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Dihydrofolate reductase (DHFR) has been demonstrated to be a versatile "affinity handle" for expression of recombinant proteins. The DHFR "handle" has advantages not only in terms of efficiency of expressing the fusion protein as a soluble form but also in stabilizing unstable polypeptides and facilitating purification of the expressed protein by means of methotrexate-bound affinity chromatography and by making use of the enzyme activity. Fifteen genes encoding different lengths of polypeptides of 5 to 44 amino acids were chemically synthesized and introduced into expression vectors, pTP70-1 or its derivatives. All the polypeptide genes were efficiently expressed in Escherichia coli cells as fusion proteins which show DHFR activity. The respective fusion proteins were highly purified from cell-free extracts by monitoring the DHFR activity at each purification step. The use of methotrexate-bound affinity chromatography was very effective. In order to cut out the polypeptides, the purified fusion proteins were treated with either BrCN or site-specific protease according to the spacer sequence. The objective polypeptide was purified by means of a reversed-phase high-pressure liquid chromatography (HPLC) system. Specific cleavage of the purified fusion protein actually yielded very few peptide fragments, so the assignment and isolation of the objective polypeptide were carried out without difficulty.  相似文献   

Expression of a fusion protein composed of dihydrofolate reductase and a derivative of growth hormone-releasing factor resulted in the formation of inclusion bodies in Escherichia coli at 37 degrees C. Among various chemicals, such as detergents, protein denaturants, and acetic acid, tested for the ability to dissolve the inclusion bodies, acetic acid, Brij-35, deoxycholic acid sodium salts, guanidine-HCl, and urea showed a strong solubilizing effect without damaging the DHFR activity. Acetic acid was useful in terms of preparing GRF derivatives, since it could be easily removed by lyophilization, and this made it easy to perform the succeeding BrCN treatment for cutting out the GRF derivative from the fusion protein. The GRF derivative was purified by reversed phase HPLC from the BrCN digest of the acetic acid extract, and its growth hormone-releasing activity was demonstrated. However, for obtaining a highly purified fusion protein itself, solubilization of inclusion bodies by urea was preferred because urea was the only agent which did not cause serious precipitation of the regenerated fusion protein after 10-fold dilution of the extracted inclusion bodies with buffer. The fusion protein was highly purified by means of a methotrexate affinity chromatography.  相似文献   

Chicken liver dihydrofolate reductase purified to apparent homogeneity by affinity chromatography contains tightly bound dihydrofolate. The most effective method for removal of the bound substrate is by electrofocusing. This procedure also removes previously unsuspected contaminants. In addition, the isoelectric profile revealed as many as four distinct peaks of enzyme activity. The major peak (pI = 8.4) represents 60–75% of the total activity, is devoid of bound substrate, and exhibits an A280A260 ratio approaching 1.9 and a specific activity of 14 units/mg. The peak of activity at the isoelectric point of 7.4 contains bound dihydrofolate. The major isoelectric band is shown to be homogeneous by the usual criteria. Notable features of the amino acid composition include a single cysteine, three tryptophans, and an excess of acidic residues. The N-terminal residue is valine. The molecular weight as determined by sedimentation equilibrium is 22,474. The s20,w0 is 2.07. A frictional coefficient of 1.2 indicates that the enzyme approximates a sphere. Circular dichroism measurements suggest a low α-helical content and a high degree of β-structure. The molar extinction coefficient was determined to be 28,970.  相似文献   

Folate was coupled to AH-Sepharose 4B, the gel poured into small columns, and the Sepharose-bound folate reduced in situ to dihydrofolate by dithionite/ascorbate at pH 6 to 7. The dihydrofolate-Sepharose column was used to purify guanosine triphosphate cyclohydrolase I (EC and dihydrofolate reductase (EC All steps were carried out in the cold and in the presence of 20 mm mercaptoethanol. GTP cyclohydrolase I bound strongly to the dihydrofolate-Sepharose column and was purified several-hundred-fold in a single step. It did not bind to folate-Sepharose. Binding to dihydrofolate-Sepharose is assumed to reflect a physiological role of dihydrofolate. GTP cyclohydrolase II did not bind to either folate- or dihydrofolate-Sepharose. Dihydrofolate reductase from Escherichia coli B and from rat liver did not bind to folate-Sepharose under the test conditions, but could be well purified on the dihydrofolate-Sepharose column. This column is judged to beuseful for the purification of other folate-converting enzymes.  相似文献   

Sulpha drugs act as competitive inhibitors of p-amino benzoic acid, an intermediate in the de novo folate pathway. Dihydropteroate synthase condenses sulpha drugs into sulpha-dihydropteroate (sulpha-DHP), which competes with dihydrofolate, the dihydrofolate reductase (DHFR) substrate. This designates DHFR as a possible target of sulpha-DHP. We suggest here that Plasmodium vivax DHFR is indeed the in vivo target of sulpha drugs. The wild-type DHFR expressed in Saccharomyces cerevisiae leads to cell growth inhibition, while sensitivity to the drug is exacerbated in the mutants. Contrary to what is observed with sulphanilamide, methotrexate is less effective on P. vivax-DHFR mutants than on wild-type mutant.  相似文献   

S R Stone  J F Morrison 《Biochemistry》1984,23(12):2753-2758
The variation with pH of the kinetic parameters of the reaction catalyzed by dihydrofolate reductase from Escherichia coli has been determined with the aim of elucidating the chemical mechanism of the reaction. The (V/K)DHF and V profiles indicated that protonation enhances the observed rate of interaction of dihydrofolate (DHF) with the enzyme-NADPH complex as well as the maximum velocity of the reaction. The pKa value of 8.09 observed in the (V/K)DHF profile is similar to that of 7.9 observed in the Ki profile for 2,4-diamino-6,7-dimethylpteridine while the pKa value of the V profile is displaced to 8.4. From the magnitude of the pH-independent value for (V/K)DHF, it is concluded that unprotonated dihydrofolate must react, at neutral pH, with the protonated form of the enzyme. The D(V/K)DHF value is independent of pH and equal to unity whereas the DV value varies as a wave function of pH with limiting values of 1.5 and 1.0 at low and high pH, respectively. It is proposed that dihydrofolate reacts with the unprotonated enzyme-NADPH complex to form a dead-end complex and with the protonated form of the same complex to form a productive complex. Further, it is considered that the protonated carboxyl of Asp-27 at the active site of the enzyme is responsible for the protonation of the N-5 nitrogen of dihydrofolate and that this protonation precedes and facilitates hydride transfer.  相似文献   

Investigations have been made of the slow, tight-binding inhibition by methotrexate of the reaction catalyzed by dihydrofolate reductase from Streptococcus faecium A. Quantitative analysis has shown that progress curve data are in accord with a mechanism that involves the rapid formation of an enzyme-NADPH-methotrexate complex that subsequently undergoes a relatively slow, reversible isomerization reaction. From the Ki value for the dissociation of methotrexate from the E-NADPH-methotrexate complex (23 nM) and values of 5.1 and 0.013 min-1 for the forward and reverse rate constants of the isomerization reaction, the overall inhibition constant for methotrexate was calculated to be 58 pM. The formation of an enzyme-methotrexate complex was demonstrated by means of fluorescence quenching, and a value of 0.36 muM was determined for its dissociation constant. The same technique was used to determine dissociation constants for the reaction of methotrexate with the E-NADP and E-NADPH complexes. The results indicate that in the presence of either NADPH or NADP there is enhancement of the binding of methotrexate to the enzyme. It is proposed that methotrexate behaves as a pseudosubstrate for dihydrofolate reductase.  相似文献   

Product identification and kinetic data are presented for the conversion of 7,8-dihydrobiopterin into tetrahydrobiopterin by purified rabbit brain dihydrofolate reductase.  相似文献   

We have produced 17 lines of transgenic mice by microinjecting a full-length cDNA clone of an altered dihydrofolate reductase (dhfr) gene. The protein specified by this gene carries a point mutation which triples its Km for dihydrofolate and reduces substrate turnover 20-fold relative to the wild-type enzyme. Transgenic mice from different pedigrees, several of which carry a single copy of this gene in different integration sites, manifest an array of similar developmental abnormalities including growth stunting, reduced fertility, pigmentation changes, and skeletal defects. These defects appear in animals heterozygous for the foreign gene. RNA analyses demonstrate significant expression of the cDNA in newborn mice and adult tissues. These findings show that the additional dhfr gene exerts its mutational effects in a dominant fashion, and therefore the data indicate that transgenic mice can serve as models for elucidating mechanisms of dominant mutagenesis.  相似文献   

In mice obtained after microinjection into the male pronucleus of fertilized eggs of the plasmid, containing the bacterial gene of dihydrofolate reductase (DHFR), under the control of the early promotor of the simian virus 40 (SV40), an integration of the foreign DNA into the mouse genome is found. About 30% of the treated animals contain the integrated plasmid DNA sequences, i.e. are transgenic. In 2 of 7 mice, containing the introduced plasmid in their genome, the methotrexate-resistant DHFR activity is found in the kidney and spleen, which may be due to the expression of gene DHFR. The plasmid DNA sequences and the ability to synthesise the methotrexate-resistant enzyme DHFR are transmitted to the next generation of mice.  相似文献   

The partial specific volume, v, and adiabatic compressibility, beta(s), of Escherichia coli dihydrofolate reductase were measured at 30 degrees C in the presence of various ligands (folate, dihydrofolate, tetrahydrofolate, NADPH, NADP, methotrexate, and KCl). Binding of these ligands (binary and ternary complexes) brought about large changes of v (0.734-0.754 cm(3) g(-1)) and beta(s) (6. 6x10(-6)-9.8x10(-6) bar(-1)), keeping a linear relationship between the two parameters. The values of v and beta(s) increased with an increase in internal cavity, V(cav), and a decrease in accessible surface area, ASA, which were calculated from the X-ray crystal structures of the complexes. A large variation of V(cav) relative to ASA by ligand binding suggested that the cavity is a dominant factor and the effect of hydration might be small for the ligand-induced changes of v and beta(s). The beta(s) values of the binary and ternary complexes suggested a characteristic conformational flexibility of the kinetic intermediates in the enzyme reaction coordinate. Comparison of beta(s) with the cavity distribution in the crystal structures revealed that the flexibility of the intermediates was mainly determined by the total cavity volume with minor contributions of the number, position, and size of cavities. These results demonstrate that the compressibility is a useful measure of the conformational flexibility of the intermediates in the enzyme reaction and that the combined study of compressibility and X-ray crystallography gives new insight into the protein dynamics through the behavior of the cavities.  相似文献   

The amino acid sequence of mouse dihydrofolate reductase was permuted circularly at the level of the gene. By transposing the 3'-terminal half of the coding sequence to its 5' terminus, the naturally adjacent amino and carboxyl termini of the native protein were fused, and one of the flexible peptide loops at the protein surface was cleaved. The steady-state kinetic constants, the dissociation constants of folate analogues, and the degree of activation by both mercurials and salt as well as the resistance toward digestion by trypsin were almost indistinguishable from those of a recombinant wild-type protein. Judged by these criteria, the circularly permuted variant has the same active site and overall structure as the wild-type enzyme. The only significant difference was the lower stability toward guanidinium chloride and the lower solubility of the circularly permuted variant. This behavior may be due to moving a mononucleotide binding fold from the interior of the sequence to the carboxyl terminus. Thus, dihydrofolate reductase requires neither the natural termini nor the cleaved loop for stability, for the conformational changes that accompany catalysis as well as the binding of inhibitors, and for the folding process.  相似文献   

Summary DNA fragments of the R factor R388 which renders E. coli resistant to trimethoprim by inducing a trimethoprim resistant dihydrofolate reductase (Amyes and Smith, 1974) were inserted into plasmids and screened for the expression of the trimethoprim resistance gene. By means of a two step deletion procedure a 1770 bp EcoRI/BamH1 fragment was isolated which conferred drug resistance and which was found to induce the synthesis of the same dihydrofolate reductase as the parental R factor. Gene dosage experiments indicated that the induction was due to the presence of a dihydrofolate reductase structural gene on the 1770 bp fragment. The gene could be assigned to a segment which was less than 1200 bp long. The 1770 bp fragment and a recombinant plasmid consisting of pSF2124 and part of R388 were mapped with several restriction nucleases. The R factor induced enzyme was partially purified from a strain carrying a multicopy recombinant plasmid into which the 1770 bp fragment was inserted and which induced high levels of dihydrofolate reductase. The enzyme was found to be stable at 100°. Some aspects of the synthesis of dihydrofolate reductase are discussed.Dedicated to Professor Peter Karlson on the occasion of his 60th birthday  相似文献   

Direct expression of an antimicrobial peptide (AMP) in Escherichia coli causes several problems such as the toxicity of AMP to the host cell, its susceptibility to proteolytic degradation, and decreased antimicrobial activity due to the additional residue(s) introduced after cleavage of AMPs from fusion partners. To overcome these problems and produce a large quantity of a potent AMP histonin (RAGLQFPVGKLLKKLLKRLKR) in E. coli, an efficient expression system was developed, in which the toxicity of histonin was neutralized by a fusion partner F4 (a truncated fragment of PurF protein) and the productivity was increased by a multimeric expression of a histonin gene. The expression level of the fusion proteins reached a maximum with a 12-mer of a histonin gene. In addition, because of the RLKR residues present at the C terminus of histonin, furin cleavage of the multimeric histonin expressed produces an intact, natural histonin. The AMP activity of the histonin produced in E. coli was identical to that of a synthetic histonin. With our expression system, 167 mg of histonin was obtained from 1 l of E. coli culture. These results may lead to a cost-effective solution for the mass production of AMPs that are toxic to a host.  相似文献   

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