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The filamentous phage fd uses its gene 3 protein (G3P) to target Escherichia coli cells in a two-step process. First, the N2 domain of G3P attaches to an F pilus, and then the N1 domain binds to TolA-C. N1 and N2 are tightly associated, rendering the phage robust but noninfectious because the binding site for TolA-C is buried at the domain interface. Binding of N2 to the F pilus initiates partial unfolding, domain disassembly, and prolyl cis-to-trans isomerization in the hinge between N1 and N2. This activates the phage, and trans-Pro213 maintains this state long enough for N1 to reach TolA-C. Phage IF1 targets I pili, and its G3P contains also an N1 domain and an N2 domain. The pilus-binding N2 domains of the phages IF1 and fd are unrelated, and the N1 domains share a 31% sequence identity. We show that N2 of phage IF1 mediates binding to the I pilus, and that N1 targets TolA. Crystallographic and NMR analyses of the complex between N1 and TolA-C indicate that phage IF1 interacts with the same site on TolA-C as phage fd. In IF1-G3P, N1 and N2 are independently folding units, however, and the TolA binding site on N1 is permanently accessible. Activation by unfolding and prolyl isomerization, as in the case of phage fd, is not observed. In IF1-G3P, the absence of stabilizing domain interactions is compensated for by a strong increase in the stabilities of the individual domains. Apparently, these closely related filamentous phages evolved different mechanisms to reconcile robustness with high infectivity.  相似文献   

Gene II protein is the only phage-encoded protein required for the double-stranded DNA replication of the distantly related filamentous phages IKe and Ff (M13, fd and f1). Complementation studies have demonstrated that, despite a significant degree of homology between the nucleotide sequences of the gene II's of IKe and Ff and the core's (domains A) of their viral strand replication origins, the biological functions of the gene II proteins are not interchangeable. The specificity of these proteins is not determined by the nucleotide sequence (domain B) which is required for efficient initiation of viral strand replication of Ff. In fact, our data indicate that a sequence with a similar function as domain B in Ff does not form part of the viral strand replication origin of IKe.  相似文献   

In an in vitro RNA synthesizing system, a single size of A-start RNA and three different sizes of G-start RNA are predominantly transcribed on the doubly closed replicative form (RFI) DNA of phage fd. When the RFI DNA was cleaved into three fragments (HinH-A, HinH-B and HinH-C) by a restriction endonuclease from Haemophilus influenzae H-I, the A-start RNA was predominantly initiated on HinH-B and the three G-start RNAs on HinH-A. RFI DNA was further cleaved into smaller pieces by two other restriction endonucleases from H. aphirophilus and H. gallinarum. Upon mixing the digests with RNA polymerase, two specific fragments derived from HinH-A were bound to the polymerase with GTP present. G-start RNA was efficiently initiated on the fragments isolated by this procedure. On the basis of these observations and estimates of the size of RNA formed on each fragment, the initiation sites for major RNA species were localized on the cleavage map of the phage fd genome previously constructed.  相似文献   

Nuclear magnetic resonance of the filamentous bacteriophage fd.   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
The filamentous bacteriophage fd and its major coat protein are being studied by nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy. 31P NMR shows that the chemical shielding tensor of the DNA phosphates of fd in solution is only slightly reduced in magnitude by motional averaging, indicating that DNA-protein interactions substantially immobilize the DNA packaged in the virus. There is no evidence of chemical interactions between the DNA backbone and the coat protein, since experiments on solid virus show the 31P resonances to have the same principle elements of its chemical shielding tensor as DNA. 1H and 13C NMR spectra of fd virus in solution indicate that the coat proteins are held rigidly in the structure except for some aliphatic side chains that undergo relatively rapid rotations. The presence of limited mobility in the viral coat proteins is substantiated by finding large quadrupole splittings in 2H NMR of deuterium labeled virions. The structure of the coat protein in a lipid environment differs significantly from that found for the assembled virus. Data from 1H and 13C NMR chemical shifts, amide proton exchange rates, and 13C relaxation measurements show that the coat protein in sodium dodecyl sulfate micelles has a native folded structure that varies from that of a typical globular protein or the coat protein in the virus by having a partially flexible backbone and some rapidly rotating aromatic rings.  相似文献   

An affinity column consisting of gene 8 protein, the major coat protein of fd phage, bound to Sepharose was prepared. Isolated gene 5 protein/single stranded fd DNA complex was found to bind to this column and was eluted with fd phage single stranded fd DNA. pH changes, and 1 M CaCl2 were not effective in eluting the protein from the affinity column. Gene 5 protein/single stranded fd DNA complex from the crude extracts of fd-infected E. coli also bound to the column, as did isolated gene 5 protein; whereas fd single stranded DNA alone did not. These results may be relevant for the illucidation of the molecular events occurring in the early stages of fd phage assembly.  相似文献   

The nucleotide sequence and genetic organization of the genome of the N-specific filamentous single-stranded DNA phage IKe has been established and compared with that of the F-specific filamentous phages M13, fd and f1 (Ff). The IKe DNA sequence comprises 6883 nucleotides, which is 476 (475) nucleotides more than the nucleotide sequence of the Ff genome. The data indicate that IKe and Ff have evolved from a common ancestor (overall homology approx. 55%) and that their genomes contain ten homologous genes, the order of which is identical. Similar to Ff, the major coat protein and the gene III-encoded pilot protein of IKe are synthesized via precursor molecules. The extent of homology between the genes of IKe and Ff differs significantly from one gene to another. Genes that code for viral capsid proteins are less homologous than genes whose products are involved in the processes of DNA replication and phage morphogenesis. During evolution, large nucleotide sequence rearrangements have occurred in the gene (gene III) whose product is needed for the attachment of the virion to the conjugative pili of the host cell, suggesting that these rearrangements have led to phages with different host specificities. Extensive nucleotide sequence homology was noted between the structural elements involved in DNA replication and phage morphogenesis, indicating that the mechanisms involved in DNA replication and morphogenesis are highly conserved.  相似文献   

Site-specific cleavage of supercoiled DNA by ascorbate/Cu(II).   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
We have investigated ascorbate/Cu(II) cleavage of double-stranded DNA in the presence and absence of DNA negative torsion. We found that ascorbate/Cu(II) cleavage shows a site-specificity that is dependent on negative torsion and is influenced by the nature of the salt, ionic strength, and pH. This provides strong evidence for involvement of local DNA conformation in ascorbate/Cu(II) specific cleavage sites, that differs from the previous reports on cleavage of linear double-stranded DNA and secondary structures assumed by single-stranded DNA. The data indicate specific binding of Cu(II) ions to sites in the negatively supercoiled DNA. Fining mapping of the cleavage sites does not reveal any known DNA conformation, nor does it indicate any sequence identity among the sites cleaved. However, identification of a major site of cleavage of supercoiled DNA at physiological ionic strength, pH and temperature, along with fact that ascorbate and Cu(II) are normal cell constituents, suggests the torsion-dependent, site-specific interactions could have biological significance.  相似文献   

Photoreaction of 4,5',8-trimethylpsoralen with superhelical ColE1 and ColE1amp DNA was studied. Changes in mobilities in agarose gels, formation of interstrand cross-links, and DNA strand breaks were determined. Psoralen and light treatment removed negative superhelical turns, and extensive treatments failed to produce positive superhelical turns in covalently closed plasmid DNA. The rate of relaxation of superhelical turns by psoralen Photobinding appeared to be directly proportional to the number of superhelical turns remaining. A unique reaction mechanism is presented to explain these results. By this interpretation the initial rate of psoralen photobinding to superhelical DNA was estimated to be 3 times that for linear DNA, and the ratio of cross-linking to monofuctional adducts appears to be dependent on the superhelical conformation of the DNA. The estimated ratio of psoralen molecules bound to DNA strand breaks was 1.7 . 10(4):1, and 70% of this breakage is caused by the light alone.  相似文献   

The filamentous phage protein pIV is required for assembly and secretion of the virus and possesses regions homologous to those found in a number of Gram-negative bacterial proteins that are essential components of a widely distributed extracellular protein-export system. These proteins form multimers that may constitute an outer membrane channel that allows phage/protein egress. Three sets of f1 gene IV mutants were isolated at positions that are absolutely (G355 and P375) or largely (F381) conserved amongst the 16 currently known family members. The G355 mutants were non-functional, interfered with assembly of plV+ phage, and made Escherichia coli highly sensitive to deoxycholate. The P375 mutants were non-functional and defective in multimerization. Many of the F381 mutants retained substantial function, and even those in which charged residues had been introduced supported some phage assembly. Some inferences about the roles of these conserved amino acids are made from the mutant phenotypes.  相似文献   

Filamentous phages consist of a single-stranded DNA genome encapsidated by several thousand copies of a small alpha-helical coat protein subunit plus several copies of four minor proteins at the filament ends. The filamentous phages are important as cloning vectors, vehicles for peptide display, and substrates for macromolecular alignment. Effective use of a filamentous phage in such applications requires an understanding of experimental factors that may influence the propensity of viral filaments to laterally aggregate in solution. Because the Raman spectrum of a filamentous phage is strongly dependent on the relative orientation of the virion with respect to the polarization direction of the electromagnetic radiation employed to excite the spectrum, we have applied Raman spectroscopy to investigate lateral aggregation of phages fd, Pf1, Pf3, and PH75 in solution. The results show that lateral aggregation of the virions and anisotropic orientation of the aggregates are both disfavored by high concentrations of salt (>200 mM NaCl) in solutions containing a relatively low virion concentration (<10 mg/mL). Conversely, the formation of lateral aggregates and their anisotropic orientation are strongly favored by a low salt concentration (<0.1 mM NaCl), irrespective of the virion concentration over a wide range. The use of Raman polarization effects to distinguish isotropic and anisotropic solutions of filamentous phages is consistent with previously reported Raman analyses of virion structures in both solutions and fibers. The Raman data are supported by electron micrographs of negatively stained specimens of phage fd, which permit an independent assessment of salt effects on lateral aggregation. The present results also identify new Raman bands that serve as potential markers of subunit side-chain orientations in filamentous virus assemblies.  相似文献   

In order to study the double-strand DNA passage reaction of eukaryotic type II topoisomerases, a quantitative assay to monitor the enzymic conversion of supercoiled circular DNA to relaxed circular DNA was developed. Under conditions of maximal activity, relaxation catalyzed by the Drosophila melanogaster topoisomerase II was processive and the energy of activation was 14.3 kcal . mol-1. Removal of supercoils was accompanied by the hydrolysis of either ATP or dATP to inorganic phosphate and the corresponding nucleoside diphosphate. Apparent Km values were 200 microM for pBR322 plasmid DNA, 140 microM for SV40 viral DNA, 280 microM for ATP, and 630 microM for dATP. The turnover number for the Drosophila enzyme was at least 200 supercoils of DNA relaxed/min/molecule of topoisomerase II. The enzyme interacts preferentially with negatively supercoiled DNA over relaxed molecules, is capable of removing positive superhelical twists, and was found to be strongly inhibited by single-stranded DNA. Kinetic and inhibition studies indicated that the beta and gamma phosphate groups, the 2'-OH of the ribose sugar, and the C6-NH2 of the adenine ring are important for the interaction of ATP with the enzyme. While the binding of ATP to Drosophila topoisomerase II was sufficient to induce a DNA strand passage event, hydrolysis was required for enzyme turnover. The ATPase activity of the topoisomerase was stimulated 17-fold by the presence of negatively supercoiled DNA and approximately 4 molecules of ATP were hydrolyzed/supercoil removed. Finally, a kinetic model describing the switch from a processive to a distributive relaxation reaction is presented.  相似文献   

The filamentous phage fd has been investigated using the techniques of Raman spectroscopy and deuterium exchange. Despite the rather uniform secondary structure of the fd phage coat protein, which is predominantly alpha-helix, the deuterium exchange is complex. A substantial fraction of the helical peptides exchange deuterium by 8 h at room temperature, yet another substantial fraction does not exchange following an additional 5 months at 4 degrees C. Heating the phage to 70 degrees C for several hours leads to additional deuterium exchange compared to samples soaked for 5 months in heavy water. We suggest that the wide variation in peptide exchange rates may be related to the phage protein quaternary structure, which has been shown to be a double layer of tightly packed helices. The accomplishment of enhanced exchange by reaction at high temperature combined with digital difference spectroscopic methods has enabled us to define the structure of the amide III and III' bands. The complexity of these bands is unexpected for a simple helical protein, but we suggest that the complexity arises at least in part from end-effects that become important in short alpha-helices.  相似文献   

A phage-typing technique for salmonellae is described. One battery of phages was used to type three serotypes of Salmonella, namely, S. typhimurium, S.typhimurium var. copenhagen, and S. heidelberg. In all, 443 S. heidelberg cultures were typed into 22 phage types, 185 S. typhimurium cultures into 35 phage type, and 92 S. typhimurium var. copenhagen cultures into 26 phage types. The stability of the phage types was established by retyping 168 cultures belonging to all three serotypes. The epidemiological significance of the phage types demonstrated was evaluated by comparing phage types obtained from the University of Minnesota and those from the National Animal Disease Laboratory. Further investigation of the S. heidelberg phage types has shown that the cultures represented repeated isolates from the same birds or from a group of birds in the same flock.  相似文献   

T4 DNA topoisomerase is a type II enzyme and is thought to be required for normal T4 DNA replication T4 gene 39 codes for the largest of the three subunits of T4 DNA topoisomerase. I have determined the nucleotide sequence of a region of 2568 nucleotides of T4 DNA which includes gene 39. The location of the gene was established by the identification of the first fifteen amino acids in the large open reading frame in the DNA sequence as those found at the amino-terminus of the purified 39-protein. The coding region of gene 39 has 1560 bases, and it is followed by two in-frame stop codons. The gene is preceded by a typical Shine-Dalgarno sequence as well as possible promoter sequences for E. coli RNA polymerase. T4 39-protein consists of 520 amino acids, and it has a calculated molecular weight of 58,478. By comparing the amino acid sequences, T4 39-protein is found to share homology with the gyrB subunit of DNA gyrase. This suggests that these topoisomerase subunits may be equivalent functionally. Some of the characteristics of the 39-protein and its structural features predicted from the DNA sequence data are discussed.  相似文献   

Purified collagenase of Clostridium histolyticum was shown to cleave reduced and S-carboxamidomethylated bovine neurophysin between Cys-13 and Gly-14. The scission resulted in formation of two separable fragments: a smaller peptide arising from residues 1 through 13, and a larger peptide comprising the remainder of the residues of the protein. By dansylation procedures, the smaller peptide was shown to have amino-terminal alanine as expected from the sequence of neurophysin II, and the larger peptide had amino-terminal glycine as anticipated. These results show that collagenase indeed cleaves bovine neurophysin II in accord with the specificity postulated for that enzyme, i.e., scission between -X-Gly- in a sequence of -Pro-X-Gly-Pro-Y-. This result, obtained with a non-collagenous protein substrate, is further confirmation of the specificity of collagenase as established by its action on collagens and on synthetic oligopeptides.  相似文献   

Quantitation of the conversion of nonradioactive supercoiled DNA to its open circular or linear forms on ethidium-stained electrophoretic gels has been difficult because of differential binding of ethidium to supercoiled DNA vs other forms under different conditions and the nonlinear response of photographic film. We have developed methods for adding a linear DNA as an internal fluorescence standard to "normalize" the quantity of DNA loaded into each lane of a gel. Inclusion of a linear normalizing DNA in samples before partitioning for individual supercoil cleavage reactions allows the quantitation of the resultant species, is technically easy, and does not require quantitative application of the sample to the gel. If the presence of a normalizing DNA during supercoil cleavage is undesirable, the addition of a normalizing plasmid to each sample after supercoil cleavage (but before electrophoresis) or the quantitative application of samples containing test DNA alone to the gel gives similar data, but with increased variability. We use the normalizing DNA method in cleavage by a physical agent (ionizing radiation) and in a more complex situation, by a protein-based, light-dependent synthetic endonuclease. We show how the fraction of intact supercoiled DNA can be calculated from measurement of the cleaved and normalizing species only. The method also can be used in reactions involving the depletion of one DNA species, whether supercoiled or not, such as protein-DNA interactions as detected by gel retardation assays.  相似文献   

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