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We compared the stream habitat characteristics and macroinvertebrate assemblages of boreal headwater streams in both the Finnish and the Russian parts of a single river basin, the Koitajoki River. Over the last 50 years, the Finnish side of the catchment has been managed using modern forestry techniques, whereas Russian side has remained nearly unexploited and is near to its natural state. Differences in silvicultural activities were observed to contribute to differences in habitat structure. The channel habitats were in fairly natural state in the Russian reference streams, whereas the impacted Finnish sites were cleared and straightened. In comparison with the impacted channels, the abundance of coarse woody debris (CWD) was 10–100-fold higher in the reference streams. Implications on the forestry-induced deterioration of water quality were also observed. On the contrary, only small differences in macroinvertebrate assemblages were detected. Despite the lower amount of retentive structures (CWD), significantly higher relative abundance of shredders was observed in the forestry-impacted streams. Otherwise the zoobenthic communities were quite similar in the two subcatchments. We suggest that several mechanisms may explain this similarity: (1) community structure is controlled by naturally acidic conditions, (2) the adverse impacts of forestry on habitat structure and water quality of streams may be compensated by increased input of deciduous litter and organic compounds from drained, structurally young riparian forests and (3) macroinvertebrate species have flexible feeding habits and may thus readily adapt to changing conditions.  相似文献   

The study assessed the impact of damming on water quality and macroinvertebrate assemblages. It also assessed the response of macroinvertebrate‐based indices of water quality to damming. Macroinvertebrate community and physicochemical variables data were collected from 86 sites. Twenty‐nine sites downstream of dams were compared with 27 sites above impoundments and 30 sites on nearby unregulated streams. Of the downstream sites, 13 were situated <1 km from a dam while the other 16 were situated >1 km from a dam. A decrease in temperature, dissolved oxygen, conductivity and total dissolved solids was observed in sites immediately downstream of impoundments. Macroinvertebrate community structure and South African Scoring System (SASS) scores closely followed the damming‐induced changes in water quality. However, water quality variables, macroinvertebrate community structure and SASS scores reverted back to typical upstream conditions in distances around 1 km from dams. Stream recovery from dam‐induced changes was demonstrated with streams recovering at distances around 1 km from the point of regulation in corroboration with predictions of the serial discontinuity concept (SDC). These dam‐induced changes also reflected themselves in SASS scores suggesting potential usefulness of SASS in monitoring ecological integrity of tropical rivers following disturbances like damming.  相似文献   

An analysis of the relationships between lotic macroinvertebrates and environmental variables was earned out on material from 60 riffle sites in streams in northern Sweden The approach involved the use of TWINSPAN classification and canonical correspondence analysis on presence/absence data from two seasons (spring and autumn) Variables most strongly associated with distribution patterns of assemblages were drainage area, elevation, water quality in terms of alkalinity, colour and phosphate and the presence of macrophytes The significance of affinities of different species to these variables are discussed The eight clusters resulting from the TWINSPAN analysis could biologically be interpreted as classes of taxa related to stream size, chemical conditions and algae A multiple regression analysis for predicting species nchness using three independent variables, viz drainage area amount or organic matter, and discharge was constructed The results of the study could be used as a starting point for further work on the community organization of benthie stream assemblages  相似文献   

1. According to the guidelines of the European Water Framework Directive, assessment of the ecological quality of streams and rivers should be based on ecotype-specific reference conditions. Here, we assess two approaches for establishing a typology for Mediterranean streams: a top-down approach using environmental variables and bottom-up approach using macroinvertebrate assemblages.
2. Classification of 162 sites using environmental variables resulted in five ecotypes: (i) temporary streams; (ii) evaporite calcareous streams at medium altitude; (iii) siliceous headwater streams at high altitude; (iv) calcareous headwater streams at medium to high altitude and (v) large watercourses.
3. Macroinvertebrate communities of minimally disturbed sites ( n  = 105), grouped using UPGMA (unweighted pair-group method using arithmetic averages) on Bray–Curtis similarities, were used to validate four of the five ecotypes obtained using environmental variables; ecotype 5, large watercourses, was not included as this group had no reference sites.
4. Analysis of similarities ( anosim ) showed that macroinvertebrate assemblage composition differed among three of the four ecotypes, resulting in differences between the bottom-up and top-down classification approaches. Siliceous streams were clearly different from the other three ecotypes, evaporite and calcareous ecotypes did not show large differences in macroinvertebrate assemblages and temporary streams formed a very heterogeneous group because of large variability in salinity and hydrology.
5. This study showed that stream classification schemes based on environmental variables need to be validated using biological variables. Furthermore, our findings indicate that special attention should be given to the classification of temporary streams.  相似文献   

1. Despite long‐standing ecotoxicological evidence that episodes of acidification in streams are important biologically, there is still uncertainty about their effects on invertebrate communities. We surveyed 20 streams in an acid sensitive Alpine area (Canton Ticino, Switzerland), where episodes are driven by snowmelt in spring and by rainstorms at other times of the year. Samples of water and macroinvertebrates were collected in pre‐event conditions (winter and summer) and during periods of high flow (spring and autumn). 2. Using pH, [Ca2+] and [Aln+], streams were clustered into six acid–base groups that were either well buffered (groups 4–6), soft‐water with stable pH (group 3), or poorly buffered with low pH at high flow (groups 1 and 2). 3. Severe episodes occurred during snowmelt, when the group 1 streams became acidic with pH down to 5.0 and [Aln+] up to 140 μg L?1. pH declined to 6.2 in streams of group 2, but remained > 6.6 in groups 3–6. 4. Detrended canonical correspondence analysis showed that the streams sensitive to episodes (groups 1 and 2) had different invertebrate assemblages from well‐buffered sites (groups 4 and 5) or soft‐water stable streams (group 3), with faunal differences largest following spring snowmelt. Empididae, Isoperla rivulorum, Rhithrogena spp. and Baetis spp. were scarce in streams sensitive to episodes (groups 1 and 2). By contrast, Amphinemura sulcicollis was scarcer in hard‐water streams (groups 4–6). Taxonomic richness was lower in the episodic streams of group 1 than in other streams. 5. Together, these results indicate clear biological differences between acid‐sensitive streams with similar low‐flow chemistry but contrasting episode chemistry. Severe episodes of acidification appear to affect macroinvertebrate assemblages in streams in the southern Swiss Alps.  相似文献   

1. The longitudinal effects of herbivory on stream periphyton assemblages were examined in laboratory stream channels, each of which consisted of an upstream chamber, which either contained snail grazers or not, and downstream chambers, none of which contained grazers. Periphyton assemblages of two ages (0–21 days old and 21–42 days old) were sampled in both upstream and downstream chambers to detect proximate (i.e. localized) and longitudinal (i.e. downstream) effects of herbivory. 2. Both proximate and longitudinal effects were detected, although they differed in their impact on the periphyton assemblage. Periphyton biomass and cell accumulation were lower in grazed than in ungrazed upstream chambers throughout the experimental period. Accumulation rates on initially bare tiles were substantially higher downstream of grazed than of ungrazed chambers, but grazing had no effect on cell densities in established (21–42 day old) assemblages downstream. 3. Longitudinal effects of herbivory were not due to quantitative differences in the flux of propagules or nutrients from grazed and ungrazed chambers. Although not tested in this study, it is hypothesized that differences in the physiological condition of exported propagules may have contributed to differences in downstream colonization rates in grazed and ungrazed streams. 4. The magnitude of longitudinal impacts of herbivory and the importance of different causal mechanisms are predicted to vary depending on the standing crop and productive capacity of the periphyton assemblages as well as the consumptive demand of the herbivore guild.  相似文献   

城市溪流中径流式低坝对底栖动物群落结构的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
调查了浙江省安吉县内具径流式低坝的城市溪流(6个样点)和参照溪流(3个样点)的底栖动物群落,目的是了解城市溪流底栖动物群落结构退化规律和径流式低坝(2—3 m)对城市溪流底栖动物群落组成与结构的影响。结果表明,参照样点的底质组成以大石块(35.92%)和卵石(33.66%)为主,城市溪流以砾石为主(57.97%)。城市溪流水温和电导率显著高于参照溪流,TN和TP高于参照溪流。底栖动物总分类单元数和EPT分类单元数显著低于参照溪流。城市溪流河道内水坝上下游之间的流速(P=0.273)和宽深比(P=3.92)无显著差异。坝下游水体中的TP高于坝上游,电导率、溶解氧、pH值和水温在坝上下游之间几乎一致。除BI指数坝下游高于坝上游外,坝上下游间底栖动物总分类单元数、EPT分类单元数以及多样性指数、优势度和均匀度指数没有显著差异。但坝下游的耐污类群比例显著高于坝上游,敏感类群比例则显著低于坝上游。与坝上游相比,坝下游捕食者比例上升和集食者比例下降。NMDS结果进一步表明,城市溪流内水坝的建设导致坝上下游底栖动物群落物种组成明显改变。  相似文献   

1. Changes in water chemistry, benthic organic matter (BOM), and macroinvertebrates were examined in four different glacial streams over an annual cycle. The streams experienced strong seasonal changes in water chemistry that reflected temporal changes in the influence from the source glacier, especially in water turbidity, particulate phosphorus and conductivity.
2. Nitrogen concentrations were high (nitrate-N values were 130–274 μg L–1), especially during spring snowmelt runoff. Benthic organic matter attained >600 g m–2 dry mass at certain times, peaks being associated with seasonal blooms of the alga Hydrurus foetidus .
3. Macroinvertebrate taxon richness was two to three times higher (also numbers and biomass) in winter than summer suggesting winter may be a more favourable period for these animals. Benthic densities averaged 1140–3820 ind. m–2, although peaking as high as 9000 ind. m–2. Average annual biomass ranged from 102 to 721 mg m–2, and reached >2000 mg m–2 at one site in autumn.
4. Taxa common to all sites included the dipterans Diamesa spp. and Rhypholophus sp., the plecopterans Leuctra spp. and Rhabdiopteryx alpina , and the ephemeropterans Baetis alpinus and Rhithrogena spp. Principal components analysis clearly separated winter assemblages from those found in summer.  相似文献   

Ecological realism is an important yet rarely reported feature of model ecosystems. In this case study, we assess the realism of four outdoor artificial stream mesocosms (4 m2) bordering a chalk river in southern England. Comparisons of physiochemical conditions and benthic macroinvertebrate assemblages were made between the mesocosm units and the parent water body, a side arm of the River Frome. Physicochemistry of the mesocosm replicates was similar to that of the source stream, with congruent temporal variation evident between the real system and each of the models. The high realism of the mesocosms was explained by the outdoor location and close physical proximity of the array to the source stream, and the short mesocosm residence time of water sourced from the parent feeder system. Mesocosms supported a diverse array of benthic macroinvertebrates (60 families from 14 taxonomic orders), including all macroinvertebrate families in the source stream. Individual mesocosms contained a mean of 89% of source stream biota. We conclude that once-through mesocosms can be satisfactory analogues of natural systems, particularly where model and natural scales overlap. Handling editor: D. Dudgeon  相似文献   

Structure and composition of benthic macroinvertebrate assemblages were investigated in seven sampling sites with a gradient of environmental integrity and water quality conditions. Composite samples of the four most representative substrates were collected in order to characterize the riffle-pool dynamic in each sampling site. Spatial and temporal variability of macroinvertebrate assemblages were analyzed at two scales: using substrates and grouping samples for comparing sampling sites. Distribution of macroinvertebrates was influenced primarily by substrate type, but also by environmental integrity, water quality and sampling period. Species occurrence was highly dependent on substrate type. At local spatial scale, environmental degradation measured by the Riparian Channel Environmental Inventory and water chemistry were the determinants of assemblage patterns. We evaluated to which extent the substrates were influenced by environmental integrity and water chemistry, and we found that degradation influenced significantly the macroinvertebrate fauna on the four substrate types, although they were not responding to the same variables. Our results show that qualitatively communities were not influenced by seasonal changes, but abundance was stochastically dependent on rainfall.  相似文献   

SUMMARY. 1 Eighteen streams in mid-Wales were sampled for macro-invertebrates in both riffles and margins in April 1985–87. Stream macro-flora, substrata and marginal habitats were surveyed in May 1988.
2. TWINSPAN classification of the macroinvertebrate data indicated three major stream groups. One was distinguished by circumneutral pH and had a flora and fauna typical of such conditions. The other two groups consisted of acidic streams with moorland and conifer afforested catchments respectively. The forest streams were the more acidic but the two groups also differed significantly in the composition of their marginal habitats.
3 The acidic moorland streams had more vegetation ('soft' features) in the margins and supported several invertebrate taxa which were relative more abundant there than in the riffles. These taxa may be excluded from forest streams because the margins are 'hard' due to greater erosiveness and shading.
4. In view of the increasing cover by conifer afforestation in Britain, it is clearly necessary to elucidate all its effects on stream ecosystems, which include changes to the physical environment.  相似文献   

1. There has recently been increasing interest in patterns of beta diversity but we still lack a comprehensive understanding of these patterns in various regions (e.g. the tropics), ecosystems (e.g. streams) and organism groups (e.g. invertebrates). 2. Our aim was to investigate the patterns of beta diversity of stream macroinvertebrates in relation to key environmental (i.e. stream size, pH and habitat degradation) and geographical variables (i.e. latitude, longitude, altitude) in a tropical region. We surveyed a total of 8–10 riffle sites in each of 34 streams (altogether 337 riffle sites were sampled) in Peninsular Malaysia to examine variation in macroinvertebrate community composition at within‐stream and among‐stream scales. 3. Based on test of homogeneity of dispersion, we found that the streams studied differed significantly in within‐stream variation in community composition (i.e. among‐site variation of within stream beta diversity). The patterns were similar based on Bray–Curtis coefficient on abundance data, Sorensen coefficient on presence–absence data and Simpson coefficient on presence–absence data. We also found that within‐stream beta diversity was significantly related to stream size, pH and latitude, with each of these variables individually accounting for around 20% of the variation in beta diversity in simple regressions, while the total variation explained by the three significant variables amounted to around 50% in multiple regressions. By contrast, habitat degradation, longitude and altitude were not significantly related to beta diversity. We also found that the factor drainage basin accounted for much of the variation in beta diversity in general linear models, suppressing the effects of environmental variables. 4. We concluded that within‐stream beta diversity is mainly related to a combination of the identity of a drainage basin and stream environmental factors. Our findings provide important background for stream environmental assessment and conservation planning by emphasising that (i) macroinvertebrate communities within streams are not homogeneous, but show considerable beta diversity, (ii) streams differ in their degree of within‐stream beta diversity, (iii) stream size and water pH should be considered in applied contexts related to within‐stream beta diversity and (iv) historical effects may be different in different drainage basins and may affect present‐day patterns of within‐stream beta diversity.  相似文献   

Summary Some effects of current at velocities of 9 and 38 cm/sec on periphyton communities have been determined in laboratory streams.The diatom community that developed in the faster current formed a dense, felt-like growth on the gravel and rubble substrate and usually appeared dark green or brownish in color. At the slower current velocity, the community was dominated by species of Stigeoclonium, Oedogonium, and Tribonema which formed long, loose oscillating filaments on the substrate and resembled the aggregations of green filamentous algae often observed in ponds.Although the accumulation of biomass on the gravel and rubble was much more rapid in fast current than slow current, by the end of the experiment, the organic matter per unit area of substrate was approximately the same at both velocities. The export of biomass was consistently greater from the community subjected to the faster current, and at a near steady-state or constant standing crop, the highest productivity was maintained at the faster velocity.Dr. Harry K. Phinney has provided helpful advice during this work. The author is also indebted to Dr. Charles E. Warren and Dr. Peter Doudoroff for their invaluable administrative assistance.This paper is a contribution of the Pacific Cooperative Water Pollution and Fisheries Research Laboratories, Oregon State University, and U. S. Public Health Service Cooperating. This investigation was supported in part by National Science Foundation Research Grant GB 467.Technical Paper 1918, Oregon Agricultural Experiment Station.
Zusammenfassung Effekte von Strömungsgeschwindigkeiten von 9 and 38 cm/Sek auf Aufwuchsgesellschaften wurden unter Laboratoriumsbedingungen untersucht.Die Diatomeengesellschaft, die sich in der schnelleren Strömung entwickelte, zeigte dichten filzartigen Wuchs auf dem Kies- und Geröllsubstrat und war gewöhnlich dunkelgrün oder braun gefärbt. Die langsamere Strömungsgesch windigkeit führte ein Vorherrschen von Stigeoclonium, Oedogonium und Tribonema Arten herbei, die lange und lockere, oszillierende Filamente auf dem Substrat bildeten, welche den Ansammlungen von grünen Fadenalgen ähnelten, die man häufig in Teichen beobachtet.Die Mengen organischer Substanz pro Einheitsfläche des Substrates waren nahezu gleich am Ende des Experiments für beide Strömungsgeschwindigkeiten, obwohl die Ansammlung von Biomasse auf Kies and Geröll viel rascher in der schnellen als in der langsamen Strömung vor sich ging. Der Abtransport von Biomasse war durchwegs grösser in der schnelleren Strömung und hier wurde nach Erreichen des Gleichgewichtzustandes oder stetigen Ertragzustandes auch die höchste Produktivität verzeichnet.

Luz Boyero 《Hydrobiologia》2003,499(1-3):161-168
The effect of substrate heterogeneity on the structure of stream macroinvertebrate assemblages (total abundance, taxon richness, and evenness) is still not clear, but this could be due to the lack of standard methods for quantifying substrate heterogeneity. An accurate quantification of substrate heterogeneity was obtained from photographs of sampled areas (each 225 cm2), which were used to create maps that were subsequently digitized and analyzed using image analysis software. These maps allowed the calculation of multiple metrics quantifying two aspects of substrate heterogeneity: composition and spatial configuration of substrate patches. The diversity of substrate types (calculated as the Shannon diversity index), and the heterogeneity of patch compactness (calculated as the coefficient of variation of the relationship between patch dimensions) were the metrics explaining more biotic variance at the sample scale, but at higher scales there were no relationships between assemblage structure and substrate heterogeneity. Most variation in substrate heterogeneity occurred at the sample scale, while some metrics varied significantly at riffle or segment scales; these patterns of variation match those of macroinvertebrate assemblages, which had been previously studied. The importance of quantifying substrate heterogeneity and considering the spatial scales of its study are discussed.  相似文献   

This study examined seasonal variations in the content of water-soluble phenolics extracted from litter and Ah horizon of forest soil under Pinus laricio Poiret trees. After having identified and quantified different phenolics, the effects of seasonal phenolic extracts, single phenolic acids and synthetic phenol mixtures on seed germination of Pinus laricio Poiret, Pinus pinaster Aiton and Pinus halepensis Mill. were evaluated, and the activity of phenolics on the main enzymes involved in the glyoxylate cycle was tested. The results indicated a seasonal variation of phenol content in soil, with largest concentrations of water-soluble phenolic acids in autumn and smallest concentrations in summer. Addition of phenol extracts to germination medium reduced seed germination showing phytotoxic effects which differed, depending on the species and the fractions tested. Phenols extracted from litter and Ah horizon in autumn and winter, vanillic acid, and synthetic mixtures reproducing phenols extracted from soil in winter inhibited seed germination of Pinus laricio, pinaster and halepensis more than other treatments. A greater inhibitory effect was observed on seed germination of Pinus pinaster and halepensis compared to Pinus laricio. The phenols also had the greatest inhibitory effect on glyoxylic enzyme activities. Section Editor: H. Lambers  相似文献   

Fragments of kahikatea (Dacrycarpus dacrydioides) forest provide a major opportunity for conservation of indigenous biodiversity in the heavily deforested landscape of the Waikato Basin, New Zealand. However, there is little documented information on what indigenous fauna survives in these fragments. Using Malaise traps set 20 m and 50 m into fragments and 20 m and 50 m into the adjacent pasture, we analysed the beetle (Coleoptera) assemblages associated with two such kahikatea forest fragments in the south Waikato Basin in order to determine the scope of biotic invasion by adventive species and use of the surrounding pasture by indigenous species. A total of 3706 beetles were caught, encompassing 37 families and 206 recognisable taxonomic units. The forest fragments had a sharply defined edge, and were dominated by indigenous beetle species, with only a few adventive species present. Beetle assemblages sampled in the surrounding pasture were numerically dominated by adventive species. Despite no indigenous plant species being present in the pastures, 55 indigenous beetles species (61% of total species sampled in the pasture) were recorded in this habitat. Traps in the pasture of greatest floral diversity caught the most indigenous beetle species. Beetles of the detritivore guild dominated the samples from forest, but in samples from pasture, detritovores and predatores were co-dominant. Indigenous herbivore species were poorly represented in samples from pasture compared to other guilds. The kahikatea fragments have a rich indigenous beetle fauna and represent important refuges in the pastoral landscape of the Waikato. Many indigenous species are utilising the pasture to some degree, although their abundance and species richness declines with distance from the forest edge. This may have implications for successful dispersal to new patches. Species that could potentially be used as indicators of kahikatea forest fragment community structure and its resistance to invasion are suggested.  相似文献   

Over 70% of the total channel length in all river basins is formed by low order streams, many of which originate on mountaintops. Headwater streams play fundamental roles in processing and transporting terrestrial and aquatic organic matter, often harboring high biodiversity in bottom leaf patches deposited from riparian vegetation. The objective of this study was to assess the variation in taxonomic composition (measured by beta diversity of aquatic macroinvertebrates) among stream sites located in the Espinhaço Meridional Mountain Range, part of a UNESCO Biosphere Reserve in eastern Brazil. We tested two hypotheses. (a) Taxa turnover is the main reason for differences in aquatic insect assemblages within stream sites; we predicted that turnover would be higher than nestedness in all stream sites. (b) Stream site altitude and catchment elevation range are the main explanatory variables for the differences in beta diversity; we predicted that local stream site variables would account for only minor amounts of variation. In both dry and wet seasons, we sampled twice in two habitat types (five leaf patches in pools and five in riffles) in each of nine stream sites distributed in three different river basins. We computed average pairwise beta diversity among sampling stations and seasons in each stream site by using Jaccard and Bray–Curtis indices, and calculated the percentages of diversity resulting from turnover and nestedness. Finally, we tested the degree that local‐ or catchment‐level predictor variables explained beta diversity. We found that turnover was the main component of beta diversity and that both dissolved oxygen and elevation range best explained Bray–Curtis beta diversity. These results reinforce the importance of leaf patches in montane (sky islands) Neotropical savanna streams as biodiversity hotbeds for macroinvertebrates, and that both local and landscape variables explained beta diversity.  相似文献   

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