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Powdery mildew, caused by Golovinomyces orontii and Podosphaera xanthii, is a widespread disease that causes important losses in cucurbit production. To determine the aetiology and the epidemiology of cucurbit powdery mildew disease in the North of Italy, observations on the occurrence of the main disease‐causing fungal species were conducted during the 2010, 2011 and 2012 growing seasons. Samples of infected leaves of zucchini, melon and pumpkin plants, either from field or greenhouse crops, were collected every 15–18 days from May to September/October. To identify the fungal species, both morphological observations based on the asexual stage and molecular identifications by a Multiplex‐PCR reaction with species‐specific primers were performed. Climatic parameters of temperature and relative humidity were also monitored. Pearson's correlation coefficient and Principal Component Analysis showed a negative significant correlation between the two species, and a peculiar epidemiological behaviour was also observed: the earlier infections were caused by G. orontii, which was the predominant species till the end of June–middle of July. At this time, this species progressively decreased in frequency and was replaced by P. xanthii that became the main species infecting cucurbits till the end of the growing season. As the two species have different ecological requirements, these seasonal variations in the cucurbit powdery mildew species composition could possibly be explained by the influence of temperature and relative humidity on the pathogen epidemiology during the growing season but also by the different overwintering strategies adopted by the two species.  相似文献   

Powdery mildew diseases are economically important diseases, caused by obligate biotrophic fungi of the Erysiphales. To understand the complex inheritance of resistance to the powdery mildew disease in the model plant Arabidopsis thaliana, quantitative trait loci analysis was performed using a set of recombinant inbred lines derived from a cross between the resistant accession Kashmir-1 and the susceptible accession Columbia glabrous1. We identified and mapped three independent powdery mildew quantitative disease resistance loci, which act additively to confer disease resistance. The locus with the strongest effect on resistance was mapped to a 500-kbp interval on chromosome III.  相似文献   

Powdery mildew is a foliar disease caused by epiphytically growing obligate biotrophic ascomycete fungi. How powdery mildew colonization affects host resident microbial communities locally and systemically remains poorly explored. We performed powdery mildew (Golovinomyces orontii) infection experiments with Arabidopsis thaliana grown in either natural soil or a gnotobiotic system and studied the influence of pathogen invasion into standing natural multi-kingdom or synthetic bacterial communities (SynComs). We found that after infection of soil-grown plants, G. orontii outcompeted numerous resident leaf-associated fungi while fungal community structure in roots remained unaltered. We further detected a significant shift in foliar but not root-associated bacterial communities in this setup. Pre-colonization of germ-free A. thaliana leaves with a bacterial leaf-derived SynCom, followed by G. orontii invasion, induced an overall similar shift in the foliar bacterial microbiota and minor changes in the root-associated bacterial assemblage. However, a standing root-derived SynCom in root samples remained robust against foliar infection with G. orontii. Although pathogen growth was unaffected by the leaf SynCom, fungal infection caused a twofold increase in leaf bacterial load. Our findings indicate that G. orontii infection affects mainly microbial communities in local plant tissue, possibly driven by pathogen-induced changes in source-sink relationships and host immune status.  相似文献   

This paper reports on six Arabidopsis accessions that show resistance to a wild isolate of the powdery mildew pathogen, Erysiphe cichoracearum . Resistance at 7 days post-inoculation in these accessions was characterized by limited fungal growth and sporadic development of chlorotic or necrotic lesions at inoculation sites. Three accessions, Wa-1, Kas-1 and SI-0, were highly resistant, while the other accessions permitted some fungal growth and conidiation. Papilla formation was a frequent host response; however, cell death appeared to be neither a rapid nor a common response to infection. To determine the genetic basis of resistance, segregation analyses of progeny from crosses between each of the resistant accessions and Columbia ( gl1 ), which is susceptible to the powdery mildew pathogen, were performed. For all accessions except SI-0, resistance was conferred by a single locus. SI-0 was unique in that two unlinked loci controlled the disease reaction phenotype. In accessions Wa-1, Kas-1, Stw-0 and Su-0, powdery mildew resistance was encoded by a semi-dominant allele. However, susceptibility was dominant to resistance in accessions Te-0 and SI-0. Mapping studies revealed that powdery mildew resistances in Kas-1, Wa-1, Te-0, Su-0 and Stw-0 were controlled by five independent loci. This study suggests that the Arabidopsis powdery mildew disease will be a suitable model system in which to investigate powdery mildew diseases.  相似文献   

Pytohormone abscisic acid(ABA) plays important roles in defense responses.Nonetheless,how ABA regulates plant resistance to biotrophic fungi remains largely unknown.Arabidopsis ABA-deficient mutants,aba2-1 and aba3-1,displayed enhanced resistance to the biotrophic powdery mildew fungus Golovinomyces cichoracearum.Moreover,exogenously administered ABA increased the susceptibility of Arabidopsis to G.cichoracearum.Arabidopsis ABA perception components mutants,abil-1 and abi2-1,also displayed similar phenotypes to ABA-deficient mutants in resistance to G.cichoracearum.However,the resistance to G.cichoracearum is not changed in downstream ABA signaling transduction mutants,abi3-1,abi4-1,and abi5-1.Microscopic examination revealed that hyphal growth and conidiophore production of G.cichoracearum were compromised in the ABA deficient mutants,even though pre-penetration and penetration growth of the fungus were not affected.In addition,salicylic acid(SA) and MPK3 are found to be involved in ABA-regulated resistance to G.cichoracearum.Our work demonstrates that ABA negatively regulates post-penetration resistance of Arabidopsis to powdery mildew fungus G.cichoracearum,probably through antagonizing the function of SA.  相似文献   

Non-specific lipid transfer proteins (LTPs) are involved in the transport of lipophilic compounds to the cuticular surface in epidermal cells and in the defence against pathogens. The role of glycophosphatidylinositol (GPI)-anchored LTPs (LTPGs) in resistance against non-host mildews in Arabidopsis thaliana was investigated using reverse genetics. Loss of either LTPG1, LTPG2, LTPG5 or LTPG6 increased the susceptibility to penetration of the epidermal cell wall by Blumeria graminis f. sp. hordei (Bgh). However, no impact on pre-penetration defence against another non-host mildew, Erysiphe pisi (Ep), was observed. LTPG1 was localized to papillae at the sites of Bgh penetration. This study shows that, in addition to the previously known functions, LTPGs contribute to pre-invasive defence against certain non-host powdery mildew pathogens.  相似文献   

Anna-Liisa Laine 《Oikos》2004,107(2):329-337
While biotrophic fungal pathogens have generally been considered to have negative effects on phytophagous insects sharing the same host plant, very little is known about whether fungal infection may affect the dynamics of natural insect populations. This study was designed to determine the effects of fungal infection by Podosphaera plantaginis , a powdery mildew, of a shared host plant, Plantago lanceolata , on the larvae of the butterfly Melitaea cinxia . Larval responses were assessed in a no-choice feeding assay involving infected and healthy leaves, as well as in a behavioural experiment in which larvae had an opportunity to move among infected and uninfected plants. In the no-choice feeding assay larvae developed more slowly and weighed less at diapause when feeding on fungal-infected than on healthy leaves. In the behavioural experiment larval groups tended to leave the original host plant when it was infected by P. plantaginis . This tendency was associated with splitting of larval groups into smaller subgroups. These effects observed in an experimental setting were also confirmed to act under natural conditions. An analysis of 167 M. cinxia populations showed that over-winter survival of larval groups was 26% lower in host populations infected by the mildew than in non-infected host populations. Smaller, more slowly developing larvae may not be ready to enter diapause at the onset of fall, causing the observed increase in mortality. This is the first study to demonstrate that the negative effects of a biotrophic fungal infection may extend to the dynamics of entire insect populations.  相似文献   

The deposition of callose, a (1,3)-β-glucan cell wall polymer, can play an essential role in the defense response to invading pathogens. We could recently show that Arabidopsis thaliana lines with an overexpression of the callose synthase gene PMR4 gained complete penetration resistance to the adapted powdery mildew Golovinomyces cichoracearum and the non-adapted powdery mildew Blumeria graminis f. sp hordei. The penetration resistance is based on the transport of the callose synthase PMR4 to the site of attempted fungal penetration and the subsequent formation of enlarged callose deposits. The deposits differed in their total diameter comparing both types of powdery mildew infection. In this study, further characterization of these callose deposits revealed that size differences were especially pronounced in the core region of the deposits. This suggests that specific, pathogen-dependent factors exist, which might regulate callose synthase transport to the core region of forming deposits.  相似文献   

Certain plant receptor-like cytoplasmic kinases were reported to interact with small monomeric G-proteins of the RHO of plant (ROP; also called RAC) family in planta and to be activated by this interaction in vitro. We identified a barley (Hordeum vulgare) partial cDNA of a ROP binding protein kinase (HvRBK1) in yeast (Saccharomyces cerevisiae) two-hybrid screenings with barley HvROP bait proteins. Protein interaction of the constitutively activated (CA) barley HvROPs CA HvRACB and CA HvRAC1 with full-length HvRBK1 was verified in yeast and in planta. Green fluorescent protein-tagged HvRBK1 appears in the cytoplasm and nucleoplasm, but CA HvRACB or CA HvRAC1 can recruit green fluorescent protein-HvRBK1 to the cell periphery. Barley HvRBK1 is an active kinase in vitro, and activity is enhanced by CA HvRACB or GTP-loaded HvRAC1. Hence, HvRBK1 might act downstream of active HvROPs. Transient-induced gene silencing of barley HvRBK1 supported penetration by the parasitic fungus Blumeria graminis f. sp. hordei, suggesting a function of the protein in basal disease resistance. Transient knockdown of HvRBK1 also influenced the stability of cortical microtubules in barley epidermal cells. Hence, HvRBK1 might function in basal resistance to powdery mildew by influencing microtubule organization.  相似文献   



The interaction between insects and plants takes myriad forms in the generation of spectacular diversity. In this association a species host range is fundamental and often measured using an estimate of phylogenetic concordance between species. Pollinating fig wasps display extreme host species specificity, but the intraspecific variation in empirical accounts of host affiliation has previously been underestimated. In this investigation, lineage delimitation and codiversification tests are used to generate and discuss hypotheses elucidating on pollinating fig wasp associations with Ficus.


Statistical parsimony and AMOVA revealed deep divergences at the COI locus within several pollinating fig wasp species that persist on the same host Ficus species. Changes in branching patterns estimated using the generalized mixed Yule coalescent test indicated lineage duplication on the same Ficus species. Conversely, Elisabethiella and Alfonsiella fig wasp species are able to reproduce on multiple, but closely related host fig species. Tree reconciliation tests indicate significant codiversification as well as significant incongruence between fig wasp and Ficus phylogenies.


The findings demonstrate more relaxed pollinating fig wasp host specificity than previously appreciated. Evolutionarily conservative host associations have been tempered by horizontal transfer and lineage duplication among closely related Ficus species. Independent and asynchronistic diversification of pollinating fig wasps is best explained by a combination of both sympatric and allopatric models of speciation. Pollinator host preference constraints permit reproduction on closely related Ficus species, but uncertainty of the frequency and duration of these associations requires better resolution.  相似文献   

Treatment of seed with the systemic fungicides triadimenol plus fuberidazole as Baytan significantly decreased powdery mildew in field experiments involving eight oat cultivars differing widely in their resistance to the disease. This was so up to growth stage G.S. 61 (Zadoks) even in a year of high mildew incidence, although the effect diminished after flowering. Significant (P≥ 0.001) interactions between fungicide treatments and cultivars occurred in each of three years at nearly all assessment times. In years of high mildew incidence (1983 and 1984), susceptible cultivars developed similar levels of mildew in seed-treated and untreated plots by about flowering time, although cultivars with adult plant resistance (APR) had significantly less mildew when seed-treated than when left untreated. Later, as the APR was fully expressed and the fungicide effectiveness was declining, similar mildew levels were recorded on treated and untreated plots. Untreated APR cultivars generally had less mildew than treated susceptible cultivars and in a year of late and light mildew, APR alone provided good protection. Seed treatments combined with foliar sprays of tridemorph as Calixin almost completely controlled mildew except on very susceptible cultivars late in the season in high mildew years. Over all cultivars, seed treatment gave yield advantages of 5.3% (1983) and 6.6% (1984) but in 1982, a year of low mildew, the response was small. The possible influence of integrated host resistance and fungicides in stabilising the pathogen population at economically unimportant levels and the environmental benefit of using host resistance to minimise fungicide usage is discussed.  相似文献   

There is growing evidence that multivesicular bodies and cell wall-associated paramural bodies participate in the enhanced vesicle trafficking induced by pathogen attack. Here, we performed transmission electron microscopy in combination with cytochemical localization of H2O2 to investigate multivesicular compartments during establishment of compatible interaction in susceptible barley (Hordeum vulgare) and during hypersensitive response in resistant MLA12-barley infected by the barley powdery mildew fungus (Blumeria graminis f. sp. hordei). Multivesicular bodies, intravacuolar vesicle aggregates and paramural bodies proliferated in the penetrated epidermal cell during development of the fungal haustorium. These vesicular structures also proliferated at the periphery of intact cells, which were adjacent to the hypersensitive dying cells and deposited cell wall appositions associated with H2O2 accumulation. All plasmodesmata between intact cells and hypersensitive cells were constricted or blocked by cell wall appositions. These results suggest that multivesicular compartments participate in secretion of building blocks for cell wall appositions not only to arrest fungal penetration but also to contain hypersensitive cell death through blocking plasmodesmata. They may also participate in internalization of damaged membranes, deleterious materials, nutrients, elicitors and elicitor receptors.  相似文献   

Investigations on GFP-MAP4 and GFP-ABD2 plants of Arabidopsis thaliana with the usage of inhibitors of actin and tubulin polymerization revealed that stability of cell growth in the zone of distal elongation of a root is provided by structural interactions between microtubules and actin filaments. The experiments with clinorotation and inhibition analysis enabled us to demonstrate that gravitation is a determining factor for the interaction between cytoskeleton elements in the zone of distal elongation in a root.  相似文献   

In two experiments, winter wheat (Triticum aestivum cv. Cerco) was grown in 350 (ambient) and 700 μmol mol-1 (elevated) atmospheric CO2 concentrations. In the first experiment, plants were grown at five levels of nitrogen fertilization, and in the second experiment, plants were grown at three levels of water supply. All plants were infected with powdery mildew, caused by the fungus Erysiphe graminis. Plants grown in elevated atmospheric CO2 concentrations had significantly reduced % shoot nitrogen contents and significantly increased % shoot water contents. At elevated atmospheric CO2 concentrations, where plant nitrogen content was significantly reduced, the severity of mildew infection was significantly reduced, and where host water content was significantly increased, the severity of mildew infection was significantly increased. In a moderate water supply treatment, the plants grown in elevated atmospheric CO2 concentrations had significantly reduced nitrogen contents (9·9%) and significantly increased water content (4%), the amount of mildew infection was unchanged. The severity of mildew infection appeared to be more sensitive to host water content than to host nitrogen content.  相似文献   

Summary Genome organization of the biotrophic barley powdery mildew fungus was studied using restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP). Genomic DNA clones containing either low-or multiple-copy sequences appeared to be the best RFLP markers, as they frequently revealed polymorphisms that could be readily detected. A total of 31 loci were identified using 11 genomic DNA clones as probes. Linkage analysis of the 31 RFLP loci and five virulence loci resulted in the construction of seven groups of linked loci. Two of these contained both RFLP markers and virulence genes. RFLP markers were found to be very efficient in characterizing mildew isolates, as only three markers were necessary to differentiate 28 isolates. The DNA of the barley powdery mildew fungus appeared to contain a considerable number of repetitive sequences dispersed throughout the genome.  相似文献   

Plant immunity against the majority of the microbial pathogens is conveyed by a phenomenon known as non-host resistance (NHR). This defence mechanism affords durable protection to plant species against given species of phytopathogens. We investigated the genetic basis of NHR in Arabidopsis against the wheat powdery mildew fungus Blumeria graminis f. sp. tritici (Bgt). Both primary and appressorial germ tubes were produced from individual Bgt conidia on the surface of the Arabidopsis leaves. Attempted infection occasionally resulted in successful penetration, which led to the development of an abnormal unilateral haustorium. Inoculation of a series of Arabidopsis defence-related mutants with Bgt resulted in the attenuation of reactive oxygen intermediate (ROI) production and salicylic acid (SA)-dependent defence gene expression in eds1, pad4 and nahG plants, which are known to be defective in some aspects of host resistance. Furthermore, Bgt often developed bilateral haustoria in the mutant Arabidopsis lines that closely resembled those formed in wheat. A similar decrease in NHR was observed following treatment of the wild-type Arabidopsis plants with cytochalasin E, an inhibitor of actin microfilament polymerisation. In eds1 mutants, inhibition of actin polymerisation severely compromised NHR in Arabidopsis against Bgt. This permitted completion of the Bgt infection cycle on these plants. Therefore, actin cytoskeletal function and EDS1 activity, in combination, are major contributors to NHR in Arabidopsis against wheat powdery mildew.  相似文献   

RHO-like GTPases of plants (ROPs, also called RACs) are involved in plant development and interaction with the environment. The barley ROP protein RACB is involved in susceptibility to the fungal pathogen Blumeria graminis f.sp. hordei ( Bgh ) . By screening barley sequence databases for potential protein interactors of plant RHO-like proteins, we identified a ROP-interactive CRIB (CDC42/RAC interactive binding) motif containing protein of 171 amino acids (RIC171). The protein interacted with constitutively activated RACB in a targeted yeast two-hybrid assay. By use of split yellow fluorescing protein fusions, we demonstrated that RIC171 interacts with constitutively activated (CA) RACB-G15V but not with dominant negative RACB-T20N in planta . Transient overexpression of RIC171, similar to overexpression of CA RACB-G15V, rendered epidermal cells more susceptible to penetration by Bgh . In contrast, expression of a 46-amino-acid RIC171-CRIB peptide, which was sufficient to interact with CA RACB-G15V, had a dominant negative effect and reduced susceptibility to Bgh . A red fluorescing DsRED–RIC171 fusion protein colocalized with green fluorescing GFP–RACB-G15V at the cell periphery. Coexpression with CA RACB-G15V but not with RACB-T20N increased peripheral localization of DsRED–RIC171. Additionally, DsRED–RIC171 accumulated at sites of fungal attack, suggesting enhanced ROP activity at sites of attempted fungal penetration.  相似文献   

The concentrations of putrescine, spermidine and spermine and the activities of arginine decarboxylase (ADC; EC and ornithine decarboxylase (ODC: EC were determined in discrete regions of barley leaves ( Hordeum vulgare L. cv. Golden Promise) infected with the powdery mildew fungus ( Erysiphe graminis f.sp. hordei Marchal). Polyamine concentrations and the activities of both enzymes were always greatest within the region surrounding the fungal pustule, with the lowest values always being found in the region furthest away from the pustule. Although the concentrations of the three amines and ADC and ODC activities within the fungal pustule were always less than values from the zone surrounding the pustule, these differences were never significant. Polyamine concentrations and ODC activity were not significantly reduced, and ADC activity remained unchanged in mildewed leaves with all surface fungal growth removed. It would appear therefore that not only does most of the increase in amines and ODC activity reside in the leaf itself, but that very little of this increase is due to fungal growth and sporulation. Furthermore, it seems possible that the increase in polyamines in mildewed barley could be involved in 'green-island' formation, where regions around mildew pustules remain green and physiologically active while the rest of the leaf senesces.  相似文献   

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