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Wave intensity analysis (WIA) was used to delineate and maximize the efficacy of a newly developed para-aortic blood pump (PABP). The intra-aortic balloon pump (IABP) was employed as the comparison benchmark. Acute porcine experiments using eight pigs, randomly divided into IABP (n = 4) and PABP (n = 4) groups, were conducted to compare the characteristics of intra- and para-aortic counterpulsation. We measured pressure and velocity with probes installed in the left anterior descending coronary artery and aorta, during and without PABP assistance. Wave intensity for aortic and left coronary waves were derived from pressure and flow measurements with synchronization correction applied. To achieve maximized support efficacy, deflation timings ranging from 25 ms ahead of to 35 ms after the R-wave were tested. Similar to those associated with IABP counterpulsation, the PABP-generated backward-traveling waves predominantly drove aortic and coronary blood flows. However, in contrast with IABP counterpulsation, the nonocclusive nature of the PABP allowed systolic unloading to be delayed into early systole, which resulted in near elimination of coronary blood steal without diminution of systolic left ventricular ejection wave intensities. WIA can elucidate subtleties among different counterpulsatile support means with high sensitivity. Total accelerating wave intensity (TAWI), which was defined as the sum of the time integration of accelerated parts of the positive and negative wave intensities, was used to quantify counterpulsation efficacy. In general, the larger the TAWI gain, the better the counter-pulsatile support efficacy. However, when PABP deflation timings were delayed to after the R-wave, the TAWI was found to be inversely correlated with coronary perfusion. In this delayed deflation timing setting, greater wave cancellation occurred, which led to decreased TAWI but increased coronary perfusion attributed to blood regurgitation reduction.  相似文献   

We studied the effects of HCI-induced metabolic acidaemia on cardiac output, contractile function, myocardial blood flow, and myocardial oxygen consumption in nine unanaesthetized newborn lambs. Through a left thoracotomy, catheters were placed in the aorta, left atrium and coronary sinus. A pressure transducer was placed in the left ventricle. Three to four days after surgery, we measured cardiac output, dP/dt, left ventricular end diastolic and aortic mean blood pressures, heart rate, aortic and coronary sinus blood oxygen contents, and left ventricular myocardial blood flow during a control period, during metabolic acidaemia, and after the aortic pH was restored to normal. We calculated systemic vascular resistance, myocardial oxygen consumption and left ventricular work. Acidaemia was associated with reduction in cardiac output, maximal dP/dt, and aortic mean blood pressure. Left ventricular end diastolic pressure and systemic vascular resistance increased, and heart rate did not change significantly. The reduction in myocardial blood flow and oxygen consumption was accompanied by fall in cardiac work. Cardiac output returned to control levels after the pH had been normalized but maximal dP/dt was incompletely restored. Myocardial blood flow and oxygen consumption increased beyond control levels. This study demonstrates that HCI-induced metabolic acidaemia in conscious newborn lambs is associated with a reduction in cardiac output which could have been mediated by the reduction in contractile function and/or the increase in systemic vascular resistance. The decreases in myocardial blood flow and oxygen consumption appear to reflect diminished cardiac work. The restoration of a normal cardiac output after normalization of the pH appears to have resulted from the increases in heart rate and left ventricular filling pressures in conjunction with an incomplete restoration of contractile function.  相似文献   

Summary Positron emission tomography (PET) permits sequential, noninvasive assessment of myocardial perfusion and metabolism. Based on the pattern of substrate use, clinical studies have utilized PET to define the location and extent of myocardial infarction, to identify areas of jeopardized but viable myocardium, and to assess the metabolic response of the myocardium to pharmacological therapy as well as to interventions such as coronary thrombolysis and coronary artery bypass surgery. The ability to noninvasively assess specific metabolic pathways should facilitate our understanding of normal myocardial metabolism, its perturbations with cardiac disease, and thereby improve the diagnosis and treatment of the biochemical processes underlying cardiac dysfunction.  相似文献   

Electrocardiograms of marathon runners were examined to study hypertrophy of the heart due to prolonged physical exertion and to differentiate this from hypertrophy due to various disease states, especially essential hypertension, aortic valvular disease and coarctation of the aorta. The electrocardiogram of the marathon runners was characterized by a slow cardiac rate, high voltage of the QRS complexes and T waves in the standard and/or precordial leads with normal R/T ratios. There was moderate enlargement of the heart as observed on teleoroentgenogram. These findings are characteristic of physiologic hypertrophy of the heart and should be suspected among patients having a history of athletics calling for endurance. Immediately after running, all waves showed an increased voltage and the heart size decreased. The concept of the secondary T wave in hypertension as a part of the left ventricular strain pattern was challenged by the observation that the increased voltage of the R waves in lead V5 and other leads seen in marathon runners and in certain patients with hypertension, aortic stenosis, aortic insufficiency and coarctation of the aorta were not necessarily associated with typical discordant S-T segments and T waves. There was a higher incidence of dyspnea, angina pectoris and cardiac enlargement among hypertensive patients with discordant T waves than among hypertensive patients without these changes. Thus it is felt that the discordant waves are primary and are not merely secondary to the increased area of the R waves. Primary T waves suggest myocardial disease, possibly anoxia of the subendocardium.  相似文献   

The behaviour of the heart has always elicited interest and particularly the study of its myocardium, as 5–10% of the blood pumped by the heart is passed through the coronary arteries to the myocardium itself. An in-depth investigation of the myocardium behaviour is useful. The present work aims to investigate how myocardium perfusion is influenced by myocardial stress and diseased states, and in general by LV pumping abnormalities. LV myocardial perfusion can then serve as a possible index of the capacity of the LV to respond to its work demand, and thus of the risk of heart failure. The poroelastic analysis of the myocardium based on finite element method (FEM) for regional perfusion through a rectangular element with various physiological ranges of loading conditions was studied.  相似文献   

Electrocardiograms of marathon runners were examined to study hypertrophy of the heart due to prolonged physical exertion and to differentiate this from hypertrophy due to various disease states, especially essential hypertension, aortic valvular disease and coarctation of the aorta. The electrocardiogram of the marathon runners was characterized by a slow cardiac rate, high voltage of the QRS complexes and T waves in the standard and/or precordial leads with normal R/T ratios. There was moderate enlargement of the heart as observed on teleoroentgenogram. These findings are characteristic of physiologic hypertrophy of the heart and should be suspected among patients having a history of athletics calling for endurance. Immediately after running, all waves showed an increased voltage and the heart size decreased. The concept of the secondary T wave in hypertension as a part of the left ventricular strain pattern was challenged by the observation that the increased voltage of the R waves in lead V5 and other leads seen in marathon runners and in certain patients with hypertension, aortic stenosis, aortic insufficiency and coarctation of the aorta were not necessarily associated with typical discordant S-T segments and T waves. There was a higher incidence of dyspnea, angina pectoris and cardiac enlargement among hypertensive patients with discordant T waves than among hypertensive patients without these changes. Thus it is felt that the discordant waves are primary and are not merely secondary to the increased area of the R waves. Primary T waves suggest myocardial disease, possibly anoxia of the subendocardium.  相似文献   

An increase in coronary flow is known to enhance myocardial metabolism and contractility (the Gregg effect) but the effect on cardiac electrophysiology is unclear. In 5 pentobarbital-anesthetised open-chest sheep, left circumflex coronary artery was perfused with fresh arterial blood at 6 and 10 ml/min respectively in the presence of normal coronary flow. The perfusion was repeated in these animals after treatment with nitro-L-arginine, a nitric oxide synthase inhibitor. The high rate intracoronary perfusion caused a flow-dependent T wave inversion on body surface ECG in all animals (p < 0.01). Pre-treatment with nitro-L-arginine abolished T wave inversion during 6 ml/min perfusion, and diminished the T inversion during 10 ml/min perfusion. Conclusion: An increase in coronary flow alters ventricular repolarisation through nitric oxide release from coronary endothelium.  相似文献   

Beneficial actions of nitric oxide (NO) in failing myocardium have frequently been overshadowed by poorly documented negative inotropic effects mainly derived from in vitro cardiac preparations. NO's beneficial actions include control of myocardial energetics and improvement of left ventricular (LV) diastolic distensibility. In isolated cardiomyocytes, administration of NO increases their diastolic cell length consistent with a rightward shift of the passive length-tension relation. This shift is explained by cGMP-induced phosphorylation of troponin I, which prevents calcium-independent diastolic cross-bridge cycling and concomitant diastolic stiffening of the myocardium. Similar improvements in diastolic stiffness have been observed in isolated guinea pig hearts, in pacing-induced heart failure dogs, and in patients with dilated cardiomyopathy or aortic stenosis and have been shown to result in higher LV preload reserve and stroke work. NO also controls myocardial energetics through its effects on mitochondrial respiration, oxygen consumption, and substrate utilization. The effects of NO on diastolic LV performance appear to be synergistic with its effects on myocardial energetics through prevention of myocardial energy wastage induced by LV contraction against late-systolic reflected arterial pressure waves and through prevention of diastolic LV stiffening, which is essential for the maintenance of adequate subendocardial coronary perfusion. A drop in these concerted actions of NO on diastolic LV distensibility and on myocardial energetics could well be instrumental for the relentless deterioration of failing myocardium.  相似文献   

Left ventricular dysfunction in swine with a recent myocardial infarction (MI) is associated with neurohumoral activation, including increased catecholamines and endothelin (ET). Although the increase in ET may serve to maintain blood pressure and, hence, perfusion of essential organs such as the heart and brain, it could also compromise myocardial perfusion by evoking coronary vasoconstriction. In the present study, we tested the hypothesis that endogenous ET contributes to perturbations in myocardial O2 balance during exercise in remodeled myocardium of swine with a recent MI. For this purpose, 26 chronically instrumented swine (10 with and 16 without MI) were studied at rest and while running on a treadmill at 1-4 km/h. After MI, plasma ET increased from 3.2 +/- 0.4 to 4.9 +/- 0.3 pM (P < 0.05). In normal swine, blockade of ETA (by EMD-122946) or ETA-ETB (by tezosentan) receptors resulted in an increase in coronary venous PO2, i.e., coronary vasodilation at rest, which decreased during exercise. In contrast, neither ETA nor ETA-ETB receptor blockade resulted in coronary vasodilation in swine with MI. Coronary vasoconstriction to intravenous ET-1 infusion in awake resting swine was blunted after MI. To investigate whether factors released by cardiac myocytes contributed to decreased vascular responsiveness to ET, we performed ET-1 dose-response curves in isolated coronary arterioles (70-200 microm). Vasoconstriction to ET-1 in isolated arterioles from MI swine was enhanced. In conclusion, the vasoconstrictor influence of endogenous as well as exogenous ET on coronary circulation in vivo is reduced. Because the response of isolated coronary arterioles to ET is increased after MI, the reduced vasoconstrictor influence in vivo suggests modulation of ET receptor sensitivity by cardiac myocytes, which may serve to maintain adequate myocardial perfusion.  相似文献   

Wave intensity in the ascending aorta: effects of arterial occlusion   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
We examine the effects of arterial occlusion on the pressure, velocity and the reflected waves in the ascending aorta using wave intensity analysis. In 11 anaesthetised, open-chested dogs, snares were used to produce total arterial occlusion at 4 sites: the upper descending aorta at the level of the aortic valve (thoracic); the lower thoracic aorta at the level of the diaphragm (diaphragm); the abdominal aorta between the renal arteries (abdominal) and the left iliac artery, 2 cm downstream from the aorta iliac bifurcation (iliac). Pressure and flow in the ascending aorta were measured, and data were collected before and during the occlusion. During thoracic and diaphragm occlusions a significant increase in mean aortic pressure (46% and 23%) and in wave speed (25% and 10%) was observed, while mean flow rate decreased significantly (23% and 17%). Also, the reflected compression wave arrived significantly earlier (45% and 15%) and its peak intensity was significantly greater (257% and 125%), all compared with control. Aortic occlusion distal to the renal arteries, however, caused an indiscernible change in the pressure and velocity waveforms, and in the intensities and timing of the waves in the forward and backward directions. The measured pressure and velocity waveforms are the result of the interaction between the heart and the arterial system. The separated pressure, velocity and wave intensity are required to provide information about arterial hemodynamic such as the timing and magnitude of the forward and backward waves. The net wave intensity is simpler to calculate but provides information only about the predominant direction of the waves and can be misleading when forward and backward waves of comparable magnitudes are present simultaneously.  相似文献   

The dorsal mediastinal cardiac nerves were stimulated in 20 patients undergoing coronary artery bypass surgery. In no instance was an untoward effect produced in any of the patients. Stimulation of a cardiac nerve increased heart rate in eight patients and slowed heart rate in eight patients. In 12 patients stimulation of a cardiac nerve increased mean aortic pressure while in 8 patients it was decreased, even though the patients were supported by a total body perfusion pump. In 11 patients stimulation of a cardiac nerve resulted in a decrease in the coronary artery bypass graft flow, even though aortic pressure was unchanged or increased. These preliminary results suggest that individual cardiac nerves in the dorsal mediastinum of man may be capable of modifying heart rate, total peripheral vascular resistance, or coronary artery resistance. Furthermore, they demonstrate that stimulation of human dorsal mediastinal cardiac nerves can be done without untoward effects and that such stimulations may be a means to investigate the complexity of neural regulation of the human heart.  相似文献   

Hemodynamic and metabolic adaptations of isolated working heart perfused alternatively with normal or low oxygen carrying capacity medium were studied in an experimental model. A step change in arterial oxygen content (1.75 to 15.3 ml O2/100 ml) was followed by a decrease in coronary flow, an increase in aortic flow, external work, myocardial oxygen consumption and efficiency, respectively. Metabolic investigations (steady state values) showed the activities of both glycolysis and the Krebs cycle to increase with the oxygen carrying capacity of the perfusion medium. Within the limits of these aerobic conditions, most of the cardiac changes were reversible. The use of reconstituted blood provides physiological conditions of oxygenation, allows a dynamic equilibrium between oxygen supply and oxygen requirements and maintains a near physiological regulation between cardiac dynamic and metabolic functions. These conclusions stress the importance of optimal O2 carrying capacity of perfusion medium in metabolic studies on isolated working heart.  相似文献   

The strong coupling between the flow in coronary vessels and the mechanical deformation of the myocardial tissue is a central feature of cardiac physiology and must therefore be accounted for by models of coronary perfusion. Currently available geometrically explicit vascular models fail to capture this interaction satisfactorily, are numerically intractable for whole organ simulations, and are difficult to parameterise in human contexts. To address these issues, in this study, a finite element formulation of an incompressible, poroelastic model of myocardial perfusion is presented. Using high-resolution ex vivo imaging data of the coronary tree, the permeability tensors of the porous medium were mapped onto a mesh of the corresponding left ventricular geometry. The resultant tensor field characterises not only the distinct perfusion regions that are observed in experimental data, but also the wide range of vascular length scales present in the coronary tree, through a multi-compartment porous model. Finite deformation mechanics are solved using a macroscopic constitutive law that defines the coupling between the fluid and solid phases of the porous medium. Results are presented for the perfusion of the left ventricle under passive inflation that show wall-stiffening associated with perfusion, and that show the significance of a non-hierarchical multi-compartment model within a particular perfusion territory.  相似文献   

The role played by membrane lipid environment on cardiac function remains poorly defined. The polyunsaturated fatty acid profile of myocardial phospholipids could be of utmost importance in the regulation of key-enzyme activities. This study was undertaken to determine whether selective incorporation of n-6 or n-3 fatty acids in membrane phospholipids might influence cardiac mechanical performances and metabolism. For 8 wk, male weaning Wistar rats were fed a semi-purified diet containing either 10% sunflower seed oil (72% C18:2 n-6) or 10% linseed oil (54% C18:3 n-3) as the sole source of lipids. The hearts were then removed and perfused according to working mode with a Krebs-Henseleit buffer containing glucose (11 mM) and insulin (10 Ul/l). Cardiac rate, coronary and aortic flows and ejection fraction were monitored after 30 min of perfusion. Myocardial metabolism was estimated by evaluating the intracellular fate of 1-14C palmitate. Sunflower seed oil and linseed oil feeding did not modify either coronary or aortic flow, which suggests that cardiac mechanical work was not affected by the diets. Conversely, cardiac rate was significantly decreased (-18%; P less than 0.01) when rats were fed the n-3 polyunsaturated fatty acid rich diet. Radioanalysis of the myocardial metabolism suggested that replacing n-6 polyunsaturated fatty acids by n-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids: i) did not alter palmitate uptake; ii) prolonged palmitate incorporation into cardiac triglycerides; iii) reduced beta-oxidation of palmitic acid. These results support the assumption that dietary fatty acids, particularly n-6 and n-3 fatty acids, play an important role in the regulation of cardiac mechanical and metabolic activity.  相似文献   

Time-domain representations of the fetal aortopulmonary circulation were carried out in lamb fetuses to study hemodynamic consequences of congenital diaphragmatic hernia (CDH) and the effects of endothelin-receptor antagonist tezosentan (3 mg/45 min). From the isthmic aortic and left pulmonary artery (PA) flows (Q) and isthmic aortic, PA, and left auricle pressures (P) on day 135 in 10 controls and 7 CDH fetuses (28 ewes), discrete-triggered P and Q waveforms were modelized as Pt and Qt functions to obtain basic hemodynamic profiles, pulsatile waves [P, Q, and entry impedance (Ze)], and P and Q hysteresis loops. In the controls, blood propelling energy was accounted for by biventricular ejection flow waves (kinetic energy) with low Ze and by flow-driven pressure waves (potential energy) with low Ze. Weak fetal pulmonary perfusion was ensured by reflux (reverse flows) from PA branches to the ductus anteriosus and aortic isthmus as reverse flows. Endothelin-receptor antagonist blockade using tezosentan slightly increased the forward flow but largely increased diastolic backward flow with a diminished left auricle pre- and postloading. In CHD fetuses, the static component overrode phasic flows that were detrimental to reverse flows and the direction of the diastolic isthmic flow changed to forward during the diastole period. Decreased cardiac output, flattened pressure waves, and increased forward Ze promoted backward flow to the detriment of forward flow (especially during diastole). Additionally, the intrapulmonary arteriovenous shunting was ineffective. The slowing of cardiac output, the dampening of energetic pressure waves and pulsatility, and the heightening of phasic impedances contributed to the lowering of aortopulmonary blood flows. We speculate that reverse pulmonary flow is a physiological requirement to protect the fetal pulmonary circulation from the prominent right ventricular stream and to enhance blood flow to the fetal heart and brain.  相似文献   

C型利钠利尿肽对犬冠脉循环的作用   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
C型利钠利尿肽(CNP)是新近发现的一种由内皮细胞分泌的利钠利尿肽,本研究采用冠脉内给药方法对比观察了CNP、心房利钠尿肽(ANP)对犬正常及心肌缺血后冠脉循环的作用,并应用常规离体血管灌流的方法测定了离体冠脉对CNP、ANP的舒张反应。结果显示:(1)对正常犬,CNP、ANP均可降低平均动脉压(MAP)、远端小冠脉压和大、小冠脉阻力,增加冠脉流量,而不影响心率;(2)心肌缺血后,CNP的上述作用依然存在,但ANP降低MAP的作用基本消失。(3)离体心外膜冠状动脉对CNP、ANP均呈剂量依赖性舒张反应。结果提示CNP、ANP均可舒张冠状动脉而改善冠脉循环,并可能对急性心肌缺血的治疗有益  相似文献   

Mounting evidence suggests that the pulsatile character of blood pressure and flow within large arteries plays a particularly important role as a mechano-biological stimulus for wall growth and remodeling. Nevertheless, understanding better the highly coupled interactions between evolving wall geometry, structure, and properties and the hemodynamics will require significantly more experimental data. Computational fluid–solid-growth models promise to aid in the design and interpretation of such experiments and to identify candidate mechanobiological mechanisms for the observed arterial adaptations. Motivated by recent aortic coarctation models in animals, we used a computational fluid–solid interaction model to study possible local and systemic effects on the hemodynamics within the thoracic aorta and coronary, carotid, and cerebral arteries due to a distal aortic coarctation and subsequent spatial variations in wall adaptation. In particular, we studied an initial stage of acute cardiac compensation (i.e., maintenance of cardiac output) followed by early arterial wall remodeling (i.e., spatially varying wall thickening and stiffening). Results suggested, for example, that while coarctation increased both the mean and pulse pressure in the proximal vessels, the locations nearest to the coarctation experienced the greatest changes in pulse pressure. In addition, after introducing a spatially varying wall adaptation, pressure, left ventricular work, and wave speed all increased. Finally, vessel wall strain similarly experienced spatial variations consistent with the degree of vascular wall adaptation.  相似文献   

Glucagon in a dose of 50 mug/kg body weight was studied for its cardiovascular effects in hypovolemic dogs in which coronary blood flow was reduced to an average 40% of its control value and cardiac depression was evident. Myocardial contractility, as judged mainly by dP/dt and acceleration of aortic blood flow, was brought to a normal level for a short time. Systemic and coronary vascular resistances were markedly reduced. These effects were similar in normovolemic dogs. The inotropic, chronotropic, and peripheral vascular effects of glucagon can be evoked also in hypovolemic dogs in which coronary blood flow is less than normal and myocardial metabolism is impaired.  相似文献   

The behaviour of the heart has always elicited interest and particularly the study of its myocardium, as 5-10% of the blood pumped by the heart is passed through the coronary arteries to the myocardium itself. An in-depth investigation of the myocardium behaviour is useful. The present work aims to investigate how myocardium perfusion is influenced by myocardial stress and diseased states, and in general by LV pumping abnormalities. LV myocardial perfusion can then serve as a possible index of the capacity of the LV to respond to its work demand, and thus of the risk of heart failure. The poroelastic analysis of the myocardium based on finite element method (FEM) for regional perfusion through a rectangular element with various physiological ranges of loading conditions was studied.  相似文献   

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