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Antibody responses in mice immunized by a single gene gun inoculation of plasmid expressing the influenza virus H1 hemagglutinin and in mice immunized by a sublethal H1 influenza virus infection have been compared. Both immunizations raised long-lived serum responses that were associated with the localization of antibody-secreting cells (ASC) to the bone marrow. However, the kinetics of these responses were 4 to 8 weeks slower in the DNA-immunized than in the infection-primed mice. Following a gene gun booster, the presence of ASC in the inguinal lymph nodes, but not in other lymph nodes, revealed gene gun responses being initiated in the nodes that drain the skin target site. Both pre- and postchallenge, the DNA-immunized mice had 5- to 10-times-lower levels of antibody and ASC than the infection-primed mice.  相似文献   

Apoptotic bodies can be used to target delivery of DNA-expressed immunogens into professional antigen-presenting cells (APCs). Here we show that antigen-laden apoptotic bodies created by vectors co-expressing influenza virus hemagglutinin (HA) or nucleoprotein (NP) genes and mutant caspase genes markedly increased T-cell responses. Both CD8 and CD4 T-cell responses were affected. The adjuvant activity was restricted to partially inactivated caspases that allowed immunogen expression before the generation of apoptotic bodies. Active-site mutants of murine caspase 2 and an autocatalytic chimera of murine caspase 2 prodomain and human caspase 3 induced apoptosis that did not interfere with immunogen expression. The adjuvant activity also enhanced B-cell responses, but to a lesser extent than T-cell responses. The large increases in T-cell responses represent one of the strongest effects to date of a DNA adjuvant on cellular immunity.  相似文献   

It is becoming increasingly evident that the compartmentalization of immune responses is governed, in part, by tissue-selective homing instructions imprinted during T cell differentiation. In the context of allergic diseases, the fact that "disease" primarily manifests in particular tissue sites, despite pervasive allergen exposure, supports this notion. However, whether the original site of Ag exposure distinctly privileges memory Th2 immune-inflammatory responses to the same site, while sparing remote tissue compartments, remains to be fully investigated. We examined whether skin-targeted delivery of plasmid DNA encoding OVA via gene-gun technology in mice could generate allergic sensitization and give rise to Th2 effector responses in the skin as well as in the lung upon subsequent Ag encounter. Our data show that cutaneous Ag priming induced OVA-specific serum IgE and IgG1, robust Th2-cytokine production, and late-phase cutaneous responses and systemic anaphylactic shock upon skin and systemic Ag recall, respectively. However, repeated respiratory exposure to aerosolized OVA failed to instigate airway inflammatory responses in cutaneous Ag-primed mice, but not in mice initially sensitized to OVA via the respiratory mucosa. Importantly, these contrasting airway memory responses correlated with the occurrence of Th2 differentiation events at anatomically separate sites: indeed cutaneous Ag priming resulted in Ag-specific proliferative responses and Th2 differentiation in skin-, but not thoracic-, draining lymph nodes. These data indicate that Ag exposure to the skin leads to Th2 differentiation within skin-draining lymph nodes and subsequent Th2 immunity that is selectively manifested in the skin.  相似文献   

Interferon regulatory factor 1 (IRF-1), IRF-3, and IRF-7 have been tested as genetic adjuvants for influenza virus hemagglutinin (HA) and nucleoprotein vaccine DNAs. Cotransfection of HA with IRF-3 and IRF-7 increased CD4 T-cell responses by 2- to 4-fold and CD8 T-cell responses by more than 10-fold. Following intramuscular deliveries of DNA, both CD4 and CD8 T cells were biased towards type 1 immune responses and the production of gamma interferon. Following gene gun bombardments of DNA, both were biased towards type 2 immune responses and the production of interleukin-4. The biases of the T-cell responses towards type 1 or type 2 were stronger for immunizations with IRF-3 as an adjuvant than for immunizations with IRF-7 as an adjuvant. Moderate adjuvant effects for antibody were observed. The isotypes of the antibody responses reflected the method of DNA delivery; intramuscular deliveries of DNA predominantly raised immunoglobulin G2a (IgG2a), whereas gene gun deliveries of DNA predominantly raised IgG1. These biases were enhanced by the codelivered IRFs. Overall, under the conditions of our experiments, IRF-3 had good activity for T cells, IRF-7 had good activity for both antibody and T cells, and IRF-1 had good activity for antibody.  相似文献   

目的比较肌内注射法和基因枪法对免疫效果的影响。方法将携带HCV NS3/4A基因的质粒pcDNA3.1-NS3/4A,分别肌内注射和基因枪免疫BALB/c小鼠。基因枪免疫采用2μg/只和10μg/只两种剂量,肌内注射免疫的剂量为100μg/只,共免疫3次。分别于第3次免疫后10 d和20 d,收集小鼠血清、分离脾细胞;ELISA法检测小鼠血清中特异性抗体水平;ELIspot检测小鼠IFN-γI、L-2和IL-4;非放射性细胞毒性试验检测其对肿瘤细胞的杀伤作用,从而比较肌内注射和基因枪法激发小鼠产生体液免疫和细胞免疫应答的影响。结果免疫后第10 d检测结果表明,2μg/只和10μg/只基因枪法免疫产生的抗体效价分别为1∶500和1∶1 000,100μg/只肌内注射免疫产生的抗体效价为1∶1 000。第20 d再次检测,基因枪法产生的抗体效价仍为1∶500和1∶1 000,肌内注射降低为1∶500。2μg/只和10μg/只基因枪免疫产生的IFN-γ和IL-2均高于100μg/只肌内注射免疫。但这两种免疫方法均未激发IL-4的水平。在不同的效靶比情况下,10μg/只和2μg/只基因枪免疫激发的CTL细胞杀伤活性均高于100μg/只肌内注射免疫。结论基因枪法免疫小鼠诱导的体液免疫和细胞免疫应答均显著高于肌内注射免疫。  相似文献   

Toll-like receptors (TLRs) recognize microbial components and trigger the signaling cascade that activates the innate and adaptive immunity. TLR adaptor molecules play a central role in this cascade; thus, we hypothesized that overexpression of TLR adaptor molecules could mimic infection without any microbial components. Dual-promoter plasmids that carry an antigen and a TLR adaptor molecule such as the Toll-interleukin-1 receptor domain-containing adaptor-inducing beta interferon (TRIF) or myeloid differentiation factor 88 (MyD88) were constructed and administered to mice to determine if these molecules can act as an adjuvant. A DNA vaccine incorporated with the MyD88 genetic adjuvant enhanced antigen-specific humoral immune responses, whereas that with the TRIF genetic adjuvant enhanced cellular immune responses. Incorporating the TRIF genetic adjuvant in a DNA vaccine targeting the influenza HA antigen or the tumor-associated antigen E7 conferred superior protection. These results indicate that TLR adaptor molecules can bridge innate and adaptive immunity and potentiate the effects of DNA vaccines against virus infection and tumors.  相似文献   

A biosensor-based assay, using a surface plasmon resonance detection system, was developed to detect and isotype anti-adenoviral antibodies in patients dosed with an adenoviral-based gene therapy vector. In the assay, whole, intact virus was immobilized onto the sensor chip surface. Electron microscopy and monoclonal antibody studies provide evidence that the virus remains intact after immobilization. The patients tested had preexisting serum levels of anti-adenoviral antibodies. A classic anamnestic response was observed in patients dosed with the gene-therapy agent. Isotyping experiments indicated that IgG antibodies predominated in serum even at the predose time point. Analysis of ascites fluid samples from some patients indicated detectable levels of IgA in addition to IgG. Results obtained using the biosensor-based assay corresponded to an existing enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay. The assay was easy to perform and the automated instrument reduced the required "hands on" time. In addition to studying the development of anti-adenoviral antibodies, the techniques described may be applied to virus:receptor interaction studies or antiviral drug:virus interaction studies.  相似文献   

The immune response to pepsin-soluble human basement membrane-derived type IV collagen in mice has been characterized. Both T cell proliferative and antibody responses have been shown to be under major histocompatibility complex (MHC)-linked Ir gene control in inbred and MHC congenic mice. However, unlike previous examples studied, this response shows a separation of these two types of immunologic responsiveness. Only mice having I-As give potent in vitro T cell proliferative responses to type IV collagen whereas all mice except those having I-As give high antibody responses to this antigen. In (I-As X I-Anon-s) F1 mice, the T cell proliferative response was dominant, whereas antibody responses were markedly reduced compared with the responder parent. Given the recent demonstration that class II MHC-restricted, L3T4+ T cells can be divided into two sets, one of which helps for antibody responses and the other of which produces interleukin 2 and can also suppress such responses, it seems likely that these data can be accounted for on the basis of differential activation by this antigen of these two cell sets in mice of different MHC genotypes.  相似文献   

Morris L 《IUBMB life》2002,53(4-5):197-199
Neutralizing antibodies represent an important component of immune control in many viral infections. In HIV-1 infection, almost all individuals develop antibodies capable of neutralizing autologous viruses in vitro; however, the role of these antibodies in vivo still remains unclear. Their absence during the acute phase of infection, when the viral levels are brought under control, suggests they play a minor role in immune control and that cellular immune responses are more critical during this time. However, during chronic infection these antibodies may be important in preventing cell-to-cell spread and they still represent our best hope of providing sterilizing immunity (i.e., prevention of infection) by vaccination. Significant advances over the last few years in understanding the structure of the envelope glycoproteins have renewed interest in the role of neutralizing antibodies and the possibility that immunogens capable of stimulating a neutralizing antibody response can be developed.  相似文献   

Although studies on the molecular nature of thymus-independent antigens suggested that the polymeric structure with repeated antigenic determinants and slow metabolism are responsible for thymus-independence, we found that anti-DNP antibody responses to DNP-casein and DNP-gelatin were thymus-independent as well as macrophage-independent. These antibody responses were not affected by in vivo treatment with carrageenan or anti-thymocyte serum. In addition, responses of athymic nude mice to both antigens did not show any significant differences when compared with heterologous nu/+ mice. The findings were confirmed by in vitro experiments; non-adherent spleen cells or T cell-depleted spleen cells responded well to both antigens to the same extent as normal spleen cells. Since both casein and gelatin are polyclonal B cell activators and are not presumed to be high polymer or slow-metabolizing substances, we suggest that thymus-independence in many kinds of antibody response should be reconsidered.  相似文献   

Huang J  Yang Z 《遗传》2011,33(11):1153-1158
饮食限制(Dietary restriction,DR)有效延长了哺乳动物的寿命,也使许多年龄依赖性疾病的发病率降低且延缓其进展。理解饮食限制引起长寿的遗传机制,会对将来处理衰老相关的医疗问题产生深远影响。然而直到最近人们对后生动物的这些机制几乎仍一无所知。通过理解能量感知和寿命控制遗传基础的最新进展,在酵母、无脊椎动物和哺乳动物中,已开始解决这个难题。越来越多的证据表明,后生动物大脑在感应饮食限制和促进寿命延长中起关键作用,因此文章综述了近来后生动物DR长寿的调解因子与DR长寿的基因和神经调节机制及有关理论的进展。  相似文献   

The sequences of antibodies from a given repertoire are highly diverse at few sites located on the surface of a genome-encoded larger scaffold. The scaffold is often considered to play a lesser role than highly diverse, non-genome-encoded sites in controlling binding affinity and specificity. To gauge the impact of the scaffold, we carried out quantitative phage display experiments where we compare the response to selection for binding to four different targets of three different antibody libraries based on distinct scaffolds but harboring the same diversity at randomized sites. We first show that the response to selection of an antibody library may be captured by two measurable parameters. Second, we provide evidence that one of these parameters is determined by the degree of affinity maturation of the scaffold, affinity maturation being the process by which antibodies accumulate somatic mutations to evolve towards higher affinities during the natural immune response. In all cases, we find that libraries of antibodies built around maturated scaffolds have a lower response to selection to other arbitrary targets than libraries built around germline-based scaffolds. We thus propose that germline-encoded scaffolds have a higher selective potential than maturated ones as a consequence of a selection for this potential over the long-term evolution of germline antibody genes. Our results are a first step towards quantifying the evolutionary potential of biomolecules.  相似文献   

Five Zebu x British crossbred bulls 17 months of age and of uniform liveweight (320+/-3 kg) were used to study testosterone responses to single intramuscular doses of exogenous gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH). The eight dose levels used were 0, 31.25, 62.5, 125, 250, 500, 1000, and 2000 ng GnRH/kg live weight. Plasma samples for hormone responses were collected at 30-minute intervals from zero to three hours and at one-hour intervals from three to seven hours postinjection. Luteinizing hormone (LH) and testosterone responses were measured as peak heights or as areas under response curves. Increasing the dosage of GnRH increased the time to reach the peak LH response, the height and duration of the response, and the area under the response curve. The maximum LH peak height was reached by the 1 mug/kg dose. In contrast to LH, testosterone responses reached the same peak heights (two hours postinjection of GnRH) for all doses of GnRH. The only effect of increased dosage was to increase the duration of response. Testosterone responses showed repeatable differences (P<0.01) between animals, but LH responses did not. It was demonstrated that the testosterone status of bulls can be accurately assessed by simply measuring testosterone in a single plasma sample collected two to three hours after the intramuscular injection of 100 mug or more (dose unimportant) of GnRH per bull.  相似文献   

A series of experiments was carried out using adult outbred Polish race rabbits of both sexes infected, during spring or autumn, with 10,000 larvae of Obeliscoides cuniculi, either fresh or stored at 4 degrees C. Extracts of mucosal proteins and bile were collected at postmortem 6 or 12 weeks after infection. Antibody levels were determined in antisera, bile and stomach mucosa by haemagglutination and precipitation tests. Local antibody responses were demonstrated in the stomach and bile, and reactions were obtained with the tissue fluids by haemagglutination and precipitation tests with worm antigens and ES products. Additionally, some specific immunological response was observed in the circulation during the primary infection. These results suggest a clear-cut relationship between increased levels of these antibodies and either larval inhibition or worm expulsion during O. cuniculi infections.  相似文献   

To test the hypothesis that a lower mean arterial pressure (MAP) response during voluntary isometric exercise in multiple sclerosis (MS) is related to a dampened muscle metabolic signal, 9 MS and 11 control subjects performed an isometric dorsiflexor contraction at 30% maximal voluntary contraction until target failure (endurance time). We made continuous and noninvasive measurements of heart rate and MAP (Finapres) and of intramuscular pH and P(i) (phosphorus magnetic resonance spectroscopy) in a subset of 6 MS and 10 control subjects. Endurance times and change in heart rate were similar in MS and control subjects. The decrease in pH and increase in P(i) were less throughout exercise in MS compared with control subjects, as was the change in MAP response. Differences in muscle strength accounted for some of the difference in MAP response between groups. Cardiovascular responses during Valsalva and cold pressor tests were similar in MS and control subjects, suggesting that the blunted MAP response during exercise in MS was not due to a generalized dysautonomia. The dampened metabolic response in MS subjects was not explained by inadequate central muscle activation. These data suggest that the blunted pressor response to exercise in MS subjects may be largely appropriate to a blunted muscle metabolic response and differences in contracting muscle mass.  相似文献   

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