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In pregnant females B1-hypovitaminosis was induced by injecting various doses of oxythiamine--a specific antimetabolite for B1 vitamin. The rat and hamster embryos were respectively treated on the 20th and 15th days of development after the technique suggested by Dauson-Dyban with staining the osseous anlages of the skeletons with alizarine red. The results of the investigations performed in 193 skeletons of the rat embryos and in 196 skeletons of the golden hamster embryos revealed a progressive decrease, as the dose of oxythiamine increased, in length of ossification anlages of the extremity bones. However, susceptibility to lesions in various bones of the extremity and skull skeletons was not similar under conditions of progressive oxythiamine-induced B1-hypovitaminosis and depended on time of their anlage formations.  相似文献   

The development of the human clavicle was studied in 50 to 60 d old human embryos. Our findings are summarized as follows: The whole clavicle develops from a cartilaginous anlage. In the middle part of the clavicle, an osseus cuff develops very early by the ossification in the perichondrium. In the lumen of this cuff, a cartilaginous cork persists which is resorbed and replaced by bone and marrow later than in other bones. It is possible that cartilaginous nests may persist in the middle part of the clavicle. In both extremities of the clavicle, the normal enchondral ossification exists as it is described in other anlages. It is difficult to explicate the syndrome of the cleido-facial and cleido-cranial dysostoses only as disturbances of the endesmal ossification.  相似文献   

In anlages of long tubular bones of 68 human embryos and prefetuses (6-12 weeks of the prenatal development) changes in content and composition of glycosaminoglycans have been studied at early stages of osteogenesis. Histochemical reactions with brown basic, alcian blue, using the method of critical concentration of electrolyte and toluidine blue have been applied at various low values of pH with corresponding control experiments. For ultrastructural investigation of glycosaminoglycans localization the electron histochemical reaction with nitrogen acidic bismuth has been used. The most active synthesis of glycosaminoglycane is observed in chondrocytes of the proliferative zone of the epiphyseal cartilage of the anlages. In chondrocytes of the columnar zones the synthesis of glycosaminoglycans subsides, however, the mass of the substances increases on the surface of cytolemma of chondrocytes and in the intercellular matrix. During the process of development of the human long tubular bone analages contents of low sulfated glycosaminoglycans decrease with a simultaneous increase of concentration of these components, having a more acidic reaction. An essential role of polysaccharides and their complexes with proteins in ossification and mineralization of the human long tubular bone anlages is supposed.  相似文献   

Snakes differ from the other vertebrates with their hyperkinetic skull. To establish the developmental features of the skull bones, involved in prey capture and ingestion, the Grass snake Natrix natrix (Serpentes, Colubridae) embryos are studied at all the successive stages of embryogenesis. Thirty-five N. natrix embryos are examined. Twenty embryos are studied with histological methods; fifteen embryos are cleared and double-stained with alizarin red and alcian blue. The sequence of appearance and formation of the upper and lower jaw bones, palatal complex and associated bones is described in accordance with the table of developmental stages. New features in the ossification mode of some bones are revealed: each bone, namely, the vomer, septomaxilla and maxilla, is formed from three separate ossification centres. Three ossification centres in the maxilla, two ossification centres in the bodies of the septomaxilla and vomer, as well as the unknown additional ossification centre in the vomer had not been previously described in snake embryos. The new data can be used in further comparative research on the reptile skull development and vertebrate phylogeny.  相似文献   

The results on X-ray densitometric studies of the hand bones in adolescent and young people at the age of 10--17 years (369 persons in all) are presented in the work. Processes of mineralization, ossification and synostosis, as the investigation has demonstrated, are closely connected with each other. From the beginning of ossification in the pisiform and sesamoid bones of the first metacarpophalageal joint (11--12 years of age) up to the completion of synostosis in short tubular bones of the hand (15--16 years of age), a decrease of mineral salts is noted in osseous tissue. Hence, accumulation of mineral salts in skeleton of children and adolescent persons does not occur smoothly, but rather distinctly reflects those functional changes which take place in the adolescent organism when the genital glands begin their increased activity.  相似文献   

Transparent human embryos and fetuses whose osseous skeletons are stained in toto by alizarin red S are successfully prepared when the KOH clearing of the soft tissues and the alizarin staining of the bones are performed simultaneously instead of independently. This modification minimizes the possibility of macerating and staining the soft tissues. Fetuses over 50 mm. CR length are skinned, eviscerated, decerebrated, defatted by dissection, fixed in 95% alcohol, bleached in H2O2, cleared and stained simultaneously in an aqueous solution of KOH (from 2% to 10% depending upon the size of the specimen) and .0001 to .00005% alizarin red S (solution has a pale lavender color). This solution is changed periodically to maintain the concentration of the KOH until the clearing of the tissues is complete and of the alizarin until the bones are properly stained. Tissues are dehydrated in increasing concentrations of glycerin and stored in white glycerin plus thymol.  相似文献   

Tissue origins and interactions in the mammalian skull vault.   总被引:19,自引:0,他引:19  
During mammalian evolution, expansion of the cerebral hemispheres was accompanied by expansion of the frontal and parietal bones of the skull vault and deployment of the coronal (fronto-parietal) and sagittal (parietal-parietal) sutures as major growth centres. Using a transgenic mouse with a permanent neural crest cell lineage marker, Wnt1-Cre/R26R, we show that both sutures are formed at a neural crest-mesoderm interface: the frontal bones are neural crest-derived and the parietal bones mesodermal, with a tongue of neural crest between the two parietal bones. By detailed analysis of neural crest migration pathways using X-gal staining, and mesodermal tracing by DiI labelling, we show that the neural crest-mesodermal tissue juxtaposition that later forms the coronal suture is established at E9.5 as the caudal boundary of the frontonasal mesenchyme. As the cerebral hemispheres expand, they extend caudally, passing beneath the neural crest-mesodermal interface within the dermis, carrying with them a layer of neural crest cells that forms their meningeal covering. Exposure of embryos to retinoic acid at E10.0 reduces this meningeal neural crest and inhibits parietal ossification, suggesting that intramembranous ossification of this mesodermal bone requires interaction with neural crest-derived meninges, whereas ossification of the neural crest-derived frontal bone is autonomous. These observations provide new perspectives on skull evolution and on human genetic abnormalities of skull growth and ossification.  相似文献   


Whole-mount staining with Alcian blue for cartilage and alizarin red for bone has been widely used for visualizing the skeletal patterns of embryos and small adult vertebrates. The possibility of decalcification by the acidic Alcian blue solution is known, but standard staining protocols do not always avoid this issue. We investigated the effects of acidity on the stainability of developing bones in stage 36 chick embryos and developed an optimal procedure for obtaining reliable results with minimal decalcification. The diaphyses of long bone rudiments and the maxillofacial membranous bones progressively lost their stainability with alizarin red when the chick embryos were soaked for long periods in the preceding acidic Alcian blue staining solution for cartilage. Unless the acidity was neutralized with an alkaline solution, the remaining acidity in the specimens rendered the pH sufficiently low to prevent the subsequent alizarin red staining of the bones. These findings indicate that the mineralizing bones at the early stages of development are labile to acidity and become decalcified more substantially during the staining process than previously appreciated. The following points are important for visualizing such labile mineralizing bones in chick embryos: 1) fixing with formaldehyde followed by soaking in 70% ethanol, 2) minimizing the time that the specimens are exposed to the acidic Alcian blue solution, and 3) neutralizing and dehydrating the specimens by an alkaline-alcohol solution immediately after the cartilage staining. When the exact onset and/or an early phase of ossification are of interest, the current double-staining procedure should be accompanied by a control single-staining procedure directed only toward bone.  相似文献   

The wing of the chick embryos (the 17th-21st stages of development according to Hamburger--Hamilton) were transplanted on the chorioallantois of the chick embryo-recipients, incubated for 8.5-9.5 days. Differentiation of the joints was studied in serial histological sections and in translucent preparations of the skeleton stained with alcian blue. The transplants for the investigation were taken on the 1st-11th days after transplantation. In the transplants all three segments of the wing always developed. The development of the external form of the extremity, chondrogenesis and osteogenesis of the skeletal anlages were about 24 h late. Histological changes, specific for the early period of the articular interzone and cleft formation corresponded to the control embryos data, but were one day younger. In future the changes did not progress, and passed into regression, demonstrating as fusion of the articular surfaces. In the transplants blood vessels formed networks of irregular form that surrounded the articular zones. Some branches run from them into mesenchyme, situating around the joint. According to the literature data, these vessels are connected with formation of the articular cleft and in the control embryos blood vessels of the articular capsule develop from them. In the transplants they are dilated, twisted (especially in the ulnar joint area) and do not penetrate into the developing prechondral and then into the cartilage bridges of the fusing articular surfaces. Numerous blood accumulations, as well as extravasates are often seen near the deformed anlages of bones. Thus, disturbance of blood supply in the transplants and lack of innervation in them, discussed in the literature, result in fusion of the articular surfaces.  相似文献   

Exceptionally complete, in ovo dinosaur embryos from the Upper Cretaceous of China are analysed. Ossification patterns of these embryos suggest that they died during the final third of their development. The therizinosauroid identity of the embryos follows from: (1) an edentulous premaxilla with a sharp downturned edge; (2) dentary with a lateral shelf; (3) teeth with fan-shaped crowns, with a few marginal cusps; (4) humerus with a massive deltopectoral crest extending proximally, with a pointed proximomedial tuberosity; (5) ilium with an expanded and hooked preacetabular process; (6) strongly curved hypertrophied manual unguals tapering to sharp points. These embryos are closest to two Chinese therizinosauroids, Neimongosaurus yangi Zhang et al . 2001 and Erliansaurus bellamanus Xu et al . 2002 . An elongated narial opening, reduced basipterygoid process, low cervical neural spines, a transversely narrow pubic apron, and a pubic foot expanded anteriorly are found in these embryos and are synapomorphies uniting the Therizinosauroidea and the Oviraptorosauria. Fusion of cervical and caudal neural arches and centra, complete ossification of thoracic ribs and ilium, possible co-ossification of tibia and fibula, fused pubes, complete meta- and acropodial elements, together with small portions of unossified epiphyses of long bones suggest an advanced precociality of these embryos.  相似文献   

Body shortening was observed in the pearlfish Carapus homei during metamorphosis. The tenuis larva at first possessed a suite of osseous vertebral bodies of similar length. The reduction in both the number and size of vertebrae followed increasing decalcification, degeneration of organic tissue and shortening. This involved a complete degradation and disappearance of the caudal tip vertebrae, and there was a reduction in the size of most of the remaining vertebrae. The further development of the vertebrae began with ossification of the neural and haemal arches before that of the vertebral body. This second part of the development followed a gradient: a gradual decreases towards the caudal tip in the size of the vertebrae and their completeness.  相似文献   

In this report we employed double-knock-out mouse embryos and fetuses (designated as Myf5-/-: MyoD-/- that completely lacked striated musculature to study bone development in the absence of mechanical stimuli from the musculature and to distinguish between the effects that static loading and weight-bearing exhibit on embryonic development of skeletal system. We concentrated on development of the mandibles (= dentary) and clavicles because their formation is characterized by intramembranous and endochondral ossification via formation of secondary cartilage that is dependent on mechanical stimuli from the adjacent musculature. We employed morphometry and morphology at different embryonic stages and compared bone development in double-mutant and control embryos and fetuses. Our findings can be summarized as follows: a) the examined mutant bones had significantly altered shape and size that we described morphometrically, b) the effects of muscle absence varied depending on the bone (clavicles being more dependent than mandibles) and even within the same bone (e.g., the mandible), and c) we further supported the notion that, from the evolutionary point of view, mammalian clavicles arise under different influences from those that initiate the furcula (wishbone) in birds. Together, our data show that the development of secondary cartilage, and in turn the development of the final shape and size of the bones, is strongly influenced by mechanical cues from the skeletal musculature.  相似文献   

鲂鱼的头骨发育及其适应意义   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
赵俊  陈湘Lin 《动物学研究》1995,16(4):307-314
本文对鲂鱼(Megalobramaskolkovii)头骨的早期发育过程及其与鱼苗的存活功能需要之间的关系进行了研究。头骨发育的全过程可划分为5个阶段,即软颅阶段、咽颅膜骨附加阶段、脑颅开始骨化阶段、脑颅快速骨化阶段和骨化完成阶段。刚出膜仔鱼头部即有软骨存在,最先出现的硬骨是膜质上颌骨和主鳃盖骨,脑颅最先开始骨化的是基枕骨和侧枕骨,随后才是副蝶骨。头骨发育过程与鱼苗早期存活的功能需要之间有着密切的关系。  相似文献   

A D Heggie 《Teratology》1977,15(1):47-55
Paired organ cultures of metacarpal, metatarsal, and long bones of previable human embryos of 7 to 12 weeks' gestation and tibias of 17-day rat fetuses with inoculated with live or ultraviolet-inactivated rubella virus or control fluids and the growth of the bones was measured by increase in wet weight. In several cultures the ability of the human bones to incorporate 35S, a measure of rate of mucopolysaccharide synthesis, was tested. Growth of human and rat bones was retarded in cultures inoculated with live virus but not in cultures inoculated with inactivated virus or control fluids. Mean 35S uptake was increased by approximately 25% in virus-inoculated cultures of bones of 9- to 12-week human embryos. No histological abnormalities were seen. These findings suggest that (1) defective bone growth in congenital rubella is a direct effect of viral infection of bone, (2) a disorder of mucopolysaccharide syntheses may contribute to the osseous lesions that occur in this disease, and (3) organ cultures of human embryonic and fetal rat bones may serve as convenient models for studying the pathogenesis of this virus-induced congenital osteopathy.  相似文献   

By means of histochemical techniques at light and electron microscopic levels, as well as immunomorphological, biochemical and immunochemical methods localization and dynamics of alkaline phosphatase and 5'-nucleotidase contents have been determined in anlages of long tubular bones in 85 human embryos and prefetuses from the 6th up to 12th week of the intrauterine development, obtained as a result of artificial abortions in healthy women. The greatest activity of the enzymes studied is revealed in areas of an intensive osteogenesis and mineralization. Also, by means of the immunofluorescent method alkaline phosphatase of a placental type is revealed, that is not revealed, however, immunochemically. With increasing time of the intrauterine development, thermostability of alkaline phosphatase increases.  相似文献   

Meunier F.J. and Laurin M. 2012. A microanatomical and histological study of the fin long bones of the Devonian sarcopterygian Eusthenopteron foordi. —Acta Zoologica (Stockholm) 93 : 88–97. A paleohistological study of the endoskeletal bones of the dorsal and pelvic fins shows that Eusthenopteron foordi had true long bones that grew in length and thickness through endochondral and periosteal ossification, respectively. Endochondral ossification required cartilaginous epiphyses with a growth plate system whose presence is confirmed by both calcified cartilage and thin endochondral bony trabeculae that overlaid the erosive bays located in hypertrophic calcified cartilage. Articulations between axial mesomeres in paired fins were diarthroses. This microanatomical organization, i.e. longitudinal growth of diaphysis and articulations between epiphyses, can be considered an exaptation for terrestrial locomotion as it can produce skeletal elements able to support strong mechanical stress.  相似文献   

After X-radiation of pregnant rats on the 10th day of pregnancy, in 50% of the fetuses studied subtotal aplasia of the tibial bone anlage and decreasing number of the metatarsus and finger phalanges anlages are observed. Radiation on the 11th day of embryogenesis does not result in anomaly formation of the thoracic and pelvic extremities. After radiation on the 12th day of embryogenesis, the most specific anomaly of the pelvic extremity is phocomelia. The thoracic extremity skeleton lesions are revealed as an ulnar type of distal ectromelia, or axial ectromelia. After radiation on the 13th--14th day, hypoplasia of the bone anlages, that make zeugopodium, autopodium, is observed. After radiation on the 13th day, a partial or total aplasia of the fibular bone anlage can take place. In all the fetuses a sharp decrease in number of the hand and foot bone anlages is observed; it is connected with a total aplasia of some of them and with fusion of the others. A specific feature for radiation lesions of the extremity skeleton is that the oppositely situated anlages of the bones do not separate from each other. This results from certain disturbances in the joint interzone formation at early stages of embryogenesis and from underdevelopment of the joint cleft. Qualitatively different radiation anomalies of the extremity skeleton development are formed as consequence of disturbances in morphogenetic processes of determination: migration, proliferation, morphogenetic cell death and differentiation.  相似文献   

At the 16-18th stages of development of the chicken embryos adhesion of cell layers of the adenohypophysis and diencephalon anlages is provided with a submicroscopically regulated complex of neutral and acid polysaccharides, bivalent kations and probably proteins. The mechanisms of cells contact in each of the layers with this complex are different.  相似文献   

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