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倪雪  陈轻获  蔡珂丹 《生命的化学》2023,(12):1949-1955
糖尿病肾病(diabetic nephropathy,DN)是糖尿病的重要并发症,是终末期肾病的重要病因。DN患者常伴脂质代谢紊乱。脂代谢紊乱可致肾小管内脂质分布异常,引起肾脏脂肪堆积、脂滴积累、肾小管损伤等一系列“脂毒性”现象,进而诱发DN肾脏炎症、纤维化等病理改变。作为肾脏中的高耗能结构,肾小管脂代谢产能对维持其正常生理功能具有重大意义。脂质能量代谢在DN发病机制中发挥不可或缺的作用,本文从胆固醇代谢引起DN肾小管脂毒性、脂肪酸代谢引起DN肾小管脂毒性、脂代谢异常在肾小管与肾小球间的“串扰”作用以及肾小管脂毒性靶向药物治疗等方面进行阐述,旨在为今后临床防治DN新角度与新方案的提出提供参考。  相似文献   

李晓  周同  陈楠 《生命科学》2010,(12):1277-1280
IgA肾病(IgA nephropathy,IgAN)位居各类肾小球疾病之首,是一组以IgA为主的免疫球蛋白在肾小球系膜区沉积为特征的免疫介导性肾小球疾病,也是引起患者终末期肾衰竭最常见的病因之一。足细胞是继系膜细胞与IgA肾病关系的新近关注热点,其系一类位于基底膜最外层的上皮细胞,并是构成肾小球滤过屏障的核心成份。目前认为,足细胞损伤及其生物学行为在IgA肾病等疾病起始进展乃至终末期肾衰中起关键作用。近年伴随着对上皮细胞尤其细胞转分化(EMT)现象在足细胞损伤机制中重要意义的认识,人们注意到糖基化异常IgA在足细胞EMT发生中的诱发作用,以及足细胞EMT过程中的病生理调控机制与IgA肾病等肾小球疾病发生发展的关系。为此,该文进一步基于足细胞的生物学特性以及免疫调节新的视角,探讨天然免疫分子在糖基化异常IgA致足细胞损伤中的调控作用,拟为进一步阐释IgA肾病发病机制及其相关研究乃至临床治疗提供新的思路。  相似文献   

肾脏是机体排泄代谢废物和毒素,产生促红细胞生成素、1,25二羟维生素D和肾素,维持机体水、盐代谢和酸碱平衡的重要器官.各种原发或继发肾脏病均可导致肾实质性改变,若未经充分及时的治疗则可进展至不可逆病变,表现为肾单位逐渐减少,机体排出代谢废物和维持内环境稳定的功能障碍,致体内代谢产物潴留,水、电解质、酸碱平衡紊乱,肾脏内分泌功能异常甚至进展到肾功能不可逆衰退的终末期肾病(end stage kidney disease,ESKD).完整的肾脏功能评价包括肾小球功能、肾小管功能和内分泌功能,可用于早期识别肾脏疾病,完成定位和定性诊断,确定肾功能分期,并可监测肾脏对治疗的反应.肾脏替代治疗则是挽救ESKD患者生命、提高生活质量的重要手段.本文将对肾功能评价及替代治疗的历史及现状进行简要综述及展望.  相似文献   

蛋白尿不仅反映肾小球损伤,而且是一个独立的导致肾脏病变进展的主要因素,任何能够使蛋白尿减少的治疗干预都有利于减慢肾脏疾病的进展,遗传性蛋白尿性肾病是由于基因突变所致,获得性肾病大量蛋白尿成因目前尚未阐明。免疫异常,炎症介质及氧化应激反应均可导致肾损伤。氧自由基是肾损伤的主要介质,它作为强氧化剂是造成蛋白尿的重要原因之一。活性氧分子(ROS)可以通过降解肾小球乙酰肝素硫酸盐、肾小球基底膜Ⅳ型胶原富含赖氨酸的NCl区域发生交联、损伤足细胞破坏肾小球滤过屏障及与其他活性因子作用增强血清蛋白的渗透性等作用,造成蛋白尿。本文就近年来人们对活性氧造成蛋白尿的机制的研究做一综述,便于帮助医务工作者更好的了解和治疗蛋白尿性肾病。  相似文献   

肾脏免疫区室化与肾小管间质损伤   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
免疫系统区室化(compartmentalization)是近年提出的一个新观念,为人们从整体和局部两方面进一步了解免疫系统提供了新的视角,且有助于对临床疾病免疫机制的阐释。最近肾脏免疫系统区室化现象也已引起人们重视。肾小管损伤和肾间质纤维化是各类肾脏疾病发展到终末期肾衰竭的重要原因和共同通路,也与肾小管间质免疫区室的局部微环境调控密切相关,并涉及区域内树突状细胞等专职免疫细胞,以及具有免疫特性肾小管上皮细胞的共同作用及相互调节,由此影响着肾脏疾病的发生、发展及预后。因此,从肾脏免疫区室化角度进一步探讨肾小管间质损伤机制,有助于深入分析肾脏疾病的病变过程,并可为相关研究及临床诊治提供新的思路。  相似文献   

糖尿病(DM)是一种以高血糖为主要特征的代谢性疾病。长期高血糖、胰岛素抵抗和血脂紊乱会引起肾脏等部位的微血管病变,从而引发肾脏疾病,称为糖尿病肾病(diabetes nephropathy, DN)。在DN发生发展的过程中,患者的肾脏通常会出现以肾小球硬化、肾小球及肾小管纤维化为主的病理损伤。DN的发病机制十分复杂,目前普遍认为其与代谢紊乱、血流动力学异常、炎症反应、氧化应激和遗传等多个方面的因素相关。而最新研究发现,转化生长因子-β(TGF-β)的高表达在包括DN在内的多种纤维化疾病中起到关键作用。TGF-β可能分别或同时通过Smad蛋白、丝裂原活化蛋白激酶(MAPK)、磷脂酰肌醇激酶3(PI3K)参与的信号转导途径引起肾损伤,参与DN的发生发展。该文就TGF-β参与DN发生发展机制的研究现状加以综述。  相似文献   

肾小球足细胞的损伤不仅是遗传性肾小球病的发病基础,还在很多后天的肾小球疾病中发挥重要作用。常见的足细胞病以微小病变性肾病(Minimal Change Disease,MCD)和局灶阶段性肾小管硬化(Focal Segmental glomerulosclerosis,FSGS)为主,有实验证明,足细胞损伤同时参与了各种不同类型的肾小球疾病,比如糖尿病肾病,HIV相关肾病,膜性肾病及其他获得性肾小球病等,因此,了解足细胞病损伤的机制尤为重要。临床观察提出局灶节段行肾小球硬化患者体内可能存在一种与大量蛋白尿发生有关的循环因子,相关的动物实验和体外观察同时也证实了循环因子的存在。越来越多的研究支持T细胞功能不全,细胞因子异常释放可能是循环因子的来源之一。如果能对患者循环因子进行检测,借助它来指导治疗方案的选择(免疫抑制剂、血浆置换),可能成为局灶节段行肾小球硬化诊断和治疗中的一个突破。本文以国内外研究文献为基础,对文献资料进行分析、归纳和总结,综述了足细胞病中相关循环因子的表达,探讨足细胞病发生及复发的机理,为足细胞病的定向治疗提供帮助。  相似文献   

肾小管萎缩和肾小管间质纤维化是慢性肾脏疾病(chronic kidney disease,CKD)常见的病理表现,肾小管损伤的生物标志物通常可反映肾小管间质中直接组织损伤和修复的过程,其严重程度一直被证明是预测疾病进展的可靠指征。目前大部分研究常利用肾小球滤过率和尿白蛋白/肌酐比作为评估CKD的主要指标,而肾小管损伤诊断标志物在慢性肾脏病中的研究较少。因此,本文就肾小管损伤诊断标志物在CKD中的研究进展作一综述,以期最大限度地诊断、治疗和预防CKD,对肾脏健康进行更加全面的评估。  相似文献   

分子量约26KD的载脂蛋白M(apolipoprotein M,apoM)是脂蛋白超家族(Lipocalin)的成员.apoM特异性在肝实质细胞和肾小管上皮细胞表达,其生理功能可能与肝脏和肾脏的功能密切相关.成熟apoM保留的疏水信号肽介导其"锚着"于脂蛋白颗粒的脂质部分,参与机体脂质代谢.血浆apoM主要存在于高密度脂蛋白(high density lipoprotein,HDL)颗粒中,与前β-HDL的形成有密切关系,参与HDL颗粒的重塑,对维持正常的脂质代谢有重要作用.动物实验进一步证实apoM可能有抗动脉粥样硬化的作用.apoM的深入研究将会为脂代谢异常的疾病如冠心病,糖尿病,肝病等机制的研究打开新的视野,提供新的线索.  相似文献   

左卡尼汀是人体脂类代谢的重要介质,它主要在肾脏代谢,因此肾脏功能与体内左卡尼汀水平直接相关。慢性肾病、终末期肾病及其临床上所采用的血液透析、腹膜透析和肾脏移植等治疗方法对人体内左卡尼汀水平均有影响;人体内左卡尼汀缺乏,易导致在透析过程中出现低血压、贫血、肌无力和疲劳等临床症状,补充左卡尼汀能有效改善这些症状,并能有效减少EPO用量和降低群体反应性抗体水平,减轻环孢素A的肾毒性。因此,本文就肾脏疾病与左卡尼汀的关系和左卡尼汀在肾脏疾病治疗中的应用做一综述。  相似文献   

Summary Taurine is an abundant free amino acid in the plasma and cytosol. The kidney plays a pivotal role in maintaining taurine balance. Immunohistochemical studies reveal a unique localization pattern of the amino acid along the nephron. Taurine acts as an antioxidant in a variety ofin vitro andin vivo systems. It prevents lipid peroxidation of glomerular mesangial cells and renal tubular epithelial cells exposed to high glucose or hypoxic culture conditions. Dietary taurine supplementation ameliorates experimental renal disease including models of refractory nephrotic syndrome and diabetic nephropathy. The beneficial effects of taurine are mediated by its antioxidant action. It does not attenuate ischemic or nephrotoxic acute renal failure or chronic renal failure due to sub-total ablation of kidney mass. Additional work is required to fully explain the scope and mechanism of action of taurine as a renoprotective agent in experimental kidney disease. Clinical trials are warranted to determine the usefulness of this amino acid as an adjunctive treatment of progressive glomerular disease and diabetic nephropathy.  相似文献   

Heparanase is an endo-β-glucuronidase that cleaves heparan sulfate side chains, leading to structural modifications that loosen the extracellular matrix barrier and associated with tumor metastasis, inflammation and angiogenesis. In addition, the highly sulfated heparan sulfate proteoglycans are important constituents of the glomerular basement membrane and its permselective properties. Recent studies suggest a role for heparanase in several experimental and human glomerular diseases associated with proteinuria such as diabetes, minimal change disease, and membranous nephropathy. Here, we quantified blood and urine heparanase levels in renal transplant recipients and patients with chronic kidney disease (CKD), and assessed whether alterations in heparanase levels correlate with proteinuria and renal function. We report that in transplanted patients, urinary heparanase was markedly elevated, inversely associated with estimated glomerular filtration rate (eGFR), suggesting a relationship between heparanase and graft function. In CKD patients, urinary heparanase was markedly elevated and associated with proteinuria, but not with eGFR. In addition, urinary heparanase correlated significantly with plasma heparanase in transplanted patients. Such a systemic spread of heparanase may lead to damage of cells and tissues alongside the kidney.The newly described association between heparanase, proteinuria and decreased renal function is expected to pave the way for new therapeutic options aimed at attenuating chronic renal allograft nephropathy, leading to improved graft survival and patient outcome.  相似文献   

J. G. Mongeau  P. Robitaille  M. M. Grall 《CMAJ》1978,118(8):907-10,913
Seventy-seven children with chronic renal failure were examined at one hospital in the province of Quebec between 1970 and 1975; this represents an incidence of 2.5 per million population per year. The entities responsible for chronic renal failure were urinary tract malformation (in 36%), chronic glomerulonephritis (in 22%), congenital renal parenchymal malformation (in 21%) and hereditary nephropathy (in 13%). The evolution of chronic renal failure in children with either vesicoureteral reflux or a posterior urethral valve seemed to be related more to the initial severity of the disease than to the age at the time of diagnosis. Hence any screening program designed to detect kidney disease in schoolchildren would not prevent chronic renal failure, since at that age renal parenchymal damage seems to be irreversible. The manner in which chronic glomerulonephritis evolved depended on whether the nephrotic syndrome was present and on the type of histologic lesion. Children with congenital renal hypoplasia or dysplasia often presented with seizures due to hypertensive encephalopathy without obvious symptoms or signs of pre-existing renal disease. Among patients with familial nephropathy many of those with cystinosis underwent successful renal transplantation early in life.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To evaluate whether the protein:creatinine ratio in spot morning urine samples is a reliable indicator of 24 hour urinary protein excretion and predicts the rate of decline of glomerular filtration rate and progression to end stage renal failure in non-diabetic patients with chronic nephropathy. DESIGN: Cross sectional correlation between the ratio and urinary protein excretion rate. Univariate and multivariate analysis of baseline predictors, including the ratio and 24 hour urinary protein, of decline in glomerular filtration rate and end stage renal failure in the long term. SETTING: Research centre in Italy. SUBJECTS: 177 non-diabetic outpatients with chronic renal disease screened for participation in the ramipril efficacy in nephropathy study. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES: Rate of decline in filtration rate evaluated by repeated measurements of unlabelled iohexol plasma clearance and rate of progression to renal failure. RESULTS: Protein:creatinine ratio was significantly correlated with absolute and log transformed 24 hour urinary protein values (P = 0.0001 and P < 0.0001, respectively.) Ratios also had high predictive value for rate of decline of the glomerular filtration rate (univariate P = 0.0003, multivariate P = 0.004) and end stage renal failure (P = 0.002 and P = 0.04). Baseline protein:creatinine ratios and rate of decline of the glomerular filtration rate were also significantly correlated (P < 0.0005). In the lowest third of the protein:creatinine ratio (< 1.7) there was 3% renal failure compared with 21.2% in the highest third (> 2.7) (P < 0.05). CONCLUSIONS: Protein:creatinine ratio in spot morning urine samples is a precise indicator of proteinuria and a reliable predictor of progression of disease in non-diabetic patients with chronic nephropathies and represents a simple and inexpensive procedure in establishing severity of renal disease and prognosis.  相似文献   

Hypertriglyceridemia and intracellular lipid overload are commonly present in both the chronic kidney disease (CKD) and metabolic syndrome. Hypertriglyceridemia in the metabolic syndrome arises mostly from increased lipoprotein synthesis, while that in the CKD is mainly caused by decreased catabolism. In metabolic syndrome, enhanced plasma levels of free fatty acids and triglyceride (TG) may lead to intracellular fatty acid accumulation in the kidney. However, the mechanisms by which intracellular lipid accumulation occurs in the dieased glomeruli have not been established. I provide evidence that binding/uptake of TG-rich very low-density lipoprotein by glomerular cells is increased in CKD, leading to increased endocytic accumulation of TG. I also provide evidence that cellular damage by fatty acid accumulation in the kidney is particularly severe in podocytes, leading to apoptosis and resulting in glomerulosclerosis. Collectively, these data bring new mechanistic insights into cellular lipid overload and lipotoxicity in CKD.  相似文献   

AIMS: To compare plasma adiponectin levels between healthy controls and patients with chronic renal failure and to examine for a relationship between plasma adiponectin levels and ischemic heart disease as well as aortic distensibility which is an early marker of atherosclerosis. METHODS: We included 89 patients with CRF (45 on and 44 not on hemodialysis) and 70 controls in a cross-sectional study. Plasma adiponectin levels were measured by radioimmunoassay. Aortic distensibility was assessed by high-resolution ultrasonography. RESULTS: Plasma adiponectin levels were significantly almost twice as high in patients with renal failure compared to controls (9.7 +/- 1.1 vs. 5.4 +/- 0.6 microg/ml, p < 0.0001). No significant differences were found between renal patients on hemodialysis and not on hemodialysis (p = 0.71). Multivariate linear regression analysis in the renal patient group demonstrated a significant negative relationship between plasma adiponectin levels and ischemic heart disease (p = 0.02). The same analysis in the control subjects group showed a significant, negative relationship between plasma adiponectin levels and body mass index (p = 0.02) and a highly significant positive relationship with the high density lipoprotein cholesterol (p < 0.0001). In the total study population, glomerular filtration rate was the only independent predictor of plasma adiponectin concentrations. Aortic distensibility was lower in renal patients than in controls at a high level of significance (p < 0.0001). However, no significant relationship could be found between plasma adiponectin and aortic distensibility in either the controls or the renal patients. CONCLUSIONS: Plasma adiponectin levels are almost twice as high in patients with chronic renal failure in comparison with healthy controls, but not different between renal patients on and those not on hemodialysis. In addition, low plasma adiponectin levels are strongly associated with ischemic heart disease, but not with aortic distensibility in chronic renal failure.  相似文献   

Renal aging is characterized by structural changes in the kidney including fibrosis, which contributes to the increased risk of kidney and cardiac failure in the elderly. Studies involving healthy kidney donors demonstrated subclinical age-related nephropathy on renal biopsy that was not detected by standard diagnostic tests. Thus there is a high-priority need for novel noninvasive biomarkers to detect the presence of preclinical age-associated renal structural and functional changes. C-type natriuretic peptide (CNP) possesses renoprotective properties and is present in the kidney; however, its modulation during aging remains undefined. We assessed circulating and urinary CNP in a Fischer rat model of experimental aging and also determined renal structural and functional adaptations to the aging process. Histological and electron microscopic analysis demonstrated significant renal fibrosis, glomerular basement membrane thickening, and mesangial matrix expansion with aging. While plasma CNP levels progressively declined with aging, urinary CNP excretion increased, along with the ratio of urinary to plasma CNP, which preceded significant elevations in proteinuria and blood pressure. Also, CNP immunoreactivity was increased in the distal and proximal tubules in both the aging rat and aging human kidneys. Our findings provide evidence that urinary CNP and its ratio to plasma CNP may represent a novel biomarker for early age-mediated renal structural alterations, particularly fibrosis. Thus urinary CNP could potentially aid in identifying subjects with preclinical structural changes before the onset of symptoms and disease, allowing for the initiation of strategies designed to prevent the progression of chronic kidney disease particularly in the aging population.  相似文献   

Lipid molecules in lipoprotein surfaces exchange with their counterparts in cell plasma membranes. In human or experimental liver disease, plasma lipoprotein surfaces are enriched in cholesterol and deficient in arachidonate; corresponding alterations occur in membrane lipids of erythrocytes. To determine whether similar changes take place in membranes of nucleated cells, the lipid content of plasma and of erythrocyte, liver and kidney membranes was measured in rats with acute (3-day) galactosamine-induced hepatitis or chronic (3-week) biliary obstruction. In both models of liver injury the cholesterol:phospholipid ratio in plasma and in erythrocytes was significantly increased (P less than 0.001). Although this ratio was also elevated in liver and kidney microsomes, only in liver microsomes of obstructed rats was the increase significant (P less than 0.001). However, the cholesterol:phospholipid ratio of kidney brush-border membranes, was significantly higher in bile-duct-ligated rats; presumably, compensating mechanisms limit cholesterol accumulation in intracellular membranes. Kidney brush-border membranes from obstructed rats were deficient in arachidonate as were plasma and erythrocytes. However, arachidonate levels were unchanged in kidney microsomes; renal delta 6-desaturase, the rate-limiting enzyme in the conversion of linoleic acid to arachidonic acid, was increased by 50% (P less than 0.001) and may have counteracted a reduced supply of exogenous lipoprotein arachidonate. We conclude that in experimental liver disease lipoprotein-induced lipid abnormalities can occur in renal membranes, although compensatory mechanisms may operate; the alterations seen, cholesterol accumulation and arachidonate depletion, would be expected to interfere with sodium transport and prostaglandin production, respectively. Our findings support the hypothesis that lipid abnormalities in kidney membranes contribute to the renal dysfunction which is a frequent complication of human liver disease.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND/AIMS: Hardly anything is known about the effect of renal function on plasma ghrelin levels. Ghrelin is an orexigenic hormone with important hemodynamic effects. We examined differences in plasma ghrelin levels between chronic renal failure (CRF) patients and healthy subjects, and ghrelin's relationship with indices of left ventricular (LV) function. METHODS: Fasting total plasma ghrelin levels were measured in 122 CRF patients (57 on, 65 not on hemodialysis) and 57 control subjects. Indices of LV function were evaluated using echocardiography. RESULTS: Total plasma ghrelin levels were higher in patients with CRF compared to controls, but were not different between patients on and those not on hemodialysis. In a multivariate linear regression model, presence of kidney dysfunction explained 41 % of the variability of ghrelin values. The etiology of renal failure (diabetic nephropathy or not) had no influence on ghrelin levels in the renal patients. Ghrelin levels were not associated with indices of LV systolic function or blood pressure in these patients. CONCLUSION: Fasting plasma ghrelin concentrations are higher in CRF patients regardless of their need for hemodialysis compared to controls. The etiology of renal failure does not have any effect on plasma ghrelin levels. In addition, ghrelin levels are not associated with hemodynamic parameters in patients with CRF.  相似文献   

Animal models link ectopic lipid accumulation to renal dysfunction, but whether this process occurs in the human kidney is uncertain. To this end, we investigated whether altered renal TG and cholesterol metabolism results in lipid accumulation in human diabetic nephropathy (DN). Lipid staining and the expression of lipid metabolism genes were studied in kidney biopsies of patients with diagnosed DN (n = 34), and compared with normal kidneys (n = 12). We observed heavy lipid deposition and increased intracellular lipid droplets. Lipid deposition was associated with dysregulation of lipid metabolism genes. Fatty acid β-oxidation pathways including PPAR-α, carnitine palmitoyltransferase 1, acyl-CoA oxidase, and L-FABP were downregulated. Downregulation of renal lipoprotein lipase, which hydrolyzes circulating TGs, was associated with increased expression of angiopoietin-like protein 4. Cholesterol uptake receptor expression, including LDL receptors, oxidized LDL receptors, and acetylated LDL receptors, was significantly increased, while there was downregulation of genes effecting cholesterol efflux, including ABCA1, ABCG1, and apoE. There was a highly significant correlation between glomerular filtration rate, inflammation, and lipid metabolism genes, supporting a possible role of abnormal lipid metabolism in the pathogenesis of DN. These data suggest that renal lipid metabolism may serve as a target for specific therapies aimed at slowing the progression of glomerulosclerosis.  相似文献   

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