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A lectin purified from the Tora-bean (Phaseolus vulgaris) by affinity chromatography with Con-A Sepharose was shown to be a glycoprotein containing 7.8% neutral sugars (D-mannose, N-acetyl-D-glucosamine, L-fucose, and D-xylose, in a molar ratio of 9.6 : 2.0 : 0.6 : 0.7). Its molecular weight was 130,000, as estimated by exclusion gel chromatography, and SDS gel electrophoresis showed that it consists of four subunits of molecular weight 32,000. The lectin reacts with various glycoproteins, i.e., blood group substances, human parotid salivary glycoprotein, fetuin, and bovine submaxillary mucin. Divalent cations, such as Ca2+, Mn2+, and Mg2+, appear to stimulate its reactivity. Inhibition tests using the glycopeptide fragment from fetuin and some oligosaccharides, as well as the binding test with 14C-N-acetyl-lactosamine suggest that the sequence of D-galactose, N-acetyl-D-glucosamine, and D-mannose residues in the carbohydrate chain of fetuin is essential for binding.  相似文献   

Native Phaseolus vulgaris agglutinin (PHA) poses a potential health threat, when ingested with improperly cooked red kidney beans. Since PHA triggers human basophilic granulocytes in culture to rapidly release considerable amounts of interleukin-(IL-)4 and IL-13, key cytokines for inducing immunoglobulin E (IgE) production, the question was addressed whether this lectin can evoke in vivo IgE production. IgE-low-responder (Sprague-Dawley) rats received PHA (6 mg/rat/day) intragastrically by gavage over a period of 10 days. Up to day 35, there was no IgE induction regardless of whether the animals were boostered subcutaneously with PHA or not, indicating that PHA cannot be regarded as a general IgE inducer in rats.  相似文献   

The unfolding and refolding of Phaseolus vulgaris Leucoagglutinin, a homotetrameric legume lectin, was studied at pH 2.5 and 7.2 using fluorescence, far- and near-UV circular dichroism (CD) spectroscopy, 8-anilino-1-naphthalene sulfonate (ANS) binding and FPLC techniques. This protein was found to refold even at pH 2.5 and also exhibited high refolding yield around 60% at pH 2.5 and 85% at pH 7.2. The refolding at pH 2.5 takes place with the formation of a dimeric intermediate. Although the hydrodynamic radius of the completely renatured protein and the dimer at pH 2.5 was found to be same, the ANS binding as well as far-UV CD spectra of the two were different. The denaturation kinetics at pH 2.5 followed single exponential pattern with the rate of denaturation being independent of protein concentration. The renaturation kinetics on the other hand was dependent on the protein concentration providing further evidence of an intermediate state during refolding. From these experiments the folding pathway of the protein at pH 2.5 was proposed.  相似文献   

The net absorption and accumulation of d-galactose and d-glucose by the small intestine of rats infected with N. brasiliensis were studied in vivo and in vitro. There was no change from control levels in the rate of galactose transfer in vivo by the entire intestine 10 days after infection but fluid transfer was significantly lower at this time. Mucosal galactose transfer in vitro by the entire intestine or by each one-third of the intestine did not change significantly during infection but 10 days after infection mucosal glucose transfer was significantly lower in the infected proximal one-third of the intestine and significantly greater in the distal one-third than in the comparable segments in controls; mucosal glucose transfer by the entire intestine was not affected by infection. Serosal transfer of both hexoses by the proximal two-thirds of the intestine and by the entire intestine was significantly reduced 10 days after infection. Between 10 and 18 days after infection the rate of serosal galactose transfer in vitro was significantly lower than control levels. The difference in response of mucosal and serosal hexose transfer rates to infection appears to be due, in part, to an increase in intestinal glucose metabolism or increased tissue retention of galactose during infection. Mucosal fluid transfer in vitro by the entire intestine was not significantly different from control levels at 10 days of infection when either hexose was used, although there was a significant reduction in the jejunal segment when glucose was used. Mucosal fluid transfer by the entire intestine in the presence of galactose was significantly greater during the rejection phase of the parasite population than in controls.  相似文献   

Two protein components were isolated in a highly purified state from a toxic fraction from the navy (haricot) bean (Phaseolus vulgaris). One, a lectin, strongly agglutinated horse erythrocytes and leucocytes, agglutination being readily observable with both types of cell at a lectin concentration of 4mug/ml. The other component (component 1), although possessing some similarity in composition, was thought to be non-agglutinating or, at most, only very weakly so. Component 1 had a mol.wt. of about 143000 and a subunit mol.wt. of about 37000, suggesting a tetrameric structure probably with identical subunits. Alanine was the only N-terminal amino acid identified and the molecule was notable in being devoid of tryptophan and cysteine, low in methionine and high in leucine, glutamic acid and aspartic acid. The lectin was somewhat smaller (mol.wt. about 114000) and apparently also composed of four identical subunits of mol.wt. about 30000. Dansylation showed that arginine occupied the N-terminus of the polypeptide chain. Aspartic acid, serine, threonine and leucine were the predominant amino acids of the lectin, and the sulphur-containing amino acids were entirely absent. Both constituents were glycoproteins and the compositions of the carbohydrate portions (4.9% for component 1 and 8.1% for the lectin) were generally similar, consisting of mannose and glucosamine with smaller amounts of glucose and traces of xylose and arabinose.  相似文献   

Lectin from crude extract of small black kidney bean (Phaseolus vulgaris) was successfully extracted using the reversed micellar extraction (RME). The effects of water content of organic phase (Wo), ionic strength, pH, Aerosol-OT (AOT) concentration and extraction time on the forward extraction and the pH and ionic strength in the backward extraction were studied to optimize the extraction efficiency and purification factor. Forward extraction of lectin was found to be maximum after 15 min of contact using 50 mM AOT in organic phase with Wo 27 and 10 mM citrate-phosphate buffer at pH 5.5 containing 100 mM NaCl in the aqueous phase. Lectin was backward extracted into a fresh aqueous phase using sodium-phosphate buffer (10 mM, pH 7.0) containing 500 mM KCl. The overall yield of the process was 53.28% for protein recovery and 8.2-fold for purification factor. The efficiency of the process was confirmed by gel electrophoresis analysis.  相似文献   

Two cultivars of the bean, Phaseolus vulgaris L., differing in densities of hooked trichomes were examined for resistance to the potato leafhopper, Empoasca fabae. The major plant factor affecting leafhopper performance was the density of hooked trichomes. Leafhoppers were impaled by these epidermal appendages, leading to wounding and death. Nymphal survival on the cultivar, California Light Red Kidney (hooked trichome density: 2000/cm2) was significantly less than that on Brasil 343 (hooked trichome density: 400/cm2). Hooked trichomes limit damage to beans by reducing the population density of the potato leafhopper.
Zusammenfassung Hakenhaare der Bohne, Phaseolus vulgaris L. schützen gegen Befall durch die Kartoffelzikade, Empoasca fabae (Harris). Zikadenlarven werden auf diesen Haaren aufgespiesst. Sie werden verwundet, bleiben hängen und sterben vorzeitig. Zwei Bohnensorten mit unterschiedlicher Dichte an Hakenhaaren wurden auf ihren Einfluss auf Eiablage und Entwicklungsbiologie eingezwingerter Zikaden geprüft. Eiablage, Entwicklung und Wachstum unterschieden sich auf beiden Sorten nicht. Dagegen war die Larvenmortalität, welche durch das Aufspiessen an Haaren verursacht wird, auf der resistenten Sorte California Light Red Kidney 4–10 mal grösser als auf der anfälligen Sorte Brasil 343, welche eine fünfmal geringere Dichte an Hakenhaaren hat.Im Zeltversuch wurden Populationen von Imagines und von Larven auf der Sorte California Light Red Kidney um 66%, beziehungsweise 88% reduziert verglichen mit solchen auf Brasil 343. Das Wachstum zikadenbefallener und zikadenfreier Pflanzen beider Sorten wurde ebenfalls im Zeltversuch untersucht. Die Reduktion der Blattfläche und des Trockengewichts von Blättern, Stengeln und Wurzeln war bei zikadenbefallenen Brasil 343 signifikant grösser als bei der resistenten Sorte. Demgemäss schliessen wir, dass Hakenhaare für sich allein wirksam sind, den Zikadenschaden bei California Light Red Kidney zu reduzieren und zwar durch Begrenzung der Überlebensrate und der Endpopulation.

The role of active oxygen species has been studied in spreading soft-rot lesions caused by the necrotrophic fungal pathogen Botrytis cinerea Pers.:Fr. in leaves of four genotypes of French bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.). Large increases were observed for the aldehydic end-products of oxidative damage, malondialdehyde and 4-hydroxy-2-nonenal, as a result of infection in each of the genotypes studied. Similar increases were found in a stable free radical and g=4.27 Fe(III) signals, but not Mn(II) signals, in electron paramagnetic resonance spectra. These changes were accompanied by large decreases in ascorbic acid levels, with changes in the antioxidant glutathione being genotype dependent. Received: 3 May 2000 / Accepted: 13 July 2000  相似文献   

Absorption and translocation of Cd in bush beans (Phaseolus vulgaris)   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
A series of experiments was conducted to examine some factors affecting the absorption and translocation of Cd in young bean plants ( Phaseolus vulgaris L. cv. Bulgarian). Absorption of Cd by roots was reduced in the presence of other cations of increasing valency or ionic radii. Reduced absorption was also found in the presence of EDTA. Concentration of Cd in exudates from excised stems increased with increased passage of Cd solutions and approached the concentration in the external medium (4.5 μ M Cd). This was apparently associated with saturation of adsorption sites in the stems. The stem behaved as a cation exchange column resulting in a chromatographic distribution of Cd towards the top of the plant. These experiments indicate that Cd existed in the xylem fluid as a free or weakly complexed cation. Additional experiments showed that the total amount of Cd absorbed by bean plants was elevated by inducing higher transpiration rates. The effect of water flux on Cd transport indicated apoplastic flow to the stele.  相似文献   

The Golgi apparatus of plant cells is thought to be the main site of synthesis of cell wall matrix polysaccharides and the terminal glycosylation of glycoproteins. Much of this evidence still depends on earlier biochemical studies employing subcellular fractionation. However acquiring pure Golgi membranes is still difficult and the question of spatial organisation of glycosyl transferases can be addressed by immunolocation of the enzymes. An antibody to a xylan synthase-associated polypeptide from French bean, the enzyme which synthesises the core polysaccharide for secondary wall xylan, has been raised and shown to inhibit its activity. Xylan is deposited in secondary thickenings and the xylan synthase was only detected in appreciable amounts in developing xylem cells. The location within the Golgi stack was observed throughout the dictyosomes. Some enzyme subunits were also detected in post-Golgi vesicles. A second antibody to a non-catalytic M(r) 65000 subunit of beta 1,3- glucan (callose) synthase was used for a comparative study. Although the bulk of this enzyme has been detected in previous studies at plasmamembrane-wall interfaces in sieve plates and stressed tissue, a Golgi-location can be observed in root tip meristematic cells during cell plate formation. The enzyme was present throughout the stacks. Callose was also immunolocated in a similar manner to xylan in secondary walls and thickenings and in pits in developing xylem. In these cells, the callose synthase was detected at the surface of the growing thickenings and the plasmamembrane within the pits.  相似文献   

After incubation for 3 h with (75Se) selenate, the selenium distribution in the bean plant (Phaseolus vulgaris L. cv. Contender) through a 29-day period showed an uneven distribution: roots and trifoliate leaves were richer in 75Se than stem and primary leaves. The high selenium concentration of roots resulted from the retention of selenate by the root cells: at the end of the 29-day period about 60° of the radioactivity was always ethanol-soluble, and when analysed by paper chromatography, proved to be selenate. By contrast, much of the radioactivity of the leaves was ethanol-insoluble, 75Se being quickly captured in metabolic processes which immobilize it. During plant development, a portion of the total selenium remains mobile and is continually mobilized to the younger organs which display a rapid growth rate. This delivery results from a progressive liberation of selenate retained by mature organs, especially the roots, and from turnover in older leaf tissues, especially the trifoliate leaves.  相似文献   

Nodulated bean plants were exposed to mild salt stress or water deficit in such a way that the nodule's nitrogen‐fixing activity was reduced to about 25–30% that of controls. Water‐deprived plants showed a slight decrease in the weight of the aerial part, whereas the photosynthetic parameters were not significantly affected. In contrast, salt‐stressed plants displayed a reversible decrease in the quantum yield of photosystem II photochemistry. Five water‐deficit responsive cDNA clones encoding one lipid transfer protein, two late‐embryogenesis abundant (LEA) proteins and two proline‐rich proteins (PRPs) showed different organ‐specific expression patterns depending on the kind of stress applied. PRPs and one LEA protein, PvLEA‐18, exhibited the highest expression in nodules. Anti‐PvLEA‐18 antibodies were used to immunolocalize the protein in the nodule. PvLEA‐18 was localized in the cytoplasm and nucleus of nodule cortex cells, and preferentially in cells of the vascular bundles, showing enhanced accumulation under water deficit. To our knowledge, this is the first time that a LEA protein has been identified in legume nodules.  相似文献   

The typical presentation of potato leafhopper injury in beans includes necrosis at the leaf margins (leaf burn or hopperburn), and downward curling or “cupping” of the leaves. To evaluate potato leafhopper damage a visual score that combines the overall severity of leaf burn, leaf curling and stunting symptoms is usually used. Nonetheless, it may be useful to evaluate these symptoms separately since they may be the result of separate mechanisms of damage, controlled by separate genes. A population of 108 recombinant inbred lines (RILs), derived from a cross between a leafhopper‐susceptible Ontario cultivar (Berna) and a resistant line (EMP 419) were scored for injury after natural infestation with Empoasca fabae in Canada and Empoasca kraemeri in Colombia. Leaf burn and leaf curl were significantly rank‐correlated (0.37–0.74, P<0.001) in all environments. However, several RILs consistently exhibited high scores for leaf curl but low values for leaf burn, which suggests that genetic dissection of these characters may be possible. Indeterminate growth habit was associated with slightly lower damage scores in Colombia and Ontario, Canada (P<0.05) while white‐seeded lines had lower damage scores in Colombia (P<0.05). The resistant parental line had significantly lower nymph counts than did the susceptible parent. A positive relationship between damage scores and nymph counts was also observed in the F3 families and the F5:6 RILs.  相似文献   

Bean ( Phaseolus vulgaris L.) cell suspensions were adapted for growth in 12 µ M dichlobenil (2,6-dichlorobenzonitrile or DCB) by a stepwise increase in the concentration of the inhibitor in each subculture. Non-tolerant suspensions (I 50  = 0.3 µ M ) gave rise to single cells or small clusters while tolerant cell suspensions (I 50  = 30 µ M ) grown in DCB formed large clusters. The cells in these clusters were surrounded by a thick and irregular cell wall with a lamellate structure and lacking a differentiated middle lamella. Analysis of habituated cell walls by Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy and cell wall fractionation revealed: (1) a reduced amount of cellulose and hemicelluloses, mainly xyloglucan (2) qualitative and quantitative differences in pectin levels, and (3) a non-crystalline and soluble β-1,4-glucan. When tolerant cells were returned to medium lacking DCB, the size of the cell clusters was reduced; the middle lamella was only partly formed, and the composition of the cell wall gradually reverted to that obtained with non-tolerant cells. However, dehabituated cells (I 50  = 12 µ M ) were 40-fold more tolerant to DCB than non-tolerant cells and were only 2.5-fold more sensitive than tolerant cells.  相似文献   

Phytohaemagglutinin (PHA) is the major lectin present in theseeds of the common bean, Phaseolus vulgaris, and PHA-L is theleucocyte-agglutinating form of this lectin. This tetramericglycoprotein accumulates in the vacuoles of storage parenchymacells. Based on amino acid sequence comparisons of legume lectinsand the three-dimensional structure of lectin-carbohydrate complexes,Asn128 can be identified as a likely candidate for site-directedmutagenesis to create a mutant PHA-L that does not bind carbohydrate.PHA-L N128  相似文献   

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