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E Sol  A Ballabriga  C Dom'nguez 《Biometals》1998,11(3):189-197
Lead is a highly toxic metal, the main source of which iscontamination from combustion of unleaded petrol.The aims of this work were todetect the degree of lead exposure in a large sample of children; determinetherelationship between blood lead levels (BPb) and age, sex, habitat and season of the year;andcorrelate BPb with zinc protoporphyrin (ZPP) values. A cross-sectional study wascarried out. Blood fromroutine extractions drawn at our centre was used. BPb and ZPP weremeasured by atomic absorptionspectrophotometry and haematofluorimetry,respectively. We analysed 1158 blood samples from children.BPb (mean ± SEM): 0.22 ±0.04 mol l . Correlation BPb-age: BPb = 0.19 + 0.086 x age (months),r =0.129, P < 0.0001. BPb was greater in boys (0.23 ± 0.007 versus 0.20 ±0.006 mol l , P < 0.0002).No differences were observed between habitats(urban versus rural). BPb were higher in the warm months(0.24 ± 0.013versus 0.21 ± 0.007 mol l , P < 0.0001). Prevalence of lead intoxication (BPb > 0.48 mol l )was 4.2%. No differences in prevalence were found among the different groups. The correlationbetweenBPb and ZPP showed r = 0.0969, P = 0.0024. Utility for screening:sensitivity of 53.7% and specificity of 59.3% (cut-off point of 60 mol ZPPmol haem). We can conclude that lead exposure in children inoursample was in the range reported in similar studies in other areas andcountries, and below the toxic limit.None of the factors analysed significantlyinfluenced lead intoxication prevalence. There was no goodcorrelationbetween ZPP and BPb in our sample and the ZPP cut-off point used did not presentgoodspecificity and sensitivity values.  相似文献   

The mtDNA control region of 72 Thai native pigs and 11 Thai wild boars indigenous to Northern Thailand was comparatively sequenced. In total, 36 nucleotide variations that accounted for 24 haplotypes have been described (TNH01 to TNH20 and TWH01 to TWH04). These haplotypes and further publicly available mtDNA haplotypes were used to assess phylogenetic relationships. Twenty-three of the 24 haplotypes became integrated into the Asian clade of the phylogenetic tree and eight of them recapitulated another major cluster of haplotypes within this clade (Thai haplogroup, THG). Only haplotype TNH01 fit in with the European clade of the phylogenetic tree. An additional analysis using 510 bp of the mtDNA incorporated the THG haplotypes in to clade MTSEA (mountainous and Southeast Asian distribution) to form haplogroup MTSEA-THG. Recently, MTSEA was renamed in MC3. MC3 contains only signatures of pigs scattered across the Indo-Burma Biodiversity Hotspot (IBBH), a region including Thailand to the Kra Isthmus. Here we propose a putative independent porcine domestication event in South-east Asia (SEA). All haplotypes of haplogroup MTSEA-THG have revealed unique and previously unknown nucleotide signatures at positions 24 (nucleotide A) and at positions 183 (nucleotide C) that differentiate them from all other porcine mtDNA haplotypes.  相似文献   

Adults and children differ in their susceptibility to the toxic effects of lead. Lead was therefore used as a case study to evaluate intraspecies differences by comparing the adult and child minimal Lowest Observed Adverse Effect Level (LOAEL) or the No Observed Adverse Effect Level (NOAEL), allowing an evaluation of the ten-fold intraspecies uncertainty factor (UF). The lead intakes (in µg/kg/d) necessary to achieve target blood lead (PbB) levels reflecting the minimal LOAEL or NOAEL were determined using biokinetic slope factors (BKSFs), which relate lead uptake to PbB levels. The analyses assumed chronic, low-level oral exposure to lead, and the response of a typical adult and child. Child analyses used a target geometric mean (GM) PbB of 4.6?µg/dL (95% of population <10?µg/dL), resulting in lead intakes of 1.9?µg/kg/day (assuming 100% soluble lead) and 4.9?µg/kg/day (assuming 25% soluble lead and 75 % soil lead). Adult analyses assumed intake of 100 % soluble lead, and used target GM PbB levels of 4.2?µg/dL (95% of population <11.1 µg/dL) and 11.4?µg/dL (95% of population <30?µg/dL), resulting in lead intakes of 1.9?µg/kg/day and 5.1?µg/kg/day, respectively. The results indicate that despite the greater vulnerability of young children to the effects of lead as compared to adults, the minimal LOAEL or NOAEL for lead is remarkably similar between children and adults. In this case, the application of a tenfold intraspecies uncertainty factor to adjust the adult minimal LOAEL or NOAEL for a child would be unnecessary, despite the well-established vulnerability of children to lead.  相似文献   

Objectives To identify the aetiology and clinical presentation of depression among Malaysian women.Methods A cross-sectional study was conducted at the Psychiatry Clinic, Public Hospital, Pulau Penang, Malaysia. Retrospective evaluations of records were conducted between January 2002 and December 2007. The data were analysed using the statistical software, SPSS v. 131®.Results Ninety-six (56.8%) of the patients were Chinese, the mean (± SD) age of the patients was 45 ± 17.8 years, with a majority (72; 42.6%) aged over 50 years. The incidence of depression with comorbid hypertension and comorbid diabetes mellitus was significant among women aged over 50 (P < 0.001 (hypertension) P < 0.015 (diabetes mellitus)). Marital and relationship problems were found to significantly affect Chinese women aged 15–30 years (P = 0.019). In terms of the clinical presentation of depression among Malaysian women, suicidal ideation and somatic symptoms like reduced energy/being easily fatigued were more frequent among Chinese.Conclusion Symptoms of being short-tempered, crying, restless and doubtful/distracted should not be neglected in primary care because of the possibility of mental health disorders. The timely evaluation of diabetic and hypertensive patients is an ideal strategy to prevent mental health disorders.  相似文献   

It has been estimated that plants are the most important source of medicine for more than 80% of the world’s population. Medicinal plants are a vital source of medication in developing countries. Despite the wealth of human experience and folklore concerning the medicinal uses of plants, proper scientific investigation has only been applied to a small fraction of the world’s plants. This is a cause of grave concern as plant species continue to disappear. A rapid response to this situation is urgently needed to prevent the disappearance of the plant species and the ethnopharmacological knowledge that accompanies them. In this review, recent work on the investigation of selected bioactive Thai medicinal plants is presented. Their biological activities against infectious diseases including antimalarial and anti-HIV, are highlighted, as well as their anticancer, antiulcer and anti-inflammatory properties. The chemical transformations of some selected compounds are discussed. This revised version was published online in June 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

To examine whether there were differences between races in regard to age-related changes of mineral contents and the relationships among element contents in the arteries, the authors investigated the coronary arteries of Thai and Japanese. The Thai subjects consisted of 13 men and 3 women, ranging in age from 39 to 84 yr, whereas the Japanese subjects consisted of 17 men and 9 women, ranging in age from 55 to 92 yr. After the ordinary dissections at Chiang Mai University and Nara Medical University were finished, the coronary arteries were resected and the element contents were determined by inductively coupled plasma-atomic emission spectrometry. In the Thai, an accumulation of calcium and phosphorus began to occur in the forties and increased markedly in the fifties, whereas in the Japanese, an accumulation of calcium and phosphorus began to occur in the seventies and increased markedly in the nineties. The result revealed that an accumulation of calcium and phosphorus occurred earlier in the Thai than in the Japanese. Regarding the relationships among element contents, extremely significant correlations were found between calcium and phosphorus contents, between calcium and magnesium contents, and between phosphorus and magnesium contents in both the coronary arteries of the Thai and the Japanese. As far as the coronary arteries with a very high accumulation of calcium and phosphorus, the mass ratios of magnesium to calcium and phosphorus were lower in the coronary arteries of the Thai in comparison with the Japanese.  相似文献   

目的:对广西地区的泰国缺失型琢-地中海贫血1 的血液学、基因型、临床表现及民族分布进行分析。方法:对门诊病人进行 血常规、血红蛋白电泳及- 地中海贫血基因分析,收集已确诊为泰国缺失型琢- 地中海贫血1 患者的检测数据及临床资料,并用 SPSS 统计软件对以上数据进行统计分析。结果:共检出104 例泰国缺失型alpha- 地中海贫血1,其中71 例基因型为--THAI /alpha-alpha,17 例 基因型为--THAI/-alpha3.7,14 例基因型为--THAI/alpha CS alpha ,2 例基因型为--THAI/alpha QS alpha。统计学分析:--THAI/alpha alpha杂合子和--SEA/alpha-alpha杂合子的血常规 结果比较没有统计学意义,P>0.05;泰国型Hb H病(--THAI/-alpha3.7、--THAI/alpha-CSalpha、--THAI/alpha-CSalpha)和东南亚型Hb H病(--SEA/-alpha-alpha3.7、--SEA/alpha-CS-alpha)的血常 规结果比较有统计学意义,P<0.01;民族分布上,有67 例为壮族,34 例为汉族,其他民族3 例。结论:泰国缺失型- 地中海贫血1 在 广西有一定的发生率,在壮族人群多见;和东南亚缺失型Hb H病相比,泰国缺失型Hb H病出现临床症状的时间更早、贫血更严 重。  相似文献   

The productivity of the new crossbred cattle Kabinburi (K) was compared to that of Thai Brahman (TB) using 756 production records from K cattle and 1,316 production records from TB cattle kept at three locations in Thailand. The data were analyzed for the effect of breeds and locations. The ambient temperature, the humidity, the Temperature–Humidity Index (THI) and the rainfall of the three locations were different. Lamphayaklang Livestock Research and Breeding Center (LP) had the highest rainfall/year followed by Nongkwang Livestock Research and Breeding Center (NK), and Prachinburi Livestock Breeding Station (PC). Kabinburi cattle had a higher bodyweight at birth as well as at 200, 400 and 600 days of age than TB cattle. Furthermore, K heifers gave birth to their first calf at a younger age and had a shorter calving interval than TB cows. Thai Brahman cattle kept at LP had significantly higher bodyweight at 400 and 600 days than the animals kept at NK, but bodyweight at birth and 600 days of age were not significantly different. Thai Brahman cattle kept at LP were younger at first calving and had a shorter calving interval than the animals kept at NK. K cattle kept at NK were heavier at birth and at 200, 400 and 600 days of age than the animals kept at PC. Furthermore, Kabinburi cows kept at NK were younger at first calving (P < 0.01), but the calving interval was not different between the two groups kept at NK or PC.  相似文献   

Inadvertent lead placement in the left ventricle (LV) is an uncommon and often under-diagnosed complication of cardiac device implantation. Thromboembolic (TE) events are common and usually secondary to fibrosis or thrombus formation on or around the lead. Anticoagulation can prevent TE events. Percutaneous and surgical LV lead extractions have been performed successfully, but the risks of percutaneous lead removal are not well-defined. In this report, we describe a case of inadvertent LV lead placement and briefly review the contemporary literature.  相似文献   

Universal Health Coverage (UHC) was implemented in Thailand in 2002. This study aims to compare cervical cancer incidence and survival before and after the implementation of UHC, including the national screening program, in the Chiang Mai population in Northern Thailand. Data of women diagnosed with in situ or malignant cervical cancer in Chiang Mai during 1998–2012 were used in our analysis. Annual age-standardized incidence rates (ASR) and age-adjusted relative survival (RS) were estimated for the following three diagnosis periods: period I: 1998–2002 (before UHC), period II: 2003–2007 (UHC implementation) and period III: 2008–2012 (after UHC). The ASR peaked in 2001 at 38 per 100,000, and then subsequently declined to 23 per 100,000 in 2012. The proportion of in situ and localized tumors increased in all age groups, while regional tumors declined. In all women (aged 15–89) with malignant cervical cancer or in situ, the 5-year RS in Period I, Period II and Period III was 73%, 74% and 77%, respectively; when only malignant cases were considered, the RS was 63%, 61% and 62%, respectively. In the screening target women (aged 30–59) with malignant or in situ tumors, the 5-year RS was 84%, 88% and 90%, respectively, in the three periods, while the RS was 71%, 74% and 75%, respectively, in only those with malignant cancers. The introduction of UHC including national cervical cancer screening program has likely reduced the magnitude and severity of cervical cancer and improved the survival of cervical cancer in the screening target age group.  相似文献   

Migraines occur within certain time frames. Nevertheless, information regarding circadian variation in the clinical presentation of migraine is limited. We investigated circadian variations in the clinical presentation of migraine using a smartphone headache diary (SHD). We enrolled adult participants with the diagnosis of migraine according to the third beta edition of the International Classification of Headache Disorders. Participants were asked to log in to the SHD every day for 90 days to record the occurrence of headaches. We compared the occurrence and clinical presentation of headaches during four 6-hour quadrants per day (00:00–05:59, 06:00–11:59, 12:00–17:59, and 18:00–23:59). Migraine-type headache was defined as a headache attack that fulfilled all criteria of migraine, except for the criterion regarding typical headache duration. Eighty-two participants kept a dairy for at least 50% of the study period and recorded 1491 headache attacks. Among the 1491 headache attacks, 474 (31.8%) were classified as migraine-type headaches and 1017 (68.2%) were classified as non-migraine-type headaches. All headaches, migraine-type headaches and non-migraine-type headaches occurred most frequently between 06:00 and 11:59, and least frequently between 18:00 and 23:59, and between 00:00 and 05:59. Migrainous headache characteristics, such as unilateral pain, pulsating quality, severe headache intensity, aggravation by movement, nausea, photophobia, and phonophobia presented most frequently between 06:00 and 11:59, and least frequently between 18:00 and 23:59, and 00:00 and 05:59 among 1491 all headache attacks. Headache clinical presentation as well as headache occurrence exhibited circadian periodicity among migraineurs.

Abbreviations: SHD: smartphone headache diary; ICHD-3 beta: the third edition beta version of the International Classification of Headache Disorders  相似文献   

轴索生长抑制因子(Neurite growth inhibitor,Nogo)在中枢神经系统中主要发挥抑制轴突再生的作用,其基因TATA和CAA插入缺失多态性与慢性精神分裂症发病风险有关,在不同种族间RTN4基因型及等位基因频率分布的存在差异.该研究将采用聚合酶链反应和聚丙烯酰胺凝胶电泳方法检测205名中国成都汉族人和101名泰国人RTN4基因多态性,比较两组人群RTN4基因TATC和CAA插入缺失多态性分布情况,并与不同种族人群研究结果进行比较.研究发现在中国成都地区汉族人群中,RTN4基因(TATC)2(TATC)2基因型频率为10.2%,明显低于泰国人群(21.8%),差异具有统计学意义(P=0.006);(TATC)2等位基因在成都汉族人群中占34.9%,明显低于泰国人群(45.0%),差异具有统计学意义(P=0.015).CAA插入缺失基因型和等位基因频率在成都汉族人群和泰国人群中差异均无统计学意义(P>0.05).此外,中国成都地区汉族人群等位基因(TATC)2频率(34.9%)明显低于法国加拿大人(45.0%)和突尼斯人(49.0%),差异具有统计学意义(P<0.05);等位基因(CAA)2频率(66.8%)明显高于法国加拿大人(53.0%)和巴西人(37.8%),差异具有统计学意义(P<0.05);结果表明RTN4基因TATA和CAA插入缺失多态性在不同种族间的分布存在明显差异.  相似文献   

Listeriosis: clinical presentation   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
Listeria monocytogenes is an uncommon cause of illness in the general population. However, this bacterium is an important cause of severe infections in neonates, pregnant women, the elderly, transplant recipients and other patients with impaired cell-mediated immunity. Various clinical syndromes due to L. monocytogenes have been described such as sepsis, central nervous system infections, endocarditis, gastroenteritis and localized infections. A review of the clinical presentation of listeriosis is given in this paper.  相似文献   

The embryonic and larval development of Thai pangas was investigated during peak (May-July 1995) and late spawning (August-October 1995) periods. The fertilized eggs are adhesive and spherical with a yellowish or greenish-brown egg capsule. The yolk sac is yellowish-brown in color and 1.20-1.80 mm in diameter. Nine hours post-fertilization, the first cleavage stage, embryonic shield, head, tail region, neural grooves and somites were evident. The incubation period ranges from 24-36 h at a temperature of 20-30 degrees C. The newly hatched larvae are quite transparent and light yellowish in color with a body length of 2.98-3.10 mm. Eye pigments appear and the heart starts to work within 12-14 h of hatching. In 1-day-old pro-larvae, the mouth becomes well developed; barbules are elongated, prominent and look like tiny threads. The yolk sac is fairly well absorbed and the palatine teeth are fully developed during the 3 day pro-larval stage. At the end of 12 days of larval development, the stomach becomes functional and aerial respiration starts. After 2 weeks, the young fry is well-developed, and is of an adult appearance, that is, measuring up to 13.56 mm in length.  相似文献   

We developed eight polymorphic microsatellite loci in Indian neem (Azadirachta indica var. indica) and cross-amplified in closely related species Thai neem (A. indica var. siamensis). The number of alleles per locus in Indian neem and Thai neem ranged from 3 to 9 and 3 to 9, respectively. Average observed and expected heterozygosities in Indian neem and Thai neem were 0.63 and 0.70 and 0.61 and 0.65, respectively. Two loci exhibited significantly fewer heterozygotes than expected under Hardy–Weinberg equilibrium. These microsatellites may provide a useful tool for population genetics to establish conservation and management strategy.  相似文献   

In tissue engineering, chemical crosslinking is widely used for conjugating two or more biomaterials to mainly control biodegradability and strength. For example, Thai silk fibroin/gelatin scaffold will offer mechanical strength from Thai silk fibroin and cell attraction from gelatin. However, chemical crosslinking requires crosslinking agent which could potentially pose negative impact from remaining trace amount of chemicals especially in medical application. Here we present an alternative approach to chemical crosslinking—a balance electrostatic blending approach. In this approach, two opposite charge biomaterials were selected for blending, with different ratios. Both materials were bound together with electrostatic force. The maximum binding was achieved when mixture electric potential approaches zero. In this work, we compared this approach with traditionally chemical crosslinking in terms of physical appearance, binding effectiveness, mechanical strength (in dry/wet conditions), in vitro biodegradation, and cell proliferation. We found that 50/50 weight ratio of Thai silk fibroin/gelatin scaffold had almost comparable properties to chemical crosslinked scaffold. It has similar appearance, binding effectiveness, and affinity for cell proliferation. For mechanical properties, even this approach yields lower dry compressive modulus compared with chemical crosslinking. But in wet condition, the compressive modulus from both methods is similar. However, the biodegradation time of non-crosslinked scaffolds is slightly faster than that of chemical crosslinked ones. These results demonstrate that a balance electrostatic approach is an alternative approach to chemical crosslinking when there is a concern of remaining trace amount of crosslinking agent in medical application.  相似文献   

Lead ions at similar concentrations to those used for Gomori type phosphatase localization stain some parts of the vacuolar system, particularly compartments of the Golgi complex (GC) and isolation envelopes (im) in a characteristic way in both vertebrates and invertebrates. After fixation in 2.5% glutaraldehyde, lead citrate in acetate or aspartate buffer (pH 5.5-7.2) leaves the contents of GC cisternal compartments with a fine particulate stippling. In the fat body of Calpodes ethlius and in mouse pancreas the staining is faint but definite without further enhancement of contrast, although it is easily overlooked after section staining. The distribution of lead stain differs from that of the lead phosphate precipitated after Gomori type acid phosphatase reactions. Whereas lead stain may be in all GC and im compartments, acid phosphatase is restricted to the innermost saccules and nearby vacuoles. The compartment specific staining by led also differs from the generalized staining in all compartments given by uranyl. Thus the contents of luminal membrane surfaces of some parts of the vacuolar system can be characterized by their ability to bind lead. In cells where protein synthesis has been blocked by cycloheximide, secretory vesicles are absent and the RER and GC from the generalized staining in all compartments given by uranyl. Thus the contents of luminal membrane surfaces of some parts of the vacuolar system can be characterized by their ability to bind lead. In cells where protein synthesis has been blocked by cycloheximide, secretory vesicles are absent and the RER and GC from the generalized staining in all compartments given by uranyl. Thus the contents of luminal membrane surfaces of some parts of the vacuolar system can be characterized by their ability to bind lead. In cells where protein synthesis has been blocked by cycloheximide, secretory vesicles are absent and the RER and GC cisternae are devoid of uranyl stainable material. However, lead staining and acid phosphatase activity in the GC continue. We presume that they mark the environment within these cisternae rather than the proteins passing through them. This environment is itself not static. Several observations suggest that the function of cisternae that is detectable by lead staining is temporally discontinuous and related to a stage of maturation or development. Only early stage ims stain: the staining ceases by the beginning of autophagy after hydrolytic enzymes are presumed to have been added. Condensing vacuoles cease to stain as the central core crystallizes out. Stain may be absent from one or two GC saccules at any position in the stack as though the phase of lead staining (or lack or it) can move progressively through the system. We conclude that in studies characterizing components of the vacuolar system it is necessary to separate those that mark transient occupants of a compartment from those that mark the compartment itself. Both may vary temporally independently from one another.  相似文献   

泰国甜角不同品种果实营养成分分析   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
泰国甜角(Tamarindus indica L.)为酸豆属(Tamarindus Linn.)植物,其成熟果实味甜,在泰国广为种植,泰国每年都要向欧洲及东南亚其他国家出口大量的果实[1].  相似文献   

In this study, the speciation, vertical distribution and soil particle size fractions of lead in soil samples at a recreational firing range was determined. This study was performed to gain a better understanding of how lead shot breaks down at ranges. Both the chemical form of lead and the types of soil particles with which lead is associated are important for understanding not only the mobility and persistence, but also the human and ecological impact of lead at these ranges. Lead as shot gun pellets was found to be the dominant form of lead in soil samples. The highest levels were measured in surface samples located in the “fall zone” of the range. Results indicate shot to be relatively absent below surficial samples. Lead concentrations in soil decreased markedly across a 0–6″ depth profile. Lead carbonates were the dominant non-shot form of lead present at all depths. Water-soluble lead species made up a minor fraction of the non-shot lead present in the samples. Based on soil particle sizes measured, highest concentrations of lead were measured in soil particles passing a 0.075 mm sieve.  相似文献   

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