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Polyamines and somatic embryogenesis in two Vitis vinifera cultivars   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
Polyamine content and activities of enzymes of polyamine biosynthesis were assayed during somatic embryogenesis in Vitis vinifera callus cultures of Chardonnay and Brachetto 'a grappolo lungo' (Brachetto g.l.) cultivars. The analyses were carried out on embryogenic callus samples, embryos at different stages and developing plants. Polyamine content, both in the free and PCA-soluble conjugated form, was higher in Brachetto g.l. than in Chardonnay, and putrescine was present at higher concentrations than the other polyamines. In all samples of both cultivars, ornithine decarboxylase activity (ODC, EC was higher than arginine decarboxylase (ADC, EC, with a maximum in developing plant roots. S -Adenosylmethionine decarboxylase (SAMDC, EC activity displayed a similar trend. The activities of all three enzymes were detected both in the supernatant and pellet fractions, indicating for the first time the presence of SAMDC activity in the particulate fraction. Particularly in the Chardonnay cultivar, an increase in the mRNAs expression patterns of ODC and SAMDC during morphogenesis from small embryos to plantlets was detected by northern blot, suggesting a direct correlation with enzymatic activities.  相似文献   

We examined genetic differences of four Vitis vinifera populations (A, B, C, D) including local Kabarcik cultivar grown along an altitude gradient of 800, 900, 1000, and 1150 m above sea level in the Coruh Valley (800 m: A population; 900 m: B population; 1000 m: C population; 1150 m: D population). Leaf samples were used for both RAPD and fatty acid analysis. A total of 60 individuals with 15 individuals per population were included in this study. RAPD analyses showed various band sizes, which ranged from 250 to 3000 bp. Mean polymorphic locus ratios were determined as 96.29% considering four populations. The highest percentage of polymorphic loci (97.8%) was produced by the highest altitude. Thirty-two different fatty acids were found; linoleic acid was the most common in all four populations. According to the dendograms obtained from statistical analyses of RAPD and fatty acid profiles the populations that were close to each other in terms of geographical distance also were similar genetically.  相似文献   

Molecular control mechanisms for abiotic stress tolerance are based on the activation and regulation of specific stress-related genes. The phytohormone abscisic acid (ABA) is a key endogenous messenger in a plant’s response to such stresses. A novel ABA binding mechanism which plays a key role in plant cell signaling cascades has recently been uncovered. In the absence of ABA, a type 2C protein phosphatase (PP2C) interacts and inhibits the kinase SnRK2. Binding of ABA to the PYR/PYLs receptors enables interaction between the ABA receptor and the PP2C protein, and abrogates the SnRK2 inactivation. The active SnRK2 is then free to activate the ABA-responsive element Binding Factors which target ABA-dependent gene expression. We used the grape as a model to study the ABA perception mechanism in fruit trees. The grape ABA signaling cascade consists of at least seven ABA receptors and six PP2Cs. We used a yeast two-hybrid system to examine physical interaction in vitro between the grape ABA receptors and their interacting partners, and found that twenty-two receptor-PP2C interactions can occur. Moreover, quantifying these affinities by the use of the LacZ reporter enables us to show that VvPP2C4 and VvPP2C9 are the major binding partners of the ABA receptor. We also tested in vivo the root and leaf gene expression of the various ABA receptors and PP2Cs in the presence of exogenic ABA and under different abiotic stresses such as high salt concentration, cold and drought, and found that many of these genes are regulated by such abiotic environmental factors. Our results indicate organ specificity in the ABA receptor genes and stress specificity in the VvPP2Cs. We suggest that VvPP2C4 is the major PP2C involved in ABA perception in leaves and roots, and VvRCAR6 and VvRCAR5 respectively, are the major receptors involved in ABA perception in these organs. Identification, characterization and manipulation of the central players in the ABA signaling cascades in fruit trees is likely to prove essential for improving their performance in the future.  相似文献   

In vitro culture of 32 Vitis vinifera cultivars and intraspecific hybrids was initiated from axillary buds. The development of roots and shoots was followed during 14 subcultures on two hormone-free micropropagation media. One medium (M64) was used until the 8th subculture, after which it was replaced by G90 medium which was found more suitable for plantlet growth and permitted an increase in the time between subcultures. Large differences in plantlet growth between cultivars were demonstrated on both media. The number of roots had greatest variability between cultivars (CV=39%) as compared with stem length (CV=21-22%) and number of nodes (CV=12-14%). The number of nodes was positively correlated with shoot length whereas root number appeared to be poorly positively correlated with shoot development. Adventitious bud regeneration from leaves was studied for 20 cultivars and averaged 36.7% of regenerative explants with large differences between cultivars (CV=47%). However, organogenic competence was not correlated with micropropagationability. High sensitivity of Vitis vinifera plantlets to kanamycin and hygromycin was demonstrated with a strong interaction between cultivar and antibiotic. At 0.8 mg dm-3, hygromycin was lethal to plantlets. This effect was only observed at 4 mg dm-3 for kanamycin, whereas 1 mg dm-3 stimulated the development of plantlets.Key words: Vitis vinifera, cultivar, micropropagation, antibiotic, organogenesis.   相似文献   

We examined the leaf chemical composition of six seedlings obtained by self-pollination of the Bulgarian wine-making variety Storgozia as well as the cultivar Bouquet, which is the susceptible parent of Storgozia. The chemical composition was investigated in the framework of a program for identification of metabolites associated with disease resistance in grape-vine. Acetone, dichloromethane and butanol extracts, as well as volatiles obtained from fresh material were analyzed by GC/MS. Based on the correlations of the GC/MS data and estimated resistance of the leaves towards the etiological agents of powdery mildew, downy mildew and botrytis as biomarkers for the fungal resistance, we proposed 16 individual metabolites – - and γ-tocopherol, squalene, -amyrine, stigmasta-3,5-diene-7-one, hexahydrofarnesyl acetone, glycolic acid, 3-hydroxybutanoic acid, 3-hydroxycaproic acid, malic acid, tartaric acid, erythronic acid, arabinoic acid, monoethyl phosphate, undecyl laurate and isopropyl myristate. The obtained correlations were confirmed by cluster analysis.  相似文献   

The localization of stilbene synthase (STS) (EC in grape berry (Vitis vinifera L.) was investigated during fruit development. The berries were collected at 2, 4, 7, 11, and 15 weeks postflowering from the cultivar Nebbiolo during the 2005 and 2006 growing seasons. High-performance liquid chromatography analysis showed that berries accumulated cis- and trans-isomers of resveratrol mainly in the exocarp throughout fruit development. Immunodetection of STS protein was performed on berry extracts and sections with an antibody specifically developed against recombinant grape STS1. In agreement with resveratrol presence, STS was found in berry exocarp tissues during all stages of fruit development. The labeled epidermal cells were few and were randomly distributed, whereas nearly all the outer hypodermis cells were STS-positive. The STS signal decreased gradually from exocarp to mesocarp, where the protein was detected only occasionally. At the subcellular level, STS was found predominantly within vesicles (of varying size), along the plasma membrane and in the cell wall, suggesting protein secretion in the apoplast compartment. Despite the differences in fruit size and structure, the STS localization was the same before and after veraison, the relatively short developmental period during which the firm green berries begin to soften and change color. Nevertheless, the amount of protein detected in both exocarp and mesocarp decreased significantly in ripe berries, in agreement with the lower resveratrol content measured in the same tissues. The location of STS in exocarp cell wall is consistent with its role in synthesizing defense compounds and supports the hypothesis that a differential localization of phenylpropanoid biosynthetic machinery regulates the deposition of specific secondary products at different action sites within cells.  相似文献   

We present here characterization data for seven new microsatellite markers designed from new microsatellite loci isolated from a microsatellite‐enriched DNA library from Vitis vinifera. The observed heterozygosity varied from 0.73 up to 0.93 and the number of alleles per locus ranged from 12 to 26. This high polymorphism makes these new markers interesting for use in genotyping studies and completing the set of microsatellite markers already available for V. vinifera. Additionally these seven new markers appear to be conserved in four other Vitis species and 15 Vitis hybrids used as rootstocks for V. vinifera cultivation.  相似文献   

Field measurements of photosynthesis of Vitis vinifera cv. Semillon leaves in relation to a hot climate, and responses to photon flux densities (PFDs) and internal CO(2) concentrations (c(i) ) at leaf temperatures from 20 to 40 °C were undertaken. Average rates of photosynthesis measured in situ decreased with increasing temperature and were 60% inhibited at 45 °C compared with 25 °C. This reduction in photosynthesis was attributed to 15-30% stomatal closure. Light response curves at different temperatures revealed light-saturated photosynthesis optimal at 30 °C but also PFDs saturating photosynthesis increased from 550 to 1200 μmol (photons) m(-2)s(-1) as temperatures increased. Photosynthesis under saturating CO(2) concentrations was optimal at 36 °C while maximum rates of ribulose 1,5-bisphosphate (RuBP) carboxylation (V(cmax)) and potential maximum electron transport rates (J(max)) were also optimal at 39 and 36 °C, respectively. Furthermore, the high temperature-induced reduction in photosynthesis at ambient CO(2) was largely eliminated. The chloroplast CO(2) concentration at the transition from RuBP regeneration to RuBP carboxylation-limited assimilation increased steeply with an increase in leaf temperature. Semillon assimilation in situ was limited by RuBP regeneration below 30 °C and above limited by RuBP carboxylation, suggesting high temperatures are detrimental to carbon fixation in this species.  相似文献   

The Upper Rhine Valley, a “hotspot of biodiversity” in Germany, has been treated with the biocide Bacillus thuringiensis var. israelensis (Bti) for mosquito control for decades. Previous studies discovered Bti nontarget effects in terms of severe chironomid abundance reductions. In this study, we investigated the impact of Bti on species level and addressed the community composition of the nontarget family Chironomidae by use of community metabarcoding. Chironomid emergence data were collected in three mosquito‐control relevant wetland types in the Upper Rhine Valley. For all three sites the chironomid species composition, based on operational taxonomic units (OTUs), was different to varying degrees in the Bti‐treated samples versus control samples, ranging from a significant 63% OTU reduction to an OTU replacement. We assumed that predatory chironomids are less prone to Bti than filter feeders, as the latter feed on floating particles leading to direct ingestion of Bti. However, a comparable percentage of predators and filter feeders (63% and 65%, respectively) was reduced in the Bti samples, suggesting that the feeding strategy is not the main driver for Bti sensitivity in chironomids. Finally, our data was compared to a three‐year‐old data set, indicating possible chironomid community recovery due to species recolonization a few years after the last Bti application. Considering the currently discussed worldwide insect decline we recommend a rethinking of the usage of the biocide Bti, and to prevent its ongoing application especially in nature protection reserves to enhance ecological resilience and to prevent boosting the current biodiversity loss.  相似文献   

Chinese wild grapes are almost exclusively dioecious and black-fruited, with rare reports of white and hermaphrodite types in V. davidii. To reveal the molecular mechanisms of these phenotypic variations, specific primers were designed to detect the genotypes of mybA-related genes in Vitis species, including the Chinese wild Vitis species, V. riparia, V. rupestris, cultivars of Vitis vinifera and its hybrids. We report here that three mybA-related genes, VvmybA1a, VvmybA2 and VvmybA3, were only detected in cultivars of V. vinifera and its hybrids, but not in V. riparia, V. rupestris or Chinese wild Vitis species, indicating that these genes could be used to test the genetic relationship to V. vinifera. On the other hand, the genes were not detected in the dioecious varieties of V. davidii, but were in the hermaphrodites. In particular, the white-fruited varieties were homozygous for VvmybA1a and showed a low expression of mybA-related genes and UFGT during the entire maturation period. Simple sequence repeat analysis showed that the hermaphrodite varieties of V. davidii, including the white-fruited varieties, were more closely related to V. vinifera cv. Pinot Noir and V. labruscana cv. Kyoho. These results suggested that the white-fruited and hermaphrodite varieties of V. davidii could be the result of its crossing with V. vinifera. It provides a new approach to identify truly Chinese wild varieties and to search for possible hybridization events.  相似文献   

 Transformation of barley and wheat via particle bombardment with a gene derived from Vitis vinifera L. (Vst1 gene) resulted in the expression of the foreign phytoalexin, resveratrol, in the transformed plants. Transgenic barley plants were regenerated from microspores and transgenic wheat plants from immature embryos were both selected on Basta. Stable integration of the gene in the genomes of transgenic barley and wheat plants, as well as their progeny, was analysed by Southern-blot analysis. The induction of the stilbene synthase promoter and the transient expression of stilbene synthase-specific mRNA after induction by wounding and infection were proofed in T1 and T2 progeny plants. An enhanced expression of the Vst1 gene under control of the stilbene synthase promoter was observed with enhancer sequences from the cauliflower mosaic virus 35s (CaMV 35s) promoter. The enzyme activity of the stilbene synthase was analysed in T1 progeny plants. The first pathological results indicated an increased resistance of transgenic barley plants to Botrytis cinerea used as a model experimental system. Received: 5 November 1997 / Accepted: 11 November 1997  相似文献   

Inheritance of nuclear microsatellite markers (nSSR) has been proved to be a powerful tool to verify or uncover the parentage of grapevine cultivars. The aim of the present study was to undertake an extended parentage analysis using a large sample of Vitis vinifera cultivars held in the INRA “Domaine de Vassal” Grape Germplasm Repository (France). A dataset of 2,344 unique genotypes (i.e. cultivars without synonyms, clones or mutants) identified using 20 nSSR was analysed with FAMOZ software. Parentages showing a logarithm of odds score higher than 18 were validated in relation to the historical data available. The analysis first revealed the full parentage of 828 cultivars resulting in: (1) 315 original full parentages uncovered for traditional cultivars, (2) 100 full parentages confirming results established with molecular markers in prior papers and 32 full parentages that invalidated prior results, (3) 255 full parentages confirming pedigrees as disclosed by the breeders and (4) 126 full parentages that invalidated breeders’ data. Second, incomplete parentages were determined in 1,087 cultivars due to the absence of complementary parents in our cultivar sample. Last, a group of 276 genotypes showed no direct relationship with any other cultivar in the collection. Compiling these results from the largest set of parentage data published so far both enlarges and clarifies our knowledge of the genetic constitution of cultivated V. vinifera germplasm. It also allows the identification of the main genitors involved in varietal assortment evolution and grapevine breeding.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND AND AIMS: Plant architecture and its interaction with agronomic practices and environmental constraints are determinants of the structure of the canopy, which is involved in carbon acquisition and fruit quality development. A framework for the quantitative analysis of grapevine (Vitis vinifera) shoot architecture, based on a set of topological and geometrical parameters, was developed for the identification of differences between cultivars and the origins of phenotypic variability. METHODS: Two commercial cultivars ('Grenache N', 'Syrah') with different shoot architectures were grown in pots, in well-irrigated conditions. Shoot topology was analysed, using a hidden semi-Markov chain and variable-order Markov chains to identify deviations from the normal pattern of succession of phytomer types (P0-P1-P2), together with kinematic analysis of shoot axis development. Shoot geometry was characterized by final internode and individual leaf area measurements. KEY RESULTS: Shoot architecture differed significantly between cultivars. Secondary leaf area and axis length were greater for 'Syrah'. Secondary leaf area distribution along the main axis also differed between cultivars, with secondary leaves preferentially located towards the basal part of the shoot in 'Syrah'. The main factors leading to differences in leaf area between the cultivars were: (a) slight differences in main shoot structure, with the supplementary P0 phytomer on the lower part of the shoot in 'Grenache N', which bears a short branch; and (b) an higher rate and duration of development of branches bearing by P1-P2 phytomers related to P0 ones at the bottom of the shoot in 'Syrah'. Differences in axis length were accounted for principally by differences in individual internode morphology, with 'Syrah' having significantly longer internodes. This trait, together with a smaller shoot diameter, may account for the characteristic 'droopy' habit of 'Syrah' shoots. CONCLUSIONS: This study highlights the architectural parameters involved in the phenotypic variability of shoot architecture in two grapevine cultivars. Differences in primary shoot structure and in branch development potential accounted for the main differences in leaf area distribution between the two cultivars. By contrast, shoot shape seemed to be controlled by differences in axis length due principally to differences in internode length.  相似文献   

Simon Conn  Chris Franco  Wei Zhang 《Planta》2010,231(6):1343-1360
Anthocyanic vacuolar inclusions (AVIs) are intra-vacuolar structures capable of concentrating anthocyanins and are present in over 50 of the highest anthocyanin-accumulating plant species. Presence of AVIs alters pigment intensity, total anthocyanin levels, pigment hue and causes bathochromic shifts in a spatio-temporal manner within various flowers, vegetables and fruits. A year-long study on Vitis vinifera cell suspension cultures found a strong correlation between AVI prevalence and anthocyanin content, but not the number of pigmented cells, growth rate or stilbene content. Furthermore, enhancement of the prevalence of AVIs and anthocyanins was achieved by treatment of V. vinifera cell suspension cultures with sucrose, jasmonic acid and white light. A unique autofluorescence of anthocyanins was used to demonstrate microscopically that AVIs proceed from the cytosol across the tonoplast and were able to coalesce intravacuolarly, with fewer, larger AVIs predominating as cells mature. Purification and characterisation of these bodies were performed, showing that they were dense, highly organic structures, with a lipid component indicative of membrane-encasement. These purified AVIs were also shown to comprise long-chain tannins and possessed an increased affinity for binding acylated anthocyanins, though no unique protein component was detected.  相似文献   

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