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The light-driven chloride pump, halorhodopsin, binds and transports chloride across the membrane, and to a lesser extent nitrate. Binding and transport kinetics, and resonance Raman spectra of the retinal Schiff base, with these anions suggest the existence of two mutually exclusive binding sites. One of these may be the uptake site, and the other the release site during the transport. Plausible locations can be suggested for these sites, because halorhodopsin is a small protein with few buried positively charged residues, and the primary structure of a second pigment with similar function has recently become available for comparison.  相似文献   

The potential for enhanced mobility of hydrophobic pollutants by cotransport with bacteria in saturated soils was evaluated from measurements of biosorption of 14C-labeled hexachlorobenzene and dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane (DDT) to five strains of soil and sewage bacteria. The sorption process could be described by a linear partition equation and appeared to be reversible, but desorption kinetics were slow and/or partly irreversible. The DDT partition coefficients varied with equilibration time, possibly reflecting DDT-induced changes in the physiology of the bacteria. The partition coefficients, normalized to the masses of the bacteria, ranged from 250 to 14,000 for live cells, but the largest coefficients were associated with autoclaved cells of a Pseudomonas sp. The sorptive capacity of the bacterial biomass was greater for DDT than for hexachlorobenzene but was not correlated to overall bacterial hydrophobicity, measured by hydrophobic interaction chromatography. In a column study, 1.2 x 10(9) cells of a Bacillus sp. strain per ml enhanced DDT transport about 8-fold, whereas an advective-dispersive-sorptive equilibrium model for two mobile phases, water and free-living bacteria, suggested a 14-fold enhancement, based on the DDT partition coefficient. The disagreement was in part due to a retarded nonequilibrium movement of the bacteria. Model calculations based on literature data covering a wide range of organisms and compounds suggested that 10(6) cells ml-1 would increase the mobility of very hydrophobic compounds (log octanol-water partition coefficient [K(ow) of greater than or equal to 6), whereas higher densities of bacteria (10(8) cells ml-1) would have a significant impact on compounds with a log K(ow) of greater than or equal to 4.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

The potential for enhanced mobility of hydrophobic pollutants by cotransport with bacteria in saturated soils was evaluated from measurements of biosorption of 14C-labeled hexachlorobenzene and dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane (DDT) to five strains of soil and sewage bacteria. The sorption process could be described by a linear partition equation and appeared to be reversible, but desorption kinetics were slow and/or partly irreversible. The DDT partition coefficients varied with equilibration time, possibly reflecting DDT-induced changes in the physiology of the bacteria. The partition coefficients, normalized to the masses of the bacteria, ranged from 250 to 14,000 for live cells, but the largest coefficients were associated with autoclaved cells of a Pseudomonas sp. The sorptive capacity of the bacterial biomass was greater for DDT than for hexachlorobenzene but was not correlated to overall bacterial hydrophobicity, measured by hydrophobic interaction chromatography. In a column study, 1.2 x 10(9) cells of a Bacillus sp. strain per ml enhanced DDT transport about 8-fold, whereas an advective-dispersive-sorptive equilibrium model for two mobile phases, water and free-living bacteria, suggested a 14-fold enhancement, based on the DDT partition coefficient. The disagreement was in part due to a retarded nonequilibrium movement of the bacteria. Model calculations based on literature data covering a wide range of organisms and compounds suggested that 10(6) cells ml-1 would increase the mobility of very hydrophobic compounds (log octanol-water partition coefficient [K(ow) of greater than or equal to 6), whereas higher densities of bacteria (10(8) cells ml-1) would have a significant impact on compounds with a log K(ow) of greater than or equal to 4.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Tao  Zhengkai  Deng  Huanguang  Li  Minhao  Chai  Xiaoli 《Biogeochemistry》2020,148(1):19-29

Mercury (Hg) release and migration from municipal solid waste landfills has been an important issue to nearby ecosystems and human health. To completely understand the Hg biogeochemical cycle in landfills, this review presents the Hg emission processes via different pathways, related controlling mechanisms, and critical Hg transport and transformation processes involving the diffusion and advection of Hg, Hg volatilization, Hg adsorption and desorption, Hg redox reactions, and Hg methylation and demethylation. These critical physical, chemical, and biological processes result in the phase transfer of Hg and the distribution of different Hg species in landfill gas (LFG), leachates, and cover soils. In addition, key factors (e.g., LFG, meteorological conditions, cover soils, and vegetation) affecting Hg emission processes and their impacts are discussed here. This work provides a comprehensive picture of Hg behavior in landfills, and has positive implications for the development of a process-based model and the control of Hg emissions from landfills.


The respiration of mitochondria isolated from germinating soybean cotyledons was strongly resistant to antimycin and KCN. This oxygen uptake was not related to lipoxygenase which was not detectable in purified mitochondria. The antimycin-resistant rate of O2 uptake was greatest with succinate as substrate and least with exogenous NADH. Succinate was the only single substrate whose oxidation was inhibited by salicyl hydroxamic acid alone, indicating engagement of the alternative oxidase. Concurrent oxidation of two or three substrates led to greater involvement of the alternative oxidase. Despite substantial rotenone-resistant O2 uptake with NAD-linked substrates, respiratory control was observed in the presence of antimycin, indicating restriction of electron flow through complex I. Addition of succinate to mitochondria oxidizing NAD-linked substrates in state four stimulated O2 uptake substantially, largely by engaging the alternative oxidase. We suggest that these properties of soybean cotyledon mitochondria would enable succinate received from the glyoxysome during lipid metabolism to be rapidly oxidized, even under a high cytosolic energy charge.  相似文献   

电子传递链亦称呼吸链,由位于线粒体内膜的I、II、III、IV 4种复合物组成,负责电子传递和产生质子梯度。电子主要从复合物I进入电子传递链,经复合物III传递至复合物IV。电子传递系统的组装是一个十分复杂的过程,目前已知主要有约69个结构亚基以及至少16个组装因子参与了人类复合物I、III、IV的组装,这些蛋白质由核基因组与线粒体基因组共同编码。对线粒体电子传递系统的蛋白质组成及其结构已研究得较为清楚,但对它们的组装了解得还比较初步。许多人类线粒体疾病是由于电子传递系统的功能障碍引起的,其中又有许多是由于该系统中一个或多个部件的错误组装引起的。研究这些缺陷不仅能够加深对线粒体疾病发病机理的了解,也有助于揭示线粒体功能的调控机制。将着重对电子传递系统复合物的组装及其与人类疾病关系的研究进展进行综述。  相似文献   

Although most cellular glutathione (GSH) is in the cytoplasm, a distinctly regulated pool is present in mitochondria. Inasmuch as GSH synthesis is primarily restricted to the cytoplasm, the mitochondrial pool must derive from transport of cytoplasmic GSH across the mitochondrial inner membrane. Early studies in liver mitochondria primarily focused on the relationship between GSH status and membrane permeability and energetics. Because GSH is an anion at physiological pH, this suggested that some of the organic anion carriers present in the inner membrane could function in GSH transport. Indeed, studies by Lash and colleagues in isolated mitochondria from rat kidney showed that most of the transport (>80%) in that tissue could be accounted for by function of the dicarboxylate carrier (DIC, Slc25a10) and the oxoglutarate carrier (OGC, Slc25a11), which mediate electroneutral exchange of dicarboxylates for inorganic phosphate and 2-oxoglutarate for other dicarboxylates, respectively. The identity and function of specific carrier proteins in other tissues is less certain, although the OGC is expressed in heart, liver, and brain and the DIC is expressed in liver and kidney. An additional carrier that transports 2-oxoglutarate, the oxodicarboxylate or oxoadipate carrier (ODC; Slc25a21), has been described in rat and human liver and its expression has a wide tissue distribution, although its potential function in GSH transport has not been investigated. Overexpression of the cDNA for the DIC and OGC in a renal proximal tubule-derived cell line, NRK-52E cells, showed that enhanced carrier expression and activity protects against oxidative stress and chemically induced apoptosis. This has implications for development of novel therapeutic approaches for treatment of human diseases and pathological states. Several conditions, such as alcoholic liver disease, cirrhosis or other chronic biliary obstructive diseases, and diabetic nephropathy, are associated with depletion or oxidation of the mitochondrial GSH pool in liver or kidney.  相似文献   

Uptake of long-chain fatty acids plays pivotal roles in metabolic homeostasis and human physiology. Uptake rates must be controlled in an organ-specific fashion to balance storage with metabolic needs during transitions between fasted and fed states. Many obesity-associated diseases, such as insulin resistance in skeletal muscle, cardiac lipotoxicity, and hepatic steatosis, are thought to be driven by the overflow of fatty acids from adipose stores and the subsequent ectopic accumulation of lipids resulting in apoptosis, ER stress, and inactivation of the insulin receptor signaling cascade. Thus, it is of critical importance to understand the components that regulate the flux of fatty acid between the different organ systems. Cellular uptake of fatty acids by key metabolic organs, including the intestine, adipose tissue, muscle, heart, and liver, has been shown to be protein mediated and various unique combinations of fatty acid transport proteins (FATPs/SLC27A1-6) are expressed by all of these tissues. Here we review our current understanding of how FATPs can contribute to normal physiology and how FATP mutations as well as hypo- and hypermorphic changes contribute to disorders ranging from cardiac lipotoxicity to hepatosteatosis and ichthyosis. Ultimately, our increasing knowledge of FATP biology has the potential to lead to the development of new diagnostic tools and treatment options for some of the most pervasive chronic human disorders. This article is part of a Special Issue entitled Triglyceride Metabolism and Disease.  相似文献   


1. 1.|Independent of their diverse feeding habits almost all bats are nocturnal. One hypothesis for chiropteran nocturnality is that bats flying in the day experience fatal hyperthermia because their wings take up significant amounts of short-wave radiation which they are unable to dissipate convectively. Factors that will critically affect a bat's susceptibility to overheating are the albedo and transmittance of wing membranes to short-wave radiation.

2. 2.|Albedo of taut segments of bat wings from four species of insectivorous bats and one Pteropid varied between 0.026 (for Rhinolophus hipposideros) and 0.069 (Plecotus auritus).

3. 3.|Transmittance exceeded albedo in all species studied and varied from 0.077 (Pipistrellus pipistrellus) to 0.194 (P. auritus). In this small sample there was no relationship between albedo and transmittance.

4. 4.|Total absorbed short-wave radiation amounted to between 70 and 92% of the incident radiation, and averaged 81.9% (SE = 2.4%, n = 9). Given a clear sky short-wave flux density of about 971 W · m−2 a typical small insectivorous bat (5g, wing AREA = 0.013 m2, ABSORPTIVITY = 81.9%) with fully outstretched wings and the sun directly overhead would absorb about 10.65 W, compared with the maximum endogenous heat production from flight of 0.83 W.

5. 5.|Predicted maximum exogenous heat load relative to maximum endogenous heat load declined as a function of body mass, however, even in the largest known bats (1.4 kg) the exogenous burden exceeded by a factor of 3 the endogenous heat load.

Author Keywords: Chiroptera; bats; albedo; daylight; radiation; activity; thermoregulation; energy balance; flight cost; transmission; transmittance; reflection; nocturnality  相似文献   

Variability in host-parasite interactions has considerable impact on the ecology and evolution of parasites and on the epidemiology of disease. The nature of the impact depends largely on the level of ecological organization where variability occurs: variability of parasites within their individual hosts, variability of host individuals within populations, or variability of hosts and parasites among populations. In this review, Paul Schmid-Hempel and Jacob Koella give some examples of variability at each of these levels, with particular emphasis on microparasites (defined broadly as viruses, bacteria and protozoa), consider the maintenance of the variability, and describe the implications of variability for the epidemiology of disease and the ecology of host parasite associations. In particular, they describe how variability at each level of ecological organization can affect the perception of AIDS and the evolution of virulence.  相似文献   

The Moenkopi Formation has yielded partial and isolated remains of important archosaurs including rauisuchian skull fragments and isolated poposaur centra and pelvic girdle elements. A recently discovered skeleton referable to Arizonasaurus babbitti shows that most of these archosaurian remains belong to one taxon. Characteristics of the skeleton of Arizonasaurus show that it belongs to a poorly known group of Middle Triassic (240-230 Myr ago) archosaurs called the ctenosauriscids, and that ctenosauriscids are or are closely related to poposaurs. Furthermore, many characteristics of Arizonasaurus provide evidence that poposaurids and ctenosauriscids are derived rauisuchians. The presence of a poposaurid in the early Middle Triassic suggests that the divergence of birds and crocodiles occurred earlier than previously thought. Middle Triassic ctenosauriscids also allow the correlation of Triassic faunas in Europe, Asia, North America and Africa. The Moenkopi Formation fauna represents a transitional fauna between Early and Late Triassic faunas.  相似文献   

The formation and maintenance of neuronal synapses is dependent on the active transport of material between the cell body and the axon terminal. Cytoplasmic dynein is one motor for microtubule-based axonal transport. Two pools of cytoplasmic dynein have been identified in the axon. They are distinguished by their intermediate and light intermediate chain subunits. Each pool is transported at different rates down the axon in association with different proteins or organelles. This review presents several models to discuss the potential functional roles of these different pools of cytoplasmic dynein during axonal transport.  相似文献   

This paper discusses the influences on food and farming of an increasingly urbanized world and a declining ratio of food producers to food consumers. Urbanization has been underpinned by the rapid growth in the world economy and in the proportion of gross world product and of workers in industrial and service enterprises. Globally, agriculture has met the demands from this rapidly growing urban population, including food that is more energy-, land-, water- and greenhouse gas emission-intensive. But hundreds of millions of urban dwellers suffer under-nutrition. So the key issues with regard to agriculture and urbanization are whether the growing and changing demands for agricultural products from growing urban populations can be sustained while at the same time underpinning agricultural prosperity and reducing rural and urban poverty. To this are added the need to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and to build resilience in agriculture and urban development to climate change impacts. The paper gives particular attention to low- and middle-income nations since these have more than three-quarters of the world''s urban population and most of its largest cities and these include nations where issues of food security are most pressing.  相似文献   

Experiments on decision making by humans show that the choices that we make can be very labile. The magnitude of our preferences, and even our rank ordering of options, can vary according to the number and type of alternatives available for comparison. This apparent irrationality has been argued to result from our use of decision heuristics that have evolved to enable us to choose quickly and efficiently between options differing in multiple attributes. Here, we argue that, because there is also selective pressure for animals to make mating decisions quickly, and because potential mates also differ in multiple attributes, similar decision heuristics might have evolved for mate choice. Following this reasoning, the attractiveness of a given mate will depend on the others with whom he or she is being compared, rather than being an absolute function of his or her underlying quality. We describe some of the ramifications of such comparative evaluation, and argue that it could offer new insights into some of the biggest outstanding problems in mate choice and sexual selection.  相似文献   

Cummins JM 《Theriogenology》2001,55(6):1381-1399
At fertilization, the mammalian sperm transmits the haploid paternal genome. However, it also carries a variety of other factors into the oocyte that have the potential to affect embryo development. These include mRNAs left over from spermatogenesis, mitochondria with their own DNA, cytoskeletal and contractile elements, remnants of the sperm plasma membrane and, in many species, the sperm centriole. While most of these elements are eliminated, some play essential roles in early embryogenesis. In this review, I summarize the latest information on these phenomena and indicate some of the implications for animal biotechnology and, in particular, cloning.  相似文献   

In order to analyze quantitatively the translocation of plasma membrane during endocytosis and transcytosis and the regulation of these processes in thyroid follicle cells, the apical cell surfaces of resting and TSH-stimulated inside-out follicles were labeled with cationized ferritin. Morphometric analyses showed that the rates of endocytosis and transcytosis are TSH-dependent. More interestingly, whereas the effect of TSH on endocytosis was transient (with a maximum at 16 min), the effect on transcytosis continued to increase until the end of the experiment (i.e, 70 min). During 1 h of endocytosis, the fraction of membrane involved in transcytosis increased by a factor 4 upon TSH stimulation, corresponding to about 12% of the internalized apical plasma membrane area. Cooling to 15 degrees C slowed down, but did not block endocytosis entirely, whereas transcytosis and transfer to lysosomes were totally inhibited In order to quantitate transcytosis of thyroglobulin (TG) and to ascertain whether this molecule undergoes cleavage during transcytosis, inside-out follicles were incubated in a medium containing 3H-labeled TG in the presence of TSH; upon washing and reopening of follicles, the luminal fluid containing TG after transcytosis was found to contain about 10% of the total radioactivity taken up by follicle cells. Transcytosed TG proved to be unmodified with respect to its electrophoretic mobility. We conclude that (i) the fraction of transcytosed TG corresponds approximately to the fraction of membrane involved in this process, (ii) TG does not undergo cleavage during transcytosis, (iii) endocytosis and transcytosis are regulated by TSH but differ in their kinetics after stimulation, and (iv) transcytosis is affected by temperature in a similar way as transfer to lysosomes, suggesting the existence of a common gating step for both pathways.  相似文献   

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