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Na+ permeation through normal and batrachotoxin (BTX)-modified squid axon Na+ channels was characterized. Unmodified and toxin-modified Na+ channels were studied simultaneously in outside-out membrane patches using the cut-open axon technique. Current-voltage relations for both normal and BTX-modified channels were measured over a wide range of Na+ concentrations and voltages. Channel conductance as a function of Na+ concentration curves showed that within the range 0.015-1 M Na+ the normal channel conductance is 1.7-2.5-fold larger than the BTX-modified conductance. These relations cannot be fitted by a simple Langmuir isotherm. Channel conductance at low concentrations was larger than expected from a Michaelis-Menten behavior. The deviations from the simple case were accounted for by fixed negative charges located in the vicinity of the channel entrances. Fixed negative charges near the pore mouths would have the effect of increasing the local Na+ concentration. The results are discussed in terms of energy profiles with three barriers and two sites, taking into consideration the effect of the fixed negative charges. Either single- or multi-ion pore models can account for all the permeation data obtained in both symmetric and asymmetric conditions. In a temperature range of 5-15 degrees C, the estimated Q10 for the conductance of the BTX-modified Na+ channel was 1.53. BTX appears not to change the Na+ channel ion selectively (for the conditions used) or the surface charge located near the channel entrances.  相似文献   

Gating current (Ig) underlying Na-channel activation is large enough to enable resolution of components both preceding and paralleling Na conductance (gNa) turn-on. For large depolarizations (beyond +20 mV), an additional "slow phase" of Ig is observed during a time when Na activation is already complete, but when K-channel opening is just becoming detectable. If Na- and K-channel gating are similar, the slow kinetics and long delay for K activation predict that K channel Ig must be relatively small and slow. Externally applied dibucaine almost totally blocks gNa and greatly reduces the fast (Na channel) Ig without altering gK or the Ig slow phase. The slow phase of Ig depends in part of the presence of functional K channels. Selective diminution in amplitude of the slow phase is consistently observed after a 30-min perfusion with both external and internal K-free media, a procedure which destroys nearly all K channels. This decrease of Ig amounts to approximately 10% of the total charge movements at +40 to +80 mV, with gating charge and K channels disappearing in a ratio of less than 1 e- per picosiemens of gK. These findings are consistent with the idea that part of the Ig slow phase represents gating current generated by the early steps in K-channel activation.  相似文献   

D C Chang 《Cell biophysics》1985,7(2):107-114
The transport mechanism of Na ions within the nerve cell was studied by measuring the radioactivity distribution profile of 22Na that had been intracellularly injected into the giant axon. Specifically, we tested whether or not the movement of Na ions is coupled with the process of "fast axonal transport." Results of our measurements indicate that the intracellular transport of Na+ and the fast axonal transport are two independent processes. Very few Na ions are irreversibly sequestered into the axoplasmic vesicles involved in axonal transport. The movement of Na+ inside the axon can be modeled by a one-dimension diffusion. The effective diffusion coefficient of the intracellular Na+ was determined in this study.  相似文献   

The transport mechanism of Na ions within the nerve cell was studied by measuring the radioactivity distribution profile of22Na that had been intracellularly injected into the giant axon. Specifically, we tested whether or not the movement of Na ions is coupled with the process of “fast axonal transport.” Results of our measurements indicate that the intracellular transport of Na+ and the fast axonal transport are two independent processes. Very few Na ions are irreversibly sequestered into the axoplasmic vesicles involved in axonal transport. The movement of Na+ inside the axon can be modeled by a one-dimension diffusion. The effective diffusion coefficient of the intracellular Na+ was determined in this study.  相似文献   

The properties of the small fraction of tetrodotoxin (TTX)-sensitive Na channels that remain open in the steady state were studied in internally dialyzed voltage clamped squid giant axons. The observed Ussing flux ratio exponent (n') of 0.97 plus minus 0.03 (calculated from simultaneous measurements of TTX-sensitive current and (22)Na efflux) and nonindependent behavior of Na current at high internal [Na] are explained by a one-site ("1s") permeation model characterized by a single effective binding site within the channel pore in equilibrium with internal Na ions (apparent equilibrium dissociation constant K(Nai)(0) = 0.61 +/- 0.08 M). Steady-state open probability of the TTX-sensitive channels can be modeled by the product p(a)p(infinity), where p(a) represents voltage-dependent activation described by a Boltzmann distribution with midpoint V(a) = -7 mV and effective valence z(a) = 3.2 (Vandenberg, C.A., and F. Bezanilla. 1991. BIOPHYS: J. 60:1499--1510) coupled to voltage-independent inactivation by an equilibrium constant (Bezanilla, F., and C.M. Armstrong. 1977. J. Gen. Physiol. 70:549--566) K(eq) = 770. The factor p(infinity) represents voltage-dependent inactivation with empirical midpoint V(infinity)= -83 plus minus 5 mV and effective valence z(infinity) = 0.55 plus minus 0.03. The composite p(a)p(infinity)1s model describes the steady-state voltage dependence of the persistent TTX-sensitive current well.  相似文献   

Protein phosphorylation is an important mechanism in the modulation of voltage-dependent ionic channels. In squid giant axons, the potassium delayed rectifier channel is modulated by an ATP-mediated phosphorylation mechanism, producing important changes in amplitude and kinetics of the outward current. The characteristics and biophysical basis for the phosphorylation effects have been extensively studied in this preparation using macroscopic, single-channel and gating current experiments. Phosphorylation produces a shift in the voltage dependence of all voltage-dependent parameters including open probability, slow inactivation, first latency, and gating charge transferred. The locus of the effect seems to be located in a fast 20 pS channel, with characteristics of delayed rectifier, but at least another channel is phosphorylated under our experimental conditions. These results are interpreted quantitatively with a mechanistic model that explains all the data. In this model the shift in voltage dependence is produced by electrostatic interactions between the transferred phosphate and the voltage sensor of the channel.  相似文献   

The conductance changes, gK(t) and gNa(t), of squid giant axon under voltage clamp (Hodgkin and Huxley, 1952) may be modeled by exponentiated exponential functions (Gompertz kinetics) from any holding potential VO to any membrane clamp potential V. The equation constants are set by the membrane potential V, and include, for any voltage step in the case of gK, the initial conductance, gO, the asymptote conductance g, and rate constant k: gK = g exp(-be-kt) where b = 1n g/gO. Equations of similar form relate g and k to the voltage V, and govern the corresponding parameters of the gNa system. For the gNa, the fast phase y = y exp (-be-kt) is cut down in proportion to a slow process p = (1 - p)e-k't + p, and thus gNa = py. The expo-exponential functions involve fewer constants than the Hodgkin-Huxley model. In particular, the role of the n, m, h parameters appears to be filled largely by 1n (g/gO) in the case of gK and by 1n (y/yO) in the case of gNa. Membrane action potentials during current clamp may be computed from the conductances generated by use of the appropriate differential forms of the equations; diverse other membrane behaviors may be predicted.  相似文献   

Single sodium channels from the squid giant axon   总被引:9,自引:4,他引:5       下载免费PDF全文
Since the work of A. L. Hodgkin and A. F. Huxley (1952. J. Physiol. [Lond.].117:500-544) the squid giant axon has been considered the classical preparation for the study of voltage-dependent sodium and potassium channels. In this preparation much data have been gathered on macroscopic and gating currents but no single sodium channel data have been available. This paper reports patch clamp recording of single sodium channel events from the cut-open squid axon. It is shown that the single channel conductance in the absence of external divalent ions is approximately 14 pS, similar to sodium channels recorded from other preparations, and that their kinetic properties are consistent with previous results on gating and macroscopic currents obtained from the perfused squid axon preparation.  相似文献   

We have observed the opening and closing of single batrachotoxin (BTX)-modified sodium channels in neuroblastoma cells using the patch-clamp method. The conductance of a single BTX-modified channel is approximately 10 pS. At a given membrane potential, the channels are open longer than are normal sodium channels. As is the case for normal sodium channels, the open dwell times become longer as the membrane is depolarized. For membrane potentials more negative than about -70 mV, histograms of both open-state dwell times and closed-state dwell times could be fit by single exponentials. For more depolarized potentials, although the open-state histograms could still be fit by single exponentials, the closed-state histograms required two exponentials. This data together with macroscopic voltage clamp data on the same system could be accounted for by a three-state closed-closed-open model with transition rates between these states that are exponential functions of membrane potential. One of the implications of this model, in agreement with experiment, is that there are always some closed BTX-modified sodium channels, regardless of membrane potential.  相似文献   

Temperature effects on gating currents in the squid giant axon.   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4       下载免费PDF全文
The effects of temperature (3 degrees-26 degrees C) on the nonlinear components of the displacement current were measured in internally perfused, voltage clamped squid axons. Steps of potential were applied from a holding potential of -70mV (outside ground) to values from -130 to +70mV and either the current or its integral (charge) was recorded as a function of time. For that component of the charge movement not linearly related to voltage, the total charge moved in a few milliseconds (about 1,500 electronic charges/micron2) between saturation limits (e.g. -100mV to +50mV) showed an apparent increase of 13 +/- 5% for a 10 degrees C rise in temperature. Attempts to fit the falling phase of the gating current (or charge) with the sum of two exponentials showed temperature effects on both components but there was considerable scattering. At short times, records for current or charge made at 16 degrees C, expanded by a factor alpha, superimposed on those made at 6 degrees C for alpha about 1.6. For long times alpha was about 2.3.  相似文献   

Hille (1977. Journal of General Physiology. 69:497-515) first proposed a modulated receptor hypothesis (MRH) to explain the action of benzocaine in voltage-gated Na+ channels. Using the MRH as a framework, we examined benzocaine binding in batrachotoxin (BTX)-modified Na+ channels under voltage-clamp conditions using either step or ramp command signals. We found that benzocaine binding is strongly voltage dependent. At -70 mV, the concentration of benzocaine that inhibits 50% of BTX-modified Na+ currents in GH3 cells (IC50) is 0.2 mM, whereas at +50 mV, the IC50 is 1.3 mM. Dose-response curves indicate that only one molecule of benzocaine is required to bind with one BTX-modified Na+ channel at -70 mV, whereas approximately two molecules are needed at +50 mV. Upon treatment with the inactivation modifier chloramine-T, the binding affinity of benzocaine is reduced significantly at -70 mV, probably as a result of the removal of the inactivated state of BTX- modified Na+ channels. The same treatment, however, enhances the binding affinity of cocaine near this voltage. External Na+ ions appear to have little effect on benzocaine binding, although they do affect cocaine binding. We conclude that two mechanisms underlie the action of local anesthetics in BTX-modified Na+ channels. Unlike open-channel blockers such as cocaine and bupivacaine, neutral benzocaine binds preferentially with BTX-modified Na+ channels in a closed state. Furthermore, benzocaine can be modified chemically so that it behaves like an open-channel blocker. This compound also elicits a use- dependent block in unmodified Na+ channels after repetitive depolarizations, whereas benzocaine does not. The implications of these findings for the MRH theory will be discussed.  相似文献   

Removal of Na+ channels in squid giant axons by perfusion with trypsin   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The irreversible effects of the proteolytic enzyme trypsin on ionic and gating currents of voltage-clamped squid axon membranes have been studied. At physiological pH, internal perfusion of the fibre with trypsin was found to be very effective in removing Na+ channels leaving the potassium system almost unaltered. At T = 13 degrees C the rates of channel-cleavage averaged 1/10 min-1 for the Na+ and 1/128 min-1 for the K+ channel, respectively. As estimated by the decrement of peak sodium conductance, the rate of loss of Na+ channels correlates well with the rate of decrease of the total charge associated with the ON component of gating currents, indicating that trypsin probably interacts with an essential proteic portion of the channel whose removal might prevent both the displacement of gating charges and the subsequent opening of the channel. Intracellular pH remarkably influences the action of the enzyme. A plot of the pH-dependence of the rate of cleavage of Na+ channels suggests the involvement of a positively charged group (either lysine or arginine) in the substrate region of the trypsin catalytic reaction.  相似文献   

G K Wang  W M Mok    S Y Wang 《Biophysical journal》1994,67(5):1851-1860
Two distinct types of local anesthetics (LAs) have previously been found to block batrachotoxin (BTX)-modified Na+ channels: type 1 LAs such as cocaine and bupivacaine interact preferentially with open channels, whereas type 2 LAs, such as benzocaine and tricaine, with inactivated channels. Herein, we describe our studies of a third type of LA, represented by tetracaine as a dual blocker that binds strongly with closed channels but also binds to a lesser extent with open channels when the membrane is depolarized. Enhanced inactivation of BTX-modified Na+ channels by tetracaine was determined by steady-state inactivation measurement and by the dose-response curve. The 50% inhibitory concentration (IC50) was estimated to be 5.2 microM at -70 mV, where steady-state inactivation was maximal, with a Hill coefficient of 0.98 suggesting that one tetracaine molecule binds with one inactivated channel. Tetracaine also interacted efficiently with Na+ channels when the membrane was depolarized; the IC50 was estimated to be 39.5 microM at +50 mV with a Hill coefficient of 0.94. Unexpectedly, charged tetracaine was found to be the primary active form in the blocking of inactivated channels. In addition, external Na+ ions appeared to antagonize the tetracaine block of inactivated channels. Consistent with these results, N-butyl tetracaine quaternary ammonium, a permanently charged tetracaine derivative, remained a strong inactivation enhancer. Another derivative of tetracaine, 2-(di-methylamino) ethyl benzoate, which lacked a 4-butylamino functional group on the phenyl ring, elicited block that was approximately 100-fold weaker than that of tetracaine. We surmise that 1) the binding site for inactivation enhancers is within the Na+ permeation pathway, 2) external Na+ ions antagonize the block of inactivation enhancers by electrostatic repulsion, 3) the 4-butylamino functional group on the phenyl ring is critical for block and for the enhancement of inactivation, and 4) there are probably overlapping binding sites for both inactivation enhancers and open-channel blockers within the Na+ pore.  相似文献   

Phosphorylation of the delayed rectifier channel of squid potentiates the macroscopic K+ current and slows its activation kinetics. We have studied this phenomenon at the single channel level using the cut-open axon technique under steady-state conditions. In 10 mM external K+/310 mM internal K+ there are predominantly two types of channels present, a 20-pS and a 40-pS channel. In steady state at depolarized potentials, the 40-pS channel was most active, whereas the 20-pS channel tended to disappear due to a slow inactivation process. Two methods were developed to shift the population of channels toward a dephosphorylated state. One method consisted of predialyzing a whole axon with solutions containing no ATP, while recording the currents under axial-wire voltage clamp. A piece of axon was then removed and cut open, and single channel currents were recorded from the cut-open axon. A second method was based on the difference in diffusion coefficients for ATP and proteins such as the endogenous phosphatase. The axon was cut open in a solution that did not contain Ca2+ or Cl- in order to maintain the axoplasm structurally intact and permit endogenous phosphatase to act on the membrane while ATP diffused away, before removing the axoplasm and forming a membrane patch. When dephosphorylating conditions were used, the steady-state open probability of the 40-pS channel at 42 mV was very low (less than 0.0002), and the channel openings appeared as a series of infrequent, short-duration events. The channel activity was increased up to 150-fold by photoreleasing caged ATP inside the patch pipette in the presence of the catalytic subunit of protein kinase A. The sharp increase in open probability could be accounted for by a decrease of the slow component of the closed time distribution from 23 s to 170 ms with little change in the distribution of open times (1-2 ms) and no change in the single channel current amplitude. In voltage-jump experiments the contribution of the 40-pS channel to the delayed rectifier current was often small due to the large values of the latency to the first opening.  相似文献   

The effects of phosphorylation on the properties of the 20-pS channel of the squid giant axon were studied using the cut-open axon technique. Phosphorylation of the channel was achieved by photoreleasing caged ATP (inside the patch pipette) in the presence of the catalytic subunit of the protein kinase A. An inverted K+ gradient (500 K+ external parallel 5 K+ internal) was used to study the activation process. Phosphorylation decreased the frequency of openings of the channel at most potentials by shifting the probability vs. voltage curve toward more positive potentials. The mean open times showed no voltage dependence and were not affected by phosphorylation. The distribution of first latencies, on the other hand, displayed a sharp voltage dependence. Phosphorylation increased the latency to the first opening at all potentials, shifting the median first latency vs. voltage curve toward more positive potentials. The slow inactivation process was studied in the presence of a physiological K+ gradient (10 K+ external parallel 310 K+ internal). Pulses to 40 mV from different holding potentials were analyzed. Phosphorylation increases the overall ensemble probability by decreasing the number of blank traces. A single channel inactivation curve was constructed by computing the relative appearance of blank traces at different holding potentials before and after photoreleasing caged ATP. As determined in dialyzed axons, the effect of phosphorylation consisted in a shift of the inactivation curve toward more positive potentials. The 20-pS channel has the same characteristics as the delayed rectifier current in activation kinetics, steady-state inactivation, and phosphorylation effects.  相似文献   

Summary The complex admittance,Y(p), of squid axon was measured (4-1000 Hz) during step voltage clamp to obtain linear data on Na+ conduction.Y(p) is used as a spectroscopic tool to identify Na+ and K+ conduction, which dominateY(p) at low frequencies and can be separated from each other and from the static capacitance. Na+ conduction is readily distinguishable from K+ conduction in that it produces a steady-state negative conductance. The admittance of the Na+ system can show an anomalous resonance or an antiresonance depending on whether the net shunt conductance is negative or positive. Use of the Na+ negative conductance to neutralize leakage yields a measurement of dielectric capacitance at low frequency. A 90o phase angle suggests that the capacitance is ideal.  相似文献   

Calcium currents in squid giant axon.   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Voltage-clamp experiments were carried out on intracellularly perfused squid giant axons in a Na-free solution of 100 mM CaCl2+sucrose. The internal solution was 25 mM CsF+sucrose or 100 mM RbF+50mM tetraethylammonium chloride+sucrose. Depolarizing voltage clamp steps produced small inward currents; at large depolarizations the inward current reversed into an outward current. Tetrodotoxin completely blocked the inward current and part of the outward current. No inward current was seen with 100 mM MgCl2+sucrose as internal solution. It is concluded that the inward current is carried by Ca ions moving through the sodium channel. The reversal potential of the tetrodotoxin-sensitive current was +54mV with 25 mM CsF+sucrose inside and +10 mV with 100 mM RbF+50 mM tetraethylammonium chloride+sucrose inside. From the reversal potentials measured with varying external and internal solutions the relative permeabilities of the sodium channel for Ca, Cs and Na were calculated by means of the constant field equations. The results of the voltage-clamp experiments are compared with measurements of the Ca entry in intact axons.  相似文献   

The kinetics of the sodium and potassium channels in voltage clamped squid giant axon following a relaxation of the membrane subunits are examined and compared with the Hodgkin-Huxley equations. Mechanisms are suggested for the turn-off of the sodium conductance and a set of kinetic states are proposed for the potassium channel which are consistent with the experimental observations. Determination of the rate constants for relaxation of the surface subunits which triggers the subsequent changes within the independent channels provide information on the equilibrium constant and free energy for this process. The free energy is observed to approach zero as the depolarizing voltage of the clamp approaches ENa, the voltage for zero sodium current in voltage clamped axons. Analysis of the final rate constants in the kinetic sequence for potassium indicates a symmetry of the channel when it is in its steady-state configuration during clamp in the absence of external gradients.  相似文献   

The interaction of internal anions with the delayed rectifier potassium channel was studied in perfused squid axons. Changing the internal potassium salt from K+ glutamate- to KF produced a reversible decline of outward K currents and a marked slowing of the activation of K channels at all voltages. Fluoride ions exert a differential effect upon K channel gating kinetics whereby activation of IK during depolarizing steps is slowed dramatically, but the rate of closing after the step is not much altered. These effects develop with a slow time course (30-60 min) and are specific for K channels over Na channels. Both the amplitude and activation rate of IK were restored within seconds upon return to internal glutamate solutions. The fluoride effect is independent of the external K+ concentration and test membrane potential, and does not recover with repetitive application of depolarizing voltage steps. Of 11 different anions tested, all inorganic species induced similar decreases and slowing of IK, while K currents were maintained during extended perfusion with several organic anions. Anions do not alter the reversal potential or shape of the instantaneous current-voltage relation of open K channels. The effect of prolonged exposure to internal fluoride could be partially reversed by the addition of cationic K channel blocking agents such as TEA+, 4-AP+, and Cs+. The competitive antagonism between inorganic anions and internal cationic K channel blockers suggests that they may interact at a related site(s). These results indicate that inorganic anions modify part of the K channel gating mechanism (activation) at a locus near the inner channel surface.  相似文献   

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