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种子顽拗性:最新评价   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
根据种子的脱水行为,可以把种子分为正常性、顽拗性和中间性种子三种类型。种子脱水耐性和脱水敏感性的鉴定是制定种子的贮藏策略和物种基因资源长期保存的依据。除了物种的内在特性外,种子的发育状态、脱水速率、脱水时和重新水合时的环境是影响种子脱水耐性的重要因子。种子的存活率、电解质渗漏速率和存活种子的萌发生长速率是衡量种子脱水耐性的良好的综合参数。种子的脱水耐性是一种数量性状,用“临界含水量”的概念来判断是不正确的,且在评价种子顽拗性中引起了一些混乱。本文还提出了一种全新的评价种子顽拗性的工作模式。  相似文献   

种子顽拗性的形成机理及其保存技术   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
根据种子的脱水行为将种子分为正常性种子、顽拗性种子和中间性种子。顽拗性种子在发育的末期不经历成熟脱水.脱落时有相对高的含水量,并且对低温和脱水干燥非常敏感。在自然界,顽拗性种子存在一个连续群,即低度、中度和高度顽拗性种子,其差异在于对脱水伤害的敏感程度。影响种子顽拗性的因素,既有种子本身的生理生化物质基础,也有种子在母株上发育过程中所经受的外界环境的影响。目前,对种子脱水耐性的分子机制及其保存技术研究得较多。本文综述了有关顽拗性种子研究的近期进展。  相似文献   

杜宁 《云南植物研究》2006,28(5):534-534,558
Roberts(1973)根据种子的贮藏行为把种子分为正常性种子和顽拗性种子,Ellis(1990)等认为红这两者之间还存在中间类型即中间型种子。种子的顽拗性是一个数量性状,具有连续性:分为低度顽拗性种子、中度顽拗性种子、高度顽拗性种子。具顽拗性种子的植物主要来自两类:一类为水生植物,如:茭白、菱等;另一类主要是具大粒种子的多年生木本,包括热带作物,热带水果,热带林木,如:可可,红毛丹等。  相似文献   

植物顽拗性种子研究进展   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
对植物顽拗性种子的概念、物种分类、形态、分布及一些生理生态特征进行了综述,分析了顽拗性种子脱水敏感性的原因和对环境的生态适应性,探讨其可能的进化地位和贮存技术。同时,对顽拗性种子研究的发展趋势和应用前景进行了展望,即加强生境调查,更新顽拗性种子植物数据库,从形态学、生理生态学和分子生物学分析种子顽拗性本质。  相似文献   

文章对竹柏(Podocarpus nagi)种子的脱水耐性和贮藏特性进行了研究,结果表明:竹柏种子成熟时初始含水量约为(35±0.7)%,种子对脱水敏感,其最低安全含水量约为(16.86±0.73)%,具有顽拗性种子的典型特征;湿藏和半干藏都可以作为短期保存竹柏种子的方法,且以4℃保存优于15℃保存,但不管种子含水量如何,零下低温保存对竹柏种子都是致命的;半干藏法保存实验中,未进行脱水处理的种子(对照)在4℃贮藏6个月,种子萌发率没有发生明显下降,但贮藏期延长到9个月时,临界含水量的种子萌发力保存最高;不管贮藏介质的含水量高低,也无论贮藏在4℃还是15℃,湿藏种子在9个月的贮藏期内萌发率均没有明显的降低,但当贮藏到12个月时,15℃湿藏种子的萌发率显著高于4℃贮藏的种子,但15℃湿藏的种子在贮藏到3个月时即发现种子在贮藏期间萌发,且随着贮藏介质含水量的升高和贮藏期的延长,萌发的种子增多;竹柏的离体胚经过2 h硅胶快速脱水至含水量7%后再冷冻即可获得90%以上的融后存活率,且超低温保存1年的离体胚解冻后,与只保存1周的存活率没有明显差异,表明超低温长期保存竹柏种子是可行的。本研究可以为进一步探究顽拗性种子的短期贮藏和长期保存提供理论基础和基础资料。  相似文献   

以正常性种子花生为对照,研究了顽拗性黄皮种子脱水过程中活性氧清除酶、膜脂过氧化作用以及电解质渗漏率的变化。随着含水量的下降,黄皮胚的电解质渗漏率和膜脂过氧化产物丙二醛(MDA)含量均显著增加;当黄皮胚含水量下降致40%后,SOD活性开始急剧下降,而POD和CAT活性在胚含水量下降过程中呈现出缓慢下降的趋势。花生胚在含水量从45%降至145的过程中,电解质渗漏率没有明显增加,MDA含量只有少量增加;当含水量降至14%后,电解质渗漏率出现少量增加,花生胚脱水初期,活性氧清除酶活怀明显增加,并在整个脱水过程中维持较高的水平。以上结果表明:顽拗性处子黄皮的脱水敏感性与活性氧清除酶相对活性变化有关。脱水引起黄皮胚活性氧清除酶活性降低,活性氧清除能力下降,膜脂过氧化作用加强,膜透性增大。黄皮胚的膜系统可能是脱水伤害的靶位之一。  相似文献   

文章对竹柏( Podocarpus nagi)种子的脱水耐性和贮藏特性进行了研究,结果表明:竹柏种子成熟时初始含水量约为(35±0?7)%,种子对脱水敏感,其最低安全含水量约为(16?86±0?73)%,具有顽拗性种子的典型特征;湿藏和半干藏都可以作为短期保存竹柏种子的方法,且以4℃保存优于15℃保存,但不管种子含水量如何,零下低温保存对竹柏种子都是致命的;半干藏法保存实验中,未进行脱水处理的种子(对照)在4℃贮藏6个月,种子萌发率没有发生明显下降,但贮藏期延长到9个月时,临界含水量的种子萌发力保存最高;不管贮藏介质的含水量高低,也无论贮藏在4℃还是15℃,湿藏种子在9个月的贮藏期内萌发率均没有明显的降低,但当贮藏到12个月时,15℃湿藏种子的萌发率显著高于4℃贮藏的种子,但15℃湿藏的种子在贮藏到3个月时即发现种子在贮藏期间萌发,且随着贮藏介质含水量的升高和贮藏期的延长,萌发的种子增多;竹柏的离体胚经过2h硅胶快速脱水至含水量7%后再冷冻即可获得90%以上的融后存活率,且超低温保存1年的离体胚解冻后,与只保存1周的存活率没有明显差异,表明超低温长期保存竹柏种子是可行的。本研究可以为进一步探究顽拗性种子的短期贮藏和长期保存提供理论基础和基础资料。  相似文献   

试论种子顽拗性的复合数量性状特征   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
文章简要概述了从顽拗型种子到顽拗性种子这样一个对顽拗性种子认识提高的过程,在综述了前人关于顽拗性种子数量性状特征论述的基础上,把种子顽拗性的数量性状特征划分为种间、种内和个体发育三个层面,提出种子顽拗性是一种复合性状,其核心至少包括脱水耐性、低温耐性和贮藏耐性三方面的内容,其伴随性状包括种子尺度、千粒重、初始含水量、休眠特性、分类地位、地理分布和保护性物质含量等多方面的内容,而且这些核心内容和伴随性状的每一个方面都具有渐变的、过渡的、数量型的特征,从而阐明种子顽拗性是一种复合数量性状.种子顽拗性的复合数量性状特征的提出及其三个层面的划分,有助于加深对种子顽拗性的认识,并用以指导我们在实践中解决种子顽拗性方面的具体问题.  相似文献   

黄皮种子发育晚期,胚内核酸、蛋白质合成能力增强,而花生胚的核酸、蛋白质合成能力在发育晚期则呈下降趋势。黄皮胚的发育在达到生理成熟后维持着活跃的生理代谢并转入萌发状态;而花生胚的代谢活性逐步降低并转入生理静止状态。脱水处理引起生理成熟期黄皮胚核酸、蛋白质合成能力急剧下降,核酸水解酶活性增强。不同程度脱水的黄皮胚吸胀24h,核酸、蛋白质的合成能力随脱水程度的加深而降低;生物大分子代谢能力的变化是顽拗性  相似文献   

顽拗型种子的生物学特性及种子顽拗性的进化   总被引:16,自引:0,他引:16  
综述了顽拗型种子的形态、大小、含水量、植物分类、植物生态方面的一般特性,分析了顽拗型种子对环境的生态适应性,并讨论了种子顽拗性的可能进化模式,进而指出顽拗型种子生理生态学研究的意义和应用前景.顽拗型种子一般千粒重和体积较大,含水量较高,萌发迅速且多无休眠特性;产生顽拗性种子的植物分布很广,与其系统分类地位无关,但多起源于湿润的生境;目前尚无足够的证据表明种子顽拗性是原始性状或是衍生性状,要解决这一问题还需更深入的研究,尤其是种子生理学和生态学家的合作研究.  相似文献   

Freezing and melting transitions of cellular water in embryonic axes and cotyledonary tissues of recalcitrantQuercus rubra(red oak) seeds were compared under slow and rapid cooling conditions. The relevance of desiccation sensitivity (critical water content) and state/phase transition behaviors to cryopreservation was examined. Under a slow to intermediate cooling condition (≤10°C min−1), unfrozen water content in the tissues decreased to less than the critical water content, resulting in a dehydration damage. Under a rapid cooling condition (>100°C min−1) using liquid nitrogen (LN2), freeze-induced dehydration damage could be avoided if the initial water content was >0.50 g g−1dry wt. However, at water content >0.50 g g−1dry wt, the vitrified cellular matrix was highly unstable upon warming at 10°C min−1. These results offered a theoretical explanation on the difficulty for successful cryopreservation of recalcitrant red oak embryonic axes. A complete state/phase transition diagram for red oak axes was constructed, and a vitrification-based cryopreservation protocol that employed predehydration and rapid cooling was examined. State/phase transition behaviors of cellular water are important parameters for cryopreservation; however, vitrification alone was not sufficient for seed tissues to survive the cryopreservation condition.  相似文献   

To investigate the genetic basis of drought tolerance in soybean (Glycine max L. Merr.) a recombinant inbred population with 184 F2:7:11 lines developed from a cross between Kefengl (drought tolerant) and Nannong1138-2 (drought sensitive) were tested under water-stressed and well-watered conditions in field and greenhouse trials. Traits measured included leaf wilting coefficient, excised leaf water loss and relative water content as indicators of plant water status and seed yield. A total of 40 quantitative trait loci (QTLs) were identified: 17 for leaf water status traits under drought stress and 23 for seed yield under well-watered and drought-stressed conditions in both field and greenhouse trials. Two seed yield QTLs were detected under both well-watered and drought-stressed conditions in the field on molecular linkage group H and Dlb, while two seed yield QTLs on molecular linkage group C2 were found under greenhouse conditions. Several QTLs for traits associated with plant water status were identified in both field and greenhouse trials, including two leaf wilting coefficient QTLs on molecular linkage group A2 and one excised leaf water loss QTL on molecular linkage group H. Phenotypic correlations of traits suggested several QTLs had pleiotropic or location-linked associations. These results will help to elucidate the genetic basis of drought tolerance in soybean, and could be incorporated into a marker-assisted selection breeding program to develop high-yielding soybean cultivars with improved tolerance to drought stress.  相似文献   

魏云洁  甄霖  胡云锋  肖玉 《生态学报》2019,39(16):5809-5819
黄土高原是我国乃至全球水土流失治理的重点地区,经过40多年的治理,积累了种类多样的水土保持技术,对遏制和缓解水土流失和生态退化起到了良好作用。目前由于缺乏对具体治理需求的考量,从而影响水土保持技术效果的发挥,故技术评估和需求分析是选择适宜可行生态治理技术的重要环节。选择安塞纸坊沟流域和南沟流域的4个自然村为研究区,通过实地调研、利益相关者问卷调查和地理空间分析,旨在辨识并评估现有水土保持技术,识别技术需求,构建指标体系分析其立地适宜性和社会-经济可行性。研究结果表明,农户主要应用3类12项技术,工程类和生物类技术应用居多,生物类中地埂植物带和农业类技术应用较少;目前应用的水土保持技术整体效果较好,专家认为12项技术中工程类的梯田和淤地坝、生物类的地埂植物带综合表现最好,农户对梯田和水平沟、鱼鳞坑整地等坡面治理技术的效果评分高于专家,对淤地坝、谷坊等沟道治理技术以及集雨水窖和保护性耕作技术的效果评分低于专家,农户更关注技术的经济效益;技术存在的问题表现在梯田和治沟造地配套措施不完善,淤地坝、谷坊和水窖缺少修缮维护;识别出的技术需求分为3类,即新技术、改良技术和配套技术;纸坊沟流域的两个村立地条件更适宜人工造林种草,南沟流域的两个村更适宜天然封育,由社会-经济可行性分析可知,峙崾崄农户需要更多梯田种植果树及其配套技术,纸坊沟需要更多梯田种植作物或大棚蔬菜瓜果,大南沟需要造地后的配套技术,杏树窑需要造地种植作物及道路等配套基础设施。该研究是对黄土高原水土保持技术进行评估和需求分析的重要尝试,为生态治理决策提供参考。  相似文献   

The dynein light chain LC8 is an integral subunit of the cytoplasmic dynein motor complex that binds directly to and promotes assembly of the dynein intermediate chain (IC). LC8 interacts also with a variety of putative dynein cargo molecules such as Bim, a proapoptotic Bcl2 family protein, which have the KXTQT recognition sequence and neuronal nitric oxide synthase (nNOS), which has the GIQVD fingerprint but shares the same binding grooves at the LC8 dimer interface. The work reported here investigates the interaction of LC8 with IC and a putative cargo, Swallow, which share the KXTQT recognition sequence, and addresses the apparent paradox of how LC8, as part of dynein, mediates binding to cargo. The structures of Drosophila LC8 bound to peptides from IC and Swallow solved by X-ray diffraction show that the IC and Swallow peptides bind in the same grooves at the dimer interface. Differences in flexibility between bound and free LC8 were evaluated from hydrogen isotope exchange experiments using heteronuclear NMR spectroscopy. Peptide binding causes an increase in protection from exchange primarily in residues that interact directly with the peptide, such as the beta-strand intertwined at the interface and the N-terminal end of helix alpha2. There is considerably more protection upon Swallow binding, consistent with tighter binding relative to IC. Comparison with the LC8/nNOS complex shows how both the GIQVD and KXTQT fingerprints are recognized in the same groove. The similar structures of LC8/IC and LC8/Swa and the tighter binding of Swallow call into question the role for LC8 as a cargo adaptor protein, and suggest that binding of LC8 to Swallow serves another function, possibly that of a dimerization engine, which is independent of its role in dynein.  相似文献   

Indole is a versatile pharmacophore, a privileged scaffold and an outstanding heterocyclic compound with wide ranges of pharmacological activities due to different mechanisms of action. It is an superlative moiety in drug discovery with the sole property of resembling different structures of the protein. Plenty of research has been taking place in recent years to synthesize and explore the various therapeutic prospectives of this moiety. This review summarizes some of the recent effective chemical synthesis (2014–2018) for indole ring. This review also emphasized on the structure–activity relationship (SAR) to reveal the active pharmacophores of various indole analogues accountable for anticancer, anticonvulsant, antimicrobial, antitubercular, antimalarial, antiviral, antidiabetic and other miscellaneous activities which have been investigated in the last five years. The precise features with motives and framework of each research topic is introduced for helping the medicinal chemists to understand the perspective of the context in a better way. This review will definitely offer the platform for researchers to strategically design diverse novel indole derivatives having different promising pharmacological activities with reduced toxicity and side effects.  相似文献   

Photosynthetic assimilation of CO2 in plants results in the balance between the photochemical energy developed by light in chloroplasts, and the consumption of that energy by the oxygenation processes, mainly the photorespiration in C3 plants. The analysis of classical biological models shows the difficulties to bring to fore the oxygenation rate due to the photorespiration pathway. As for other parameters, the most important key point is the estimation of the electron transport rate (ETR or J), i.e. the flux of biochemical energy, which is shared between the reductive and oxidative cycles of carbon. The only reliable method to quantify the linear electron flux responsible for the production of reductive energy is to directly measure the O2 evolution by 18O2 labelling and mass spectrometry. The hypothesis that the respective rates of reductive and oxidative cycles of carbon are only determined by the kinetic parameters of Rubisco, the respective concentrations of CO2 and O2 at the Rubisco site and the available electron transport rate, ultimately leads to propose new expressions of biochemical model equations. The modelling of 18O2 and 16O2 unidirectional fluxes in plants shows that a simple model can fit the photosynthetic and photorespiration exchanges for a wide range of environmental conditions. Its originality is to express the carboxylation and the oxygenation as a function of external gas concentrations, by the definition of a plant specificity factor Sp that mimics the internal reactions of Rubisco in plants. The difference between the specificity factors of plant (Sp) and of Rubisco (Sr) is directly related to the conductance values to CO2 transfer between the atmosphere and the Rubisco site. This clearly illustrates that the values and the variation of conductance are much more important, in higher C3 plants, than the small variations of the Rubisco specificity factor. The simple model systematically expresses the reciprocal variations of carboxylation and oxygenation exchanges illustrated by a “mirror effect”. It explains the protective sink effect of photorespiration, e.g. during water stress. The importance of the CO2 compensation point, in classical models, is reduced at the benefit of the crossing points Cx and Ox, concentration values where carboxylation and oxygenation are equal or where the gross O2 uptake is half of the gross O2 evolution. This concept is useful to illustrate the feedback effects of photorespiration in the atmosphere regulation. The constancy of Sp and of Cx for a great variation of P under several irradiance levels shows that the regulation of the conductance maintains constant the internal CO2 and the ratio of photorespiration to photosynthesis (PR/P). The maintenance of the ratio PR/P, in conditions of which PR could be reduced and the carboxylation increased, reinforces the hypothesis of a positive role of photorespiration and its involvement in the plant-atmosphere co-evolution.  相似文献   

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