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Campylobacter jejuni infection is a main source of severe gastroenteritis-related illnesses in humans and there is also evidence that it may be linked to neurological disorders. C. jejuni 81-176 is a virulent strain that has become the global model in the study of mechanisms and pathogenesis of C. jejuni infection. For this reason, we were engaged in studying the fine structures of cell-surface carbohydrate antigens of C. jejuni 81-176, namely, the capsule polysaccharide (CPS) and lipooligosaccharide (LOS). Serologically, C. jejuni 81-176 has been classified as belonging to serogroups HS23 and HS36, and indeed previous studies have shown that the LOS and CPS structures possess components similar to those expressed by serostrains HS23 and HS36. Here, we describe that in addition to the LOS and CPS, this strain also produced an independent cell-surface (1-->4)-alpha-glucan capsule.  相似文献   

Campylobacter jejuni strain 81-176 (HS36, 23) synthesizes two distinct glycan structures, as visualized by immunoblotting of proteinase K-digested whole-cell preparations. A site-specific insertional mutant in the kpsM gene results in loss of expression of a high-molecular-weight (HMW) glycan (apparent Mr 26 kDa to > 85 kDa) and increased resolution of a second ladder-like glycan (apparent Mr 26-50 kDa). The kpsM mutant of 81-176 is no longer typeable in either HS23 or HS36 antisera, indicating that the HMW glycan structure is the serodeterminant of HS23 and HS36. Both the kpsM-dependent HMW glycan and the kpsM-independent ladder-like structure appear to be capsular in nature, as both are attached to phospholipid rather than lipid A. Additionally, the 81-176 kpsM gene can complement a deletion in Escherichia coli kpsM, allowing the expression of an alpha2,8 polysialic acid capsule in E. coli. Loss of the HMW glycan in 81-176 kpsM also increases the surface hydrophobicity and serum sensitivity of the bacterium. The kpsM mutant is also significantly reduced in invasion of INT407 cells and reduced in virulence in a ferret diarrhoeal disease model. The expression of the kpsM-dependent capsule undergoes phase variation at a high frequency.  相似文献   

We describe in this report the characterization of the recently discovered N-linked glycosylation locus of the human bacterial pathogen Campylobacter jejuni, the first such system found in a species from the domain Bacteria. We exploited the ability of this locus to function in Escherichia coli to demonstrate through mutational and structural analyses that variant glycan structures can be transferred onto protein indicating the relaxed specificity of the putative oligosaccharyltransferase PglB. Structural data derived from these variant glycans allowed us to infer the role of five individual glycosyltransferases in the biosynthesis of the N-linked heptasaccharide. Furthermore, we show that C. jejuni- and E. coli-derived pathways can interact in the biosynthesis of N-linked glycoproteins. In particular, the E. coli encoded WecA protein, a UDP-GlcNAc: undecaprenylphosphate GlcNAc-1-phosphate transferase involved in glycolipid biosynthesis, provides for an alternative N-linked heptasaccharide biosynthetic pathway bypassing the requirement for the C. jejuni-derived glycosyltransferase PglC. This is the first experimental evidence that biosynthesis of the N-linked glycan occurs on a lipid-linked precursor prior to transfer onto protein. These findings provide a framework for understanding the process of N-linked protein glycosylation in Bacteria and for devising strategies to exploit this system for glycoengineering.  相似文献   

The major flagellin of Campylobacter jejuni strain 81-176, FlaA, has been shown to be glycosylated at 19 serine or threonine sites, and this glycosylation is required for flagellar filament formation. Some enzymatic components of the glycosylation machinery of C. jejuni 81-176 are localized to the poles of the cell in an FlhF-independent manner. Flagellin glycosylation could be detected in flagellar mutants at multiple levels of the regulatory hierarchy, indicating that glycosylation occurs independently of the flagellar regulon. Mutants were constructed in which each of the 19 serine or threonines that are glycosylated in FlaA was converted to an alanine. Eleven of the 19 mutants displayed no observable phenotype, but the remaining 8 mutants had two distinct phenotypes. Five mutants (mutations S417A, S436A, S440A, S457A, and T481A) were fully motile but defective in autoagglutination (AAG). Three other mutants (mutations S425A, S454A, and S460A) were reduced in motility and synthesized truncated flagellar filaments. The data implicate certain glycans in mediating filament-filament interactions resulting in AAG and other glycans appear to be critical for structural subunit-subunit interactions within the filament.Flagellins from many polarly flagellated bacteria are glycosylated (reviewed in reference 22). The best-characterized examples are the flagellins from Campylobacter spp. that are decorated with as many as 19 O-linked glycans that can contribute ∼10% to the weight of flagellin (38). The genes encoding the enzymes for biosynthesis of the glycans found on Campylobacter flagellins and the respective glycosyltransferases are located adjacent to the flagellin structural genes in one of the more hypervariable regions of the Campylobacter genome (3, 16, 28, 37). Most strains appear to carry the genes for synthesis of two distinct nine-carbon sugars that decorate flagellin: pseudaminic acid (PseAc) and an acetamidino form of legionaminic acid (LegAm) (23). In contrast, Campylobacter jejuni strain 81-176 contains only the pathway for synthesis of PseAc (9) and derivatives of PseAc that include an acetylated form (PseAcOAc), an acetamidino form (PseAm), and a form of PseAm with a glutamic acid moiety attached (PseAmOGln) (25, 34, 38). The flagellins of C. jejuni strain NCTC 11168 have recently been shown to be glycosylated with PseAc and LegAm, as well as two novel derivatives of PseAc, a di-O-methylglyceric acid and a related acetamidino form (24). Thus, although all of the flagellar glycans appear to be based on either PseAc and/or LegAm, there are variations among strains that contribute to serospecificity and reflect the heterogeneity of the flagellin glycosylation loci (23, 24).The function of the glycosyl modifications to flagellar structure and to the biology of campylobacters is not fully understood. Although most polarly flagellated bacteria appear to glycosylate flagellin, mutation of the genes involved in glycosylation does not generally result in loss of motility (22). However, flagella from C. jejuni, Campylobacter coli, and Helicobacter pylori, all members of the epsilon division of Proteobacteria, are unable to assemble a filament in the absence of a functional glycosylation system (7, 33). Also, changes in the glycans on campylobacter flagellins have been shown to affect autoagglutination (AAG) and microcolony formation on intestinal epithelial cells in vitro (5, 9). Thus, a mutant of C. jejuni 81-176 that was unable to synthesize PseAm assembled a flagellar filament, but the sites on the flagellin subunits that were normally glycosylated with PseAm were instead glycosylated with PseAc. This mutant was reduced in AAG, adherence, and invasion of INT407 cells and was also attenuated in a ferret diarrheal disease model (9). C. coli VC167 has both PseAc and LegAm pathways. Mutants that were defective in either pathway could still assemble flagellar filaments composed of subunits that were modified with the alternate sugar, but these mutants showed defects in AAG (7). A VC167 double mutant, defective in both PseAc and LegAm synthesis, was nonflagellated (7). Collectively, these data suggest that some glycosylation is required for either secretion of flagellin or for interactions between subunits within the filament.Flagellar biogenesis in C. jejuni is a complex process that is highly controlled by the alternate sigma factors σ28 and σ54, a two-component regulatory system composed of the sensor kinase FlgS and the σ54-response regulator FlgR, and the flagellar export apparatus (15, 39). Both flgR and flgS genes undergo slip strand mismatch repair in C. jejuni strain 81-176, resulting in an on/off-phase variation of flagellar expression (13, 14). The major flagellin gene, flaA, and some other late flagellar genes are regulated by σ28; the genes encoding the minor flagellin, flaB, and the hook and rod structures are regulated by σ54. Here, we examine several aspects of glycosylation to flagellar function in C. jejuni 81-176. We demonstrate that some components of the flagellar glycosylation machinery are localized to the poles of the cell, but independently of the signal recognition particle-like flagellar protein, FlhF, and that flagellin glycosylation occurs independently of the flagellar regulon. We also show that the glycans on some amino acids appear to play a structural role in subunit interactions in the filament, while others affect interactions with adjacent filaments that result in AAG.  相似文献   

Bacterial genome sequencing has provided a wealth of genetic data. However, the definitive functional characterization of hypothetical open reading frames and novel biosynthetic genes remains challenging. This is particularly true for genes involved in protein glycosylation because the isolation of their glycan moieties is often problematic. We have developed a focused metabolomics approach to define the function of flagellin glycosylation genes in Campylobacter jejuni 81-176. A capillary electrophoresis-electrospray mass spectrometry and precursor ion scanning method was used to examine cell lysates of C. jejuni 81-176 for sugar nucleotides. Novel nucleotide-activated intermediates of the pseudaminic acid (Pse5NAc7NAc) pathway and its acetamidino derivative (PseAm) were found to accumulate within select isogenic mutants, and use of a hydrophilic interaction liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry method permitted large scale purifications of the intermediates. NMR with cryo probe (cold probe) technology was utilized to complete the structural characterization of microgram quantities of CMP-5-acetamido-7-acetamidino-3,5,7,9-tetradeoxy-L-glycero-alpha-L-manno-nonulosonic acid (CMP-Pse5NAc7Am), which is the first report of Pse modified at C7 with an acetamidino group in Campylobacter, and UDP-2,4-diacetamido-2,4,6-trideoxy-alpha-D-glucopyranose, which is a bacillosamine derivative found in the N-linked proteinglycan. Using this focused metabolomics approach, pseB, pseC, pseF, pseI, and for the first time pseA, pseG, and pseH were found to be directly involved in either the biosynthesis of CMP-Pse5NAc7NAc or CMP-Pse5NAc7Am. In contrast, it was shown that pseD, pseE, Cj1314c, Cj1315c, Cjb1301, Cj1334, Cj1341c, and Cj1342c have no role in the CMP-Pse5NAc7NAc or CMP-Pse5NAc7Am pathways. These results demonstrate the usefulness of this approach for targeting compounds within the bacterial metabolome to assign function to genes, identify metabolic intermediates, and elucidate novel biosynthetic pathways.  相似文献   

Campylobacter jejuni contains a general N-linked glycosylation pathway in which a heptasaccharide is sequentially assembled onto a polyisoprenyl diphosphate carrier and subsequently transferred to the asparagine side chain of an acceptor protein. The enzymes in the pathway function at a membrane interface and have in common amphiphilic membrane-bound polyisoprenyl-linked substrates. Herein, we examine the potential role of the polyisoprene component of the substrates by investigating the relative substrate efficiencies of polyisoprene-modified analogues in individual steps of the pathway. Chemically defined substrates for PglC, PglJ, and PglB are prepared via semisynthetic approaches. The substrates included polyisoprenols of varying length, double bond geometry, and degree of saturation for probing the role of the hydrophobic polyisoprene in substrate specificity. Kinetic analysis reveals that all three enzymes exhibit distinct preferences for the polyisoprenyl carrier whereby cis-double bond geometry and alpha-unsaturation of the native substrate are important features, while the precise polyisoprene length may be less critical. These findings suggest that the polyisoprenyl carrier plays a specific role in the function of these enzymes beyond a purely physical role as a membrane anchor. These studies underscore the potential of the C. jejuni N-linked glycosylation pathway as a system for investigating the biochemical and biophysical roles of polyisoprenyl carriers common to prokaryotic and eukaryotic glycosylation.  相似文献   

We report isolation and characterization of Campylobacter jejuni 81-176 lgtF and galT lipooligosaccharide (LOS) core mutants. It has been suggested that the lgtF gene of C. jejuni encodes a two-domain glucosyltransferase that is responsible for the transfer of a β-1,4-glucose residue on heptosyltransferase I (Hep I) and for the transfer of a β-1,2-glucose residue on Hep II. A site-specific mutation in the lgtF gene of C. jejuni 81-176 resulted in expression of a truncated LOS, and complementation of the mutant in trans restored the core mobility to that of the wild type. Mass spectrometry and nuclear magnetic resonance of the truncated LOS confirmed the loss of two glucose residues, a β-1,4-glucose on Hep I and a β-1,2-glucose on Hep II. Mutation of another gene, galT, encoding a glycosyltransferase, which maps outside the region defined as the LOS biosynthetic locus in C. jejuni 81-176, resulted in loss of the β-(1,4)-galactose residue and all distal residues in the core. Both mutants invaded intestinal epithelial cells in vitro at levels comparable to the wild-type levels, in marked contrast to a deeper inner core waaC mutant. These studies have important implications for the role of LOS in the pathogenesis of Campylobacter-mediated infection.  相似文献   

Campylobacter jejuni is one of the most intriguing human foodborne bacterial pathogen. Its survival throughout the food processing chain and its pathogenesis mechanisms in humans remain enigmatic. Living in the animal guts and particularly in avian intestine as a commensal bacterium, this microorganism is frequently isolated from meat products. Ultra high pressure (HP) is a promising alternative to thermal technology for microbial safety of foodstuffs with less organoleptic and nutritional alterations. Its application could be extended to meat products potentially contaminated by C. jejuni. To evaluate the response of Campylobacter to this technological stress and subsequent recovery at a molecular level, a dynamic 2-DE-based proteomic approach has been implemented. After cultivation, C. jejuni cells were conditioned in a high-pressure chamber and transferred to fresh medium for recovery. The protein abundance dynamics at the proteome scale were analyzed by 2-DE during the cellular process of cell injury and recovery. Monitoring protein abundance through time unraveled the basic metabolisms involved in this cellular process. The significance of the proteome evolution modulated by HP and subsequent recovery is discussed in the context of a specific cellular response to stress and recovery of C. jejuni with 69 spots showing significant changes through time.  相似文献   

A genetic locus from Campylobacter jejuni 81-176 (O:23, 36) has been characterized that appears to be involved in glycosylation of multiple proteins, including flagellin. The lipopolysaccharide (LPS) core of Escherichia coli DH5alpha containing some of these genes is modified such that it becomes immunoreactive with O:23 and O:36 antisera and loses reactivity with the lectin wheat germ agglutinin (WGA). Site-specific mutation of one of these genes in the E. coli host causes loss of O:23 and O:36 antibody reactivity and restores reactivity with WGA. However, site-specific mutation of each of the seven genes in 81-176 failed to show any detectable changes in LPS. Multiple proteins from various cellular fractions of each mutant showed altered reactivity by Western blot analyses using O:23 and O:36 antisera. The changes in protein antigenicity could be restored in one of the mutants by the presence of the corresponding wild-type allele in trans on a shuttle vector. Flagellin, which is known to be a glycoprotein, was one of the proteins that showed altered reactivity with O:23 and O:36 antiserum in the mutants. Chemical deglycosylation of protein fractions from the 81-176 wild type suggests that the other proteins with altered antigenicity in the mutants are also glycosylated.  相似文献   

Among strains of Campylobacter jejuni, levels of ferrous iron (Fe2+) uptake was comparable. However, C. jejuni showed a lower level of ferrous iron uptake than Escherichia coli. Consistent with studies of E. coli, Fe2+ uptake in C. jejuni was significantly enhanced by low Mg2+ concentration. The C. jejuni genome sequence contains a single known ferrous iron uptake gene, feoB, whose product shares 50% amino acid identity to Helicobacter pylori FeoB and 29% identity to E. coli FeoB. However, Fe2+ uptake could not be attributed to FeoB for several reasons. Site-directed mutations in feoB caused no defect in 55Fe2+ uptake. Among C. jejuni strains, various nucleotide alterations were found in feoB, indicating that some C. jejuni feoB genes are defective. In addition, uptake could not be attributed to the magnesium transporter CorA, since no reduction in 55Fe2+ uptake was observed in the presence of a CorA-specific inhibitor.  相似文献   

In the Gram-negative bacterium Campylobacter jejuni there is a pgl (protein glycosylation) locus-dependent general N-glycosylation system of proteins. One of the proteins encoded by pgl locus, PglB, a homolog of the eukaryotic oligosaccharyltransferase component Stt3p, is proposed to function as an oligosaccharyltransferase in this prokaryotic system. The sequence requirements of the acceptor polypeptide for N-glycosylation were analyzed by reverse genetics using the reconstituted glycosylation of the model protein AcrA in Escherichia coli. As in eukaryotes, the N-X-S/T sequon is an essential but not a sufficient determinant for N-linked protein glycosylation. This conclusion was supported by the analysis of a novel C. jejuni glycoprotein, HisJ. Export of the polypeptide to the periplasm was required for glycosylation. Our data support the hypothesis that eukaryotic and bacterial N-linked protein glycosylation are homologous processes.  相似文献   

The human pathogen Campylobacter jejuni possesses a general N-linked glycosylation system that is known to play a role in pathogenicity; however, a detailed understanding of this role remains elusive. A considerable hindrance to studying bacterial N-glycosylation in vivo is the absence of small molecule inhibitors to reversibly control the process. This report describes a pathway-screening assay that targets the early enzymes of C. jejuni N-glycan biosynthesis that would enable identification of inhibitors to the first four steps in the pathway. The assay includes PglF, PglE, PglD, PglC, and PglA; the enzymes involved in the biosynthesis of an undecaprenyl diphosphate-linked disaccharide and monitors the transfer of [3H]GalNAc from the hydrophilic UDP-linked carrier to the lipophilic UndPP-diNAcBac (2,4-diacetamido-2,4,6-trideoxyglucose). The optimized assay has a Z'-factor calculated to be 0.77, indicating a robust assay suitable for screening. The diacylglycerol kinase from Streptococcus mutans, which provides a convenient method for phosphorylating undecaprenol, has been included in a modified version of the assay thereby allowing the screen to be conducted with entirely commercially available substrates.  相似文献   

We investigated how asparagine (N)-linked glycosylation affects assembly of acetylcholine receptors (AChRs) in the endoplasmic reticulum (ER). Block of N-linked glycosylation inhibited AChR assembly whereas block of glucose trimming partially blocked assembly at the late stages. Removal of each of seven glycans had a distinct effect on AChR assembly, ranging from no effect to total loss of assembly. Because the chaperone calnexin (CN) associates with N-linked glycans, we examined CN interactions with AChR subunits. CN rapidly associates with 50% or more of newly synthesized AChR subunits, but not with subunits after maturation. Block of N-linked glycosylation or trimming did not alter CN-AChR subunit associations nor did subunit mutations prevent N-linked glycosylation. Additionally, CN associations with subunits lacking N-linked glycans occurred without subunit aggregation or misfolding. Our data indicate that CN associates with AChR subunits without N-linked glycan interactions. Furthermore, CN-subunit associations only occur early in AChR assembly and have no role in events later that require N-linked glycosylation.  相似文献   

In eukaryotes, N-linked protein glycosylation is a universal modification involving addition of preformed oligosaccharides to select Asn-Xaa-Ser/Thr motifs and influencing multiple biological events. We recently demonstrated that Campylobacter jejuni is the first member of the Bacteria to possess an N-linked glycan pathway. In this study, high-resolution magic angle spinning nuclear magnetic resonance (HR-MAS NMR) was applied to probe and quantitate C. jejuni N-glycan biosynthesis in vivo. To confirm HR-MAS NMR findings, glycosylation mutants were screened for chicken colonization potential, and glycoproteins were examined by mass spectrometry and lectin blotting. Consistent with the mechanism in eukaryotes, the combined data indicate that bacterial glycans are assembled en bloc, emphasizing the evolutionary conservation of protein N glycosylation. We also show that under the conditions examined, PglG plays no role in glycan biosynthesis, PglI is the glucosyltransferase and the putative ABC transporter, and WlaB (renamed PglK) is required for glycan assembly. These studies underpin the mechanism of N-linked protein glycosylation in Bacteria and provide a simple model system for investigating protein glycosylation and for exploitation in glycoengineering.  相似文献   

Campylobacter jejuni 81-176 lipooligosaccharide (LOS) is composed of two covalently linked domains: lipid A, a hydrophobic anchor, and a nonrepeating core oligosaccharide, consisting of an inner and outer core region. We report the isolation and characterization of the deepest rough C. jejuni 81-176 mutant by insertional mutagenesis into the waaC gene, encoding heptosyltransferase I that catalyzes the transfer of the first L-glycero-D-manno-heptose residue to 3-deoxy-D-manno-octulosonic residue (Kdo)-lipid A. Tricine gel electrophoresis, followed by silver staining, showed that site-specific mutation in the waaC gene resulted in the expression of a severely truncated LOS compared to wild-type strain 81-176. Gas-liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry and nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy showed that the waaC LOS species lacked all sugars distal to Kdo-lipid A. Parallel structural studies of the capsular polysaccharides of the wild-type strain 81-176 and waaC mutant revealed loss of the 3-O-methyl group in the waaC mutant. Complementation of the C. jejuni mutant by insertion of the wild-type C. jejuni waaC gene into a chromosomal locus resulted in LOS and capsular structures identical to those expressed in the parent strain. We also report here the presence of O-methyl phosphoramidate in wild-type strain 81-176 capsular polysaccharide.  相似文献   

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  • •Protein N-glycosylation is essential for nitrate reductase (Nap) activity in C. jejuni.
  • •Removal of N-glycosylation results in a metabolic switch from Asp to Pro uptake.
  • N-glycosylation is required for optimal chemotaxis towards several substrates.
  • •Loss of N-glycosylation reduces survival following temperature and osmotic shock.

Ishiwata A  Ohta S  Ito Y 《Carbohydrate research》2006,341(10):1557-1573
It has been shown that certain prokaryotes, such as Campylobacter jejuni, have asparagine (Asn)-linked glycoproteins. However, the structures of their glycans are distinct from those of eukaryotic origin. They consist of a bacillosamine residue linked to Asn, an alpha-(1-->4)-GalpNAc repeat, and a branching beta-Glcp residue. In this paper, we describe a strategy for the stereoselective construction of the alpha-(1-->4)-GalpNAc repeat of a C. jejuni N-glycan, utilizing a pentafluoropropionyl (PFP) group as a temporary protective group of the C-4 OH group of the GalpN donor. The strategy was applied to the synthesis of the hexasaccharide alpha-GalpNAc-(1-->4)-alpha-GalpNAc-(1-->4)-[beta-Glcp-(1-->3)]-alpha-GalpNAc(1-->4)-alpha-GalpNAc-(1-->4)-GalpNAc.  相似文献   

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