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以野生烟草Nicotiana alata、N.rustica、N.repanda、N.stocktonnii与栽培烟草K326、红花大金元、Yun87、Yun97为材料,进行种间正反杂交,研究种间杂交亲和性。田间观察杂交后的坐果情况并统计坐果率,采用显微荧光染色观察授粉后花粉管在雌蕊上的生长情况,并结合杂交后代萌发检测的方法。结果表明:N.rustica、N.repanda、N.stocktonnii与栽培烟草杂交不亲和。N.rustica花粉能够穿过K326花柱,N.repanda和N.stocktonnii花粉在K326柱头上很少萌发生长。N.alata花粉可以穿过K326的花柱,并得到果实,但是萌发实验显示其种子无活力。N.alata作为母本与栽培烟草杂交不亲和。  相似文献   

以野生烟草Nicotiana alata、N.rustica、N.repanda、N.stocktonnii与栽培烟草K326、红花大金元、Yun87、Yun97为材料,进行种间正反杂交,研究种间杂交亲和性.田间观察杂交后的坐果情况并统计坐果率,采用显微荧光染色观察授粉后花粉管在雌蕊上的生长情况,并结合杂交后代萌发检测的方法.结果表明:N.rustica、N.repanda、N.stocktonnii与栽培烟草杂交不亲和.N.rustica花粉能够穿过K326花柱,N.repanda和N.stocktonnii花粉在K326柱头上很少萌发生长.N.alata花粉可以穿过K326的花柱,并得到果实,但是萌发实验显示其种子无活力.N.alata作为母本与栽培烟草杂交不亲和.  相似文献   

吴鹤鸣  陆维忠等 《遗传学报》1993,20(1):50-58,T001,T002
本文报道了栽培番茄(Lycopersico esculentum)“北京早红”等5个品种分别与野生型秘鲁番茄(L.peruvianum)PI128657中8号株系杂交,离体胚培养,得F1杂种植株,对花粉母细胞在减数分裂中染色体行为和终变期二价体交叉点的频率,以及亲和性程度等进行了.结果表明,6个亲本植株花粉母细胞减数分裂染色体的行为是正常的,中期I为12个二价体。其中环状二价体占多数,棒状二价体数较少,中期I没有单价体,后期I和II均正常,四分体阶段无微出现,但各亲本在终变期和中期I的环状二价体和棒状二价体的数有一定的差异,这可能与不同亲本基因型的亲和性程度和在遗传学上的不协调有关。5个组合的大多数F1杂种花粉母细胞减数分裂中染色体行为基本正常,12个二价体占多数,但染色体配对不稳定,有较多的单价体,染色单体桥。四分体阶段有微核,此外,在5个组合的F1杂种植株中,均出现双二倍体花粉母细胞,这些双二倍体花粉母细胞的染色体,在减数分裂中,也均,出现落后染色体和染色单体桥,以及较多的多价体,四分体阶段有微和不同类型的四分孢子群。  相似文献   

Segregation of restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) loci was monitored to determine the degree of homeologous pairing and recombination in a hexaploid somatic hybrid, A206, the result of protoplast fusion between Solanum tuberosum (PI 203900, a tetraploid cultivated potato) and Solanum brevidens (PI 218228), a diploid, sexually incompatible, distant relative harboring several traits for disease resistance. Somatic hybrid A206 was crossed to Katahdin, a tetraploid potato cultivar, to generate a segregating population of pentaploid progeny. Although the clones of the tetraploid S. tuberosum lines PI 203900 and Katahdin were highly polymorphic, the diploid S. brevidens clone was homozygous at all but two of the tested RFLP loci. Thus, homeologous recombination could be detected only when S. tuberosum and S. brevidens chromosomes paired and the S. brevidens homologs then segregated into separate gametes. A bias toward homologous pairing was observed for all 12 chromosomes. At least four and perhaps six chromosomes participated in homologous pairing only; each of 24 progeny contained all S. brevidens-derived RFLP markers for chromosomes 4, 8, 9 and 10. The remaining six chromosomes paired with their homolog(s) about twice as often as expected if hexaploid pairings were completely random. Where detectable with RFLPs, homeologous recombinations (both single and double) occurred at a frequency of 1.31 per chromosome. Cytological observations of meiosis I in the somatic hybrid indicated that homeologous pairing had occurred. Enhanced recombinational activity was observed for chromosome 2. A specific small deletion from chromosome 4 was detected in A206 and 11 other somatic hybrids out of 14 screened. These hybrids represent 13 independent fusion events between the same clones of S. brevidens and S. tuberosum. In one instance, this deletion occurred in one of two plants resulting from the same callus, indicating that the loss occurred in culture after fusion had taken place. It is possible that this deletion contributes to somaclonal variation.  相似文献   

Hybridization is a potential source of novel variation through (1) transgressive segregation, and (2) changes in the patterns and strength of phenotypic integration. We investigated the capacity of hybridization to generate novel phenotypic variation in African cichlids by examining a large F2 population generated by hybridizing two Lake Malawi cichlid species with differently shaped heads. Our morphometric analysis focused on the lateral and ventral views of the head. While the lateral view exhibited marked transgressive segregation, the ventral view showed a limited ability for transgression, indicating a difference in the genetic architecture and selective history between alternate views of the head. Moreover, hybrids showed a marked reduction in integration, with a lower degree of integration observed in transgressive individuals. In all, these data offer novel insights into how hybridization can promote evolvability, and provide a possible explanation for how broad phenotypic diversity may be achieved in rapidly evolving groups.  相似文献   

Jerry A. Coyne 《Genetics》1986,114(2):485-494
Male hybrids between three pairs of Drosophila species show no substantial distortion of Mendelian segregation and no appreciable male recombination. These results do not support the theories that meiotic drive alleles of large effect are often fixed within species and that transposable genetic elements cause speciation.  相似文献   

1植物名称中华猕猴桃变种(Actinidia chinensis var.rufopulpa)"红阳"猕猴桃×美味猕猴桃(Actinidia deliciosa)两性品种.  相似文献   

对山西历山国家级自然保护区普通沟和西峡的千金榆(Carpinus cordata)群落进行野外调查,共记录了40个样方,44个物种,组成946个种对.利用最近邻体法构造N×N最近邻体列联表,以x2检验和种间分离指数S作为区分指标,研究了千金榆群落的种间分离情况.结果表明:(1)946个种对中呈现随机毗邻的最多,有507个种对,占总数的53.59%;呈现正分离的有349个种对,占总数的36.89%;而呈现负分离种对最少,只有90对,占总数的9.52%.(2)群落的建群种或优势种因为有较强的生存能力和竞争能力,往往表现出正分离,例如千金榆、小叶鹅耳枥(Carpinus turczaninowii)、五角枫(Acer mono)、葛罗槭(Acer grosseri)等有较强生存能力的物种与大多数的物种发生正分离;而六道木(Abelia biflora)、东北茶镳子(Ribes mandshuricum)、小花溲疏(Deutziaparviflora),美蔷薇(Rosa bella)和紫花卫矛(Euonymus porphyries)等群落中的伴生种或小灌木,与部分物种形成负分离.其余物种之间发生随机毗邻的较多.(3)对千金榆群落44×44列联表进行全面分离,结果表明群落内的44个物种相互交错分布,不是全面分离.此外,种间分离的结果也揭示该群落处于演替初期,受岩石风化崩塌的影响较严重,人为干扰因素较轻.  相似文献   

猕猴桃种间及种内杂交亲和性研究   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
以3个种的9个猕猴桃品种为试材,通过培养法比较它们的花粉活力,用荧光显微镜观察猕猴桃种间与种内杂交亲和性,并统计其亲和指数及坐果率,为猕猴桃的杂交育种以及最佳授粉树的选配提供依据.结果表明:猕猴桃花粉活力在种间表现为美味猕猴桃>中华猕猴桃>狗枣猕猴桃;中华猕猴桃和美味猕猴桃种间和种内杂交组合的柱头识别反应快,花粉在柱头粘附多、生长快且萌发率高、亲和性较强且坐果率较高,而用狗枣猕猴桃与中华猕猴桃和美味猕猴桃种间杂交的花粉在柱头上萌发生长发育缓慢,其亲和性弱,平均坐果率仅为19.81%;30个杂交组合中亲和指数最高的是'金阳'×'金阳'雄株,亲和指数为960.33,坐果率为95.56%,最低的是'狗枣'×'金阳'雄株,亲和指数201.60,坐果率为12.22%.研究发现,猕猴桃的种间亲和性小于种内亲和性,同种内不同品种间的亲和性与坐果率也不同.  相似文献   

Weeden NF  Robinson RW 《Genetics》1986,114(2):593-609
The parentals of the interspecific cross Cucurbita maxima x C. ecuadorensis had different isozyme phenotypes for 12 enzyme systems. Characterization of the systems demonstrated that the expression and intracellular distribution of the isozymes were similar to those in other plant taxa; however, a considerable number of duplicate loci were identified, indicative of a polyploid ancestry for Cucurbita. Genetic analysis provided evidence for 20 loci segregating in F2 and backcross populations. Five linkage groups were identified, consisting of the loci Aat-mb – – Mdh-m2; Gal-1 – – Gal-2; Aat-p2 – – Gpi-c2; Acp-1 – – Pgm-c2 – – Pgm-p; and Est-1 – – Tpi-c2. Significant deviations from Mendelian segregation ratios were observed in 14% of the data sets for individual loci. However, these instances were scattered among the loci, no single locus consistently displaying skewed ratios. Recombination frequencies between linked loci were similar to those observed in intraspecific crosses, and the ratio of heterozygous to homozygous genotypes in backcross populations was very close to one. These results suggest that small differences in chromosome structure were not the major cause of the loss of fertility observed in F2 and backcross populations.  相似文献   

以10个中国兰品种和8个大花蕙兰品种为材料开展了兰属植物间的杂交试验,比较不同组合的杂交亲和性。结果表明:(1)54个杂交组合,共授粉582朵,获得杂交果实131个,平均结实率为22.51%;中国兰与大花蕙兰正交结实率(23.19%)高于反交结实率(9.27%)。(2)墨兰与大花蕙兰无论正交或反交均可获得较高的结实率,其亲和性高于春兰、建兰与大花蕙兰杂交的亲和性。(3)中国兰种间杂交亲和性较高,3类组合结实率均大于30%,但不同品种间杂交亲和性不一,春兰‘绿萼’,墨兰‘企黑’、‘白墨’,建兰‘金荷’,大花蕙兰‘黄金岁月’比较适宜做母本;春兰‘大富贵’,墨兰‘富贵’、‘白墨’,大花蕙兰‘月影’、‘日本绿’和‘黑珍珠’比较适宜做父本。  相似文献   

A BC(1) population of the self-compatible tomato Lycopersicon esculentum and its wild self-incompatible relative L. hirsutum f. typicum was used for restriction fragment length polymorphism linkage analysis and quantitative trait loci (QTL) mapping of reproductive behavior and floral traits. The self-incompatibility locus, S, on chromosome 1 harbored the only QTL for self-incompatibility indicating that the transition to self-compatibility in the lineage leading to the cultivated tomato was primarily the result of mutations at the S locus. Moreover, the major QTL controlling unilateral incongruity also mapped to the S locus, supporting the hypothesis that self-incompatibility and unilateral incongruity are not independent mechanisms. The mating behavior of near-isogenic lines carrying the L. hirsutum allele for the S locus on chromosome 1 in an otherwise L. esculentum background support these conclusions. The S locus region of chromosome 1 also harbors most major QTL for several floral traits important to pollination biology (e.g., number and size of flowers), suggesting a gene complex controlling both genetic and morphological mechanisms of reproduction control. Similar associations in other flowering plants suggest that such complex may have been conserved since early periods of plant evolution or else reflect a convergent evolutionary process.  相似文献   

Y. Eshed  D. Zamir 《Genetics》1995,141(3):1147-1162
Methodologies for mapping of genes underlying quantitative traits have advanced considerably but have not been accompanied by a parallel development of new population structures. We present a novel population consisting of 50 introgression lines (ILs) originating from a cross between the green-fruited species Lycopersicon pennellii and the cultivated tomato (cv M82). Each of the lines contains a single homozygous restriction fragment length polymorphism-defined L. pennellii chromosome segment, and together the lines provide complete coverage of the genome and a set of lines nearly isogenic to M82. A field trial of the ILs and their hybrids revealed at least 23 quantitative trait loci (QTL) for total soluble solids content and 18 for fruit mass; these estimates are twice as high as previously reported estimates based on traditional mapping populations. For finer mapping of a QTL affecting fruit mass, the introgressed segment was recombined into smaller fragments that allowed the identification of three linked loci. At least 16 QTL for plant weight, 22 for percentage green fruit weight, 11 for total yield and 14 for total soluble solids yield were identified. Gene action for fruit and plant characteristics was mainly additive, while overdominance (or pseudo-overdominance) of wild species introgressions was detected for yield.  相似文献   

The study deals with an investigation of embryo and endosperm development in seeds of interspecific hybridization betwwn Actinidia deliciosa cv. Hayward (6X) and A. eriantha (2X) and an attempt to hybrid embryo rescure. The average seed number per fruit of hybrid com suitable culture media for in vitro embryo growth and subsequent growth of the seedlings are tested for hybrid embryos from normal and abortive seeds. The highest percentage of seed germination and the best growth of early seedlings are obtained op. MS medium supplemented with 0.5 ppm of IAA and 0.5 ppm of GA3; MS supplemented with 2 ppm of 2ip, 0.5 ppm of IAA and 0.5 ppm of GA3; MS supplemented with of 2ip and 0.5 ppm of GA3. When these embryos, as seedlings, were transferred onto MS supplemented with 0.5 ppm of GA3 and then MS without growth regulators, they readily develop into seedlings with normal leaves and roots, A lot of adventitious buds produced from hypocotyl of some normal and abortive embryos on MS supplemented with 2 ppm of BAP and Ms+ 0.5 ppm IAA+0.5 ppm GA3 further grow into hybrid plantlets. Although various percentage of embryos developed from abortive seeds also germinate, but when inoculated onto media as mentioned in Table l, a number of malformed seedlings form subsequently. The remaining embryos on all the media, however, show limited growth, and eventually either form callus or die. The nature of hybrid seedling is confirmed by cytological test. Half of them showed chromosome number as 4X=116 approx., the rest may have 19, 27, 30, 46, 120, 131, ect. In conclusion, according to embryological and cytological observation on hybrid seeds and seedlings: (I) the cross between Actinidia deliciosa cv. Hayward and A. eriantha appears interspecific incompatibility and compatibility to some extent, (2) normal hybrid seedlings are produced by normal hybrid embryos from normal seeds and abnormal embryos from abortive seeds, and (3) both may induce initiation of adventitious buds from hypocotyl. We suggested that these results may be useful for plant breeding program.  相似文献   

海南霸王岭热带雨林的种间分离   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
 基于地理信息系统软件绘制了海南岛霸王岭热带雨林1个0.5 hm2永久样地所有DBH≥1 cm树木的分布图,进而借助最近邻体分析扩展模块判定每个个体的最近邻体植株,并得到每个基株最近邻体种对的距离。采用N×N最近邻体列联表的截表法,研究了这个多物种群落的种间分离。结果表明,随机毗邻种对占优势,正分离种对次之,负分离种对最少。多数灌木和一些小乔木(平均胸径<15 cm)彼此呈正分离,少数负分离;灌木和乔木间的分离关系复杂;大乔木种类(平均胸径≥65 cm)间不存在负分离。种间分离存在种间差异。种间分离与分布格局明显相关,聚集分布的物种与其它物种正分离比例远比随机分布、均匀分布大;相反,聚集分布物种与其它物种负分离比例要比随机分布、均匀分布小。聚集 聚集分布的种对最可能出现正分离;聚集 均匀分布的种对以及随机 随机分布的种对则最可能出现负分离。但是,无论物种的分布格局或种对相对分布格局如何,随机毗邻的种对都占优势。与种间联结不同,种间分离反映的是小尺度的物种空间关系。在此基础上,初步阐述了种间分离的可能原因及其生态学涵义。  相似文献   

通过对山西太岳山脱皮榆群落1 hm2样地内出现的14种乔木进行调查,在应用ArcGIS软件分析每个个体的最近邻体植株的基础上,采用N×N最近邻体列联表及其2×2列联表截表的方法和Pielou分离指数计算分析了脱皮榆群落的种间分离规律,并根据种间分离情况以及物种对环境的适应方式,利用PCA排序将样地中14个物种进行了生态种组的划分。结果表明:(1)该群落中出现的14种乔木构成的91个种对中,随机毗邻种对占绝大多数(74.73%),正分离种对较少(23.07%),负分离种对极少(2.20%),群落趋于稳定。(2)群落的种间分离在不同种之间存在着一定的差异,脱皮榆仅与其他树种随机毗邻;正分离常发生在群落中的优势种之间,而负分离常发生在群落中的伴生种之间。(3)种间分离与群落的生境异质性和物种的生态需求具有密切的关系,即两个具有不同生境要求的物种之间常常发生正分离,而具有相同或相似生境要求的物种之间常常发生负分离。(4)脱皮榆群落中14种乔木可划分为3个生态种组。研究认为,脱皮榆群落内物种的总体分离规律为全面不分离。由生境异质性、物种间不同的生物学特性和生态需求为基础的种间关系可能是维持太岳山脱皮榆群落稳定共存的机制之一。  相似文献   

Based on a two-way pseudo-testcross strategy, high density and complete coverage linkage maps were constructed for the maternal and paternal parents of an intraspecific F2 pedigree of Populus deltoides. A total of 1,107 testcross markers were obtained, and the mapping population consisted of 376 progeny. Among these markers, 597 were from the mother, and were assigned into 19 linkage groups, spanning a total genetic distance of 1,940.3 cM. The remaining 519 markers were from the father, and were also were mapped into 19 linkage groups, covering 2,496.3 cM. The genome coverage of both maps was estimated as greater than 99.9% at 20 cM per marker, and the numbers of linkage groups of both maps were in accordance with the 19 haploid chromosomes in Populus. Marker segregation distortion was observed in large contiguous blocks on some of the linkage groups. Subsequently, we mapped the segregation distortion loci in this mapping pedigree. Altogether, eight segregation distortion loci with significant logarithm of odds supports were detected. Segregation distortion indicated the uneven transmission of the alternate alleles from the mapping parents. The corresponding genome regions might contain deleterious genes or be associated with hybridization incompatibility. In addition to the detection of segregation distortion loci, the established genetic maps will serve as a basic resource for mapping genetic loci controlling traits of interest in future studies.  相似文献   

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