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Summary Interspecific crosses of Hordeum brachyantherum (2n = 28) and H. depressum (2n = 28) with H. bulbosum (2n = 14 or 28) and H. vulgare (2n = 14 or 28) were made. Crosses between brachyantherum and diploid bulbosum resulted in dihaploids (2n = 14) of brachyantherum and hybrids (2n = 21), whilst the crosses of brachyantherum by tetraploid bulbosum or vulgare gave hybrid progeny. Similarly, crosses between H. depressum and diploid bulbosum resulted in dihaploids (2n = 14) of depressum and hybrids (2n = 21), whereas depressum by tetraploid bulbosum or vulgare invariably produced hybrids.Cytological observations on 12 day old embryos obtained from these crosses revealed chromosome variability down to 14 in crosses with diploid bulbosum indicating thereby that chromosome elimination leads to haploid formation. Embryonic cells from the brachyantherum by diploid vulgare cross also exhibited a certain degree of chromosomal instability as micronuclei.The results indicate that the ratio of parental genomes in the zygote determines whether haploids or hybrids will be produced in crosses of brachyantherum or depressum with bulbosum. Furthermore, brachyantherum appears to be more efficient in eliminating bulbosum chromosomes in comparison with depressum.  相似文献   

Summary Hordeum arizonicum (2n=42) and H. lechleri (2n=42) were crossed with both H. bulbosum (2n=14 or 28) and H. vulgare (2n=14 or 28) and progeny plants were obtained through embryoculture. Crosses of arizonicum with diploid bulbosum invariably resulted in haploids (2n=21) of arizonicum, whereas arizonicum by tetraploid bulbosum or diploid vulgare crosses produced both hybrids and haploids of arizonicum. The lechleri by diploid bulbosum or diploid vulgare crosses resulted in haploids of lechleri, while lechleri by tetraploid bulbosum resulted in well differentiated embryos which failed to germinate.Hybrid embryos derived from the haploid producing crosses exhibit chromosome variability, suggesting that chromosome elimination leads to haploid formation.The results also indicate that the ratio of the parental genomes in the zygote is a critical factor which determines the chromosome elimination or stability in any cross combination. Furthermore, both arizonicum and lechleri appear to be of similar genetic strength in eliminating bulbosum and vulgare chromosomes. The possibility of stability factors in overcoming elimination and manipulation towards elimination are discussed.  相似文献   

To develop doubled haploid (DH) mapping populations of hexaploid Brassica, 10 F1 hybrids derived from crosses between allohexaploid Brassica parents were evaluated in this study. The allohexaploid Brassica parents were selfed progenies of unique interspecific crosses between Brassica rapa (genome AA) × B. carinata (BBCC), B. nigra (BB) × B. napus (AACC), and a complex cross between B. juncea (AABB), B. napus and B. carinata, with relatively stable chromosome number (2n = 54). Hexaploid status and chromosome behavior during meiosis I in four promising F1 hybrids were assessed using microscopy and flow cytometry, and progeny were obtained following microspore culture. Hybrids H11-2 and H16-1 demonstrated higher amenability for embryo generation, plantlet regeneration, and frequency of production of DH microspore-derived progeny of hexaploid DNA content (6x) compared to hybrids H08-1 and H24-1. A total of 370 6x DH progeny were selected out of 693 plantlets from H11-2, 241/436 from H16-1, 23/54 from H08-1, and 21/56 from H24-1. DH progenies of hybrids H11-2 and H16-1 were then designated as promising mapping populations of a new hexaploid Brassica species.  相似文献   

Application of kinetin to four interspecific crosses in Brassica, either singly or in combination with NAA, resulted in larger length and retention time of ovaries, increased frequency of ovules with embryos and aided embryo development.  相似文献   

Genetic analysis of the mouse using interspecific crosses   总被引:30,自引:0,他引:30  

Summary Seeds formed in crosses Hordeum lechleri (6x) x H. vulgare (2x and 4x), H. arizonicum (6x) x H. v. (2x), H. parodii (6x) x H. v. (2x), and H. tetraploidum (4x) x H. v. (2x) produced plants at high or rather high frequencies through embryo rescue. Giemsa C-banding patterns were used to analyze chromosomal constitutions and chromosomal locations on the methaphase plate. Among 100 plants obtained from H. vulgare (2x) crosses, 32 plants were aneuploid with 2n=29 (1), 28 (3), 27 (13), 26 (5), 25 (4), 24 (4), or 22 (2); 50 were euploid (12 analyzed), and 18 were polyhaploid (5 analyzed). Four plants had two sectors differing in chromosome number. Two of four hybrids with H. vulgare (4x) were euploid and two were aneuploid. Parental genomes were concentrically arranged with that of H. vulgare always found closest to the metaphase centre. Many plants showed a certain level of intraplant variation in chromosome numbers. Except for one H. vulgare (4x) hybrids, this variation was restricted to peripherally located non-H. vulgare genomes. This may reflect a less firm attachment of the chromosomes from these genomes to the spindle. Interplant variation in chromosome numbers was due to the permanent elimination or, far less common, duplication of the centrally located H. vulgare chromosomes in all 34 aneuploids, and in a few also to loss/gain of non-H, vulgare chromosomes. This selective elimination of chromosomes of the centrally located genome contrasts conditions found in diploid interspecific hybrids, which eliminate the peripherally located genome. The difference is attributed to changed genomic ratios. Derivatives of various H. vulgare lines were differently distributed among euploid hybrids, aneuploids, and polyhaploids. Chromosomal constitutions of hypoploid hybrids revealed a preferential elimination of H. vulgare chromosomes 1, 5, 6, and 7, but did not support the idea that H. vulgare chromosomes should be lost in a specific order. H. vulgare SAT-chromosomes 6 and 7 showed nucleolar dominance. Aneuploidy is ascribed to the same chromosome elimination mechanism that produces haploids in cross-combinations with H. vulgare (2x). The findings have implications for the utilization of interspecific Hordeum hybrids.  相似文献   

Summary Interspecific crosses of five cultivated cassava varieties (2n=36) were made with two related Manihot species, M. epruinosa (2n=36) and M. glaziovii (2n=36). From these diploid interspecific crosses, four spontaneous tetraploids (2n=4x=72) and two triploids (2n=3x=54) were isolated for the first time in cassava. Occurrence of relatively high frequencies (0.1%–35.6%) of 2n pollen and of apomixis seems to be associated with sexual polyploidization. The tetraploids and triploids were very vigorous and one of the tetraploids performed as well as the best variety in uniform yield trials conducted in Nigeria. These spontaneous polypoloids provide greater genetic variation and offer an opportunity to breed radically new cassava varieties. Approaches for isolating and utilizing the polyploid cassava clones for varietal and population improvement are discussed.  相似文献   

Sweet rowanberries originated by the crossbreeding of wild rowanberries with other fruit species such as apples, medlars or black chokeberries. They are highly resistant to cold climate. In contrast with wild rowanberries, they have sweet mild taste and show less parasorbic acid toxicity, which can be eliminated, when the consumption is excessive, by heating. The objective of the work was to determine selected antioxidant properties in 6 cultivars. The analyses showed that the contents of total phenolics, total flavonoids and ascorbic acid were high. Similarly, antioxidant capacity (6.58–9.62 g of ascorbic acid equivalents kg?1) was also high. The work brings novel data, in particular, when comparing the cultivars; moreover, results regarding reactive oxygen and nitrogen species scavenging activity in sweet rowanberries are being published for the first time. The sweet rowanberry extracts (10%) showed inhibitory ability on hydroxyl radical (16.12–24.73%), superoxide anion (26.74–34.02%), nitric oxide (24.75–31.39%), and lipid peroxidation (7.93–13.12%). The values obtained are even many times higher than those found in common commercial fruit species like apples. Therefore, sweet rowanberries appear to be a promising fruit species for human nutrition, especially due to their high content of bioactive substances and ease of cultivation in worse climatic and soil conditions.  相似文献   

Summary Fertilization and early embryo and endosperm development were examined in Phaseolus vulgaris x P. acutifolius, P. vulgaris x P. lunatus crosses and their reciprocals. The number and length of pollen tubes were not different between selfings and interspecific crosses. Fertilization was completed in all matings and the time of fertilization was maternally dependent which may reflect the degree of maturation of embryo sacs at pollination. A large difference between reciprocal crosses was found in the time of endosperm and embryo division in relation to the time of fertilization. When P. vulgaris was the female parent and P. acutifolius the male parent, endosperm division occurred at the same time as in P. vulgaris upon selfing, while in P. vulgaris x P. lunatus crosses the time of endosperm division was intermediate as compared with the two parents. The time lapse between fertilization and endosperm and embryo division in P. acutifolius x P. vulgaris crosses was longer than in either parent upon selfing. In P. lunatus x P. vulgaris crosses, endosperm division occurred in only 7–12% of the ovules at 72 hours after pollination. Embryo development in these ovules was limited to the four cell stage although the endosperm was at the free nuclei stage. The severe delay in embryo and endosperm divisions may be the major cause of early pod abscission in P. lunatus x P. vulgaris crosses.Technical paper No. 4929 of the Oregon Agricultural Experiment Station. Research was supported by the Oregon Agricultural Experiment Station, the Research Council of Oregon State University (NIH Biomedical Research Support Grand RR07079) and the Processor Research Council of Oregon. A.R. is supported by an African Graduate Fellowship from the African-American Institute.  相似文献   

Summary The failure of pollen-tube dissolution in the synergid region, with subsequent pollen-tube overgrowth well into the central cell, was observed within embryo sacs following interspecific crosses between Solanum melongena and S. sisymbriifolium and between Lycopersicon esculentum and L. peruvianum. Such pollen-tube hypertrophy (PTH) was examined under fluorescence using both light and confocal microscopy in order to characterize this anomalous pollen-tube behavior and to verify its occurrence within the embryo sac central cell. Three genetically unrelated L. esculentum cultivars (Peto 95, Apex 1000, Nagcarlang) were utilized as the female parents in interspecific pollinations with L. peruvianum accession LA 1708, and seed set was obtained from all crosses. It was observed that PTH was not a rare event in these crosses, with the proportion of PTH ranging from 2.6% to 6.5% of all ovules examined. Self-pollinated controls revealed zero (e.g., Nagcarlang) to extremely low (<0.01%) frequencies (Apex 1000 and Peto 95). The differences in frequencies suggests that the specific genotypes of the parents has an affect on the occurrence of successful pollen-tube dissolution and sperm-nuclei transfer. Pollen-tube hypertrophy represents a poorly understood, though easily identified, form of fertilization failure occurring within the ovule. Its conspicuous nature, along with a relatively high frequency of occurrence in certain crossing combinations, should provide a valuable opportunity to better study the nature of such fertilization failures in angiosperms.  相似文献   

Summary The endosperm has played a significant role in the evolution of angiosperms because of its physiological and genetic relationships to the embryo. One manifestation of this evolutionary role is its abnormal development in interploidy crosses. It is now established that the endosperm develops abnormally in interploidy-intraspecific crosses when the maternal: paternal genome ratio deviates from 21 in the endosperm itself. We propose an Endosperm Balance Number (EBN) hypothesis to explain endosperm development in both interploidy-intraspecific and interspecific crosses. Each species is assigned an EBN on the basis of its crossing behavior to a standard species. It is the EBN which determines the effective ploidy in the endosperm of each species, and it is the EBNs which must be in a 21, maternal:paternal ratio. The EBN of a species may be determined by a few genes rather than the whole genome. This hypothesis brings most intraspecific-interploidy and interspecific crossing data under a single concept with respect to endosperm function. The implications of this hypothesis to isolating mechanisms, 2n gametes, the evolution of disomic polyploids, and reciprocal differences in seed development are discussed.  相似文献   

Hybridization and introgression are common in plants and lead to morphological similarity between species and taxonomic confusion. This gene flow with closely related species can complicate efforts to determine whether an endangered taxon is evolutionarily distinctive and should be identified as a separate conservation unit. Potentilla delphinensis is a rare and threatened endemic species of the Southern French Alps. Two common related taxa (P. grandiflora and P. thuringiaca) are morphologically similar and occur in the same geographical locations. Thus, whether P. delphinensis represents a reliable conservation unit remained unclear. Our evaluation procedure based on a combination of molecular biology and interspecific crosses was used to define taxa within these plants. Plants were sampled from a total of 23 single and mixed localities for the three supposed taxa and were genotyped with 68 polymorphic Amplified Fragment Length Polymorphism (AFLP) loci. Fourty-one seedlings from interspecific crosses were obtained and genotyped. Amplified Fragment Length Polymorphism markers identified four genetically distinct units (P. delphinensis, P. grandiflora and two distinct groups of P. thuringiaca). All individuals of P. delphinensis formed a homogeneous and distinct taxon. This taxon was most probably an old allopolyploid from P. grandiflora and the related group of P. thuringiaca. Interspecific crosses gave low seed set and low germination rate. Furthermore, assignment test indicated that seedlings obtained from interspecific crosses were essentially apomictic rather than hybrids. These results suggest that a reproductive barrier exists between the different taxa. In conclusion, all results supported P. delphinensis as a true biological species and justified its conservation unit status. A surprising outcome of this work was the evidence of a potential new cryptic species. This study demonstrated the need to combine a molecular marker-based approach and pollination experiments for an accurate evaluation of plant taxa.  相似文献   

The tri-genomic hybrid (ABC, 2n=27) between Brassica carinata (BBCC, 2n=34) and B. rapa (AA, 2n=20) is a unique material for studying genome relationships among Brassica species and a valuable bridge for transferring desirable characteristics from one species to the other within the genus Brassica. The crossability between B. carinata and B. rapa was varied with the cultivar of B. rapa. Hybrid pollen mother cells (PMCs), confirmed by morphological observation and molecular marker assay, could be grouped into 20 classes on the basis of chromosome pairing configurations. More than 30% of the PMCs had nine or more bivalents. Genomic in situ hybridization confirmed that two of the bivalents most likely belonged to the B genome. Nearly one-half of the PMCs had trivalents (0–2) and quadrivalents (0–2), which revealed partial homology among the A, B, and C genomes and suggested that there is a good possibility to transfer genes by means of recombination among the three genomes. The advantages of using the tri-genomic hybrids as bridge material for breeding new types of B. napus are discussed.  相似文献   

Hercus MJ  Hoffmann AA 《Genetics》1999,151(4):1493-1502
We used crosses between two closely related Drosophila species, Drosophila serrata and D. birchii, to examine the genetic basis of desiccation resistance and correlations between resistance, physiological traits, and life-history traits. D. serrata is more resistant to desiccation than D. birchii, and this may help to explain the broader geographical range of the former species. A comparison of F2's from reciprocal crosses indicated higher resistance levels when F2's originated from D. birchii mothers compared to D. serrata mothers. However, backcrosses had a resistance level similar to that of the parental species, suggesting an interaction between X-linked effects in D. serrata that reduce resistance and autosomal effects that increase resistance. Reciprocal differences persisted in hybrid lines set up from the different reciprocal crosses and tested at later generations. Increased desiccation resistance was associated with an increased body size in two sets of hybrid lines and in half-sib groups set up from the F4's after crossing the two species, but size associations were inconsistent in the F2's. None of the crosses provided evidence for a positive association between desiccation resistance and glycogen levels, or evidence for a tradeoff between desiccation resistance and early fecundity. However, fecundity was positively correlated with body size at both the genetic and phenotypic levels. This study illustrates how interspecific crosses may provide information on genetic interactions between traits following adaptive divergence, as well as on the genetic basis of the traits.  相似文献   

对来自棉花远缘杂种后代的61份材料进行苗期和花铃期的抗红蜘蛛特性鉴定筛选出3401、3402、3406、3415和5112等5个苗期抗和花铃期中抗红蜘蛛的材料,它们的产量为鄂棉18(对照)的82.6%~102.4%,纤维品质优于或相当于对照,最后对有关抗性筛选问题进行了讨论.  相似文献   

Prediction of double crosses from single crosses   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Summary A unified theory, which takes into account both the genetic and experimental conditions, for predicting double cross hybrids from single cross hybrids is developed. The method is analogous to that for selection indices. Relationship of the prediction model to the genetic model is explored. Jenkins' (1934) three single cross predictors, a best single cross predictor, and selection on the basis of double cross estimates are compared empirically for an additive and dominance genetic model with varying proportions of experimental error variance and different numbers of hybrids. The differences between fixed and random genetic sample approaches to prediction are discussed.
Zusammenfassung Für die Voraussch?tzung von Doppelkreuzungsbastarden aus Einzelkreuzungshybriden wird eine einheitliche Theorie entwickelt, die sowohl genetische als auch experimentelle Bedingungen berücksichtigt. Die Methode ist der für die Berechnung von Selektionsindizes analog. Es wird die Beziehung des Vorhersagemodells zum genetischen Modell erl?utert. Jenkins' (1934) drei Einzelkreuzungs-Sch?tzwerte, der beste Einzelkreuzungs-Sch?tzwert und die Selektion auf der Grundlage der Doppelkreuzungs-Sch?tzungen werden für ein additives und Dominanz-Modell mit variierenden Verh?ltnissen der experimentellen Fehlervarianz und unterschiedlicher Anzahl von Bastarden empirisch miteinander verglichen. Der Unterschied zwischen fixierter und zuf?lliger genetischer Stichprobenmethode wird hinsichtlich der Vorhersage besprochen.

Dedicated to Dr. George F. Sprague on the occasion of his 65th birthday.

Contribution from the Department of Experimental Statistics, N. C. Agricultural Experiment Station, Raleigh, North Carolina. Published with the approval of the Director of Research as Paper No. 2330 of the Journal Series. This investigation was supported in part by Public Health Service Research Grant GM 11546 from the Division of General Medical Sciences.  相似文献   

Nucleolar number variation has been investigated in root tip cells by cytologically determining the number of nucleoli per cell in autoploids and alloploids of Hordeum species, their haploids and interspecific hybrids. The nucleolus organisers in autoploid types of H. vulgare or H. bulbosum did not show any alterations irrespective of the ploidy level. The nucleolar number variation in these species results from a definite pattern of fusion and the maximum number of nucleoli per nucleus corresponds to the number of secondary constrictions. Nucleolus formation in alloploids and interspecific hybrids is impaired on some of the NORs, suggesting differential amphiplasty or nucleolar dominance. A comparison of nucleolar formation in the alloploid species (brachyantherum, arizonicum, procerum and parodii), their haploids, and the interspecific hybrids revealed different degrees of variation from the expected mean and maximum numbers of nucleoli. While the deviations in hybrids between alloploids (H. arizonicum and H. brachyantherum or H. procerum and H. brachyantherum) are marginal, nucleolar dominance is more pronounced in hybrids involving H. vulgare or H. bulbosum as one of the parents and is invariably associated with the disappearance of the secondary constriction(s) from the NOR(s) contributed by one of the parents, and the number of nucleoli is appropriately reduced.  相似文献   

Interspecific hybridization between evergreen pot azalea (Tsutsusi) cultivars and genotypes of other Rhododendron subgenera or sections (Rhododendron, Hymenanthes, Pentanthera, Vireya) is significantly hampered by many prezygotic and postzygotic barriers. The objective of our work was to overcome spontaneous abortion and lack of endosperm formation and to increase germination rates by establishing an embryo rescue protocol. The optimal germination medium for immature Rhododendron seeds was a basal medium supplemented with 145 μM GA3. This medium induced germination of fertilized ovules after several sexual combinations of subgenera. Its use was clearly more efficient than in vivo sowing. The direction of the cross significantly influenced the occurrence of abortion, germination and albinism. The obtained seedlings were multiplied on Woody Plant Medium + 4.5 μM 2iP, and rooted afterwards. Finally, about 9% of the germinated ovules resulted in vigorously growing seedlings that were successfully acclimatized.  相似文献   

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