozoan affinity for Hexaconularia and its possible SSF relatives, and they suggest that Hexaconularia -bearing strata may yield prehatching embryos of this genus.  相似文献   

The interrelationships and evolutionary history of molluscs have seen great advances in the last decade. Recent phylogenetic studies have allowed alternative morphology‐based evolutionary scenarios to be tested and, most significantly, shown that the aplacophorans are sister group to polyplacophorans (chitons), corroborating palaeontological and embryological evolutionary scenarios in which aplacophorans are secondarily simplified from a chiton‐like ancestor. Aplacophoran morphology therefore does not represent the plesiomorphic condition for molluscs as a whole. The mollusc crown group radiated in the Early Cambrian, and rapidly thereafter, stem lineages to the major molluscan classes emerged: cephalopods, gastropods, bivalves (= pelecypods), monoplacophorans, rostroconchs (inferred stem scaphopods) and aculiferans. This attests to the fast, adaptive radiation of the crown group during the Cambrian explosion. Kimberella from the latest Ediacaran exhibits several molluscan traits, which justifies its position as a molluscan stem‐group member, rather than as a more basal Lophotrochozoan. The interrelationships among the conchiferan molluscs are still a matter of contention and require further palaeontological and molecular phylogenetic scrutiny.  相似文献   

Burgess Shale-type deposits are renowned for their exquisite preservation of soft-bodied organisms, representing a range of animal body plans that evolved during the Cambrian ‘explosion’. However, the rarity of these fossil deposits makes it difficult to reconstruct the broader-scale distributions of their constituent organisms. By contrast, microscopic skeletal elements represent an extensive chronicle of early animal evolution—but are difficult to interpret in the absence of corresponding whole-body fossils. Here, we provide new observations on the dorsal spines of the Cambrian lobopodian (panarthropod) worm Hallucigenia sparsa from the Burgess Shale (Cambrian Series 3, Stage 5). These exhibit a distinctive scaly microstructure and layered (cone-in-cone) construction that together identify a hitherto enigmatic suite of carbonaceous and phosphatic Cambrian microfossils—including material attributed to Mongolitubulus, Rushtonites and Rhombocorniculum—as spines of Hallucigenia-type lobopodians. Hallucigeniids are thus revealed as an important and widespread component of disparate Cambrian communities from late in the Terreneuvian (Cambrian Stage 2) through the ‘middle’ Cambrian (Series 3); their apparent decline in the latest Cambrian may be partly taphonomic. The cone-in-cone construction of hallucigeniid sclerites is shared with the sclerotized cuticular structures (jaws and claws) in modern onychophorans. More generally, our results emphasize the reciprocal importance and complementary roles of Burgess Shale-type fossils and isolated microfossils in documenting early animal evolution.  相似文献   

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