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The intraocular transplantation technique was used to study the ingrowth of peripheral sympathetic adrenergic nerves from the iris into transplants of fetal rat cerebellum, and the possible function of these nerves. The transplants, grown in oculo for one-half to eight months, were analyzed by fluorescence histochemistry and electrophysiological techniques. Peripheral sympathetic adrenergic fibers from the iris were able to grow into the cerebellar transplants and arborize in a pattern similar to that in situ, appearing in all three cortical layers and the noncortical areas of the transplants. The density of visible nerves without pretreatment and after preincubation in 10−6 or 10−5 M α-methylnorepinephrine was comparable to mature rat cerebellum. The spontaneous discharge of the Purkinje cells in oculo was inhibited by microiontophoresis of norepinephrine (NE) and amphetamine in sympathetically innervated, as well as sympathectomized transplants denervated by ganglionectomy. The NE response was blocked by the adrenergic β-receptor blocker MJ-1999. GABA also inhibited the Purkinje cell activity while glutamate accelerated the discharge. Parenteral amphetamine inhibited Purkinje cell activity in sympathetically innervated transplants, but was ineffective in denervated transplants. The Purkinje cell spontaneous activity was inhibited by electrical stimulation of the NE fiber input through the cervical sympathetic trunk. This inhibition could be antagonized by parenteral reserpine or the β-adrenergic antagonist propranolol. The responses of the Purkinje cells within the transplants to drugs and transmitters mimic those of the adult rat in situ. In view of the fluorescence histochemical evidence for an ingrowth of peripheral sympathetic adrenergic fibers into the cerebellar transplants, and the results of stimulating the sympathetic trunk, it is suggested that peripheral adrenergic fibers may be able to establish functional connections with the Purkinje cells similar to the cerebellar adrenergic synapses normally formed in situ by fibers from the locus coeruleus.  相似文献   

Summary The axon hillock (AH) and initial segment (IS) of 10 Golgi neurons and 6 basket cells in the cerebellar cortex of the rat were investigated by electron microscopy using serial sections. An average of 10.4 and 11.3 synaptic terminals were observed to establish synaptic contact with the axon hillock region of Golgi and basket cells, respectively. Most of these terminals were identified as the varicosities of the ascending parallel fibers. It is suggested that the focal innervation of AH regions represents an excitatory input pattern which is basically different from the randomly distributed, huge, parallel-fiber input onto the dendritic trees of Golgi and basket cells. In contrast to Golgi and basket neurons, no accumulation of parallel-fiber synapses was observed around the AH of stellate cells. The IS proper of the three neuronal types were devoid of true axo-axonal synapses.  相似文献   

Cerebellar learning appears to be driven by motor error, but whether or not error signals are provided by climbing fibers (CFs) remains a matter of controversy. Here we show that a model of the cerebellum can be trained to simulate the regulation of smooth pursuit eye movements by minimizing its inputs from parallel fibers (PFs), which carry various signals including error and efference copy. The CF spikes act as “learn now” signals. The model can be trained to simulate the regulation of smooth pursuit of visual objects following circular or complex trajectories and provides insight into how Purkinje cells might encode pursuit parameters. In minimizing both error and efference copy, the model demonstrates how cerebellar learning through PF input minimization (InMin) can make movements more accurate and more efficient. An experimental test is derived that would distinguish InMin from other models of cerebellar learning which assume that CFs carry error signals.  相似文献   

Origin of adrenergic fibres of vagus is studied. They are shown to appear in the thoracic vagus through caudal anastomosis introduction. The observations indicated that axons of spinal neurons and neurons of the ganglion stellate passed through caudal anastomosis and entered a thoracic vagus nerve. Stimulation of the thoracic vagus in cats after atropine sulphate injection increases the heart rate.  相似文献   

Intrinsic choroidal neurons (ICN) in the duck eye form an intramural ganglionic plexus that may subserve complex integrative functions. A key feature of such ganglia is an innervation by sympathetic postganglionic neurons. The present study was thus aimed at determining the sympathetic postganglionic innervation of ICN. Choroids were processed for double immunofluorescence labelling with the following markers: tyrosine-hydroxylase (TH)/nitric oxide synthase (nNOS), TH/galanin (GAL), dopamine-beta-hydroxylase (DBH)/vasoactive intestinal polypeptide (VIP), TH/DBH and DBH/alpha-smooth-muscle actin (alphaSMA), and for triple immunofluorescence labelling with VIP/DBH/TH. Epifluorescence and confocal laser scanning microscopy were used for evaluation. Immunoperoxidase staining for TH or DBH in combination with NADPH-diaphorase histochemistry was applied for electron microscopy. ICN spread over the entire choroid but were concentrated in an equatorial zone passing obliquely from naso-cranial to temporocaudal. More than 80% of nNOS-positive ICN showed close appositions of TH/DBH-immunoreactive varicose nerve fibres at the light-microscopic level, as could be confirmed by confocal laser scanning microscopy. Ultrastructurally, these appositions could be defined as both synapses or close contacts without synaptic specialisation. Vascular and non-vascular smooth muscle fibres also received TH/DBH-immunopositive innervation. Our findings suggest that most ICN receive a sympathetic input that might modulate their nitrergic effects upon vascular and non-vascular smooth muscle fibres in the choroid and that they may have more complex functions than merely being a simple parasympathetic relay.  相似文献   

Summary This study evaluates the production of adrenergic nerve fibers by adrenal medullary tissue of the adult rat grafted to the anterior chamber of the eye of adult recipients. The chromaffin grafts attach to and become vascularized by the host iris. They decrease in size intraocularly during the first 3 weeks. This decrease is somewhat counteracted by sympathetic denervation of the host iris, and better counteracted by sympathetic denervation and addition of nerve growth factor (NGF, given at grafting and 1 and 2 weeks after grafting). Outgrowth of adrenergic nerve fibers from the grafts into the host iris was studied in wholemount preparations by use of the Falck-Hillarp technique 3 weeks after grafting. The innervated area of the host iris was approximately doubled in the chronically sympathectomized group and doubled again in the chronically sympathectomized NGF-supplemented group. Chronic sympathetic denervation had no effect on density of outgrowing nerves, whereas addition of NGF more than doubled nerve density. Since sympathetic denervation causes a slight elevation of NGF activity in the iris, the present experiments are taken as evidence that the level of NGF in the iris regulates formation of nerve fibers by adrenal medullary tissue grafts from adult rats.  相似文献   

Networks of inhibitory interneurons are found in many distinct classes of biological systems. Inhibitory interneurons govern the dynamics of principal cells and are likely to be critically involved in the coding of information. In this theoretical study, we describe the dynamics of a generic inhibitory network in terms of low-dimensional, simplified rate models. We study the relationship between the structure of external input applied to the network and the patterns of activity arising in response to that stimulation. We found that even a minimal inhibitory network can generate a great diversity of spatio-temporal patterning including complex bursting regimes with non-trivial ratios of burst firing. Despite the complexity of these dynamics, the network’s response patterns can be predicted from the rankings of the magnitudes of external inputs to the inhibitory neurons. This type of invariant dynamics is robust to noise and stable in densely connected networks with strong inhibitory coupling. Our study predicts that the response dynamics generated by an inhibitory network may provide critical insights about the temporal structure of the sensory input it receives.  相似文献   

In this study the role of membrane-associated molecules involved in entorhinohippocampal pathfinding was examined. First outgrowth preferences of entorhinal neurites were analyzed on membrane carpets obtained from their proper target area, the hippocampus, and compared to preferences on control membranes from brain regions which do not receive afferent connections from the entorhinal cortex. On a substrate consisting of alternating lanes of hippocampal and control membranes, entorhinal neurites exhibited a strong tendency to grow on lanes of hippocampal membrane. These tissue-specific outgrowth preferences were maintained even on membrane preparations from adult brain tissue devoid of myelin. To determine the possible maturation dependence of these membranes, we examined guidance preferences of entorhinal neurites on hippocampal membranes of different developmental stages ranging from embryonic to postnatal and adult. Given a choice between alternating lanes of embryonic (E15-E16) and neonatal (P0-P1) hippocampal membranes, entorhinal neurites preferred to extend on neonatal membranes. No outgrowth preferences were observed on membranes obtained between E19 and P10. From P10 onward there was a reoccurrence of a preference for postnatal membrane lanes when neurites were presented with a choice between P15, P30, and adult membranes (>P60). This choice behavior of entorhinal neurites temporally correlates with the ingrowth of the perforant path into the hippocampus and with the stabilization of this brain area in vivo. Experiments in which postnatal and adult hippocampal membranes were heat inactivated or treated to remove molecules sensitive to phosphatidylinositol-specific phospholipase C demonstrated that entorhinal fiber preferences were controlled in this assay by attractive guidance cues and were independent of phosphatidylinositol-sensitive linked molecules. Moreover, entorhinal neurites displayed a positive discrimination for membrane-associated guidance cues of their target field, thus preferring to grow on membranes from the molecular layer of the dentate gyrus compared with CA3 or hilus membranes. Heat-inactivation experiments indicated that preferential growth of entorhinal axons is due to a specific attractivity of the molecular layer substrate. The data presented demonstrate that outgrowth of entorhinal fibers on hippocampal membranes is target and maturation dependent.  相似文献   

Cerebellar ataxias are progressive neurodegenerative disorders characterized by atrophy of the cerebellum leading to motor dysfunction, balance problems, and limb and gait ataxia. These include among others, the dominantly inherited spinocerebellar ataxias, recessive cerebellar ataxias such as Friedreich's ataxia, and X-linked cerebellar ataxias. Since all cerebellar ataxias display considerable overlap in their disease phenotypes, common pathological pathways must underlie the selective cerebellar neurodegeneration. Therefore, it is important to identify the molecular mechanisms and routes to neurodegeneration that cause cerebellar ataxia. In this review, we discuss the use of functional genomic approaches including whole-exome sequencing, genome-wide gene expression profiling, miRNA profiling, epigenetic profiling, and genetic modifier screens to reveal the underlying pathogenesis of various cerebellar ataxias. These approaches have resulted in the identification of many disease genes, modifier genes, and biomarkers correlating with specific stages of the disease. This article is part of a Special Issue entitled: From Genome to Function.  相似文献   

In this article we introduce partial retraining, an algorithm to determine the relevance of the input variables of a trained neural network. We place this algorithm in the context of other approaches to relevance determination. Numerical experiments on both artificial and real-world problems show that partial retraining outperforms its competitors, which include methods based on constant substitution, analysis of weight magnitudes, and "optimal brain surgeon".  相似文献   

The sympathetic nervous system provides differentiated regulation of the functions of various organs. This differentiated regulation occurs via mechanisms that operate at multiple sites within the classic reflex arc: peripherally at the level of afferent input stimuli to various reflex pathways, centrally at the level of interconnections between various central neuron pools, and peripherally at the level of efferent fibers targeted to various effectors within the organ. In the kidney, increased renal sympathetic nerve activity regulates the functions of the intrarenal effectors: the tubules, the blood vessels, and the juxtaglomerular granular cells. This enables a physiologically appropriate coordination between the circulatory, filtration, reabsorptive, excretory, and renin secretory contributions to overall renal function. Anatomically, each of these effectors has a dual pattern of innervation consisting of a specific and selective innervation by unmyelinated slowly conducting C-type renal sympathetic nerve fibers in addition to an innervation that is shared among all the effectors. This arrangement permits the maximum flexibility in the coordination of physiologically appropriate responses of the tubules, the blood vessels, and the juxtaglomerular granular cells to a variety of homeostatic requirements.  相似文献   

Summary Various tissues from mice treated with a nerve-growth factor (NGF) were studied with the histochemical technique ofFalck andHillarp, which visualizes the adrenergic transmitter in the sympathetic postganglionic neurons. Growth stimulation was detectable in all parts of the sympathetic adrenergic neurons. An increased density of the adrenergic ground plexus was observed in e.g. the iris, submaxillary and parotid glands, blood vessels and intramural ganglionic plexuses of the intestinal tract. Normally non-innervated tissues were also found to contain a considerable number of adrenergic terminals. Of special interest is the striking increase in number of adrenergic terminals in various types of autonomic ganglia, in all probability with an inhibitory effect on ganglionic transmission.This investigation was supported by research grants from the Swedish Medical Research Council (B67-12x-714-02), Magnus Bergwalls stiftelse and Stiftelsen Therese och Johan Anderssons Minne. The skillful technical assistance of MissBarbro Riese is gratefully acknowledged.  相似文献   

Dissociated neurons from the newborn rat superior cervical ganglion were grown under conditions which lead to either adrenergic or cholinergic differentiation. Lectins and toxins were used to detect differences in the cell membrane associated with transmitter status, age of the neurons, or location on the neurons. These ligands were made visible in the light or electron microscope by coupling to rhodamine or colloidal gold. The density of binding sites for concanavalin A (Con A), ricin (RCA60), and wheat germ agglutinin (WGA) increased with age in culture on both adrenergic and cholinergic cells. Soybean agglutinin (SBA) binding increased about threefold on adrenergic axons, but failed to increase on neurons induced to become cholinergic by medium conditioned by rat heart cells (CM). The effect of CM on SBA binding paralleled previously described effects of CM on transmitter production; the CM binding pattern developed slowly and was not readily reversible. Mature adrenergic neurons also appeared to bind more WGA than neurons in CM cultures. Tetanus toxin gold binding was uniform, but low, on axons of adrenergic and cholinergic neurons at all ages. In contrast, cholera toxin binding decreased with age on adrenergic axons. Binding sites for SBA and tetanus toxin were found to be less numerous on the cell body surface than on the axonal surface. Thus growth in CM induces fundamental changes in the phenotype of developing sympathetic neurons involving the cell membrane as well as transmitter choice. Differences also appear with maturation and between axonal and somatic cell surface membranes.  相似文献   

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