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高雪  万有 《生理科学进展》2002,33(4):366-366
吗啡引起的耐受限制了其在慢性痛治疗方面的应用。阿片类物质的镇痛和依赖作用是由μ阿片受体所介导的。目前普  相似文献   

七次跨膜G蛋白偶联的大麻素受体至少有CB1和CB2两种亚型.尽管两种CB受体在胃肠道的分布不尽相同,但多数分布于肠神经系统.CB1受体激活可通过神经机制抑制瞬时下食管括约肌松弛,抑制小肠收缩和蠕动,减慢胃肠运动.CB2可能与一些特殊病理生理条件下胃肠运动的调节有关.这些结果提示CB特别是CB1受体在胃肠运动调节中的作用.  相似文献   

Toll样受体4(Toll-like receptor 4) 是主要表达于小胶质细胞表面开启哺乳动物先天免疫反应的重要受体.近年研究表明,TLR4参与疼痛及炎症的形成.TLR4 能够被吗啡激活,其结果导致小胶质细胞活化,细胞因子合成和释放增加,从而提高疼痛感受细胞的兴奋性,减小或抵消吗啡的镇痛作用,即形成吗啡耐受.抑制TLR4可以增加吗啡的镇痛作用,减缓吗啡耐受的形成.TLR4与经典阿片受体之间存在立体选择特异性差异,(-)和(+)吗啡均能使之激活.吗啡-TLR4-胶质细胞作用链的研究为治疗吗啡耐受产生提供新的路径.  相似文献   

肝硬化时,内源性大麻素在血液、肝脏、心肌及大脑中表达量增加,通过其受体和其他途径促进肝硬化的发生发展,提示内源性大麻素系统在肝硬化及其并发症中发挥着重要的作用,成为近年来肝硬化药物作用的新靶点,为肝硬化的治疗拓展新的视野,本文就内源性大麻索及其受体在该领域的研究进行综述.  相似文献   

Ma SY  Ma YX 《生理科学进展》2006,37(4):297-301
在心肌组织、血管平滑肌细胞、内皮细胞和血管壁周围的神经纤维末梢以及血液中某些细胞存在内源性大麻素和相应的大麻素(CB)受体。在不同的动物模型和器官,内源性大麻素发挥调节血压和扩张血管等效应。内源性大麻素还在减少休克和心肌梗死所致循环和心脏损伤方面发挥重要作用,在心肌预适应中亦发挥关键作用。目前对内源性大麻素在心血管系统中作用的研究还处于起步阶段,本文对内源性大麻素系统在心血管系统中的来源和分布,对血管和心脏的作用及其机制方面的研究进展作简要介绍。  相似文献   

Lu YL  Liu CJ  Li CD 《生理科学进展》2008,39(2):179-181
自内源性大麻素系统发现以来,越来越多的研究表明大麻素对神经系统具有广泛的生理作用和临床应用价值.大麻素可以在脊髓、脊髓上及外周多个水平参与对痛觉的调制.同时,大麻素对运动功能、学习和记忆、神经内分泌等具有调制作用,也有研究表明大麻素对神经细胞具有保护作用.本文对大麻素在神经系统中的作用及其机制的研究进展作一简要介绍.  相似文献   

植物大麻用于临床已有几千年的历史,在许多胃肠道疾病如呕吐、腹泻、炎症性肠病、肠源性疼痛治疗中发挥重要作用。本文旨在综述内源性大麻素系统的组成及其在胃肠道活动中的调节作用,为进一步研究提供相关信息,并为通过调节胃肠道内源性大麻素系统治疗胃肠道疾病提供新靶点。  相似文献   

Cannabinoid receptor Type 2(简称CB2)是大麻素受体的一种亚型,因为其无中枢神经副作用,不会产生成瘾性及耐受性,显示出了非常好的开发前景和潜在的应用价值。其作为免疫调节剂、神经保护剂和抗癌药等将具有巨大市场价值。目前,CB2蛋白的空间结构还未被测定出来,对于CB2的折叠问题研究也开展的较少,为了研究大麻素受体亚型蛋白CB2的折叠问题以及方便更多的研究人员对CB2空间结构和相关药理特性的研究,本文提出了一种基于HP模型的折叠求解方法。通过使用回溯机制和蒙特卡罗方法对此优化问题进行求解,算法可有效的在全局范围内进行寻找最优解,避免了掉入局部最优问题。实验结果表明,本文方法获取的CB2蛋白空间构象具有较低的能量值,折叠情况较好。  相似文献   

内源性大麻素系统包括大麻素受体、内源性配体以及参与其合成与降解的酶类,在人体内广泛分布,参与诸多生理和病理生理过程。新近报道内源性大麻素系统在中枢神经系统的许多疾病的病理生理过程中扮演重要的角色。对内源性大麻素系统的研究,不仅能阐明一些疾病的病理生理机制,还有助于新药研发并为疾病治疗提供新的方向。本文基于现有的文献报道,就内源性大麻素系统及其在一些中枢神经疾病特别是脑缺血和帕金森病的发病机制的新进展进行综述。  相似文献   

蛋白激酶C与吗啡耐受   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Huo YP  Hong YG 《生理科学进展》2011,42(6):423-426
蛋白激酶C(protein kinase C,PKC)属于AGC蛋白激酶家族(即PKA/PKG/PKC激酶家族),在吗啡介导的μ-阿片受体脱敏及吗啡耐受中具有重要作用,因此研究PKC的细胞信号传导机制对吗啡耐受的治疗具有重要的临床意义。本文综述了PKC在吗啡耐受中的作用。  相似文献   

As a result of the identification, pharmacological characterization, and localization of the cannabinoid receptor in the CNS, the existence of an endogenous ligand for this receptor can be hypothesized. Following the premise that such a substance could have the properties of a neuromodulator being stored in intracellular vesicles, we tested the ability of increased intracellular Ca2+ levels to stimulate release. We demonstrate here that the Ca2+ ionophore A23187 can induce release of cannabinoid-like binding activity in the presence but not in the absence of Ca2+. The effect of A23187 was maximal at 1.2 microM, consistent with vesicular release. It was necessary to increase the concentration of extracellular free Ca2+ to greater than 60 nM to evoke release. The released cannabinoid-like binding activity displaced [3H]CP-55940 binding to cannabinoid receptors in rat synaptosomal membranes in a concentration-dependent manner. This is the first report of a substance present endogenously in brain that can be released in a Ca(2+)-dependent manner and that binds to the cannabinoid receptor.  相似文献   

The human cannabinoid receptor 1 (CB1), a G protein-coupled receptor (GPCR), translocates its long amino-terminal (N-terminal) domain across the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) membrane in a C-to-N terminal direction. Using the Semliki Forest virus (SFV) expression system, CB1 was expressed in baby hamster kidney (BHK) cells. It was found that a large fraction of the CB1 molecules were N-terminally truncated prior to ER translocation. Truncation was fast and independent of the proteasome. It is concluded that the truncation process might be a way to create a novel type of CB1.  相似文献   

吗啡是临床上常用的一种阿片类镇痛药物,广泛用于治疗各种类型疼痛,但是长期应用吗啡会造成吗啡耐受,从而限制了吗啡的临床应用。吗啡耐受的机制十分复杂,近年来的研究表明下行疼痛易化系统参与了吗啡耐受,本文拟对近年来此方面的研究进行综述。  相似文献   

马加贵  褚海辰  孙俊枝 《生物磁学》2011,(13):2572-2574
吗啡是临床上常用的一种阿片类镇痛药物,广泛用于治疗各种类型疼痛,但是长期应用吗啡会造成吗啡耐受,从而限制了吗啡的临床应用。吗啡耐受的机制十分复杂,近年来的研究表明下行疼痛易化系统参与了吗啡耐受,本文拟对近年来此方面的研究进行综述。  相似文献   

Abstract: Two cannabinoid receptors belonging to the superfamily of G protein-coupled membrane receptors have been identified and cloned: the neuronal cannabinoid receptor (CB1) and the peripheral cannabinoid receptor (CB2). They have been shown to couple directly to the Gi/o subclass of G proteins and to mediate inhibition of adenylyl cyclase upon binding of a cannabinoid agonist. In several cases, however, cannabinoids have been reported to stimulate adenylyl cyclase activity, although the mechanism by which they did so was unclear. With the cloning of nine adenylyl cyclase isozymes with various properties, including different sensitivities to αs, αi/o, and βγ subunits, it became important to assess the signaling pattern mediated by each cannabinoid receptor via the different adenylyl cyclase isozymes. In this work, we present the results of cotransfection experiments between the two types of cannabinoid receptors and the nine adenylyl cyclase isoforms. We found that independently of the method used to stimulate specific adenylyl cyclase isozymes (e.g., ionomycin, forskolin, constitutively active αs, thyroid-stimulating hormone receptor activation), activation of the cannabinoid receptors CB1 and CB2 inhibited the activity of adenylyl cyclase types I, V, VI, and VIII, whereas types II, IV, and VII were stimulated by cannabinoid receptor activation. The inhibition of adenylyl cyclase type III by cannabinoids was observed only when forskolin was used as stimulant. The activity of adenylyl cyclase type IX was inhibited only marginally by cannabinoids.  相似文献   

We have recently reported that cannabinoid agonists can up-regulate and enhance the activity of serotonin 2A (5-HT2A) receptors in the prefrontal cortex (PFCx). Increased expression and activity of cortical 5-HT2A receptors has been associated with neuropsychiatric disorders, such as anxiety and schizophrenia. Here we report that repeated CP55940 exposure selectively up-regulates GRK5 proteins in rat PFCx and in a neuronal cell culture model. We sought to examine the mechanism underlying the regulation of GRK5 and to identify the role of GRK5 in the cannabinoid agonist-induced up-regulation and enhanced activity of 5-HT2A receptors. Interestingly, we found that cannabinoid agonist-induced up-regulation of GRK5 involves CB2 receptors, β-arrestin 2, and ERK1/2 signaling because treatment with CB2 shRNA lentiviral particles, β-arrestin 2 shRNA lentiviral particles, or ERK1/2 inhibitor prevented the cannabinoid agonist-induced up-regulation of GRK5. Most importantly, we found that GRK5 shRNA lentiviral particle treatment prevented the cannabinoid agonist-induced up-regulation and enhanced 5-HT2A receptor-mediated calcium release. Repeated cannabinoid exposure was also associated with enhanced phosphorylation of CB2 receptors and increased interaction between β-arrestin 2 and ERK1/2. These latter phenomena were also significantly inhibited by GRK5 shRNA lentiviral treatment. Our results suggest that sustained activation of CB2 receptors, which up-regulates 5-HT2A receptor signaling, enhances GRK5 expression; the phosphorylation of CB2 receptors; and the β-arrestin 2/ERK interactions. These data could provide a rationale for some of the adverse effects associated with repeated cannabinoid agonist exposure.  相似文献   

In vitro cannabinoid pharmacology has evolved over time from simple receptor binding to include [35S]GTPγ, β-arrestin, and cAMP assays. Each assay has benefits and drawbacks; however, no single functional system has been used for high-throughput evaluation of compounds from binding to pharmacological functionality and antagonist assessment in a well-characterized human cell line. In this study, we evaluated and validated one system—ACTOne human embryonic kidney cells transfected with a cyclic nucleotide gated channel and cannabinoid receptor 1 (CB1)—and compared human CB1 affinity, functional, and antagonistic effects on cAMP with previously published results. The study was conducted on a diverse group of CB1 ligands, including endocannabinoids and related compounds, 2-AG, AEA, MAEA, and ACEA, the phytocannabinoid Δ9 THC, and synthetic cannabinoids CP 55,940, WIN 55,212-2, SR 141716A, CP 945,598, and WIN 55,212-3. Our results were compared with literature values where human CB1 was used for affinity determination and cAMP was used as a functional readout. Here we report the first detailed evaluation of the ACTOne assay for the pharmacological evaluation of CB1 ligands. The results from the study reveal some interesting deviations from previously reported functional activities of the aforementioned ligands.  相似文献   

猪脑组织提取液经SephadexG-50分子筛层析,S-SepharoseFastFlow阳离子交换柱层析及两次HPLC分离得到一分子量为12000,等电点pI7.1的多肽,并测定了其氨基酸组成和N末端部分序列:N-phe-Lys-Gly-Phe-Pro-Asp-Asp/(Lys)-Lys/(Asp)-Asp-Tyr.给昆明小鼠脑室注射或尾静脉注射该肽均能抑制吗啡引起的镇痛作用,其作用随着注射剂量的增大而增强.用BALB/C小鼠制备了该肽的抗血清,脑室注射此抗血清能明显逆转昆明小鼠对吗啡的耐受.因为这种来自猪脑的具有抗阿片镇痛作用的肽有99个氨基酸,所以简称此肽为AOP-99a(anti-oPioidpeptide).  相似文献   

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